Super Human Fathers

We are joined by the incredible Greg Werner, who shares his powerful journey of self-discovery and how he found Superhuman Fathers. 

In this episode, Greg opens up about his past struggles, where he focused on his physical appearance and business success rather than nurturing his relationships with his children and wife. Greg had a life-altering realization that it's not about what he can get from his relationships, but about being present and giving without attachment to outcomes. 

Greg's letter, which he bravely and transparently shared, had a profound impact on the entire group. His determination and perseverance inspires others to keep pushing through their own challenges. 

This thought-provoking conversation pushes us to examine our own behavior and shifts our focus to genuinely loving and connecting with our spouses. The episode also uncovers the transformative power of meditation, guiding us towards finding moments of calm and clarity in our chaotic souls. 

Join us on this incredible journey as we navigate through the pitfalls of ego and discover the strength and purpose that reside within us. Get ready to step into the realm of the soul and embrace the abundance that awaits us all. Let's dive in and explore the transformative power of ego versus soul in today's episode with Greg Werner.

What is Super Human Fathers ?

These powerful interviews share the transformation of our brothers. They have sacrificed, worked extremely hard, and are ripped AF! You won’t want to miss a single episode.

Greg Werner: And that
damn scale became my God.

So as soon as like the scale went up, I
was like, I mean, I remember just being

like, fuck you and yelling

and screaming at this scale
and like, just so pissed.

Cause like yesterday I'd crushed my
macros and the scale didn't show it.

And so now today's a blow up day.

Um, and I was attached to an outcome.

Well, what Superhuman Fathers
had gotten me into was instead

of being attached to an outcome,
is being attached to the journey.

Every single day, it's
just the systems, right?

So, we don't rise to the level of our
expectations, we fall to the level of

our systems, and so I embrace the system.

So, as soon as I realized...

You know, in, in August about
that bitchy voice, I embraced the

systems for the first time and
that's when everything changed.

Kyle Carnohan: Welcome to the Superhuman
Father's Transformation Podcast.

If you're listening to this, you're
about to witness some of the most

incredible transformations that have
ever happened on the planet, and just

by listening to this, you will be
inspired to have your own transformation.

If you're listening to this for the
first time, or you're one of the brothers

in the brotherhood, go leave a review
on the podcast and let the brother or

member know how amazing they did and
how incredible their transformation was.

I'm Kyle Carnahan, founder of
Superhuman Fathers, and not only

am I gonna change your life, I'm
gonna get you ripped as fuck.

Ryan Carnohan: welcome.

It's, today's a special one,
Transformation Tuesday, we have Greg, he's

one of our Transformations, which I get
to, you know, I send him some questions

and then I never ask those questions,
I would ask a bunch of different ones,

so, I just get them all, you know.

Um, stress everybody out, but this is
just a moment to celebrate because we

haven't been able to for, you know,
setting up schedules and things,

but we finally have them here.

Uh, this one was very fun as
I've communicated with Greg.

I think it's been over what now?

Like, has it been a year or so, Greg?

Maybe a little more.

Greg Werner: Yeah.

It's been a year.

We started in February.

Ryan Carnohan: Yeah.

See, I knew it.

It's just, and it's so fun.

It's just, this means obviously
to everybody in the community.

It should mean you are a part of this.

You're a part of this.

And so every time we have these, I
want you to feel like you have a piece

because there might be one thing you
said in the Zoom, one thing, post that

you liked, or one post that you shared
that had an impact on this person.

Or maybe you allowed them to impact you.


Because what are we always doing?

We're trying to steal
excuses from each other.

And this is how we inspire
each other is by showing up.

And so, that being said, I'm going to be
selfish and I'm going to say this really

means a whole hell of a lot for me.

You know, this, this one especially,
because this, he, Greg was here

when we were kind of starting.

He just gave us our trust.

He's like, okay, let's go
for, you know, go for it.

And we've been able to
communicate over that time period.

I've learned a bunch from him
and, uh, I've been able to share

some nuggets with him as well.

And so, um, as we come in, let
me make sure I've let everybody

in who's, who's waiting.

Yeah, there's already 34 guys and I think
we should probably just get started, Greg.

Um, I know Kyle, he texted me, he's
coming, so, um, I won't get too

far, you know, maybe we'll wait one
second, but, um, just, maybe I'll

just ask Greg how he's doing, dude.

Greg, how you doing, bro?

Greg Werner: Ah, buyer right now, yeah.

I'm excited, this

Ryan Carnohan: is gonna be good.

Yeah, I really am, I'm so, I'm just so
grateful because I know, I know you have

some insight that might be fun to share
with the team, um, and I just, it'll

be cool to get your perspective as,
Maybe where you were before Superhuman

Fathers, you know, what brought you
in and and how your mindsets changed

and just your perspective Because
we're all unique that way and and

that's what's interesting you guys to
like it's not like we're all trying

to become Kyle I mean, we are, right?

Like, we're trying to become Kyle,
like, of course, you know, that way.

And, and high, he would say higher.

He would probably be humble
and be like, no, no, stop it.

But you have values.

You have a conscience.

The problem is life is chaotic and
it separates you from your values.

And so sometimes it's hard to be
the unique you, the person you're

supposed to be in every situation.

And so.

This program is, is to help you build
that ability, you know, to get to be

one of our, one of our values kind
of always says is like, get weird,

you know, like be that guy, as long
as it's in line with your values.

So, all right, I'm going to get
off my soapbox because this is

not my time, it's Greg's time.

I just know people were coming
in and I want them to all hear.

So, let's go ahead, Greg.

Just a quick, uh, synopsis, maybe
background, like, you know, are you

married, do you have kids, what do you do
for a living, how did you find Superhuman

Fathers, that'll be the story, just,
we'll start out right there, and we'll

end about that, like, how you found it.

Greg Werner: Okay, perfect, so, uh,
yes, I am married, uh, 20 years now.

Uh, let's go for amazing children
live in Denver, Colorado.

Actually, I see a couple
of familiar faces on here.

Ryan Carnohan: Uh, shout him out if

Greg Werner: you want.


So like, well, and one of these guys,
Brian Hirschbrenner, this is the guy

that got me started out like that.

Dude's got so many people coming on
here and just like changing lives.

It's been.


Uh, absolutely amazing.

So, uh, big shout out to that guy.

Um, I'm an orthodontist.

Um, yeah.

And I don't know, I got two dogs.

I don't know what else.


So, but yeah, uh, Brian was
this huge motivator, right?

Because both of us were, were kind of,
we used to be shaped the same, right?

And, and now we, we kind of are as well.

So, uh, I remember seeing
his transformation.

And I'm looking at the original
and I was like, damn, that's

exactly what I look like.


I honestly didn't know, right.

And don't take offense to this, right.

But like, I didn't know
whose titties were bigger.


And obviously you shrunk
down, you get all shredded.

I was like, feeling, feeling myself.

I was like, damn, like,
oh my gosh, he did it.


It was, uh, that, that was the reason
why I joined Superhuman Fathers.

Ryan Carnohan: Beautiful.


And so, um, let's go into the, the
position you were in or how you were

feeling as you were coming into Superhuman
Fathers, because, you know, it may, uh,

physical, whatever reason why, maybe I
want to dig a little bit into the reasons

why you joined, other than just seeing
Brian, what was it going to do for you?

And then, um, well, let's just go ahead
and then we'll start, we'll start there.

And then I want you to, as you
went through Superhuman Fathers,

was there a change in mindset or
perspective or what, what differences

did you begin to see in your life?

I hope that question made sense.

Greg Werner: It did.

I got you.

All right.

So, uh, we'll, we'll back up a little bit.

So I, what was it?


I am, and guys like on the
outside, my life looks awesome.


Awesome family, gorgeous
wife, fulfilling career.

And I just felt hollow.

Um, I felt so empty inside,
hadn't, and couldn't figure it out.

And so at one point in November,
sitting there in the driveway and

like that pain had just been there
so long, that emptiness, that

hollowness had been there so long.

And so I was like, I don't
know how to get rid of this.

except for ending my life.

So sitting there in the driveway
and, um, little voice came to my

head that was just like basically
like, stop, there's more for you.

Um, but that was my state of my mind
when I, when I started Superhuman Father.

So it was still the same in February.

Um, the only difference was, is that,
you know, uh, Hirschbrenner got me

a little excited, gave me a little
blood flow just looking at that

amazing transformation and everything.

And so, uh, yeah, I jumped on.

Um, and by jumped on, I mean, I kind of
was like, okay, I remember Riot going

through the back rows and everything.

And I had done some things and I
was like, I don't know about this.

So I, I wasn't all in for a little while.

And I know that really delayed
a lot of my progress, but,

Ryan Carnohan: um, That'll
be fun to talk about though.

That's special.


And you can even go into it if you want.

I mean, this is your, because I watched
you and even though you weren't all in,

you kind of were still there and you
didn't give up and you kept pushing.

And so, um, for me, that
was really inspiring.

And it's that message that you
can't, if you, if you don't

stop, you can't lose, you know?

Greg Werner: So, and I remember
at one point telling you, I

was like, I will get there.

This will be the longest transformation
in human father's history.

And I will probably hoist that title.

So, um, but yeah, I, I did not want to
give up, but like, um, one other program

that I do first rule is trust the process.

And if I could look back and
tell myself anything, it would

be right from the get go.

Trust the process.

It's so simple.

Just do it.

Um, and I know that was like three
months of me kind of fighting

things and being like, Oh man,
my fat's feeling, seemed low.

And, uh, I don't know about these
calories and different things.

Um, and so if I had to just trusted
the process, that would have been

three less months of cutting for

Ryan Carnohan: sure.


So obviously we saw the pictures.

I mean, You had a massive
physical transformation.

Other than the physical transformation,
did you see any benefits to the

Superhuman Fathers program or any
impacts it had on your mindset,

either in your family or your job or

Greg Werner: anything like that?

Yeah, and honestly, this was probably
the biggest part for me, um, because

literally I joined to try and look
like my friend Brian Hirschbrander.

That was it.

Yeah, Brian!

And each month...

In the beginning, like the first,
oh, it was, it was through July.

I'm noticing each month something
is shifting in my mind and I

didn't know what it was, right?

There was just these shifts
where like, I mean, elevated.

Um, I felt more tapped in, more
connected, more aligned with my soul.

And each month I just kept
tapping in a little bit more

and I had no clue what it was.

Um, so yeah, it was a
huge, huge mental shift.

Um, one thing though, I will, I,
and I want to share this, right?

Because this was, I had two
trans, like transformative moments

in the, in the whole process
where like it hit me so hard.

One was, I, so I'm, uh, it was August.

I'm in Tahiti.

with the family, it's my 20th anniversary
trip, and I'm sneaking into a gym at

like 2 in the morning, right, uh, to
go work out, and because of the time

change and everything like that, I'm
working out and listening to Superhuman

Fathers on a Zoom, and, uh, I had
gone down about 10 pounds, plateaued,

and then down another 10 pounds,
so I was like at 190 at that point.

And, um, I remember listening to that
zoom call and honestly, I don't know who

it was, but Kyle, the guy started talking
and Kyle was like, wait, wait, wait, stop.

You're being a bitch.

And I was like, okay.

And the guy kept coming with a couple
more excuses and Kyle, literally for

60 seconds in the most loving way ever
was just like, you're being a bitch.

And he would just cut him off.

You're being a bitch.


And I'm sitting here working out.

And next thing I know, like I've
got tears streaming down my face.

And I, like, putting myself in that
guy's shoes, I was like, damn, Kyle's

talking to me, um, and that was a huge
point, turning point for me where I

just realized that I had all these
excuses built up and every single

one of them was just my bitch voice.

And that came tumbling
down in that moment.

And so it was in August when I finally
got serious and I was like, okay,

we're, we're, we're going all in.

Uh, but it wasn't until Kyle told
someone else, not that, not that he was

a bitch, but that he was being a bitch.


Um, and, and that was.

Transformative for me, you know, so,
uh, now I look at those excuses and

they pop up every single day, right?

I mean, I probably already had 10 times
today where I was like, don't backstab.

Don't be a bitch, Greg I

Kyle Carnohan: gotta I gotta jump in here,
bro So this this way of talking and and

and speaking to men is so controversial
in our world today And this story that

you're telling we are this is a slam
dunk for us your story For me to take

the people that are trying to tell us
that we're doing it wrong, to fuck off.

We're saving lives, right?

This is, it's so huge.

In fact, I've got very good friends that
are coaches, that one guy in particular

just put out an email that said, This
whole idea of killing the bitch voice

is stupid and that it doesn't help you
at all in your family relationships and

I'm thinking this guy's so disconnected
from the process he has no idea and

just so you guys know I'm a people
pleaser bro like by trade by just by

nature I'm a people pleaser that was so
hard for me to get to the point where

I would do that but I've learned love.

It's very painful sometimes.

The truth, telling, telling the people
you love the truth is really hard

because you're going to take some heat,
but if you truly love your brothers,

sometimes you might be the only one
to speak truth into their life, and

you've got to take the risk of being
hated, you know, and it's worth it.

So, thank you for
explaining that that way.

Um, I'm seriously going
to take this clip of this

Ryan Carnohan: right here,

Kyle Carnohan: and I'm going to keep
it, and anytime someone questions

the way this is Expressed to men.

I'm just going to say,
Hey, watch this, you know,

Greg Werner: I love it.


And it was so, and honestly, I've
never felt more love, like coming

out from you talking to this
other guy than when you said that.

And I would, I wish I knew who it was.

Cause I would love to see,
okay, did he transform as well?

Cause transformative point on my journey.


And everything shifted on that point.

So, yeah, thank you.

Ryan Carnohan: Well, and you had,
Greg, you had, um, you had this

kind of realization, and you said
there was two points, so I want to

hear about the second one as well.

Um, but you sent us a letter, and
I just, I didn't think about, I

should have grabbed it, because
there was nuggets in there.

And, but, um, to read a couple pieces of
it, but that was a very special moment for

me, because that was early in the process.

And to be so vulnerable and transparent
in this letter of just like where

you were at, but also that you
knew you were going to make it.

Like, you knew you could handle it.

And it was just kind of
a letter of gratitude.

It was very powerful for me.

And to watch you have found it,
and then just not give up the whole

time, it's a message that you did
it for everybody in this group.

Because there's so many times that people
will, they'll get to a certain point, and

then they'll just kind of stay, right?

You know, they, and they, they don't.

They can't get to the next level.

And so, by you sticking through and just
doing it, you just stole their excuses.

So, when I bring that up, you
mentioned, and I know you want

to talk about the other moment.

I should give you this time,
but I want to dig into this.

When you say, kill that bitch
voice, you know, when you heard

Kyle say that to somebody else,
what does that look like for you?

What does that, what do
you, what does that mean?

What do you mean by that?

Now, I didn't prep you for this
question, by the way, I told you, right?

Greg Werner: So, um, I got so
like, honestly, for me right now,

I okay, to me, that bitch voice is
anything that is trying to deter me

from being aligned with who I am my
soul, my purpose, my being, right?

So anytime, something is coming
and trying to pull me away from

that me, that's my bitch voice.


And it's one of those things where
like at first I would, honestly, I

would hate it and I'd try and fight
it with, with all sorts of hate.

And now, honestly, I love it.


Ryan Carnohan: that's because I
remember you said, okay, this is,

I knew this was going to come out.

Please share.

So great.


Greg Werner: yeah, I didn't even
know this was going to come out.

So wait, wait, wait to
see the future here.

So, um, yeah, it was just this
whole idea where I started embracing

it because this was my test.

This is like, okay, what do I really want?

Do I really want to be aligned?


Do I want to be tapped in?

And so all these are just little tests.

Where am I at?

Where am I at?

And every single time I keep on
stepping forward and not stepping

back, you just feel that wind and
you're like, hell yeah, right?

And then you get more aligned, more
tapped in, and it's absolutely beautiful.

So yeah, I'll fight it, right?

But I love it.

It's testing me and I love it.

So it's so good.

Ryan Carnohan: Damn, that's amazing.

I always, I always compare it to
like, opponent in jujitsu or whatever.

He's like your sparring partner.


He, he increases, he gets
better while you get better.

It's like, damn it.

But it's leveling you up at the same time.

So that is an awesome example.

Thanks, Greg.

Well, okay, so I cut you off.

Was there another moment
you wanted to share?

Because I, I stole, I kind of Okay.

Broke up.

Your, your, your speech there.

Go on.


Greg Werner: so we'll, we'll go into
another moment and, uh, this one was

actually really, really, uh, recent.

Um, this was our
conversation you and I had.

Um, and, and so through
this whole process, right?

This is it, it went from a physical
process to just purely mental, like,

I get up three 30 every morning.

I work out every single day.

And it's not for what I'm getting.

It's for just my, my mental state, my,
my ability to tap in and the six pack

is just, you know, icing on the cake.


So, um, man, I felt like I
was just like, I was on fire.


I had just gotten posted.

Life is good.

Things are coming together.

Business is awesome.

I'm feeling like family's doing okay.

And I share with Ryan that
this predicament that I'm

running into with my wife.


And he's, he was so good.

He's like, he gets on and he's
like, you're being a bitch, right?

And he followed up with all this
other love and everything like that.

But I realized, yeah, I had
overcome the bitch voice on my body.


Well, and, and daily overcoming it.

But man, I struggled
with my family, right?

I had this bitch voice telling me I need,
I need, I need, gimme, gimme, gimme.


Um, all the time.

And it was, it was there.

It was trying to teach me
a lesson the whole time.

Um, and I didn't get the lesson until
Ryan was like, you're being a bitch.

Right now.

I will say one other thing, right?

And this is like props to you, Kyle and
every guy I've heard here on superhuman

fathers when you guys are tapped in.


So as far as like marriage counseling
and all that kind of stuff goes, I've

spent like 15 grand on like the top, like
therapists and stuff throughout the world.

On this stuff.


And they're all telling me one thing.


And all of a sudden, right.

It's like, You're being a bitch
and what, look down this way.


I got, and it was transformative.

It completely changed my mind, my
outlook on family, wife, everything

like that because Ryan was tapped in.

And I mean, like just now, just
thinking about it, like you

should see all the goosebumps on
my arm and everything like that.

So you guys realize how powerful this is,
what you are sharing is like even greater.

I mean, this is divine connection
when you guys are tapped in, like,

and what you are sharing is just.

It's greater than any therapist, any
sort of research, anything like that.

I mean, it is God inspired.

Um, I'm, I'm sitting here like,
you know, ready to pound the pulpit

at church or something like that.

But like, seriously, it is what, it's
absolutely amazing what you guys are

sharing and anybody else who gets
on here and is just like aligned and

tapped in, you're like, hell yeah.

Kyle Carnohan: This is how a message is
transferred spiritually to another person.

Brian brought you here
because of what he became.

And because of the light
that he shone, right?

Like, who he was brought you here.

And then the people who brought
you to the next level, exactly.

It was in that moment, they were living
the message, and the message came out as

pure integrity and truth and character.

Because there's no bullshit behind it.

It's not just words.

It's, you have to be in alignment
with your life or your words are dead.

Think about this with
your kids and your wife.

We all live in a goddamn lie.

We're living a lie.

Most men live this lie.

Not in integrity.

Always hiding their,
their, their true self.

Always lying to themselves.

Always letting the excuses in.

And so we're fake.

How are you going to connect with another
person, spirit to spirit, when the person

that you're showing up with is fake?

This is what we're talking about.

I love it, Greg.

Ryan Carnohan: Thank you.

Your weakness, your
weaknesses are your strengths.

It's everything.

That's why, and talking to Greg,
when he says that about me, I smirk

because he did the same for me.

Because guess what he did when
we were having this discussion?

He was working out, he was
giving me nuggets, and then I

was sharing nuggets with him.

We had earned it together.

Yeah, and let's be We
had earned it together.

Kyle Carnohan: And let's, let's be
real, like, this is not us, right?

Let's go.


When we're in alignment and we come
together, there's that mastermind effect

they talk about, like the third mind.

Like, this is worth, we have
epiphanies for each other.


You know, Greg talks about his, his hair
standing on end and I'm like, I feel it.

I'm connected to you through
this electronic zoom machine.

Like, I can feel your
spirit from miles away.

Like, this is what I'm talking about.

This is how we make real change.

This is why Superhuman Fathers works.

Greg Werner: This.

Ryan Carnohan: All right, let's go.


Greg Werner: I don't know.

I'm running high right now.

I'm like, I don't even
know where to go now.

Like, I just want to listen
to you guys like always.

But, um, um, yeah.

But throw up another question.


Ryan Carnohan: sure.

Well, let's go deeper.

So, so yeah, you had that moment where,
you know, you connected with me and

what, and that you were being a bitch.

Dig into that a little bit more,
like in the emotional side of

things or with your family.

Where, when you're saying, gimme,
gimme, gimme, what are examples of

the gimme, gimme, gimme, and how
are you, how did you overcome them?

And as specific as you want to get,
because I'm going to connect this

to as another, another question.

So, it can, you know, whatever
you want to share that way.

Greg Werner: Okay.


So, um, all right.

So basically here I am November.

I'm posted guys.

And like, honestly, I'm, I look good.

Like I can stand in front of the mirror.


And give myself a little blood flow.


So, um, so I had like, I had
this confidence with my body

that I've never had before.


Business was absolutely crushing it.

So I just had my best six months
I've ever had in my entire life.


Um, and so that part is on fire and even
like this, the, the whole connection

with God that has been unbelievable.

My relationship with, uh, with,
with, with God, with a higher power

is closer now than it's ever been.

Uh, so all of this is on
fire except for family.



Um, and this is my relationship with my
kids and my relationship with my wife.

So I felt like because I had a six pack.


And because I was crushing it in business.


And because I was You know, at
times aligned pretty dang well,

that I was owed, you know, whatever.

And it was like, owed sex, owed
connection, owed time, owed appreciation.

Like, where the hell is my
words of affirmation, right?

I wanted to hear that I was a
frickin rock star all the time.

Um, and it was crickets, right?

Which is exactly what, what
she was supposed to give me.

It was perfect, you know, cause I had
this needy taker, bitchy, whiny energy

trying to just suck it out of her, right?

To fill up some, some hole within me.

So the, the interesting thing is, is that.

You know, Ryan had said,
Hey, how's your morale?

And I was like, really, really good,
except for my wife and I have been

discussing divorce and dudes tapped in.

He's just like, Hey, I'm just
going to tell you some things.

And he, so he starts going through
and he's like, you're being a bitch.

And, you know, he starts laying down
this framework of something that

I've never, ever, ever thought of.

And it's something that's
not told anywhere else,

anywhere I've looked, right?

The idea is just the craziest thing ever.

And the whole idea was, lose yourself.

Kind of the same thing
that Jesus taught, right?

Lose yourself.

It's not about you.

And I kept, it was the hardest
thing for me to just understand.

How do you get to a point
where you have no more wants?

Where you have no more needs?

I couldn't understand it.

I was like, sure there's this fake
person like Kyle's talking about.

I could, I could lie through my teeth,
but still at the end of the day, there's

down at the bottom of that barrel,
there's this need, there's this want.

And right, you know, and you're
telling me you didn't have it.

And at first I didn't believe.


I sat in there for like a week.


I didn't get back to you.

I was just like every single day
I'm spending about three hours

stacking these ideas and just
trying to figure out what the hell.

And then, and it was weird because
it affected my workouts too.

Like everything was just off.

Um, and then I remember having this
amazing workout where I just went

all out, everything was to failure,
I'm sweating, and I get back on and

I'm like, okay, I believe you, right?

It was just like I had gotten so much
mental clarity from this workout.

Um, and so now I'm still, I'm
still processing it, right?

But I believe it.

Um, it has been absolutely transformative.

As soon as I was like, it's not
about me, it's not about me.

I'm just going to give
because I want to give.

And instead of, and the
other big realization is, um,

and this is something that I learned
throughout the whole process.

So speaking with the body, I was
so attached to an outcome, right?

And that damn scale became my God.

So as soon as like the scale went up, I
was like, I mean, I remember just being

like, fuck you and yelling

and screaming at this scale
and like, just so pissed.

Cause like yesterday I'd crushed my
macros and the scale didn't show it.

And so now today's a blow up day.

Um, and I was attached to an outcome.

Well, what Superhuman Fathers
had gotten me into was instead

of being attached to an outcome,
is being attached to the journey.

Every single day, it's
just the systems, right?

So, we don't rise to the level of our
expectations, we fall to the level of

our systems, and so I embrace the system.

So, as soon as I realized...

You know, in, in August about
that bitchy voice, I embraced the

systems for the first time and
that's when everything changed.


So same thing with my family.

I was attached to an outcome.

I wanted this, this marriage
that was on fire and it sounds

amazing on paper, right?

Like everybody's like,
Oh, that sounds amazing.


Passionate marriage.

I wanted my wife to just climb all on top
of me and just rubber face on my six pack.

I don't know.


But I was attached to an
outcome instead of a person.


And as soon as I did that, I was a bitch.

So I, I realized it with
the, with the workouts.

I realized it even with business
and I realized it with my family.

And so I no longer became attached to
an ideal marriage or anything like that.

I'm just.

Attached to my wife.


So we, we've had some good
conversations about it and I'm

like, Hey, I'm all in on you.

Let's go, dude.

So yeah, that is, Yeah, that's,
that's Superhuman Fathers right there.

Kyle Carnohan: Thank you.

You guys, I don't, I don't
even know what to say.

This is, uh, it's so crazy because this
is our path to just with our thoughts

and our teachings is like, I realized
like we're elevating our men without

their wives, and then we're, we're
starting with fitness and then it's

kind of pouring over into like business
and then you're having these like,

wow, I really feel connected with God.


But then the wife, we talk about
kids in the beginning a lot, but

the wife kind of got left behind.

And so, like, you're not the
first one who was like, dude, I

got ripped, got my life together.

And then, like, we're talking about
divorce, like, you're not the first one.

And I'm going like, something's up here.

Like, we got to figure this out.

And that's when I had that epiphany
of turning the pyramid upside down

and be like, oh, your wife is first.

Like, that's step one, is help these men
understand what it means to be a husband.

And that's, I mean, that was the
message we got in the beginning.

We do the most when we need the least.

That is in marriage.

That's the first place where we use that.

If we can do that, the rest of
this stuff is going to be easier.

Now, it obviously worked for Greg, but I
think we just flipped it on its head, and

now if we can switch it around and go that
route, we might be able to help some guys.

And Greg, you're a huge part of that.

Figuring that out.

Thank you.

Ryan Carnohan: That was, I, I, I'm
trying to think of another question.

You guys, like John
writes, like, we want more.

Greg just put in.

There's like, she snapped in.

Oh, it's so good.


So, um, maybe we just had the
climax like in a movie and we're,

I don't know, but maybe not.

Let's find out, dude,

Kyle Carnohan: we could, we could talk
about this idea of it's not about me.

I give everything because you're
obviously, there's men listening right

now in here that are like, fuck that.

She owes me.


Ryan Carnohan: yeah.

Oh, yeah.

Right now you're

Kyle Carnohan: feeling inner turmoil
and struggle to actually let go

and give her yourself Everything

Greg Werner: and stop blaming her.

Kyle Carnohan: It's you can feel it.

I know it and it's It's a fight.

It's this internal battle, but
she and I, and I do all this

and, uh, nope, full sacrifice.

Can we hear more about the all in?

Like what, what did that mean?

Greg Werner: How did that translate?

I'm curious what that,

Kyle Carnohan: what that looked like

Ryan Carnohan: in practice.

There we go.

Opened it up.

They want to know, Greg.


Greg Werner: and so in practice, and
when I say that this is recent, what

is this Ryan, like two weeks ago?


Ryan Carnohan: weeks ago maybe?

Yeah, it was an awesome conversation.


Greg Werner: Yes.

So, um, I am just at the, I feel like
I'm just still at that doorstep, right?

Like, the door is now open.

I've at least recognized that I can open
this one and start walking through it.

Um, you know, so maybe this is,
this is something that, you know,

Ryan or Kyle, who You know, have
already accepted and ingrained this

in their life can speak better on.

Um, so what that looks like, the biggest
thing for me is that my wife is a freaking

bloodhound when it comes to energy.

So I have always done all the checklists.

I've been like, boom, I will clean up.

I'll clean up the house.

I will do everything.


And cha ching, we'll cash that
in for sex tonight and this

is going to work out good.


But it reeks of taker
energy, just reeks of it.

And she can smell that.

She's like, I know why you're doing this.


And I know for my wife, she
wanted to, I love what, so

Kipiaki calls it a walking vagina.

My wife wanted to feel like
more than a walking vagina.

And I get that, you
know, and it's so hard.

Like, I almost want to cry just.

thinking that that was my mindset, right?

And at the time, I'm
not going to admit that.

I'm like, Oh no, no, no, I'm doing good.


But looking back, like all bullshit aside.


That, that, that was, that was my energy.

Um, and so no wonder
why she didn't want me.

I get it.

Um, so what does that look like now?

Mostly it's, it's focused on the energy.

So I'm just present.

So first thing I focus on.

It's just being present.


So, I, I don't have my phone with me, and
I'm just looking at her, asking curious

questions, um, responding to her, not
thinking about really what I'm going

to say or what I'm going to teach her
or anything like that, what I'm going

to ask for, it's just like, I want to
know you, I want to be with you, and

I'm going to give you my, my very best.

And that's really it.


Kyle Carnohan: this is the monk.

Listen, the monk goes in and
requires nothing and needs nothing.

So, the monk needs no sex.

He's over it.

Ryan Carnohan: Let's go.

It's about the

Kyle Carnohan: relationship
with the person in service.


And then the, the monk gets 69'd.

That's what happens.

There is that.

So, just understand, once that energy is
switched, And that your mindset is all

service and I truly need nothing from you.

I just love you.

Things change.

Greg Werner: Yeah, and for me,
it was the most radical shift

because I always thought, hey, if
I'm good, I can have good desires.

Well, if you're good, your only good
desire that you want to do is give.

Ryan Carnohan: That's it.

Let's go.

That's it.


Kyle Carnohan: is like, would you
still have integrity and character

if you knew your integrity and
character would send you to a burning

hell for the rest of eternity?

Is, is your character
that important to you?


Why do we do the things we do?

Once you, once you get to a level which
you will burn in hell for eternity

for your character and your code you
live by, you're going to do just fine.

Greg Werner: Yeah, it's stoppable.

Kyle Carnohan: Yeah.

Luckily, I mean, I'm, I'm hoping
you do good, good things happen in

the afterlife, but I'm just saying,
like, if you think about it, like,

willing to sacrifice everything
for your character and integrity,

Greg Werner: everything.


So, uh, Chad, one last, one last
thought as far as, you know, what I'm

doing, again, I'm still like so early
on this journey and just understanding

it because it's completely contrary
to anything else I've been taught.

Um, but as soon as I adopted
it, I realized how simple it is.

I had taken something that
was so simple and just fucked

it up with complexity, right?

But it's just as simple as, I am
good and so I'm just going to give.

And yeah, it's, it, it's
been transformative.

My wife is still at the point
though where she's like, I

know you for 20 years, right?

And so I, I'm still getting tested.

Is this for real,

Ryan Carnohan: right?

This is a huge concept, Greg.

This is huge.

Keep going.

This is massive.

This realization you're having right
now or how this is the beginning of 20

years that you're undoing, which I always
say, and I don't, I don't have data

to back this, but for every one shitty
decision, or like 10 shitty decisions,

one good decision is the least of them,
you know, but it's like that, you know,

so it's like a 10 to one, you know,
you're two years out, bro, or something,

but I don't know if that makes sense.


Greg Werner: So, uh, no,
yeah, a hundred percent.



And I don't even know where, where I was
going to go, but I will say one thing.

So when, when I was asking
God, how long do I give, right?

How long do I give like this to my
wife before I'm at a place where,

okay, we're, we're, we're done.


And he's like, you've
never done it before.

Why don't you try and see what happens?

Oh, dude.

So I was like, damn, damn is right.

Yeah, it's good.

I mean, seriously, thank you guys.

Kyle Carnohan: It's so crazy how
we think we're supposed to have a

good marriage when we put zero, like
such minimal effort into it and, and

selfishly go after it in that state of
taking, and then we're so dumbfounded

that our marriage is not working.

It's, it's like, we'll spend all this
time on our body and on our business.

And then we're like, man.

My wife sucks.

Why is my marriage not working?

It's like, how hard it
was to build that body.

How incredibly difficult and time
consuming to build that business.

Why would we think a marriage
would be any less focused?

Greg Werner: Yeah.

And one other thought, you know, so
like when, when, when I'm working

out, my favorite rep is that one
where I'm hitting failure, right?

That's where I'm like, thank you weights.

I'm so grateful that they
are pushing back on me.


And then I jump into marriage.

And I'm like, just don't push back on me.

And so, you know, Ryan has helped
me with this transformation and

now I can look back and I'm like,
babe, thank you for pushing so hard.

And I know why she pushes, right?

It's because she cares.

You know, so she is my weight
pushing me to failure every

day, helping me up as a husband.



Kyle Carnohan: Your best coach is right
there in the house with you at all times.


I'm speechless, Ryan.

You're gonna have to take it, bro.

Ryan Carnohan: Okay, we have men here.

You have dropped bombs on like 50 men,
Greg, of stuff that you took from what I

told you and just ate it up and just...

Commune with God and brought it back
out into the most beautiful way.

I don't, I, I'm just

Kyle Carnohan: saying, I'm going to have
to listen to this one like 10 times.

Ryan Carnohan: Yeah, there's
some nuggets in here, guys.

Who's got questions?

Who's got questions for Greg?

That's how we'll play this.

I know there's questions.

Who's that?


Yeah, hit it, Jeremiah.

So, hey, Greg,

Kyle Carnohan: um, you, you
said earlier about how you,

Greg Werner: uh, gosh, my heart's beating
so fast trying to ask this question.

Um, you said you lost yourself.

You, uh, you had to realize that
you needed to lose yourself.

And I was wondering, um,

Kyle Carnohan: what that felt like.

Was it like tunnel vision?

Ryan Carnohan: Or

Greg Werner: were you
just super hyper focused?

And I guess the second part
to that question was, um,

lose yourself to just service?

Ryan Carnohan: Or to just...

He's got the question, Greg.

You know what I mean?

Greg Werner: I, I do, right?

Because this is part of the
wrestling that I do with, with Ryan.


So, so here's where I'm at right now.


And I'm sure like I will gain more and
more ideas through this whole idea,

but basically I kind of see two selves.

One, we have our ego self.

that is selfish and everything
is fear based and wants and,

Kyle Carnohan: um, lack, right?

Greg Werner: And then we
have a real soul, okay?

Well, the problem is in life, we
live completely out of this ego.

Everything is out of fear, okay?

Everything is selfish and wants.

So we think this is the real
person when it's not, right?

We have a divine soul
and a divine purpose.

It's just buried, right?

And so when, when we're talking about
losing ourself, it's that person, right?

It's that ego part.

It's that selfish part.

It's that person that has the
fears, the person who lives out

of lack and not out of abundance,
who, who lives out of not love.


That's the person we lose.

And so what are you left with
when you unravel all that?

Unveil who you really are?

You're left with your soul.

Now can you imagine, right?

Because I'm not there, but I watch
like Kyle and Ryan and guys who are

like leveled up ahead of me, okay?

Living their life out of strength.

Living their life out of
soul and soul purpose.

And you watch what they can do, right?

So there's two steps there.

You lose yourself and
you are yourself, right?

So, um, you know, which ties
in beautifully to what we were

talking about with, with marriage.

Really, the only reason you
ever want anything is because

you're in a state of lack.

That's it.

No one ever got up this morning and
was just like, geez, I want air, right?

No, because we woke up breathing.

We were fine, right?

We're in a state of abundance.


But then it comes to our relationship
and you're like, damn, I'm lacking sex.


But that's not your soul.

That is that ego part.

So, you know, it ties right back into
what we were talking about there, um, with

losing yourself so you can give yourself.

I mean, and that, that self that
you're giving, that is your person

tapped into your soul, living
out of all of your strengths.

So I know what he looks like.

Like, I know what, what, what
that soul looks like for me.

Freaking amazing.


There's like.

It's unbelievable.

I'm going to get there.

I don't even

Kyle Carnohan: know what to say, Ryan.

I, I, I like this, this, this
conversation right now is answering even

like deep spiritual questions for me.


I mean, it's tapping on my soul, my
purpose, a divine soul and purpose.


See how this works, how much you can give

Greg Werner: back.

Ryan Carnohan: Just so you know,
this Zoom would be worth all the

money I'd pay to be a part of this.

Just this one Zoom right here.

Kyle Carnohan: I would, I would
burn it all down to the ground

just for that moment right there.

Greg Werner: Wow.

So, Jeremiah, you had one
other question, right?

Because the first one was about
losing yourself, what that looks like.


Kyle Carnohan: And the second
one was, um, exactly what was it

Greg Werner: you were losing
yourself to, but you did answer that.

Oh, okay.


Kyle Carnohan: answered
it in, um, Sure did.

Losing your ego.

Sure did.

Yeah, you

Greg Werner: answered it real good.

Kyle Carnohan: Thank you so much, Greg.

Greg Werner: Powerful.

You're welcome.


And honestly, like, immediately
when you said that, I was just like,

thank you, Ryan, because that got
me going, you know, down this road,

and it's been, like, life changing
for me in just the last three weeks.

To recognize

Ryan Carnohan: guys to what Greg
just did for you and for me.

I was kinda able to give a
nugget to him, but now he gave

it back tenfold to me, right?

Like, I don't know, this is
the power of the community.

This is the power of when
you're aligned with brothers.

Chad Hinkle and I had a massive moment
this morning too, which I won't go into.

But just something that you
would never expect, and Chad said

something really special about.

I, Chad, what was it that you
said to me, um, on the phone

about needing some other man?

Or needing a, a someone else with you?

I can't, I don't know.

It was just very powerful.

Are you here, Chet?

Yeah, yeah, I think I was.

It's happening again right here.

Do you remember what you said?

It's happening again right now, man.

I know, it's crazy.


Greg Werner: what I was talking
about was we'll have our individual

moment that we'll be able to figure
out but because we're vulnerable

Ryan Carnohan: because we're

Greg Werner: living in a live mission
Other people are going to be able to

connect the dots for us that we wouldn't
otherwise be able to connect for

ourselves because we were vulnerable with
someone else and they can be a mirror

Ryan Carnohan: back

Speaker 6: to us.

Kyle Carnohan: And the only way that
works, see guys, this is why you have to

give, give up what you're holding on to.

The power lies on the other side.

To be able to do what Greg just did for
us and for me, you have to cross over.

You have to let go.

You got to stop holding
on to that bullshit.

You can live your life half ass and just
let people in your life walk by without

feeling your power and your purpose
that you were placed here to serve these

people and inspire them, but yet you
decided to hang on to your bullshit and

so off they go, not getting that gold
that you were supposed to give them.

to help them along their way.

This ain't about getting abs, man.

This is about spiritually being
tapped in to serve your purpose.

Like, I can't say it enough.

Every time I go to one of these damn
events, every time when I'm living

the way I should, I'm a magnet.

A magnet.

You guys will experience this.

Greg's already experiencing this.

Like, this positivity that you exude
when you are living this way is insane.

Your business blows up.

Your connection to God and deity, the
universe, just increases massively.

You feel more guided.

And now, now he's hitting that point
where he's like, taking all of this

knowledge and putting it into his family.

The bleed over effect

Ryan Carnohan: is real.

And then he poured it all over
us right now, just poured it over

Greg Werner: us.

Kyle Carnohan: And the crazy thing is.

The deeper you go, the more powerful you
become, and this power is just to serve.

And the second you want the
power for yourself, it's gone.

Greg Werner: That's

Ryan Carnohan: what's crazy.

You know, part of it is too, I think
Greg and I talked about this too, is,

you know, our ability to suffer for
the ones we love, because if we suffer

infinitely, we can serve infinitely.

And this, I mean, the way you presented
that, Greg, though, I'm going to have

to go back and watch it a few times.

It was like...

Thank you so much.

Michael Davis either has a question
or a comment and I'm happy to take it.

What you got, bro?

Greg Werner: I got a question.


Michael Davis: of all, Greg, holy shit.

Good stuff, bro.

Um, but okay.

So when you're talking about losing
yourself Um, so getting up early and

going, doing workouts and putting down the
donut, all that shit's pretty easy, right?

And that daily bitch voice
conversation gets easier with time.

So, are you finding that it's
a different conversation?

Like, because I imagine the ego has its
own version of the bitch voice, right?

That like, like, well, I mean, I
guess it's all the same thing, but

ultimately, the piece of that bitch voice
that's telling you that your wife...

Deserves to have sex with you or
whatever, you know what I mean?

Like that part of it, right?

Like, how do you find, is that
different or is it a very similar

conversation to the bitch voice
that doesn't want to do squats?

Oh, you're very similar.

Is there, is there something
you're doing to keep it at bay?

Is it journaling?

Is it meditation?

Is it a specific thing you're
doing every day to get yourself

in line with that anti ego?

Greg Werner: Um, yeah,
so, uh, two answers there.

Yes, the voice in my mind and
my heart and everything like

that is the exact same, right?

It's the one that is leading me away
from being aligned, leading me away

from what I have committed myself to do.


So that that's my bitch voice.

Um, and Ryan's always
talking about this suffering.


So one of the things, um, that God
had a conversation with me about

was the whole point of suffering is
so that we can break down that ego.


The only way we get rid of our wants,
the only way we get rid of our fears,

the only way we get, um, rid of our
lack and start living from abundance.

is through suffering because
that's what destroys the ego.

That's what unburies and unveils
and shows us what that that

soul and that soul purpose is.

Um, yeah, so that's why
suffering is, is so important.

Ryan Carnohan: Because your
ability to suffer, it is your

ability to obliterate desire.

You know,

Speaker 6: so do you find, is, is
there something specific in your

journaling or in your meditating
that's helping you with this?

Or is it just the same conversation?

Fuck you.

Greg Werner: So I've got, I've got a
one page document that says consistency.


And basically all it is, is my system
for each day, three 30 wake up.


And then I do a 10 minute
meditation, and then I visualize.

You know, my Greg 10.

0, my penthouse self
vibrating at my highest level.

Then I go into a workout that way.

I crush all my, cause I
wake up and I'm pissed.

And so then I get rid of all that
negativity and then I go into a

gratitude thing and like the whole
thing all the way down, right?

Um, and then by about 630, I'm ready to
go to work and I just keep that going.

And I have like five things that
are going through the entire day.

So I created.

A system that works for me.

And I know it's different than other
people who are just like tapped in.

Like I've tried there.

So don't, no, no, no, no.

I got to work out early.

I got so much negativity.

I got to burn that shit off.

So, um, yeah, I have to be like
lifting heavy weights by four o'clock.

Otherwise actually three 45.

Otherwise I'm like, my day's toast.

So Um, but yeah, so I would
say that is what it is, right?

And I, I mean, meditation, gratitude,
journaling, um, sending love,

investing time in my family, like
every day my family's getting texts

or videos or whatever, and that
would be 445 is when I do that.

So it's my system.

Thank you.

I would say constantly evolving.

Thank you.


Ryan Carnohan: Christian's
got a question or a comment.


I just wanted to

Greg Werner: ask about
your meditation process.

Um, I was on it for a while and now
I'm like slowly starting to like

lean off of it and I want to get back

Ryan Carnohan: on it.

I just am like trying to learn, like
I literally find myself, I'll sit here

and meditate and then I'll fall asleep.

Greg Werner: Like I don't know how to

Ryan Carnohan: like get deeper
without just passing out.

Like, cause it's so early
in the morning, you know,

Greg Werner: I am right there with you.

Um, and I am such a, a newbie
virgin, whatever, when it comes

to meditation, because I thought
it was all foo foo stuff before.

Um, so for me, like, cause this is
first thing in the morning, so like 332.

Um, and I will do, uh, a meditation where
I'm using my, my throat chakra, right?

Like, so, I'm like, mm.

And I'm trying to vibrate my neck
and, and, and my heart chakra

with it and everything like that.

And it becomes loud enough and a
focal point enough that that keeps

me going for like 10 minutes.

And hopefully I have like three seconds
within 10 minutes where I didn't have

a thought and I'm like, hell yeah.


. Yeah.

So, right.

I mean, meditation to me is
something that I'm still learning.

Um, but every single person who's
like crushing in life meditates.

Kyle Carnohan: Hey, Christian, one
thing you can do is just, you can

put on some meditation music, close
your eyes, and then the thing Greg's

talking about, making noise, so
like, I'll breathe out super hard.

Like, focus on your breathing rather than
just trying to think, and then, and hold

your breath, too, to keep yourself awake.

So you can do the box breathing where
you inhale, and then hold your breath

for four seconds, exhale, hold it out,
and when you exhale, make a noise.

Be like, whoosh, whoosh, or boom!

Careful, because you'll wake your
family up, but it'll keep you

awake, and you'll get in a rhythm.

And, um, I'm, I'm super new at this,
too, but I just kept it really simple.

Music on!

And focus on breathing and it helps me
stay awake so that I don't fall asleep.

Greg Werner: Yeah.

And there's so many good apps for

Speaker 6: it.

And I just pointed out how bad
ass Greg is that he said he is

meditating at 3 32, not around 30.


Greg Werner: said at 3

Speaker 6: 32, I'm meditating.


Kyle Carnohan: bad ass.

Hey, and just so you guys know like
meditation to me very recently is just

finding a moment of calm because my I'm,
I'm a chaotic soul like you guys are too.

We're all psychics.

It's all attack, attack,
attack, attack, attack.

And so it's actually harder
for me to sit down and not do

anything and just actually listen.

And a lot of like my thoughts,
um, and my, my visionary mind

for ideas will start to come in.

As, as I just let the thoughts come in,
like this morning was just, I'm, I'm

sitting there meditating and I'm having
these crazy, like, like almost a dream

state where I'm like running with a sword
and like chopping, I was like chopping

up these demon dogs while I'm running,
like, it's, I'm like, that's fucking

weird, like, what even is that, but, but
there's this idea of like going to war and

attacking the day and I'm seeing it in my
mind, like of who I'm feeling like, right?

Like, what am I feeling like?

So then I come out of
it and I'm like, yeah.

That was interesting, but I definitely
feel like I'm ready to go crush the day,

you know, yeah, yeah, Jeremiah, spiritual
war, like you just, like, give it, give

it a story for whatever it is, you know,
you don't have to believe that it's some

spiritual thing, it could just be the
chemicals in your head, it doesn't matter,

like you don't have to, you don't have
to feel something, you don't even have to

see anything, so don't expect anything,
very similar to what we were saying, don't

have expectations or deserve anything
when you're trying to meditate, like

just do it, Even if it's three to five
minutes, and just let it happen, don't

worry about what it is, or try to put
a name to it, or, uh, any expectations,

and it'll, it will serve you, it will.

What you got, John Wright?

Ryan Carnohan: John Wright.

He's got a good nugget,
he's got a question.

I can tell.

That sash is looking good, too.

He's meditating.

John Wright: I've been meditating on
this question for a couple minutes, so

hopefully it comes out, um, the right way.

Uh, Greg, you mentioned something quickly,
like briefly mentioned programming

earlier, like really early on the call.

And, and maybe not in that, in those
terms, but you mentioned kind of like

Uh, you mentioned something about it,
but how do you handle, um, the day to

day sort of bombardment of not only
negativity, but like this programming,

because you said something about
unlearning earlier, that's what it was,

uh, what I've noticed as I've been like
on this journey of awareness is like, I'm

starting to notice things in my day to
day that I didn't notice before, right?

And then when now that I'm starting
to question them, I realized that

the people closest to me, who I
care about the most, can sometimes.

They can throw it right back at you that
same programming that we're trying to

sort of we're questioning now, right?

So how and I know that you've gotten past
this point I can tell you've gotten past

this point So like how do you how did you
handle that or how have you seen that?

How is that manifested in your life?

Greg Werner: Um, okay.

So, and just making sure
that I got this right.

So, as you start deconstructing
things and you start leveling

up, we'll call it, right?

The people around you are kind of
reminding you of your old programmed ways.

John Wright: Correct.

And, and, and that's why this, this
community, right, this brotherhood

that we have, I think is so valuable.

And we're all kind of aligned on the
same frequency because yeah, as you start

to wake up, we, we, we're, you know,
we're, we're waking up from the matrix.


And everyone else is
still, is still there.


Especially the people that we care
about the most, it's very hard.


And it's like, um, and then every day
it seems like for me, I'm like, Seeing

something else that, you know, some
pattern that I'm, that I was doing or

something that was on autopilot, right?

And, uh, and, and now it's like, and
then, you know, but with my family and,

you know, my wife and the people closest
to me that I'm with all the time, I'm

getting that like, well, yeah, I mean,
that's, that's just, that's how, you

know, that's what, that's what we do.

That's what you've always done, sort
of, not, not directly, but that's sort

of like the vibe I'm getting back.

So I know you've.

You, you, you had to, you had to
at some point deal with it, right?

I know you, you had to overcome it,
something that you did or said, or.

Greg Werner: Um, okay.

I'll take a stab at this one because
I, I, I don't think like I've got

this part down, um, but essentially
in any dynamic, right, everybody's

always going to try and go to their,
what, what they know is familiar.

Okay, so you start coming up, right?

And typically in a relationship,
someone's going to start trying

to pull that back down so that
we get back to where we were at.


Um, and I think the turning point,
honestly, on that barely happened

with everything because I used to get
so affected by, uh, relationships.

Anybody, my kids or, or, or my wife
or friends or anything like that.

Anything where we weren't in, in perfect
agreement would just kind of throw me off.

Um, and it was again, kind
of going to that ego, right?

The, the, this fear, this lack, okay.

I wasn't living out of my.

My strengths and my soul.

Um, and so I wanted, like,
I had an expectation, okay?

Like, hey, I'm leveling up, so wife,
you should want to level up too, right?

She should want to be like,
hey, I see that you're a badass.

I want to be a badass too, right?

And that's not how it works.


Um, and so my, my biggest
change, I became grateful for it.


I was grateful for all my kids.

Like even my kid today was like, dad, I
think you look bigger a couple months ago.


And I'm like, sitting there thinking
of like, I could have easily just said,

Hey, well, no, I've actually put on like
15 pounds and I've I'm repping stuff.

I've never read before in my entire life.


And I was just like, thanks
for pushing me, buddy.



I'm going to get bigger.

Let's do this.


And, and same thing with, with my wife.

Anytime she is like
starting to go, go at it.


And I'll do little things.

I'll exaggerate and kind of be
sarcastic every now and then,

not like in a rude way, but just
like trying to lighten it up.

But always afterwards, I'm like,
actually, I see what you're saying.

I'm grateful for that.

Keep pushing me.


Kyle Carnohan: Greg, this is so really
powerful because, you know, I mean, a

lot of our guys are military, police,
fire, and especially, like, if you're

in the firehouse, similar to, like,
with your wife a lot of times, like,

You might be a badass out in the world,
but in the firehouse, like, you're

not going to get a lot of credit.

You're just going to get,
you're just going to get ripped.

And so, especially if you're trying to
like, quit drinking or get your diet

together or like, you're starting a
business or like, whatever, like people

are going to try and drag you down.

And I think some of it is to
test you, because that's what

we do in the fire service.

We test each other to see
how strong you actually are.


It's a habit that we have.

But fighting it and defending
yourself never helps.


Like, I'm getting to the point where I'm
like, do I ever need to defend myself?


With like verbal attacks?

Like, you know, like
someone's like, Oh, you're...

You're a pussy.

And you're like, I probably am.

I just

Ryan Carnohan: woke up.

Kyle, it is an indicator for your
internal, intrinsic validation.

Like, if you can do that, your
validation is completely intrinsic.

It's not external at all.

And so there's a power there when
you're in line with your values.

Because when you're in line with
your values and you can keep

that alignment in the chaos.

of someone critiquing you or
whatever, you become all powerful

because your validation's intrinsic.

And so you can just give.

It's full, just give, because
you don't need anything.

Kyle Carnohan: Yeah, or like, like,
I've told the story, like, my computer

got, we gotta probably close up
soon, but, like, I had a, one of the

engineers put my computer tablet on
the engine, and then they drove off and

it broke, and uh, and everybody blamed
me, and like, there's times where you

just say, I'll, I'll take this one.

You know what I mean?

So I walk into like the head station
with the broken computer and there's

like 20 guys in there and like, Oh,
and I'm like, yeah, I'm an idiot.

Uh, you know, and to fill out
the paperwork and all that.

And it's just like, no one will ever know.

And I'll just, I'll
just, I'll just take it.

It's fine.

I'll take it.

You know,

Speaker 6: Hey, John, if,
if, if I, if I could just say

one thing here, sorry, Kyle.

I know we got to leave,
but here's the thing.

If you're dealing with it and it's.

to drag you down, all you got to do is
stick with your non negotiables, right?

But you got to recognize it for
what it is, but you got to pay

attention to who it's coming from,
because it is different, right?

If it's your wife you're feeling it from,
that means she feels like you're leaving

her behind, so you have to go out of
your way to make sure that she knows.

And you're not going anywhere.

Like wives get insecure
too, just like we do.

We don't admit it.

They do.

But you know, you're getting jacked and
your wife's still got 20 pounds to lose.

She thinks you're banging the

Kyle Carnohan: secretary, right?

Like that's what goes through their heads,

Speaker 6: right?

So you've got to make sure that
she knows that you're all in on her

100%, no matter what you look like.


If it's coming from your brother in law.

then recognize it for what it is.

It's him being uncomfortable because
you're taking away his excuse because

he wanted to look like that when he
was 25 and now he's 40 and he's got a

beer belly and so it's a it's partly
him feeling uncomfortable in the fact

that you took away his excuse b there's
a little bit of a test in there right

because when you decide when you make

a decision in this world the universe
wants to know how serious you are.

So there's some of that, but
make sure you don't use the

wrong one with the wrong person.

Your brother in law, you could
say, fuck off, watch me, right?

That works.

You can't say that to your wife.

Or your kid, right?

So, pay attention to where it's coming

Kyle Carnohan: from, that's all.

Even then, like, when you're
tapped in, your conscience will

help you to, to, to develop this
compression, compassion, scale.

Because some people, um, someone
mentioned earlier, some people aren't

ready to be told you're a bitch.

They won't accept it right.

And if you can actually be really tapped
in and you can actually pour on this

love to open them up before you give
them the uppercut, you know, like.

There is some tact there, um, even
with somebody like that, but, um,

but yeah, I mean, for sure, Michael,
like, it depends how close they are,

and like, your wife's always gonna
be number one, like, like, always,

like, there's no, that relationship
with your wife is, is important.

We'll never be anything like any other
relationship on this planet, and if

we teach it, if we treat it like other
relationships, we're gonna be screwed.

Speaker 6: And you know
what's great, John?

What I've learned talking to these guys
every day now, right, that want to join

us, um, when they tell me something,
and they're being a bitch, right, and I

don't know them like that, and I don't
have the power that Kyle has, right?

Because, you know, Kyle is Kyle, right?

So I, I will give them an example
that was very similar of the

old me and say, You know what?

I was a piece of shit.

Because I was doing this, this, and
this, and what happens 10 minutes into

the call is they say, you know what?

I'm a piece of shit too.

And then they say, and they
come to their own realization.

Whereas if I would have said, quit being
a piece of shit, it might not have worked.

You know what I mean?

Ryan Carnohan: They would
have hung up the phone.

Even if they

Speaker 6: don't join
us, which some of them

Kyle Carnohan: don't, a
lot of guys don't, right?

Like more guys

Speaker 6: aren't ready for us than are.

That's a fact.

But even if they don't join us, because
I let them come to that realization

Kyle Carnohan: themselves.


Speaker 6: still serve them.

When they leave and they go join Planet
Fitness and don't do shit with it,

they're still more self aware than they
were when they got on the phone with me.

Yeah, I love that.


Greg Werner: came to the
realization themselves.

Kyle Carnohan: Hey guys, I'm
filling this poll to end this

so we can go to our families.

Um, but uh, Greg, I mean,
I don't know what to say.

Thank you.

I've been just absolutely
elevated talking to you today.

Like, look, look what you've done by
Becoming this man and being in this

process still, what you've given us today
will literally change all of our lives.

Um, and when people say, is it worth it?

Is it worth it?

I'm just so comfortable.

Is it worth it?

You know, I think he
answered that question.

Thank you.

Ryan Carnohan: This was massive.

This was a big, big mom.

I mean, they'll tell me, look
how many families you impacted

with this right here, right now.

It impacted mine.


I'm going to give my wife a hug.

Greg Werner: Thank you guys.

Much love.

So appreciate it.

We do the most, we need
the least, my friends.

Ryan Carnohan: Take care.

Let's go.



Peace, guys.

Kyle Carnohan: I hope you enjoyed
this transformation from Superhuman

Fathers, and one thing I want you
to know is that anyone can do this.

Yes, even you.

Go to superhuman and
apply for the Brotherhood right now.

BJ Barrett: Well, first of all, I need
to apologize to absolutely nobody.

Let's fucking go!

Let's go!

Hey, so I was searching for
something really fucking hard, bro.

Um, I was in a dark place I was
a content whore at that point.

Um, my life at home was pretty bad.

I'd get called out to work quite a bit at
the time, I think, because it was winter

time and I stumbled across Wes Watson.

I'm like, who the fuck is this guy?

I'm like, fuck yeah, I
can ride with this guy.

And then, um, yeah, the mastermind, uh,
mansion mastermind and fucking Kyle steps

up and it's like, I think it's like one
in the morning when I'm watching this.

I'm at fucking work and he's
Steps up and he's just like, you

know, I'm a fucking firefighter.

I got kids, you know, it's
like fuck man That's me.

Like I'm fucking working.

I got kids I'm like, fuck, you know,
and man, I, something just, something

just told me that's it, you know what
I mean, like it just, it's like, okay,

let's, let's see what this is about.