The Expert Podcast

  • Discussing the importance of treating cyber security with the same seriousness as aviation and transportation safety. Highlighting a recent article from Defense One about having an investigative board for cyber attacks, similar to how we respond to airplane crashes.
Key Points
  • The need for active network monitoring and response protocols within companies.
    • Recommendation: Invest in a cyber insurance policy to ensure you have a response team and monitoring in place.
    • Coverage: Cyber insurance provides both coverage for damages and a turnkey process for active monitoring and incident response.
  • Benefits of having cyber insurance versus managing monitoring and response in-house.
    • Cost-Effectiveness: Insurance often provides a more cost-effective solution with built-in support and coverage.
Current State and Future Outlook
  • Examples of recent major cyber attacks, including the CrowdStrike hack, CDK hack, and the Las Vegas cyber infiltration.
    • Call for Action: Emphasizes the need for a more robust national response to these incidents.
    • Preparation: Importance of having contingencies for various scenarios such as bank outages or CRM system failures.
Closing Thoughts
  • Encouragement to stay vigilant and prepared for potential cyber threats.
    • Resources: Link to further information and live one-on-one consultations with experts on related topics.
Additional Information
  • Availability of live consultations with licensed experts in various fields, including investigations, insurance, and business development.
    • Call to Action: Use the link below to access expert advice and delve deeper into subjects of interest.
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What is The Expert Podcast?

The Expert Podcast brings you firsthand narratives from experts across diverse industries, including private investigators, general contractors and builders, insurance agencies, vehicle specialists, lawyers, and many others.

Defense One is an excellent industry publication for security and cyber threats, and they have a very, very well-written article this week about treating cybersecurity like it matters—having an investigative board. Here’s how they promote it: When an airplane crashes, investigative bodies leap into action, such as the FAA, National Highway Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), and others. But when a cyber attack happens, you don’t see the same response. A cyber attack can do as much damage and sometimes kill people, and there’s no central response to it.

Sometimes kill people and there’s no central response to it. So this suggestion, you can see it says right here, ideas is very relevant in today’s modern security culture. At the very least, as a company, you should have some type of active monitoring for your network. You should have a response team and a response protocol. The easiest way to get those self-serving—I get it—is to buy a cyber insurance policy. Certainly, you’re going to get some other advantages; you’ll have insurance and coverage if something happens. It’ll pay for some damages, but more than anything else, there’s a turnkey process in place for active monitoring. They monitor your network all the time and for a response team, so if you do get a hacking event, you just pick up the phone, call them up, and they send a response to you. Most policies have this; make sure if you’re going to buy insurance that you verify with your agent that it has this coverage in it. That’s the easiest and cheapest.

You will be back in your video in just a few seconds. In the meantime, remember that offers you live one-on-one private video consultation with an expert in this exact subject. We want to listen to your story, hear your questions, give you expert advisement of your options, and tell you what we know about your particular situation. Now back to your video. It’s a way to do it if you did active monitoring on your own and put a response team in place and a response protocol. It would cost you more than just getting an insurance policy, and the insurance policy gives you coverage when something goes wrong anyway.

Regardless of that, there should be more robust national response and investigations of these hacks. You have the CrowdStrike hack that happened, the CDK hack that happened just in the last 60 to 90 days—two major hacks. The big Las Vegas cyber infiltration that happened at the end of last year 2023. These are costing billions of dollars and putting people’s lives at risk. So there should be a more national response at the government level to these hacks, and I’m sure that’ll happen in the next few years. But in the meantime, you have to kind of fend for yourself. Make sure you’re prepared for it; make sure you have all your contingencies in place. What would happen if your bank goes down, your merchant account goes down, your payroll goes down, your accounts receivable? How would you get your cash flow still flowing if these things happen? How do you get a hold of your customers if you can’t get a hold of your CRM? If Salesforce goes out of business for a week, what do you do?

Hypothetically, be very vigilant about your cybersecurity. You can click the link below if you want more information on that, but more and more cybersecurity professionals are saying, “Let’s treat it like it matters,” because it’s almost like people don’t think it matters until it happens to them.

Thank you for watching another video at and Describe.TV. Remember, if you have questions or comments about our videos, put them in the link below. Also remember that you have availability and access to live one-on-one question and answer consultation with a licensed expert in a number of fields: investigations, insurance, surety bonds, civil court mediation, even things like real estate records research, real estate brokers, real estate mortgage lenders. In addition, you’ll find that experts are available in business segments—business development, marketing, advertising, certified licensed experts. So if you do find this content valuable and you want to delve more deeply into a subject, you can’t ask YouTube a question, right? But if you want to talk to somebody live, is the place to do it. Use the link below. Thanks for watching.