Sativa Talk

In this episode we dive into gender roles, Lori Harvey and the CCB (Cannabis Compliance Board).

What is Sativa Talk?

We talk about all things cannabis from dispensaries, cultivations, current news & entrepreneurship along with some lifestyle topics to intrigue, inspire and flat out make you laugh! During this series we'll have interviews with some game changers showing you a different perspective discussing the state of Cannabis. Friendly for newbies, vets and people who curious. It's funny, it's blunt, it's real... Sativa Talk Podcast.

You're listening to locally produced programming created in

KUNV Studios on public radio. KUNV 91.5. The content of this program is sponsored by the Sativa Talk podcast. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and More or the University of Nevada Las Vegas. Welcome back everyone to another episode of Sativa Talk, a podcast where we have blunt

conversations. We like to talk about cannabis, of course, whether you are a vet, newbie, or just curious, we got you covered. And we will get into some lifestyle and entrepreneurship as well. We are celebrating episode number four. The number four is connected to worldly authority, power, kingship, rule, stability, and discipline. They represent consistency and discipline. Since everything is said to be made of the four elements, they have a special place in creation as well. So I want to embrace the number four. This is episode number four. And go ahead and introduce our number four guest. So I wanted to make sure that you know this is the Tiva Talk podcast but I want to make sure that I am able to bring myself out and then bring some people on that help bring a certain aspect of me out as well that's equally important and Dray's sharing you know different you know we are building a friendship but I feel like also you know we all got those friends that have like oh wow that was you know you be dropping jams you know what I'm saying? They'll be like, oh, you know what? The people need to hear this. So I definitely want to bring you on. We're going to have some juicy conversations. So without further ado, everyone welcome, Dresheer. It's Dresheer like.

Dresheer, oh my God.

Keep it in there. This is the thing. Yeah. It's my whole life, okay? My grandma don't even pronounce my name right. Okay. And I have the heart to correct her, but it's all right. It's okay. So for y'all listening, it's Dresheer. Did I say it right at all? You said Dresheer. I don't know why people have to hear it. Like ear. Is it eerie? Am I eerie to people? Because of how you spell it. I just. Dre Sher. Dre Sher. Dre Sher. Okay. Man. It's fine. But also go by Dre. I go by Dre as well. Like the doctor. Absolutely. One, two. Thank our sponsors before we get into some weed conversation. The Business Entertainment West. They are in the business of providing entertainment on the West Coast. You can find them on Instagram at bizentwest underscore Vegas and tell them thank you for bringing ENT back on the airwaves. So as you guys know I like to start it off you know on the flower. So some big news here in Las Vegas. On Friday, January 13th, an executive order was issued freezing the issuance of any new regulations and requiring a review of existing regulations by all executive branch agencies, departments, and boards commissioned. Now this means that all new Nevada regulations are effectively on hold. The Governor has declared that all statewide groups must review their mandatory regulations and how they enforce these regulations. So this includes the Cannabis Compliance Board, which is the CCB. As such, no new CCB regulations will be issued until the order is resolved. Now this is major because the CCB is, this is what has formatted the cannabis industry. Now, you know, this is the fear, right? So you have a business like, oh, you know, you got to stay in line because the CCB is going to come and write you up. It actually, with their fines, they have taken a lot of small businesses out of business. You know, you can be fined. I want to say it was like $25,000 for not having paper towels in your bathroom if they come to your dispensary. Like it literally the fines can wipe you out clean. So and some of them don't quite make sense. We've kind of talked about some of those as far as the taxes go and you know, things of that nature. So I am glad to see that something is happening and actually next week I'm going to have someone from this from the board come on so we can kind of you know see what we can talk about but I just want to give you guys that update because that smells like a little bit like change like something happened and now we're gonna figure it out so in other news in Hawaii they actually plan to announce legalization of cannabis so I think that that will be amazing for for Hawaii because they can keep that money there on that island and that type of income from the tourists alone could make generational changes there on the island. I feel like Hawaii is an afterthought when we talk about funding and things of that nature. So I'm all for it. Go to Hawaii. Do you think so obviously they would grow their own cannabis and I just think that that volcanic soil is gonna make some really Aloha weed. This is gonna be amazing. I would definitely give it a shot. Yeah. Yeah. So good for you Hawaii. I'm glad. Go Hawaii. Kudos to you. So all right. Well there's our weed news. I want to get into some conversation that's kind of circulating on social media. I'm two words, I'm going to say it and some people are going to clinch up. Lori Harvey. Okay, there's a lot of people just in her business. All in it. You know, we're going to talk a little bit about it. But I'm just saying, there's a lot of judgment going on. It appears that it's praised when men do it. Future. Yeah, didn't she take 15? yeah that was a thing i wanted to put you know maybe that's what she learned i don't know it was Whitney Houston's song uh i learned from the best you know hey you know so um the the standard on that so what do you think i definitely think it's a double standard um i feel like first of all she don't miss because that is looking at the list of the roster. It's been a...

I'm like, okay girl.

She choosing very choosable choices. I'll say that. She's hitting the nail, the hammer on the nail. That's a fact. What crystal, I wonder what crystal she used in Manifest. Right? What? This is the delicious, delicious man crystal. She putting some cinnamon on the candles. Something, some jars with some names and put them in her drawers. I don't know what she do, but she is attracting it. And you know, I had this theory, you know who her daddy is. Think like a man. Think like a man. So is it the fact that she's learning from her father just how to think like a man and even outside of that I kind of think this is just a part of life that you date people and if you like it you like it if you don't you don't mm-hmm you know there's no reason to and she's young she's just 26 yeah well and I think it's the fact that her life is displayed in a very public matter that just kind of amplifies it but nonetheless that's her business. That is. And like you said she be choosing the right choice. She ain't choosing no bums. I mean is she a heartbreaker? She a heartbreaker sometimes you gotta run through them. I'm glad that you know we grew up in the time that we did like you know we we had a little bit of what was it MySpace and those things but that's at our leisure. You know it was nowhere near as public. Right and because she has celebrity status like you said you know everybody's kind of looking at it but at this point it's kind of like people are choosing her as you know some people may say she's the definition of thottiness because she has had her share of of men but once again if it if it don't fit don't force it so whatever it is that she's learning in her journey I wish her the best and I wish her lots of excellent experiences with some of the finest men on the planet. You know what I'm saying I look forward to that red table talk yeah when she's done and Yeah, that'll down. I'm all here for it. So um, which brings me into gender roles Mm-hmm So since like I said, it's almost as if was not almost it is as if men can can date multiple people at the same time Simultaneously and be praised for it. But women we are supposed to Wait for that one and be don't ask for anything and baby actually I'm upset it took me this long to figure out a close now ain't gonna never get fit I don't care how sweet you are I don't care how gentle and feminine you pretend to be or that you may actually be um thank from my experience ain't nobody rolling out and just be like oh you know what you ain't asked for that so let me give you this this and that. I used to so this is from I think it was I guess it was TI's album back in the day. There was a skit in there and he said a woman that asks for everything don't get nothing but a woman that asks for nothing she'll get everything. And my stupid self excuse me I was not stupid I was just young and naive and unaware and inexperienced. Yes be gentle with her. I'm very gentle with her it's okay baby girl. The fact is, we already know how to do now. So the fact that that was his, his choice of philosophy back then. And the fact that I and many other women do pretty much believe in that and go with that type of mindset. It's kind of like, I'm glad that we're kind of waking up from that now too. It's like, you know, actually, I can ask for what I want. I'll tell you this, before I met my boo, and I'm putting this on the radio. Shout out to the boo.

Shout out to the boo.

The thing is, before I met him, I was very much on my Nola Darling. I learned a lot from Nola. Now, I wouldn't say I was doing everything Nola was doing, but I had my little roster, and they knew that they existed, that they all existed. And one of them, I remember he got cut cause he just felt like, what you mean you got a new date?

No, you gone gone date me, you won't be pleased.

And I was like, I don't even know you bro. I don't even know you. So this is just me having the opportunity to get to know you. And maybe you'll earn your spot of only one. Yeah, there is no number one now. It's just like the only one but maybe you earn that's fine he earned it he was he was intimidated uh-huh by the fact that I was doing the thing that he probably was also doing but was not mm-hmm honest about or confident enough to yeah to be honest about yeah I definitely resonate with that as there's been stages of dating where you know I felt like oh I actually like this guy so I'm not gonna talk to anybody else and let's see. Like you said I'm going to show younger Angie T grace and you know that's sweet baby but it's going to take a little bit longer doing it that way. You know what I'm saying like you said especially if they're doing it anyway so it's like live your truth and a confident man you know that really wants to pursue you get to know you that ain't going to really matter because obviously somebody ain't doing the job if the door is still open that's so not intimidated it's like and it's not a competition because if I'm dating you and you're you know dating other people or whatever it's okay either we're gonna click or you just call me and it's fun it's okay I don't know yeah no love life like hey yeah like I said don't fit don't force it. Yeah I think Plies was under a lot of fire he tweeted well some women rebuttaled well let me back up Plies tweeted I hate when men say they basically want you to be manipulated and dumb for them and some women say women we knew exactly what he meant when he said he wanted a woman to act like a woman so women these days are so masculine and act like men. That's been a conversation about the masculinity versus the feminine, divine feminine. Well I think it also gets confused because just because I'm feminine does not mean I'm soft. It doesn't mean that you can run over me and when I stand up for myself does not mean now I done turned into all masculine. Like there's still some power in being feminine. So, yeah, I think that it's a big thing that all of the genders need to realize is that we are a balance. Like, if you are only feminine, then you won't be able to do certain things that you may need to dive into their feminine aspects and women need their masculine aspects especially in this time a day and age to be able to navigate the world in a lot of ways. Like it's really comfortable to have a masculine man that is a provider that you can feel safe with you know those are great feelings but if you don't have that good to hear you say it you know it's great to have that right but if you don't have that the challenge is well what am I supposed to do now like you you have to embrace the masculine aspects of you now I understand when you're like you know some women they hard you know oh I get that you know they've gone through those experiences that have driven them in that direction and then they do need to find that balance. And men in the same way need to find their balance as well. Absolutely, I think sometimes when, especially we've been by ourselves for a while, we kind of just, we're used to playing both parts and just handling it. You know, it takes, it's an adjustment period when someone comes in and they want to help balance those things and want you to be able to lean on them and trust in them. So, Jamel Hill actually tweeted, now the question is, how do you think a woman should act? Um, yeah, that's a fully loaded, that's fully loaded. Who is this now?

Uh, Jameel Hill.

Who's that? Um, she is a journalist I believe.

Okay, okay.

Don't quote me on that. I love you Jameel Hill. I didn't realize that, I thought she was a guy. Put me on the spot. There's like Jameel, I know Jameel is a, I guess it's a, you can be a guy or girl with the name. Kind of like you're in a name. Yeah, Dresher, okay. Dresher Shaw, I'm the only one. The one and only, Dresher. That's, I love that question, that what is, how is a woman supposed to act? How you think? Okay, so I do not subscribe to an umbrella of all women. Like there are different, we, even us here, we can resonate a lot on things but we have different opinions and we're gonna we're gonna think that certain things are more acceptable than you but but for me I like I like my women with a little bit of umph in them you know I'm saying I like the strong women I like the women who aren't afraid to speak up who also know how to be gentle with their partner I like to see that switch. You know I got a lot of friends that are, they're dominant and they dominate in a male dominant industry and I think sometimes we got to tap into our, you know, that rough side to kind of make sure that you put some respect on our name because if I come in here and I'm dainty and I'm, you know, I'm too quiet then you're going to think that you can just run over me and then I'm going to have to, you know, so there's levels to it but I like one with a little bit of balance, you know what I'm saying? To have a little fun too, you know? A little something, when it's time to do a little something. I like that too. And Diaaree says that in one of her songs that she's a boss in her own world, but when she's with him, she's his girl. So it's like, I can be boss chick, you know, making things happen, closing deals every single day. But when I go home, can I be soft? Can I just lay back, relax, and know that I feel protected in this space? I think that a big part of that, of how a woman is supposed to act, is heavily based off of environment. Growing up, how'd you grow up? Did you grow up where you could be vulnerable? Did you grow up with someone to protect you? Did you grow up where you had to protect yourself or had to protect others? Those types of things really shape us as we grow throughout life. We, you know, nobody knows, it's not right or wrong. It's just like, that's just my circumstances. My circumstances cultivated a more masculine woman, you know, a person that's gonna be a go-getter, a hustler that is, like you said, not gonna take any, I can't say the word but they're not gonna take any of that you know they're gonna stand their ground they're gonna voice their opinion they're gonna make sure that their voice is heard and then you have others that maybe they were raised in an environment of abuse maybe they were raised where it's like okay if I speak my if I speak my truth if I speak up then there are repercussions for that and now you've grown up into adulthood where you're not really you don't feel like you have the power to be able to actually speak up for yourself or to say what you want to say so that's why therapy is great. It's amazing. Yeah. Yeah I actually hosted what we call coffee and conversations this morning in today's topic we talked about when I was in therapy it was only about eight or nine of us very intimate group but it was very impactful because we have women from the ages in their 20s 30s all the way up to 75 in the building and we were talking about that inner child and you know what because those experiences like you say it kind of shape us but this is no no shade to the women who are more submissive or more quiet because those are the same women like that I go to you know I'm saying sometimes I need a little nurture I need you pat me on the back even though if I'm being a brat you know just tell me everything's gonna be okay you know everybody plays their part so I don't really subscribe to try to make people into what they're not just be you allow people the space to be them that's the fact and then which brings me into the entrepreneurship segment of the show so want to talk about behaviors that diminish a black woman's power in the workplace. So one of the first mentions was doing someone else's job. I feel like we all have an experience that like this ain't even my job, but I just want to get it done. Yes. And let me just do it. Right. Mm hmm. And not getting a lick of credit for it. Mm hmm. And the person who whose job you did, they they won't even look you in the eye shining They over there shining getting all the accolades. Yeah, look at Bob over here. He's just he made it happen He's in the corner looking like I made it happen. Yeah This reminds me so did you watch Jenny and Georgia? It's a show on a series on Really good show there's an episode in this last season. I ain't gonna tell y'all the whole thing, just go watch it, it's pretty good. Well, there's an episode or a period in the show where the daughter's in school and she has this English teacher and the English teacher is kind of like your, I mean, yeah, say it. Okay, okay, so basically cis white male running the English class. And Jenny is biracial. And her job was well, her job is to be a student, you know, but he wanted to make inclusion a part of the class or he was, he was tasked with it. And instead of him going and learning what he needed to learn about how to be more inclusive and how to help people see life from the dynamic of people that are people of color or black people or whatever he asked her to choose a book and then after he asked her to choose a book he told her she had to teach class. Now her father who is her dad's a black man when she told him about this he's like well you know you got to decide by bringing the book forward, what else is gonna come from that? Because really it's his job to find the book that's gonna help everyone kind of understand the experience of other people. But by her choosing to show the book, she also in turn realized, wow, now he want me to teach the whole class. And that's... That was his job. That's not her job to do. And see, that's all, was she in high school? Mm-hmm, high school. And see, it starts young. It starts young.


Yeah. Well, which brings us to our next point, which is over proving yourself. So sometimes we do someone else's job. We take on these responsibilities, even as an entrepreneur. We feel like we have to go above and beyond to prove that we are worthy of having this title and getting your business to the point. Sometimes it's a disservice to us because we're not taking the time for self-care. We're not taking the time to kind of take a deep breath and see what it is that we need to do for our own mental state before we can continue on.

We just go, go, go.

Right. So, and do you mean that for clients or for inter-business relationships or within your own business? Both, for sure. When you are to gain more clients, you know, or to build the trust of clients. I do feel like you do need to go a little bit above and beyond to when you are an entrepreneur but to overprove yourself like sometimes it just isn't gonna work. Sometimes that customer just isn't for you so you shouldn't necessarily feel the pressure of needing to prove yourself when that's not even your type of customer. Allow the people who want your service who connect and resonate with what you provide. Allow them to come to you. You can't, you're gonna overwork yourself and not even get anything for it. And then another point was not building a squad. You have any thoughts on that? I will say this, I've had a couple businesses and have a couple businesses and the businesses that I enjoy the most and I feel most confident in are the ones that is partnerships. I don't know how many other entrepreneurs are willing to admit this but being a solopreneur sucks. It sucks and every single one of them that I know are worn down, drug through the mud, trying to keep this you know persona of everything's great and it's like actually it's not because you need help. You need some assistance. And so sometimes I know that entrepreneurs feel like it's their baby. You know, this is my baby. I can't possibly share the burden with you, you know, or have the trust to have another entity, another person, be a part of the growth for their business. And a lot of times that's what kind of keeps their business stagnant because they're so hell bent on doing all of the things, all the pieces, and are not in some cases willing to hire out for things, or willing to delegate, or willing to share in the experience of entrepreneurship. I find that a lot of entrepreneurs, because it's like the cool thing to do, are just like you said, are burnt out basically, and they're trying to keep this fursona, and it's like why are you doing this business? Are you doing this business for the clout that comes with being an entrepreneur or what people might think of you as an entrepreneur? Or are you actually doing this business because you sincerely want to provide a service that coincides with something that you love and something that you can provide for the general population? So I think that that's a big thing. Am I doing this because I really love this and I want to share with people or am I doing it because it validates my existence? Wow. Well thanks everybody for tuning in. That is and you know I don't I know we are getting close to the end of the show so I want to be respectful of that but a lot of those things that you mentioned come from if it comes from something right and like I say I'm still on this inner child thing that we talked about earlier today but that a lot of people were talking about how they were the oldest so they had to always take care of their younger siblings or something like that those same activities and that character trait those kind of transfer over and if it's not dealt with it can be to your detriment because you like you say you don't always have to be the only one you give people a chance and then fire them and then find somebody else that can do it. You know, everybody ain't gonna be perfect. You're gonna find a couple people that just don't need to be in business, but that's okay. And I had to learn that to delegate. And so even with being on air, I had to wait to the right time. And so I'm glad to have you here.

We can talk about this.

It's been a pleasure.


Second to last is to take your family time. So whether it's your birth family or the family that you've created around you, the people that bring you peace. It's always important to make time for that. Sometimes they don't have to know everything that's going on, but just being in their presence, they can share a laugh with you that boosts your spirit. You didn't even know you needed it or you was going to get that. Sometimes with dealing with grief, you have to force yourself into it sometimes sometimes you need to take time for yourself but for me personally I know I absorb a lot of the good energy that's why I'm very selective the people that I allow in my personal circle because sometimes I'm leaning on you for your energy you don't even know I don't want to suck it from you but whatever you can give at the moment you know I respect that and I take that and I needed that that's all I need I don't need you to over exert yourself either. So I think that's That's important. You have anything you want to add to that? You know, this is something that I've adopted for myself the last Three months and so I'm born on the 23rd. So I decide that every 23rd day of the month is my Self-care day doesn't matter what day if it's a Monday or a Sunday. It's my off day I'm only doing what I want to do and so I have a bag that I have all of these random activities and on the 23rd I pulled the activity for the next month and so on Monday coming up is the 23rd I'm going to the Springs Preserve because I've never been there and I'm like that's gonna that was something I wanted to do but I also will pull what will be for next month so now I created something to look forward to I like there's something to enjoy each month. And you can do that solo dolo or do that with a friend, family, whoever. Yeah. And that's just something that you can implement into your world to help you with your self-care and help you to actually just enjoy life at least one day out of the month. I like that. What's funny is literally yesterday I was like you know what because I don't have a schedule and a watering schedule for my plants. I just kind of look at them and if they look droopy like oh I need those water. So I was like you know what every 29th of the month I'm gonna put fertilizer on my plants. Yep that makes it easy just pick the day. Yeah I like that pick a day. Look every Saturday I'm gonna, I'm just playing, but I do like that method I'm gonna definitely adopt that. And then last but not least do not be afraid to be the only black person. For me, that was something I had to well I mean my background is in accounting I've worked at CPA firms so that's it wasn't necessarily being afraid but just being comfortable and just kind of working with that and the cannabis industry is no different you know when it first started out I would go to these conventions and stuff and I would never see anyone that looked like me but you know through time you know you know I go to these conventions now I'm starting to see more of it but just owning it you know I'm saying and then the people who accept you and vibe with you they will and the people who don't like I said it wasn't meant for you and that's a okay I'm okay with not being like now I don't feel like I have to prove anything to anybody because my tribe of people who want to celebrate me and support me are gonna continue to do that whether if you like it or not so that's a fact yeah thanks Angie for having me on. All minds cleared. All minds cleared? Now I'm gonna send around a collection plate of cash. Don't make me go church before we end. I'm trying to tell you. So I know it's time for us to get out of here but before we do we didn't even get to talk about your business or anything. Of course as y'all can see I'm gonna have her back because I'll do that. We have a good girl talk and y'all just overhearing our conversation. Um, but yeah, so social media, yeah, follow me on Instagram. Why not? If you're lucky, you'll be invited to my close friends where it's freaking hilarious in there. But anyway, in the meantime, at official Dresher, that's D-R-E-C-H-I-R. Y'all see why I say Dresher? No ma'am. No ma'am, they don't see why. It's the C-H-I-R. It's the I-R. Sure. Think French. Yeah. For sure. So once again I appreciate you guys for tuning in with us. If you would like to listen to the audio, in case you missed it, if you guys are tuning in from uh you and lv's uh radio station and i once again want to give a shout out to wesley in the back we gotta get some sound effects i appreciate you for rocking out with us and helping us with this audio um so without further ado i'm gonna close this out with us and helping us with this audio um so without further ado i'm gonna close this out

and i will see you guys the next episode

Transcribed with Cockatoo