Hardcover Live


The conversation covers various topics including weather, updates on projects, COVID-19, the discussions feature in Hardcover, improving user profiles, quotes and links, and the editor and customization.


The weather and personal updates set the context for the conversation.
Hardcover has released a big update and is working on implementing the discussions feature.
User profiles in Hardcover are being improved to provide more information and customization options.
The team is considering how to handle quotes and links in the discussions feature.


00:00 Introduction and Weather
01:34 Updates and COVID
03:02 Working from Home and COVID
08:35 Updates on Hardcover
17:31 Discussions Feature
27:26 Improving User Profiles
35:43 Quotes and Links
42:18 Editor and Customization

What is Hardcover Live?

Each week Adam & Ste focus on a specific feature, idea or prototype in Hardcover and iterate on it together or with guests.

Adam (00:01.142)
Hey, hey, stay. How's it going?

Ste (00:03.418)
Hi, Adam. I'm good. Enjoying a nice evening here in London. It's been very hot today. Yeah, this week, I don't know what's up with it, but it's summer all over again. I went sunbathing a bit earlier.

Adam (00:19.266)
Wow. Yeah. It's, it's kind of the opposite here. Like I, uh, went outside this morning to walk to the gym and it was 55 out, which is 12 Celsius.

Ste (00:35.926)
Okay, well that's pretty chilly. That's how the whole of July was over here. So it kind of like compensates right now with this kind of weather because July was almost unbearable. Yeah, it was like winter basically.

Adam (00:54.198)
Man, I think that would be lovely, but it was too cold.

Ste (00:59.09)
Yeah, it was, yeah, I mean, I don't mind it being chili, especially now I'm kind of like not looking forward to like 30, which is like, I actually looked up how to make the conversion, but I can't remember the formula. I think it's like the fifth or sixth time I tried to memorize it, but yeah, 30, pretty hot in London. Yeah. Apart from that.

Adam (01:24.67)
Yeah, yeah, 86 Fahrenheit.

Ste (01:28.994)
Yeah. Apart from that, have you been done?

Adam (01:34.682)
Um, it's been a busy last two weeks. Like I think since the last time we talked, we released like the big new update, no, wait, I think that was after I can't remember now. I think it was after, but yeah, we've been debugging the big release. And my wife came down with COVID after she came back from a trip. So we've been quarantining in separate rooms, but this morning.

Ste (01:37.656)

Adam (02:02.09)
she had a negative COVID test. So we think that, you know, she's feeling good. I think we can return to, you know, being in the same room together.

Ste (02:05.265)

Ste (02:14.782)
That's perfect. Yeah, it's this new variant. I've had like lots of friends catch it and it's not fun. It's not fun

Adam (02:24.434)
Man, yeah, I, so far I still haven't had COVID at all. So I'm, I'm going to see how long I can keep going. Like when, when my wife, this was my wife's first time getting it and her doctor was like, wow, congratulations, you made it this far.

Ste (02:33.766)
Wow. You're what? Yeah. Okay.

Ste (02:46.611)
Yeah, it's quite a feat actually. I mean, yeah, that's quite something.

Adam (02:52.054)
I think it's a combination of not working in an office and not having kids. It's like, those seem to be the two biggest ways of just being around other people.

Ste (02:56.869)

Ste (03:02.454)
Yeah, definitely. I feel so lucky working from home because of that, because all my friends who are working in an office get every kind of seasonal thing every time and I just wouldn't want to like have that at all. It's yeah, especially with COVID. Yeah, yeah, now that you're saying it, I think I had it but I haven't had like a positive test but yeah, maybe it was something else.

Adam (03:05.614)

Adam (03:13.165)

Ste (03:32.706)
one house. Yeah, pretty good.

Adam (03:36.777)
What have you been up to lately?

Ste (03:38.694)
Oh, well, lots of stuff. I went, I'm recovering well for from the sinus surgery. It's already like feeling way better, which is, yeah, quite a revelation to be able to like breathe like this way. I mean, I know, you know, I guess people who had sinus surgery can, can relate, but yeah, it feels like way different. Um, yeah. And last weekend we went to one of

Adam (03:50.766)

Ste (04:07.934)
the seaside cities over here with the little one as well. And it was really nice. It's a nice little city called Brighton. And it's Brighton and it's linked with another city, Hove. Yeah. And this has been really developing for the past three years. I've been, the last time I've been there was three years ago. It's only one hour away from London. So it's kind of like Coney Island, but London's Coney Island. And...

Maybe Coney Island got a bit better since last time I was there eight or nine years ago, but it was kind of like a bit run down and it had that really nice seaside rundown vibe. But yeah, it wasn't like the most thriving place, but lots of like interesting people. I had some like fried shrimp there and it was a really nice atmosphere with all the...

Adam (04:59.042)

Ste (05:07.474)
people hanging around Coney Island, the usual, like, yeah, locals.

Adam (05:12.734)
It's a very different vibe than something like, have you ever seen Sanditon, the show? It's like PBS, like BBC Masterpiece thing, but it's set in an English seaside town. And it's really good, but it's very like, yeah, it's like a Downton Abbey set in a small town. And like, yeah.

Ste (05:18.144)

Ste (05:24.045)

Ste (05:28.27)

Ste (05:38.47)
Okay, I'll have to check that out. Actually, I'm into this kind of stuff.

Adam (05:43.907)
Yeah, it's only two seasons, but it's really good. But yeah, I imagine like that's that kind of like small English town when I imagine like a small English seaside town, but that's probably like 100 years ago or 200 years ago.

Ste (05:44.174)
Yeah. Okay.

Ste (05:52.635)

Yeah, exactly. All the stuff over there, it looks like it's not been maintained for like the last hundred years. But actually, you know, it's a bit better now. I was actually surprised that, you know, stuff was beginning to pick up. They're tearing down lots of old stuff, which was run down and putting new stuff in place. And the new stuff is not tacky. It's okay. Yeah. Plus like a ton of cafes and...

shops. One of my favorite clothing brands, small clothing brands is from there and I went to their shop. It's like a brand called Story MFD and they're kind of like this new wish hippie vibe. Yeah.

Adam (06:42.094)
Interesting. What did you say they were called?

Ste (06:44.818)
Story MFG. It's a couple who owns it and they've been really doing great in terms of aesthetics. You know, I used to own a fashion brand so I'm into that stuff. Yeah, we have the nice tote bag, you know, the kind of like Japanese looking tote bag. They also had some nice sun hats. Really cool stuff. Long stuff. Yeah.

Adam (07:02.882)

Adam (07:10.046)
Nice. Yeah, they're very colorful and like eclectic. Yeah.

Ste (07:14.574)
Yeah, it kind of looks like there's another brand called Bodhi in New York and they've been like really big lately as well. They do, I think, upcycle stuff. So they take old clothing and they revamp it. But yeah, it's really, I guess, in for the it has been in for the last couple of years. Really good New York stuff. Yeah.

Adam (07:35.32)

Adam (07:40.768)
I'm like slowly trying to like, well, one of the things I've decided not to do is buy any more gray shirts. Like I like all of my gray shirts are like the ones I wear are the ones I stopped buying like two years ago. So any new shirts I get have to be like colorful and but I still have like, you know, GitHub shirts and things like that.

Ste (07:47.282)

Ste (07:54.226)

Ste (08:01.831)
Yeah, you can never get rid of those. Yeah, well, that's a great jewel. I've been actually trying to do that myself because I've been buying stuff which is like one color. I'm usually like going to Uniqlo, which is like the go-to place where I buy all my basics. But yeah, lately I've been like looking at it. Okay, this is just like brown all over. So yeah, I need to drift it up a bit. So yeah.

all in for that kind of role.

Ste (08:35.882)
Yeah. And on the hardcover side, lots of stuff happening. It's been really exciting to see the new updates coming in and the whole experience being a lot more speedy and the search going well and our users started growing as well. We hit the three K mark, which is. Yeah. Yesterday actually. So yeah, well done us, I guess.

Adam (08:53.486)

Adam (08:57.91)
3,000. Yep. And yep. Yeah. And just like seeing, I was checking out the Google SEO and seeing going from five clicks to 15 clicks in a week, maybe in another week or two, that'll double again. We'll see.

or triplet again, we'll see.

Ste (09:26.758)
Yeah, I'm hoping for that exponential growth. So fingers crossed.

Adam (09:31.182)
Yeah, we were so, like with the previous site, like the minimum amount of JavaScript and HTML that would be downloaded was something like 400K, just to like show anything. And on top of that, there was like a longer time until the page was like usable and it had some like cumulative layout shift. So we've kind of taken care of all of that. So hopefully now.

Google will like us.

Ste (10:01.71)
Yes, fingers crossed. Yeah, the rules they have set in place are, I mean, they're good, not complaining, but yeah, they're really strict. So glad we're keeping it within those bounds.

Adam (10:16.614)
Yeah. And yeah, especially now that the, the book page itself is like server side rendered and so the, like when you download it initially from hardcover, it already has, you know, the title, all the information, the reviews, everything about the book compared to before where you load the page and then it would have to make API requests to get all the data for the page. So now it, it'll like, you know, it's, it's both.

a better experience for users and for search engines. So yeah, it's amazing how much work goes into like making that transition site wide and we've only done it for a couple of pages right now. Like most pages are still kind of a combination of server and client side rendered, but yeah, the profile is also one that like the user profile. That one's also server side rendering.

Ste (10:57.672)

Ste (11:06.832)

Ste (11:14.186)
Okay, nice. That's why it flows so fast.

Adam (11:15.494)

But that had one like unexpected consequence. And it's that, like if you go to your profile, it'll show you the public, everything that you have made public. So if you have a friend's only goal or a friend's only book, it doesn't show up in there, which is why, if you've ever looked at like why the red count is off on like the red books versus the count at the top.

It's because the count at the top is using like any kind of books read and the one in the, in the bottom part is only the ones that you would be able to view that person has read. And it took me so long to figure out why that was happening.

Ste (11:59.83)
Wow, that's what was causing it. Yeah, that was such a, I mean, on Discord, I think it's at least three people who mentioned that. So good that you got to the bottom of that. Yeah, it's so complicated. And server-side rendering is a thing that even for development, it was kind of like, it's kind of recent. I mean, maybe you know better, but I think React, introducing server components was a thing that happened in 2022.

Adam (12:08.066)

Ste (12:29.254)
last year, maybe even 2023, actually.

Adam (12:34.278)
Yeah, like there's, there have been ways to do it for a couple years, um, like on the JavaScript side for other languages, it's, it was normally the server side rendering first JavaScript frameworks came at it as Jerv server side rendering the last. Um, but yeah, even for react, there've been ways to do it for like 10 years, but there hasn't been server components. So it's been. Kind of a

Ste (12:41.523)
Thank you.

Adam (13:02.79)
you've had to jump through quite a few hoops to even get it to work with React until somewhat recently, like in the last year or two. It always makes me wonder, if we were doing hardcover in Ruby on Rails as the front end, then everything would be server-side generated. But then we wouldn't have the same level of interactivity that we're able to do on...

Ste (13:24.19)
Oh yeah.

Adam (13:32.03)
All the react side would have been more difficult.

Ste (13:34.018)
Yeah. Plus the ecosystem I'm imagining it's way better for React than for other, uh, yeah, just doing it in Ruby or other.

Adam (13:48.426)
Yeah. I guess as soon as you start doing JavaScript, then it doing JavaScript with rails becomes a nightmare very fast.

Ste (13:56.066)
Oh God. Yeah. I can imagine. I'm seeing these tweets of people doing stuff in 3JS and WebGL. And it's like these wild fluid simulations with something falling in the liquid. And it's so realistic. And we're trying to like center, render GIFs, render DIVs in the browser. And, you know, equally difficult. I mean, different stuff. But...

Yeah, I guess shows how much these things like evolved for separate purposes and how like, yeah, handling data is so much different than like doing those kinds of animations. I remember the flash days. I have a few friends who developed websites in flash and they were devastated when it actually got interrupted. And I actually saw some flash sites pop up on Twitter lately. And.

Adam (14:43.829)
Oh yeah?

Ste (14:56.795)
They're freaking amazing. You couldn't even do that with CSS today unless you were really keen on doing lots of animations. But yeah, it was crazy. It could have been another universe, but then again, yeah, flash habits, bad stuff as well, I guess.

Adam (15:16.23)
Yeah, it was, it was fun for the time. It pushed forward like all of the stuff that happened with DHTML and like dynamic HTML, I feel like that was pushed forward by all the innovative stuff people were doing in flash, but then wanting to not do it in flash. I was, I was just looking into three JS the other day and let me share this, uh, this tab.

Ste (15:34.731)
Yeah, yeah. Oh god, yeah.

Adam (15:46.346)
I was like admiring this visualization on the, on Three.js's website.

Ste (15:52.406)
Oh wow, look at that. Yeah. Ha ha ha.

Adam (15:54.826)
I'm like, wow, this is like the stuff you can do. And it like, you know, there are little things you can zoom in, like it is like, yeah, like, it's just so neat what you can do with it.

Ste (15:58.19)
Yeah, that's a lot of dibs. Yeah.

Ste (16:07.28)
Oh wow.


Ste (16:15.342)
Yeah, it's amazing. Well, it's as hard to do that as centering a diff, so we have our own struggles.

Adam (16:26.785)
And don't even get me started on vertically centering it.

Ste (16:30.316)
Yeah, it's okay. Now that we have Tailwind, I guess that's like what? Yeah. I think I know.

Ste (16:40.346)
Yeah, nice. And now we're talking about the next chapter and what we're gonna do for a hardcover, which is very exciting as well. I think this is the next major update, which we've been talking about for a while, discussions. And it's been really fun gathering feedback. I know you had some really good calls with lots of people who had really strong, let's say,

uh, feelings towards discussions and how they would look like. And it's been really nice to see how everyone would envision those. And we did a lot of, I think we're getting close to having something that we can start working on, I guess.

Adam (17:31.714)
Yeah. I'd, uh, I think my hope is that maybe like this month, like by the end of September, we can get to a place where we have like a good, like V one idea of like what we want to implement. And I think we're, we're on the right track. We just need to, uh, yeah, just, just continue iterating on what we have, but I feel like we're on the right track.

Ste (17:46.14)

Ste (17:57.914)
Yeah, yeah, I think it will need, yeah, exactly. A couple more iterations and some other rounds of feedback. I mean, should we go through what we've been doing in design so far and just show everyone like an overview?

Adam (18:15.71)
Yeah. And we can kind of touch on comments from people as we're going through it.

Ste (18:22.534)
Yeah, perfect. Okay, so let me share my screen. The entire thing. Here we go.

Ste (18:34.878)
So, App and Web Designs, the Discussions tab.

Adam (18:45.466)
Yeah, so these are the three designs that I showed to the last interview.

Ste (18:52.754)
This one's on the top, right?

Adam (18:54.542)
The ones on the bottom right are the, which were kind of like variants of, uh, the ones we already had with like small, uh, small tweaks.

Ste (18:56.186)
Oh, one's on the bottom right, okay.

Ste (19:06.746)
Yeah, so these are going towards our goal of having discussion boards for each book. So right now we can see the book title and the like minimized header. This is the discussions tab and these are discussions. So they're looking good. Lots of like interesting things happening here from...

our point of view. We talked about doing this so that it's as flexible as possible and allows you to post everything you'd want to post about the book. So if you have a question or if you want to mention a book as part of a wider overview of books, or if you want to share a book.

quotes that you want to discuss, or if you want to share a link, these will all be types of actually shapes which the discussions can take. But essentially they will be discussion items. They would just have different features, so different tags. They would have different things you'd view when you are browsing them. So you could have...

list of books that have a small description for links, you just have the link. So I think this is like really close to how it might look like when, when it's live.

Adam (20:57.115)
Yeah. I think like the high level idea of like, there's a discussion section under books and there are like different types of discussions and we show them here and we order them by some kind of like hotness by like how, how much discussion there's been on it recently, but with the ability to sort them by like, you know, last updated or things like that. I feel like that part is.

like fully understood by everyone I've talked to. Like people get it, they understand it, they like it. They like, yeah, I feel like that part is solid. And now like, then it gets into like the individual, like little individual posts and how we like display those. And I feel like that's kind of where we're at now.

Ste (21:52.402)
Mm-hmm. Yeah, exactly. Showing this to people, I'm wondering what felt the least clear when they were viewing all of this.

Adam (22:05.934)
So I think on this page, the things that were least clear to people were...

Adam (22:16.446)
Like some of the info about the reader, like this, like finished reading this book and the number. Um, so far, no one has been like, Oh, that means that this person finished reading Cersei or this person is on, I think maybe like it's kind of, or it's kind of like this or that. But yeah, but yeah, like they, uh, they didn't get that this was that person's state for this book.

Ste (22:23.974)

Ste (22:36.39)
Yeah, oh yeah, exactly. Yeah, that's it.

Ste (22:46.214)
Mm-hmm. Yeah, maybe we should make that clear. I mean over here This is in the first like iteration the number of books read

but then we're thinking this could also be the page number.

Adam (23:08.386)
That was one of the things that people were confused about. Like, is that how far that person is in the book or is that the page number? And when a...

Ste (23:15.179)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Adam (23:21.834)
Like that was one of the things that was also hard to like get at when I was like a interviewing people, like when they learned like, Oh, that's the number of books they read, they liked that there was some way that we were, um, kind of like showing social or like expertise in some way they liked that there was something that demonstrated expertise, but they didn't feel like we nailed expertise yet.

Ste (23:43.607)

Ste (23:51.006)
Okay, that's a very good observation. I think looking at these, what stands out is, I mean, this seems like a primary information that you would wanna see. So when someone posted this, what page were they on? So yeah, it would be either this or that. Or what minutes were they on for the audio book?

I'm guessing...

Adam (24:21.05)
Or maybe, or maybe we normalize it and just show percentage done, but I don't know, or, or it's, or it becomes like a component that like, it starts as something and then as you click it, it changes to a page number and then you click it again and it changes to a.

Ste (24:25.422)
Oh yeah, that's true. Yeah.

Ste (24:36.986)
Yeah, that could, I mean, if we get that the only like complication I saw was that some people might be listening to audiobooks. So the percentage could solve that. But changing it could also be interesting because let's say you're on page 200 and you just want to see posts that were made up to page 200. Of course, you'd be able to set that over here, maybe in filters as well. But.

Uh, 34% might not be like clear if you tap on it and says page, whatever. If it's the same edition. Yeah, you'd know. Okay. So they read up to the point where I've read. So that's cool. I can like read this where I can click on this.

Ste (25:32.922)
Yeah. So it could be either this or this. Yeah.

Adam (25:35.221)
Yeah, it makes me wonder about instead of doing a badge, we say something, we just like say it in text like.

Adam (25:49.29)
Like, no, and we say like, has.

Ste (25:51.162)
Even this, like...

Adam (25:55.562)
Red, 34%.

Ste (25:59.714)
Nice. Yeah, that's perfect. Maybe even, I mean, when they posted it, do you feel like it's that important?

Adam (26:09.806)
I think it needs to be somewhere, but it doesn't necessarily mean at the top. Maybe it's on the top right, and then this goes down here, because I think when I've been kind of trained to look at the bottom left from all social media platforms.

Ste (26:11.61)
Yeah, this would be some word, but it doesn't seem primal.

Ste (26:25.122)
Oh yeah, I think I actually moved it in one of the designs. I don't know where, but oh yeah, somewhere over here. Yeah, definitely moved it. Yeah, for that. Yeah, exactly. So replies, yeah. This.

Adam (26:34.37)
Oh yeah.

Adam (26:43.294)
And I'm thinking about if we want. Yeah.

Ste (26:47.014)
the profiles. Yeah, we can remove them. I mean, it's, if these are people in your network, it would be nice, but then again, it wouldn't be mandatory. So we can start with the mandatory items and then...

Adam (26:55.714)
It's true.

Ste (27:03.09)
Let's say a goal.

Adam (27:06.54)

Ste (27:07.418)
and maybe move to the like.

Adam (27:13.569)

I think that's very clear.

Ste (27:18.098)
Yeah, this was already way clear. And then for the, let's see, for the prestige score, I'm just gonna zoom out a bit and grab some of those badges from the book page where we had those reviews. Where are they? Ah, here they are.

Adam (27:38.086)
Oh, yeah.

Ste (27:40.551)
Okay, let's go here.

Sorry everyone if we're navigating too fast.

Ste (27:52.434)
Here we go, yeah. So where is that? Oh, here it is. So maybe the score, or it could be over here. I think we have quite a bit of space, especially on desktop and on mobile, we'll see.

Adam (28:04.93)
Yeah. And plus that's like the row about the user.

Ste (28:09.238)
Yeah, exactly. So it could be there. I'm guessing.

Adam (28:13.078)
Yeah. And, and that would like, that is more, more targeted in terms of what it's talking about because it is like, uh, genres for this. So the idea is that like, this book is a, uh, fantasy and I don't know, adventure or whatever the symbols are book. And this reader has read 234 fantasy books. And

Ste (28:37.789)

Adam (28:43.723)
Uh, 856, which did that be like adventure?

Ste (28:47.294)

Ste (28:53.923)
or adventure. I was hoping for a pirate ship over there. I don't know what that was. A map. Okay, a map. Okay, adventure. Yeah.

Adam (28:59.11)
I think we're using like a map.

Adam (29:06.766)

Ste (29:07.698)
Maybe another map, but yeah, we can leave this one. Yeah, that's amazing. So this tells you that this user not only has read 34% of that book, but they also read 234 other fantasy books and 856 adventure books. So that's like, yeah, top prestige.

Adam (29:29.886)
And I seeing this, I'd also wonder like they've read 34%, but it's really, what's important, is it important that they have read 34% or that they had read 34% at the time this post was made? Cause like, if they complete the book after the fact, should that continue to go up?

Ste (29:52.374)
Oh no, definitely. So yeah, this is something like this, not with this wording, but basically means that this user posted when they've read up to 34% of that book. So it's not related to like their current progress, but the progress they made when they posted this, right?

Adam (30:22.378)
Right. And maybe if they don't have this, we could just say something like, oops.

Adam (30:34.804)

Adam (30:39.038)
Something like, you know, is currently reading or.

Ste (30:44.519)
Oh yeah.

Ste (30:47.838)
finished reading.

Adam (30:49.351)

Ste (30:51.91)
Yeah, this is way clear. And I like the actual language instead of the tags. It's not a lot of text, so I think we can afford to do that.

Ste (31:06.338)
also helps for the book clubs, which will be my next question.

Adam (31:16.638)
Or maybe instead of posted at is like, like is currently reading at.

Ste (31:27.238)
Yeah, something like that. So it has to be though.

Adam (31:29.031)
And that way, if they don't update progress, it'll look like that. But if they do update progress, it looks like that.

Ste (31:36.398)
Yeah. I'm wondering if people see this, would they think that Nina reads posted when they were at, if they are still at 34% or if they got past that. So let's say Nina makes another post. Uh, so it's like 53.

Adam (31:45.442)

Adam (31:58.414)
Good point.

Ste (32:05.674)
or let's say this one mentions the page. So it's, yeah. All right, listen, sorry about that. They're crazy around here.

Ste (32:17.33)
So if this happens...

Adam (32:22.195)
Yeah, maybe currently reading isn't the...

That terminology. Maybe instead of is currently reading, we say was currently reading.

Ste (32:33.602)
Yeah, exactly. So if they finish reading, if they finish reading, yeah.

Ste (32:45.694)
So that would say this was posted when the reader was at page whatever or they went through 53%.

Adam (32:56.478)
Yeah, maybe just say just was at 30 or was reading.

Ste (33:00.718)
Yeah. Oh yeah. That's way clearer.


Ste (33:10.862)
Yeah, and they are still reading that book.

Ste (33:17.27)
If they were, I mean, if we get the status here and they are currently reading, we can say is currently reading. And I'm guessing if they finished that book, it could say just finished reading. Maybe for the posts that don't have like any progress on them, because it's kind of different. So this shows where it was posted. This shows the status. So it's kind of like, yeah, it has a different meaning.

Adam (33:36.351)
Yeah, if you go up.

Ste (33:47.13)
Yeah, exactly. So I'm just gonna leave it was reading. Yeah. So they posted this when they were reading, but they didn't update their progress. So you don't know when this was posted.

Adam (33:58.91)
Right. And one up higher than that, I had like, has red, but I don't know if that, maybe it's just like, yeah, it's like red.

Ste (34:13.915)
red than the checkmark.

Adam (34:19.518)
Yeah. Or how about like red? And then it's like.

Ste (34:27.414)
Oh yeah, nice, yeah, that's nice. Yeah, yeah, that's cool.

Ste (34:38.182)
Yeah, this is good.

Ste (34:48.99)
There was also the comment that quotes.

are something different than all of these, but I kind of, I mean, the thing is.

Ste (35:04.914)
That comment was really good from the point of view that there should be a quotes tab in here. But I'm wondering, do we differentiate between quotes posted here? Like start like a spark for discussions and quotes added as quotes where you don't actually want comments.

Adam (35:23.507)

Ste (35:35.354)
Or should we make it the same thing? Because, yeah, I'm guessing.

If you post a quote, it should by default, in my mind at least, allow comments and it can become like a discussion point. So maybe the quotes appear here just as like quotes posted by these readers without the comments. But over here, it's the same quotes. So we just showed them differently. So.

This one would just get shown as like this quote without the discussion like a rapper. Does that make sense?

Adam (36:23.705)
So if you view it on the quotes page, the quotes page isn't a place for discussion. The quotes page is just a place for quotes, is what you're saying.

Ste (36:32.698)
Yeah, you just, yeah, exactly. You just did the quotes.

Adam (36:36.254)
And maybe we can still link to the discussion, but it's not like highlighted, it's not optimized for it.

Ste (36:44.646)
Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Now that you're saying it, maybe we can just leave them as discussions. And we also show the quotes. I mean, we can show them differently. It doesn't have to be like in this box, but yeah, I'd show the replies if there are replies as well. And maybe in the editing, if you don't want quotes, you can, uh, if you don't want comments to quotes, you can specify that, but by default, if you post a quote.

People can comment on that quote saying, okay, this resonated with me. Yeah.

Adam (37:19.466)
Yeah. I, yeah. I think that makes sense.

Ste (37:26.586)
Yeah, plus the quotes being in here, I think is a thing we can solve by making the filters really easy to use. So if you don't wanna see quotes in here, it would just be as simple as clicking this and unchecking quotes.

Adam (37:48.234)
Right, so yeah, the filters, I was just making some notes. We need to be able to filter by like post type, which is like discussion, quote, link.

Ste (37:57.179)

Ste (38:01.406)
question, if you want to see links, I mean, some people might want to just see links. Instead of having a links tab, I would much rather have like a filter that doesn't take them away from here. I mean, we can have a links tab that shows the links, but just filtering them from this menu, I think would be enough.

Adam (38:26.246)
Yeah. It's, it's a, yeah, it's kind of a question. Like if we have links would like, maybe if there's like enough of them, then it makes sense to have a links tag. But I imagine like, you know, if there's, if there's only a couple of links, it doesn't make sense to have a whole separate page for it. So maybe it's like only if that book has enough links that we even show that tab.

Like only once a book has like 10 links to even show that tab or same with quotes. We don't even show the quotes one until people have created at least like five quotes or one quote.

Ste (39:07.438)
Yeah, definitely. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah, that's a really good point. I mean, most books won't have that from the start. I'm also thinking, I mean, it's also a problem of how we categorize things in terms of category, I guess, because if we pose them as separate things, would we want that?

or would we want them to be part of the discussions? That's why I was thinking if we do a quotes tab, maybe we can just show the quote. But then again, I wouldn't mind encouraging people to talk about these, even if they're links, yeah.

Adam (39:57.298)
Yeah. And, and maybe the sorting is going to be different because I could see the quotes being sorted by just most likes. And then it's the best quotes are at the top rather than sorting by like a relevancy or recency, because like you, when you go to the quotes tab, what I would want to see is the best quotes from the book, not the, not the most recently hot quotes.

Ste (40:17.659)

Yeah, exactly. Yeah, so that's kind of like discussion. So maybe this is just like showing things. I'm also thinking like, this is a discussion. So you can see all this stuff in here, but on the links tab, maybe you just want to see the link and the...

Ste (40:39.73)
thing we've just been working on, which I'm forgetting. The OG image, yeah. The, yeah. So it's kind of different from like what we're showing here. It's maybe a box with like the OG image and it's just something like this. And maybe, yeah, you get the user who posted it as well. And this is a link.

Adam (40:44.046)
Oh yeah. Yeah.

Ste (41:11.87)
and we have the go to discussion.

Hmm, actually, yeah. Now that I imagine how it would look like, not sure about like separating them, but yeah, we can separate them. It's, I mean, not that we should focus on now, I guess.

Adam (41:32.14)

Um, yeah, I think, uh,

having it with like one card style that shows up the same in both would for sure be the easiest way to go.

Ste (41:48.314)
Yeah, exactly.

Adam (41:49.79)
And then we could also like change it over time if like we realize like, you know, when, when we're viewing the quotes, like as soon as we get this on staging and we start using it, we're like, Oh, when I view the quotes page, I really don't want to see this or this doesn't make sense to see we can start tweaking it.

Ste (42:03.79)
Yeah, exactly. Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. OK, I think this is a really good spot to have us like rule over it. I also wanted to look at the editor. Yeah. Yes.

Adam (42:18.098)
Oh, I had one, one other thing before we switched to the next page. Uh, one of the things that, um, it's kind of interesting for that we have is like, we know like how far the current reader is in this book and we could hide, um, you know, things that are passed or where they've read in the book. Um, but I feel like in order to do that, we need to like, make it really obvious that.

Ste (42:41.863)

Ste (42:46.055)

Adam (42:47.394)
that that's a setting that like what you're seeing when you're viewing this page isn't what's custom to you. Like it's based on where you are in the book.

Ste (42:58.03)

Adam (42:59.802)
And doing that like hidden under a filter, I worry would kind of get, get lost.

Ste (43:03.95)
Yes, showing. So basically we wanna just show posts that were made.

up to a certain percentage done or up to a certain page if the reader is currently reading that book, right? Showing results up to page. So something kind of like this 35%.

and maybe having a...

Ste (43:47.614)
So, all.

Ste (43:51.41)
So, yeah, this would be like the most basic version, right?

Ste (43:58.927)
Okay, so how do we improve this? Yeah.

Adam (44:01.034)
One kind of out there visualization tool that I've used is doing something like this with

Adam (44:17.018)
And this is very out there, but bear with me for a second. So like this little line under here.

Ste (44:20.434)
Yeah, no, go ahead, yeah.

Adam (44:30.223)
and maybe...

Adam (44:36.286)
like this indicates like where they are in the book. So for instance,

Adam (44:44.974)
Like there's a little circle here.

Ste (44:46.898)
Hmm, okay.

Ste (44:51.666)
So kind of like their goal, but kind of like the thing we use for it. Yeah.

Adam (44:57.546)
Yeah. And, and they can like click on that circle and drag it to other spots in the book. And if they drag it all the way to the right, that's the same as show all. And we could probably still have it, but, and then as they're clicking and dragging that little dot, the P one, two, three part is like gonna change.

Ste (45:07.358)
Thank you.

Ste (45:14.566)
Yeah, it did.

Ste (45:20.73)
Yeah, this is nice. This is really good. This is a really good idea. But I think we should make it bigger. So, I mean, if they're gonna drag in that like small circle, they're gonna, yeah. Even on desktop. If I like, yeah, but if they did this, okay. So maybe we do this and maybe.

Adam (45:33.246)
It would be very hard on mobile to click on something that tiny. Yeah.

Ste (45:55.905)
Maybe this changes. Okay, so we want a fixed point, so yeah.

Ste (46:08.766)
Or yeah, just kidding. Yeah.

Adam (46:09.466)
I can see it up there, yeah.

and uh

Ste (46:14.235)
out a bit so this and yeah this is looking good

Adam (46:19.762)
One kind of like other far off idea that I had for this was a

Like if there was a small background behind this, that kind of looked like this.

Adam (46:37.62)
I mean, uh...

just do this here.

Ste (46:42.658)
And with that be the mood, let me guess.

Adam (46:45.766)
It's kind of like, is there a way to fill this? Fill, oh, it didn't fill all of it. I must've, oh, I overlapped it. There you go.

Ste (46:52.382)
Oh yeah. Oh wait. Yeah. Oh wait. No, there's a point in there. Let me see if I can find which one. Oh yeah, here it is.

Yeah, this was very close.

Adam (47:06.971)
cool. And it's kind of like your, it's a visualization of where people are talking about this book.

Ste (47:18.254)
Oh yeah, oh yeah, it's not, yeah of course it's not the moon. God, yeah that was, yes.

Adam (47:22.826)
So it's like, you know, there's a lot of discussion at this point in the book, there's a lot of discussion at this point in the book, and then there's a lot of discussion at the end.

Ste (47:28.282)

Ste (47:32.795)
This is very good, yeah.

Ste (47:38.322)

Ste (47:44.378)
Passively, we'll make this show a little...

Adam (47:51.102)
And maybe like, if you're, if you're like this and you're highlighting it to that point, maybe like from that point forward, we even like blur it so that way you don't, you don't even know like that. There's going to be a big part that's talked about a hundred pages from now. Cause that, cause even, even knowing that's a spoiler.

Ste (47:51.13)
Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Ste (48:11.994)
Nah, or true. But then again, I think it would be on the side that, you know, it's pretty vague. So you're kind of like.

Yeah, maybe it could be a spoiler, but... I don't-

Adam (48:28.79)
You could, you could always like click on it to show it. Like maybe it's a, like.

Ste (48:32.578)
Yeah, that's true. Let's see if I can set this to like 1%.

Ste (48:48.103)
Oh, maybe even.

Adam (48:56.566)
Yeah, it's kind of like that, like you.

Ste (48:59.576)
Uh huh.

Adam (49:03.895)
Or we just like cut it off at that point and we don't even show it.

Ste (49:07.094)
Oh yeah, it can actually be... Wait, I'm gonna make it into like a gradient.

Ste (49:19.486)
So this is 100 and this is this color and this is this color but no opacity and yeah we just like

Where's the gradient? OK. Let's do this.

Adam (49:41.774)
Oh, nice, yeah.

Ste (49:44.463)

Adam (49:46.09)
Yeah, exactly. Something that just like shows it blurs off. And, and as you start dragging this little, man, I just wanted to grab it and drag it. That's how I think that's a good sign when you want to start interacting with the prototype.

Ste (49:54.031)

Ste (49:58.774)
Yeah, exactly. This is perfect. Yeah, yeah, this is a great idea.

Adam (50:05.406)
Maybe since we have this chart here, maybe this all ends up going like below it.

Ste (50:12.546)
Yeah, I mean, yeah, I wouldn't mind a little bit of overlap, but...

Adam (50:14.582)
instead of on.

instead of on top of the graph.

Adam (50:33.194)
change this to say discussions.

Adam (50:49.819)
That's kind of because.

this one is in like currently reading. And so it's.

Ste (50:58.405)
Oh yes.

Adam (51:04.386)

Adam (51:07.686)
And I'm thinking maybe for

Adam (51:14.978)
Let's see, we might wanna like.

Ste (51:18.338)
of this.

Adam (51:20.49)
I don't know, I think they're still... Well, they could be, yeah, they could be below that. Yeah, I think you're right.

Ste (51:25.83)
Definitely be below this

Ste (51:31.582)
few more and maybe new discussion can be now.

Ste (51:45.551)
Yeah, this is looking good.

Adam (51:50.615)
Yeah. I like that. I like the, the chart for like where people are talking about the book. Like I think that could be really neat for, for finding it. Like that was one of the things when I was using, like I was trying out Fables discussions and like there would be. Like, you know, there's like a discussion board for every single chapter. And I was looking at, uh, Babel, which has, I think like a hundred chapters. And I'm like,

Ste (52:04.016)
Uh huh.

Ste (52:17.316)
Oh god.

Adam (52:18.47)
So there's like a hundred discussion boards and I'm like, okay, which one do I even go to? Like, where's the discussion happening? And so I feel like this helps answer that.

Ste (52:25.199)

Yeah, that's the thing, the navigation there, I mean, even for us, so...

key to nail how people will navigate through these discussions. And yeah, this is especially with our Async Book Club's idea. This is great. Yeah, I really like this.

Adam (52:52.514)
Wanna switch to the next one?

Ste (52:54.83)
Oh yeah, we can briefly chat about this. I think my cat is like battling the trash can again. I don't know why she does that exactly when I'm on this call on Mondays. Well, they have a sense for that, don't they?

Adam (52:57.688)

Adam (53:02.38)
I'm sorry.

Ste (53:14.114)
Uh, yeah, so this one would be the way that you'd post something and change the shape that this editor has. And I really liked that following your latest interview, one of the pieces of feedback was that these types of posts.

near the formatting wouldn't make any sense. And yeah, I totally, I totally agree. So the formatting naturally goes over here and we can have like the, this is the page number, these are the tags. And I also put the public display or was it like that before? Oh no. Yeah, I put it there. It was like this before.

Yeah, so that makes sense to be over there as well. So the idea is that when you, for instance, tap a link, these would get disabled. So it would say, descriptions are disabled for ligs. And this would just be entered, the URL, right? Or.

Adam (54:33.964)
Or it would still say enter the title, but then maybe this bottom part would change to just like a... Yeah, exactly.

Ste (54:36.519)
Oh yeah.

and think that you are.

Yeah. And if they write anything other than the URL, we just like tell them. That's not it. Just entered the URL.

Adam (54:50.844)

And we could like make the box smaller and all that.

Ste (54:56.694)
Oh yeah, we'll make the box smaller for the... Yeah, actually let's...

Ste (55:04.254)
this for the URL. Okay, this wasn't on the page. What?

Adam (55:11.266)
That's why I wasn't doing it when I copied it.

Ste (55:13.896)
Yeah, I always do that, don't worry. So yeah, thanks.

Ste (55:22.042)
It might appear to be, but it could be on top. So, yeah, so this would just like be a link. And when this is a link, you would only get the title and this would be smaller, right?

Ste (55:45.338)
And this would have to be a URL and yeah.

Yeah, I like this. I think it's pretty, pretty clear. I mean, as long as, uh.

Ste (55:59.25)
there's a possibility for us to shuffle these kinds of posts in the future. So just in the case that, I don't know, maybe some, we, this scenario, let's say, happens. We're making them this way and people are desperately asking us to, okay, enter, we want the description for the URL, for the links.

And we have to implement that. We should change just like the posts, the rules that are associated with the posts, if that makes sense. So this wouldn't be, this would be just like that same post, but with different features. So if it has a link, it should just have this. If it has a poll, it should have just like that, that poll attached to it.

Adam (56:40.162)
Hmm. Yeah.

Ste (56:58.758)
So they wouldn't be like different things that would have to change in the back end, I guess.

Adam (57:08.05)
Yeah. One, uh, one thing that came up when I was, um, talking to people, it's kind of similar to how like these ones up here were like non editor things, but like, uh, up in the description one, um, things like the bolding, um, spoiler. And we'll have like, we'll have a couple others. We'll have like a tallic.

If we're using the same editor as our review, we'll have, let's see, italic.

Ste (57:38.686)
See you tonight.

Adam (57:48.502)


Ste (57:54.856)

Adam (57:56.906)
And we can decide which of these we want to keep and which ones we don't.

Ste (58:02.234)
Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense. I'm wondering if we can actually, for the formatting at least, I think there are a couple of ways to do that work on mobile where you can just select the text and then you get the...

Ste (58:23.283)
formatting controls like heading, like bold, italic. I think Notion does that. Wait, let me go on Notion. We'll pick hands.

Adam (58:24.852)
Oh yeah, yeah.

Ste (58:36.366)
actually remembering this right. So...

Ste (58:43.632)
I don't think I'm going to be joining this.

Ste (58:49.078)
here and yeah, so this kind of thing.

Adam (58:55.742)
Yeah, there's also.

Adam (59:01.078)
dropping a link in the chat if I can get in there.

Ste (59:10.414)

Adam (59:16.138)
I'll just drop it in Figma. There it is. This link.

Ste (59:17.943)
Oh yeah. Here we go.


Adam (59:25.534)
And this is using the editor that we're currently using.

Ste (59:28.286)
Oh yeah, this is perfect. Yeah. Does this work on mobile as well?

Adam (59:34.574)
Good question. Let's see, if I put it in mobile. Oh yeah, if you select anything.

Ste (59:36.295)

Yeah, I also love you. I just noticed that Notion has an at. So this could be nice.

Adam (59:46.838)
Hmm, yeah.

Ste (59:54.182)
So the way we were thinking about it is that if you type at, you'd get like a small search box where you would search for readers and authors. And if you'd want to search for books, you would just type slash and you'd get the same dialogue, but for books. That's the only thing that you'd need to remember about the editing. So it's at which like everyone knows.

how to use a social network knows and the slash, which I guess like everyone who like learned programming knows as well. So those are the only things that are like things to remember and I kind of love that because it's not much. You get the tutorial from the actual placeholder.

Adam (01:00:40.717)

Ste (01:00:52.09)
Yeah, that's all you need to know. And if you remember that you're like, yeah.

Adam (01:00:58.55)
So if we, if we do that, then should we like delete all of these options and rely on people selecting.

Ste (01:01:04.382)
Oh yeah. Yeah, of course.

Adam (01:01:10.33)
So yeah, one of the other things that came up is like, when someone saw this page for the first time, are they going to know what these options mean?

Ste (01:01:20.782)
No, so maybe we could, yeah, so no, no is the short answer. Uh, yeah. So this would be progress. So either page number or minutes for. Yeah.

Adam (01:01:27.524)
how do we onboard them?

Adam (01:01:42.458)
Yeah, I see.

Ste (01:01:43.91)
Yeah. And these would be the tags or mentions. I think I have something that's similar on the next page. We'll see.

Adam (01:01:52.652)
Yeah, probably.

Adam (01:02:04.019)
I was just copying it over.

Ste (01:02:05.946)
Ah, here we go. Okay, ah, okay, perfect. Yeah, because I put the mentions in here and the idea would be that, yeah, I was just playing around with stuff. I think these would make much more sense over here.

Ste (01:02:25.196)

focus on this one. Yeah. So when you click on mentions, you'd actually get this whole thing replaced. So it could be like editing mode or mentions mode. And mentions would be basically for when you just want to have an overview of your...

mentions, basically. Do you think that would make sense or would you rather see those as you'd type? I'm thinking if you're editing, you can already see like the names of the books and the names of the authors. So my thinking was that it would make sense to have like a separate thing where if you mention, let's say, I mean, I guess the way some people write reviews and the way some people...

references, which is going to be the highlight of what we're building, we'll end up with some posts that have 20, 30, 50 mentions. So putting them at the end of the posts might be a lot, but if we have like a separate tab, so it's either man view dimensions mode or editing the text mode. I think that would be good for those types of posts. What do you think? Do you think that's like overly?

I mean, is it overthinking or?

Adam (01:03:51.15)
I'm thinking that like on desktop, we still have a lot of screen real estate. Like on mobile, I feel like having it like toggle between those two makes sense. But I'm wondering if on desktop, we could show them like below it. That way they're kind of like shown down here somewhere like, and it could like auto populate and auto add them. So if you like, if you add something to your review, it's like

Ste (01:04:02.77)

Ste (01:04:08.23)
Yeah, you have an open.

Ste (01:04:16.059)

Ste (01:04:19.39)
which is a good.

Adam (01:04:20.274)
Yeah, it's just like automatically keeping it in sync.

Ste (01:04:23.318)
Okay, yeah, that's nice. Yeah, on desktop definitely.

And it can just be, yeah, this can be tags. Would tags be mentions as well? Since we're on this.

Adam (01:04:41.122)
I see them as something different, because a tag could be any string if we're going with the... But I also wonder about how we can really encourage people to tag things. Because we don't want people to be tagging them here. We don't want people to be writing that in their post. We want it to be a separate field for tags. And I kind of worry about having it

Ste (01:04:45.981)
Oh yeah.

Ste (01:05:01.467)

Adam (01:05:10.974)
live under something people need to click into that they might not add a tag because they might not click into it.

Ste (01:05:18.63)
What if there's like separate fields here or underneath that just like has... Probably not. Let's just...

Ste (01:05:37.466)
I'm messing this up, but that's okay.

Ste (01:05:43.454)
So what if they have like a dedicated place over here and while you just write them, they go here.

Adam (01:05:54.166)
Yeah, that could work. And then it's just auto completing. Like you can type as many as you want.

Ste (01:05:59.97)
Yeah, exactly. And it can also scroll.

Ste (01:06:17.457)
Oh, yeah, I... Jesus freaking Christ, I could have just done this.

Ste (01:06:25.79)
Thanks for watching!

Ste (01:06:32.342)
Sometimes that happens. Okay. And yeah, maybe even progress would be. Yeah, it could be on the same.

Adam (01:06:50.079)
Yeah, because there's.

Ste (01:06:50.842)
and mentions they would just like appear underneath.

Adam (01:06:54.57)
I guess there's two different things for progress. There's like how far you are in the book and like, are you referencing something in the book?


Ste (01:07:05.234)
Yeah, that's true. So it can like by default be your progress, but if you want it to be something else, like I wanna, I'm at page 100, but I wanna reference something at page 20, you can just put page 20 in your progress, right?

Adam (01:07:26.662)
Yeah, but yeah, is that is that progress? Because it's like

Ste (01:07:33.118)

Adam (01:07:35.442)
Yeah, it's like referenced, referenced page number or like max page number referenced in your article is kind of like this discussion goes up to this page.

Ste (01:07:44.04)
mmm yeah

Ste (01:07:50.89)
I can just be-

Well, it's a page mention. So you're mentioning a page. You're either mentioning like the page you're at right now. So maybe.

Ste (01:08:08.53)
best, but yeah. Uh, so yeah, I think this is like a lot. It would get like a lot smaller, but, uh, yeah, maybe just like leave it as page. Or.

Ste (01:08:30.31)
But yeah, there's a thing, this is either page or minutes or progress.

I'm guessing for many people, it would be page or minute. I haven't seen like many people mention or know their progress in a book. So they know the page, they know the minute, but if they would have to think, okay, how far am I? So this is something that we can calculate. And over here we can write like the.

Adam (01:08:38.774)

Ste (01:09:09.953)

Ste (01:09:16.266)

Ste (01:09:20.19)
So maybe this is so.

Ste (01:09:26.214)

Ste (01:09:34.718)
something like that.

Adam (01:09:36.058)
Yeah, we can, we can keep it as that and then we can like talk to people about it. See what, see what terminology they use when they're describing this feature. And then we can adjust what we show on future prototypes based on what people say.

Ste (01:09:43.471)

Ste (01:09:49.786)
Yeah, good call. Yeah, because if we're saying that because you entered the page number or the minutes while you were updating your book progress, we know that you're at 35%. They can write 35% here or they can write the page number and we can definitely like have it as like a default that they can change. So this is the page number that they can add.

Adam (01:10:18.826)
Or maybe it's not even page number. Maybe it's like, um, like up to page and then it's, so it's, it's less about like what happens on this page number, but it's like what happens everything up until this page number.

Ste (01:10:28.502)
Oh yeah, exactly.

Ste (01:10:36.19)
Oh yeah, that makes sense because yeah. I'm wondering if they want to mention, someone mentioned chapters. If they want to mention a chapter, maybe would this be the place to let them...

write the chapter name.

Adam (01:10:53.342)
Um, you mean like, uh, yeah. Can you say more about that?

Ste (01:10:59.162)
Well, someone mentioned that they wouldn't say the page number where they were at, but they would mention the chapter. So I'm at chapter whatever from whatever book. And I just mentioned the chapter. I don't mention them. I'm at page 125. So maybe this is a way to get some book data as well while they're doing it. So I'm thinking maybe we can.

Adam (01:11:03.731)

Adam (01:11:08.834)

Adam (01:11:21.568)

Ste (01:11:29.018)
Let them, so we require the page number, but they can also mention the chapter name and we can mention that on the discussions page. And it can be something like add chapter or something similar.

Adam (01:11:53.406)
Yeah. Cause I was thinking like, if I, if I had read the book and I just read it, I just read at the end of chapter one and what I could see myself wanting is like a selection that's like choose chapter with a, you know, a down arrow and then like, this is a select box. And when you choose the chapter, it changes the page number for you. And. And then if you.

Ste (01:12:10.44)
Mm. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Mm hmm.


Ste (01:12:20.439)
Oh yeah, that'd be great.

Adam (01:12:23.326)
And then maybe one of the selections in that choose chapter is like add a chapter.

Ste (01:12:26.894)
add, yeah, nice, okay.

Yeah, this is good.

Adam (01:12:32.459)

Ste (01:12:36.094)

Adam (01:12:41.992)
Ah, nice, yeah.

Ste (01:12:47.038)
So let's have a job done now.

Ste (01:12:51.194)
Nice, yeah. Ooh, ooh, okay. This is looking good.

There's so much functionality in this. Yeah, there's a lot going on, but I think for that kind of functionality to have like this clean of a layout, it's something, I mean, if we do it on this a couple more times and if we talk to more people, yeah, definitely heading in the right direction. Yeah. With discussions, it's tough to.

Adam (01:12:58.302)
Yeah. There's a lot going on.


Adam (01:13:12.395)

Adam (01:13:22.338)
in it.

Ste (01:13:26.158)
know what people want so far.

Ste (01:13:35.198)
Yes, perfect.

Ste (01:13:41.458)
Yeah, that's what this was missing. Let me.

inside of this. Oh, what did I do? Yeah, if you don't copy it inside the frame, it just like adds the title. That's why it's, yeah.

Adam (01:13:48.174)

Adam (01:13:55.806)
That's why it had it.

Yeah, and these would show like books mentioned and characters, other people.

Ste (01:14:03.546)
or characters, yeah. We can put like a profile picture there.

Ste (01:14:13.01)
Why do I have to?

Ste (01:14:20.12)
Here we go.

So let's take these two.

smaller. That big, but not that small, maybe just like that.

Adam (01:14:39.146)
And maybe we just have like a default one for characters until we have a more. Like I know. Like I have a, I have a dream for characters some way, way down the line with, uh, using large language models to make character images based on cosplays. So like, you know, if a whole bunch of people dress up as a character, you could create a, a visual representation of that character based on

Ste (01:14:43.886)
Oh yeah.

Ste (01:14:54.272)

Ste (01:15:01.547)
Oh, God.

Adam (01:15:07.938)
people that have dressed up as them. But that's a someday project.

Ste (01:15:10.075)
Yeah, that's.

That's crazy. And yeah, we should definitely, I mean, I've gotten all the stuff, you know, we've been talking about lots of stuff that's generated. And so far that's been.

Ste (01:15:31.442)
generating some really good results. I know I generated some covers. We have the, on the app page. Let me.

Ste (01:15:42.258)
So I don't know if everybody noticed, but when you go on any book, let's go on explore, genres, let's go on fantasy. When you go on any book in here, you see this, which is an image we generated based on the main tag, main genre of that book. So this is dystopian. It has a dystopian background image.

The Hobbit is adventure, so it has, oh, it's fantasy. So it has a fantasy background image. And yeah, we're planning to generate these for most genres and then for every book. And if there's an artist who really loves a book, we can feature their cover on the hardcover website. So yeah, definitely excited about that.

Adam (01:16:39.954)
And if you click on a user, like a person who reviewed the Martian, then it'll go to their, uh,

Ste (01:16:44.669)
Oh yeah.

Ste (01:16:50.99)
Aha, you got the fantasy one. Ha ha, nice.

Adam (01:16:51.67)

Adam (01:16:55.582)
Yeah, and that'll be fun once we expand that out on the profile page. There's a lot of, a lot of them.

Ste (01:17:02.33)
Yeah, yeah, this is great. I love it. Nice. Let me stop sharing.

Adam (01:17:03.658)
I think, cool.

Adam (01:17:09.954)
Well, I think we made some good progress. I think the next call with someone next Monday. Is there anything you wanna change between now and then on this?

Ste (01:17:13.203)

Ste (01:17:22.27)
No, I think it's really good. It's in a really good place. Yeah. These calls are amazing for like brainstorming on what others told us and coming up with ideas. It's getting close. Yeah. I can feel it's, you know, in that place where it's flexible enough and complex enough to like generate all those discussions that.

Adam (01:17:32.663)

Adam (01:17:37.71)
Nice. Yeah.

Ste (01:17:52.518)
readers want. So yeah, it's exciting for her. Nice, great. Well, this has been a really good session. I'm going to head off to do the night routine and yeah, bathing and sleeping basically.

Adam (01:17:55.167)
Yeah, I think so.


Adam (01:18:02.778)

Adam (01:18:06.7)
It sounds good.

Adam (01:18:12.398)
I'm going to probably figure out this iOS bug, spend some time on that.

Ste (01:18:17.254)
Oh god, that's been a tough one. Yeah.

Adam (01:18:19.45)
Yeah, maybe today. Well, anyways, I will talk to you tomorrow. Bye.

Ste (01:18:24.55)
Perfect. Have a good one. See you.