Sunday To Sunday Attentive Heart

Sunday To Sunday Attentive Heart Trailer Bonus Episode 74 Season 1

Exploring CALLED and the Attentive Heart Retreat!

Exploring CALLED and the Attentive Heart Retreat!Exploring CALLED and the Attentive Heart Retreat!

Imagine this...our wounds and our suffering are so important that God became one with them in the person of Jesus Christ.
If that is true, then our stories–from the brightest moments to the darkest–suddenly matter more than we ever imagined. They become parables that only we can tell.

In this special episode, host Father John, program director of CALLED, is joined by guests Kathy Lorentz (CALLED Curriculum Team), David Plisky, (DeSales Media/CALLED Alumni) and Jesse Manibusan, (professional musician and CALLED Special Facilitator) to discuss the upcoming Attentive Heart Retreat this October 10-13, 2024 at Thomas Berry Place, Queens NY.  At this inaugural retreat, attendees will have a chance to to pause, journey inward, and bravely embrace the wounds, victories and joys that may very well fill the chapters of a story YOU are meant to share.  A few spots are still available for resident and local commuters: REGISTER HERE.  For details on the concert (open to the public by RSVP) contact us at

For this special podcast edition we feature the music of guest Jesse Manibusan whose incredible faith filled music can be found at

Creators & Guests

Anavo. Setting your ideas on fire.

What is Sunday To Sunday Attentive Heart?

Sunday To Sunday Productions presents, Attentive Heart, a podcast founded by Father Mike Russo, and now hosted by CALLED founder Father John Gribowich. Join Fr. John and his guests for inspiring conversations about how we can find space in hectic daily lives for God, contemplative prayer, preaching, everyday spirituality that can inspire your own personal ministry journey. True to Father Russo's vision, we hope to make the Gospel come alive by sharing those whose creative discipleship inspires us to live our lives like a homily.