The Oren Cohen Podcast

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In today's episode, we're talking about preferring complete over perfect. It will save you a lot of time.


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What is The Oren Cohen Podcast?

I'm just a dude who likes to talk about nerd stuff and entrepreneurship.

Hello everyone, and welcome
back to the Oren Cohen podcast.

it's day 27 of the 30 day challenge.

Today, I want to talk to you about
preferring done over perfect.

And that's something that I noticed
with my course, the sensitive

art of podcast interviewing.

I noticed that I was keeping myself
from progressing with more lessons,

more lectures, more content.

By being very.

Strict with my recording schedule.

I was trying to record
and finish each lecture.

And that's the wrong way to do it because
I could've done a lot of other stuff.

I could have done.

Multiple recordings.

And today and yesterday I noticed
that when I let myself go with

not being so strict about editing
the thing that I just recorded.

Right after filming it.

I noticed that I recorded four lectures.

So now I know that after I record all
of them, I can batch edit them as well.

And then I can batch publish
them on the course website.

This is just a little bit of an idea.

If you are.

Trying to create something.

And if you are.

Struggling with seeing progress.

Try to see where you
are, keeping yourself.

From progress.

If you are telling yourself that you need
to do something in a specific way, Most

of the time that's, what's keeping you.

You are trying to do something in
a way that you devised in your mind.

But sometimes doing it
in a non-perfect way.

Something that feels partially complete.

Like recording and then recording
another thing before you edit

the one thing that you recorded.

Yes, it is creating overhead.

And some of us just want to rise
the stairs of progress and not look

back on things that we left open.

But by releasing this strain.

Of not finishing something,
you can progress a lot better.

You can see.

The course or whatever it
is that you were creating.

Materialize faster.

And that's what I noticed.

I was like, okay.

Even if this is a loom recording
that I need to still edit, I

can put it still on the site.

And then.

Very quickly.

I have a complete course.

Yes, it needs polishing.


It needs to, remove arms and us.

But it's complete.

And something that is complete
is far better than something

that is not complete.

And still, maybe perfect.

So I think that's it for today.

It's a short one But
it is a complete idea.

I just wanted to share this with you
so that you can actually move faster.

And not restrain yourself by being
so rigid with the way you do things.

Thank you again so much
for listening or watching.

Join my newsletter if you want to
see deep dives into content creation,

and I'll see you in the next one.

Bye for now.