The Oren Cohen Podcast

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In today's episode, I share my experience creating a 30-day email challenge and how many people signed up for it. I also share what I learned from the whole experience.


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What is The Oren Cohen Podcast?

I'm just a dude who likes to talk about nerd stuff and entrepreneurship.

Hello everyone and welcome
back to the Oren Cohen podcast.

Today is day 19 of my 30 day
challenge where I'm posting

one podcast episode a day.

In today's episode, I
want to talk to you about.

The benefit of making a
free stuff for other people.

So let's get right into it.

So about a year ago, I
made a course on Gumroad.

It was free.

Uh, it was presented as a
product that you can buy for $0.


It was a challenge, a Python challenge
because I'm a software engineer.

I decided to pour my knowledge
about Python into a free.

30 day challenge.

I used ChatGPT to help me make.

Each day.

And then I published them myself
on Gumroad as separate days.

And made sure that each day was sent
to a participant after they signed up.

And people would get the emails until
they decide to either unsubscribe or

finish the course after the 30 day mark.

After publishing that course I did not.

Majorly market it or anything like that.

I posted it in.

Two places.

One was Reddit.

And two was.

Gumroad discover.

I made sure that it was enabled
to be searched for on Gumroad and

there's a subreddit of new Python
users where people could share free

resources for learners to consume.

Since I posted that course
and until today, I received

more than 230 subscribers.

Now, granted, they're all
there just for the course.

But they agreed to receive emails from me.

And if I wanted to make more content
about Python and programming.

I could send it to them.

It took me about two evenings to.

Start the course craft it.

And I also added a Discord
community to it that some people,

not all, some people join.

And, uh, share questions
or achievements in there.

It's not a fully fledged course, it's
free and I can't invest my energy

into maintaining the community in
this way, which is a lot of time

and effort for something that,
I'm not being compensated for.

But the community is there.

People do ask questions from time to time.

And people go through the
emails they receive each day.

So what I learned from this experience.

I did not do it because
I had a big goal in mind.

I wanted to see how people
react to a free thing.

And I was pleasantly surprised
people want free things especially

when their perceived value is big.

I created a 30 day challenge that goes
through a lot of concepts in Python and

actually makes you, Publish something.

It makes you create a project
in the end where you can share

it, you can put it on GitHub.

Which is a platform where.

People can publish code and a
lot of businesses use it as well.

It's a whole.

Platform just to save code.

And I learned from this,
that people really enjoy.

Uh, getting something like this,
which also has a community aspect.

And that feels like maybe
I should do more of those.

Which would probably in the long run, lead
to enough trust to buy a course from me.

Uh, Which will be.

More comprehensive, bigger
lots of video as well.

Considered that all of the emails,
aside from a few at the beginning.


Texts and images.

But do not have video.

Uh, it is an email challenge.

You get an email every day
telling you what to do.

And I do want to add at some point.

Uh, more video as well.

Uh, but it's just not something that
I find the energy to do right now.

But it is something I
I'm considering doing.

So to recap, people
love three free things.

And if you are a content creator
on the web, Try to find something

that you can create for free.

To give people.

Whether it's a course, like I did,
whether it's a checklist, whether

it's, I don't know, something that's,
you know, enough about to give.

People value.

And then put it out there for people
to find where they're looking for it.

I did not just publish
my course on Twitter.

For example, I published it in a
specific subreddit focused on giving

free resources for Python learners.

And the Gumroad discover page.

Is a search engine, people search
for Python, and my course comes

up along with other courses.

And other products in the niche.

Create something free.

Posted where interested people are.

And watch the process happen.

So up until now, I still
have like all of those.


And more subscribers
keep coming every day.

I usually wake up to at least one or two.

Notifications from Gumroad
that's that specific product

has been downloaded again.

So that's all for me today.

I just wanted to share
this little thing with you.

If you have any questions or
feedback about anything I discussed

today or in previous episodes?

Uh, please leave a
comment on this episode.

If you want to dive deeper with
me into content creation, I have a

newsletter, which you can also find
in the description of the episode.

Thank you again so much
for watching or listening.

And I'll see you tomorrow.

Bye for now.