Noon Hour Of Madness & Mayhem

It's Friday, and Peaches and Viktor are rolling into the holiday weekend with plenty of laughs and chaos! Peaches reflects on holiday traditions, the frustrations of aggressive driving, and why Californians seem to stir the pot in East Idaho. Meanwhile, Viktor celebrates beating GTA: San Andreas and debates his next gaming adventure. Plus, the duo dives into roommate horror stories, affordable housing woes, and why the freedom of living alone is priceless. A mix of nostalgia, randomness, and relatable moments—it's the noon hour of madness and mayhem, powered by Jalisco's! 

What is Noon Hour Of Madness & Mayhem?

The Noon Hour Of Madness & Mayhem can be heard live on KBEAR 101 weekdays at 12pm MST. Viktor and Peaches talk about a wide variety of topics depending on the day and you never know what to expect!

The noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's, the podcast. We rolling on a Friday. That's right. We rolling. Rolling into a holiday weekend.

Very exciting. Very exciting for Christmas right around the corner and New Year's. Good riddance. 2024. That's what I say.

Really? Was that bad for you? Just I mean, there were times that were good. You know, I went to visit the East Coast for the first time. That was cool.

Went to Vegas and Phoenix. That was cool. There were other parts that were not so cool, but I don't know. I'm I'm always at the end of the year going good riddance to that year because I hope that the new one's gonna be different and better. Well, you only dictate that change, Victor.

Well, not necessarily. Because That's true. Sometimes the world is just Also, sometimes you gotta ignore, like, what the outside world is doing. You gotta do your own thing. I'm talking about the cosmos itself.

Sometimes The cosmos? It just likes to punch you punch you in the groin over and over. We should get Neil deGrasse Tyson in here to talk about how the cosmos specifically punched Victor Wilt. I will. I'll chat it up with him.

Be like, I don't care what you say, mister scientist. He's a good old guy. The world's working against me. Yeah. I I would love to interview him.

I bet he'd be a lot of fun. He's got a good sense of humor. Definitely. And, I love talking science. Did you watch the series Cosmos?

No. Oh, you should check it out, dude. It's very, very inspiring. There's so many TV shows that I'm I'm not caught up with, and I can't just sit there all evening and just watch TV all the time. Oh, it's so good.

I'll sit there and I'll see, like, my my pasta dish my my dinner dish on the table. Like, I gotta I gotta clean this. I'd get up and run to the kitchen and get get it all sparkly clean. See, what I do is I just go throw it in the sink, and I get back to watching stuff. But see, I'll I'll feel guilty.

I'll hear my dad in my head going like, oh, dishes in the sink. He just sits on my sits on his butt all day. Yeah. See, my parents say you know, they're both gone, so I don't have to worry about anybody yelling at me for not doing chores. Well, mine are still 900 miles away, but at the same time, I grew up with hearing that voice, that mumbling around the house.

Pleacher's being lazy. You know? Oh, kid can't get him to do anything. My mom wasn't all that great either when it came to well, like, when I when it was dark and I'm when I'm trying to watch a movie and I'm by myself in the house, it's nice and peaceful. Mhmm.

As soon as they would all come home, like, it's just it's almost like Rob Halford came into the house or Brian Johnson. Why are there dishes in the sink? Like, it's it was so annoying. That's like I've talked about on air couple times in the last week that, you know, I'm trying to get my house cleaned up because Maddie's coming to visit tomorrow night. Yeah.

You're cleaning it up for your own kids so that way you can send an example. Yeah. Well and she's just gonna mess it up. She's gonna trash the place. Then why clean it?

I know, but I can't help it. I'm like, I want it to look good when she gets here. So Is she naturally that messy? Is she the messy kid? They're both messy.

Is that why you tell me Tara's your favorite time? Probably much messier than Maddie, I I think. Really? They're both pretty and I shouldn't say they're messy. They just like to leave, like, blankets all over the place.

Get it from their from their mom? They probably got it from me. Did you used to leave blankets everywhere? No. I just used to be kinda messy.

And I think because of how messy some of my old places were, at some point something flipped. And I was like, now that I live alone and I'm in full control of messes at my house and it's all on me, I feel like, you know, when I look around and it is a mess, like, look at what you've done. I was the worst keep it pretty clean. I was the worst back talker to my parents. So I'm wondering if I do have a future son, if it's gonna be the same for me, if that kid's gonna talk back and be like, listen here, you freak.

Let's shut up for a second. Probably. Yeah. Your kids do behave a lot like you. That's the issue too.

It's it's probably be some big kid too. Oh, dude. This is giant monster child. He's 6 years old. It's tall as you.

The doctor's her dad. Yeah. They have the doctor scans their hand and goes, yeah. He's about to be 7 foot 5 when he's 20. So you get you got a little little beast on the way.

Yeah. Enjoy him while he's small. The d one kid. Yeah. I'm not I'm not gonna be dating some short girl either.

Sorry. Not sorry. That's just the imagine that because though that would be like Russian roulette with the kids. Right? Because you would somehow, I would end up with, like, the short son Really?

And the freak daughter. The one that's like, hi. I'm Patricia. Patricia Peach. She's 7 feet tall.

Their ears are pointed outward. And her old Giant. Her older brother is about 5 3. Somehow her older brother that gets bullied in high school, but then then there's nothing much of need to stop the people that she got him. Don't pick on my brother.

Comes out wearing the Andre the Giant singlet. We out here on a Friday. Represent. We rollin'. I'm trying to figure out what new ways to introduce the noon hour rather than the noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Elizco's.

Yeah. I think we rolling is pretty good. We rolling. We chilling. We on air.

Yeah. You know? And all of that sounds a lot like what's been coming out of my TV for the last month. You're watching a lot of, like, those types of movies or what's going on? Playing Grand Theft Auto saying Andreas.

Alright. We roll. Yeah, dude. So I I wanted to give myself a big pat on the back for completing Grand Theft Auto San Andreas last night. I beat the game.

Good for you. I mean, I didn't a 100% it or anything like that. I just beat the story and was like, good enough. And I only used, a couple cheats. And I wanna see wanna see if you think these are acceptable.

Okay. So when I started off playing the game, you know, I got to a point where I was getting annoyed having to drive all the way back across town to save my game. Travel back then. No fast travel. To save your game manually.

Yeah. And so in order to save your game in San Andreas, you have to have a safe house. And you can buy them, but you have to have money. And I I got tired of, like, running over drug dealers and getting little bits of cash at a time. It was a grind back then too.

Yeah. So I put in the money code and got some money just so I could buy places to save my games. How many zeros were were in that top right corner? Oh, I put it in a couple times. You know?

So it gives you money, and then I spend money. A small loan of $1,000,000? That's right. I did it, the the average American rich person way. I inherited the money with no work.

And so And then complained about other people not wanting to work. Yes. Exactly. I did gamble some of the money. I figured out if you go to the casino and you find the, video poker machines that you can bet $10,000 coins or chips.

So I'd bet $50. And then even if you got a pair of jacks, you would win $250,000. So I just gambled for, like, 10 minutes, and all of a sudden, I had, like, $3,000,000. Did you have, CJ become all nice and muscular, or did you have him come deep and fat? I went back and forth.

You know, at first, I went to the, the burger shop, and I just ate till he threw up. I thought that was pretty funny. If you eat 12 meals at any, food place in San Andreas, your your guy, CJ, he will vomit on the floor. So I did that a lot of times till he was real fat. And then, you know, I ended up, just not feeding him because it's kind of annoying.

They're like, he's getting hungry. You need to go eat him. So I just ignore that. It's really annoying when they bring that into video games and they make it super realistic and they actually have him have stamina, hunger. Yeah.

He's gotta use the restroom. The Sims is, like, babysitting. I don't know how people, for some reason, like that game. Oh, and I love the game, The Sims. But, Well, they also automate the Sims too at most point.

Yeah. You can kinda automate it. You set up the you know, k. He'll do this, then this, then this, and then you put it in fast forward. But, anyway, back to San Andreas.

Where Where was I gonna go with this? I lost track because we started talking about the SIM. So, oh, the the cheats I used. That's what I was talking. So I used the money cheat, and then toward the end of the game, you end up going back to Los Santos and riots are breaking out all over the city.

And it's really fun because it it's just chaos in the streets. And what you have to do is you have to go start, gang wars and take over little chunks of the city, and you have to take over enough territories before you can trigger the final mission. So, you know, I didn't have any problem with, you know, because I had tons of money, you know, if I could go get as many weapons as I need. But let's say I got killed, you know, on my 3rd gang war or something. It wipes out all your weapons, then you gotta go back to the gun shop, ammunition, and you have to the purchasing process in San Andreas is so slow.

Like, you can't just buy ammo. You have to buy it. Like, a cow, buy that gun. Then you buy it again. And it's really, really slow.

So it you know, to build up my stockpile of weapons was, like, I don't know, 5 minutes each time. So I got sick of that every time I died. So I started using I I used it maybe 2 2 times, the weapons cheat that just, you know Gives you all of them. Gives you all the, you know, the weapons from whichever pack that I enjoyed using. I was gonna say, were you the explosives guy?

I I mean, I do like shooting rockets at people, but I like the m 4. Just, you know, machine gun with 50 bullets. You can usually take out, like, 5 people, before you gotta reload. Very efficient. So I I used the weapons cheat just so I didn't have to go back to ammunition over and over because it it was just annoying and time consuming.

But I I beat the game. Very cool. Very cool. Yeah. And, I don't think I had actually played that game all the way through, and I I thought I had back in the day.

But, I was, I was getting frustrated with Indiana Jones. And towards the end of the game, I think I'm closer to the end, you you you team up with the Giants, like, Locust in his game Mhmm. And there's all these, like, giant bald guys, like, just beating the crap out of the bad dudes, the fascists in the game. Yeah. And, at one point, you're supposed to sneak into this facility that you're I think you're in Iraq.

But you have to have all 50 ancient relics to unlock this secret ending for this secret room. And the secret ending is such a letdown because I went to the, oh, YouTube video and watched it. I went, like, really? That's it? Like, that's the end of the game right there?

There's no explanation as to what happens after that. So I don't know where I'm supposed to go because I thought the secret room was it. And now I'm trying to figure out I haven't played it since then. I because I've only been doing work here and then going home and just laying in bed like usual and chatting with friends on Discord or going to the gym for walking on the treadmill for an hour than being done with it that way. But that game's been fun.

The combat's a little silly, but I think you'd like it. Yeah. And it's it's only on, Xbox and PC. Right? I don't think it's on PlayStation.

I can check Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. Yeah. Because I I seem to remember looking it up because it it looks interesting. Looks like my kind of game. I wanna go into the pyramids.

It is on PlayStation 5. Oh, it is? Okay. How much is it? Well, I I got it through Game Pass.

Yeah. What are they selling it for in PlayStation? It's $60. Let me find this out. It's $60, I'm gonna have to wait.

And, actually, I have a bank of games I need to play before I buy anything else. Trying to decide what I wanna play next as a matter of fact. I'm sorry. It's not out yet. It says release date to be determined Oh.

For it says available on PS 5, announced, add to wish list, release date to be determined. Okay. Alright. Yep. And this is on the PlayStation website.

Okay. Yeah. You guys might wanna be a little bit more clear in your messaging. So The guy who plays Locust in the game, I thought he looked familiar. He's a a a legendary, horror movie actor.

His name is tone is it yeah. Tony Todd. Oh, yeah. Tony Todd. That's his name.

He's yeah. He's speaking Latin throughout most of the game anyway, but it seems pretty funny. The candy man. Tony Tony Todd's great in horror movies. So so, yeah, that was my big accomplishment.

I beat San Andreas. Now I gotta decide what to play next. I'm kinda debating well, here, we'll get into that next. 'Tis indeed. The noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's.

An alarm going off on Victor's phone. Somebody's at his front door. It must be a a cat. You know, I I tend to get alerts of cats wandering through my yard because even though my cats are not outside, you know, other cats, they just know it's the place to be, apparently, my house. So speaking of my house, I gotta figure out what I'm gonna do with my spare time, Peaches.

I need to find a new video game to play, and I figured I'd go over some of the options I've been looking at and see what you think I should do. Okay. Now I I will admit I am considering, doing some streaming. I wanna go back to that. And What what does The Rock say?

Finally. So, you know, I'm set up now to where I could even drag my PlayStation 5 upstairs and hook it up to the computer because I got that capture card. So I've got a a few different games I'm looking at playing. I just finished San Andreas. I've been thinking about Vice City.

You know? I've never played that one. And, I never made it all the way through the game, but I do have that it's on the same disc, the definitive That's the one with Ray Liotta and yeah. Okay. And, you know, with the upcoming new GTA 6 being in Vice City, I thought it would be good to play through the OG one.

Mhmm. Because well, and I'd probably forget about it by then, but I would assume they'll have some kind of throwbacks in the new GTA to Vice City. You know, they, like, even in San Andreas, at one point, one of CJ's girlfriends, she's this crazy, you know, girl who you know, you go around and rob banks and stuff with. She ends up dumping him and shows up with her new boyfriend who is Claude from GTA 3. The guy who and he doesn't talk.

You know? Because in GTA 3, he doesn't talk. So he's in San Andreas, but he never says a word. That's funny. So I'm thinking Vice City is an option.

You know, I'm in the middle of Red Dead. I can always fire that up. The Last of Us part 1. Still, I haven't played any one of those games because I think they're PS 5 exclusives. They they might be PlayStation exclusive.

Oh, well, you can get them on PC, but, yeah, I don't know about Xbox. But, The Last of Us part 1 is the the newer like, it isn't even a remaster. They completely redid the entire game for next gen. Cool. And I wanna play through both of those games again because they're just so good.

So I'm considering those. I still have Alan Wake 2 on my computer that I was loving that game. As far as horror games go, was one of the best ones I've ever played, but I'm gonna have to start over. And then there's, you know, stuff like Zelda, you know, tears of the kingdom. I was never into those games so I wouldn't suggest that one.

I really like those games. Really like those. So yeah. I oh, and I also ordered, some PlayStation 3 controllers off Amazon just like generic ones because I have a PlayStation 3 that's just been collecting dust for many years. I kinda wanna play GTA 4, which takes place in Liberty City, New York.

It's been a while since I've played that game. Mhmm. And I wonder because everyone always says, like, oh, Nico Bellic's the best protagonist in all of GTA. I'm I'm like, really? I see a lot of people saying they think, that GTA 4 is the best game.

I've seen people saying San Andreas is the best game. After playing through San Andreas again, I will say that there are things about that game that are better than GTA 5. The you know, obviously, the graphics are not better. The gameplay is not better. But I think the story and just the world itself, even though GTA 5 has a bigger map, it seems like the GTA, San Andreas world is a little more interesting because you have Vegas, San Francisco, and LA.

Mhmm. And then all these, you know, rural areas in between. It just seemed like in GTA 5, you have Los Santos, you have the Salton Sea area, and then that like, the one little town kinda out in the mountains and then a lot of empty area. You know? Yeah.

Yeah. So I'm I'm very curious on GTA, 4 because I haven't played it in I I mean, it's a PlayStation 3 game, so I I don't even know when I You gotta do it. Yeah. But Nico, let's go bowling, that type of thing. The only thing kinda holding me back because I know you can get it on PC, and it'll be, you know, remastered.

I don't know why they didn't put it out on, PS 4 or PS 5 in an upgraded, manner because, you know, they did it, everywhere else. I think even on Xbox, you might be able to get a remastered, GTA 4. But yeah. I don't know. I'm really digging GTA.

So I've done GTA 5 and San Andreas in the last few months, but, you know, I also kind of want to mix it up because I've been doing nothing but GTA and Red Dead. Those are all basically the same thing. They're all made by the same company, Rockstar. Star. They play the same way.

I've I've been in that world far too long. So Yeah. No. No. No.

Bethesda puts out the very same one player games every single time. Like, Indiana Jones, very obviously, it's just Indiana Jones themed Fallout where you gather stuff. You have the inventory. Mhmm. It's the same thing.

Yeah. Like, Skyrim and Fallout's the same game. Yeah. The remaster in Oblivion, the prequel to That's cool. So I'm like, okay.

I need to get that. So yeah. And then, you know, there's games I wanna buy. Astro bot on the PS 5. I loved the VR version of that game.

Probably it could be the best VR game, like, period. This new one's not a VR game, but, the reviews on it have been pretty incredible. So I mean, I'm I'm not gonna go drop $50 on a new game, though. No. I can't.

I I I have been contemplating buying NBA 2 k 25, but there's a particular reason probably why it's now 60% off, and it just came out 2 months ago. Oh, woah. What what's that particular reason? 2 k just sucks. No.

The the company won't listen to their fans, and they'll just continue to put out these same games every year, but somehow worse content. Yeah. That's that's terrible. It's like something like that. You could just do updates to it and things like, Gran Turismo, 7.

They still put out updates for it all the time, like new new vehicles, new tracks. You know? It's so bad on NBA 2 k. They say that even, like, the the trailer lags. Like, you watch the trailer, and there's lagging gameplay on the trailer.

That's really bad. And nobody listens over there. They're just like, yeah, you know what? Who cares? We're just gonna continue doing what we do.

And not every company behaves like rock star. That's for sure. Wrapping up the new hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's. Get it wrapping up Christmas. Oh, yeah.

Big fat guy with beard in studio makes a Christmas joke. Wow. Such as like Santa. Yeah. Big fat guy with a beard.

Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Anyway, everybody, I wanted to brighten up East Idaho's day peaches because, you know, we we've talked about this subject a lot. People around here whining about Californians moving in.

That's right. Thank you. Yep. Peaches is is part of the problem, but that's okay. I'm to blame.

I read online today that for 2 years in a row now, California is showing an increase in population. So more people, East Idaho, are moving to California than out. They went up by, like, 300,000 people each year in the last year, so you need to shut up about it. I don't think we have a mass influx of Californians still coming our way. When's the last time you met somebody from California who moved in?

Not that recently. I don't talk to that many people around here, but I have seen the Facebook comments go, I'm from California. Oh, okay. Think the reason why people don't like the California Californians driving around here is because we're heavily aggressive when it comes to, you know, getting to where we need to be. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. I'm I'm definitely the type of way, like, get out of the way. Even when I'm walking now, I'm like, get out of the way. Like, there's some old lady in front of me at Walmart.

I'll, like, make it obvious. I'm annoyed by her walking slow, so I'll just do, like, this whole, like Yeah. Hands in the air, walk around her real fast. And that's just how it is down there. I turn into an aggressive driver when I'm in Southern California because you have to.

You have to to get where you need to be, and it's aggravating. You know? So, you know, it takes a little bit of time to adjust to the the slower, you know, way of life we have around here. You know, it's a little more patient. I don't think it's gonna go back to that because I think we have so many people now that are driving aggressively or driving faster.

Well and we just don't have the infrastructure. We don't. You know? And, unfortunately, I don't know what the answer to that's gonna be because it requires a lot of construction. And, you know, when like, when they talked about building that new expressway, you know, the people who live in the area it would be are like, no, we don't want it.

So it's gonna be an endless battle to actually fix the traffic issues we have in the area but I mean if you look at the neighborhoods going up around each city in the region, Rexburg, Idaho Falls, Pocatello, Blackfoot, the area is expanding insanely fast. It is. Look how many apartment built like, huge apartment complexes are going up all over the place like And I wonder who's affording those, though. That's the thing is that I don't know who's able to afford those. Renting them out.

I don't wanna go to this whole, like, oh, I need 4 roommates to move into a 2 bedroom apartment type situation. Yeah. I I mean, they're renting them out. They're filling up. So I think it's one of those deals where people just, you know, eat it and they, you know, pay more than they can afford, scrimp on the food and things like that to have a roof over their heads.

Yeah. You know, like, if you look at places like LA, how are people affording that? And I was looking at trying to get a roommate, and I was thinking about it. And I was just like, yeah. I don't want somebody touching my things or staying up till 2 in the morning playing video games because then I'll be screaming my head off at them to shut up.

And Yeah. It'd be a whole big mess. You've gotta really get along with somebody for them to be your roommate. You know? My best friends, I've ended up furious with them when we live together so I could definitely financially use a roommate but I I'm just, you know, paying for it to have Yeah.

My, you know The freedom. Freedom, sense of, you know, peace and quiet. I can do whatever I want. I can run around my house naked. I can do that with my place too.

That's the problem. The only issue is that the window is still visible from the outside for when with the windows with the curtains shut in the kitchen, I've noticed, because I can look right through it. Ah. So See the only I I avoid the kitchen. The only time I get concerned is my kitchen as well.

And mainly, like, if I'm getting ready for work in the morning and, you know, I hear one of the cats yelling or something, run out of the bathroom. What are you doing? And I'm hoping that, the neighbors out back, if I have the curtains open, are still sleeping. You know? Because you know what it's like when you got the lights on inside and it's dark outside.

You can see everything going on inside the house. So kidding. Yeah. The noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Haliscos is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information oh, wow.

It smelled of my spit wrong while I was still talking. That's funny. Alright. Okay. Where was I?

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