He has arrived. Lieutenant Crain in the house. You ready for some traffic school powered by the injury attorneys, my friend? Oh, buddy. And our phones work.
I'll tell you what. We can't hardly do this show alone, let alone if everything works. I yeah. Now watch. Nobody's gonna call us.
You know? Everybody's gonna call. I it's been a busy week on the phone since they, started working again. People were very excited to be able to talk to us. So, yeah, people, traffic school back to normal.
It's normal as it gets anyway. 208-535-1015 gonna be the number to call. If you have a question about the law, lieutenant Crane, anything new that people need to be aware of in the last week or so? Not that I'm aware of. We've been blessed that we haven't been bombarded with snow down here in the valley.
We're up high, so roads have been decent. Yeah. Not too shabby. Be careful in neighborhoods. There are still some fairly slick areas, but, yeah, I I don't wanna jinx it.
So I'm not even gonna talk about, this time of year. You know? Some years are certainly better than others, and, and you just gotta take the luck when you get it. That's right. Enjoying it.
We're gonna take a really quick break everybody, but get those questions ready. 208-535-1015, the number to call for Traffic School powered by The Advocates. I know you people have questions, so let's get you some answers. That's right. Traffic School Time powered by The Advocates Injury Attorneys.
Lieutenant Crane's in the house. Our phones are working. 208-535-1015. The number to call if you got questions, let's do this. I don't have any questions, lieutenant Crane.
I got 0 lined up. You're so smart. You don't you don't need any answers. I knew that people were going to call and make this program happen. So it's gonna be just caller after caller.
Relentless today. Right, caller? Who's this? This is James. James, it's Traffic School powered by the advocates.
What's up, man? Yeah. I just had a quick question about, that new light system they put in there in Rexburg not too long ago. I know that you can turn right on a on a light if it's clear, but the way they built that right there next to Burger King, is that still okay to do, or what's going on with that? That's a great question.
We call that the diamond intersection. And right there, it is not okay to turn on a red light. And the reason for that is it's a red arrow bulb, and so anytime you have a red arrow you have to stay until it turns green. Now if that was a red circle bulb you could turn right on a red light after you cleared the intersection could go without go with caution, but yeah, on those diamond intersections, they got you stopped there. Oh, okay.
Great. Yep. So pretty easy way to remember if it's an arrow. Don't do it. I was a little concerned about those diamond ends intersections.
I won't I won't kid you, but, it seems to be moving traffic a lot better than it was prior to. Nice. Yeah. Once people figure it out and they're not scared. You know?
People don't like new things. And going into oncoming traffic. I know the first time I took the one at, the, the Chubbock interstate, exit. I was like, what? This is weird, but yeah, it works great.
Works great. Yeah. Well, thanks. Thanks guys. Hey, thanks, man.
Hope you have a great weekend. You too. If you stay parked there long enough, you could smell the Burger King fumes coming. You're like, man, I'm hungry. Give me a cheeseburger.
Alright. They need to put their little box right there. You just order right when you pull off, pull up. It's red. Hey, yeah.
I didn't want a double cheeseburger. Okay. Bear you live on traffic school powered by the advocates. Who's this? This is Jordan.
Jordan. What's up, man? Not a lot. How are you guys today? Tired.
Same. Unenthused to be at work. Let's just say this. He's just as worthless as he is every Friday. Probably even more so it's been a long week.
I was telling you about your little granddaughter and what I had to deal with over the weekend. Well, I'm not quite to the granddaughter stage yet, but my body feels like it. Oh, yeah. I'm I'm I'm toast. So Jordan, you got a question.
To get off my couch once this week. I did. I had to go outside in the cold lots of times. Oh, yeah, Lucy. Come on.
My my question is meant for humor ish, but how many times would you let somebody drive around a roundabout before you actually pull them over and ask them questions? Hey. That's well, it would be fun to see how many times they go around without getting dizzy. Right? Right.
You know, this could be a good test. I'd be happy to drive out to a roundabout and just do some laps. Oh, give me that. We've been trying to get you to do a roundabout video for 13 years. True?
You know, I'd get off my couch once. If my cat was at the roundabout, I'm there. I just told you I'm lazy. I had to get on my couch once. Now I'm tired, and, boy, I jump right up and do it.
Yeah. I think I saw the same question, pop up in the Life in Idaho Falls group on Facebook. People very curious about how many times you can go around. For me, if I went more than 3, I'd be so dizzy I couldn't see straight because I merry go rounds and stuff like that make me dizzy in a hurry. And you're the king of the funeral.
My wife hates driving around roundabouts. So every once in a while, I'll go around 2 or 3 times just to mess with her. I But I wanted I I wanna know, like, if there was, say, an officer just sitting by watching, how many times could I actually go around and get away with it before that officer's like, hey. What are you doing? You bring up a good point, and let me just answer it with this.
Who knows? Because every officer's different. This is the great thing about being a police officer. We have discretion. So it may be 3 times.
Right? Maybe but what's gonna have to happen? You're gonna have to be doing something wrong in there. There's as long as you're maintaining your lane and not crashing. You know?
How many times would it take for you personally to stop somebody? Am I mistaken by saying a roundabout speed limit is supposed to be, like, 15? Aren't you supposed to lower your speed around those things? Some of them are marked at 15. Some of them don't have any markings, but, yeah, you're correct.
So if I were doing 15 miles an hour around a roundabout, how how many times would you chase me around a roundabout before you finally called in back up? I I would just hit the brakes and get out and tell you. Alright. Now you're behind me. So, Jordan, I expect you to have some fun today is is what we're getting here.
Thinking about it. I've got the day off of work. I'm thinking about it. Jordan, there's a reason we have those push bars that wrap all the way around the front of our cars now. Well, appreciate the humorous humorous call, Jordan, and I hope you have a great weekend, man.
You too. Have a good one. Right on. Peace. 208-535-1015, the number to call for traffic school powered by The Advocate's Injury.
Attorney's phones are working as you can hear. So everybody who was upset about that for the last week ish, you can call us live on the radio. I know we cover this a lot, but let's cover it one more time because I just seen it this morning coming in. When you're coming on to the highway or interstate from an on ramp, it is your responsibility to get up to speed and enter that traffic flow without influencing it. That's your that's your responsibility.
This morning, I'm getting on at Rigby, South Rigby exit. I got a person that just didn't turn their head, didn't look in their mirrors. You will just let me in. Just like, it's not a rite of passage, folks. Okay.
Bear, you're live on Traffic School powered by the advocates. Who's this? This is Mikey. Hey, Mikey. What's up?
I was just wondering if, there is a a rule on, when you're traveling down the interstate. Is there a rule or a law that says you had to keep rights in Idaho? I don't think there is. As far as I know, there isn't, but I don't know. I know in Utah, there is.
There's a question I have for you, Mikey. Do you do you go by Mikey just so that if somebody actually calls you that, you say, hey. No way. Calls me that, but my mother. No.
My mother calls me Michael, and I go by Mikey. Okay. I'm just checking. I just didn't want the get the old bait and switch. How old are you, Mikey?
I'm 40. Alright. I I guess you could still be called Mikey at 40. I don't know. I think this is whatever he wants, buddy.
I think at a certain age, grow up and call yourself Mike. Oh, I'm just playing saying that because it sounds like he's pretty tough there, dumb dumb. It it's a friendly name. It is a friendly name. It does sound kinda cheery.
Mikey. You notice how good my get out nice Victor can mouth off from a distance. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
I'll mouth off back. I'll lift off, bud. It was a cheap jab at a different Nike, not this one. Oh, okay. It's all good.
Hey. But I will answer your question. Your question is, is there a law that prohibits that? What the law states is this, If you're backing traffic up, impeding traffic from traveling in the left lane, whether you're doing the speed limit or not, you're breaking the law. Alright.
So you you can cruise in the left lane about it if you're backing people up and get it get over. Get. We don't have a we don't have a minimum speed law in that lane. No. No.
Okay. Alright. Thank you. Hey. Good to hear from you, Mikey.
Hope you have a great weekend, man. But common courtesy would say, get over. That's right. Get. I understand that, but, there's a section down on Blackfoot area that's, the travel lane, the slow lane, it's just really harsh.
It throws you around like a boat and stuff like that. So the passing lane is a lot smoother, and it doesn't throw my vehicle out. And in the wintertime, throwing your vehicle around out could cause a slight out. Right? Well, I'm sure in, you know, a decade or so, the roads will be decent.
Oh my goodness. Have some patience. And just all you ITD workers listening right now, I want you to know I support you, and I appreciate all you do for us. Well, good to hear from you, Mike. You bet.
Alright. You too. You guys have a good day. Peace. And UITD workers can have your say too when he runs for public office.
That's right. It's it's gonna happen. I'm fed up with these people. I'm like, I'm gonna have to just allow all of the people to come in and talk on the radio with equal airtime. K Bear, you're live on Traffic School powered by the advocates.
Who's this? It's Cage. How's it going? Doing pretty good. Cage, what's up?
Hey. I've got a question about, like, on the interstate and the highways, when traffic is merging on an on ramp, who's supposed to yield? The on ramp or the highway? Seconds. We did just barely discuss this, but, go ahead and reiterate your message to lieutenant Crane.
Hey. You've done real well in school, didn't you? Hey. I never listened in school. So Couldn't do it.
Couldn't couldn't get me to believe it. Never would have guessed. Yeah. So the person entering the highway from the on ramp is responsible for, entering into the traffic flow without causing a disruption. Okay.
Well, that is good to know. I haven't been listening to the radio for 5 minutes, so I didn't hear that question. You can call us back by the end of the program. We'll answer it again. Yeah.
We're we're we have no problem helping ourselves. I'll do it again if you want me to. Well, we know you're gonna drive off. Now what did he say? But what you should do is be in the middle of going around and around the roundabout doing laps and call us while you're in the middle of that task the question again.
Hands free. Hands free, of course. Hey. That's why I got an earpiece in. We'll go hands free.
Alright. Way to go, man. Way to go. Hope you have kid right there. He got a solid d average.
It's better than me. Well, hope you have a great weekend, man. Yep. You too. See you.
Where did you want me to put my name on this paper? K Bear, what's happening? You're live on traffic school. Well, I had a question as far as, like, speed limit changes go. So let's say, for instance, this happened to me the other day.
I was up on, like, by Fort Hall. You know, not doing that. Smith told me to slow it down. Yeah. No.
Definitely. But, like, so heading northbound when it switches back up to 80, I was curious. Like, I knew that it was switching to 80, and I was speeding up to hit 80. Like, not from a, you know, huge distance, but I was close to that speed change. And a trooper flashed his lights at me.
You know? I didn't pull out or anything, but he flashed his lights at me to kinda let me know. Slow down a little bit. You know? So I do now.
Is it you're right. Right? I don't know. So is it is it definitely, like, you wait until that speed limit sign says 80, or is it okay to kinda speed up knowing that it's gonna change? Man, I love your question.
You know where I live, I'm a few miles from US 20. Speed limit out there is 70, so I'm just gonna tell my neighbors, hey. I know it's 70. I know it's 70 out there. I wanna get to it.
I didn't know I could leave your house immediately at 70. That's great. No. So, hey. You can't do this posted speed limit until you get to where it's posted, and that's the same one slowing down.
When you're slowing down, let's say it's slowing down from 80 down to 65. When you get to where it's posted at 65, that's where you need to be traveling 65. Not slowing down or trying to slow down, but be at 65. When you're getting up to speed and it's posted at 80, you can't start getting to 80 until you get to the posted area. Okay.
Good to know. Well, glad you didn't get a ticket, man. That that's all I know. Right? Yeah.
You guys ain't meeting those quotes. Oh my gosh. Let's go. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
We're too kind and gentle anymore. Yeah. What's going on with you guys? Yeah. You know?
Yes. Getting soft. I mean, nobody's gonna care. We're used to being nickel and dimed on everything nowadays. Oh, here we go.
Right? Here we go. I was going through the radio the other day, and I thought you'd turned into a political talk show host. Oh, there there was one day I lost my patience. You ranted.
I I did lose my patience a little bit one day. I've been I've been really good. I haven't said, like, almost anything political since the election. And then once our state legislators start working, then I'm like, oh, okay. Yeah.
I am Madigan. Okay. Like, you know what? The speed limit brought this back to my attention. It's okay.
One of these days, they'll do something that's actually a benefit to the citizens, but for now, let's, you know, just, you know Now we got him off track. Keep pandering. No. It's it's all good. I was just gonna say, you know what?
Like, I I'm not complaining, but when I get the breakdown of of a speed limit ticket and it's all those little tiny fees that add up, I'm like, are you freaking kidding me? Let me ask you this. If I, as a state police officer, was to write you a citation, how much money would the Idaho state police get out of that citation? Very little. Very little?
What what's very little? Let's say it's a $95 ticket. What would be very little? Just throwing a number out, maybe 20 out of that. 20?
Yeah. Well, I wish. Yeah. No. We don't get anything.
We don't we don't get anything off the revenue of the citations. Most of that goes to the courts and operation costs there. Makes sense. Yeah. Yep.
So definitely glad you didn't get a ticket. Oh, wow. We're gonna get a caller on this line. Interesting. The phones are working everywhere.
Jay Miller, you need to call the hotline like everybody else. Can't put that phone on air as easy. Well, I appreciate the answer. Hey, you have a great weekend, man. Appreciate the call.
You too. Bye. Peace. You are live on traffic school powered by the advocates. Who's this.
Is that Jay Miller? Jay Miller messing with me? I ain't gonna take this. Kay Bear, you're live on Traffic School. Who's this?
This is Mike. Mike. What's up, man? Mike, you should've said this is Jay Miller. You should've said this is Jay Miller.
Just claim to be him. Ask something really dumb. Hey. If I'm in a roundabout So I had a question about the onramps since we're talking about it. So I try drive a lot every day, and I try not to road rage, man, but I get on I 15 North, over by Smith Chevrolet.
People try to put me on the interstate doing 45 on that on ramp. What do you do in that situation? Now near poker you're talking about near Pocatello. Oh, Sonny said right here. No.
No. I know. Like you. Okay. No.
Yeah. That's a different Chevrolet. Never never mind. Yeah. Okay.
Just went Chevy. This task. Now, so out there, I mean, you could kick up to 80. So I'm trying to follow. You you said people get you down to 40 to get on.
What are you driving? Yeah. I'll I'll but I'm what's that? What are you driving? Like, a Toyota Highlander.
Okay. And how come you're only at 40? Is that because they're in front of me doing 40. Oh. They're in front of me doing 40.
The Toyota had no power. No. Are you trying to throw some jabs at my truck? My truck can go 80. But you're white knuckle to do it.
I do get scared. Nervous. I do get a little bit scared. Yeah. So people aren't getting up to speed like and and that's why those on and off ramps are designed the way they are so you have the opportunity to have the room to get up to speed.
Yeah. We're just supposed to treat them just like basically your runway. Right? Yep. Exactly right.
Get up to speed and join traffic without disrupting the flow. So there's not much you can do though if they're if you're stuck behind somebody, is there you can't pass them or anything? Well, you can't pass them. No. No.
You just have to sit there and patiently rage. I I really wanted to ask if you could pass them. I don't wanna get Well, yeah. But I wouldn't do that. Feel so insane.
You couldn't scream under your breath. Where are the state police when you need them? Why don't these people listen to traffic school? So, yeah, man. Sorry, man.
I hope that, you can get stuck behind some, better drivers. Okay. All right. Thanks, guys. Thanks, man.
Peace. K Bay, you're live on traffic school powered by the advocates injury attorneys. Who's this, I'd like to remain anonymous. I got warrants. Sunday.
Sunday. Sunday. How you guys doing, man? Oh, dude. I'm so glad.
This spring, we're gonna be doing a car show. You're right. We're a mature guy with beer bellies and old cars. Yes. Crazy Carl, did you submit your entry for Idaho's number one baby bump?
Right. Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. Alright. Just wanna watch doing that thing.
We'll drink beer with you. Oh, man. So, first off Alright. Thanks for the call, Carl. So Oh, thank you.
Cat in Vegas. He'd, he'd go around the corner. We had these gang bangers living around. He would go hang out in the garage all the time, dude. I don't know what he did over there, but he just feared for like 3 days at a time.
I didn't have the question. Catnip wasn't enough for him. Nope. He was smoking the devil's lettuce. I watched a really funny cat movie actually called, called Keanu.
Have you seen? Oh, that is such a good movie. Oh, yeah. It was lots of fun. You 2 go ahead and enjoy each other in the daisies.
It's basically about, like, this pretty much like a gang war erupts over a kitten. I I went to my garden, and I went to watch my cat movies. Hey. I almost hit you up to, you know, get the forces out, you know, search team. That's a dang emergency for us.
Yeah. Hey. Victor's busy in his little flower garden. Can we go help him find his kitten? Yeah.
No doubt. Oh. So, so my question is, so you can on a one way street onto another one way street, you can turn left on a red light. Correct? As long as it's not a red arrow bulb.
Yes, sir. Exactly. So with that call it. It's only illegal that you get caught. Right?
I'm just testing you, trooper. Oh, man. Did you know my brother-in-law is an attorney? Yeah. Oh, man.
So, so the freeway interchange, Shovex, by Walmart there. If you're coming from American Falls, you take the off ramp and there's a red arrow light right there. Technically, it's a one way street, and you turn left on that on ramp. Hey, you're like that last kid that you called. You just don't listen.
No. Did you clearly just state that there's an arrow bold, red arrow green? Well, but it's it's a one it's a one way, though, and there's no oncoming traffic. Okay. Hang on.
Crazy Carl. Uh-huh. Red arrow bulb? You did say that. Right?
Right. But it's a one way. There's no oncoming traffic. Listen, your honor. I mean This reminds me caught me here.
This reminds me of my argument when I got pulled over for speeding, and I'm like, well, I just yo. I'm used to going a different speed on the freeway. I don't know what my talent level is. Oh, man. It's funny.
So so, yeah, that that that answers my question. By the way, did I mention my brother in law's an attorney? Right. Oh, that's funny. Oh, head your badge.
Oh, yeah. Do it again. Oh, congrats on finding your cat next time. Just go check garages, man. Yep.
Yeah. I'm out there doing bad things. I wish I would've done it the day before. W because I checked a few neighbors, but I was like, yeah. I'm yeah.
She wouldn't go over there. They're not they're not the same kind of people that I am. I met a lot of my neighbors that I had never talked to before, so, you know, it was it was good. Hey. I'm the insociable guy that lives across the street.
That weird guy who makes a lot of noise in the middle of the night. I would like to be friends right now because I do need a favor. Oh, you can't help me? Alright. I'm not gonna talk to you anymore.
Well, crazy Carl, I hope you have an awesome weekend, man. Oh, you guys too, man. We'll talk to you soon, man. Have a good one. You too, man.
See you. We'll see you. K Bear, you're live on Traffic School powered by the advocates. Who's this? This is Roman.
Roman. A quick question about, 2 segments, today's and yesterday's kinda combined, with your license. Oh, the real the real ID? Yeah. So it your driver's license says not for real ID purposes, but your concealed weapons license is.
Can that be used as real ID through airport? Your driver's license can. Well, I'm saying without once the star card is required. Oh, okay. Yeah.
I think I think it has to be the star card. Now that's something I can give you a straight up answer on. I don't think your concealed weapons permit would get you through. It has to be the star card once it goes into effect. Oh, okay.
Yep. It just popped into my head, and I was wondering. And don't pull your, concealed weapons permit and say, I will show you. Yeah. Definitely.
Do you wanna argue about this? Because I'll show you. Thank you much. Hey. Thanks, man.
Have a good one. You too. K, Bear. You're live on traffic school powered by the advocates. Who's this?
This is Ollie. Ollie. What's up? I just had a quick question. Kinda nervous talking to a cop, though.
But Yeah. Me too. What's the Only if you're Carl and you're like, hey. I know this is breaking law, but I knew it anyway. Yeah.
Well, this is I didn't I didn't break the law. The other day, I got pulled over, and they said I didn't use my blinker for 5 seconds. When did they make that law? Isn't it 3 seconds? I was they told me 5 seconds.
It's actually 5. He's right there. Oh. But if it's not, time available, then it's distance. Yes.
That's what I was always told is that until you use your blinker until you get into the lane. But, yeah, they pulled me over for not using it for 5 seconds. So do I have to count it out for 5 seconds for now on? They really wanna talk to you. You must look suspicious.
I, yeah, didn't do nothing. I had insurance, had my license. I was all good to go. How much drugs did you have in the trunk of the car? None.
I had a bunch of red bull. Hey. That if you're in Rexburg, you might had some problems, but I feel like going down. So No. But when did they make that law?
I thought it was I have to look at probably like 1963. Really? It's been a while. I never learned that in traffic school or when I went to driver's ed. I, I started my career in 1989, and it was there then.
Well, that sucks. Now I gotta turn it out for the rest of my life. Did you get a ticket? No. He just let me off with a warning because I told him I had no idea.
He's actually a really nice guy. Really See, I told I told Victor we're really nice guys. Yeah. You are. You know, I hear these claims, but, you know, you can't believe everything you hear on the phone.
It might be Yeah. It might be the way Victor starts the conversation out when he gets pulled over. Don't you do what it places to be? You talking to me? Do we know who I am?
When he told me it was for 5 I was being nice to him. You all hands on the steering wheel. All the windows were rolled down. I made sure he Smoke was rolling out. I heard it out real good before he walked in.
Real good. You had a fresh cigarette. Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, he was like, you know why I pulled you over?
And I was like, no. I don't. And he was like Are you sure you didn't start out with, dude, no one don't. Yeah. Well, I'm usually polite.
But when he said you didn't use your blinker for 5 seconds, I was like, I kinda used the f word, and I was like, what the hell are you talking about? Woah. No way to You're out of control. You're out of control. You're a wreck.
I I think he just thought I looked suspicious or something. You know? I'm not driving a piece of junk or anything. Might have been your outlaw tattoo on your shoulder, he's seen. Yeah.
There is no outlaw tattoo, but there are some tattoos there. And no. But, yeah, I just didn't know why that was I didn't learn that. So Yeah. To me, it sounds like officer board.
Oh, that's what it sounds like to me. Oh. Sound like they need to do something better with it. Sound. To me, like y'all see something he wanted to follow-up on.
I see people using their blink. They don't even use their blinker. I mean, there's a car actually in front of me that did not use blinker. Yeah. Lieutenant Crane pulled me over in the parking lot recently.
There's a video of it available online, and he did critique my lack of, distance on using my blinker pulling into the parking lot. Yeah. It doesn't help once you've been pulled over, stop. It you can't turn your blinker on then and have it count. It's been on for, like, 30 seconds.
What are you talking about? Some of them cops are just bored, and they need to do something. I tell you, we got nothing better to do. Yeah. Ukraine Ukraine sounds like about that.
You're a lieutenant, so you're probably bored as hell. You're doing paperwork and all that. I wish I could remember the word used, non something. I like it when you're stumped. Usually, it's me.
I had an employee tell me a while back, you're a non producer, but it wasn't like a non producer. You're non something. You're a non something. Did I tell you another story really quick? Well, why not?
Sure. Keeps me from having to figure out something to say. All you people on the phone, you just wait. I was hauling cows from, Downy, or from Blackfoot to Downy. We just bought a new horse trailer.
Well, it's actually a old horse trailer. But How's your mom doing? All 4 all 4 of the tires got flat. Each one got flat. We got had a heck truck can fix them.
But every time they got flat, a cop would come behind me and they would ID me. And, you know, I wasn't breaking the law or anything. Is that right? Because I had 5 flat tires that day including my, car that I drove home in. I got another flat tire, and they all ID'd me.
What's the purpose for that? Well, I tell you what. They are just running you through the k. Ringer. I'm running my head through a map right now.
Okay. So he was going he was going from years ago, Blackfoot out. Black foot to Downey mysteriously has hang on, Carl. I I got this figured out. Black foot to Downey mysteriously 5 flat tires that could result in you needing to be towed somewhere near maybe income.
I knew it. I knew it. I figured it out. Conspiracy. It really is.
I know why this happened to you. I wanna know how he got the truck to change the tires because he said he had to call the truck to come and change the tires. Yeah. I had to call a commercial tire, and they had to come change it once. And then on the way, it was on the way to Blackfoot.
They had to change it once. They didn't even send a driver out with the truck. Just the truck did it. The trailer. There's so many cows on the trailer.
And then there was 2 flat tires they had to come and fix, and then another flat tire they had to come and fix. And then on my my car on the way home, I fixed myself, but all 5 times So when you're looking at those tires and you can see, like, little metal strands in it, that's probably a good time. New trick. It was No. It was a used trailer.
Yeah. I listen unlike some of the callers earlier today. So let me answer your question about being ID'd. You're on the shoulder of the road. Have you committed any kind of crime, or is there anything going on that we have legal grounds?
Hey. You answered the question, sir. No. No. No.
I I was completely illegal. Like I said, I thought ran back on the highway. You gathered up all the debris from your blown out tires, and nothing was on the highway. Yep. Nothing was on the highway.
It's pulled up behind me. And Man, I wish I'd had a perfect child like you. But is that legal? Is it shouldn't I be able to say no. I have not committed a crime or anything like that?
Absolutely. You can say no. K. So alright. Well, next time Take a breath.
Get 5 points. Yeah. I I I recommend taking the long way around being convinced. Let's go back to this. Are you required by law to have tires that are not bald?
Yeah. Well, no. They were the tread on the tires were good. It was just the way it was. Overloaded?
Yeah. Okay. That's breaking the law. It was overloaded. It was just the old tires, I guess.
I don't know. You were car on the way back. He was pulling out a horse trailer loaded with cattle with a little 4 cylinders at hand. I saw somebody pulling a a pretty large camper recently on cruddy roads with a little tiny SUV. Yeah.
Like, it it foolish. It did not look safe at all. Yeah. So No. I have a dually.
We've pointed out we've pointed out a few problems that you have with the law on this. Yeah. Not a fan of the cops. I like the people, but the uniform, yeah, we've had some issues with the law. That's when you break the law, when you're a law breaker.
I thought I was the only one who would, critique the uniforms, you know, the silly hands. You're a kid. You don't care. You know? I'm telling you.
Yeah. It's our hope somehow when you're drinking. That's a joke. I hear you. It's like, this guy is real trouble, but we do appreciate your call today, man.
Hope you have a good one. Victor does. He didn't say he doesn't like radio DJs. I love radio DJs. I love cops too.
I just don't like their reasoning. Their authority. Their authority. Exactly. Lack of respect for authority, son.
See, but what you gotta remember, always remember this. They didn't make the laws. Our politicians made the laws. But I give Hate to enforce them. That's right.
So if you're gonna get mad about the laws, don't get mad at the cops. Get mad at those politicians. Yay. I'm in front of a gun store right now getting ready to buy a new gun. So Okay.
Hey. If you're coming this way, let us know. Oh, I never use it for horns. Just for fun. Alright.
Alright, gentlemen. You have a wonderful day. You too, man. Please. These other callers are so patient.
Alright. One more call. Kay Barry, you're live on traffic school powered by the advocates injury attorneys. Who's this? This is Mark.
Mark, what's up, man? Hey, guys. How's it going? I I forgot my question about 70 rings ago. I got another one.
Do I have a horse trailer with 4 ball tires? No. But I I was wondering for the code for a, flat tire is. Oh, there's no code for getting a flat tire, but, he was just saying there's no reason for the cops to talk to him. Well, I just saw somebody going down the road with his blinkers on, and his his tire was kinda rumbling.
Did you pull over and help him, Mark? He was too fast for me. He's he's a listener trying to make up for those last two calls. Yeah. My real question was, do you like, the code you guys use over the radio, do is there a code that, you seldom hear, but it's just really unique?
You know what's interesting is there is a 10 code, police 10 code that a lot of, agencies use. We just speak English. Oh, yeah. You just go, alright. Drunk driver.
What what what if you see a guy, running down the highway, butt naked? Oh, yeah. We've had that, and, that's a I think gosh. I'm you're testing my memory. I think it's a 1079, which is a mental issue.
Oh, yeah. Hey. There's no You got a light picture there. I was gonna say, just because you're running around naked doesn't mean you've got a mental issue. I can tell you that drunk driver's 1055.
I remember that. So Oh. So you'll hear other agencies use it, but we just speak. We just outright say what it is. Yeah.
I miss my CB. I used to have one when I was, like, 10 years old. I used to get on my my dad's when I was a a little kid, and I remember being terrified one day because I think I was, like, you know, doing like little prank jokes and things and some trucker, some trucker convinced me they could track where I was. This ain't a toy kid. Like, we know where you're at talking on that radio.
We'll be over there in just a minute. You need an RV equipment to find that out. Yeah. What was your handle? I have no idea.
I really I think it was, little bear or something because it was my grandpa that gave it to me. Ah. He was big bear. And I would assume people still use CBs? Yeah.
They're still in trucks. Alright. Oh, yeah. They're trucking. Alright.
So my my account number now is 425. Right? Mhmm. What was my, CB handle? When I was a young young kid in the well, my dad has the mountain.
Maybe the hill? Small fry. Small fry. That's a good Idaho name for a little guy. A small fry come back.
Have a good weekend. You too, Mark. Good to hear from you, man. Alright. We'll see you.
Peace. Well, I gotta say I'm pretty happy with our callers. We had the awesome lit the whole show. So that worked out great. I didn't have to babble on about useless stuff whatsoever.
Well, lieutenant Crane, I hope you have a great weekend. You too. Yeah. It's gotta be better than last. Jeez.
Ugh. As long as I'm not a speaking of a mental issue, you know, disaster over a kitten, then I'm I'll I'll be doing good. So you go. Alright. Best of luck.
Next Friday, everybody. Traffic School powered by the advocates at 8:45 AM right here on K Bear. Traffic School is a production of Riverbend Media Group. To get more info on the show or to contact us, hit up our website, riverbendmediagroup.com.