Floating Away Podcast

Join Angie Meagher and Adam on the Floating Away Podcast as they explore the ancient practice of Yoni Steaming at the Floating Away Wellness Center. 

In this episode, we shed light on the beautiful and very feminine experience of Yoni Steaming, a practice that nurtures the body and spirit. Discover the history, benefits, and personal experiences shared by women during Yoni Steaming sessions. 

From ancient origins to modern-day applications, this podcast delves into the deep cleansing and hydrating effects of Yoni Steaming, offering a unique perspective on holistic wellness. Tune in to learn about personalized herb blends, session durations, and self-care practices, both at the Floating Away Wellness Center in Broadbeach and in the comfort of your home. Whether you're new to Yoni Steaming or a seasoned practitioner, this episode provides valuable insights and advice for women seeking to reconnection, rejuvenation, and overall well-being.

What is Floating Away Podcast?

Welcome to the Floating Away Podcast, your tranquil escape into the rejuvenating world of holistic wellness. This podcast series dives into the unique services offered by Floating Away, providing listeners with a deep understanding of each treatment's benefits and transformative potential.

Across three detailed episodes, we'll explore the soothing experience of flotation therapy, the deep heat relaxation of the infrared sauna, and the ancient wisdom behind yoni steaming. Each episode is designed to enlighten both newcomers and seasoned spa-goers, featuring expert insights, FAQs, and tips on how to maximize your wellness journey.

Join us as we float away from the daily grind and step into a state of profound peace and rejuvenation. Whether you're looking to relieve stress, boost your health, or find a new self-care regimen, the Floating Away Podcast is your gateway to wellbeing.

Visit our website at www.floatingaway.com.au to learn more and book your session today.

[00:00:00] Renee: G'day, it's Renee at Floating Away Podcast, brought to you by Floating Away Wellness Center, located on level one of the Oasis Center in Broad Beach on the Gold Coast. This podcast is all about health and wellness. It's all about you, where we uncover transformative experience that calm your mind, heal your body, and uplift the spirit through three services that we offer, float therapy, yoni steaming, and the infrared saunas.
[00:00:38] Adam: Hello and welcome to another episode of the Floating Away podcast. Now today's episode shines a light on a unique wellness ritual offered by Floating Away known as Yoni Steaming. Now with Angie Ma here to guide us, we're going to explore this ancient practice and how it can nurture the feminine body and spirit.
[00:00:57] Adam: Angie, welcome to the Floating Away [00:01:00] podcast.
[00:01:00] Angie: Oh, thanks Adam. I'm excited to be here.
[00:01:03] Adam: Awesome. Awesome. All right. Now for someone who's never heard of Yoni Steaming, I'm sure there's Plenty of people who haven't heard of Yoni steaming before. Can you briefly describe, explain to me what it is and what's involved?
[00:01:15] Angie: Yeah, absolutely. So it's a really ancient practice, as you said and it just involves a woman sitting over a steam mix with some herb blends. So we use all organic herbs and really clean filtered water. And yeah, it's just basically a woman's practice that's been passed down the generations and a lot of Eastern countries and not very well known in the West.
[00:01:34] Angie: So that's. Okay.
[00:01:36] Adam: So it uses different herb blends to get different results. How does that work?
[00:01:40] Angie: Yeah, absolutely. So every person that comes in has a unique composition of their whole body. We look at the spiritual side of it. There's sometimes emotional things that's going on in the body with chakras and energy centers, but a lot of it is revolved around the physical stuff too.
[00:01:56] Angie: We look at. basically a client's goals, what their [00:02:00] body has endured throughout the years and what they're currently experiencing. And then we basically uniquely create a blend for them.
[00:02:08] Adam: Perfect. Okay. And we said that it is an ancient practice. Can you tell me a little bit about its history?
[00:02:14] Angie: Yeah, look, it's It's a funny one because they still argue over where the origins were. But it's been known to be in ancient Greece. It's actually been in the paintings and things. Really? Ancient Egypt. They did it. The midwives did it during labor. It's an ancient Indian practice.
[00:02:32] Angie: Some people claim it as being Ayurvedic ancient Korea. It's just all over the globe, almost everywhere. So it's really hard to find the actual origins. But. But knowing how beautiful and ancient this practice is and how widespread it's been across the whole globe, it just goes to show that there is some sort of ancient wisdom here that we probably haven't tapped into.
[00:02:51] Adam: Absolutely. What do women typically experience during a yoni steaming session?
[00:02:58] Angie: It's actually just really beautiful. [00:03:00] It feels like a feminine meditation practice. It's really warming and gentle. And to be honest, you just really tap into your body. You relax. I've got angel cards and books and stuff that clients can read, but oftentimes they're like, I couldn't even read.
[00:03:13] Angie: My mind was just so relaxed. And so they feel really gentle and nurtured actually in that space.
[00:03:19] Adam: Fantastic. It has to be very safe then this. this practice and there's no health worries with doing it?
[00:03:25] Angie: There can be. So I like to say it's for every woman, but not for every phase in their life.
[00:03:31] Angie: So being pregnant, they can't do it. There are some precautions that we put in place if people are on birth control or on certain medications, maybe we can't mix certain herbs for their blend. So that's why it's really important. to actually come in and see me or another practitioner and then get the steam from there, because we want to personalize it around you and make sure it causes only benefits and we, yeah, basically mitigate any issues.
[00:03:56] Adam: Perfect. And tell me, talk me through some of the benefits.
[00:03:59] Angie: [00:04:00] Yeah. So this one's kind of a hard one. And the only reason is because, women have passed this down. to younger women when they begin menstruation, and so they do it to clean up their cycles and using preventatives from pain and PMS symptoms and all sorts of things like that, things that can go wrong with the menstrual cycle.
[00:04:19] Angie: But then we also find that, especially in this day and age and obviously with my journey, which you've heard about a bit It can actually help to sort of rectify any hormonal imbalances and issues and that sort of way. But even going into later on in life, so after childbearing years, even though you might not experience, painful menstruation, for instance, you might be going through perimenopause or menopausal stages, or even people that don't bleed anymore may have had hysterectomies, helps with tissue scarring.
[00:04:49] Angie: It's a really, deep cleansing, it's really hydrating and warming for the body. I like to say consistency is key because that's when you start seeing the noticeable benefits. One time off, you're [00:05:00] looking at a relaxation, a beautiful little day spa experience. Let's do it more
[00:05:03] Adam: regularly and that's when you can really start to see the benefits taking shape.
[00:05:06] Angie: And it's different woman to woman. We all store trauma in different parts of the body. Some people have an emotional experience, which I don't. Um, Some people have experiences in different ways where, they're really hydrated, no more dryness, especially later on in life. We get dry skin and things.
[00:05:21] Angie: So yeah, there's a lot of benefit to it.
[00:05:24] Adam: Fantastic. How long is a, does a standard session take? Yeah.
[00:05:27] Angie: Yeah, so we do our time slots as 20 minute time slots, because generally for the average person, they can handle 20 minutes. People with IUDs and things like this, we might steam them a little less.
[00:05:40] Angie: There's some women that are generally quite healthy or just have a few minor things. They can steam for 30, 35 minutes or more. But 20 minutes is generally a good, safe number. Yeah.
[00:05:51] Adam: Sure. Okay. And you said doing it regularly is where you start to see, that the benefits come through.
[00:05:57] Adam: How often should you do it? How often can you [00:06:00] do it?
[00:06:00] Angie: Yeah. Look, this also changes woman to woman, but as a general rule of thumb, once a month is perfect. Okay. Some women need to steam more than once a month. It could be every week. Yeah. Some women. They might want to just do it, once this month, maybe twice next month.
[00:06:16] Angie: And once you develop a kind of ritual, it's a self care practice too. Once you develop a ritual and you see where the benefits are, you become intuitive and you realize, okay, my body actually needs it more this month. So I'm going to come in, in two weeks time. Or you might just dial it back or you like, no, I need more.
[00:06:34] Angie: So it's really up to the person. Sure.
[00:06:36] Adam: And you've got a. An amazing setup there with the sanctuary you've created it at floating away in the Oasis Center there at Broad Beach, which women absolutely love that environment, but it's something you can do at home as well. Is that right?
[00:06:50] Angie: Yeah, you can do it from home. It's really good if you come in, have the consult, we get to meet each other face to face. You get to experience it there for the first time. But yeah, doing it from home is [00:07:00] how I started off my business. Actually. Women have been doing this throughout the ages. in all sorts of weird backyards.
[00:07:06] Angie: And you can
[00:07:06] Adam: help with the herb blends to take home. Exactly.
[00:07:09] Angie: Once they've had their consult, we generally keep a herb blend on file for them. So if they go, look, I'm interstate, I'm wanting to go back home, but I want to continue with the practice. Is there something I can do from home? I've got a how to steam from home brochure.
[00:07:22] Angie: We can print it out for you. Generally, we give three herb blends as one herb blend package so that they've got at least three steams and they can keep ordering it if they like.
[00:07:34] Adam: Fantastic and how does someone prepare for a Yoni steaming session? What do they need to be aware of?
[00:07:40] Angie: Look to prepare, honestly, speak to someone who knows what they're doing because more often than not you are unique.
[00:07:48] Adam: Yep.
[00:07:48] Angie: And so it's really important to just make sure that you cross your t's, dot your i's. But all organic herb blends. So I like to use dried herbs. People have asked me essential oils and things like [00:08:00] that. It's way too potent.
[00:08:01] Adam: Our
[00:08:02] Angie: yoni, the skin on our yoni is the most absorbent skin on the body. So we need to be really mindful of that.
[00:08:08] Angie: So using less is more. Speaking to someone first to make sure the practice is right for you and medications, anything else like that. And also using really clean, filtered water. I have heaps of people that are like, oh, I went to Bali and did it. And I'm like, ooh, the water quality. Yeah. Yeah. It makes me cringe.
[00:08:27] Adam: So get good advice and you've got guides and things you can find. Okay. Awesome. What are, what do you wear? What, how do you, wear? How does it work?
[00:08:35] Angie: Yeah. Look, basically in the practice, when you come into floating away, we've got a seat and it's basically got a hole in it. And underneath that is like a ceramic pot because no heavy metals, no plastics.
[00:08:47] Angie: And we just get them to strip from the bottom down. They get their own private space. And then they wrap a towel around them to keep the steam in. Sorry, just keeping the steam concentrated in that area allows the steam to. [00:09:00] Do
[00:09:00] Adam: its work.
[00:09:00] Angie: Yeah. Yeah. But some women, they can wear a dress. They can wear a sarong around them, whatever's comfortable.
[00:09:06] Adam: Perfect. So look, last question. Anyone hearing this and thinking, haven't done it before, knew nothing about it before now. What would be your advice to them? Someone coming in? Contemplating giving this a go.
[00:09:17] Angie: Look, honestly, if you feel that niggle, if you feel that, you want to try this, I recommend just to give it a whirl because yeah, you never know until you do it.
[00:09:27] Angie: And the worst thing that could happen is that you just have a really nice. Gentle experience and you feel really pampered down there. So, Yeah,
[00:09:36] Adam: fantastic. Look, thanks so much for coming in and unlocking the secrets about Yoni steaming for us today. I'm sure it is very new to a lot of people, but you've explained it in detail.
[00:09:46] Adam: And like you said, really, for any woman worth. to see how the benefits it can give you and having a nice relaxing experience while you, you do . So, for women looking to reconnect and rejuvenate, Floating Away is located in the Oasis Centre at [00:10:00] Broadbeach and it's free.
[00:10:00] Adam: offers a sanctuary like no other.
[00:10:03] Angie: It's a beautiful space to
[00:10:04] Adam: get more info on their services. Do visit the website, which is www. floatingaway. com. au. But look, here's to embracing wellness in, in all its forms. And I look forward to you joining us on another episode of the floating away podcast. We'll be looking into the infrared sauna and all the health and
[00:10:23] Adam: wellness benefits that come along with that. So just to remind the three main things at at floating away, we've got
[00:10:29] Angie: the
[00:10:31] Adam: therapy,
[00:10:32] Angie: the Yoni steaming and the infrared saunas,
[00:10:35] Adam: and they do have packages available where you can do all of them.
[00:10:40] Angie: Booking a holistic goddess package. It is so luxurious.
[00:10:43] Angie: Sounds
[00:10:43] Adam: amazing. Excellent. Angie, thanks so much for joining me on the floating way podcast.
[00:10:48] Angie: Oh, you're welcome, Adam. Thank you.