Church Nerds United

Just like in your favorite RPGs, healing is essential for survival. Whether it's using potions or relying on the healer in your party, you can’t win battles without restoring your health. In this sermon, Pastor Brandon Holm dives into the importance of spiritual healing through prayer and community, drawing parallels between gaming and faith. We’ll explore how God gives us the tools for healing—emotionally, spiritually, and physically—when we turn to Him.

Join us for this powerful message, and learn how prayer is our ultimate healing "potion," empowering us to face life's battles with renewed strength.

Key Scripture:
James 5:16 – "Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working."

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Creators & Guests

Pastor Brandon Holm

What is Church Nerds United?

Welcome to Church Nerds United, the ultimate podcast where the sacred and the geeky collide! Dive deep into the Holy Scriptures with us as we explore sermons sprinkled with your favorite gaming quests, cosplay characters, and anime adventures. Whether you're a Paladin of Prayer, a Cosplay Crusader, or an Otaku of the Old Testament, this is your sanctuary.

Join our fellowship as we level up our faith through the lens of epic battles, legendary heroes, and fantastical worlds. From the wisdom of the Proverbs to the valor of the Apostles, we'll draw parallels between biblical narratives and the beloved realms of gaming, cosplay, and anime.

Tune in for:

Sermon Side Quests: Discover the deeper meaning behind Scripture with analogies from your favorite games and anime.
Cosplay Character Spotlight: Unveil the biblical virtues embodied by iconic characters and how they inspire our spiritual journey.
Anime Apologetics: Engage in lively discussions that bridge the gap between faith and fandom, unraveling the spiritual themes in popular series.

So, grab your controller, don your cosplay armor, and get ready to embark on an epic quest of faith and fandom. Church Nerds United is here to guide you on a heroic journey, one episode at a time. May the faith be with you!

Greater Guild Announcer:

Hey there, fellow church nerds. Welcome to another episode of Church Nerds United, the podcast where faith meets fandom and sermons are the new superhero stories. That's right. Today, we've got a sermon that's more epic than the battle of Helm's Deep and more inspiring than Captain America's pep talks. But before we dive into this week's divine download, don't forget to hit that like button, subscribe, and ring the bell so you never miss an episode.

Greater Guild Announcer:

And, hey, if you love what we do and want to support the show, consider donating. Every little bit helps us keep the nerdy goodness coming your way. You can find the donation link in the show notes or head over to our website at Join the ranks of our Greater Guild Army and help us spread the geeky gospel far and wide. Now, without further ado, let's jump into this week's sermon.

Greater Guild Announcer:

Grab your bibles, light up your lightsabers, and get ready to dive deep into the word of God.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Hey, guild members. Today, we're continuing our dive into the series with healing potions and prayer, spiritual health for gamers.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

If you

Pastor Brandon Holm:

ever played an RPG, and I believe pretty much all of us have, and whether it's Final Fantasy, World of Warcraft, even Skyrim, you know the importance of healing. You're in the middle of a boss fight, and what's the one thing you're constantly watching during your battle besides the enemy? It's your health bar. Right? It drops too low, and boom, it's game over.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Or need to start from the last restore point which would could be ours. You might have the best tank, or, you know, you may have the highest DPS on a weapon.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

You know, maybe in the

Pastor Brandon Holm:

group or for yourself, but without healing potions, a healer, or even a medic, you're pretty much done for. Well, just like in games, life has its own boss battles. You know, struggles we face with our health, our relationships, our mental well-being, and even our faith. And it's just in those games we need healing. But instead of potions and buffs, we have prayer.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

God, through his spirit in our community, is our ultimate healer. Whether we're dealing with an emotional pain, physical sickness, or spiritual exhaustion, God has given us the tools we need to find restoration. We find this need for restoration in James 5 16 where it says, therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. Prayer is our lifeline.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Call it a healing potion, or healing mist, or even healing injection. However you view it. Today we're going to explore how we can stay spiritually healthy in this world of constant battles. It comes to our first point, which is identifying spiritual wounds. So let's start with this.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

How do you know when you're wounded in the game? You know, you look at your health bar or the screen turns red. And if you're low on health, you heal. Simple. Right?

Pastor Brandon Holm:

But in life our spiritual and emotional health bars are not as easy to see because we don't have a HUD, or even an app on our phone to give us this information. Because of this lack of information too often we just push forward ignoring the pain, ignoring the stress, and the weaknesses that's building up. We try to keep fighting without stopping to heal, and eventually, we just collapse. You know, some turn to alcohol, some turn to drugs, and even some of us have contemplated self deletion. And this is where God can start to change all

Pastor Brandon Holm:

of this. And it says in Psalms 147 verse 3, he heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Think about that.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

You know, God is like the ultimate healer, always ready to patch us up. But how often do we actually stop and let him? How often do we acknowledge that we've taken a hit? Whether it's a relationship that's gone sour, disappointment at work, or just the stress of everyday life, these are the wounds that pile up in our hearts and souls. He even invites us in Matthew chapter 11 verses 2829.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Come to me all who labor and are heavily heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Jesus starts by acknowledging that you have burdens, problems, stress, and tells you he will give you rest. Jesus continues with, take my yoke upon you and learn from me. For I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Rest.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Healing. That's all he's offering. And it's not just relief from the burden, but to share it. You need to continue to work through the issues, no doubt, but we need to stop and admit when our health bar is low. In this admission, because there is no shame in admitting you need help, you will find the people and the groups to work with you during your season of pain.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

And that brings me to my second point. Healing through confession and prayer. K? Another example would be imagine you're in a game like Overwatch, Destiny 2, you know, you know, really big team games, and you're low on health, and there's a healer on your team. But you don't say anything.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

You just keep fighting, hoping they'll notice and heal you. Of course, in some games they don't hear you either. So it's, kinda, you know, you know, weird. But but I but what if they could hear you? You know, your mic's open.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

You're saying, I need healing. I need healing. I need medic. You know, but if they can hear you but they don't do anything, you know, that sounds ridiculous. Right?

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Yeah. We know during a team match that communication is key.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

If you don't ask for help,

Pastor Brandon Holm:

you're gonna get knocked out or even worse sent back to the lobby. So in life we often do the same thing. We struggle in silence. We hide our pain, our sins, our worries, because we don't want to burden anyone,

Pastor Brandon Holm:

and or maybe we're just ashamed. But here's the thing. Confession is

Pastor Brandon Holm:

the first step towards healing. We confess, whether it's to God or to someone we trust. We open the door to healing. This is what mental therapy is all about. If you don't confess, the therapist can't help in your mental health.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Period. End of story. The reason for true confession comes from 1st John chapter 1 verse 9. If we confess our sins, he is faithful, and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Confession isn't just about sin.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

It's about bringing to light the struggles we've been hiding. It's about asking for help when we're low on health. James also says in James 5 14 and 15, is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church. Let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. Now, just like you wouldn't stay silent when you need healing in a team match, we shouldn't stay silent when we need spiritual, emotional, or even physical healing in life. We go to a doctor when we're feeling physically bad. We go to a therapist when we're emotional. But people think, okay, that's it.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

But your spiritual meter, as we have talked in the past, needs to

Pastor Brandon Holm:

be filled up too. You know?

Pastor Brandon Holm:

And it's not just for going to God, but we need to have that for our community. And, you know, that's why we have community. That's why we have each other. And with that, that brings me to my 3rd point which is spiritual buffs. You know, it is the power of faith filled prayer.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Now, let's talk about buffs. Seriously. You know, games League of Legends, World of Warcraft, you know, any really good sci fi, fantasy, RPG, you know, certain characters and certain items can give you and your team buffs that will make you stronger, faster, more resilient. You know, a well timed buff can change the course of a battle. Seen it happen, and probably you have too.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

In our spiritual lives, faith filled prayer is like a buff. It brings God's supernatural power into our situations. Prayer is like a spell scroll if you either yell it out or say it silently when you're alone. Now there may be a delay, or maybe you have an epiphany, or even an it it's an instant effect,

Pastor Brandon Holm:

but the status stays the same. The buff will hit no matter what. And Matthew

Pastor Brandon Holm:

says in chapter 21 verse 22, whatever you ask in prayer you will receive if you have faith. You know, prayer isn't just about asking God for stuff. Okay? You know, that's

Pastor Brandon Holm:

a little selfish, and we've talked about that too in our Almost Truce series. But what it

Pastor Brandon Holm:

is it's about aligning ourselves with his will, and trusting him. And that's 2 parts. His will, and trusting him. You know, this is why some things really don't happen immediately. God may hold back the buff until you've gained in your intelligence or wisdom stat.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

That could be a probability. You know, it sucks, I know. But prayer is being answered on God's timing. That's what it is. When we pray with faith, we're essentially saying, God, I believe in you that you have the power to change the situation.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Now understand we need faith in God. Now people will blindly say or type in social media, and you've probably seen it. Thoughts and prayers to

Pastor Brandon Holm:

You know. And you look at it,

Pastor Brandon Holm:

and it's like, well, is there faith behind it? Because here's the thing. A lot of them probably don't have faith. They're just typing it out as as an ad nauseam. Without but the this is the key.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Without having faith, they're just empty prayers.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

You know, it's no wonder many mock

Pastor Brandon Holm:

the idea of prayer, but with faith, just like a buff in a game, it gives us the spiritual strength. We need to face whatever battle is ahead or we're in. There's also the spiritual shield buff that many overlook when we pray. And Philippians gives us an idea of this in chapter 4 verses 6 and 7. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Really, think about that peace as a shield, another spiritual buff that protects you in battle. It's not that the struggle disappears, I mean, you still see it, you know, the fireball is still coming, but you have peace of mind knowing that shield is taken care of because you prayed for it. You worked for it. But God's peace always guards your heart so you can stand strong.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

That peace gives strength to your heart. That's get strength gives peace to your inner spirit. Right? I mean, try rolling, you know, try rolling

Pastor Brandon Holm:

the net twenty when you're trying to, you know, you know, in a battle. It can work you know, it's hard. It can be done. Prayer and I

Pastor Brandon Holm:

was like, hey. I hope I get that Nat tronning. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but that's the odds of the game because God doesn't play with dice. But peace of mind knowing that no matter what happens, you're set up to for success in that particular instance, and that's not all that we need to do. And here comes our 4th point.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

It's about continuous healing. It it's about maintaining our spiritual health, and we see it in games like Skyrim and Dark Souls. You don't heal once and think, you know, you're good for the rest of the game. This is especially true in the Dark Souls. Believe me.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

I've watched it. I don't play it. I've watched. Enough watching has made me go, maybe not wanna play that. And it also, you know, souls games are really not my cup of tea.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

That's no offense to anybody who plays them. Love you guys. You're all great. I you just have more strength in that area than I do. But as you know, healing is a continuous process.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

You're constantly watching your health. You're using your potions. You're casting healing spells as you need them. You're using scrolls, s's flags, whatever. The same goes for our spiritual lives.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Healing isn't a one time event. It's something we have to seek continuously and maintain. Now this is why we need to be vigilant when it comes to times of hope and hardship. Romans really says it perfectly in in 12/12. Rejoice in hope.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Be patient in tribulation. Be constant in prayer. We we can't just go to God once, and then we're and, you know, once we're in a crisis, and then forget about him the rest of the time. That just really doesn't work. Our spiritual health requires ongoing attention.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

We need to stay connected to God through regular prayer,

Pastor Brandon Holm:

through worship, through community. In many games, we need to repair our equipment. Right? Now this is

Pastor Brandon Holm:

what Romans is really hinting at. Every triumph and every trial in our life must be reinforced with prayer. Pray for thanks in good times. Pray for help in dark times. It's also imperative to pray at all times in between.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

No matter what, prayer is a game of patience in some, including myself.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

You know, we need to be reminded that of that. And this

Pastor Brandon Holm:

is where our passage in I passage in our in in Isaiah really points to, because Isaiah 4031 reminds us, but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint. Waiting on the Lord, seeking him regularly, this is how we maintain our spiritual health.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

You know, just like you wouldn't ignore your health bar in a game, we shouldn't ignore our need for God's healing in our daily lives.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

You may not need healing now, but always be praying for healing and uplift daily. You know, this

Pastor Brandon Holm:

is the maintenance we need for our spirit and mental health. So just as in gaming, where healing is essential to survival in our spiritual lives, prayer and community are essential for healing and restoration. Don't try to fight your battles alone. Even in a single player game, many of those games have partners to work with. You're not in that battle alone.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

God has given us the tools we need prayer, confession, faith, and community. Now if you're wounded today, whether emotionally, physically, or spiritually, don't keep fighting them on your own. Let's turn really to the ultimate healer, Jesus. Let's bring our struggles, our pain, and our worries to him in prayer. And let us pray for each other just as the Bible says.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Through prayer and faith, we can experience the healing power of God's spirit in our lives.

Greater Guild Announcer:

Wow. That was powerful. Pastor Brandon never fails to deliver a sermon that's both thought provoking and nerd tastic. We hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and donate if you want to keep the sermons and geeky discussions coming.

Greater Guild Announcer:

And remember, you can always connect with us on social media. Just search for The Greater Guild on all your favorite platforms. We'd love to hear your thoughts and geek out with you. Thanks for tuning in, Guild Nerds. Until next time, keep the faith and stay nerdy.