Public Sector Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from Public Sector Executive – on Tuesday the 13th February 2024.

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities has announced that it is shaking up planning rules to ensure that more homes are built on brownfield land.
This comes as part of the government’s long-term plans to ‘turbocharge’ housing, with every local council in England being told that brownfield developments should be prioritised, whilst reducing bureaucracy and red tape.
Councils that aren’t meeting housebuilding targets are also to follow brownfield presumption measures, which raises the bar for refusing housebuilding.

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority has announced that it is planning for the next step in the transition to cleaner transport, by launching a new consultation on electric vehicles and charging.
Resident engagement will ensure that electric vehicle infrastructure is done in the right way, whilst also informing the draft of the region’s Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy.

Liverpool City Council is inviting education partners to join them on a mission to China, to help celebrate the 25th anniversary of its partnership with Shanghai.
The four-day trip is being backed by the UK government, as well as local leaders in Liverpool and Shanghai and will see education providers given the opportunity to network with Chinese counterparts.
It will also help to promote Liverpool as an education and tourism destination for global young people.

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