Employee to Entrepreneur

There is an intimate connection between success and how much your work on yourself. That's why you'll see lots of people invest in self improvement when they're in industries like fitness, sales or entrepreneurship.

I actually believe that there is a correlation between fitness and business. People that take care of themselves tend to excel.

If you're wondering how to shift from employee to entrepreneur mindset is a huge key! You'll find out very fast that in order to successfully transition from employee to entrepreneur that you'll need to invest heavily in self help. This is the way top performers think - in ANY industry.

I believe that the state of entrepreneurship - although very focused on money - is also great for motivating people to become their best selves.

If you're an aspiring dadpreneur please check out the resources below!

Newsletter: https://www.employee2entrepreneur.co
Website: https://www.brendanryan.co
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iambrendanryan
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iambrendanryan/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@iambrendanryan
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brendan-ryan-654608264
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086011735800

A fantastic community of budding entrepreneurs that I endorse: Leveraged Lifestyle

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What is Employee to Entrepreneur?

The podcast for aspiring entrepreneurs who have families. If you're a dad looking to escape the rat and quit your 9 to 5 while keeping food on the table for the family in the process then this show is for you. We discuss the challenges, tips, tricks and hacks to help you make the leap into freedom.

This is the employee to entrepreneur podcast, the podcast for the family man who is looking to escape the rat race. So if that sounds like you, if you were an aspiring dadpreneur who's hoping to get to some soccer games for once or retire your wife, then you're in the right place. I made this show for you because I am you. I am your host, Brendan Ryan, and I have made that transition myself. And today I want to have a short episode and talk just a little bit about sales and self-improvement in particular. See, I like to say that entrepreneurship, at least for me, has really been a journey of both self-improvement and self-discovery. I think I went through my life not really knowing most of the time what I was truly meant to do or truly even wanted to do, but was funneled through our traditional school system and guided by my parents to... eventually find my way to a pharmacy career, which I found incredibly, incredibly unfulfilling. And I am leaving because I just have bigger goals, bigger dreams for my life. I think that pharmacy will be replaced eventually by automation and AI. I think that I don't want to deal with employer mandates and that kind of thing as well. And I could go on and on, right? There's a lot of reasons, really. There's a lot of reasons why I am not satisfied with that particular career path and why I've eventually stumbled upon entrepreneurship as being the vehicle to true freedom. That's why I like entrepreneurship so much and that's why I truly believe that we need more dadpreneurs in particular. I think that so many men out there let their dreams die once they hit their 30s or so and they just kind of settle into whatever job they found themselves in, especially. if they have a family to take care of, which is understandable to a degree, right? Like it's definitely, definitely understandable. I think in the past, that was almost a necessity, unfortunately. And what I mean by that is that in the past, If you had to go work in the factory or your nine to five desk job or whatever to provide for your family, then that was what you had to do. You had an obligation to your family to be a man and to be the breadwinner, et cetera. But nowadays, the information age that we live in with the access to the information that we have and now with AI as well, there has never been a time in history where it's been so easy. to start a business or to even run a business with all the automations that are out there. You can link up chat GPT with APIs to run all kinds of medial tasks for your business. You can link programs together with apps like Zapier. You can use overseas talent from virtual assistance in Colombia or the Philippines. And people are slowly starting to figure this out. They're starting to figure this out. I figured it out. I figured out that, Hey, I can do this full full-time job and build a business. I built, built a lead generation agency for home services, largely using a lot of those things, automations, et cetera, all the software, et cetera. And a lot of it can be set up so that it doesn't take up too, too much of your time and that's really how you want to build a business, right? You want to build it from the very beginning with the idea of being, how can it run when I'm not there? But anyway, that's neither here nor there. I say all that just to make the point that I really think, I really believe that entrepreneurship is what so many men in America in particular need. I feel like we've lost our identity in a way. A lot of people are very content to just go to their job and live this mediocre lifestyle. And the whole system that our founding fathers built, which is capitalism, has been all but forgotten and not as appreciated anymore as it used to be. Capitalism is beautiful, it's a meritocracy. In other words, the more you put in, the more you get out. The harder you work, the better you do. And that's not necessarily the case at all if you go work a typical nine to five, typical corporate job. But it is in entrepreneurship, it is in capitalism. That's how it's supposed to work. Now, I have found it to be an incredibly edifying journey, something that has pushed me and challenged me and forced me to grow as a man. I saw on Twitter the other day actually, somebody mentioned that sales is also something that pushes you to grow and evolve as a human being. It makes you dial in your mindset and be able to control your mood, be able to accept rejection. and on and on and so forth. Be better at active listening. Be a better communicator. Be better with tonality. Those goes on and on. And that's all true. And they said in the tweets, the one that I'm referencing, that sales is just as good of a path to self-improvement as fitnesses. And it made me think, okay, most people think that fitness, working out, getting in shape and all that dieting is a path to self-improvement. And I can totally relate to that because my first love was fitness. In fact, I used to be an amateur bodybuilding. I used to be into amateur bodybuilding when I was in high school and early college years and I even competed in it actually. So I totally understand that. And I still think back to that time and realize that being a bodybuilder taught me a lot of really valuable lessons, like goal setting, like discipline, et cetera. So I can completely relate to the idea that fitness of whatever sort you're in, powerlifting, Olympic lifting, bodybuilding, whatever, all of it is great for helping people improve. And it's funny too, because I think, at least in my experience, and this is anecdotal, of course, but I've noticed that people that are more fit, will oftentimes do better in sales and or business. Because maybe they already have that discipline. Maybe they already have those virtues and habits already forged a little bit. And so there may be, there are a little bit ahead of the game versus somebody that's maybe a younger gun, right? Somebody that's 18, 19 years old, trying to get into remote closing, remote sales. And they haven't developed those habits of going to the gym every day and all that. There's literally studies out there that show. that going to the gym actually makes you smarter, makes you think better. You get some blood flow to your brain, but you release important factors like BDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, that actually makes you smarter, literally does. You can look it up, go on Google right now and check it out if you don't believe me. But the point is, sales and fitness are great, great vehicles for self-improvement, for making anybody better. And can we really say the same, by the way, about a typical career path? Think of an accountant, an engineer, et cetera, something where you go sit at a desk job, usually nine to five Monday through Friday. And yeah, honestly, I haven't noticed it. I I'm sure that there are some jobs that are 100%. I'm not saying I'm not trying to say that all nine to fives are. are bad in that way that don't challenge people and don't force people to grow. I'm sure that there are some, but in general, I'm speaking that I haven't noticed it, honestly. That has not been my experience. What I have observed in life is that most nine to fives don't really push people. In fact, I would argue the opposite. At least where I was working, it was somewhat of a toxic work environment and it resulted in a lot of complacency, a lot of laziness, a lot of... Um, people that just a lot of negativity too, a lot of really negative thoughts and gossiping, et cetera. And so I haven't seen that at all in sales by any means, but to bring it full circle and talk about this show, entrepreneurships and parenting in general. I mean, prior to looking at that tweet. I. I've always thought that those two events in my life were the ones that really forced me to grow the most, by far. Those two events being, one, becoming a father, and two, becoming an entrepreneur. Those ones pushed me to grow more than anything. And I would say honestly that jumping into bodybuilding when I was young and learning all about fitness back then was probably a distant third. It probably was next in line, if you will. And for me, maybe sales in particular wasn't as transformative as say entrepreneurship was because I found entrepreneurship first and because I became a father first and because I got into fitness first and all of that. But from what I've seen and what I've heard, that's been the case for a lot of people that have gotten started in sales is that it's been very transformative in that way. It's been great for getting people into self-help, getting people to focus on their mindset. Because. At the end of the day, I really believe that the key, the secret if you will, to success in life is to improve yourself. That you should focus on improving yourself. You should work on yourself more than you work on anything else. You should work on yourself more than you work on anything else. And that is the key to success in life. If you do that, you will make it. whatever make it is for you, whatever success looks like for you, if you just do that, if you focus on improving yourself and getting better and better and better every single day, and you never stop doing the things that got you better, by the way. There's a temptation a lot of times that you trick yourself into thinking that this is just going to be some temporary thing where you're on this diet temporarily or whatever. Can't do that. As soon as you stop doing the things that got you to that success, you start moving backwards again. So you've got to take it baby steps. You have to take one step at a time, 1% per day, keep getting better, take it small, but don't go backwards. That's how you find success, without a doubt. You can make a lot of money by focusing on your career, by working hard on your career, but you can make a fortune by working hard on yourself. And so I will leave you with that. I'm gonna keep this episode short today. I'm just trying this out for the listenership because I'm still trying to grow this show. And so if you're listening, especially if you're listening on YouTube, please like and subscribe. It really helps the show out. If you're on Apple podcasts, I'd really appreciate it if you left the show a review. And by the way, guys, we have a free newsletter for aspiring dadpreneurs just like yourself that talks all about things like being a dad, being an entrepreneur, talks about sales as well. or even passive income opportunities that I come across. And so if you're interested in that, you can sign up at employee, the number two, entrepreneur.co. That's employee, the number two, entrepreneur.co. It's a free newsletter, comes out once a week. We don't spam you, we don't sell your information or anything like that, so please join the newsletter. Please like and subscribe. And please, guys, please, if you are considering being an entrepreneur. I highly implore you to make the jump. I really believe that we need more dadpreneurs in particular, so please make the transition from employee to entrepreneur. I will be glad to help you myself and I will see you on the other side.