Flip the Script with Vic

This week, I'm fired up, fam! I'm so tired of toxic tactics being used by coaches and spiritual leaders to instill fear and pressure. And I want to challenge you to be your own guru and embrace the medicine of your unique perspective. As we shift from Piscean to Aquarian leadership, I want to emphasize the importance of community and equality in the new age. Let's break free of the cooke-cutter approach to leadership, coaching, and more. 

3 Takeaways:
1️⃣ Be Your Own Guru: In the age of community and equal standing, it's time to embrace our unique gifts and perspectives. No one person has all the answers, and it's important to find your own truth and inner wisdom.
2️⃣ Embrace Diverse Perspectives: Seek out and embrace perspectives that are outside your comfort zone. By expanding your awareness and understanding, you can form a more complete and informed perspective.
3️⃣ Cultivate Inner Wisdom: While mentors and teachers can guide you, ultimately, the responsibility of cultivating inner wisdom and making empowered decisions lies within you. Empower yourself to trust your intuition and innate wisdom.

Share your fave takeaways from the episode on Instagram with me (@victoriamargauxnielsen) and tag someone who needs to hear!

The Return to You Retreat is April 8-12, 2024 in El Sargento, Mexico. Click here to apply.

Join The Portal Collective, Victoria's new on-demand kundalini and breathwork membership to help you access your highest self with a daily meditation practice for $22/mo.

IG: @flipthescriptwithvic
IG: @victoriamargauxnielsen
TikTok: @victoriamargauxnielsen
email: victoriamargauxnielsen@gmail.com

Cover art: @house.of.morgan

What is Flip the Script with Vic?

Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I’m your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together, we’ll unwind all the things you thought you knew, and awaken to what’s truly possible when you flip the script on your reality and take control of your own life.

Speaker A [00:00:00]:
Hello, my loves. Welcome to another episode of Flip the script with Vic. It's Victoria. I'm getting tired of that old intro, so I feel like I'm gonna say something different every time now and just feel into that groove. But anyway, don't mind my post nasal drip voice. My allergies are killing me. Everything is blooming here in Atlanta, and while I love it and spend as much time outside as possible, I feel like my throat is just full of mucus and snot and disgustingness. So I'm just apologizing now if I have to cough or if you hear me sniffling, it is just energy moving in the body and moving things out of my energetic channel.

Speaker A [00:00:53]:
So I'm super fired up today. I was not planning on recording a podcast today, but I just feel this fire in my belly. And so here we are. I am so fucking tired of seeing on Instagram all of these coaches, course creators, spiritual leaders, like, literally insert anyone into that and the fear tactics that they are using to get you to buy something from them. And if I ever do this, please call me out on it, because I am really ready to be done with the old piscean way of leadership. So, we are currently in the aquarian age, but there are lots of piscean structures that are still in place that I bet we're going to see more crumbling as we're in this eclipse portal now and as we continue to move into the aquarian age. But what that means is, during the time of piscean leadership, there was someone that was a guru or someone that was above it all, telling you exactly what to do. And they were raised high on a pedestal, and they said, this is the exact way that you must do things to find success or to find love, happiness, joy, any of those high vibration emotions.

Speaker A [00:02:18]:
And we followed that, and we believed that for a long time. But now that we've shifted into the aquarian age, the aquarian age is far more about community and equal standing and really understanding that actually, we go further, and we can do it faster when we do it arm in arm with one another, that there is no person on a pedestal, that we are all equally amazing, that we all have gifts to share, I just sneezed my energy fully agreed with that statement. We all have gifts to share. We all have things to contribute. And so instead of saying, I'm a spiritual coach or I'm a business owner or I'm a kundalini yogi, so therefore, I have all the answers and I'm above you, like, fuck that that's not the truth at all. None of us have things figured out. I don't care who you are. I don't care if your business is making a billion dollars a year.

Speaker A [00:03:20]:
There are still some aspects of your life that you don't have figured out and that you have a beginner's mindset in. And so I think it's unfair to act like we know it, all right? That we actually have all the answers when we really don't. Because what really is putting a b in my bonnet is the posts that you see that are like my exact ten steps to getting lifelong happiness or to $10,000 months or whatever it is. Because those exact steps worked for that person. Great. But they most likely will not work for you because you are a completely different person with a very unique energetic signature, a very unique dharma, or life's purpose and path, and very unique gifts and skills that you have to share with the world. So yes, you can read these posts to maybe get some tips, but that exact path is most likely not going to work for you. And it is super unrealistic to feed that to people and for people to think that everything's magically going to change.

Speaker A [00:04:32]:
I have never been one to think that one course or one program or one retreat is going to completely change my life. I know that I will get certain things from it that I need and I will have life changing and transcendent moments and experiences. But I guess maybe that's the lifelong learner in me, is that I'm always going to be seeking and growing and expanding. And so I'm never only going to have one teacher. I always have a mentor that I work with at any given point in time. But I have had so many mentors over the years, and I really encourage, if you're listening to this and feeling inspired, that that should be the case. Yes, there's something to be said for year long mentorship with someone. When I actually stepped into that, that was really beautiful, because then they're able to see you over the course of a year and they can see your habits and potentially the pitfalls that you're falling into or the cycles that you're repeating.

Speaker A [00:05:31]:
But I fully believe in shaking things up and changing the energy. So I really don't work with people beyond a year in a one on one mentorship capacity. Right. I think the longest I was ever in a program was the Kundalini business program that I joined in 2020. I was in it for about two years, and honestly, the second year, most of the time I was questioning why I was even in it. What saved it was all of the other women that were in the program with me, because there was a new cohort of women, like every six months. And so that fresh energy and those fresh perspectives was why I stayed. And I do believe that you have mentors for different points in your life and that you absolutely should outgrow them.

Speaker A [00:06:20]:
If you're not outgrowing them, then there's something going on. Either you're not really doing the inner work and what needs to be done for your growth and capacity, or they're just fear mongering and keeping you small and not allowing you to grow to your fullest capacity because they're afraid that you outshining them makes them look bad. And that's super shitty. And I know that there are a lot of coaches out there like that. I mean, thankfully, I have never worked with folks like that. Actually, that's not true. I have worked with someone like that. But I was able to see what was happening and said, okay, thank you, cutting the cord.

Speaker A [00:07:02]:
I'm tired of you making me feel small. But I had enough wherewithal and confidence and strength in my own abilities to do that. So what I'm really saying here is that you have to be your own guru. Guru literally means transforming darkness into light. And I know there are still a lot of gurus out in the world, but you will never hear me call myself that because, first of all, I'm not a fucking guru. But second of all, I'm not your savior. I'm not going to be the one that changes your darkness into light. You have to do that for yourself.

Speaker A [00:07:39]:
Okay. You can use some of the tools that I have in my toolkit, but the way that you go about doing it for you specifically is going to be very different than the way that I do it. And again, that's because of your unique energy. So maybe you resonate with the fact that I use the Akashic records, but when it comes to Kundalini yoga, you're like, fuck, no, I don't want to do that. That is absolutely, totally fine. And what you should do, you should be taking little pieces and sprinkles from everyone that you meet and then internalizing and integrating and seeing how it works for you. And in what way you're going to alchemize and transform these things for yourself because everyone has something to share with the world. And whether or not you come up with your own methodology right is irrelevant.

Speaker A [00:08:27]:
You still are going to see the world from your own perspective, no one else has the same viewpoint as you do. Even if you're agreeing with everything that I'm saying right now, you're not in 100% accordance with everything I say because you can't be like, vibrationally, you've had experiences and things in your life that show it differently. So, like thinking of a diamond and all the facets of a diamond, there are no two diamonds that are exactly alike ever. Just like there are no two snowflakes that are exactly alike. So even though you may resonate with whatever 90% of what I say, it is absolutely aok that that other 10% isn't vibing. That's actually totally natural and normal and what is to be expected. And I feel like, especially on social media, you guys know this, most people in the spiritual entrepreneur space are only showing you the facets of the diamond that make them look good or the facets of the diamond that they think that you're going to relate to. And I will say, of course, right, I post things that I want you to relate to, that I want to feel connection with, but I am hopefully never using those as pain points in my marketing to get you to think that you have to buy from me and giving you fear and anxiety that if you don't find out these, I don't know, secrets from me, you're going to be missing out on life because that's not true.

Speaker A [00:09:56]:
And I'm really just tired of coaches and people being like, I have all the answers for you. I maybe have some answers for you. I mean, I hope I do, at least just from sharing my experiences. Right? But again, I wouldn't even call it answers. I think I'm just sharing my experience and hoping that there is parts of it that you can relate to that you can then just take these little nuggets of wisdom and weave them into your magic and your medicine. I also truly believe there is no ownership of a lot of these things. I had a friend last year that got super pissed off at me, and actually, we're no longer friends because she said I was perpetuating some of her ideas as my own. And I said that I didn't think I was because you can't own these spiritual philosophies.

Speaker A [00:10:49]:
You can't own these big ideas. And anytime I have learned something from someone else, I try my absolute best to credit the source. And I just don't think that you can put a stamp on it and say, victoria is the only one that can talk about not being a guru. Victoria is the only one that can talk about Kundalini yoga and the Akashic records and all of, like, that's bullshit. That's not true. Everyone can talk about these things because all of us are going to put our unique spin in perspective on it, and that's just the way it is. And I don't think that any other person in the space that's doing the exact same things that I'm doing are my competition. They're my collaborators.

Speaker A [00:11:30]:
We should be inspiring one another instead of cutting one another down. So, back to that idea of the piscean and aquarian leadership, right? We can do more together, because arm in arm with my sisters, we are stronger than I am, just standing by myself, and I learn so much from the women around me and their modalities and what they're teaching. And even again, women that are doing the exact same thing that I am, that are teaching Kundalini yoga or using the Akashic records, they do it very differently. Everyone has a unique, energetic signature. And so even if me and another woman are teaching the exact same Kundalini class, you're going to get something different out of it because of what each of us pull out of it. And I think it's really astounding. I learned the other day that there was this teacher, this yogi, that he only ever taught nine Kundalini Kriyas over his, like, 50 plus years of teaching. And it was because he focused on different aspects of the kriya each time he taught it.

Speaker A [00:12:32]:
So maybe it was about the intuition one week, maybe it was focused on the chakras the next time he taught it. Maybe it came from the perspective of connection. Whatever that facet of your perception is, is going to color what comes out of you. And that's a really beautiful thing for each of us to be further exposed to more perspectives. I mean, that's why I started this podcast, right? It was because I felt like I had a unique perspective and voice to share, and I think everyone absolutely does, and that they should, because the more that we can hear these disparate opinions, the more that we can then form our own opinions that are actually informed on a variety of topics from a variety of spectrums. I think, what is it when it's an echo chamber, especially in social media now, we follow the people that we like, right? That we resonate with, that think like us, that maybe look like us, or maybe have some facet of them that is a mirror for what's in us. But I encourage all of you, and I'm even encouraging myself here to go outside of your comfort zone and seek those perspectives that are outside of yourself, because that's when you're going to get a whole and complete idea of something so that you can form your own informed perspective. Because that's how things get perpetuated in these ecosystems and in these echo chambers and vacuums is because if all you hear is the same stuff, then your brain starts to think that it's truth, right? Just like those stories that we are always telling ourselves, our brain is going to think they are true.

Speaker A [00:14:12]:
Eventually you hear something enough, and it's going to be really hard for your brain to say, actually, no, that's not true. And so if we're only ever confirming our own biases, then of course we're going to think that our perception of the world is the right one, quote unquote, when that's not true, that everyone has their own unique perspective and way of viewing things, and that's the way it should be, and that's the way it's supposed to be. And just because someone thinks something different than you do doesn't mean they're wrong. It just means that they have a different perspective. If we can move out of the mind, the mind thinks in two dimensions. In black. Excuse me? Black, white. Right.

Speaker A [00:14:54]:
Wrong. This. That when you move out of the mind and into the heart brain or into the gut brain, you're moving into the different dimensions so that you're able to see things from a more filled out perspective. You can see all of the facets of the diamond instead of just the two dimensional diamond on the paper. And so that's why I feel like it's so important to get into our bodies and to move this energy, whether it is our perspectives or our actual energetic bodies. And coming back to this idea of not being a guru or not being the only way you are allowed to change your mind. And I think anyone that is so stuck in their ways that they're willing to say that their way is the way, always and forever, is not someone that is truly embodying expansion is not someone that is truly walking the walk. Because I hope that a year from now, some of the shit that I've said on this podcast, I have a completely different perspective on.

Speaker A [00:15:59]:
I hope that that is the case. Because that means that I am expanding and growing. And then guess what? It would be complete bullshit for me to say that that one opinion I had or that one methodology I had was the only way. Because it's not because life and other perspectives have shown me that it's not. So. I don't know. I just had a bee in my bonnet today and I wanted to talk myself off of a ledge with you guys and see if you agreed, because you'll never hear me call myself a guru. And I think if you are looking to work with anyone that uses these fear tactics that says that their way is the only way, I just say, run for the fucking hills, man.

Speaker A [00:16:42]:
Run as far away as you can. That I only want to work with people that are willing to change and are willing to see different perspectives and see that they don't have all the answers. And actually, hopefully, empower you to know that you are the best person to have all the answers for yourself. And that inner knowing, that innate wisdom, is something that should be cultivated. And it is entirely up to you to cultivate that awareness within yourself and then listen to and make moves from that place. It is no one else's responsibility to do that. And until you are able to do that for yourself, yes, of course, find mentors, find teachers, find those that can help you develop your intuition. But that is very different than someone just giving you a cookie cutter plan and saying, follow these exact steps.

Speaker A [00:17:30]:
So that's what I've got for you today. Thanks for listening being here. Thanks for coming to my TED talk. I've got the return to you retreat coming up. It is at the time that this podcast is released. It'll be next freaking week, and I'm so excited. I've got a speaking event in Knoxville coming up that I'm super stoked on, but I've got some things cooking in the background. I do have a free meditation that I'm sharing to help liberate you, liberate your mind, body, soul, spirit.

Speaker A [00:18:05]:
And it is one that will definitely help you overcome those limiting beliefs blocks and bring you into a deeper awareness of self and of those around you. So if you are looking to do that, send me a DM on Instagram with the word liberate because I would love to share it with you. I hope that you will tune in next week. And yeah, I'll see you real soon, guys. Be good to one another. I love you. Bye.