Saddleback Kids Church At Home

Your attitude does not have to determine your actions?! Hear about how Ruth and Naomi went through some real tough problems. What would you do if you were having a hard day? Run and hide? Give up? Sit around and watch tv while being crabby?

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God's good plans don't make the hard things go away. But knowing God has a plan helps us realize the hard things have a good purpose!
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Each week Saddleback Kids (or SK as our friends call us!) shares their church with yours! Tune in, find your age group and have fun!

At Saddleback Kids we believe every kid should be known, connected, equipped and empowered. KNOWN by another kid and a leader. CONNECTED to a group where they can grow spiritually. EQUIPPED with the tools and the knowledge to develop a strong faith in Jesus. EMPOWERED to serve others and share Jesus in the world.

To sum it up, Saddleback Kids exists to connect kids to God and others while helping them live a purpose driven life.

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Well, hello, everyone. What is, uh, up? My name is Kayla, and I'm so excited to be here with you today for church at Home. We are in a new series called Vibe Check, where we are checking our attitudes and actions to see how they line up with the ad attitudes and actions God wants us to have. We're going to hear lots of different stories from the Bible where people had good and bad attitudes, and I bet we'll learn a lot from them and the things they did. God even gives us a clue on a tool we can use to do a vibe check in our memory verse. It's down in two, Timothy 316 and 17. And it says all scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work. Wow. God gave us His Word and the stories in the Bible to teach us what is right. And that includes the right attitude, too. Let's spend some time letting God's word sink into our hearts and sing out our memory verse right now. And is used to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our life. Every Good word. That was an awesome song. I love that. It reminds us that the stories we read in God's Word are true. Take a pause for a second and think about that. Isn't it crazy to think that all the things that happens in the Bible and the people we read about are real and true? God uses these stories and His Word to teach us what is right and gives guidelines on how we do a vibe check in our own lives and make sure our attitudes and actions align with what God says in the Bible. Today, we're going to take a look at the attitude of a woman named Naomi. Things in her life seem to just get worse and worse, and she chooses bitterness and anger. Let's check out this Bible story to see what happens.

Stories of the Ruth and Naomi this is Naomi, who was a Jewish woman from Bethlehem in Judah. Naomi's husband took her and her two sons to live in a country called Moab because there was a famine in Judah, meaning there wasn't enough food for them to eat while they were in Moab. Naomi's husband died and her sons married two Moabite women named Orpa and Ruth.


But then Naomi's sons died, leaving Naomi, Orpa and Ruth alone. Naomi heard that God had blessed his people in Judah by giving them good crops for food again.

Let's go.

So Naomi took her two daughters in law and set out for Judah.


On the way, Naomi told her daughters in law to go back to their mother's homes. They all cried. And then Ruth and Orpa told Naomi that they wanted to go with her to her people. But Naomi, uh, told them to go home and marry other men. They all cried again, and Orpa said goodbye. Ruth clung tightly to Naomi, though Naomi, uh, told her that she should go, like Orpa did. But Ruth said, don't ask me to leave you and turn back. Wherever you go, I will go. Wherever you live, I will live. Your people will be my people and your God will be my God. When Naomi saw that Ruth was set on going with her, she said nothing more. So Ruth and Naomi went back to Judah. When, uh, the people in Bethlehem saw Naomi, they were excited.

Hey, Naomi.

But Naomi said, Call me Mara, for the Almighty has made life very bitter for me. When Ruth and Naomi returned, it was harvest time in Bethlehem. Ruth went to gather grain in the field of a man named Boaz. Boaz treated Ruth with kindness and made sure that she and Naomi had food from the fields. Naomi heard of this and told Ruth that Boaz was a close relative of Naomi's husband so he could be her husband.


Ruth went to Boaz and told him that he was her family's. Redeemer.

Oh, wow. Okay.

Boaz then put everything in order to take Ruth as his wife. Ruth and Boaz had a son named Obed. Naomi cared for Obed as if he were her own. Obed went on to have a son of his own named Jesse. And he had a son named David who would be the great king of Israel, who defeated a giant named Goliath. And many, many years later, Ruth and Boaz's descendants would include Jesus, the savior of the world.

Naomi was bitter, sad and even felt angry with Gods because her husband and sons have died. She told others how upset she was and she even asked other people to call her by a new name so everyone would know how bitter she was. But did you see how that story ended? Even with all that pain, God still had good plans for Naomi and her family. He used Ruth and Boaz to comfort her and redeem her family and even gave her a grandchild. That reminds me of our big idea. It says, Even when things don't go my way, I know God has a good plan. That's exactly what happened with Naomi and Ruth. Things definitely didn't go their way. But God still had a plan. And did you know that God can do the same for you? That's right. There will be times in our lives where things don't go our way, like Ruth and Naomi. And honestly, it's okay to feel sad or even angry, but we can still take a moment to do a vibe check in our lives and check to make sure our attitudes aren't determining our actions. That means when we feel angry or bitter and sad instead of pouting or taking it out on others. We can take our feelings to God. We can talk to Him and trust that he has a good plan for us. God used Boaz to redeem Naomi's family and make things better for her. And God uses Jesus to redeem us and make things better in our lives. God sent Jesus to be our redeemer. And when we choose to believe in Him and follow Him, we get to be in heaven with Him forever. Now, that is a good plan. Now, speaking of vibe check, we have an all new episode of one of our awesome shows, jerry Reviews. This time, Jerry is releasing his inner foodie and reviewing some of his favorite foods. Let's watch this.

Hey there, everybody. My name is Jerry, and I've got more opinions than I know what to do with. I've been a foodie all my life, so I figured now it's time to start sharing some of my food knowledge. We all have foods that we think are great. So to help show you my favorites, I've created my very own rating scale. Here on Jerry Reviews Food, I will tape test all kinds of food and share with you what I think is the very best and worst of everything. Get it? Got it. Good. Now let's eat. Today on Jerry Reviews, we are going to be reviewing the top jelly bean flavors. Personally, I'm really excited to try and review all different kinds of jelly beans. Ever since I was a kid, I've been absolutely obsessed with a legendary Dr. Pepper jelly bean flavor. Can't wait to try that. You know, the first time I ate it and was life changing. Okay, what is this? Um, KitKats, I guess, um, they must have sent me the wrong thing. Bummer. I've literally been, um, preparing my taste buds to eat jelly beans all day long. This isn't really what I had planned at all. What am I supposed to do with all these Kit Kats? I guess there's, um, only one thing to do when life gives you a box full of amazing Kit Kat flavors. You got a review of them. I've never seen any of these, but I think they look pretty darn good. I guess you can't go wrong with chocolate, so this might not be too bad. Let's eat up first, strawberry. This is easily the most basic flavor in the box, but my guess is it's going to taste pretty different from a normal KitKat. It's even got some cool Japanese writing. Let's try it. Whoa. Okay. So far, so good. I don't love it, but it's definitely interesting. If you've ever had one of those Kebler strawberry sugar wafers, this sort of tastes like that. It's got a little more substance to it, though. Overall, not bad. Next up is matcha green tea. This one is, I think, white chocolate with a little bit of green tea flavor. Let's try it. Okay. That's good. Green tea is actually one of my favorite ice cream flavors, so I'm not totally surprised that I love this. The green tea flavor is subtle, but it's a really great addition that goes perfectly with the chocolate. This might be in the running for first place, but we've still got two more to, uh, try. All right. This is a completely new flavor to me. This is the Shinshoe apple kit Kat, and I have never heard of apple and chocolate being combined together, so I'm curious to say the leaks. Let's see what I think. Whoa. Honest, uh, reaction right off the bat. You really taste that apple flavor. I don't know, it's not bad, but it's not amazing, either. It's a bit of a strange combo, to be honest. I feel like the one thing apples and Kit Kat have in common is their crispiness. That definitely comes through, at least. But this one isn't really my favorite, so, you know um all right, so this next one I actually had to look up to see and find out what it is. Turns out Benny Emo is a purple sweet potato. I have no idea what the normal taste tastes like, so I am not too sure what to expect from this, but let's try it. Even the packaging is a little bit different. Okay, here we go. Whoa. Wow. Okay. Interesting. I don't feel like I totally have the words to describe this, but I really, really like it. For those of you that like boba, it's almost like drinking the tarot milk tea. Okay, time for me to rank them from worst to best. So here we go. Fourth place. I like strawberry better, but it didn't feel that special either, so this one gets third place. Coming in second place, we've got the matcha green tea Kit Kat. It works really well, but it falls just short of the top spot, so matcha green tea KitKat. Second place. If I had to recommend one out of all these Kit Kats, I think it would have to be this one. So, first place, Benny Emo KitKat. There you have it. If any of you are able to try any of these flavors, I would love to know what you think. I was pretty bummed I didn't get to try my jelly beans today, but once I started trying the Kit Kats, I turned my attitude around. They were actually pretty good, and I really ended up having a lot of fun. Sometimes tough situations can turn out better than we expect. We've just got to do a vibe check where we take a look at our attitude and adjust it where it needs adjusting. In the Bible, there were two women, Ruth and Naomi, who went through something pretty tough. First, Naomi became a widow after her husband died. Then, after both her sons remarried, they also died. Ruth was married to one of Naomi's sons, and after both sons had died, Ruth became a widow, too. But what really strikes me was Naomi's attitude. She was bitter and angry with God because she had nothing after her husband died. But Ruth was determined to stay with Naomi and follow her ways, which were God's ways. And you know what happened? God had a good plan and used a man named Boaz to take care of them in an amazing way. Naomi had a bad attitude. She was angry and bitter, and she wasn't afraid to tell everyone around her about how angry she was. But God turned their bad situation into good and even provided Naomi with a grandson whom she loved as her own. Even though things didn't go Naomi's way, god had something good plan. And God had something good plan for you, too. Maybe things aren't going your way and you're in the middle of a tough situation, but if you take anything away from today, remember this your attitude doesn't have to determine your actions. It's okay to feel sad or angry because of the tough stuff that's happening, but that doesn't mean you need to take it out on others. If things aren't going your way, do a vibe check. And remember, God still has a good plan. Part of that plan is for you to be in his family. You can choose to follow that plan when you choose to follow his son Jesus and become a Christian. He's the one that came to Earth to save you from your sins. That's some big love right there. If you haven't done that yet, today is a great day to make that choice and pray to make God the Lord of your life. All you have to do is talk to Him and tell Him what you believe about Him. You ask Him to forgive you from the wrongs that you've done and that you want to follow, um, his best for you. It doesn't mean you're perfect, but it means you're choosing God and his best plans. Well, that's it for today, but I've got more on the menu for next week, and I can't wait to try it. I'll see you guys then. Bye.

Oh, wow. Being a foodie myself, I thought that was pretty awesome. I really want to see if I can order some of those KitKats and try them at home, don't you? For Jerry, though, he was pretty bummed because he thought he was going to be tasting jelly beans. But once he tried the KitKat, he was able to turn his attitude around, and he had a lot of fun in the end. Sometimes tough situations can turn out better than we expect. We just got to do a vibe check where we look at our attitudes and make adjustments to make sure we are still trusting God's plan and honoring Him. Think about Ruth and Naomi. God turned their bad situation into good and even provided Naomi with a grandson who she loved as her own. Even though things didn't go Naomi's way and she felt angry and bitter, god had something good planned. God's good plans don't make the hard things go away. But knowing God has a good plan makes the hard things feel like they are serving a purpose to grow us closer to God and discovering his plan for us. I know God has something good planned for you too. Maybe things aren't going your way and you're in the middle of a really tough situation. But I hope if you take away anything from today that you remember this. Your attitude doesn't have to determine your actions. It's okay to feel sad, frustrated and angry because of the tough stuff happening in your life, but it's important to do a vibe check. And remember, God still has a good plan for you. Well, friends, it has been so great hanging out, singing and learning about what it means to do a vibe check of our lives. Remember, even though tough things might be happening in your life and things aren't going your way, god has a good plan for you. When you choose to follow God and be in his family, his good plan is for you to be in heaven one day. So this week, remember the story of Ruth and Naomi and how God had something good planned for them. We are so glad you enjoyed church at home with us today. We'd love to see you in person at church, too. So check out our campus locations and find a saddleback kids near you. Don't forget we have some awesome activity sheets, coloring pages, and even some stuff for your parents Check it out and we'll see you here next week.
