Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Thursday, September 19th, 2024 / Josh needs to turn off his alarms, Josh has never cheated on a test, he’s so squeaky clean, we talked about things that really get our goats, we had a mistaken door dash order, teenage emotions are alive in our house, Chantel said goodbye to her relationship with Kirk Cousins, and we sang a song about the 7 continents.

What is Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast?

Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - Thursday, September 19th, 2024

Episode summary introduction:

Josh needs to turn off his alarms, Josh has never cheated on a test, he’s so squeaky clean, we talked about things that really get our goats, we had a mistaken door dash order, teenage emotions are alive in our house, Chantel said goodbye to her relationship with Kirk Cousins, and we sang a song about the 7 continents.

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Full show transcript:

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. Today is Thursday, September 19th. And on the show, well, I kinda think I might need to turn off some alarms because somebody's cranky about it. Mhmm. Alright.

Also, I've never cheated on a test. I'm so squeaky clean. Well, let's see. We talked about things that really get our goats. We had a mistaken DoorDash order.

Teenage emotions are alive and well in our house. Chantel said goodbye to her relationship with Kirk Cousins. Oh. And we sang a song about the 7 continents. Thanks for listening.

You can hear the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast. Enjoy today's show. Ahoy, matey. What's happening?

And good morning to you. It's talk like a pirate day. I'm gonna be terrible at this, so I'm not even giving it a try. You're meaty. Let's hear you, pirates.

I don't want to. Yeah. No. Come on. No.

Not spot on the spot. Let's hear it. No. Talk like a pirate. No.

I don't want to. Come on. No. Me a scurvy dog. Scurvy is bad for you.

Get some citrus. Come on. I don't want to. Talk like a pirate, but you you got to. I don't want to.

If you had warned me beforehand, I would've. But, here's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna make an idiot of myself, and I don't want to. I needed some practice time. Jeremy.

No. Go away. Talk like a pirate. Alright. Yes.

Walk the plank. I was gonna say that. Oh, brilliant. Yeah. What else you got?

That's it. Scrub the deck. Alright. That's it. That's all I got.

You landlubber. Yeah. Come on. It's almost just mister Krabs at some point. Yeah.

You got me lucky, darling. Talk like a pirate day. You're good at it. Oh, thanks. Good job.

It is also butterscotch pudding day. I love Butterscotch pudding. My favorite. Your mouth is just, like, crooked. Uh-huh.

I don't know how you get it to go crooked. How do you get your mouth to go crooked? No. No. You gotta do it.

Make a crooked mouth, pirate. Keep going. That's it. No. That's all there is today.

No. It's just pirates and butterscotch pudding. Yes. There was so much to do in in talk like a pirate day that they said, we better not mud this up. Let's just leave the pirates and the butterscotch pudding to themselves.

I like that it's talk like a pirate day and not just, like, pirate day. Right. It has to be talk like a pirate. That's right. Okay.

Well Why did the pirates all talk the same? I don't know that they ever did. I just think that's a caricature of a pirate. They probably were just like, hey. What's up?

Give me all your stuff. Yeah. We're here to we're here to We're here to rob and release. Take all your treasure, But it wasn't scary enough. And so they're like, where you want your treasure?

Oh, no. It's scary. I know. That's what's going on today. Happy talk like a pirate day, and have yourself some butterscotch pudding.

Not that great a pudding. Oh, butterscotch pudding is so good. Butterscotch, but I would way rather have chocolate pudding. Oh, I'll I'll eat all puddings. I'll have all the pudding.

Hey. Hey. Good morning. Hey. Hey.

Question. What is it? The question is if you could, have the ability to time travel k. But there was a rule. Oh.

You can only travel to witness a single moment in your own life. Oh. What moment would you choose to relive or see for the first time and why? You only get one. You can try you can only witness a single moment in your own life.

What moment would you choose to relive or see for the first time because there were stuff that happened to you that you don't remember from when you were a baby? Yeah. And why would you choose that? What are you gonna pick? I haven't decided.

I know. I have, like, 5. I think it would probably be I think it would probably be the first time you and I met. That's very sweet. I know.

This is a fantastic answer. Somebody said, I go back to the moment I first laughed as a baby just to see the pure joy before the world got complicated. Uh-huh. Because you didn't see that. You don't remember that.

No. But to see your little baby face laughing for the first time. Yeah. But that would I don't know. That would be kinda weird too.

It'd be surreal. Baby. Yeah. Right? Look at me.

I'm a little baby. Look at me. This person said I'd choose my 1st day of college. Like, what was I thinking? What were they thinking letting me loose in the world?

Yeah. No kidding. Now I just wanna go back and chill out. Like I loved college. Right.

It was the best time. The young people got real sentimental. Somebody said I'd go back to the time where I was with my grandparents at the beach Aw. Which is really nice. Somebody said I'd go back to those sweet late nineties so I could enjoy Saturday morning cartoons, awesome junk food, a comfy Vidya.

What? I don't know. That's what it says. A Vidya? Yeah.

Like a video, but a Vidya? A Vidya? I don't know. I don't know. You didn't pick.

You pick 1. Yeah. I I would wanna go back to I'd wanna go back to, like, a childhood time that I don't remember. Like, like, see my parents bring me home from the hospital or something like that. I think that'd be really interesting.

Just to see, like, okay. Here's what I was brought home to. Here's the environment I was raised in. Like, what is that like? Or would that be really depressing?

It might, but it also might be like, look how fortunate I was. Your parents bring you home, and they put you in the crib, and then they just threw you there. Early eighties. Like, wood paneling everywhere, terrible carpet. Everything was orange.

They put you there, and they're like, well, good luck, buddy. See you in a few days. Yeah. Everything is orange, brown, and yellow, and that weird green. And those crochet blankets that were on everybody's cap.

Afghans? Yeah. Those were sweet. You love an Afghan. I love an Afghan.

Yeah. Yeah. That's good. There's something about putting your fingers through an Afghan when you used it. Yes.

Gotta put your toes through. Best. Anyway, kind of an interesting question. If you could go back to, witness a single moment in your own life, what moment would you go to? There's so many lot of moments, though.

But you only can choose 1. I know. You only can choose 1. Would you go back to this morning when I did the pirate thing? Sure.

No. You would. I laughed. I was having a good time. That's the you only get one moment.

You're like, I'm gonna go back to, like 2 minutes ago. 15 minutes ago. It was pretty good then. I like this story. This is about Beth MacNeil.

She's in Glasgow, Scotland, and she's been spreading joy by scattering affirmation bracelets around the city, which is, kind of inspired by the friendship bracelet craze that has been well, it's been around for a long time Yeah. But has recently really been, picking up steam with the Eris tour with Taylor. Taylor who? Yeah. Taylor Taylor Swift.

Oh. Yeah. Haven't heard of her. Yes. You have.

Each bracelet has a it's a little envelope, and it on the outside says, you found me or open me. And, she scattered the envelopes all over the city to make people smile. And when you open up the envelope, a little brown envelope, with a ribbon tied on it, you get a bracelet. And, like, this bracelet that I'm looking at the picture of says, I am enough with little smiley faces. Wow.

And it also came with a little sticker that says radiate positivity. Yeah. I think this is such a cool idea. So great. Beth is 30 years old.

She deals with anxiety and depression and believes that small simple acts of kindness really go a long way. I agree. So she started this project to support her own mental health and hopes to inspire others to find simple ways to put smile on faces of friends and strangers alike, and I think that's very helpful. Her own mental health? I would hope so.

I don't know. Oh. I mean, she's spreading joy. Like, that can't hurt. Oh, also, you are enough.

I know. Right? You are. Very, very cool. So, good on you, Beth.

I think that's super cool. And Good story. Yeah. It's good news to get you going. How many alarms do you have set in the morning?

Oh, too many. Let me look really quick. I have, 4. 4? Yeah.

Why do you have 4? Because I think maybe one of them might wake me up. None of them do. Do you know what wakes you up? Me.

Yep. Get rid of those alarms. You don't like them? No. I hate them.

Also hear them? Yes. I don't even hear them. I know. Somehow they get turned off.

Because I poke you, and I say, turn off your alarm. And then you say, and then I say, turn off your alarm. What are the times they're set for? They start early, like 5, 10. They start real early.

Mine that's not And then they go in, like, 5 minute intervals. So 505, 510, 5:15, 5:15, 5:15. Stop that. You gotta turn those off completely. 5 minute intervals?

Yeah. Shut them down. Shut them down. Delete them. You don't use them.

It's it's, there's a snooze function. I could just snooze one alarm, but I don't. Wait. It's not needed. I'm telling you it's not needed.

You and I share the same bedroom. Yes. I'm the waker upper. Always have been, always will be. Yeah.

You do not wake up. So turn those off. I hate your alarms. Turn them off. I can't even believe that they're 5 minutes apart.

I can't even believe it. What? How far apart are yours? 15. Why 15?

It just forever. I know, but that gives you, like, more sleep time. Does it? Yes. I have one at 5, 1 at 5:15, and 1 at 5:30.

Yeah. That's perfect. Those are too far apart. And I think the I need to turn the 5 and the 5 15 off because their days, I'm like, I'm gonna keep I, you know, I always think I'm gonna keep those, and then one day, I'm gonna wake up at 5. And then, oh, man.

The things I could get done Sure. If I wake up that early. Sure. I never do. It goes off at 5, and I go, I got I still have half an hour left.

Time. I'll I'll keep them on. You I'm gonna sneak in and turn those off. That's ridiculous. I know.

It makes me so mad that you have those. I'm so upset. They're not needed. Do you know when it does? The only thing that it does Yeah.

And I go, Josh, turn that off. Oh, I'm gonna throw your phone out the window. It's so weird. Do you ever hear mine? Exactly.

I don't sometimes. Never. Not the past couple days. I didn't hear my first two this morning. Heard anything.

I don't know. That's what I said. I don't know how who turns them off? I must. Yeah.

After I poke you. What? What happened? The only one I heard this morning was the 5:30, and then I went, oh, this is my first one. And then I looked at my alarm, and I went, that can't be right.

Yeah. This is the first alarm I've heard. It's not 5:30. See? That's why I've got all the extras, just in case.

No. Those don't do anybody any favor. They start they start the wake up process. It starts you getting into that, like, oh, I'm hearing noise. I probably it's time to start getting things moving.

Mine do. Yours don't do anything for anyone. They make you angry, apparently. I know. What time are they set for?

505, 510, 515. I hate you. It's 5:5, 5, 10, 15, and 20. Just in sequence. If you just relied on those alarms, you would never get out of bed.

I bet I would. I have. You've been out of town, and I've gotten up. I'm a big boy. I can handle stuff.

Those alarms do just fine. Okay. We'll see about that. I still can't figure out who turns them off every every morning because I don't. You do.

Nah. I would remember for sure. I don't. So it must not be me. It's the ghost of me or something.

Yeah. It's me poking you and you reaching over going Yeah. I don't remember any of that. I know. It's fine.

5 minutes apart. What's a problem? Out of here. It's fine. How do you feel about people talking on speakerphones in public?

I think they should stop that. I also agree. Yeah. Don't do it. Everybody hates it.

Nobody likes to hear your conversation. Whether it's speakerphone or FaceTime, you gotta not do it. Be so upset if because nobody ever says they don't answer the phone and say, hey. You're on speakerphone in this public setting. That's true.

So the person on the other line doesn't know they're on speaker, but I would be really upset if I knew I was on speaker phone for the entire grocery store or office setting to have heard my conversation. I don't like that. You are correct. What brings us up is at my other place of business, which is an office, There was a a gentleman who came in, and he needed to ask his wife some questions. K.

And so he called her on speaker phone. Uh-huh. And they proceeded to have a very long conversation on speaker phone in front of the office in the middle of the office. So that's disruptive. Hear the entire thing.

Yeah. Yeah. And it's disruptive to everyone. Correct. So that's my PSA.

Just just keep your just keep your conversations private. I guess it it like, there's there like, you're disrupting an office space. That's a big deal. But then there's also this point of, like, finish your thing before you go into a space where you're gonna be trying to handle a business or something. Yeah.

Like, if you, you know, you're gonna walk up to buy something in the store, finish your phone call before you get up there because Just show some courtesy. Right? Like like, you're here for something else. You can put your phone call on hold for a minute My or wait till you, finish your phone call before you enter the office or walk up to the counter. That's what I'm saying.

Yeah. I don't think my mom knows that she doesn't have a phone other than speakerphone. Her phone is on speakerphone. I would imagine the time. It's probably because holding it up to your head is hard.

It's not. It's not. No. But it for for your mom, it might be, though, because she's gotta do this and sit like this That's how whole time. That's how fun it's always been Right.

Since the beginning of time. Been holding phones her whole life. Yeah. Now she can put it on speaker and set it down and just talk to you. You used to have to put a phone to your ear and, the other piece to your mouth.

That's true. You had to use both hands to talk on the phone. That is correct. Do you remember those days? No.

Because I didn't live through those days. I remember those phones, but I don't remember those days. Operator. Operator. Yeah.

Hello? Connect me. And you had to talk like that as everybody did. I'm on the telephone. I don't think it helps.

At first, I thought maybe my mom is just always on speakerphone because it helps her hear what people are saying. Better holding it up to her head. Yeah. She's still people are on speaker phone, and she's still going, what? She needs one of those, you know, the cone, the funnel thing.

Oh, I need one of those. Speak into my good ear and all that. And all that. Yeah. I need one of those.

Where can you buy one of those cones? I don't know if they still make that because they invented hearing aids. Lame. So they got away from the funnel and went to something a little bit better. That doesn't look nearly as cool.

You're right. Yeah. The cool factor is what the funnel has going for it. To carry the funnel around with you? Yeah.

Excuse me. What? You just sit in your rocking chair covered in blankets listening. I can't wait to be all getting all the tea. No.

Oh, boy. That's you. That's old Chantel sitting in a rocking chair on your blanket. Lovely? No.

It sounds awful. It doesn't. You're gonna be next to me. Let me tell you a little story about Chantel. Okay.

Here's a little story about Chantel. I feel That's your jingle, by the way. I just snuck that in there. If I story about Chantel. If I had a theme song, that'd be it.

Give me that. Let's hear the little story about Chantel. A little story about Chantel. That's me. Alright.

It's growing. Okay. We'll workshop it. So I I feel like I'm a pretty tolerant person. Do you feel like you're that I'm tolerant?

Sure. And Of what? Just a lot of things. Yeah. I feel like I can put up with a lot of things.

Yeah. One thing that really, really gets my goat Yes. Which I don't where does that saying come from? I don't know. Do you want me to research that?

Gets my goat. I can't stand people popping gum. I understand that. Clicking, popping, the you know? You know what I'm talking.

Like, the just the popping of the gum. And I'm not talking, like, a big bubble. It's like the the little ones. The pop pop. It's the it's when you you've got it.

You're chewing it, and you work in those little tiny bubbles and go I cannot dance. Listen to me. I can't stand it. I can't stand it. I totally agree.

That nothing makes my blood boil more than that. I agree with you. It's a noise that is very unique, and it sounds like you're chomping on rocks or something. It's wild. It drives me crazy.

I have, self diagnosed misophonia, which is you know, mouth noises in general make me real cranky real quick. They do. And chewing gum or lip smacking like that with the little pops, that's that's it. I was taking a math test once in college. What a distraction.

And there was a person behind me. And math has always been very difficult for me. Sure. So already, I was on edge. And there was a girl behind me popping her gum while I was taking a test.

A math test of all tests. Yeah. Of all of all things. I almost strangled her with that gum. I really could have.

And I'm not an aggressive person. Tolerance. But I went, you gotta you gotta stop. You have to stop. Yeah.

The whole room is quiet except for pop pop. I'm gonna pop. Pop pop pop. Pop. So here's where it gets my goat comes from.

It's my goat. When it comes to irritability, some say the phrase comes from the idea that goats are irritable, so it makes sense to use it to describe people getting irritable. Goats are irritable? I wouldn't have that. A guspected?

I couldn't I wouldn't have guessed that. I wouldn't have guessed or expected that. Oh, alright. GOSPECTED. You know?

Here's something else. In horse racing, trainers would put goats in the stalls of their racing horses to calm them down before the race. In an attempt to gain an advantage, rival trainers would sometimes steal a goat on race day to upset the horse and make it lose. Oh, he really got that goat. Yeah.

He got he got my goat. Yeah. That really gets my goat. Some people say that that explanation is dubious because early examples of the phrase are more commonly found in boxing and other sports rather than horse racing. So I don't know.

But get somebody's goat means to make someone annoyed or angry. Yeah. The way you're chewing that gum really gets my goat. Yeah. So you used it properly Thank you.

Which is good. But yeah. That You know who doesn't use their gum properly? Anyone. Throw all gum away.

I don't like gum in general. The worst. I like a mint, but I don't like gum. Everyone hates it when you're chewing gum. It hurts my jaw.

It does weird things with saliva. TMJ. I don't like gum. A lot of gum. Don't like gum.

And that is my complaint for the day. A little story about Chantel. Here's a little story about Chantel. Hope you enjoyed it. There we were last night.

It was, what time was it? About 8:30. And I had made myself a nice cup of tea, and you were just lounging on the bed doing social media. Yeah. Just Emery was in her bedroom doing teenager things.

Yeah. And I hear I had just given the dog a treat, and I hear a truck outside of our house. Yeah. It was loud. So I peek out the window, and I go, whose truck is this?

And who why are they outside my house? Right. And I go, I don't recognize that truck. And then I do the sneaky thing where I'm, like, peeking out the window so they can't see me, and I'm like, who is that? Who is that?

And then I see somebody get out Yeah. With a Chick Fil A bag Yeah. And a soda. Yeah. And they're walking to the door, and I go, total panic.

And I run to the bedroom, and I go, did you order Chick Fil A? Did you order DoorDash? And you go No. No? No.

I did not. I say, Emery, did you order DoorDash? And she says, I don't have any money. Yeah. So then I said, who ordered DoorDash?

And then we look at our camera because we have a Ring doorbell. Right. And we see this woman from this truck has placed the stuff on our door and driven away. Yeah. So I make sure they're gone because scary.

Right? So Scary. I opened the door, and I see on the bag, it says, Alex. Yeah. I don't know.

I don't know anybody named Alex. Is here. Yeah. So We'll just leave it on the step. Yeah.

We just I just left it there. I said, clearly, they've gotten the wrong address. And Emery was in the bedroom when she said, I'll have Chick Fil A. What is it? I know.

What's what's the chicken sandwich? Because I could go for it. I said, oh, it's a spicy one, and she went, never mind. Then maybe I mean, not even It was 2 minutes. It was 2 minutes later.

We hear the truck come back, and we get our camera out again and watch them jump out. Run to the door. Grab the food and hike it over next door. Here's what I was looking at in the in the in between parts where you were like, oh, do we just leave it on the doorstep? And when they came back just a couple of minutes later to to move it, if DoorDash accidentally delivers an order to your address, you can report it to the DoorDash support Okay.

By uploading a photo of the receipt or details of the incident, and DoorDash will investigate the order and issue a refund if necessary to the person who bought it. I didn't I didn't pay for it. No. But they also it also says here the door like, if you were to have taken it into the house, DoorDash drivers are not supposed to take back orders that were delivered to the wrong address. Yeah.

Because that's Because you they don't know what might have happened in the food. Right? It's not clear if it's illegal to keep a misdelivered package, but it is considered theft and punishable by law to keep it without trying to correct the mistake. Uh-huh. So there you go.

There you do go. If Okay. There was Yeah. There well, at least there are some sort of communication about it. It does say that to avoid delivery errors, you can make sure to include a note on your order with more information about your house, like, in the notes section.

You can also change your delivery address in the DoorDash app by tapping, you know, and and changing a few settings if you needed to adjust it if it continually happened to you that your stuff got delivered to the wrong house. Look. Our house number is not, like No. Hidden. It's very large on the front of the house.

It's And we have a very, like, bright shining porch light. Right. It's not like we live in a dark front porch. Yeah. No.

You cannot mistake, the number. So I it's curious to me how that happened, but you know? I bet she was probably like, ah, crap. Because they send I can't remember if they send a picture when they deliver it like Amazon does where they're like, oh, it's been delivered. Here's a picture of the items on your front porch.

You get notifications Yeah. When it's been delivered. So I think whoever ordered it probably got the notification that it was delivered and then said, hey. I don't have it. It's not here.

Went to the front step and went, no. It's not here and then reported it. And then the the delivery person was like, ah, crud It came back, but I bet the whole way she's driving back going, like, please still be on the front porch. Please be still on the front porch. I don't wanna have to deal with this.

Yeah. Yeah. I don't wanna have to knock on the door and say, do you have a DoorDash order that was mistakenly delivered here? Yeah. We almost just had, you know, just some just some regular, free food, I guess.

Quite exciting. It was exciting for a Wednesday evening. That kind of excitement doesn't happen. Well, it was on the regular. It was definitely unexpected and almost free food.

Almost. I like free food. Well I like free anything. Yeah. I know this about you.

When a truck falls over on the freeway, free food. We live with a 15 year old. Yes. She has a lot of emotions. Yes.

She's a 15 year old high school girl. This is fact. Last night, I don't even remember what we were talking about, but she got upset by something. And then I said, don't be mad. She said, I'm not mad.

Slam. It was food. Oh, yes. That's about food. That's right.

You and I had, gone out to dinner with a friend, and when we got back, we said, hey. What do you want for dinner? You know, because you didn't feed yourself. So what can we help you make? And she was upset that we didn't just go through a drive through somewhere and bring her something.

And so she was like, there's nothing that I want here in this house, in this whole house. We have no food in this whole house. I've looked at all of it. I've been in that mode where you're like, yeah. You're right.

We probably don't have anything in this house, but we right now, we have food in this house. Things in this house. She just didn't wanna eat any of them. And so, she was frustrated, and she said, I'm not even hungry. I'm not gonna eat.

I'm going to bed. My favorite part was what she said. Cranky. I'm not mad, and then she proceeded to slam the door. And I went, yeah.

I mean, you say slam like it was violent. She just shut her door loud. Loudly. It wasn't It was a tad aggressive. I it takes a minute, like, a little bit of effort to close the door.

It's I don't think she was overdoing it. It was definitely a punctuation on a sentence. He there you go. But it wasn't an exclamation point. It was just a I'm done, period.

Yeah. Conversation Yeah. Over. Yep. It was definitely punctuation at the end of her sentence.

But it yeah. Anyway, she'll be alright. Well and that's the thing. Here's the thing about women and girls, teenage girls. Oh, tell me.

Just give them a snack and a nap. Tell them they're pretty. Tried. And then I said I said, what do you want for dinner? I even I woke up at 12:30 in the middle of the night because that's when our son gets home from work, and I heard some rustling about.

And I went and checked on her. I said, did you get any food? Do you want food? And she's like, I had some chips. And I said, that is not it.

No. It's not food. Chips is the name. I know it's 12:30, but do you need me to make you some food? And she was like, no.

I'm just going to bed. I'll eat something in the morning. And I said, okay. I'm not gonna make you eat. You'll eat when you're hungry.

Yeah. You're not gonna starve to death. It's the way it'll go. But that's if someone is cranky, just give them some snacks. Give them some food.

So I know that was the whole problem, I like. She was just cranky because she was hungry, but you can lead a horse to water. Oh, as they say as they say, but you can't what? You can't make them drink. That's it.

You did it. You did one. I do it all the time. I do the right idioms all the time. Sometimes sometimes you don't.

When? When you don't do them right. Never. Never. Except sometimes.

I saw a video where there was a kid, and he had a pair of Crocs on. Yeah. And then he lifted up his shoe or his foot out of the Croc. And in the bottom of his croc, he had taped a piece of paper down with all of the answers to the test that he used. Really?

Really? We're doing old school cheating. What did you use to use to cheat? Never? Not even once?

Not even once? No. Not even if you're if you're like, hey, bro. What's tell me the I know we've got a test coming. No.

You had that class, but I've got that class coming in 6th period. No. What's the answer to number 6? No. I did not.

Never. No. Squeaky clean, Josh. What's the name of the wrong. I didn't Never lied if my parents school.

Never cheated on the test. No. I would have had better grades if I would've. I didn't. I just dealt with the fact that I was gonna have a whatever my GPA was.

I didn't I didn't put a lot of thought into it. I just thought it was great. Time that I cheated, and I did it's not like I did it regularly. But I know that there were certainly some times that I I was like, bro, I got a test. I didn't study.

You just came from that class. What's the test like? What are the questions? So I know that That matches your personality. That that does not match my personality.

My personality to me. Because you you have a fear of the unknown, and going into a situation where you're already stressed because you have test anxiety, now you're just piling that up with, I need to know what what did you think. Peer peer review, I guess, you could call it, isn't going to help you on your test. It was hard. Oh, great.

Now you already have that planning in your mind that it was hard for somebody else, so it's gonna be even harder for me. Well, fine. Yeah. They did that. That's how you work.

And if they went, dude, it's it's a piece of cake, you'd be like, no. It's not. It's a test. It's gonna be hard. So it doesn't matter what anybody would have said to you.

You don't even know me at all. It's weird how I know you so well. You don't know me at all. You don't know my life. You don't know my purse you don't know me.

You don't I do. Know me. I do. Where for me, I'm gonna walk in the room, and I'm gonna go, hey. There's that guy I know, and there's a cool alright.

We're doing a test today. I should have probably studied. I didn't. Oh, I need to borrow a pencil. That's me.

Yeah. That is you. So I How did we find each other, you and I? Magically. It's magic.

It's magic. Is this working? It perfectly. Because you're over here going, and I'm over here going, like, what day is today? Do we have something to do tonight?

Because I feel like you told me 7 times there's something going on, and you probably added it to our calendar and our phones Yeah. And you probably put it on the wall. But I what's going on tonight? Yeah. It happened this morning.

You were like, oh, yeah. I gotta do this thing. Or we're talking about Saturday. I gotta do this thing. I said, I thought you had to do that thing.

You're like, no. Only that. And I went, no. That's not what you said. Like, no.

No. It's always been just that. Whatever. Yeah. That's our life.

Yeah. That's what we do. Every day. So when it came to tests, no. I didn't cheat.

I didn't I forgot there was even a test. I didn't have time to prepare to cheat. Oh, I knew there was tests. I just didn't wanna study, so I never did. And so then I was like, I'll just stress about it the whole time.

That helped. I'm it just certainly did. I don't think it really helped. No. Yeah.

It gave me high blood pressure. Do you know what though? What? We graduated years years years ago. And guess what?

I've never used any of those math equations. None of them? Not one. Let me give you some problems. No.

I don't want to. No. Just to see if you remember. I won't. Are we on?

We're there. You're not you're supposed to point to me, and you didn't. I didn't see a point. I know. I well, I hadn't pointed yet.

Hey. You pointed. We're on. Yeah. We're good.

Let's go. What's up? Emery had a test, and she said, how come I can remember song lyrics like nobody's business, but I cannot remember things for a test. And I said, that's because you have to make up song lyrics to remember things. Yes.

And you had created a song I did. All about the continents and the oceans and things to try and help her with a test. Last year, I did this. Right. It went like this.

Oh, you remember it now? North America, South America, Europe, Asia. Yeah. And then? Was Antarctica last or Australia last?

Antarctica was last because then you went, Antarctica. She hated it. Yeah. I thought it was very helpful. And I think she probably did well on that test because you helped with it.

I think so too. And I think there was a sneaky little part of her that she had forgotten about the song Mhmm. Until she went to take the test. And as she was writing the test, she's singing it in her head going North America. North America.

South America. North Asia. Oh, no. And that makes me have all of the feelings of warmth. Yeah.

Yeah. I'm sure it earwormed its way. You sang it a lot. And to the point, she got really annoyed by it. And then when she brought that up as a conversation yesterday on text, you guys were going back and forth, and you couldn't remember the song.

And I started typing. And before I could even finish, she saw the bubbles pop up Yeah. That I was typing and just said, dad, no. Before I even finished the sentence, I've never been cut off in text before. Yesterday was a moment.

I loved it. It was hilarious. I laughed out loud. Did you? Literally.

You literally you l l o l. I did. Yeah. Is it l l o l ed or l o l laughed out loud. I know, but is it l l o l or l o l l?

I just literally l o l ed or I l o l ed literally. Because there would have to be a comma if it was literally after. Uh-huh. So Uh-huh. You it's it's l l o l, I think.

That's what I think. I LOL. LOL. LOL. LOL.

Anyway, you literally laughed out loud when you saw her say, dad, no. Dad, no. And all I said was North America, South America. That's it. I didn't even say that.

I just said it was about continents and the oceans, and then you went, oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. North America, South America. Europe, Asia. Antarctica.

Africa, Australia, antarctic. Is that all of that? I don't remember. I don't remember either. Yeah.

That wasn't my test. There were 7 of them. Yeah. North America, South America, Europe, Asia. Uh-huh.

Africa, Australia, Antarctica. Good job. It's Thursday. Do you know what that means? Thursday.

Thursday. Football. I don't know. Oh, Thursday football. Yes.

So I am all wrapped up into football right now because we have a fantasy league, and I really wanna I really wanna win. It's just our family. Right. Just the 4 of us. Really want to I just wanna beat all of you.

Settle down. You settle down. I will not. You beat me last week. Our entire league, every team is 1 and 1.

Every team is won 1 and lost 1. So, basically, every team is exactly the same. Because we only have 4 teams, we will all be going to the playoffs, at the end of the season. So k. We're we're we're shooing for this thing for the long haul here.

I have what our son has dubbed the injury curse because as I look at my roster, I have, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7. 7 players that are injured currently. Yeah. You are not doing it. 16 on my roster.

That's not good. No. It's not. I'm really not happy about it. So, anyway, you, play against who this week?

You're playing against our daughter. You're playing against our daughter. That's right. So I'm playing against, against our son. Okay.

Here's what happened. I I initially got into football, because I kind of I watched a show where they focused on Kirk Cousins who was at that time the quarterback of the Vikings. Yes. Kirk Cousins is now the quarterback for the Falcons. Yes.

But he was the reason that I started watching football because I just liked the attitude that he brought to the game. Right. Then he went and left the team, and I went, I don't know if I can support you anymore. There was a lot more than just him leaving, but go on. I did.

We've had enough conversation about the whole Kirk Cousins debacle. He I was I was forming my fantasy football team. I was looking at the best quarterbacks. I think the best quarterback in the league right now is Lamar Jackson. Who you drafted.

I think he's awesome, and he's the quarterback for the Ravens. I think he's fantastic. And he has performed for me for the last 2 weeks in my fantasy team. Yeah. So he's my number one quarterback, and I put Kirk Cousins on my bench.

I just your back. I just, as of 10 minutes ago Yeah. Dropped Kirk Cousins. Yeah. I got the notification on my phone that you dropped Kirk Cousins Yeah.

Like a bad habit. Yeah. I did. And he performed pretty well. He did last week.

He did not perform very well the week before, but, also, he's been benched for the last couple weeks. So he's not giving me any points. So you did that, and you picked up Sam Darnold. Now Sam Darnold is the Minnesota Vikings quarterback. Who has been performing phenomenally.

Okay. So he's my bencher. Alright. And Kirk Cousins is off my roster completely. That's big time news.

It is. Well time big news. Big time sports news. We got big time sports news. Kirk Cousins is off the team.

He's down. It's got replaced. Sam Darnold. Alright. Well, thank you for the big Big time news.

Football sports update. Yep. Big time news. Kirk Cousins' yep. As you said, dropped like a bad habit.

It wasn't a bad habit. He's just done. I'm done. We time sports news. It was it's like a relationship breakup, but it ended amicably.

Did it? Yeah. I feel like I feel like you just kicked him off the team. No. It's like, hey.

Maybe we're just better off being friends. Oh. And he's like, yeah. I think that's the best decision for both of us. What he said Yeah.

When you told him? Yeah. He took the news okay? I said, you're gonna be just fine without me, Kirk, or you're gonna you're gonna do great. You're gonna go on and do really good things in life.

And he said, I think the same for you, Chantel. Aw. And then we bowed to each other like we were. Like, like in a dojo? Yeah.

Exactly. Doing karate? Yeah. Like, you'd been sparring partners? Yep.

I see. And then we said, have a nice life, buddy. Well, in other news, Kirk Cousins is available in our league if somebody wants to pick him up. Go for it. I'm just saying.

He's perfect. You permission. That's like giving a friend. Oh, I don't need permission in in the league to pick up a quarterback who's available on a roster. Go for it.

Alright. Well, I'm pretty good with what I got. Who do you have? Jalen Hertz and Baker Mayfield. Okay.

You should probably pick Kirk Cousins. Good. Yeah. We have gasoline fueled cars. Well, yours is diesel.

I have a gasoline That's exactly made me think of that song, that old song. Something something gasoline. Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah.

Some something something. I think that's the right words. But, anyway, when we go to the gas pump, when you go by yourself to fill up your gas tank Yeah. What do you do while the thing's pumping? What do you mean?

You pull up to the gas pump. You get out. You do all the stuff to make the thing work. Okay. You put the nozzle in the car.

You pull the handle. Yeah. What do I do while I wait? Then what happens? Okay.

Here's what I do because this is what I've been told my whole life to do. They say Who are they? All of the warnings on the gas pumps. K. Don't get back in your car.

Don't be on your phone. And so I've done that my whole life because I'm afraid of lighting things on fire. And then I look around, and I go, everyone is sitting on their car. Everyone is on their phone. Mhmm.

Everyone is disobeying these laws. Everybody is gonna light this place on fire. No. No. No.

So I watched the Mythbusters about this particular thing, and they actually found out that the the thing that the fear of getting in and out of your car is that your clothing and depending on the fabric of your seats could potentially generate a static electricity charge that then when you go to grab the gas pump, that would spark, like, that little shock and would be enough of an electrostatic charge to ignite the gas fumes and cause a fire. That's the fear. Right? A cell phone does not generate enough spark or heat to make that happen. It would take an open flame or spark to make that happen.

Only thing. Couldn't make they couldn't make a spark big enough to cause it. So they said it's plausible because all of the elements to make an explosion happen are there, but it's very unlikely. Unlikely. Yeah.

It's only within the last couple of months that I've started to get back in my car and or use my phone. Okay. You finally get back brave Yeah. Before that, I was like, no way. I'm not gonna be the cause of a gas pump fire.

Yeah. Listen. And and do what you feel comfortable with. I'm not saying be all haphazardly. Like, don't be, like, smoking next to the gas pump.

That's a terrible idea. Don't smoke anyway. If if today is your quit day because of me, you're welcome. So there are electric vehicles as well as, gas powered ones. Right?

And the electric vehicles take a little bit more time to charge. And so different manufacturers are building in different things to occupy your time Because sometimes it takes 15, 20 minutes to charge before you can take off. So it's a little bit more time. Well, I would say unless you're waiting in line at some certain gas station, it's a little more time. What?

Where I go get my gas, I'm so tired of waiting in that line. I'm so tired of waiting for people to pull forward. Just pull forward. Pull forward. There's a middle lane between the lines of gas pumps.

You can go in that middle lane and pull for pull forward so I don't have to sit behind you while we wait. This is ridiculous. Anyway, other than that gas pump, typically, you're in and out within 5, 10 minutes tops. 10 minutes is probably the longest you've ever said to them. Gasoline?

Yeah. For gasoline. For petrol? For petrol. But for an electric car, it takes 15 to 20 minutes.

So what are you gonna do? You got 15 or 20 minutes sitting in your car You're waiting for it to charge. Doomscrolling Your social media. Alright. Yeah.

Or playing a game. So some of them have built in, screens where you can you log in to your streaming service and watch shows while you wait. For 15 minutes? 15 to 20 or more. 15 minutes isn't that long.

I'm not enough that you could I mean, if you're already parked, you got the thing plugged in, you hit the button, you can pull up a show right now and watch. Okay. K? K. Or Or The folks over at Ford have developed a new karaoke app Oh, no.

For the f 150 lightning and will be also going to the Mustang Mach e. This app is designed to give people something to do while their vehicle is charging. So you plug in your car or truck, get back in your car, and then you open up the karaoke app, and you're just singing along. I kinda like it. Doing karaoke in your car while you're waiting for the charge.

Kinda love it. Yeah. As a person who likes to sing and a person who likes to sing only in her car Uh-huh. And on the radio sometimes. Uh-huh.

No. I've never heard that. That sounds amazing. Alright. I I mean, it'll be something can do karaoke in your own car with your own music.

You just don't have I don't have a microphone or the words. You you kinda need a car microphone. I kinda do, don't I? I mean, only when you're stopped. You don't wanna be driving and holding that and singing.

Unless I have an earpiece. Like Oh, Britney Spears. Yeah. Yeah. Let's get you the the Madonna had one.

Exactly. Who else wore that thing? Usher? Usher wears it? Anybody who's trying to sing and dance at the same time.

Or the In Sync boys wear them? I'm sure they did. Yeah. I think they did. I think they did too.

Plus, you also kinda look like a hip receptionist. Exactly. Operator? That's that's the way to go. Look at her taking calls.

I need one of those. You do? Because then I can also, like, use my arms today. Dance moves? Yep.

Are these your dance moves? And then I'll pretend I'm on stage. Oh. Well, also, driving safely. I'll also be driving safely.

Driving safely doing these karate hands while you're because you only have to take off your hands off the wheel briefly I see. To do a cool sick move, and then you put your hands back on the wheel and drive. Or while you're stopped at a light? Exactly. I wanna pull up next to you without you knowing and see you doing karate chop hands.

I don't do that when I'm stuffed at the light because what if people are watching and then I stop? Have you ever been busted dancing? Kinda. You have? No.

I try not to look over. Oh, you just do it in your own zone? Yeah. I just pretend that I'm because my car windows are tinted, but they're not tinted enough. I see.

I got busted one time doing doing some finger dancing like that, like, you know, like, like, maraca fingers. Yeah. It was pretty good. And and the girl who was next to me was laughing. And I looked over, and sorry.

She was she was mocking me. And I went, yeah. It's a cool move. And then the light turned green, and I went, I'm embarrassed. I gotta go.

Hey over there. Hey. You ready? Uh-huh. Would you rather this or that?

Would you rather have small talk with other parents at the playground or have small talk with pet owners at the dog park? Oh, man. A dog park. Why? I, I hate both of these.

I hate both of these. The small talk with at the dog park I get it. I get it. I get it. But the small talk at the dog park is gonna be, about dog breeds, how long have you owned the dog, old is the dog.

Exactly. You're not gonna walk up to a parent at the park and go, how how long have you had that kid? It's way harder. It's way harder because then you have to get into, like, personal life stuff. Exactly.

I'd rather just talk about dogs. I remember taking my kids to the to the park when they were little and having that small talk with other parents, and they're like, this is the worst. And then when we got our first dog and we took her to the dog park for the first time, I was like, this is great. I'm gonna sit on this bench over here by myself while my dog runs around. I don't have to worry about pushing my dog on the swing.

I don't have to worry about that dog talking to other dogs and then me trying to, like, make friends with the dog's friends' parents. And the second I sat down on that bench Yeah. Hey. What can a dog do, Bert? People.

And I went, leave me alone. I'm here to watch my dog run. I'm yeah. It would take the dog conversation over the kids' conversation. I kinda want to school do they go to?

Oh, did you see there's a sale at the mall? Except with the dog conversation, they did ask all those questions. What kind of breed is it? And I was like, I don't I don't know. Dog?

We rescued her. I have no idea. And I don't I don't and they were like, oh, my dog is a French bulldog and something else. And I went, I don't know what those dog breeds are. I don't I don't know.

You don't have to. You'd be like, cool. That's great for you. Alone. Yeah.

Oh, is that a temperamental breed? Oh. Oh. What's the life expectancy on one of those? They, they, a long life dog?

Or What kind of brown pellets do they eat? Yeah. Yeah. What what do you feed them soft food and hard food? How often do you put water in the bowl?

Are they kennel trained? They good on a leash? Do they like the mailman? Yeah. Who's your vet?

Oh. Oh. That's and then you get the other side. Who's your pediatrician? Oh, fancy.

Fancy small talk. Saturday night live is kicking off its 50th season. No way. 50. That's wild.

Saturday night live movie coming out. They've got a movie coming out. Good question. Watch it. It's all about the early days with Yeah.

Like, Chevy Chase, Baluchi, and all that. October 11th That's when the movie comes out. Yeah. Mhmm. Sweet.

So they've got a pretty good lineup for the first couple of, episodes. They've got Ariana Grande with, she's hosting. Oh, she's hosting and musical guest? Or Her musical guest will be Stevie Nicks. Oh, cool.

Okay. I don't know if it's plea no. It is. It is Fleetwood Mac, and Stevie Nicks is singing with her with them. So that's pretty great.

That's really cool. John Mulaney and K. Coldplay. Okay. And then Nate Barguetzee.

He's great. And Michael Keaton is set to host and Chapel Rohn. Oh, that's gonna be huge. Billie Eilish. That's gonna be huge.

These are all really, really great hosts and really great musical guests. That's cool. Alright. And so this weekend is the first episode of season 50? Yes.

Is this Lorne's last season? It doesn't say that. Because I'm pretty sure he was talking about stepping away and that Tina Fey was going in. Oh, yeah. I did hear something a little about that.

You're right. But I don't know if this But it doesn't say this article that I'm reading doesn't say. Because been there since the beginning. Right? Oh, yeah.

Like, he's been doing this for 50 years. For 50 years, dude's been doing this. Okay. Listen. Oh, I love Saturday nightlife.

I haven't Yeah. I haven't loved it in the last little while because maybe I'm too old. Maybe I feel a little out of touch. It seemed like what was weird is it went from we kind of understood some stuff, but it was a little too old, to this really small window where things were applicable and hilarious and relevant to, like, overnight, it was like, I'll get this comedy. It happened quick.

And the writers changed, and the the comedy changed. And, like, the people that they've got as new cast members, we were looking at some of them, and one of them we saw was, like, a comedian from TikTok. Yeah. Like, hasn't been an actor, hasn't been a stand up. Mostly get people from City or the Groundlings or, like, they go there and they scout for these people.

And then now this is a this is a social media content creator who's been cast on SNL, which is, you know, it's kind of inspirational to be like her we had her videos, and we were like, I don't I don't that's that's not funny. I'm an out of touch old man. That's what that means. I'm an out of touch old man. In the nineties, though That was your favorite That was my jam.

With Adam Sandler Chris Farley, David Spade great group. All of those people. Yeah. That was Norm Norm Macdonald. Yeah.

RIP, buddy. And then and then you had, like, the cast after that, which was also very good, like Kristen Wiig and Jimmy Fallon. Yep. Kristen Tan. Kristen Wiig is my girl crush.

What's his name? Tim Meadows was in there. Yeah. And, who's the other guy? It was in 30 rock with all of them.

What was his name? Mom. I know. I'm having a hard time, but Amy Poehler was in there with Tina. Those are great, great cast members.

That was a good cast too. So 50 years. 50 years this Saturday. That's a pretty good legacy that Lord and Mike has left. And if you think about all the movies Oh, awesome.

That have, like, sprung out of SNL characters. Sure. Molly Shannon. Let's just talk about some of the greats from SNL. It's been a while.

Terry. A lot of people. There you go. Alright. Well, season 50 coming your way this weekend.

Might not be might not be what we like, but I like the host and the guests so far, so we'll see what they do. That is gonna do it for us. Hope you have a great rest of your Thursday. Tomorrow is Friday. We'll be back in the studio to hang out with you again, 6 to 10 on the podcast anytime you can listen.

You can listen everywhere you listen to podcasts, including YouTube now. So, you have no excuse. We're everywhere. We have infiltrated the Internet. Oh.

You can listen to the show anytime you want, pretty much anywhere you want. Infiltrated. I don't know where it's not available at this point. Like, I So if you're not listening, why? Yeah.

Come on. Come on. Give us a listen. Come on. Please.

It's pandering at this point. Anyway, thanks for being a part of the show and, making this part of your morning. Appreciate it. And we'll talk to you tomorrow on your Friday. Happy Thursday.

See you. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.