Popcorn & Plot Holes

Where should a "the" go when crafting a movie title? That is one of the most elusive questions humanity has ever been confronted with.

Creators & Guests

Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...

What is Popcorn & Plot Holes?

Movies are fun! Movies are awesome! But movies can sometimes be very, very weird... or just plain terrible. In this intersection of fun, awesome, weird and terrible is where Matt, Luciano, Chris and Spencer live and thrive. They'll be watching the latest FACTS (Fantasy, Action, Comic, Thriller, Sci-Fi) movies available on streaming services and sharing their equally awesome, fun, weird and terrible thoughts on them. Welcome to Popcorn & Plot Holes!

Matt (00:00.521)
Hello! Welcome back to Popcorn and Plot holes. This week we thought we'd watch Meg 2. I've been told there's no the in front of Meg 2. And it makes you feel really weird when I say it. But I will keep saying Meg 2 without the the. Just so you all know what we watched. And it was Meg 2. Um...the movie...

Chris (00:11.95)

Chris (00:21.378)

Luciano (00:24.129)
You want to say it one more time?

Spencer (00:25.798)
Well, nobody else was the trench, isn't it?

Matt (00:26.11)
Make two. Thank you.

Chris (00:27.051)
The Meg.

Chris (00:30.634)
Yeah, Meg-2 The Trench. So you could just call it the Meg-2 The Trenchening.

Luciano (00:30.753)
Yeah, back to the trench.

Luciano (00:35.885)
No, please don't do that.

Matt (00:36.345)
No, no, it's just no, it's just make two. That's it. Make two.

Spencer (00:37.29)
I just call it M2TT.

Spencer (00:42.243)
M squared TT.

Chris (00:42.486)
It's Meg 2, M2 to the power of 2T.

Luciano (00:47.333)
I hate everything and everyone.

Matt (00:48.519)
No, no, I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not calling it that. We watched Meg 2, the... Well, I mean, it's gotta be the Jason Statham vehicle, right?

Chris (00:51.461)
Uhhh... yeah.

Chris (00:57.666)
The tri- Ugh. Is it? Duh.

Luciano (00:58.957)
Yeah, of course it is. Yeah. Do you know anybody else? Well, Santa Gila, Santa Guillory, but that's it.

Spencer (01:01.879)
Name another actor. Go!

Chris (01:05.806)
Xiuming and Lance.

Spencer (01:08.154)
Oh, to glance. Hehehehe. What? He doesn't know.

Matt (01:08.641)
They were character names, you son of a bitch. They are not actors.

Chris (01:13.674)
Have you not heard of Madonna and Cher?

Luciano (01:14.567)
So here are the actors DJ and Jazz and Mac

Matt (01:19.665)
Oh my god. You know what? Let's go through the rest of the formalities so we can get into the shit. I mean, fun movie. Luciano, you're here. What? I said... Yeah. Into the movie.

Spencer (01:20.126)
Chris thought it was a documentary.

Chris (01:22.21)
You know?

Luciano (01:28.22)
Eh... Whoa! I am here and this movie is a movie. Actually this movie is two movies but we'll get into it.

Spencer (01:29.157)

Matt (01:37.205)
Maybe that's why it's a make two for two movies inside of one. You're welcome. I'll be here all week. Chris.

Luciano (01:39.735)
I hate you. I hate you.

Chris (01:44.586)
I appreciate the Spice Girls callback. There were two movies becoming one. It happened. This thing happened. And you're, you know, I'm, I'm rubbering your glue.

Luciano (01:50.314)
I hate you even more.

Luciano (01:55.57)
I knew I fucking knew you were gonna do that.

Chris (01:58.165)
I'm sorry.

Matt (01:58.337)
Got em. Spencer, you're here.

Spencer (02:00.774)
Check in mate. I'm here. That's my introduction.

Luciano (02:01.287)

Chris (02:06.21)
That is a, that's a victory in and of itself.

Matt (02:06.221)
I will... I was gonna continue, but your microphone answered for you. Oh yeah. It was CLUNK CLUNK!

Spencer (02:08.747)
I too am here.

Luciano (02:09.181)
It is.

Spencer (02:14.014)
Did it? What'd it say?

Luciano (02:14.025)
Yeah, he did as it usually does. Bump. It said bump. Yeah. What one of your more, one of your more eloquent lines, if I'm honest.

Spencer (02:18.546)
Classic, classic microphone.

Chris (02:21.011)
Oh microphone.

Spencer (02:24.154)
Oh, yes, I too am here and I too watched Meg too and the Megan ing

Chris (02:24.461)
Oh wow.

Matt (02:24.585)
very well done.

Chris (02:30.946)
The Trenching, the Trenching, the Meganing. Yes. That's kind of, even I would love for there to be a third movie and it be like the Meganing and then like, but we can cross that bridge if we get.

Luciano (02:33.688)
The megany, the megany.

Luciano (02:38.994)
It is, it is, yeah.

Matt (02:44.521)
Spoiler alert this was make 3. Thank you very much Let's just talk about this movie. We're gonna we're gonna go positive and we're gonna see where you go after that Spoiler alert it's gonna go down from there. It's not gonna go anywhere good Wow Here we go. What what's your favorite part? What did you enjoy most about make 2 colon the trench? experience

Spencer (02:44.955)
if it's a prequel.

Chris (02:48.415)
Oh my god.

Chris (02:56.331)
Meg positive.

Luciano (02:56.665)
Not, not anywhere good.

Spencer (02:59.454)
Hey, speak for yourself.

Chris (02:59.947)
And we're gonna enjoy it.

Chris (03:13.102)
See, he's changing. We're getting him. He's going to. We're going to have him renaming. Oh, shit.

Luciano (03:15.119)
You didn't have to say colon. That gave me a wrong vibe.

Matt (03:19.219)

Spencer (03:21.092)
That's what I call my colon, the trench.

Chris (03:26.25)
Too much information. For me, this, I'm going faster. For me, it was DJs, time honored, time honored person of color calling it before shit hits the fan. Mark my words. I'm like, thank you. This is my kind of shit. Like be self aware. And like, and they like.

Luciano (03:27.072)
Nicely done.

Luciano (03:40.329)
Yeah, I was gonna say the same thing. It's, yeah, no, the whole thing. Yeah.

Matt (03:41.462)

Chris (03:51.574)
And then later on, fast forwarding him, like having shit ready in his backpack and having taken training and courses and stuff. Like, y'all are just gonna invite me and have me unprepared in these streets. Fuck that, I'm trying to live and survive. And I'm like, wow, this character is beyond meta and I am here for it. Yes. Even with the condoms, brought the Jimmy hats too.

Spencer (04:07.562)
I respect it. I respect DJ.

Luciano (04:09.479)
He's savvy, he's savvy, right? He's like, I'm gonna be in this bullshit, I'm gonna go prepared, yeah.

Spencer (04:14.858)
In case you had a fuck of Megalodon.

Chris (04:18.878)
You know, and if he, and if it comes down to the, like, the last, I don't know, last two minutes before a Meg, you know, burst its way into some sort of environment and there happens to be someone, a warm body next to him, you know, he, maybe he only needs two minutes. Maybe he needs 30. He wants to live to his fullest.

Spencer (04:32.966)
He only needs two minutes. Is that what you're saying?

Luciano (04:33.113)
Jesus Christ.

Matt (04:37.185)
So it could, of course it couldn't even be someone he cared about. It's just a warm body.

Luciano (04:43.614)
Yeah. It doesn't even have to be human. As long as it's not a frog or something, it's fine.

Spencer (04:43.693)
warm body

Chris (04:44.13)
Listen, I don't know what his preference in click. I don't know what his prep. I don't know what his I Don't know what his preferences are. I'm not here to judge place biases

Matt (04:52.171)
What about a lizard that you think only knows how to swim and then all of a sudden it has legs you never saw under the water and also can somehow jump 10 to 15 feet?

Spencer (04:58.714)
legs that go for days.

Chris (05:02.73)
Maybe though, maybe have you ever had sex with a monkey?

Luciano (05:04.497)
Don't get me started on this shit, Matt. We're not ready for it yet. It's too early. Yeah. So because Chris stole my idea of saying that was my favorite. No, no, I like to say, yes. No, I mean the DJ thing. The DJ thing.

Spencer (05:08.832)
It's too early to go this far off the rails. I'm just out of it now. You know what you're doing. You know what you're doing Matt. Don't feed the bear.

Matt (05:10.872)
What? I'm just asking questions.

Chris (05:11.366)
No, it's not. He's just asking questions. My man, my mans. Back to the lizard sex. If it, yeah. So what idea? Go for it. You could, we can share. This is a safe space, Luciano. No, don't backpedal. This is safe. Be who you are.

Matt (05:19.332)
I'm not smart.

Matt (05:26.389)
Your favorite part was the lizard sex?

Spencer (05:28.254)
Ha ha

Luciano (05:35.001)
I am. So I also like that. He even says, Mark my words, this is some dumbass shit. But I also liked the little sort of surprise that I got when Jess taps on the glass and goes, this is mag proof and like fucking instantly gets eaten. I was like, thank you movie. Because that was an annoying character. So.

Chris (05:39.378)

Chris (05:44.974)

Chris (05:56.874)
Yes! Yeah... Hehehe...

Spencer (06:03.946)
Did anybody else feel like that scene was an homage to Samuel Jackson's death in Deep Lucy? Spoiler alert! No, that's not what he says. He's like, now we're going to get together and we're going to get out of this place! And then he's like, YUM! Then he said, whaaaaat? It's a much better shark movie than this movie.

Chris (06:04.11)

Matt (06:11.233)
Fucking shark ate me!

Chris (06:11.382)
The deep oosly?

Luciano (06:13.666)

Chris (06:19.106)
Yeah, I miss that. We should watch that. We should watch that. You know, I would love that because then we could watch Sharknado.

Luciano (06:21.389)
I don't think I've ever seen that movie.

Matt (06:26.989)
Are you saying we should do shark week month?

Luciano (06:27.537)
Yeah. That's not.

Spencer (06:29.499)
It's Shark Week.

Luciano (06:31.009)
That is not a very, like that's not very, very good praise. This is, you know, this is a much better shark movie than this one. So is every other, all the other, like all the nine shark natives are probably better than this.

Spencer (06:37.77)
What do you mean? What do you mean it was written on the box?

Chris (06:45.972)

Spencer (06:46.575)
I don't know about that sir.

Luciano (06:48.526)

Matt (06:49.293)
Can I rerail this back to what you liked about this movie? We have so much time to talk about what you didn't. Spencer, what do you got?

Spencer (06:54.746)
Yeah, yeah, Louisiana, save the negativity. I loved, I liked, there's a couple of things I liked about this movie. I liked the, I mean, I'm a sucker for underwater shit. I'm one of those people that loves that stuff. So the underwater, when they're like having to walk around the bottom of the ocean and they're super suit. So I was like, okay, I'm here for this. But obviously my favorite part was when Jason Statham flew and threw a.

Luciano (06:58.189)
Fuck you, I already said it. Ha ha.

Chris (07:07.469)

Spencer (07:22.978)
explosive spear into a shark. No, no, not the not the not the spear when the shark was running at him and he held the helicopter blade up and it slowly protruded the shark's brain. Yeah, that was my favorite part of the movie.

Luciano (07:31.477)
He piked... he... he piked the Megalodon? Yeah, yeah.

Matt (07:35.553)
Hit it.

Chris (07:37.5)

Matt (07:39.269)
Yeah, no, I'm very close to you, Spencer. My favorite part of the movie is when the Montez gets a little bit of blood dripping out of him. And Jason Statham was like, I don't even need this massive gun to kill you. And then the shark doesn't actually come at Montez. He just comes, he just drives by and Statham kicks him into its mouth. Yeah, you see a chum. Just perfect.

Spencer (07:39.934)

Chris (07:50.774)

Spencer (07:57.738)
Yeah, he comes to me. He says, see ya chum.

Luciano (07:58.081)
He comes to the side?

Yeah. Oh, yeah. He says, yeah.

Chris (08:02.239)
Thank you.

Matt (08:07.117)
All action movies need a sweet laundry like See You Chum and I'm glad they got it in there. They really did.

Spencer (08:10.714)
Yeah, they nailed that one.

Luciano (08:12.284)
Yeah, I was surprised by the tag team. Like it was like the shark was like, my man Jonas has got me. My man, Jonas is going to kick my snack into my mouth.

Spencer (08:17.901)
Yeah, yeah, high five.

Spencer (08:22.598)
High fives on the fin later. Nice.

Luciano (08:24.47)

Matt (08:26.037)
I'm gonna use a terrible joke to segue us into something else. How many clicks does it take to tell your shark to drive by so you can kick a guy into its mouth?

Chris (08:35.606)
the same amount of clicks as it takes to have Carl Weathers and Arnold Schwarzenegger lock fists in a powerful 80s explosion of machismo. Seven.

Matt (08:47.477)
Seven? Okay. So one click is come, two clicks is go, seven clicks is shark drive by slash eighties.

Chris (08:49.378)

Luciano (08:57.686)

Spencer (08:58.43)

Chris (08:59.01)

Matt (09:01.069)
8069? Okay. That's right. So let me ask you something with this movie. How would said shark know if Jumin is clicking one time or two times?

Luciano (09:16.289)
Well, he doesn't seem to know, right? Yeah. Or even he, he's like, ah, the desperation.

Spencer (09:16.79)
Cuz I couldn't tell.

Chris (09:18.81)
weird that was weird it was like it was like it like was one press it's not one press I'm like as a so was that the echo of the first click and I'm like or did he push it twice it was weird

Matt (09:19.437)
Because at the end he was just clicking as many times as possible.

Spencer (09:21.454)
Yeah. Click, click, click.

Matt (09:32.303)
Yes, and no

Luciano (09:32.565)
That was that too. That was that too. Imagine the shark just go wait, was that one or two? Should I come or should I go? Should I stay or should I go?

Spencer (09:35.399)
It doesn't.

Chris (09:39.629)

Spencer (09:41.58)
It doesn't matter. What are a hundred clicks just means don't eat me. It's just, it's all clicks mean don't eat me. He's like, you clicking that thing like a stress pen, you know, click, click.

Luciano (09:46.03)

Chris (09:51.614)
It depends. Well, that might also, that also might sound to some megs depending on the dialect of the ding. Dinner time, dinner triangle, ding Like soup's on. Yeah, yeah, soup's on.

Spencer (10:02.322)
Yeah, it was like a dinner bell.

Luciano (10:05.281)
I did dinner bill.

Matt (10:07.825)
Okay. No, that's fine, I was just curious how that worked. Other questions I have for you. Where, where for you did this movie go from, hey, this is all right to, did I have a stroke? Are the drugs kicking in?

Spencer (10:08.458)

Luciano (10:26.105)
I have two words for you. No, no, okay, fine, go. Again.

Spencer (10:28.394)
I'll take this one Luciano. I'll say what you're thinking. Epstein Island. Hahahaha

Luciano (10:35.473)
Why see this is why I wouldn't I didn't want to wait I should have said it and this is my fault and I apologize

Matt (10:35.477)
Fuck me.

Chris (10:39.285)
Oh my god! Oh no!

Matt (10:42.309)
No one ever listened to Spencer again. He's banned from taking things.

Spencer (10:44.266)

Chris (10:46.39)
The Plot holes in popcorns podcast also known as popcorn and plot holes podcast does not affiliate with the Epstein Island situation.

Spencer (10:54.314)
and it's now cancelled and deleted from Earth. Yeah, I remember some of you were like, why do you keep saying that we're not affiliated? That makes people think we are affiliated.

Luciano (10:55.913)
Stop stop saying the word Is like I know I know we're not monetizing but can we lose money

Matt (10:55.966)
Affiliated? Weet! Hehehe

Chris (11:01.966)
That's right, we're not!

Matt (11:07.849)
We are firmly against everything that happened on Epstein Island. 100% against. Spencer.

Spencer (11:07.85)
Let me see.

Chris (11:11.734)

Luciano (11:13.945)
Fuck. Fucking hell. Anyway. It was, it was what? It was Fun Island. Is that, wait, okay, now I have to go there. I have to go there. Why do you associate fun with Epstein?

Chris (11:16.15)

Spencer (11:18.25)
Yeah, I agree!

Chris (11:21.271)
What? What did you agree to?

Matt (11:22.837)
You're banned, Luciano, you take this one.

Spencer (11:26.986)
The O-Raid was fun island.

Spencer (11:32.074)
You're not done.

Matt (11:32.161)
Yeah, don't say like that, Spencer.

Chris (11:32.471)

Spencer (11:35.498)
I swear, we've gone through this other podcast. Whenever an island comes up, it's Epizena Island. Yep, sorry.

Matt (11:37.709)
No! No

Luciano (11:43.518)

Spencer (11:46.474)
Luciano, you proceed. Thank you, Matt. You saved me a lawsuit and possibly jail time.

Luciano (11:47.259)
Alright, anyway.

Chris (11:53.194)
Listen, our names are not on the list, so we have nothing to worry about.

Spencer (11:56.202)
I got nothing to worry about.

Matt (11:59.157)
What I'm asking you...

Luciano (11:59.809)
And scene. Okay. So the point where this movie went off the rails for me and I thought I had a stroke was when that whole, when they realized that there is an island nearby and they have to go save them from the mags. When they come back up and oh, the mags can come back now. That was like, what the fuck? Cause like, you didn't even say it in the beginning, man, but like we're going through the, the whole facts list and this is supposed to have filled in for the T which is Thriller.

Spencer (12:02.186)
Apparently doesn't matter even if your name's on the list.

Luciano (12:28.057)
But I guess it could feel for, I don't know, see as in comedy because that was, like I don't understand what happened at the end there. And it wasn't like it was going well, but that just completely fucked it off the rails for me.

Matt (12:45.037)
Okay, that's a great point. Does anybody else want to counter Luciano with something earlier perhaps? Couldn't have been later.

Spencer (12:49.354)
I mean, I think, I think, I do think with Mon, when Montez came into the movie, it was like the first concerning. No, that was like, that was like 50 minutes in. I liked the setup. They were going under the thermosphere, whatever it was called, thermocline. Like, okay, this is cool underwater shit. Like I said, I love that.

Luciano (12:53.977)

Chris (13:00.502)
Hmm first of the first the first appearance

Luciano (13:01.245)
Oh wow. That was, yeah. It was.

Matt (13:01.42)
That was like five minutes into the movie. He's just he's at the gala

Chris (13:14.006)

Luciano (13:14.297)
Thermocline, yeah.

Spencer (13:18.698)
But then Montez just immediately blows up his team and himself. He's like, I got this. And I was like, wait, what was his plan? I mean, we'll get to it. But that was where I first. I was like, oh, this is this is this movie is dumb.

Chris (13:22.407)
I don't know.

Luciano (13:33.08)

Matt (13:33.417)
Yeah, I mean that's, yeah, I think that's about where I checked out. I don't have questions. When... No...

Spencer (13:41.162)
I didn't check out by the way, I just realized what we're in for even though I've seen the first one.

Luciano (13:42.825)
I mean, I started having questions in the intro when it shows in like 65 million years ago and the fucking shark comes out and eats a tyrannosaurus rex. I was like, oh, it's this kind of movie, is it? No.

Chris (13:56.301)

Spencer (13:57.738)
Oh what, you didn't like that? You some-

Matt (14:00.981)
That's called setting your expectations, and somehow they didn't set them low enough. I don't know. For me, the first point where I start to raise my eyebrows and question how this movie is going to play out is when we find out that Mei Ying has snuck onto the sub. And they do this because they are able to detect that they are already 11% over.

Luciano (14:04.44)
It did. Yeah.

Spencer (14:06.762)
That was f-fucking awesome. Fuck you, Betus. Heh.

Chris (14:24.811)

Matt (14:29.981)
expected norms for the oxygen Was it 21%? I think 11% was like when they were running around on the surface. Anyways, they're way off on their projections and They're like it's fine. We can continue this mission if they had said they're like two or three percent off I would be like, alright fine 20% Y'all gonna die before you even turn around You just got to the thermocline

Luciano (14:32.027)
21%, 21%. Yeah. Yeah, something like that, yeah, yeah.

Chris (14:32.302)
Mm-hmm. That's even better. Even better.

Chris (14:38.967)


Luciano (14:51.343)

Spencer (14:51.914)
We just started!

Chris (14:52.086)

Chris (14:56.155)

Luciano (14:57.674)
And they don't even look for it like what's happening. It's like oh is there a leak or something? No, that's fine 20% what's 20%?

Chris (15:02.71)
No, we're fine. It'll be fine. After 20 something 26 or 27 previous successful dives. What's 20%? and for me like the moment similar to Finding the stowaway was after a lot of the hubble-loo hullabaloo took place under the thermal climb once they first penetrate and then stuff start like and then Montez does the explosion and Then the pods like the good guy pods Suffer damage trying to escape

Matt (15:05.019)
with intolerances.

Chris (15:32.478)
I don't know about you guys, but all of those, all of the, like the, the underwater mountains cro- coming down and falling on top of the, the pod subs, to me, I thought they would have been completely crushed, but they managed to survive? What are they made of?

Luciano (15:49.533)
I mean, I mean, if, if the, if the, if the pre if the underwater pressure isn't crushing them is not a few rocks is going to do it.

Matt (15:52.982)

Spencer (15:54.698)
They're made of science.

Chris (15:56.959)

Matt (15:57.364)

Chris (16:00.563)
You know? Like...

Spencer (16:00.586)
That's a good point. That stuff's made out of adamantium.

Chris (16:05.052)

Luciano (16:05.202)

Matt (16:05.761)
Sir? Sir, wrong movie. Rare Earth Metals, I think, is the correct answer for this movie. Yeah. That is correct.

Spencer (16:08.138)
Sorry, made out of rare, rare earth ore.

Chris (16:12.086)

Spencer (16:13.13)
That those ships worth $9 billion in the door alone.

Luciano (16:16.531)

Matt (16:17.009)
At least. Yeah.

Chris (16:20.086)
Hmm. So they were made of... So what were they made of? What's one rare earth metal? That's multiple, okay.

Spencer (16:24.81)
Rare Earth Metals!

Matt (16:27.958)
We're not going into it, you don't need to know. They're made of rare earth metals, that's all that's important. If the movie couldn't be bothered to say what they were, we're not gonna say. That's not our job.

Spencer (16:31.722)
What are you, a nerd?

Chris (16:32.27)

Luciano (16:37.269)
Which ones cuz it's not like there's like one rare earth metal There's like a whole fucking section of the periodic table for it

Chris (16:38.64)
I am a nerd.

Spencer (16:43.338)
Yeah, that's what makes them so valuable.

Matt (16:44.413)
He put in S. He said Rare Earth Metals. I don't know what you want, sir.

Chris (16:48.43)

Luciano (16:50.197)
Fair enough. No, my bad. My bad.

Spencer (16:51.85)
Yeah, clearly he means that it's all the rare earth metals combined into one material.

Luciano (16:56.869)
called adamantium.

Matt (16:57.269)
Yeah, maybe.

Spencer (16:57.866)
called rare earth metals. Just to make it clear.

Luciano (17:00.493)

Matt (17:01.429)
That's all.

Chris (17:03.458)
Trademark pending.

Matt (17:05.853)
Spencer, I'm curious, you have admitted to, under much duress I might add, admitted to watching The Meg. And going into this, is it just Meg? I thought it was, I thought pretty sure it was The Meg. Maybe you haven't watched this movie, but you're the closest thing we have, and I'll just ask the question anyways.

Spencer (17:10.986)

Spencer (17:15.242)
Just, just Meg.

I don't know. Shut up, Meg. That's all I think of what I- No, I did. I- Yeah, I did see- I did see Meg won.

Chris (17:21.983)
What's happening?

Matt (17:30.493)
Okay, so I was under the impression that way more people in this movie were like survivors of Mega One. And so when we find out there's a saboteur on board, and I have to say this here because it annoyed me so much, when Jess says, I don't know, that's not a secure section of Mana One, it just pissed me off so much. Like you just think you just got to...

Chris (17:30.786)

Matt (17:58.889)
What is it, just like a couple people who drive a boat out to Manowon and get on board and do stuff? Like, they say later, like, you know, it's not a carted space, but it's just like all these people should be... Anyways, I'm ranting and I'm not gonna do this. It annoyed me. But my question is, for you Spencer, it really seemed like Mac and DJ and Jess were like the core three on Manowon. And I just assumed that Jess had survived Mega One, and I looked not even a part of Mega One.

Spencer (18:11.37)

Spencer (18:24.906)
You would be wrong, sir. You would be wrong. Nope, DJ was, and so was Mac, I believe. And there was, I saw this one a long time ago, the little girl, his daughter was in it. She was much younger. There was an, her mom was in it, and I don't remember her dying, but maybe she did. I don't, I don't recall.

Matt (18:39.497)

Matt (18:47.213)
When I looked at IMDB, there was just someone listed as wife. I assume that was her mom.

Spencer (18:50.922)
Well, no, his wife was in it too. There was ex-wife. Jason has to save his ex-wife in it who's stuck in the thermocline. No, no, no, no. His ex-wife is stuck in the thermocline and he has to go save her. That's like why they hire him. And then the girl, Mei Ying's mother is like the runner of like the corporation kind of, or the daughter of the owner of the corporation or something like that.

Matt (18:54.881)
Who's wife?

Matt (18:58.781)
Yeah, is May his kid? It is never covered in this movie.

Luciano (19:01.029)
The fuck is this? Die Hard?

Matt (19:17.099)

Spencer (19:19.53)
So he has to like work with her and then they fall in love, I guess. I don't remember her dying in the movie. No, the Maying's mother. What is this Epstein Island? Get that, get the gutter out of the- yeah, that's on you. You set that up.

Matt (19:24.533)
Who falls in love with Meiying? She's a child.

Luciano (19:27.273)
No, with the mum! What's... Oh my... That's on you, Matt. That one's on you.

Matt (19:30.743)
Ha ha

Matt (19:35.325)
No, I'm asking regular human questions and you're a

Luciano (19:36.267)
Yeah, it is.

Spencer (19:37.866)
No, Meiying is the daughter of the mother. That was with Statham at the end of the movie. And I thought she lived, but I don't remember. Did they say how she died in this movie?

Luciano (19:42.581)
She is like everybody else.

Luciano (19:47.804)

Matt (19:50.341)
Yeah, it's fine. No.

Chris (19:50.658)
Apparently she died.

Luciano (19:51.673)
She lived but they couldn't pay for her like fees to be in the second movie. Is that what happened?

Spencer (19:58.474)
I honestly don't know. I can't remember that. But that's that's all. That's all I remember from people from the last movie.

Matt (20:02.409)
Not that important.

Matt (20:07.421)
Okay so, but then I have to ask the question. If you were someone who follows the Meg franchise intently, clearly, when you have a core three and two were together in the first movie and one was added for this movie, wouldn't you just know that person was the saboteur like immediately?

Spencer (20:08.49)

Spencer (20:13.61)
which I devoutly do.

Spencer (20:26.154)
I mean

Luciano (20:28.345)

Spencer (20:30.634)
Yes, but I think there was other people working.

Luciano (20:31.993)

Yeah, but none of them had names.

Spencer (20:37.258)
Yeah, so as an audience we know, but I think to them they were like, maybe it's Jimmy down in processing.

Matt (20:43.321)
But they even like give us other people to focus on or like.

Luciano (20:45.857)
Yeah, because they had other people, but everybody was on the subs, right? They had like what? Six people or whatever.

Spencer (20:51.466)
Well, but it could have been that one of the people on the subs were the saboteur. Is that possible?

Luciano (20:55.709)
And then they fucked up their own rescue? What the fuck? No, that, I mean, with the level of... That is true. I hadn't thought of that. Fucking Lance was like, I sabotaged them. Fuck, but I'm down here too.

Spencer (20:58.634)

Matt (21:00.041)
I mean that tracks with Montez's intelligence level so...

Chris (21:00.202)
they could have they could have right they could have they could have easily sabotage mm-hmm right that'll teach them that'll teach you to make fun of motherfucking Comic Con bye bitches and then he hops out to slowly descend waterfall down to the rest of them and then you just like falling down to join the Montez crew I did it and then Montez is like your work here is done and then

Spencer (21:02.602)
Yeah, exactly.

Spencer (21:11.274)
Because I-

Matt (21:12.405)
Ha ha

Spencer (21:17.13)
That would have been a ghoul twist, because you didn't see Lance die.

Matt (21:20.414)

Luciano (21:27.137)
Would have been cool if he'd like Few a bit would have been cool if he's like by beaches and like he takes off the suit because he has an Aquaman cosplay In and then swims up that would have been cool

Chris (21:35.924)
Ha ha.

Matt (21:38.373)
If Jason Statham can just clear the oxygen out of his body and go outside without the pressure suits, then Lance definitely could have done that. Yup.

Chris (21:42.539)


Luciano (21:45.225)
A man in an Aquaman suit is... Yeah.

Spencer (21:46.57)
that anything's possible. And I don't think any of the people in the subs were from the last movie. Those Regus Snow and those other people that all died, they were like Lance, obviously.

Matt (21:54.29)
No, Rigas was not.

Matt (22:00.525)

Chris (22:00.923)
Oh, Lance and Sal?

Luciano (22:01.549)
I thought for sure Riggas was because like they she's like he trusts her a lot, but Yeah

Spencer (22:05.482)
Yeah, it made me think she was, but I don't think she was.

Chris (22:07.438)
She felt like a regular.

Matt (22:09.429)
Was Riggis on the plane when Mack picked Jonas out of the toxic water? Right. Okay, so...

Chris (22:12.618)
Yes, she was coped by.

Luciano (22:13.205)
Yeah, she was driving the plane driving the plane like you do not piloting it just driving it

Spencer (22:19.018)
as one does.

Matt (22:19.265)
Yeah, co-driving. She's co-driving to the man who drives the plane.

Luciano (22:24.301)
Oh no, she is actually driving. She is the one pilot. She is the one piloting it. Mac is just being Mac.

Chris (22:24.794)

Matt (22:27.533)
I'm sorry, that was a problem? Yeah. That's fair. Yeah. Great. Fair point. No, that's good. That was some really good insight into this movie. So what we learned here is that you definitely did not need to watch Mega One to know what was going on in Mega Two.

Spencer (22:27.69)
So to answer your question, Matt.

Chris (22:28.104)

Spencer (22:31.914)
To answer your question, I don't know.

Luciano (22:34.521)

Spencer (22:45.13)
No. If anything, it hindered me.

Luciano (22:49.259)
No. To be fair though, even...

Matt (22:49.772)
For what you can remember.

Spencer (22:50.794)
Yeah, because I kept on thinking, do I know these people or not? They're so poorly developed, I don't remember. So that was watching at disservice. But again, none of it matters. None of them are characters, so it doesn't really matter.

Matt (23:02.778)

Chris (23:02.878)
Oh look, it's Jason Statham's eyebrow.

Matt (23:08.213)
So Spencer, who was your favorite underdeveloped character in this movie?

Spencer (23:15.146)
It was a goddamn Megalodon.

Matt (23:18.322)
The Mega Lord Dom was developed very well.

Spencer (23:21.034)
No, I don't know, it was, what's his last name? Jonas. What's Jonas' last name? It was Jonas Taylor at your service.

Matt (23:24.309)
Montez? Jonas?

Chris (23:25.966)

Luciano (23:27.406)

Matt (23:28.482)

Luciano (23:31.323)
Are you trying to just state some impression right now?

Spencer (23:33.386)
It says, it's a god damn Megalodon.

Matt (23:37.237)
This is actually a very terrible accent. You're usually much better at your work. You're like, you're way too... Yeah. Michael Caine as Jonas Taylor.

Luciano (23:39.621)
Yeah, it's horrible.

Spencer (23:39.754)

Chris (23:41.602)
You sound like a younger Michael Caine who's putting on a Jason Statham.

Luciano (23:43.949)

Michael Caine is a young Michael Caine with a throat infection. That's what it sounds like.

Spencer (23:47.69)
It's a goddamn hell of a day.

Spencer (23:55.242)
It's a god damn- HAHAHAHA Just stop it! ..

Chris (23:58.83)
Feel it, feel it. Let the flaw flow through you.

Luciano (23:59.339)

Matt (24:02.583)
You need more streets in your accent. Jason Statham from the streets. Bruv.

Spencer (24:04.394)
more street is a goddamn megalodon bruv cockney is a goddamn megalodon higher? is a goddamn megalodon bruv

Luciano (24:08.11)
It's not that it's not that deep and not that griff

Matt (24:11.894)

Luciano (24:15.243)

Chris (24:15.991)


Matt (24:19.049)
We'll come back around to it. Anybody else want to answer my question for real since Spencer clearly hijacked it. It was terrible Jason's day impression.

Luciano (24:19.059)

Chris (24:21.635)

Luciano (24:24.493)
But the... the favorite... favorite character?

Spencer (24:25.802)
It was better before I lost it, okay?

Chris (24:27.586)

Matt (24:30.603)
You find it. You meet yourself and you find it.

Luciano (24:31.525)
The only I think Jonas is the only no DJ I like DJ

Spencer (24:32.49)

Matt (24:36.481)
You- I- My- My question just to be clear, my question was who's your favorite underdeveloped character? So I just- Like- DJ? Mine- Mine was Jess. Like she made no sense.

Spencer (24:40.906)
Yeah, that tracks.

Luciano (24:41.013)
Yeah, DJ.

Luciano (24:47.605)
Oh, I see. In that sense. Okay, I see. Then, okay, I have a question, like a side question for this. Have we ever watched, has anyone here ever watched a movie where there's a character named Driscoll who isn't a villain?

Spencer (25:02.122)

Luciano (25:02.329)
Cause I was like, I was like Driscoll. I'm like, that's the bad person in this movie. Like right away.

Matt (25:04.125)
Yeah. Hillary, Hillary Driscoll.

Spencer (25:08.97)
Yeah, I'm thinking I know in the video game Red Dead Redemption 2 the Odriskles are the villains. I'm trying to think of other Driscolls.

Luciano (25:17.104)
See? It's like... It's so obvious!

Chris (25:22.178)

Luciano (25:25.497)
So maybe I can pick like, if it's, if it's going to be like really underdeveloped, I'll pick, pick Hillary the evil bitch do this call because that's all she was.

Spencer (25:34.474)
What about Montez? Kinda loved Montez cause he was- he was completely s- NO!

Chris (25:37.866)
Wasn't he in the first one? I don't know, I'm asking you. What do you mean, the way he...

Matt (25:42.108)

Spencer (25:42.57)

Luciano (25:42.625)
No, he alludes, he's like, oh, you don't even remember me. No, bitch, you weren't in the first movie. How are we gonna remember you?

Chris (25:45.742)
Correct. I don't know.

Matt (25:48.329)
Yeah, he just said he was arrested by or got him put in jail at some point.

Spencer (25:48.458)
You know what?

Spencer (25:52.298)
If he's in the first one, I apologize. He was much more memorable in the sequel. Yeah, I don't remember him being in the first one, but I did like him.

Matt (25:55.829)
He was not in the first one. I looked up IMDB, he was not there.

Luciano (25:59.193)
He's memorable in this for the wrong reasons, let's be honest.

Spencer (26:02.346)
for the wrong reasons, but yeah. He just constantly makes the wrong decisions.

Matt (26:07.265)
For this movie he was developed just to the right of man. What is his thing? He wants to get rich. He's working with his evil girlfriend. And he's like homicidal. He's homicidal. He'll kill anybody for any reason. Like when, on Fun Island, when Jonas is trying to kill the Megs, he's just ripping around, doesn't care if the Meg kills him, he's just trying to kill Jonas. Like, one track mind.

Chris (26:12.273)

Spencer (26:14.506)
He wants to kill... Jonas.

Luciano (26:14.901)
Yeah. He's basically immortal as well.

Chris (26:14.957)

Chris (26:22.891)

Luciano (26:28.249)

Chris (26:32.822)

Luciano (26:34.09)
I was so pissed off at that.

Spencer (26:34.986)
Yeah, and I thought that was a big confusion for me. It was like, wasn't all, at that point, wasn't their plans sort of in alignment? Cause they wanted to cover up this. So I assume they wanted the Megs dead to stop this from becoming a big problem.

Luciano (26:49.19)
Yes, but Montez wanted Jonah's dad because he hated him so much.

Spencer (26:51.978)
So Montez fine, he's like a psychopath, but then the guys, like they go into that shed and they're like, freeze. And they're like, motherfucker, we're being attacked by lizards, like you're worried about us? Like the...

Chris (26:57.834)

Chris (27:02.358)

Matt (27:06.154)
Well, Spencer, I-

Luciano (27:06.916)
Well, they're very loyal mercenaries.

Matt (27:10.305)
Spencer, I do need to ask if in this scenario, do you think Hillary Driscoll being on site for this final act for reasons unknown could have helped clarify the mission?

Spencer (27:19.082)
Well, that was important. Well, it was morale. She was there to boost morale. She wanted to do a nice quick, you know, pep talk to her crew.

Luciano (27:19.545)
Ha ha!

Luciano (27:26.434)

Matt (27:27.072)

Matt (27:30.944)

Luciano (27:31.061)
Maybe she maybe she could have walked into that shed where they were, you know When the guys go free to say what are you gonna do cry cuz you're afraid of the lizards Like she did with Montes

Spencer (27:40.81)
She is a bully. I do think... I mean, also, her intelligence was on full display when she was in a helicopter on an island being attacked by monsters. And instead of leaving, fleeing in her fully op- She tells the pilot! Pi- I heard a sound! Could be a man-eating lizard! Not sure! Pilot! My only means of escape! Go take a look!

Matt (27:42.461)
Yeah, she might've been a bit of a bully.

Chris (27:50.316)

Matt (27:51.181)
Mm. Mm-hmm.

Chris (27:53.902)
Fleeing. Yeah.

Luciano (27:54.837)
Yeah. Sonny, go check that out, would you? Yeah.

Luciano (28:05.754)

Matt (28:07.405)
Pilot, the one guy we didn't take with us to hunt down things because we need you to fly the helicopter.

Spencer (28:10.794)
Yeah, exactly. Every fucking teen.

Luciano (28:11.633)
Yeah, and she sits back and just leaves both doors of the chopper open.

Chris (28:11.786)

Spencer (28:18.762)
Yep. And then she goes to, and then when he doesn't come back, she's like, what are you classic? What are you doing? I'm going to check this out myself.

Chris (28:19.583)

Matt (28:25.857)
She forgot that there were man-eating lizards on the island, I guess?

Spencer (28:30.314)
That's definitely possible. That's why they're there.

Luciano (28:30.433)
Did you even know?

Matt (28:32.349)
Yes, because they started... Yeah.

Chris (28:33.166)
She saw the first wave and then Montez sent her back. So instead of observing from above in the helicopter with the pilot to your point, she sent the pilot away. I thought when she was gonna do that, when she sent the guy away, she was also ready to pilot herself and lift off to buy her time to get like to...

Luciano (28:34.817)
That's right. That's right.

Luciano (28:48.229)
Yeah, that's what I thought too. She's gonna lift off and fuck off from there. Yeah, because I was looking forward to seeing Jonas like chuck a spear at the helicopter and exploded.

Matt (28:59.645)
Well, a couple questions. One thing we learned, and tell me if I'm wrong here, if you fly a helicopter, a squid can blind swipe it out of the sky.

Chris (28:59.874)

Luciano (29:13.551)
According to this movie, absolutely.

Spencer (29:15.146)
I think we all knew that.

Chris (29:15.173)
with the size of this squid.

Matt (29:17.541)
Yeah, okay, fair. Second question, and this is actually a real question because I don't know if I missed this. The helicopter, when they arrived, had fuel, seemed like it had fuel. When Mac and Jumin get to the helicopter, the helicopter is now on a fuel.

Chris (29:31.438)

Luciano (29:33.321)
Oh, yeah.

Spencer (29:37.13)

Matt (29:39.785)
When did that happen?

Luciano (29:41.226)
I think the lizards drank the fuel.

Spencer (29:43.242)
They siphoned it.

Chris (29:43.619)

Luciano (29:45.997)
Yeah, this they saw they saw they siphoned it like like, like an lethal weapon.

Matt (29:46.1)
They had like a breath mint and then they...

Spencer (29:47.338)
And they had like the other with one of those two little tubes

Matt (29:51.527)

Chris (29:53.511)
Let's not sugar-coat this. The lizards have a problem. It's called alcoholism. And we need to stop protecting those who are in need. You know?

Matt (29:56.842)
Ha ha

Spencer (29:57.898)

Luciano (29:58.095)

Luciano (30:03.649)
It's tough love we need to do.

Spencer (30:05.162)
It's an addiction.

Chris (30:08.672)
And let's address it as such.

Luciano (30:09.129)
That whole scene with him like, oh, fuel it in and like slowly fueling it in and the lizard's running in slow motion. I was like, oh, Zack Snyder's here. And then like just take off with the thing attached. And then like, what the fuck was that?

Matt (30:17.728)

Chris (30:22.966)
We love you, Zerk.

Chris (30:26.69)

Matt (30:27.004)
Okay, no, that's good. I was just curious about that stuff. So thank you for clearing that up.

Luciano (30:30.803)
shoots at them with the fucking flare, almost hits fucking Jumin in the face.

Chris (30:35.378)
Man, I mean, I love that you Ming was like, away with you lizard man eating lizards. Take this helicopter, helicopter fuel sprays them as if like, that's gonna slow them down.

Luciano (30:46.933)
Which, which according, which according to you, like if they have this problem, they would just drink it. They would just drink it.

Spencer (30:47.37)
I will talk to gas. Attack!

Matt (30:50.066)
I'm sorry.

Spencer (30:51.338)
They were huffing it.

Chris (30:52.382)
Right, right. They're like, they were like, oh yes, daddy, ju-ming, wet me up. I don't know. Yeah, it was a party.

Matt (30:57.313)
That's how they could, that's how they jump so high up to the helicopter. They got their flight juice. It's like Red Bull. Yeah, I mean, flight, yeah.

Luciano (31:02.221)
Because it's high octane fuel. That's how they get that high.

Chris (31:05.281)

Spencer (31:07.338)
It's like they just jumped up, Jumin's like, hey, the first step is admitting you have a problem. Okay? Just cause you're a monster, doesn't mean you have to act like a monster.

Chris (31:07.63)
It's a celebration!

Luciano (31:11.393)

Chris (31:12.769)
No. Unity!

Matt (31:14.273)
Ha ha ha.

Spencer (31:19.05)
Hey, hey, that this is a safe space. This is a safe space. First you have to acknowledge a higher power.

Luciano (31:20.449)
Hey, none of that here. Why did we talk about?

Matt (31:21.16)

Chris (31:22.198)
Make it rain, make it rain, make it rain.

Matt (31:25.478)

Matt (31:29.007)
I am

Chris (31:29.102)
Drink! Shot!

Spencer (31:30.314)
I'm sorry.

Luciano (31:30.485)
No, no words hurt we've told you this before

Spencer (31:36.234)
But what would lizard Jesus do? That's right. It's okay. You're not you when you're huffing gas fumes.

Matt (31:39.471)
Ah, very nice.

Luciano (31:43.949)
Oh, they're developing speech. We've gotten through.

Chris (31:50.178)
The helicopter fuel is helping them? It's, we're not enabling, we're helping.

Luciano (31:56.177)

Spencer (31:57.45)
It's evolving!

Matt (31:58.313)
We're forming a society!

Luciano (32:00.959)

Chris (32:02.867)
Tell me, man-eating lizards, do you know the quantumania ants?

Matt (32:08.483)
Oh yes!

Luciano (32:08.598)

Spencer (32:09.354)
Oh, yes

Chris (32:10.627)

Luciano (32:12.661)
I like how he stopped to think for a second. Oh, right, yeah.

Spencer (32:14.57)
Oh! We smoked crack together! Oh no!

Matt (32:17.618)

Chris (32:17.851)

Luciano (32:18.893)
Ha ha

Chris (32:22.911)
Oh look, one of the quantumania ants is like, oh, it's the fucking Megalodon.

Spencer (32:28.362)
That's better than mine. It's a goddamn Megalodon.

Matt (32:30.73)
It is better than Spencer's.

Chris (32:31.41)
Get over here, Rapsky!

Luciano (32:32.077)
Yeah. Yeah, it is better. You're right, it is better. Yeah. It is better.

Matt (32:35.393)
Thermocoline is just one.

Spencer (32:37.386)
It's a goddamn crack smoking blizzard!

Chris (32:40.896)

Matt (32:40.929)
The thermocline is just one big crack smoke cloud. Yeah.

Spencer (32:43.21)
It's a crack sphere. We've entered the crack sphere.

Luciano (32:43.487)
It's so bad!

Chris (32:45.58)

Luciano (32:47.347)

Chris (32:49.603)

Luciano (32:52.561)
Ugh. That saddles it.

Matt (32:52.737)
Alright, let's uh, listen. Let's, we got, we got, we got a couple... ..bottles. Um, we try here in our efforts to focus on the larger bottles and not the smaller ones. We've gone with two, I think, that kind of address some of the bigger issues with the movie.

Chris (32:59.214)
Mmm. They big.

Chris (33:14.806)
You said buttholes just now.

Spencer (33:17.066)
It did sound like buttholes. I'm gonna agree.

Luciano (33:18.021)
Popcorn and buttholes? That's a different channel.

Chris (33:20.637)
Yeah, you said that. That sounded like... We tried to cover all the butt holes and...

Spencer (33:27.434)
the big big buttholes and the small buttholes grow up Chris

Luciano (33:28.677)

Chris (33:31.042)
Butts, butts, butts. You know.

Matt (33:34.273)
So anyways, as I was saying, the first plot hole... I wanna know why all of these science and engineering people that have been hired for Manowon and whatever else the first base they were at was called. I don't remember. Where they kept... No, Manowon is the oil rig thing. Station, yeah. Was the thing where Hai-chi was...

Spencer (33:49.546)
Mo-Mono One.

Chris (33:49.762)
Man of two.

Luciano (33:54.253)
The station or whatever. Yeah

Luciano (34:00.142)
Hi, Chi.

Spencer (34:03.434)
Oh, who cares?

Matt (34:04.174)
sleeping at before she broke out.

Luciano (34:07.051)
Hanging out around before she decided to leave. Yeah

Matt (34:08.677)
Yeah. Yeah, free willy pod. Maybe we'll get into there, but this is part of the question. Why are all the engineering and science people that are supposed to be crafting all these equipment? Except maybe, Jai Ming? I'm not sure. Why are they so bad at engineering and science? The quote unquote, make-proof glass that Jess touts is very not make-proof. Extremely not make-proof.

Chris (34:10.626)
free Willy pod.

Luciano (34:13.607)

Luciano (34:23.662)
Join us.

Chris (34:28.054)

Luciano (34:32.386)
I'm sorry.

Chris (34:36.258)

Spencer (34:36.682)
I'm out.

Matt (34:38.693)
Um, we have the also not Meg proof enclosure at the other place where Hi Chi just

Spencer (34:45.706)

Luciano (34:46.461)
Oh, you mean the one with the water intake mag sized? That's the one? Okay.

Matt (34:50.945)
Sure, yeah. The water intake for the thing that is in the water. Like, is it not just, like is that thing not just in the water already? That's what it looked like, right?

Spencer (34:52.298)
That was a big problem for me.

Luciano (35:01.365)
Yeah, it's underwater like there's like a couple of maybe like one floor above water and then everything is below water, right?

Matt (35:04.097)

Matt (35:08.913)
Yeah, it's like, it's not like when you go to Sea World and there's like this big bunch of water and the killer whales are in it. It's like we have this thing that's connected to the ocean. And, and Haikichi just like the little grates, like basically it's, yeah, if you, you know, in a house where you're all in your house, you have the little like, you know, things that, your pipes to get your heating into your house. You have those little grates with little, little metal pieces.

Chris (35:18.458)

Chris (35:24.387)

Luciano (35:25.146)
The playpen? It was a playpen for her, let's be honest.

Chris (35:28.88)
Oh my god, yeah.

Matt (35:38.593)
That's about as thick as the defense from the aqua duct for Haichi. What was that?

Chris (35:38.606)

Spencer (35:43.498)
And that would be fine, but the actual aqueduct was meg sized. So he could swim out of a, a tub. What, what are they putting through there? That needs to be that large. That seems like a glaring hole in the design of this aqua tank. This

Luciano (35:49.141)
Yeah, why did it have to be so white?

Matt (35:50.206)
Also, yep.

Luciano (36:00.278)
Well, I think it goes back to Matt's question. Why are they so bad at this? What happened? Oh, I see.

Spencer (36:04.746)
Well they were

Chris (36:04.918)
Cause you get what you, well, it's quite plain and simple. You get what you pay for. And when Driscoll hired this crew, she resorted to none other than five.

Luciano (36:27.709)

Chris (36:30.092)
Yeah. Oceanic engineering and science staff needed. Oh, yes.

Luciano (36:34.505)
Is it oceanologist? Is that a word?

Matt (36:38.605)
Sure. That's what she put there. Doesn't matter if it's a word or not. I don't think they have any marine biologists, maybe.

Luciano (36:40.233)
Marine biologists and engineers.

Chris (36:42.15)
marine biology marine biology of the weather

Spencer (36:46.538)
Why would they need that?

Luciano (36:47.173)
Well, clearly they don't because, talk about like small things that pisses me off. Like when they go below the thermocline and then they see the other, like the gigantic scarred megalodon. And one of them goes, oh, this must be the apex predator. I was so mad. I was like, no, they're all, sharks are apex predators. You don't get just the one.

Chris (36:49.757)
to study their captivity make.

Spencer (36:51.85)
Nah, nah.

Chris (37:09.047)

Matt (37:12.861)
Yes. There's not the apex predator of like a cannibal of the other apex predators. Apex cannibal.

Spencer (37:14.09)
No, they hunt in packs.

Luciano (37:18.757)
Of the pa- yeah, that's not how that works and I was so pissed like You mean the alpha or whatever? Yeah Also, Joomin keeps kept calling Haiji a pup. That's all that also pissed me off

Chris (37:19.126)
The apex.

Spencer (37:23.338)
I think they meant the alpha. Yeah. You know, that doesn't answer Matt's question.

Matt (37:25.957)
Yeah. Um, so...

Chris (37:26.382)

Spencer (37:32.234)
Listen, you, stop derailing this thing. The question is, I'd like to think that in their world, they just needed to do the big enclosure for a shark and they turned to the experts, so they hired who built SeaWorld.

Matt (37:35.613)
Yeah, answer my questions, you cowards.

Luciano (37:46.457)

Spencer (37:47.882)
And they just said, and they couldn't say they were, they were keeping megalodons because that's, I assume against the law. Maybe. So they had to tell them they were, they were hiding clownfish. So they're like, we need a, we need a giant.

Luciano (37:57.417)
Yeah, probably.

Chris (37:57.422)

Matt (37:58.509)

Chris (38:05.71)

Luciano (38:05.789)
I mean, wouldn't that have been worse then? Because then the clownfish could have just gone through the greats, not breaking the greats.

Spencer (38:11.498)
I didn't say they were good at their jobs, okay? They paid them what they pay, what SeaWorld pays them. Which frankly is not a lot.

Chris (38:15.31)
It's retar-

Chris (38:19.434)
It's a toxic, we're building a toxic, toxic waste purification center using the power of the ocean.

Spencer (38:29.546)
That sounds like a fancy way of just dubbing things in the ocean.

Luciano (38:30.664)
So was Driscoll responsible for hiring both sides?

Chris (38:33.174)
But look, that's what they were trying to, that's the smoke and mirror.

Matt (38:39.323)
I thought Jun Ming was responsible for all the staff that was hired to do the work.

Luciano (38:44.069)
Because Mac is like the project leader or whatever, right? That's what it looked like.

Chris (38:44.374)
Was he?

Matt (38:48.145)
Well, this is my question. Let's rip through some of these people, okay? Like, because I want to know what these people's jobs were. What's Mac's job?

Chris (38:48.802)
for excu- for excursions.

Spencer (38:49.898)
What does everybody do?

Chris (38:52.886)
Hmm, okay.

Chris (38:58.466)
pilot and what's it number two number one

Spencer (39:01.61)

Matt (39:02.889)
No, but like number one isn't a job being the P boy. The poop boy is not a job. Like what is his actual job function? He's a pilot. Great. But he also was like, like the project lead or the site manager, like. EHS coordinator.

Luciano (39:05.625)

Chris (39:13.342)
Okay, okay. Ah.

Luciano (39:13.417)
like, how do you call it? He's like the...

Chris (39:20.214)
He's the four, he's the four man EHS.

Luciano (39:23.155)
He's the ESG coordinator.

Matt (39:25.685)
Great. Okay. Then what's DJ?

Chris (39:30.094)
DJ is...

Luciano (39:33.111)
and minority?

Matt (39:34.505)
Wow, that's not a job, sir. And technically Mac is something.

Luciano (39:37.811)
And there are other minorities. Fair, fair.

Chris (39:38.187)

Spencer (39:40.202)
He's in charge of converting oxygen into carbon.

Luciano (39:44.257)
Was he like a tech guy or what was he doing? Like I think he was a tech guy.

Matt (39:48.273)
I thought he was like a data, like a data, I don't want to call him a data scientist, but like data analyst.

Luciano (39:51.981)
Like a... Yeah, a tech guy.

Spencer (39:54.314)
I'd like to think that he's in charge of just everybody having a good time.

Matt (39:58.285)

Luciano (39:58.489)
That's also not a dwell, it might be. Oh wow.

Chris (39:59.874)
So is he's a pimp?

Matt (40:02.177)

Spencer (40:02.442)
I didn't say he's not a pimp, but he just does what needs to be done for the job.

Luciano (40:04.537)

Chris (40:05.742)
It... Uhhh... That sounds even worse! Okay.

Matt (40:07.637)
So, okay, it's fine. We don't wanna spend too much time on each of them. Whatever we got, we got. Just communications, that's what I got out of that.

Spencer (40:11.53)

Chris (40:12.866)

Spencer (40:15.114)
I'd like to think she's in charge of everybody having a good time.

Luciano (40:15.289)

Chris (40:15.586)
Senior Technical Party. SPTM.

Matt (40:18.489)
Spencer, if you're not gonna participate, just go back to working on your fucking accent for Jason Statham, alright?

Luciano (40:18.622)
Oh no.

Spencer (40:20.33)
I'm not a dictator, I just want to have a good time.

Luciano (40:21.214)
Oh no.

Matt (40:30.277)
It's not as bad. Yeah. What else? Yeah, we'll get there. Let's rip through this fast. What's Rigas' deal? Is she like a heavy?

Luciano (40:30.689)
That was a little better, but...

Spencer (40:31.786)
Oh, thank you. Okay, good. It's getting there.

Luciano (40:35.465)
Yeah, in about 25 episodes it's getting there.

Chris (40:43.794)
Okay. Yes.

Luciano (40:44.603)
She's also a pilot.

Spencer (40:45.29)
Didn't she? Yeah. She seems to be somewhat knowledgeable of underwater stuff. Maybe she's also a marine biologist.

Matt (40:47.341)
All right.

Matt (40:54.31)
Um, how about just like a dive, a dive master.

Spencer (40:57.194)
Dive, yeah, dive experts.

Chris (40:57.258)
a dive. There you go. That's a good.

Luciano (40:58.077)
Okay, okay. What about Lance?

Matt (40:59.953)
And Jonas? Yeah. No, but like... But what is his job when he's not a furry?

Spencer (41:01.546)
Jonas is a professional killer.

Chris (41:02.278)
Lance, he's a professional furry.

Luciano (41:05.825)
I was going to say he's a professional cosplayer.

Spencer (41:09.45)
No, he no, he's actually cosplaying as a professional diver. And nobody knew that.

Chris (41:14.896)

Matt (41:15.137)
But like, but like you don't need more than one or two divers, but what is that? The one who gets her head decompressed.

Luciano (41:19.383)

Spencer (41:22.794)
caved in.

Luciano (41:22.849)
Like assume, Curtis, yeah. Like assuming everything went well and not to shit like it did in the movie, why would they be like, why was there, what were they doing in those subs? Like why were they there? Ha ha ha.

Chris (41:23.998)
Yeah, Curtis.

Spencer (41:30.986)
Maybe she's a... Maybe she's a rare earth metal expert.

Matt (41:34.113)

Matt (41:38.525)
Sucks she died. Nah, they got you, Ming, it's fine. What was?

Chris (41:40.662)
Oh wow, sucks, she died imploding helmet. Wow, let's see, good one.

Matt (41:44.981)
Don't worry, there's no blood, it's fine. She didn't really die.

Luciano (41:45.861)
Oh, nice, nice. I see what you mean, Chris.

Spencer (41:47.466)
That was a real wasted opportunity to see a great graphic death, by the way. You don't get a lot of opportunities to see someone's face implode.

Matt (41:52.898)
The whole movie was skipped everything.

Chris (41:55.945)
It was honor.

Luciano (41:58.029)
But so the reason I was asking about Driscoll was like cause on the other side, what was Montes doing? What was his job? Was it to blow up people because he did that well

Matt (41:58.506)

Matt (42:06.377)
No, he's a miner. It's the same principle of mining they use in Armageddon. You can't send sub-pilots down to mine rock. You gotta send miners and train them to be sub-pilots.

Spencer (42:07.978)
No, he's not just-

Chris (42:08.182)
Right. He's the.

Spencer (42:17.962)
Yes, that's...

Luciano (42:18.141)
Ah, the Michael Bay school of how we do things. I see.

Matt (42:20.973)
Mm-hmm. That's correct.

Chris (42:22.198)

Spencer (42:22.73)
So did they also teach the miners to be assassins?

Luciano (42:27.413)
No, that was a bonus.

Matt (42:27.574)
No, just him.

Chris (42:29.119)

Spencer (42:30.026)
So he was like a regular miner and they were like, we need you, you gotta learn how to dive. We gotta learn how to kill people. You gotta learn how to blow up your teammates.

Matt (42:37.661)
He went to prison right he went to the demolition man prison So while he was sleeping or frozen he got trained in being an assassin explosive experts, etc

Luciano (42:39.964)
How to fix submarines.

Chris (42:44.066)
Oolag. Okay, nevermind.

Spencer (42:45.61)

Luciano (42:47.193)
HAHAHAHA Demolition man prison

Chris (42:48.862)

Spencer (42:50.186)
Oh, like Simon. It gets downloaded into his brain like like Simon.

Matt (42:54.377)
Yeah. And then when he comes back, he knows I'll do all these things.

Chris (42:54.631)
Upload complete.

Luciano (42:58.069)
Is that how DJ learns how to fight and shoot guns and shit as well?

Matt (43:01.468)
I one would assume.

Chris (43:03.03)
I suppose. Let's let, and let's not forget, what's the value of, we already covered Lance and Curtis sort of, but then there was also Sal who ran out of air way too quickly, unfortunately. What was her function? Leave me. Right. And she was like, leave me behind. So.

Luciano (43:03.649)
It's just a download.

Matt (43:10.444)

Luciano (43:15.873)
Yeah, she's the one that says, Oh, it's the Apex Predator.

Matt (43:19.849)
Yep. So is she the biologist by the statement of knowing things are apex predators? I'm not saying she was right, but…

Spencer (43:26.698)
She's a horrible biologist. She's like, the megalodon goes by, she's like, that's an octopus. This has never been seen before.

Luciano (43:28.127)
Yeah, I guess she's the worst marine biologist I could find.

Chris (43:35.254)
What the?

Matt (43:35.301)

Luciano (43:35.936)
HAHAHAHA! WHOA! A shark in the ocean?! Yeah.

Matt (43:42.605)
Okay, so what I'm understanding here is that there isn't an engineer on staff.

Luciano (43:48.425)
Oh, that's Jumin. Jumin, everything else that you need, Jumin does.

Chris (43:48.75)
for the dive? True. Yeah, he was the MacGyver. No, Ju Ming, not Ma-

Matt (43:52.127)
Jimi, okay?

Spencer (43:52.394)
The daughter? Oh no, Juminx the, yeah, sorry.

Matt (43:55.381)
That's Meiying. You really gotta watch yourself.

Luciano (43:56.951)

Spencer (43:58.698)
get my- I'm sorry, I don't remember any character's name. I just asked who Lance was too. And yes, I did watch this movie. That's- fuck you.

Luciano (43:59.289)
Did you? Did you watch this movie?

Matt (44:02.273)
Did you watch this movie?

Luciano (44:07.207)

Matt (44:07.277)
Okay, you didn't watch the movie, that's fair.


Chris (44:14.138)
The truth is out.

Matt (44:14.476)
Um... So...

Luciano (44:15.758)
So, cause Jumin knew about the rare earth metals, he knew how to make a bomb with fertilizer. No.

Spencer (44:15.914)
Did they say what their company did?

Chris (44:23.274)
It's deep sea exploration.

Matt (44:23.649)
Um, yeah. Well, cause ju as far as I understand, ju Ming created the suits, the subs, like the design specs. Yeah.

Spencer (44:25.546)
Is that a business?

Luciano (44:28.463)
He says him

Yeah. Also, let me ask you this. He chose him like punching rocks with a suit. That never comes back, right? Ever.

Chris (44:40.522)
Exoskeleton or thingy.

Spencer (44:41.642)
Yeah, what a fucking fakeout that was.

Matt (44:41.91)

Chris (44:43.918)

Luciano (44:44.349)
Yeah, like that I was I was for sure that like that we were going to put Jonas in that it was going to punch some sharks That's what I thought was going to happen

Matt (44:51.237)
Oh, I thought one of the things I wrote down was that I thought him and Montez were going to fight underwater in the suits and then Jonas was going to ride Hai Chi through the thermal climb to safety.

Chris (45:02.038)
Dun dun

Luciano (45:02.78)

Spencer (45:02.826)
Why aren't you rating this movie? That's a better question.

Luciano (45:06.989)
That would have been such a better movie. Just have danger zone playing while he's riding like yeah. Now I for sure thought that was going to be like they showed him punching rocks. I was like, oh, definitely Statham is going to be in one of those and punch a megalodon. Like that has to happen and then never happens. Like nothing about that. The suit being so strong ever comes back.

Matt (45:09.139)

Matt (45:13.493)

Spencer (45:14.986)
That's a missed opportunity.

Chris (45:28.335)
Budget spend achieved. Yeah.

Spencer (45:32.682)
He should have picked up that helicopter blade while wearing the suit so it was like a big sword.

Luciano (45:35.863)

Matt (45:36.961)
That would have helped, anything. Yep.

Chris (45:37.41)
That would have made sense, because like, it didn't make sense how he was able to lift it in the first place. But anyways... Yeah.

Luciano (45:39.246)

Luciano (45:42.977)
Yeah, and hold it with the weight of the fucking gigantic shark bearing down on him.

Spencer (45:48.362)
No, he just used gravity. Centrifugal force, you know, science. Yeah.

Matt (45:52.126)
Syntropical Force

Chris (45:56.098)
Some might say the Bernoulli effect.

Matt (45:58.727)
That's right. That, yeah. Yeah.

Luciano (45:59.195)
He used an apex predator to kill that shark.

Spencer (46:02.794)
Yeah, I know science too. He used a bore

Luciano (46:06.771)
The Burnnuly effect. I know. It's a thing, I know.

Chris (46:08.622)
It's a Bernoulli effect! It's a fact! It's a thing.

Spencer (46:08.65)

What's that thing where the cat is both alive and dead? Schrödinger? He used Schrödinger's blade. There. I also know science.

Matt (46:14.39)
So there are.

Luciano (46:17.613)
That's Schrodinger, yeah.

Matt (46:19.149)

Chris (46:20.777)
Oh. No. Well done. No.

Matt (46:24.837)
Okay, so there was as much science going on in this movie as there is in this conversation right now. Jun Ming was expected to provide all of it. Hey Spencer, in the first movie, Jonas was brought in to get his ex-wife. So he is a deep sea diving expert? Okay.

Luciano (46:29.899)

Spencer (46:30.57)
So lots.

Chris (46:30.582)

Luciano (46:33.464)

Spencer (46:36.618)

Spencer (46:40.682)

Yes. And like extreme situations. East. Yeah. He like saved a bunch of people and then they wanted him to save her.

Luciano (46:47.425)
with a deviated septum.

Chris (46:49.421)

Matt (46:49.457)
Right. It's cool. Yeah.

Luciano (46:55.033)
Ha ha!

Matt (46:55.989)
Right, okay that's good. That at least tracks to what his skills for the team are. So there are no engineers or scientists, there's no scientists other than Junmai on the sub. It's in two subs full of people. And only one person can actually do any research work.

Spencer (47:08.682)
No, Cal, that girl was a-

Spencer (47:13.642)
It would appear so.

Matt (47:13.685)
Great. And then there were some engineers at some point, no geologist, no biologist, no. Maybe that one half-bot. Maybe she was a geologist and that's why she didn't know what an apex predator was. She's here for geology, not biology. They didn't read her resume too close.

Luciano (47:16.981)
No geologists either.


Luciano (47:25.093)

Chris (47:26.793)
Oh, Sal?

Luciano (47:29.238)
I see. I see.

Chris (47:33.928)
Oh yeah. She, she, Sal and Lance were essentially hired to be shields. That's why they were set to the back of the line.

Luciano (47:39.061)
Meat Shields, yeah.

Spencer (47:39.37)
They're like are you made of meat? It's the first question in the interview House Salty would you say your blood is?

Chris (47:42.388)

Luciano (47:42.536)

Matt (47:44.001)
delicious meat.

Luciano (47:45.189)
Yeah. How overweight are you? The more the better.

Chris (47:45.966)
Do you have blood inside you?

Chris (47:52.462)
else. Tell me, what are your extracurriculars outside of your job? Oh! Do you have a family?

Luciano (47:57.517)
Do you have a family?

Spencer (47:59.562)
Would you be would you be opposed to wearing butter?

Matt (48:00.949)
Will anyone miss you when you're dead?

Chris (48:06.35)
Do you have a rock collection? Oh, are you opposed? When in dire situations, do you breathe? Are you able to control your own breathing and mental state? Or do you tend to you know, go off the deep end and panic?

Matt (48:09.185)
Garlic butter, I think, is what we're looking for. Or a...

Luciano (48:11.446)
When you bleed, do you bleed profusely?

Spencer (48:16.202)
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much blood do you bleed?

Matt (48:16.641)

Luciano (48:21.091)

Luciano (48:26.009)
Panic. Yeah. Oh, deep end, nice. Deep end, nice.

Spencer (48:28.234)
Can you clear your nasal cavity?

Matt (48:28.401)
Do you hyper? How much oxygen would you say you breathe on average?

Spencer (48:34.346)

Chris (48:34.986)
Mmm. Mmmm

Luciano (48:37.876)
Yeah. Are you are you prone to panic and or be left behind?

Spencer (48:38.346)

Matt (48:44.501)
Would you like to be left behind?

Spencer (48:45.61)
Ha ha ha!

Luciano (48:47.238)
Hahaha! Yeah.

Chris (48:47.861)
Which is just a survey. It's standard.

Spencer (48:49.258)
Would you consider yourself chum?

Luciano (48:52.957)
If you, yeah, if you, it's, this is not mandatory, but if you complete the survey, we'll give you an Amazon gift card for $1,000 that you'll never be able to use. Ha ha ha.

Chris (48:53.634)

Matt (48:54.335)
Ha ha

Spencer (48:58.122)
Wow, a thousand dollars? I can be jump!

Chris (49:01.692)
Well, sorry, I'm sorry I said that out loud. I mean, just pretend. I'm just warming up. I haven't had my coffee for the day.

Matt (49:02.53)

Luciano (49:06.085)

Matt (49:08.853)
My first day. I'm also new here. The last person disappeared randomly. So, and there's no engineering, right? We didn't see any, like people built stuff, but there's no engineers anywhere to do anything.

Luciano (49:13.521)

Luciano (49:17.539)

Luciano (49:21.321)
All that we see is that Jumin knows about science, just science. That everything. Geology is a science. I'm saying all science.

Matt (49:27.081)
Yeah, and geology

Spencer (49:31.53)
I mean, I think that it answers your question. That's why they don't have a team is they have a one man team who was just gonna do all the studies himself. He built all the equipment, he's fucking training sharks.

Luciano (49:35.269)
Because they have Jumi. Yeah.

Luciano (49:43.722)
He's like the scientist in comic books. He knows all the science. Just all of the science.

Matt (49:48.264)

Spencer (49:51.466)
to there.

Luciano (49:51.965)
And then everybody else was just fodder for the sharks.

Spencer (49:56.138)
It's not fodder, it's shields, like we said.

Chris (49:56.666)
it is. Well, you know, Lansing South. Well, potato potato.

Luciano (50:02.027)
I'm sorry, my bad. The terminology, my terminology was insensitive. Yeah.

Spencer (50:05.738)
Yeah, you're turning tactical tactical meat mercenaries.

Matt (50:12.609)
Can we make it so the acronym is CHUM somehow?

Spencer (50:14.826)
Uh, colonial, uh, okay, uh.

Luciano (50:18.301)
Yeah. No, not colonial. It's conspicuous, certified human underwater meat. Now. Perfect. Certified human underwater meat.

Matt (50:21.569)
Can't use that.

Spencer (50:26.122)

Matt (50:28.023)

Matt (50:31.805)
Underwater meat.

Chris (50:32.047)
universe oh yes

Spencer (50:32.81)

We're looking for another certified human underwater meat. I mean, uh, chum. I mean, uh, uh, uh, engineer! Hehe

Chris (50:39.087)
Oh my god! We-

Luciano (50:45.491)
Uh, uh, and yeah, and you can, so where's, where is the job? A job posting for senior chum.

Chris (50:46.478)
got there.

Matt (50:49.741)

Chris (50:51.926)

Chris (50:59.304)
Well, this is your everything we wanted and more. Chum! Wow.

Spencer (51:03.018)
Here's your chum badge. Why is it just a bunch of fish chopped up on this badge? Don't worry about it.

Matt (51:03.713)
You are certified Chumpis area. Welcome aboard.

Luciano (51:05.257)
Yeah, see, here's a position.

Luciano (51:11.177)
a position for, we have an opening for a staff chum. Would you be interested?

Chris (51:11.67)
Tell me, tell me this. Yes, tell me Lance, if you were placed in a dire situation and you were to lose your place in the group, would you be able to leave an article of your uniform behind as to give an indication as to your whereabouts?

Luciano (51:36.68)
A visual indicator of what of your.

Chris (51:41.502)
Well, yes I can. Yes I can.

Luciano (51:44.663)
Just any piece, any part, any clothing, yeah, anything you're wearing.

Chris (51:47.186)
Well, I love a challenge. I love a challenge.

Matt (51:52.289)
Um, so that's science and engineering in this movie, somehow. It didn't exist. We're gonna move on though to something that did exist. Allegedly. The evil people, the bad guys in this movie. We're talking Montez, we're talking Jess, we're talking Hillary Driscoll. I don't know if Jess or Montez got first or last names and what are you gonna do. What is their-

Chris (52:00.59)

Spencer (52:12.33)

Spencer (52:18.794)
Frankly, we don't care.

Matt (52:20.701)
We don't. What is their plan? Now, at a high level we understand that they are mining rare earth metals, quote unquote, and they are worth billions, quote unquote. But, in order to do this and be safe about it, or I don't know, I don't know, I'm like, I just want to take that back. What is their plan? What is the long-term viability of what they're doing?

Spencer (52:42.41)
Yeah, let's just take a step back and just for the listeners, roughly go through what it appears their plan is, I guess, and then we can dissect because

Luciano (52:51.256)

Matt (52:51.409)
Yeah, Spencer, why don't you just go through the player? Since you watched this movie.

Spencer (52:53.514)
From what I understood, so the Driscoll lady is a partial partner to the company that's doing the research.

Luciano (53:06.117)
to the Institute, right? Not the company, like the one that Jiuming merged into his company, the one that was doing the investigation on the Megalodons. That's what I understood, yeah.

Spencer (53:16.682)
Okay, so yes, so they're working together to research the base. Now while she is researching under the thermocline, she secretly has a mining operation going on at the bottom. So she has a secret mining organization while she's also investigating this area, which will surely find her illegal mining operation. So that in itself is a little bit confusing.

Luciano (53:36.141)
the floor, the seat, like, yeah. Inexorably moving from sector to sector until they reach the sector where they're mining. Yeah.

Spencer (53:45.386)
Yeah, like systematically researching the bottom of the thermocline.

That's, you would think that is somewhat of a conflicting, yeah, a conflict of interest. Now you would think, it would be great from a storytelling point of view, if she was trying to sabotage them from, but that's never really clear. Although I guess technically that was her plan because she had Jess, that's where Jess comes in, was her inside mole who was sabotaging them, but not just this one time.

Luciano (53:56.777)
A conflict of interests?

Luciano (54:04.981)
Yeah, like preventing them from going.

Chris (54:14.082)
Mm-hmm. Mm.

Luciano (54:15.982)

Just the one submarine. Yeah.

Spencer (54:21.642)
and just a rescue submarine, not trying to sabotage the actual operation.

Chris (54:22.085)

Chris (54:25.73)
The sleeper agent, if you will. The minor sleeper agent. Yes.

Spencer (54:29.578)
Now Jess was in a relationship with Montez, whose goal was to explode everything in any one.

Chris (54:33.645)

Luciano (54:33.655)

Luciano (54:37.301)
Wait, no, wait. That was that was what he did. But yeah, it sounded like when he was talking to those guys that he explodes immediately. It sounded like he was like their sort of like supervisor or something or? Yeah, yeah, exactly. The foreman. Yeah.

Chris (54:37.326)

Spencer (54:39.722)
No, that's what he did. His motivation was to mine the ore at the bottom of the ocean.

Spencer (54:49.322)

Chris (54:54.019)
Yeah, the foreman.

Spencer (54:55.882)
So he was in charge of making sure they had a safe dig whilst exploding them if literally anyone comes close.

Luciano (55:01.465)

Matt (55:01.677)

Luciano (55:04.754)
Anything happens, yeah.

Matt (55:07.049)
And so, so just to be clear, the explosives were supposed to do what?

Chris (55:07.422)
Montez, please don't I have a fa-

Luciano (55:10.244)

Spencer (55:16.522)
blow up underwater rocks.

Luciano (55:18.467)
Well, they were supposed to get the precious, precious rare earth metals out of the bottom of the whatever.

Spencer (55:25.226)

Matt (55:28.125)
Right, so they weren't actually set as a means to hide their operation. It was just, this is part of the mining thing and he blew it up early because that was his only defense for someone finding him. Even though people are definitely coming down here every day looking for things. Okay.

Luciano (55:32.213)
No, no.

Luciano (55:39.577)

Luciano (55:44.073)
Yeah, exploring the very area where they're doing the illegal thing. Yes.

Spencer (55:44.97)
And but why?

Spencer (55:49.386)
Like, why did he blow it up? Was it a way to attack them or was it a way to cover up?

Matt (55:50.038)

Luciano (55:53.801)
Yeah, when they were passing, when they got near the station and they saw the station and they were going near where the explosives were set, he was like, I'm going to blow them up and bury them down on the thing. That's what he wanted to do. Forgetting that he was there too. Yeah.

Chris (55:53.995)

Matt (55:54.698)

Chris (56:00.086)
What's this? Oh my. Let's get closer.

Spencer (56:11.498)
forgetting he was also there and also can explode.

Chris (56:14.122)
And his, yes, and his diving pod was even shottier looking and older looking than Jiuming's. All by himself.

Luciano (56:20.873)
Yeah, and he fixed it all by himself.

Spencer (56:24.874)
But that's not his plan. His plan was, so I just wanna make it clear, his plan was to blow them up to stop them from discovering the base.

Luciano (56:33.485)
Yeah, from, yeah, exactly.

Matt (56:35.157)
Good morning. Yeah.

Spencer (56:37.13)
and then what?

Luciano (56:41.761)
But okay, so yeah, kill Jonas. Ha ha ha.

Chris (56:42.126)
kill Jonas, all three Jonases.

Matt (56:43.786)
Well no, I-

Spencer (56:47.114)
So after he blows them up, he expects no one to come back.

Matt (56:47.267)
So, he kills them all.

Right. Because the rescue sub is damaged. Because Jess did that way before. For reasons unknown. So, Jess basically damages the rescue sub every time they come to Manowon. I guess. Fixes it.

Luciano (56:59.065)
For reasons unknown.

Luciano (57:07.361)

Chris (57:07.574)

Spencer (57:08.458)
fixes it, then, then, destroys it again.

Luciano (57:10.053)
God damn it, what's happening with this thing? It keeps getting exploded every time. Who, I don't know, must be a bad design.

Matt (57:15.765)
Right, because if you, let's say, right, so let's say you've blown up them, they've been buried by rubble, and the rescue sub can't come and get them.

then they die and no one ever comes to find out what happened. No one ever goes down to the thermocline again.

Spencer (57:31.85)
I mean, it is hard to get there. Maybe I, they made it seem like they could, once they got their shit, they could like leave it, I guess.

Luciano (57:31.982)

Matt (57:35.795)

Luciano (57:36.403)
Love you.

Luciano (57:41.153)
Yeah, but they wanted to keep on mining because it was like according to Drisco, they were going to be all of them billionaires or whatever, right?

Spencer (57:48.874)
They're billions and billions of dollars in rare earth metals

Chris (57:49.099)

Matt (57:53.885)
This might fall under the science and engineering category, but I need to point out that Ji Ming created the subs that allow them to pass through the thermocline. And then... And then Montez just passed through without anything. He passed through with a suit that was not rated to go through... Or did he go through the hole? Cause they blew it up, right?

Chris (58:05.387)

Luciano (58:05.546)
Right. And the suits.

Chris (58:08.311)

Luciano (58:13.561)

Chris (58:17.942)
He went through every... Oh, you're right, you're right, you're right.

Spencer (58:18.058)

Luciano (58:18.453)
Well, it doesn't matter. It doesn't really matter because like the thermocline is just something that keeps the temperature, right? That's why it's called thermocline. Right. And so like they can go through the problem I understood. I'm getting there. They, like Haichi goes through after them. They go, she can't go through the thermocline and then she does, but whatever.

Matt (58:30.784)

Chris (58:30.862)

Spencer (58:34.09)
Wait, no, it can't just be temperature, why would the sharks not go through?

Matt (58:39.113)
First of all, the Chargers went through, but...

Matt (58:45.95)
Woof! Woof. Cough.

Luciano (58:47.073)
Um, but I understood that he, he had the technology to go that deep. That's what I understood. And then, yeah, but it's because of the depth, not the temperature. As at least that's what I understood, but they don't explain it. So you could be right.

Spencer (58:47.786)
Goddamn this movie.

Matt (58:54.597)
No, they said he had the technology to get through the thermocline.

Matt (59:03.969)
Well what the fuck is the point of having a thermocline if it's a temperature if it's a level of a temperature that keeps the sharks from going out Humans are also made of relatively the same meat as sharks. How can they just pass through without any sort of protection?

Luciano (59:14.401)

Spencer (59:16.618)
So I will say in the first movie they do talk about the thermocline. It is in the first one. I this may be explained to some I don't know. So I can't help but I know it is in the movie and there's a whole thing about that's why the Megalons have never come out.

Luciano (59:17.197)
Well, I mean, fair, fair. Okay. What did I say?

Chris (59:22.177)

Luciano (59:25.614)
Hahaha, okay.

Chris (59:26.51)

Luciano (59:29.913)
So, because Juming says, oh, this is my design. So like, basically what was happening was the moles inside the Institute were stealing his designs and feeding it off to use in the mining operation. So I guess that's why they had the suits and that's why they could go through the thermocline and build an entire station down there. But I have, I know we're talking about like the plan, but I want to take a step back. So, because what happens is they...

Chris (59:43.466)

Chris (59:49.934)

Matt (59:57.794)
I wanted to interrupt you and just mention that the thermocline is a super cold thermocline layer of water that keeps the mags in check.

Luciano (59:59.274)

Luciano (01:00:07.349)
Okay, so it is the temperature. So it is the temperature that doesn't do any of what they say they do. Okay. Why?

Spencer (01:00:07.754)
Yes, I'm sorry.

Matt (01:00:12.774)
Right. Humans can go through it.

Spencer (01:00:16.394)
So they're saying it's so cold just in that thermocline layer, but underneath it's not as cold and above it's not as cold.

Chris (01:00:16.942)

Matt (01:00:22.861)

Luciano (01:00:24.117)
Oh, so it's just the layer of hydrogen sulfite that they say... Okay.

Matt (01:00:27.969)
Because it keeps the sharks below in the trench.

Luciano (01:00:31.553)
Yeah, I at some point I am gonna have to talk about that whole shit about the sharks

Matt (01:00:35.605)
You know what, let's just stop right now. Ladies and gentlemen, we are taking a five minute pause so we can go into, actually, with Luciano, where he takes us through his science corner to point out all the scientific facts that are wrong in this movie. Luciano!

Luciano (01:00:43.53)

Chris (01:00:43.804)

Chris (01:00:47.058)

Luciano (01:00:49.105)
Okay, I will keep this as brief as I can. So as I can not brief, brief as I can. There's a caveat there. So the whole pressure thing, let's start with Jonas. They go like, oh, you don't see fish in suits, do you? No, bitch, you don't because those fish evolved to be in that much pressure. It's like...

Spencer (01:00:52.458)
That's a lie.

Matt (01:00:52.468)

Chris (01:00:57.312)

Spencer (01:01:15.914)
No, they said it's the air.

Luciano (01:01:16.333)
Their bodies are gelatinous, they don't have bones, they only have cartilage. They're adapted to survive. They go to 25,000 feet. That is 830 atmospheres. If Jonas was able to step out into that same pressure, he would have been crushed like wet paper. That's why would have happened immediately. It's not about the sinuses and whatever bullshit that was.

Spencer (01:01:43.818)
No, he had no air in his lungs. You only get crushed...

Luciano (01:01:46.197)
It doesn't matter!

Matt (01:01:46.952)
He had a deviated septum!

Chris (01:01:50.53)
Don't forget he's also bathed in toxic chemicals in the first 5-10 minutes of the movie.

Luciano (01:01:51.534)

Luciano (01:01:55.593)
Oh, he mutated. He became Namor or Aquaman. Okay. Namor. And, and, and

Matt (01:01:55.787)

Chris (01:01:59.198)
Yes. Namo-NAMOR!

Spencer (01:02:01.738)
He's no, no, it's it's he they said the air is retracting is what kills you. No, they said it.

Luciano (01:02:08.033)
No, it's, but that's wrong. That is so wrong. Also.

Matt (01:02:12.621)
Spencer, it's Luciano's Nerd Corner. He gets to be all nerdy with his dumb nerdy shit.

Spencer (01:02:14.922)
Sorry. Just makes me so angry when he just doesn't understand science.

Luciano (01:02:17.281)
Also, like he's just like, they're taking like they're doing like an airlock thing like they do in like space shit and they drop the pressure so fast they go from the same pressure as it is outside to the pressure of like one atmosphere. Do you know how many bends that would give them? It's not just the bends, it's all of the bends.

Matt (01:02:40.405)
Hey, Curtis got her head imploded, so something happened.

Spencer (01:02:40.778)

Luciano (01:02:43.157)
Yeah. And she was the only one.

Chris (01:02:43.425)

Spencer (01:02:45.834)
Luciano, I'd hate to check your science again, but the bends is an album by Radiohead and it has nothing to do with what we're talking about right now. So you're just making you're embarrassing yourself right now. Continue.

Luciano (01:02:53.549)
It's actually, it's actually called decompression sickness or DCS. Anyway, and the other thing is like the shark and those lizard things who we see on fucking land and they just can go to the bottom, no evolution needed. They stayed the same for millions and millions of years, even though they had to go down below the thermocline that they couldn't possibly cross.

Chris (01:02:55.399)
Nice dreams!

Luciano (01:03:21.093)
because it's too cold so they can't go up, but they had to go down somehow.

Chris (01:03:25.294)
the lizards.

Matt (01:03:25.353)
The make didn't change.

Luciano (01:03:27.197)
The mag didn't change and the lizards didn't change, but they somehow made it down the thermocline, but not up. I'm just gonna throw Bernoulli effect. Ha ha

Matt (01:03:33.174)

Matt (01:03:37.981)
Yeah, Fertility Effect. You're correct.

Spencer (01:03:38.474)
Thank you.

Chris (01:03:40.046)

Luciano (01:03:43.397)
Oh, don't get me started on photosynthesis. What the fuck was up with those plants at the bottom? They were green. Chlorophyll doesn't work that way. Fucking, you know what? Fuck this shit.

Spencer (01:03:51.946)
Chlorophyll? More like Borophyll! Hehe

Chris (01:03:55.374)

Luciano (01:03:57.485)
I'm out. I'm done.

Matt (01:03:59.785)
That, ladies and gentlemen, was Luciano's um, actually...

Luciano (01:04:02.113)
Fuck this movie and the science in this movie! Hahahaha!

Matt (01:04:06.221)
Corner brought to you by chlorophyll

Chris (01:04:08.81)
Werther's and Chlorophyll.

Luciano (01:04:10.105)
Chlorophyll, chlorophyll, where there's chlorophyll flavor. Ha ha ha.

Chris (01:04:13.685)

Matt (01:04:14.237)
I'm more like Werther's Chloroform flavor.

Chris (01:04:16.794)
Oh my god. Oh, wow.

Luciano (01:04:17.457)
That's what I wanted for this movie. Anyway, sorry, carry on. Yeah.

Matt (01:04:21.309)
Now, we weren't talking about the long-term plan for the bad guys, and we took a little detour, but it's a very good point. So we walked through the bad guys plan as we understood it. Things go wrong, unplanned, so our friend Montez blows everything up, and he's his... He's supposed to kill Jonas and stop them from telling the world that they found them mining. That's that's the gist. Who?

Spencer (01:04:36.65)

Luciano (01:04:42.249)

Spencer (01:04:43.594)
Is it illegal to mine?

Luciano (01:04:47.531)
I'm so I-

Spencer (01:04:47.594)
Like is it illegal to mine the bottom of the thermocline? Like I don't think there's jurisdiction down there.

Luciano (01:04:53.279)
It's not illegal, but it's not legal because there's no like.

Spencer (01:04:56.81)
It's definitely less illegal than murdering people.

Matt (01:04:57.545)
It's actually, it's actually. So Spencer, it's really funny you mentioned this because I don't know if it's because I watched this movie, but I was reading an article today where a company that was the, Odyssey I think, this company was originally supposed to go find like buried ships and recovered treasure. And they couldn't because every time they found a buried ship, it'd be like Spain's like, that's our property or the Dutch would be like, that's our property. And so they switched to mining phosphorus off of the sea floor in Mexico.

Luciano (01:05:01.37)

Matt (01:05:26.881)
So they had rights to mine this, but there was fish, people, fishermen, fisherwoman, who also had the rights to fish in the area. And apparently mining phosphorus off the ocean floor is super dangerous and fucks up every living organism in the water. So they're having a big fight over who has the rights to fuck up the ocean in that area. So technically you can mine stuff off the ocean, but also you kill everything. And so it's mostly illegal.

Spencer (01:05:51.594)
Well that never stopped us before.

Luciano (01:05:52.873)
And she says it, right? Because we had to know that she was absolutely evil. She says it. Oh, before you come talking about the environment, I don't give a shit. Right. So she knew it was probably fucking things up. And I think I think the thing was they didn't want to have to like. Talk to some government and give like pay taxes or whatever. You just wanted to kind of sell. But would they sell like they would be like, wait, how are you getting so many precious?

rare metals or whatever. But.

Matt (01:06:20.885)
Nah. Just blood diamonds. Don't ask, don't tell.

Spencer (01:06:22.186)
Are they still rare if you're getting that much of them?

Luciano (01:06:24.985)
that there's that too. Are they rare? If it's that common now. But but what I wanted to ask before I went into my rant was, because a lot of things went to shit, right? Like they went into an area they weren't supposed to go. That's why they saw the facility and blah, blah. But like, what was their plan if things had gone well, so they had gone down, Hi, she didn't break out of her playpen. And then just

Chris (01:06:25.911)
You know?

Chris (01:06:42.19)
Facility. Yeah.

Chris (01:06:50.37)

Luciano (01:06:52.009)
like they went to sector 19 and surveyed it. They eventually would get to sector whatever, 23 which was where they were. What was the long-term plan that they had if things hadn't gone to shit? How would they prevent everybody from finding shit?

Spencer (01:07:09.194)
Well, based on how valuable those Earth metals are, by the time they found them, by the time they found them, they would have already bought the entire government and the world because they because they they brought ninety five trillion dollars worth of rare Earth metals. So.

Chris (01:07:12.631)
We'll kill him!

Luciano (01:07:20.264)
They would have bought the planet.

Chris (01:07:27.374)
I suppose they would have, they would have probably, they would have had like, not even a quota, but a goal. And then the extended goal so that they'd never have to work again. Yes, it is. They're trying to get, Montez and Jess are trying to, right, they're trying, Billion, they're trying to kickstart. That's right. They're trying to, exactly. Because the, because the Megalodon pups need homes.

Luciano (01:07:35.149)
What is this Kickstarter? Ha ha

Spencer (01:07:38.506)
We're trying to get to 10 million. 10 billion, sorry. But with your help.

Luciano (01:07:45.453)
Help us crowdfund our mining operation!

Luciano (01:07:54.041)
They're not pups! They're c- Okay, my corner's over. I'm not gonna go there. Yeah. I apologize.

Chris (01:07:56.578)
Q Sarah McLaughlin in the arms of an angel. Yeah. Stretch goal, there you go.

Matt (01:07:57.646)

Spencer (01:07:57.706)
You've had your time, sir.

Matt (01:08:02.065)
Um, one last question about this and we need to move on to our other fun questions. I'm just curious, the box they show, if you haven't watched this movie, it's like what? Like a couple feet by a couple feet? Big basically? It's like a fancy briefcase. Thanks Chris. Um, that's a billion dollars.

Spencer (01:08:09.578)
That's part of the movie.

Spencer (01:08:14.698)
It's like a briefcase, right?

Luciano (01:08:15.158)

Spencer (01:08:22.826)

Luciano (01:08:23.157)
Yeah, I'm beginning with a B.

Matt (01:08:24.513)
Billing with a B, they say, yes. How many, I would assume that the amount of ore they had that we saw lying around this station would have like bankrupted the world, buying it. The world economy, right? So, so like why were they like so aggressive in mining it if they can't sell it without collapsing the world economy?

Luciano (01:08:37.985)
It would have collapsed the economy of the yes. Like Mr. robot style.

Spencer (01:08:53.45)
I mean, they could sell it one billion at a time.

Luciano (01:08:53.833)
I don't think they were thinking that far ahead, Matt. Have you seen their engineering? They weren't thinking that far ahead. They were like, oh, wait, one of these is worth a million dollars? What if we had 1,000 of these? What if you had a million of these? Oh, it would add up. At one point, we'd get to a trillion dollars. Sold! Let's do the mining operation. That's what they did.

Chris (01:08:56.618)

Matt (01:09:00.917)

Spencer (01:09:01.161)
I mean, for something to be worth that much.

Chris (01:09:01.816)
But they...

Spencer (01:09:14.954)
But I'd have to imagine that the only like for something to be worth that much, like literally more valuable than any other thing on the planet that's ever existed. It would have to be only be worth that value because of its rarity. Right.

Matt (01:09:15.83)
All right.

Luciano (01:09:31.59)
For sure, it's like gold, right?

Matt (01:09:32.073)
Well, Spencer, you've asked an excellent question. I'm going to use this as a professional podcaster to segue us to our questions. Because the very first question I have, I think we'll answer this for our listeners. We learned that these rare earth metals are used to, in superconductors, in aerospace, and in quantum computing. Very large paintbrush strokes. Why that?

Spencer (01:09:39.946)

Luciano (01:09:42.077)

Spencer (01:09:55.754)
A little white wide net

Luciano (01:09:56.253)
umbrellas of things, yeah. It's used in things and also other things.

Matt (01:10:01.969)
things that sound techy. So given that there's a billion dollars in this small box, I wanna know what other industries are pushing this value so high. Because it's just those three things, I don't see how it's worth a billion dollars, right? So what else is using them?

Luciano (01:10:03.982)

Spencer (01:10:22.41)
Well, by the s-

Chris (01:10:22.934)
Male enhancement pill tech.

Spencer (01:10:26.09)
That's obviously, it's a male enhancement pill.

Luciano (01:10:26.689)
Sounds about... If... If my spam folder is... If my spam folder is anything to go by...

Chris (01:10:29.218)
Have you ever...

Chris (01:10:33.226)
Right, and have you ever heard of the fleshlight?

Luciano (01:10:39.141)
Okay, carry on.

Chris (01:10:39.342)
I rest my case. Based on that scoff, I can't... You see? And then you just got to go and get another. And then another.

Spencer (01:10:40.362)
I think you're right, Chris. It's a one-time use mail enhancement pill.

No, no, one-time use. That's why it's so valuable.

Chris (01:10:51.662)
I was like, well, there's the one time you use pill and then there's also the flashlight.

Spencer (01:10:54.858)
The flashlight

Matt (01:10:54.95)
That makes the market real small.

Luciano (01:10:55.349)
Is it a one use flashlight as well?

Chris (01:10:58.122)
Well, depending on who you are.

Spencer (01:10:59.626)
It's so valuable because it's because it's so horrible as a material that it doesn't last. That's why it's so valuable.

Luciano (01:11:00.769)

Chris (01:11:09.046)
That's not how we've marketed it.

Matt (01:11:11.073)
Sorry, I need to understand. If you take this pill or use this flashlight, does your dick fall off? Is that the problem?

Spencer (01:11:17.706)
Is that what you want, sir?

Luciano (01:11:18.519)
When you use it, it replaces your dick. That's what happens.

Chris (01:11:18.606)
Actually... You're right.

Matt (01:11:21.769)
Right, with a rare earth metal, dick. Okay.

Spencer (01:11:22.218)
Where we're going, we won't need dicks.

Luciano (01:11:23.709)
Yeah. Your dick becomes a glowy rock and then...

Chris (01:11:24.942)
correct. See? You see? Plutonium. Have you heard of that? You know? It becomes glowy rock hard.

Matt (01:11:29.053)
Nah, that's good.

Anything else not in the.

Anything else not in the dick realm? That's it, okay.

Spencer (01:11:38.218)
Nope, we're done. I by the sounds of it in what it was used for, it sounds like it's a conduit of some kind like a. Or maybe like a like a conductor, yeah, or like a battery source. Like a superconductor, yeah, so now I'm no science man, but. And I'm I'm no science man, but I'm pretty sure.

Luciano (01:11:50.445)
You mean a conductor? Yeah.

Matt (01:11:54.153)
but like a better conductor, like a super conductor. Yeah.

Luciano (01:11:57.082)

Chris (01:11:57.716)

Luciano (01:12:02.095)
I'm no science man!

Matt (01:12:06.586)
Oi, bruv, I'm no science man!

Chris (01:12:07.107)
Nah. Heh.

Spencer (01:12:08.362)
but I'm pretty sure a conductor is used to make my things go broom and it when used it can send electricity at a faster speed at at let let me finish let me finish

Matt (01:12:22.506)
Ladies and gentlemen...

Chris (01:12:22.514)
I love it when you talk dirty, baby.

Luciano (01:12:23.582)
Yeah, you really aren't a science man, are you?

Chris (01:12:28.29)
Keep talking.

Matt (01:12:28.561)
I just want to let our listeners know that Spencer is not in fact having a stroke. That's just how he talks about science.

Spencer (01:12:31.85)
Listen, when you use this rare earth metal, you can...

Chris (01:12:36.29)
We talk about strokes a lot.

Spencer (01:12:43.306)
conduit your batteries to supercharge the electrons of your

Luciano (01:12:49.241)
The Bernoulli Effect.

Spencer (01:12:53.962)

Chris (01:12:55.854)

Luciano (01:12:56.567)
Are we sure he's not having a stroke?

Spencer (01:12:57.29)
chat GPT Tesla coils.

Chris (01:12:59.682)
Purity, pu-wirt-y.

Luciano (01:13:01.634)
Because I'm 50-50 right now if he's having a stroke or not.

Spencer (01:13:03.53)
No, if you if you don't understand that, I feel bad for you. That's all I'm saying.

Chris (01:13:08.682)
Look, two words. You want-

Luciano (01:13:09.444)
I do feel bad for you.

Spencer (01:13:10.474)
But think about what computers could be if you could reconnect the hard drive via exponentially growing.

Matt (01:13:10.753)
This is better.

Chris (01:13:19.642)
files in the computer.

Luciano (01:13:22.585)
So, okay, so it's stroke. It is a stroke.

Spencer (01:13:24.746)
Cable wire.

Matt (01:13:25.189)
100% 1000% he's having a stroke. Someone call.

Chris (01:13:28.706)
But have you ever, have any of you ever heard of a... Uh-oh. Toast or is the toast very toasted?

Spencer (01:13:29.61)
Does anyone else smell toast?

Spencer (01:13:36.298)
It smells like rare earth metal.

Matt (01:13:36.598)
Is it burning?

Luciano (01:13:38.993)


Chris (01:13:42.878)
I think you'll be alright. Nothing will happen.

Matt (01:13:43.873)
He's fine. He just took too many dick pills. I was thinking that maybe these rare earth metals could be used in... What was it? It's like...

Spencer (01:13:46.602)
No but-

Chris (01:13:50.371)
Walk it off.

Chris (01:13:57.73)
Sleep apnea tech.

Matt (01:13:59.377)
Well, I was more like, something's got to fix the Boeing Max jets so they stop falling out of the sky.

Luciano (01:14:07.351)

Matt (01:14:09.161)
And so fixing flight systems and flight stabilizers so they never fall to the sky.

Chris (01:14:16.91)

Luciano (01:14:17.473)
It's very, very poignant, very topical.

Chris (01:14:21.698)
So Bernoulli effect stabilizers, if you will.

Luciano (01:14:25.381)
Jesus Christ. Were you sure to begin with?

Matt (01:14:26.717)
I'm not sure anymore.

Spencer (01:14:27.882)
I think, I think with-

Matt (01:14:30.759)

Spencer (01:14:32.298)
Here, let me just explain it.

Chris (01:14:32.326)
Don't say that on air. We fake it till we make it. We want to close the deal. ABC dudes, always be conducting.

Luciano (01:14:40.141)
Closing. Conducting. I always be conducting with...

Spencer (01:14:42.154)
With that kind of attitude, you're gonna be on the Chum Team in no time. No, here, let me explain to you in a way you guys can understand, okay?

Luciano (01:14:46.753)
Yeah, Alec Baldwin would be disappointed in you.

Spencer (01:14:50.858)
In the past, transport has always been from A to B, right? From A to B. Now imagine the fastest way, I'm gonna draw it on this piece of paper. From A to B is a straight line. Now with these rare earth metals, I can fold that paper and make a hole through the paper.

Chris (01:14:52.398)

Chris (01:14:57.243)

Matt (01:14:58.782)
Oh god.

Chris (01:15:02.03)
There you go. Oh, uh-huh. Keep drawing. No, why are you folding? Wha? Oh, so it's almost like you're penetrating the paper?

Spencer (01:15:16.298)
That's right. No, that's wrong.

Matt (01:15:18.561)
You know what? We're gonna move on. I have a different question for everybody.

Luciano (01:15:20.252)
Yes, please

Chris (01:15:21.526)
A interspacial birthing canal?

Matt (01:15:25.561)
No, no, we've moved on already Chris, don't worry about it. But-

Spencer (01:15:27.338)
Wait, he was so close!

Luciano (01:15:28.498)
Oh, are we merging with Avatar? Is that where the space vagina comes from?

Spencer (01:15:30.89)

Matt (01:15:32.462)
An inter-spatial birthing kit could be one of the items that is in DJ's emergency bag. I'm just curious. That's what you said. Don't act like you're surprised that I said that. Oh, okay. My bad.

Chris (01:15:38.482)
Inter-spacial birthing kit?

I said birthing canal!

Spencer (01:15:43.818)
Yeah, you idiot! You idiot! You're so stupid!

Luciano (01:15:47.393)
Yeah, that's, that's the problem with that is that word. That's the

Chris (01:15:50.838)
He folded the paper and put a pencil through it. It was a birthday canap-

Matt (01:15:51.19)
That word.

I've already I've already segued us into what's in DJ's emergency bag So I'd like I would like all of you to catch up to my segue if you could please do so now Yes That's fair as a fair answer sir

Chris (01:15:58.19)
I'm gonna make these nuts!

Spencer (01:16:00.266)
I'm sorry.

What's in DJ's bag, you ask?

Chris (01:16:06.46)

Luciano (01:16:08.353)
Now clearly not, he has condoms there.

Spencer (01:16:15.338)
So let's just, what, he's got a gun. I just wanna go through what he, he's got a stun gun. He's got a lot of condoms, enough for at least one night. In my experience. Oh!

Chris (01:16:18.478)
He's got a gun. Yes, yes, yes.

Matt (01:16:18.561)

Luciano (01:16:19.629)
He's got a lot of condoms.

Matt (01:16:22.057)
Yeah, a lot of times. Yep.

Luciano (01:16:27.358)
He had a mirror that apparently sticks immediately to bubble gum and never...

Matt (01:16:32.173)

Chris (01:16:32.182)
Yeah, a mirror, it's... Yeah. You know.

Spencer (01:16:33.45)
That's the least of our worries in this movie.

Matt (01:16:36.297)
You know what? Maybe Riggish just had a real sticky mouth.

Luciano (01:16:40.045)
Ugh. Uh, I... Yeah, please.

Matt (01:16:41.505)
You're welcome. I'll see myself out.

Spencer (01:16:42.378)
That was horrible Pepper spray get pepper spray

Chris (01:16:44.643)
Okay, okay, okay. I said okay, it's worth, yes ending, okay, okay.

Luciano (01:16:48.093)
What else does he have in there? Pepper spray? Yeah. Because one gigantic fucking desert eagle.

Chris (01:16:50.274)
Pepper spray? Uh.

Matt (01:16:50.293)
He did.

Spencer (01:16:52.01)
I'd like to think he has a single grenade.

Chris (01:16:58.134)
Yeah, with poison tipped bullets.

Luciano (01:17:00.318)
Yeah, that's true.

Matt (01:17:00.617)
You didn't mention those. What about a flashlight?

Luciano (01:17:03.885)
Which kind?

Chris (01:17:04.474)
Yeah, the rare earth metal reinforced. It's a prototype, it's a prototype. It's only made out of stainless steel, okay, only.

Matt (01:17:07.329)
That's the one.

Luciano (01:17:07.919)

Matt (01:17:13.009)
He got it from Jess, but he doesn't know where it came from. No idea.

Spencer (01:17:13.098)
That was horrible.

Luciano (01:17:13.365)
Wait. Ah, I see. This flashlight glows.

Chris (01:17:15.87)
And Jess is like, don't, and then DJ is like, and then DJ is like, Jess, why is this, why is the word Monty inscribed on this with like no Y? It's just M-O-T, M-O-N-T-E. Wow, like, did you scrape out the N? Why can't, why is this a misspelled Monty? What is this? Why? I, mmm.

Matt (01:17:25.985)

Luciano (01:17:26.858)

Spencer (01:17:40.81)
with Monty.

Spencer (01:17:45.226)
I don't get it. I'm happy and I'm so happy.

Luciano (01:17:47.013)

Matt (01:17:47.841)
Thank you, bye.

Chris (01:17:47.998)
Montes! Monte, she calls him Monte for sure. Never.

Luciano (01:17:51.114)
I, uh, can I, can I be excused?

Matt (01:17:51.465)
What else is in the bag?

Spencer (01:17:52.714)
Uh, um, a flare gun. I would like to think of some real ones before they get into the ridiculous.

Matt (01:17:56.032)

Chris (01:17:59.79)
Okay cool, so none checks.

Spencer (01:18:01.642)

Chris (01:18:03.506)
Extendable nunchucks. Um, some sure. Yes.

Luciano (01:18:04.994)

Matt (01:18:07.789)
The laser pointer, flashlight.

Spencer (01:18:10.762)
I mean, it would be great if you should have a sat phone in there.

Luciano (01:18:11.013)
Tootsie Rolls? Tootsie Rolls, probably.

Chris (01:18:14.462)
Yes, a personal flotation device like a life like his bag like inflates Okay, I don't like what's see Werther's

Matt (01:18:14.75)
Yeah, he showed up, but he didn't.

Spencer (01:18:16.33)
You should've had like

Luciano (01:18:19.333)
Toot. I'm gonna stand by Tootsie Rolls. Tootsie Rolls.

Spencer (01:18:22.89)
Who likes the T-roll?

Matt (01:18:23.789)
Where are those? Some snacks? You gotta keep your energy up.

Luciano (01:18:25.665)
Where there's obviously some buttermilk biscuits. Handset. Yeah. Lysol.

Spencer (01:18:29.578)
Wet wipe.

Chris (01:18:32.15)
But yeah, no, but milk biscuits had said He's also gonna need that and he also has some insoles some Doc walks insoles to make sure that he kids

Spencer (01:18:34.73)
and sanitizer.

Spencer (01:18:43.146)
I mean, you can't leave the house without them.

Luciano (01:18:43.811)

Matt (01:18:46.421)
Yeah, Google it. It's a real product.

Chris (01:18:46.45)
No, you got to make sure you get prepared. Google it. You googly it.

Spencer (01:18:48.49)
Google it. Look it up.

Luciano (01:18:48.909)
Google it, Google it. You sound like those nuts like an Eaton Center. Google's Galazia. These nuts. Just set yourself up.

Matt (01:18:54.37)
Sorry, what nuts what nuts are you saying? Hey got him

Spencer (01:18:57.898)

Matt (01:19:02.441)
Moving on! Next!

Chris (01:19:05.789)

Matt (01:19:07.621)
I've moved on. I don't know why. Yeah, we're past.

Chris (01:19:09.022)
Yo, get him, get it before it's too late, get it Spencer. Get him, oh shit. Okay, I was gonna say an autographed coffee of the life and times. Shit.

Luciano (01:19:13.784)

Matt (01:19:18.538)
That's why we stopped.

Spencer (01:19:19.594)
A sticky magazine of men's health.

Chris (01:19:23.15)
What? A sticky? Sticky? Was it juice?

Matt (01:19:23.169)
STOP! Montez, Jess, Montez, Jess, and Hillary are meeting to kick off Project Underwater Rare Earth Metal mining agglomeracy.

Luciano (01:19:23.578)
Men's health.

Chris (01:19:37.206)
on Microsoft Teams.

Luciano (01:19:37.461)
A conglomerancy you say?

Matt (01:19:40.321)
conglomeracy correct using the Microsoft Teams. How does that meeting go? What did I talk about?

Chris (01:19:40.619)

Microsoft Teams.

Luciano (01:19:50.529)

Chris (01:19:51.754)
Yeah, first they have an icebreaker where they each go around and share not only what they had for breakfast, but what they would like to accomplish by Friday. Cause it's a Monday, um, give or take a few hours in the double digits, closer to the 22 hour range. So it's actually 22 hours. It's Tuesday.

Luciano (01:20:06.881)
No, the icebreaker is like, show me, show me what you have in your fridge. That's what the icebreaker is. I've had those before.

Chris (01:20:14.073)

Chris (01:20:17.546)

Matt (01:20:18.293)
But it's just Jess and Montez have the same things in their fridge, but they're on different like in different rooms.

Luciano (01:20:21.589)
It's just rare earth metals. It's just rare earth metals in the fridge.

Chris (01:20:24.158)
Yeah, just like go I banged my knee playing Pickleball last night. Just give me like just go first. Just just go first. Just just go first Okay, I feel like I'm up to it now and this is what's in my fridge so there's that so there's the icebreaker and then They go over the agenda based on like the multi-phase plan that they have to accomplish

Matt (01:20:26.401)

Luciano (01:20:30.061)

Spencer (01:20:44.938)
Well, I imagine no, but first that Jess and Montez aren't in on the plan yet. She has to propose it at the meeting. I would imagine.

Luciano (01:20:51.317)
Yeah, she's the project lead. No, but she's gonna like summarize, right?

Chris (01:20:51.606)
It's the kickoff, I thought.

Matt (01:20:57.113)
It does sound like in the movie that she has hired them to and brought them in on this plan

Luciano (01:21:03.013)
Oh, I see. So you're saying she's just like the money man or the money woman in this case.

Spencer (01:21:03.082)
I got you.

Matt (01:21:07.693)
Well, whatever, I think she's still kicking off the plan. I would assume she also like, the first thing is like, oh, Montez, welcome back from prison. Glad you're... Yeah, glad to have you back.

Spencer (01:21:14.474)
Yep, we're so happy to have you back. Now there are no bad ideas here. There are no bad ideas. So we're just gonna put everything on the table.

Luciano (01:21:15.603)
Welcome back from prison!

Chris (01:21:17.79)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Luciano (01:21:21.033)
Yeah. No, but that's no, that's not a, that's a brainstorm, not a project kickoff. Stay on task.

Matt (01:21:27.893)
You know what? I don't want to be living in this world where we're mic- Just answer my fucking question! The question was... How does the kickoff go? Stop. Stop business-ing my question. It's boring and I'm not here for it.

Spencer (01:21:31.562)
I quit this company. Fuck you. You know what my idea is?

Luciano (01:21:32.185)

Chris (01:21:33.014)

No one hired you.

Luciano (01:21:38.751)

Chris (01:21:39.022)


Spencer (01:21:43.466)
Alright, I want the rare rocks. Bitches, make it happen. I'm Driscoll.

Chris (01:21:48.27)

Matt (01:21:48.861)
Who are you right now? You know what? Let's roleplay this. Spencer, you're Hillary. Chris, you're Jess. Luciana, you're Montez. Roleplay this for two minutes.

Chris (01:21:57.614)
OK. Mm-hmm.

Luciano (01:21:59.793)
I see. Make the Latino play the Hispanic. I see how it goes. Okay.

Spencer (01:22:01.578)
I'm so glad you can make it. Montes, you're looking Latino as usual. HR is already called. Jess, I'm so glad to have you. You know Montes, right? Of course.

Matt (01:22:05.153)
You're welcome.

Chris (01:22:07.758)

Chris (01:22:12.686)
I'd say he's glistening.

Chris (01:22:18.606)
Hi. You know. No, fuck him. Can I? Pfft.

Spencer (01:22:24.522)
What? We know, we know...

Luciano (01:22:25.501)
Mmm. I'm liking this project already. As you know, I was in prison.

Chris (01:22:28.59)

Spencer (01:22:30.922)
There's no fraternization within the company, as you know. As you know, there's no fraternization within this company.

Chris (01:22:31.566)
Well then, let me show you my keyboard.

Luciano (01:22:35.093)
My keyboard!

Chris (01:22:41.518)
What are you talking about?

Luciano (01:22:42.628)
Of course not, Wink.

Chris (01:22:45.294)
Nudge. Hillary. Wink. Ha ha

Spencer (01:22:46.858)
Are you both hitting on me right now? So entirely.

Luciano (01:22:50.194)
We're not hitting on you.

Spencer (01:22:53.386)
Because I'm not not inclined to join in this. Moving on. I wanna steal the moon rocks at the bottom of the ocean.

Chris (01:22:56.558)
Okay. Okay.

Uh huh. Okay.

Luciano (01:23:03.545)
Okay, with you so far, with you so far. I.

Chris (01:23:06.798)
Will I be required to use this keyboard?

Spencer (01:23:10.73)
Yes, because I'm gonna need you. You're my eyes and ears of the operation, Jess.

Luciano (01:23:13.665)
Jazz, jazz, leave the keyboard for later. I'll play with your keyboard later.

Chris (01:23:17.198)
Okay. Oh.

Spencer (01:23:18.41)
Montez, I will slap your ass down to prison before you have a... You just stay in your corner over there.

Luciano (01:23:23.645)
You promise? Do you promise?

Chris (01:23:24.142)
Can you make sure that I'm invited to that meeting?

Spencer (01:23:27.21)

Montez? Mont? No, I just-

Chris (01:23:31.182)
Are you having a stroke Hillary? Are you having a stroke?

Luciano (01:23:33.68)
What am I gonna be doing? I want to be exploding things. That's all I care about.

Spencer (01:23:38.282)
Montez, you can explode the rocks. We talked about this. Just the rocks. No people. No. Just the rocks. You can blow up the moon rocks. There will be people on your team, but you can't blow them up. No, you can't blow up the people. You can blow up the rocks using the people.

Luciano (01:23:44.319)
and the people.

Luciano (01:23:48.006)
So the rocks, the rocks, so the rocks and the people.

Luciano (01:23:57.721)
so I can strap people with bombs and blow rocks with it.

Spencer (01:24:01.514)
you can give them the bombs to use.

Chris (01:24:01.902)
This is...

Luciano (01:24:04.693)
and then they explode themselves.

Chris (01:24:04.878)
Hillary, should I be getting aroused as you explain this? Because I am.

Spencer (01:24:08.65)
Jess, I need you to subtly explode the submarine before it goes underwater. Is that gonna be too much for you?

Chris (01:24:16.686)
So everything is, everyone is blowing something up.

Luciano (01:24:19.151)
Yeah. Let me give you some advice as the explodey person. As the explodey person, what you do is you make sure that you're centered on camera when you're doing this and then you're surprised when it happens. That way you can say, oh, I didn't know it was happening.

Spencer (01:24:20.138)
The only... ..haha... Freudian slip?

Chris (01:24:31.182)

Do I, do you, well, see, I don't usually wear glasses, but when I do, they're dose lensies.

Luciano (01:24:38.734)
Does you?

Spencer (01:24:39.818)
You know what? I think I have a better job for you to have this new organization. It's called I'm opening up a new team. It's called Certified Human. Underwater meat. You've heard of it. You've heard of it. I think you guys are both. Just you're perfect for this job. You are you are.

Luciano (01:24:42.225)
Ah, good. Fuck you, Chris. Hahaha.

Chris (01:24:49.55)

Chris (01:24:54.254)
Mm-hmm I'm gonna pass on that one per I'm gonna pass on that That's for sure. You're gonna make sure make sure you get you you hire amply

Luciano (01:24:54.718)
Underwater meat?

Luciano (01:24:58.817)
Yeah, I've heard of it.

Spencer (01:25:09.098)
design, but you have the blood for this. It's in your blood.

Chris (01:25:12.27)
Listen, I'm not going anywhere near the water. As long as there is a barrier that is Meg proof, I am your gal. Just give me a keyboard and I will be there.

Spencer (01:25:20.65)
Okay, you know what? I'll make the glass Meg proof for you. Wink. Montez.

Chris (01:25:25.998)
Okay, that would make it so easy for me to trust.

Luciano (01:25:27.87)
Wink! No, I like her!

Spencer (01:25:32.746)
No, no, no, she's dead now.

Chris (01:25:35.47)
What? Why are you saying I'm still here? My internet connection came out and then came back in. What? Ow! Okay, it'll be okay.

Spencer (01:25:36.714)
Oh, you're still here, you're still here, Jason. You're breaking up, you're breaking up, you're breaking up. You're breaking up. Good, thank you, thanks for this.

Luciano (01:25:44.071)
You're right.

You're breaking up.

Spencer (01:25:50.89)
and scene.

Chris (01:25:51.374)
Montez, she is, she did say she's gonna kill me, right? No? Okay. I'll see you in the bedroom. I mean, keyboard.

Luciano (01:25:57.745)
I'll cry if you die, it's okay.

Chris (01:26:00.366)
Okay, good.

Spencer (01:26:01.002)
Don't cry!

Luciano (01:26:05.557)
Matt, we can't hear you.

Spencer (01:26:12.618)
So anyways Montez, what were you saying? Yeah. This is our show now.

Chris (01:26:15.182)
Yeah, I want to make sure...

Luciano (01:26:15.443)
Oh, he can't speak! Let's run with it!

Chris (01:26:18.862)
Matt, listen, Matt, the last, the next time, the next time we get Matt the Chum in here, we have to make sure, make it look like that it was an internet connection, you know, interruption. I don't know.

Luciano (01:26:29.691)
Don't continue because he's gonna have to cut all of this.

Spencer (01:26:32.074)
Am I the only one who wants to get like a varsity jacket that has chum on the back? Certified human. Oh, there he is.

Luciano (01:26:38.361)
hahahaha Now we can hear you but you sound like shit

Chris (01:26:39.822)

Matt (01:26:40.918)

Matt (01:26:44.79)
Yeah, because I had to switch my headset. I can't change my microphone, even though it changed it for me, unless I stopped the recording.

Chris (01:26:50.446)
Oh, oh God.

Luciano (01:26:53.683)
Yeah. Yeah, that's dumb. Because it blinked while you were away.

Spencer (01:26:56.97)
Should we?

Matt (01:26:57.554)
It must have just, I must have moved the microphone. Let me stop, because we're basically done anyways, and we're just gonna go into the reviews and get out of here. So let me stop the recording and then we'll start again. I can switch my mic, we'll do the reviews.

Luciano (01:27:03.703)


Luciano (01:27:12.35)
All right.