Sativa Talk

First lady sits down with Angie T to talk about how she earned that name being the first woman to have her own strain, cannabis in Jamaica and whats to come next.

What is Sativa Talk?

We talk about all things cannabis from dispensaries, cultivations, current news & entrepreneurship along with some lifestyle topics to intrigue, inspire and flat out make you laugh! During this series we'll have interviews with some game changers showing you a different perspective discussing the state of Cannabis. Friendly for newbies, vets and people who curious. It's funny, it's blunt, it's real... Sativa Talk Podcast.

You're listening to locally produced programming created in

KUNV Studios on public radio. KUNV 91.5. The content of this program is sponsored by the Sativa Talk podcast. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and More or the University of Nevada Las Vegas.

Welcome, welcome back everyone to another episode of Sativa Talk Podcast where we have blunt conversations. We like to talk about cannabis, of course, whether you are a vet, newbie, or just curious, we got you covered. And we will get into some lifestyle and entrepreneurship as well. We are now celebrating our third episode. Think about three, all right? Good things come in three. They say the birth, life, and death cycle. The mind, body, and soul connection. The three acts of a typical story. Wherever the number three shows up in life it's generally an omen of creativity, communication, optimism, and curiosity. The number three represents harmony, wisdom, and understanding. So with that being said we're going to get into episode three. Today's guest I don't want to wait until Black History Month to bring in this guest okay to bring in some black history that is the first black woman in cannabis industry to have her own exclusive genetics and the icon the legend Miss First Lady of the West Coast. Everybody show a round of applause. I'm gonna get some sound effects okay we're gonna add some claps in there. How are you doing today? I'm doing good. How are you guys doing this morning, evening and afternoon? Yes, she came in and brought the energy. Y'all know I get extremely nervous before I start recording and so she just brought in the random good spark of energy that I needed to get this thing going. So I appreciate you for that. Anytime Queen. Anytime. Right. I got you. So before we get into our news, I want to thank our sponsorships. The Business Entertainment West, they are in business of providing entertainment on the West Coast. You can find them on Instagram at bizentwest underscore Vegas and tell them to thank you for bringing NGT back on the airwaves. So of course Miss First Lady I will get into you know your history and everything but you know in Sativa Talk podcast form I do want to first address what's going on in the weed industry. So there was a story released in regards to cannabis and surgery. Have you had that talk with your doctor or dentist or if you've had any surgery? Oh, of course. I haven't to refrain. No, no, I've

never refrained from smoking. What did they tell you to know? Really? No, I've never had a doctor tell me that. And I did see what you're about to bring up on the talk. I did see it, but I didn't get to read it. So I'm excited to hear about what they want to say. But no, I've had some surgeries and I have a smuggin.

Well for those that are just curious, I want to know if you ever had surgery, whether it be a BBL or a tooth pull, you were probably warned against using cannabis anywhere from between 72 hours prior all the way up to 7 to 10 days before and after your surgery. Now the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Medicine has released some guidelines. Before, they were just kind of just, I really feel like it was just the doctor's opinion on, you know what I'm saying? It wasn't any research done, even though they just started the research, but okay, we'll let it go.


Now this guidance is based on known data and recommendations from different doctors, physicians, anesthesiologists, and experts, and patient advocates. Recommendations include screening all patients before surgery, postponing elective surgeries in patients who have altered mental status or impaired decision-making capacity at the time of surgery, which they consider being the result of consuming cannabis you are. To counsel, counseling frequent users on the potential negative effects of cannabis use on the post-operation pain control, counseling pregnant patients on the potential risk of cannabis use on unborn child. So one study by Baylor University in 2019 shows that cannabis consumers may require a higher dose of anesthesia than non-consumers as well as a slew of other patient interactions. While other studies found no significant significant difference before surgery so it's kind of like an up-and-down situation. Cannabis might be an issue at the dentist as well. There's a strong belief that cannabis interacts with Novocaine and the local anesthesia. In one study they said that the results are undesirable. Whatever that you know they didn't specify what undesirable means but I remember I got a wisdom tooth pulled and they told me I could not consume cannabis and he actually prescribed me a Volume really cuz me I I get anxiety chat. I'm one of the kids I had nothing but cavities growing up, you know, I'm saying so I just horrible experiences at the dentist So I get a little anxiety some take the edge off and I said, is that okay? And he told me no take this value So I'm your thoughts on that first lady.

I would say it goes back to DNA to me your DNA and then as far as how long you've been consuming me I've been consuming cannabis since I was 16 and I mean there's people out there that have been consuming it longer than I have and I've never had any issues but I can't say that that couldn't happen to somebody else. It could have, you know, mixing it. But then it goes back to I always feel like when you mix a plant based medicine with a chemical, yeah, you probably gonna have a reaction because they're not supposed to be mixed. You know, when you go to Jamaica, they'll tell you to get off them pharmaceutical drugs and for two weeks and clear your body. So if you have Rostans that believe in this, this plant, not just cannabis, any other herbal plant that you have to get, you know, off of and clean your body of that, then consume that herbal plant to actually have that natural plant in your body. You know, I don't you know, I don't know. I think they like to find stories, but it also goes back to DNA, you could be a person that, you know, are mixing that. But I've, for me, I've never had

that issue. I've never, I've just, yeah, I mean, like you said, I mean, THC in general it affects us all differently you know some people don't like indica sativa some people like low THC count it does affect us differently but they have to have a blanket statement across the board so they're like just don't consume like you said you know after I got my tooth pulled I needed to smoke a little something so I don't know I'm not telling you to do it or not to do it. I'm saying what these people see it.

Well, even with that, you take after you hit it, you still had that in you. It didn't just leave right away. So you did mix it together.

A little bit.

So how did you feel?


I don't know if I'm a bitch or something.

It's not right.

I'll just say it.

It was okay with me.

Okay, yeah, see, it's okay.

I started eating. And you know, I'll keep an eye out for that. You know a lot of the research in medically has, you know, it's very new in regards to cannabis. So this is just the first time they've ever put something down on paper. Yeah. So I'm pretty sure that things will change as research goes along, as it becomes more legal and it doesn't become this big issue of consuming and things of that nature. So we shall see. So I want to get into the interview portion. I want to talk to you a little bit about your story. You know you had your own strange genetics like how did that even come about? You know were you just in the lab experimenting? You know what that's mine. Put my name on it. I was 17 years old when I manifested having my own strand line. Okay. And then wait, where'd you grow up? I grew up in Northern California. Okay. California Bay Area that privilege of yeah, being around

it my whole life. Okay, it's been a medicine. Um, yeah, 17 years old manifested it. I remember I was just had the story yesterday. With the interviewer for a magazine, which is like, yeah, I was like, I put the sky and was like, God, it was like, Rosa. I was like, God, it would be dope if I had my own strandline. My sister was laughing at me. She was back there smoking her weed. But to this day, I met my breeder, Duke of Ur, or Duke of Doja, as they call him. And we ended up linking up and meeting and he was like, the first thing out of his mouth was, why don't you not have your own strandline? And when he said that, I was like, I'm about to ask you this question. Why did I not have my own straight line? And since 2015, history has been made, not knowing that history would have been made. I only knew that when I got to Dope Magazine headquarters in Seattle, Washington, and we're sitting at the table at their like headquarter table and everybody's talking and they're like, you know what? We've never known a black woman or a woman to have an exclusive straight line. It's always been a white man's field. It's always been the white men creating, even though Duke of Herb is Caucasian, you guys. And yes, he did create them for me. But for me as a black woman to have that and to show other women, minority women, black women, the possibilities of what can be done has been truly incredible.

So, um, okay. Is this a sativa? Is this an indica? What kind of strain is this?

Black Girl Magic OG is an Indica. Then you have Shirley Ross is an Indica. First Lay of the West Coast Kush was my first straw line. That's a Sativa. So that's going to bring that uplifting and creativity up in there. You know what I'm saying? And then December Nights, shout out to my guy, Malik. He named it December Nights OG. That is a hybrid. So I kind of have all of them. The Indica, the hybrid, the Sativa. And then we're getting ready to come out with the CBD line because there are people out there who cannot consume THC. Such as

truck drivers, people who work for the state, things of that nature but still want something to kind of relax their body, help them sleep, have more chronic pain. So yes, we'll be coming out with that. So I'm excited about it. Yeah, you know I used to get when I worked in the dispensary, I used to get a lot of people who they come in there, usually a couple from out of town, usually it's somewhere like Indiana, somewhere where it's like extremely illegal and they're like you know I'm a truck driver I take tests so I need something that's gonna you know relax me but not show up on the test and I'm like okay well CBD is probably your best bet. Don't even take that chance because you're gonna be coming back here mad because I gave you this and you got this.

But actually CBD is actually pretty good. Yeah it's good. It's great. I tell people consume it. Consume it. Make sure you get it. It's like a vitamin. Please consume it. Yes.

A lot of people when you have chronic pain, side note, if you do take CBD, you know it helps with that. Yes. However, it will not be as quickly as a prescription pill. You're going to have to be consistent about it. So you know, consume it, whatever it is, if it's the oil or the tinctures or gummy or whatever the case is, every day, same time, and then you'll start to see the effects give it some weeks you know natural remedies usually take a little bit longer yeah that's very cool yeah and okay I see I was gonna go with the entourage effect but we're gonna get back to this so it looks like you have some endeavors in Jamaica

in Columbia oh man yeah Jamaica shout out to Green Block Development, Sikari, Mr. Wright we have 12 acres of land out there in Jamaica, you guys, in Portland, Jamaica. We have a dispensary, and we're currently building the dispensary, and we have a cultivation that has been built. We have a restaurant. We have a venture park.


And we are still building.

Is this a cannabis venture park?

Yeah, this is a cannabis venture park. It's an all one-stop shop. That's what I'm going to love about it, because you'll be able to get your cannabis, you'll be able to do a tour, if you want to do your little adventure park and get on the little bikes and troll around the island and stuff like that, then you'll be able to do that. And if you're hungry, you get the authentic, the authentic, you know, come back to the States and say, we got Jamaican food.

No, you don't.

What if it's somebody Jamaican auntie in the kitchen?

Auntie, auntie, auntie. I know you ain't got the herbs from the island. I know, I don't taste it. Me be upset. But I know you doing your things, you know, so I would never, you know, get on them, but get a meal. It's literally a one stop shop. Wow. Okay, about

it. Columbia. That is wait a second. Hold on. Jamaica. Yeah. And excuse my ignorance. No, um, I've we a dispensary in Jamaica. Is that really gonna like, because I feel like it's fair regardless. It's kind of like California. It's already flourishing.

I've been to, one of the ways it is for tourism, like I don't know, I don't stay where the tourism is at. Like I don't even know what that experience is. I've never stayed at a resort in Jamaica before. I don't know, and none of that's like, I've been with the local, I've been out there with the rastas. I've been out there in them streets, but they'll show me, and you, and she is correct, because you know, it's like there's weed everywhere. Why do you need to dispensary but it'd be mainly for the tourists, you know and stuff like that. And then the farms that are growing it that we do go get to the tour and be like, rest a girl here, here's a plant, you know, like, Oh, she I can't smoke all this while I'm about

to be here.

But allows them to be able to put their product back into there. So then people can be able to try the organic the natural Jamaica cannabis, right? You know, there's cookies out there, they get the seeds, they grow in the seeds. This is indoor or outdoor? This is outdoor. You do have indoor. You have some that do indoor, like I know ours is outdoor. We will do indoor because one of the business partners is like, I only want to grow Black Girl Magic indoor. I want to grow it like they grow it in California. I'm like, I feel you and I appreciate it and definitely I'm going to make sure they learn and understand how to grow California and Jamaica because it definitely can be done. I mean everybody else is doing it You just learn the temperatures you learn that you learn that environment for that plant Much you can be able to do it, but I'm just gonna tell the truth now

Yeah, I went to the Bahamas for my birthday. Yeah, how was that they went out my 30th birthday? I went to the Bahamas and baby when I tell you I I know if we was if we were taking in some oregano or if that was I was not happy she's French ain't you know and we went through a lot to get there okay it wasn't even it was raining outside and we had to go we had to get on the local bus we won't decide they don't show you about okay first of all they don't have bus stops you just stand on the corner and you just kind of wave them down okay it was stressful i know what you're talking about

so yeah the weed is trash i'm sorry respectfully i'm sorry bahamas place bahamas but even like in jamaica with some of the rossins like my business partners they'll say you know like the last time me and my business partner talked he said i'm gonna tell the truth, you know, nobody really wants to sell our weed. They want our weed. They want California weed. He's like, he's like, Ross said, every time you come, what do they ask for? Like, yeah, they have samples of my weed. And it's like, I'll get their weed. There's a weed there in Jamaica. That I would say is the closest thing from Oakland, California, like the closest to the granddaddy purple. I kid you not like that, like is the closest thing I've tried. I'm not gonna lie, everything else that I have tried in Jamaica, you know, mysteriously God, you know, I don't know, black girl magic OG be there with me too. So I thank God that I have that because the weed don't be strong enough for me. I be upset.

I was wondering like, you know, maybe do I smoke Jamaica? Cause I, me, you know, I've been owning off for years, but still me, I can, I usually roll paper, shout out to my paper okay and I normally take about seven to ten puffs and I'm good so sometimes when I smoke trash I'm like maybe I'm doing too much. Maybe my tolerance went up a little bit. Yeah I had high hopes and they kind of let me down. But anyway Columbia. Columbia

that's gonna be with Windhill Tours. Okay so I seen shout out to Duchess of Danks, shout out to Miss Miriam Pryor, who else was out there I seen? They're the ones that I seen, I was like oh my gosh this is awesome. Shout out to Mood Fest because Mood Fest, we're supposed to be in Columbia and we didn't go so I was very suspicious about the cannabis scene out there. You know I don't want to go nowhere and I can't smoke my cannabis. I'm trying to. But I can drink alcohol and just poison up my liver and my kidneys. No, we're not doing this. I want to smoke my weed.


I'm being honest. I have a little drinky drink. The Views and Perspectives presented here on Steve A Pocket.

For real. It's just, you know, like, you don't want to just be drunk all the time. Like, I still want to smoke my stuff. So in Columbia, you're going to be doing a partnership there as well Yeah, we're gonna do a partnership there. Well, it gets into that because you know, we're gonna do that and You know you hear different stories that you can consume it You can't consume it so seeing them with prior miss Mary prior and the Duchess of Dinkage is like hold on You guys are doing cannabis farms. You guys are out here smoking it. They're providing it to you I was told that this was a no-no So to see that that was good So I reached out to them like I always do like hey you know I would love to bring my genetic to your guys's country you know and be able to you know provide that to you guys and now you're talking you're

reaching out to a lot of people outside of the States how has been the your

experience with trying to expand your brand and your strain here in the States um I'm picky I'm very picky if it was up to me it would be coming out of Northern California, like, like, our wines. Eventually, they'll end up doing this. They're doing a study right now. Like with the wine, they could do the study on the soil, how that soil creates this wine and make the wine taste like this and what we're doing in California. But if it was up to me, it would all come out of Northern California, and we will distribute to all the other states as if, as we do now we just needed to be legalized now for me to be able to do that to allow people to get the quality that I think that they should have a black girl magic or G or first I have the West Coast Kush it's quality then you got a lot of people that get in the industry they don't know nothing about growing they've been growing for three six months a year now you're some pro growing to me no shot at you guys I'm proud of you guys learning but continue to keep learning I've been learning for decades now and I'm still learning. So it doesn't make me this pro grower, it just makes me a grower that loves and loves what I do, but there's people out there that don't have a passion for it, they don't have a love for it. So now you're vibrating those energies onto the plant. I don't want that vibrating on my plant. Then you go into the quality of the cannabis. A lot of people are like, oh, look at it, it's pretty. Look at the trichomes. Oh, it's 30% THC. Okay, that's great, but what's the terpene profile? Let's talk about that. Oh, the bud's pretty, but when I taste it, it tastes

like trash. Okay, hold on. I want everybody to have an understanding. Oh yeah. So when she talks about terpenes. Oh you guys. You know just for anyone to listen, I want this to be across the board for everybody, right? Of course. So terpenes generally give this really the character and the flavor of the flower. So you know, mercine that one's gonna have you like real chill and relax. You know, humaline is gonna curve your appetite it just kind of builds the character of the actual flower so that's important people some people are starting to get into it a little bit of realizing it it's bigger than just a THC count because me personally I like you know like a lower 20 but this may be a little bit higher terpene and I'm good to go. I don't need too much. It's not too much. But go ahead. I'm sorry.

Oh no you good because people do know somebody just say oh okay I understand yeah what are your favorite herpes? Mine is mercy I'm gonna tell you that right now. Okay. Mercy is definitely one of my favorites. You like to be down. Yeah I like to feel I like to feel great. This is like one of my favorites. Lime is one of my other favorites. Pine um what's another favorite like all of them are probably my favorite because depending on your mood yeah and then it goes back to it provides that medicine, you know, that our body needs. Our body is ECS, so it's endocannabinoid system. So, it's taking that in, it's like plugging like a socket into the wall. It's like, hey, how you doing? Yeah, like there's parts of each, you know, terpene that your body does need. You just haven't experienced it yet.

Yeah, and once you figure it out, it's kind of like, it's fun because now you can, you can pick what you need. You know, people just come to the dispensary like, oh, what's the strongest? I was like, no, what type of experience are you looking for? That's how I can really help you. It doesn't really matter about the highest THC count. It really matters, okay, this terpene can do this and that's what you're looking for. Put you guys together and you're welcome. Tip me.

Okay, now she telling the truth. She telling the truth. So that's been the biggest of getting into the States. I've had promises with Vegas, you know, about bringing the genetic

care. Yeah. Um, you know, game here. Yeah, it's, it's, it's, yeah, it's a lot of people. It's a lot of what somebody tell me here, especially when it got became first legal. A lot of growers came here with a lot of big promises. A lot of what I can do for you and

ran right into the ground. They Yeah, cuz I you know, a lot of people ask me, why aren't you at home? Because I was promised you know with people that they would help me bring the genetic and you know I always say God's timing it will always work itself out black girl magic eventually will come to Vegas But she is growing in California, Northern, California Bear farm shout out to bear farm shout out to soul spirits and Humboldt County, you know I'm saying the the capital of cannabis In California if you don't know I'm letting you know now. Do your homework. You got to do your homework. Emerald Triangle. Yeah. Emerald Triangle. Humboldt County. So Black Girl Magic is growing out there. We will be getting her into the state. It's a lot of stuff, you know, especially like with California, the metric, their whole system, you know, it's, well, we can't bring Black Girl Magic into the system. So we'll get a genetic that's already in the system and we'll just rename it black girl magic that's stuff that I run into I love you guys I would never do you guys like that I would never take another genetic that's out there and just be like okay we'll name that black girl magic and then give it to you guys knowing that oh it's blue dream but we just renamed it I have a

problem I like that dream by the way oh yeah yeah yeah I got a big old jar. Wesley in the back, he like blue drinks.

Yeah, I definitely got some at home.

Yes, I know that's right. Well, I definitely look forward to you bringing your strain here to the states and have it distributed the right way. I appreciate you and I want to commend you for having integrity with it because you know a lot of times, well, what's happening now is these corporations are getting evolved which they are so far removed from the passion for the flower and so I mean it actually shows up in the product yeah over at all you know I definitely appreciate that so here at the Tia Talk podcast we would like to get into a little bit of lifestyle as well so this story is kind of crazy I definitely wanted to talk about it they are actually releasing a robot lawyer to make legal representation affordable. Now, artificial intelligence to help consumers fight against a large, the large corporations and solve their problems like beating parking tickets, appealing bank fees, and suing robocallers. AI creators run on a smartphone. So basically you, it would listen to the court's arguments and formulate responses for the defendant. It will be in real time through headphones. It's called Do Not Pay. They have raised about $27.7 million from tech-focused venture capital firms. Now, the issue is having this type of tech usually isn't legal in most courtrooms. Some states require that all parties consent to being recorded, which rules out the possibility of a robot lawyer entering many courtrooms. Of the 300 cases Do Not Pay considered for trial of its robot lawyer only two were feasible so it seems like you know it's a good idea from a long stretch but they're trying my thing is on one side the whole AI thing it is it is kind of it's it's terrifying I've seen I am legend or ain't that what it was I am yeah I think about but on the other side it's kind of like, okay, I got to get with it. Kind of like the cyber world, right? You got to kind of get with it. I'm trying to get Sativa Talk podcast on somebody's cyber world. You know what I'm saying? So, and then on the other side, it's like, well, these public defenders are overworking underpaid anyway. So, why not tap in somebody for some help?

I mean, I mean, it's happening. You see restaurants doing it. Just seeing a gas station go, vroom, vroom, vroom, and sticking it out. Oh, okay.


Gas stations pump you on gas? Yeah gas for you. Yeah, well girl

I see that yesterday. I was grilling and

Technologies got the machines making the fries. Don't go to that one. I see I'm all about I'm a sucker for convenience And then I'm gonna get me

My only thing about it is you gonna find my case that I need you to win this case Yeah, I need you to be like oh, yes the defendant that I know hold on wait a minute. No, we ain't.

What you talking about?

We ain't doing none of that.

That's where I get a little worried about. Hold on, what you going to say?

Wrong case, reset.

But if we're going to win, oh, yeah, let's do this. I'm with it.

I know.

I'm the type.

We got to win.

I mean, like I said, a lot of people, these public offenders, they don't even really know your name, you know what I'm saying, before they go in the courtroom. So I'm pretty sure some people would rather take that chance you know with the AI at least they you know hopefully have been programmed with all the laws and the loopholes so they should be able to you know help you out a little bit yeah I need to see somebody I need other people to be testers for me I know girl I just got the jury summons letter it is sitting on the table like okay oh you got one too I did but I'm kind of I'm kind of excited though Like I want to I want to go. I want to be on one of the ones that are like exciting

Yeah, but you can't talk about it, right? Cuz I want to come home and be like, well, let me tell you

I can't tell y'all that when it's done though, right? I don't know at any point. Can I talk about cuz I got one. You gotta look up the rules

I know

What if I'm in a top murderer serial serial murder, you know like. Do I mean views I'm a get? Okay I'm sorry. That was very millennial of me. So before I let you go I do want to give a mention because you are like an onion you have a lot of layers a lot of things that's going on you have an e-book grow your own food. Yes. Um side note I would love I wanted to have there's a marijuana flower that you can actually grow in-house. It doesn't actually bud up or anything but it just kind of grows. I want one of those for my home. So if you want to do like a class on that. Yeah of course. You just get a plant and just grow it. Okay, okay. Well if it's that simple then. Yeah. But growing your own food because it's

kind of difficult here in the desert. Mmm. So you got to do it indoor. You got to do it indoor. You got to get your own tents. Get the soil. Get the fruits and vegetables and look at some of these but like my pomegranate Mmm, I think I'll take years. Oh produce some fruit, but For me I have tents and I have the right lighting so I can grow all year round my tomato house. Mm-hmm tomatoes cucumbers strawberries Your basic things. I don't want to call them basic. I even got some collard greens going so Wow, okay, yeah, you can do it. It's it's important. I mean, if you are in live somewhere that you have a backyard and you could build your own garden, I would say start doing that. Our food ain't right. What they doing to our food today, you guys is just not right. Even with the fruits and vegetables, go to your local farmer markers, please get your fruits and vegetables from there. And if you do get it from the store, look at that sticker, it'll say a nine on it. That's how you know it's organic. And it doesn't have roundup in it doesn't have chemicals or the stuff that they're doing even with the meats So just I ain't telling nobody what to do But if you could start growing your own food and knowing where your food comes from Awesome. Okay. How can we access this ebook grow your own? You can go to And you can get it on you can get it on there. If you guys are interested, you can definitely check that out

I know I will because I just figured out well I just found my green thumb okay after like the third or fourth aloe vera plant that passed away and I miss you. They said the things it's hard to kill but they was they got on my potty here. Now I feel ready and prepared you know so I definitely want to try that out. You said grow it inside. I don't know where in my little one bedroom we gonna fit it but we gonna make some room for it. We gonna find a place. Alright so do you have a social media something where people can oh yeah you can guys follow me follow me on Instagram at first lay of the West Coast or Twitter first lady it's F L O T W C. Facebook first lay of the West Coast and that's where you guys can find me at. Okay well I appreciate you once again for coming in and chatting with us here on Sativa Talk Podcast. I want to thank the Business Entertainment West once again for the sponsorship. If anyone would like a mention or a sponsorship you can reach me at AngieT.onAir at I got to give a shout out to Wesley in the sound room. Thank you so much for your help and just everything that you do. If you would like to run this episode back or you missed any previous episodes you are you can search Sativa Talk podcast on Spotify, Google Play, Amazon Music, Audible, Podcast Addict and of course the UNLV website just search for the podcast. My Instagram is angieT underscore on air and Facebook is Angie Thompson. I want to send my love and appreciation out to you guys for tuning in and I will see you guys next week. This is a tongue twister. And leave this in Wesley, cause they need to know.

This is the Tema Talk Podcast.

I'll see you next week. I'll see you next week. He he he he.

Transcribed with Cockatoo