Revive Yourself Podcast With Ryan Martin

During the last 2 years I have had the pleasure of meeting some fantastic people who are doing some great things in the world, and Rory Marshall is one of those people.

In today’s show we discuss:
Why countries run by cartels are the safest,
How Rory has found the past 2 years,
Rory’s own health struggles,
How Rory healed a dog from terminal cancer,
The non meat agenda,
The truth around viruses & much more

You can find out more about Rory here:


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Show Notes

During the last 2 years I have had the pleasure of meeting some fantastic people who are doing some great things in the world, and Rory Marshall is one of those people. 
In today’s show we discuss:

  • Why countries run by cartels are the safest,
  • How Rory has found the past 2 years,
  • Rory’s own health struggles,
  • How Rory healed a dog from terminal cancer, 
  • The non meat agenda,
  • The truth around viruses & much more
You can find out more about Rory here:  
If you love our Podcast and want to support the Revive Yourself quest to promote holistic health and wellness information, join me on Locals.
For more Revive Yourself podcast episodes, visit
You can find products mentioned on the episode here
Give us a follow on social media: 
Twitter: @revive_yourself 
Insta: revive_yourself
Facebook: @ReviveNaturalHealth
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Medium: @ryan-revive-yourself
Locals: Revive Yourself 

What is Revive Yourself Podcast With Ryan Martin?

If you want to improve your health and ultimately your life, then the Revive Yourself Podcast with Ryan Martin is exactly what you are looking for.

Join your host Ryan Martin as he dives deep into natural health, holistic healing, alternative medicine, naturopathy, biological medicine and much more all in a bid to give you the knowledge and confidence that your health really does lie in your own hands. Ryan’s aim is to leave no stone unturned when it comes to giving you the best and most recent information out there. Listen in as he interviews the leading specialists from around the world such as scientists, expert authors, doctors, researchers and coaches.

You’ll learn why medication, surgery and conventional “health care” methods aren’t the best options the vast majority of times, and instead how diet, mindfulness, exercise and detoxification protocols are the key to vitality and life long health. Special guests include, Dr John Bergman, Dr Thomas Levy, Dr. David Kennedy, Dr Sherri Tenpenny, Karen Thomas, Terry Tillaart, Dr Joel Kah and more

Hi everybody.

And welcome to episode 199 of
the revive yourself podcast.

He, we go.

Ryan Martin: Just like, we can just make
it very organic my, that, but you know,

I've done it before, put, put in put
in film mics and they haven't worked.

And then I've been sitting here with
someone going, what's going on, looking

at you and I like volume is on and
your connection or it, your you're

not on mute and the videos working.

Rory Marshall: So, no, I test,
I tested, but I wasn't sure if I

wasn't sure if using zoom, if it
was gonna feedback or not usually.

Ryan Martin: Exactly.

Yeah, I it's right.

It's fine.


I've had the same experience I
used to use Mike and headphones and

recently I've just been doing it
like this and it's actually fine.

So I mean, one of the things I would
like to get is like, To do this on

the road and to get a, like very
high end camera and to get people

it's, it's nice about face to face.

I was gonna say actually, I'm,
I'm back in like may time and then

maybe in July, so it'd be good to
meet up and do one face to face.

It's just, it's nice.


Rory Marshall: Definitely.


I keep meaning to get like a, all
I've got is a white wall and what

I have you, but, you know, it's

Ryan Martin: it doesn't even matter
if it's just like a camera face

nurse and you just, and, and even
just got some headphones on it.

It's just like, it's quite nice.


Rory Marshall: I just, I just
thought I was doing the right

thing and it, it backfired.

And so, but anyway, how are you mate?

How's how's it going in Mexico?


Ryan Martin: I'm actually
in Costa Rica now.

So move Costa Rica.

Oh wow.

We moved we come over about
two, two a bit weeks ago.

Just fancy.


We just heard good things
of fancy, like a, a change.

And so we are in a place called center
TAA, which is got a very, it's like a

health conscious part, but it's very yes,
surfing town and it it's getting more

westernized, it's getting more higher
end or with BJI as the Americans have

to say, but it's still got that, like
that earthy substance street, like dusty

roads people in ATVs, but big waves.


And so Pauls Bernardino, the carnival MD.

Do you know him?

Rory Marshall: I do know the
kind ofor MD, but I've forgotten

the name isn't ringing a bell.


He, he, he, he,

Ryan Martin: yeah, he lives here
and a few others like moved here.

Cause it was

Rory Marshall: so, so what, what's the
situation in, in Costa Rica compared

to Mexico in terms of being out of the
frame of, cause obviously the Mexican

government are not quite, they're not
really on board with the new world

order and all that kind of stuff.

So is that the same?

Is that a similar situation in Costa Rica?

Is it.

Ryan Martin: So what, so basically, well,
I'll tell you, well, when it comes to the

Mexican government, the Mexican government
do is they're told by their cartel.

So yeah, I was gonna say, yeah, it's
like all the countries that are run by

governments are following this agenda and
all the countries that are run by cartels

aren't because the ones that are run by
cartels didn't ever have to shut down.

It's, it's why like the Matthew in
Italy, I've talked about this before

the Matthew in Italy actually went to
the government about a year ago and

were like, unless you give us some
of the contracts, vaccinating people,

we're gonna cause a big fucking issue.

And so that's what they
actually got the contracts for.

And they started vaccinating people
because they were losing money, honestly,

prostitution, drug, sales, et cetera.

Cause they shut down.

Whereas in Mexico, yeah.

They never shut down cause they run things
and that's why I went there to begin with.

And so in Costa Rica yeah, it was, it
was open there's like certain places

want, like, want you to wear a mask to
walk in, but we don't go to those places.

It's not, it's very few of them.


Rory Marshall: nothing.

What's, what's the, what's the travel
time from Costa Rica to Mexico.

It's not that much.

Ryan Martin: Is it two hours?

Hour and a half?


It's like hour and a half.

It's just there's

Rory Marshall: no, there's none.

There's none.

The, the vaccine.

Nonsense going.

Ryan Martin: So if you don't have a
vaccine, they want you to get COVID

health insurance, which is basically
just insurance to cover them.

Should you get COVID and, and need
a respirator, et cetera, which we,

we both noticed from big nonsense
anyway, but they cover you on that.

And so that's what they want you to do.

This, this place was
actually open as well.

What I found as, as well, what you
probably, as you have, it doesn't

even matter what country you're in.

If you are in included parts,
it doesn't fucking exist.

You know, apart from occasional
people that have probably bought

into it and they get scared, which
is the whole point of it anyway.

But like even I went into a wedding
last year in the summer in England.

No, And it was, there was nothing.

No, it was in security part of Norfolk.

No one was doing any of this it's because
it was just like out, it's all the

big cities where they push this stuff.

But in here it's, it's
like, yeah, it's no, one's

Rory Marshall: no one when, when you're
out, when you're out about, and you,

you're talking to people, you going
into, maybe you're going into a bar

or restaurant or whatever, what's the
general feeling then amongst the, well,

first amongst the people that are kind
of over there, either on holiday or

doing kind of what you are doing and also
like what the, what about the locals?


So is it general abstinence of
government guidelines in those areas?

Ryan Martin: So put it this way.

A lot of the people that we meet
that are out here and have been in

Mexico are all people like ourselves
because they've come here because

they, they know it's all a nonsense.

And so you, you meet our, you know, very
awake individuals who know no, the crack,

you know, they know what's going on.

So that's it.

And with the local locals, they're,
they, they didn't ever have it.

It's like in Mexico,
never really had it there.

Like very few of 'em believe it.

They, they don't, they
don't trust government.

Anyway, especially in Mexico, they
don't, don't really trust government

into certain areas we were.

And so I'd say like, they just been
living their lives, getting on of it.

And they realize that, you
know, it's not, not an issue.

So they just, they don't some of
the laws in certain places say

like, you have to wear a mask.

They, some of them are worried
about getting fined by police.

Rory Marshall: So is it the same?

Is it same situation as
what we've got over here?

Whereas the, the law.

Or the perceived law is
not actually the law.

So you've got these mandates where
it's, you know, you choose whether you

enter, like you choose, whether you
enter into that as a, as a contract,

but actually it's more of a perception
or is it actually, you're gonna get,

you know, somebody's gonna throw you
in a cell for 24 hours and you're

gonna need a common law solicitor or

Ryan Martin: so over, over these
country is my ma one of the great

thing about these countries.

positives and negatives are,
yeah, everyone's got a price.

And so say that.

Yeah, no, one's gonna crack you in jail.

Cause you're just gonna go here, mate.

Here's a hundred pounds
and they'll go cool.

And they go, I don't, they
don't wanna Chuck you in jail.

They need the paperwork.

They won't no hassle.

Rory Marshall: Ryan, do you
follow Jeff Burwick money chunk.

Ryan Martin: The naming rings of bell.



Rory Marshall: His name is,
well, I think one vigilante.

Oh, the vigilante.

So I used to watch it.

He got me through all of the, the
nightmare of what was going on in England.

Cause I didn't escape.

So and there were very few, you know,
I've got a close circle of friends

that know what's going on outside
of that, I've got more friends, but

there kind of dispersed around the
country or in different countries.

So I watched Dolan and I was watching
him, he got thrown in jail and then

sort of did actually documented it.

I dunno if you saw it.

And then he ended up, he
Brid him for like, and he got

everybody else out the jail.

I think, I can't remember what it was.

It might have been, I
dunno, like a thousand.

He got everybody out of the block
out the, you know, and then.

So, yeah, I

Ryan Martin: get that.

Yeah, no, I remember.

So I was watching him when I was in,
so we left to Mexico 2000, November,

2020, and then came back and then
we went out there again in December

and was out there for seven months.

Came back in like July last year.


Went back, went back to
Mexico, then come here.

But yeah, I was through that first summer,
you know, I was just working, putting out

information and listening to him because
it was all going on and he was in Mexico.

I remember that.


Cause, yeah, he got, yeah,
he said he went in there.

It was like how much?

And just paid for everyone to get out.

And that that's, that's the
thing with his countries.

It's like, you you've got that there.

You know, they don't, they don't care.

They just want, it's all
about make of money for them.

So if they,

Rory Marshall: if you give, I guess
that's, that's the same, that's

the same situation everywhere.

Isn't it?

It's just that it's a
different way of doing it.

Isn't OUS that.

It's it's a hierarchy, isn't it.

And they're making money
out of, everyone's making

money at a certain level.

And then you get to the difficult
question of who's making money at the

top and why are they, why are they
allowing or permitting it to happen?

Because for sure, I know I've bumped
into many people, or I know a few

people who have worked very closely
in, in pharma and they, you know, much

like, I'm sure you have, they're not
bad people and they're not doing what

they're doing to harm people, although
they are aware that it is happening.

But when you get up the boardroom
ladder, I think, you know, there's

some sinister stuff going on and that
becomes very difficult, I guess, for

people like us, when we're talking to
the average layperson who hasn't done

any research on any of these subjects
to try and communicate the fact that.

There's some really interesting mechanics
of, of big pharma and obviously the

origins of where this all came from.


I mean,

Ryan Martin: the thing is Wells, like
even at a base level, you know, you look

at their adverts and it'll be like a
man and woman running through a meadow,

like, oh, all happy and yeah, yeah.

Taking this drug.

And then afterwards it give
all the side effects, effects.

It's like, this is what they do.

And it's why people believe in them.

They've been programmed from a young age,
believe, believe, believe in I've had some

whistle blows, like two ringing me up.

One was from Pfizer and one was from
Ashley Zeneca on the phone to me.

And they said like, I can't
give names, et cetera.

And, and we had a conversation and I was
like, they're like, you don't understand.

How powerfully they manage us,
how powerfully that they, they

scrutinize what we're doing.

And if you put anything out how
they watch, they said the matter

may they've got, they said what you
said, what they spent last year on

marketing was like, they said 17
times more than what they spent on

their, on their research, you know?

Billions, wasn't it.


But it was like, I mean, this is like,
and he is saying, when you understand

the level that these guys are going
to stop anyone putting anything

out, which is, you know, we call
misinformation, which is the truth.

It's crazy.



And so you, I mean, I I'm the same,
like, it's weird for that this situation

I've had, I've lost friends from this
really like friends had a long time,

but I've had relationships, new ones
blossom, and I've also had old ones

get even stronger because of, you
know, I was probably like you, I was

one of first, only nut cases saying
this is all bullshit from the start.

Rory Marshall: Yeah.

I, I wanted to ask you about that.

Cause I didn't I can't
remember how I came across.

I don't, I think it was me that
came across your profile rather

than the other way around.

Cause I, I had to wipe a lot of
my, a lot of my stuff got deleted.

A lot of it.

I, I still have the, I still have
the same Instagram account, but it's

obviously under a massive shadow band.

Like probably what yours is was what
was the was for me, it was the it was

the week before we went into lockdown.

So that would've been.

I think it, I think it have been the
12th or the 13th or something like that.

So obviously I knew

Ryan Martin: was it like two years
ago, basically up to the day,

like almost of the day, like,

Rory Marshall: yeah.

Yeah, actually it is it's what you on now?

Fourth, March the, I can't
remember what, March 4th.


So it was March.

We went into lockdown on
March the 20th, I think.

Oh, right.

Ryan Martin: Okay.

Just about this.

Rory Marshall: About March
the 20th, New York went into

quarantine on March the 12th.

And it was like every bad, every
awful article I'd ever read, you know?

Cause I, I used to follow my CAS
a lot before all of this happened.


And I, I watched his YouTube channel
get taken down when he did an amazing

expose a on, on wall to fluoridation.

I think it was something
like two hours long.

And that, that, that was incredible.

It was the most in depth
detailed analysis of.

Where, where we got to in terms of water
fluoridation around the world and all

the, the bogus studies and how they
convinced all the scientists and how

there was no evidence for it and how it
was an artificial form of, you know, the

fertilizer industry, the phosphate mining.

And and then his, his, his
YouTube got completely.

And that was probably, for me, that
was one of the pivotal when I was

like, okay, there's, there's something
really, really sinister going on here.

And then that built up and up and up.

And because I followed his
website, a lot of it, to be honest,

sometimes I had to turn away from
it because it was so unnerving.

And, and I had a habit of what, looking
at this stuff, but, you know, 10 30

at night, right before going to bed,
you know, everything blue light just

before bed . And it was horrific.

And, and then when that happened with
New York, I was like, here we go.

You know, this is, this is the, this
is the road drill to the roadmap,

to Marshall law to remove removal of
civil removal of civil liberties and

everything else that obviously you
and I know goes, goes along with that.

But for you, what was, what
was the day or the moment?

Cause I think from what I've, from
what I understand, cause I've listened

to quite a few of your podcasts.

And I think I handled it
a lot worse than you did.



So what, what for you was moment when
you were like it's this is what's.

This is definitely all steam ahead.

Ryan Martin: Now.

I think, I think I've got like a very.

I think my I've mentioned it before.

I think one of my like superpowers
has been able to know all this

stuff and not, not bothering me,
just getting 'em with my life.

Like you create your own reality.

It's what I say.

Like, you create your own income,
you create your own economy and

you stepping into energy and
just being like, I've, I've been

talking about this for a long time.

I was expecting it to come.

And I was just, just gonna say, look,
throughout humanity, these things

have always happened and humanity.

They've always found a way around it.

You know, unfortunately some people,
you know, don't and et cetera, but

the people that have seen it come in,
it's like the always say, if anyone

wants to understand what it's like,
it's watch the go and watch the film.

The big short, dunno if you've
seen that it's head of a film.

It's about the, on

Rory Marshall: the, was that the 2008?

Am I right?

Is that the

Ryan Martin: one housing market?


Rory Marshall: yeah, yeah.

Housing market much.

Ryan Martin: Yeah.


And it said like, and where the whole
world, it said like the whole world

was this, you know, a few weirdos.


And a few like clus or a few, like people
knew what was going on and the rest of

the world didn't and everyone laughed
at them and you know, was it, he was

called chicken little for two years.

Cause the sky was calling in and I
was just like, I know this is coming.

I've seen it, everything.

I mean, I, it was really cause my first
mentor when I got into this, like it was,

it was someone asked me this question
and the, when, when we first started

like two years ago into this, I've been,
been talking about this for a, a while.

Like it was coming and I was
like, well, to understand health.

You need to understand
nutrition, just one aspect of it.

Nutrition, try to understand nutrition.

You need to understand
farming, understand farming.

You need to understand soil science and
what they, and the chemicals they use.

If they're using them, then you
need to understand the companies

that make these chemicals.

And then the people that run those
companies, then you start, it

starts going deeper and deeper.

And it's like, well, big, a
big, big tech, big telecom, you

know, all these big industry.

And so for me, it's just like, I
was like, right, this is happening.

People have always found a
way, you know, I, I will and

Rory Marshall: I think, yeah, I
think that's a brilliant mindset.

I wish I'd had it because I'm
very much of that mindset now.

But for me, I of thes, I dunno, relates
to what, what you were going buts.

Probably like yourself being
quite empathic in terms of

caring about other people.

When, you know, I have, you know,
tended to put other people first

in terms of make sure they're okay.

Make sure they're okay.

And then actually stress myself out to
hire heaven that wasn't a superpower

of mine to stop that from happening.

But I was most concerned about
all the people that would follow

the proper one that would believe
it and continu to believe it.

And beyond that, they, I, I already knew.

I mean like you probably did as well.

As soon as the hammer dropped on the, on
the, on the lockdown, I already, I could

see them lining up for their injections.

I could see, I knew the
background to the industry.

I knew.

How incalculably fraudulent is and how
they get away with these, you know,

tens of billions of pounds worth of
fines and how this was gonna be no

different and how it perfectly aligned
with the telecoms agenda with the new

world order agenda with the agricultural
sustainable development agenda.

So then that was gonna
merge into climate change.

And so, so I really struggled.

To think, how do I communicate that
to people to prepare them so that

they don't go and take the, you
know, that effectively metaphorically

don't jump off the bridge.

And so I was waking up every day and
I was like posting on Instagram and

Facebook and getting called crazy.

And you are mad.

I mean, I remember when I was warn people
about the passports and things like

that, and well, what that actually means.

Cause the, I suppose the, the cleverness
of the what, what do we want to call them?

The, the cabal or the elites?

The genius is in the simplicity of a
very complex plan and how they manage

to unfold it just at the right time
just to get people, you know, the, the

slow creep towards totalitarianism.



Ryan Martin: In tip towers.


Rory Marshall: cause it, yeah.


The, to tip to that one.

So I really struggled with that.

Especially with, I had friends in foreign
countries and I was ringing them, you

know, I was speaking to them and I
was like, you realize what's coming.

And in one breath I was saying,
you know, this is all about.

You know, under the, under the veil of
biosecurity and effectively entering

the body and this transhumanist, the
gender, well, that's too much for somebody

to take who thinks that there's a bug
going around and they've just gotta

stay indoors for a couple of weeks.

And, and, and a lot of people,
they, they didn't wanna listen.

So they were like, oh, oh no, it's fine.

It's fine.

Just go out and enjoy yourself and go
and have a G tonic and go and have, you

know, go and have some fun or whatever.

And, and I found that I found that
probably the most difficult part,

and then watching people do it and
actually getting the same, many of

the people that I begged not to.

Based on the fact that I'm not a
scientist, you can go down that road in

terms of who's who S you believe, and,
you know, so you're not a scientist

and you hand them this scientist.

They go, well, not that one.

And you know, we've been, been there so
many times and they were coming back to

me with like, well, I've got a blood CLO.

I've a cerebral thrombosis stroke
paralysis down one side of the arm.

Miscarriage still, but you name it.

Birth defect.

God, I blindness as well,
peripheral, not neuropathy the list.

I mean, you've probably seen that.

Is it a 16?

Is it 16 pages of the Pfizer adverse
events or adverse adverse reactions

that they they'd written out that got
released about, I think it's about

four days ago or something like that.

So it's, it's just, it's, it's
very difficult to, to read that.

So I don't know how did you,
but you did okay with that.

And you would, were you just at peace,
I guess in terms of what will be,

what will be and just make plans to
make sure that everything's okay.

I wasn't at

Ryan Martin: it.

Wasn't at peace.

I was like, yeah, I was putting
up like so many articles and

videos and doing anything.

And, and I think, because I've been
saying this stuff for a while, I

didn't, some people like I lost, but
other people were just like, well,

Ryan's been saying this long time and
you sort, you sort of like, right.

And so no, it was.

When it comes to that.

I mean, with, with the side
effects of, you know, the

yeah, the side effects of that.

I mean, every single one of them
has over 400 adverse effects listed.

Yeah, yeah.

Everything from allergy to death.

And so when it, and it comes to
this and it's not even you know,

it's, it is experimental hundred,
eight days to give it the, okay.

And then they want 75
years to release the data.

And so, but

Rory Marshall: think the experimental.

Bugged me a lot.


Because to me, when you tell
somebody that it's an experimental

therapy or an experiment, even
experimental gene therapy.


The word therapy and the word
experimental, it almost leads you

to believe that there's, there's a
genuinely positive, expected outcome.



Whereas I would postulate that both
of us think we, I think we both knew

that, that it was never an experiment.

It was an experiment that they,
of which they knew the outcome

potentially within the experiment.

I suppose, when you look at the batch
numbers and I think there's mounting

evidence that there was, there were three
different batches that were going out and

it's impossible to know exactly for me
to know exactly where those batches went,

but that kind of explained why you had
a huge amount of people that were coming

back and saying, I've got absolutely
zero, I've got zero side effects.

I'm absolutely fine.

So that really appealed to the.

A blase attitude of sort of well
in England, the lads culture, you

know, it's like, I'm absolutely fine.

Take it for the team.

Get back on it.

We're, you know, we're doing it for to,
you know, whatever, whatever else is

that I'm going on, holiday, whatever.

And then there was the other
batch that had something in it.

And then there was the, the
one that had a high lethality.

And I for forgot what I was gonna say
there, I had some point to make Brian

Ryan Martin: no, probably probably saying
that when it comes to the different

batches, you, they, there was definitely
a, a placebo and, and I think they

did it like more middle class areas.

Probably people they don't see
as, as like they call em what they

call bottom feeders, basically like
useless, useless eaters or whatever.

And so then these are the wise people,
the people that I went to school with

all the private school, people who think
that they're Detert, and they've been

programmed to be a good little slave.

They're the bell rings.

You go to class and, you know,
always say this, everyone.

I have all my people didn't go to states.

They went vape school.

Most of them have got their own business.

All my private school guys think I'm
the only one who has their own business.

Cause they're not taught how
to have their own business.

And it's taught to be like a middle
management and just listen to what.

You know, the man says, and
you know, it's just like crazy.

And a lot of them, luckily I've had
about four or five, my close friends

who have been following my work for
forever and they really trust what I do.

And so I had people I could talk to
about this and it was like, okay.

But a lot of them just went off the, the
deep end for like half a year, a year.

Some of them are, are much more awake now.

Cause I find it hu like how you can't be
awake now you've literally got to be like

half brain dead or just perpetual fear.

That's the thing like which they do.

They're very good at that.

They're very good at.

At fear, then changing the narrative,
fear, changing the narrative.

Oh, this comes up that they, they
switch it, you know, they switched

Rory Marshall: it all the time.

It it's it's, it's just mass confusion.

Isn't it?

I mean, I, I guess, you know, for
somebody like me, who's, who's followed.

The various pharmaceuticals big
agriculture, big telecom, those

kind of industries for the last, you
know, 15, well, probably probably

13, 14 years, but it's even, even
for me, it's very, very confusing.

How are you three?

Ryan Martin: 43.


And so you, and you got into
this 15, 40, 15 years ago?

Rory Marshall: No, no, no.

So, so I, the, I got into, I understood
that there was something fundamentally

wrong with the world when I was
about twenty eight, twenty nine.

And I had a phone conversation with
a friend of mine who was heavily into

this, or is very heavily into this.

He, he asking me when I was 28 year old
lad, he was you know, a pretty, I was.

Pretty much just interested in
drinking beer and eating, whatever

it, whatever I could get my hands on.

And and he said, oh, you do know who the
Rockefellers and the Rothschilds are.

And I was like, no.

And he said, you know, the banking
family that rule the world, or at least

in part rule the world or visibly.

So speaking and I've always
been really inquisitive.

So , I sort of, I, this was
back in the day when Google

wasn't so heavily censored,
obviously this was before engine.





Worked as a surgeon engine yeah, yeah.




And so I went onto, I went onto
Google and I was like, oh my God,

these guys are running medicine and
they're running educational policies

and they're running all this stuff.

I was like, wow.

And they run and this, and then I
started going to the federal reserve and

everything, and that sort of had in a
mellow background to just everyday life.

I was kind of interested
in what was going on.


Learned about the chem
trails and things like that.

And it was when I was 36.

So that'll be the, it just,
that be 2016, 2016, I believe.

And essentially what happened was I, my
my, my Labrador suffered, I now believe

I can't prove this, but allow, and I
believe he was, he, he ingested poison.

I'd taken him.

It, there was some heavy flooding going
on in my hometown and I'd taken him for

a, sort of a randomly different walk
around the back of a sports ground.

Some vice indoor tennis courts.

And I believe there was some,
I believe it's called brothe.

I, I could be wrong here and
I'm not saying academically.

All of his symptoms matched that.

However, I didn't know that at the time.

And I took him to the vets and
they gave him X, Y, Z injection.

There was no mention of activated
charcoal or anything that would've

cleansed his, his stomach.

And he got worse and worse and he died
inside of it was inside of about 40 hours.

And so kind of like, so then
that, that, and it was right in

the, it was the beginning, it
was sort of middle of winter.

So it was like back in
the 19th of January, 2016.

So then I went through a huge depression
which is, which is difficult to

explain because obviously I know,
I know people who have lost parents

and I've lost family members and
for friends through through death.

And and I was absolutely wiped out
when this, this dog died in the manner,

you know, he had fits and seizures
and bleeding and all the rest of it.

And then I paid the vet.

To, to,

Ryan Martin: to say, it's so funny.

I want you to, this is, you're saying
that dog has been crying at the door.

She can hear your story.

Oh, wow.

She's like, you want to come in?

And I was just say, it's
funny and of it works.

So you said you paid the vet
and you went down, did the all,

Rory Marshall: yeah, so, so,
so I, I was just outta loss

and, and the vets had basical.

He said, oh, it must
have been a brain tumor.

And I was naive to say the least.

And I just believed it because obviously
that's, you know, that's what you do.

You go to the vets and, you know,
we could talk all night about.

That's the general thing that
people do in the Western world.

We, we pedestal medicine and, and vets,
and, and I had no reason to disbelieve

them, although it didn't make any sense.

Cause I was thinking brain cancer.

Well, why did he not display
any symptoms of that?

And why was it so sudden?

And I spoke to my friend who actually
got me onto the Omni nutrition thing is

before or who was very interested in it.

And, and he said, that's a brain tumor.

He was the first one to say it.

And I started looking it up and I was
feverish and I was just with brain tumor.

I was like, yeah, fit seizures,
bleeding through the nostrils.

That's not brain tumor.


That's that's, that's poison ingestion.

I meant to say.

And it could have been, you know, if
he had activated charcoal within a

certain timeframe that could have saved
him or Ben or diet earth or something.

And I was like, Jesus, that's
I, how is this possible?

Anyway, about two weeks later,
some friends of mine had a dog with

terminal cancer, quote, unquote.

And they rung me up and they, they had
many dogs and they were going to they

were going on holiday and their dog.

They wanted to put their dog to sleep.

And they gave me this dog to put,
to sleep, to go and take to the

same vet that, that I now believed.

And actually, I don't wanna be done
for liable here, but I'm just giving,

this is just, this is, this is just
a, that they, in part, let's say they

didn't, I would've preferred them to
have given 'em a different treatment.

Let's just say so, but the
same vet anyway, back to them.

And and so I was like in, still devastated
about my dog, but I thought, okay,

I'll take your dog to the, to the vets.

I'll they were good family,
friends or whatever.

And I won't question why you're going
on holiday when your dog's dying.

Cuz that's another story.

And I went to pick up the dog and
this was a pivotal moment for me.

So this was the day my life changed.

So I went to pick up a dog and on the
side of the kitchen, countertop was

value dog meat in a tin type thing.

And it was left out with a, and I'm
not, you know, I'm not having to go

at these people's or anything stinks.

That's horrendous.


So, so anyway, so I got so, so
I found the ti and, and then

he also had Baker's dry mix.

Which is like cancer.

It's like cancer in a Pelle basically.


Ryan Martin: it's like
the dog's version of Isho.

Rory Marshall: Yeah, yeah.

It is.

And it's, or, or, you know, worse
than McDonald's or probably at

least on, on the same level.

But you had a esophageal cancer
and it, it spread to lymph.

It's lymphatic system.

Apparently I notice saw the scans,
but apparently he was riddled

with it and he couldn't, he could
be, he was shallow breathing and

he was foaming it in the mouth.

He had red eyes and he was on
meam and Tramadol to alleviate

the pain and the inflammation.


And so I took him to my house and I just
sat there with him and I looked at him and

I was like, I, I know something about this
because my, one of my best mates reversed

his mother's terminal breast cancer about
15 years ago using diet and nutrition.

And she was given, I think
she was given a few months to

live and, you know, 15 years,

Ryan Martin: my lawyer can't
say that chemotherapy radiation

surgery, just, just to let you know.

Rory Marshall: Yeah.


So, so he let's say she's still.

She's still with us, auntie
he he yeah, what can we say

actually, can we say that she,

Ryan Martin: her body healed
itself whilst it was right?


Rory Marshall: right the
right and environment.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

So, so anyway, they call it MI

Ryan Martin: recovery in the medical

Rory Marshall: field,
spontaneous remission, isn't it?


Spontaneously remissed.

Anyway so I, I tried I won't go
into too much detail, but basically

I got some natural compounds which
involve the curcumin and black

seed oil and even lemon and juice.


Apple side of vinegar and
good old black pepper.

And what else they put
sodium by carbonate?

Cause I was, I was looking into
various, I was looking into

the metabolic theory of cancer.

I just started Googling stuff
and I started looking on YouTube

and this stuff hadn't been
thrown off YouTube at that time.



So I found it fascinating.

I actually found a Russian guy giving
in healing, a horse of cancer with,

or sorry, spontaneously spontaneous
remission of a, of a, of a horse

using herbs and various things.

Ryan Martin: So, so is that, is that
that's that's Huxley that's Huxley.

I dunno if you've seen, yeah.

Rory Marshall: Was it Huxley or Huxley?


Ryan Martin: sorry.

Huxley clinics where they,
they found the horse.

That was cats.

They, they, it was starting to
eat with dandy line and it was

starting to eat all the milk.



And exactly.

He was the one who was actually the only
person to ever beat the AMA in court.

Cause he had so much money from oil.

He could put them to bed.


Rory Marshall: Yeah, I used to, I remember
watching that before it got centered.

So so yeah, so anyway, I made, I made this
dog to, and I I'd see that the reason is

because I was looking at meam and Tramadol
read upon the side effects was the first

thing I did looked at the fact that cancer
was a disease of a weakened immune system.

Theoretically, obviously
we know it's a disease of.

You know not enough
chemotherapeutics or radiation.


But theoretically, there was a
hypothesis that said it might be a

disease where you can immune system.

So I decided that MetCom and Tramadol
obviously would compromise his

ability to transport nutrients.

It would deplete his liver
function and his renal function.

So, so I gave him these things, but I
really, it wasn't scientific about it.

I, I just did it by, I, I was just,
it was just an intuitive thing.

And I diluted this liquid into a syringe
because he couldn't swallow and I

squirted it down his mouth, this sheep
dog gave him a little bit of an orange

beard and had no idea what I was doing,
but to see my logic was that he was

supposed to be going to sleep anyway.

And I don't think I could
do any worse than that.

So anyway, so I, I also got some
raw meat, so I threw the food away.

Actually, I never actually took the food
from his house, got some raw organic meat.

And he managed to eat a
couple of pieces of it.

Just tiny, tiny little pieces of it
about, I would say about well that

night I gave him two, two doses of
this liquid and then the following,

which I suppose you could even call
like a variation of golden paste now.

But the following morning
I went downstairs and.

His red eyes had got 90% whiter, if not
95% whiter, which just blew me away.

The foam that was coming out of his mouth
and dribbling down his chin had gone.

There was no more foaming at the mouth
and he wagged his tail for the first time.

And he actually.

Started mooching around the living room.

And I was, I called my mom and my
mom was like, don't be ridiculous.

You know, you can't reverse or do,
you know, heal an animal like that.

And I was like, well,
I'm sure gonna find out.

On the second day he was eating a
good, old, a good handful of meat.

Now he hadn't eaten.

I don't think he'd eaten an eight it's.

I think it's been a, been a good over
a week since he had anything to eat.

He had no nutrition in his entire life.

He was also stressed because he was
three with three other sheep dogs.

So that's obviously gonna impact
his adrenal function and his

his, his, basically his, his, his
blood pressure and his gonna cause

inflammation in the gut and et cetera.

So I took him, I took him for a walk
and on the second day, second evening

of the second day, he was, he was kind
of countering, you know, which this is

a dog that I had to carry out of my car.

So I'm not saying.

You know what, of course, I'm
not saying that all the tumors

have disappeared overnight.

But it was unbelievable to watch
almost to the point where often when

I I've just met somebody I'll, I I'll,
I'll kind of withhold the, how the

speed or the, the, the rapidness of
how quickly that actually happened.

But on the fourth day, I took him to my
mother's house and he's started barking

and he hadn't barked in about seven
or eight months and he was barking and

jumping up and down and wagging his tail.

On the seventh day, when
his owners came back, he was

running up and down their sofas.

I mean, he was an eight year old dog,
but we're talking an eight year old dog

that was supposed to be in a, in casket.

And so from that moment on.

I then, and I, I was suffering from
all these autoimmune conditions

and I was like, oh my God.


So I started following probably much
of the same things that you've been,

been looking into for a long time.

And I, I just was like, look, I'm gonna
start eliminating things from my diet.

And I actually accidentally did a
ketogenic diet, but it was full kind

of Antica you, I turn nutrient rich
enzyme, live food, everything organic.

And my body had never had that kind of
experience before and in inside of about

12 days, literally every problem that
I had evaporated I'm not saying that

everybody that does that on a ketogenic
style diet will, will experience that.

But that was my experience.

My eyesight even improved and
insomnia, depression, anxiety,

all the pain that I'd suffered.

My, a torn rotated cuff, which
I done on a deck when I was 15.

And it was the first time in, so that
would've been 20 years and suddenly

like my shoulder had moved back.

Was you doing raw, raw

Ryan Martin: meats, raw eggs?

I wasn't doing,

Rory Marshall: No, no, I wasn't.

At the time I was doing,
I was just doing organic.

It was, it was relatively simple.

I'd do huge salad ball
with everything in it.

You know, know we talk like raw
onions and graded CA graded carrot

raw graded cabbage you know, very,
not too many, but quite, you know,

some tomatoes and things like that.

And then I was cooking in coconut oil.

I wouldn't touch anything
that wasn't organic.

I'd filtered, started filtering my
water, which I had done previous.

And then I got into, then I started
adding iodine and, and I started

taking this turmeric based tonic
as well, which I found great,

you know, great alleviation in.

I know there's a lot, a lot of people
that will, you know, there's so

many different opinions, even in the
independent sort of holistic health

world where somebody will, don't take
apple side if Anya, because then that's

kind of acidifying and then other
people will say, well, that can prevent.

Reflux because you're actually, you
know, you could be weakened stomach acid.

And I was mixing all these things together
and I was doing honey with bicarbonate

of soda, which was the Stans love.

Briski I believe he was the Eastern
European chap that now you were talking

about Hosley and I think Briski I think
he was taken to court more time and

any other doctor or SU or something
to do with the FDA, for his BI sodium

bicarbonate therapy, which was incredibly
effective on lymph lymph node cancers,

especially when injected locally.

But I was just whacking that into the
mix and playing around with tonics.

And yeah, within well, inside of 13,
12 days, all of my aches and pains,

my what you would've said was early
onset, rheumatoid arthritis had

disappeared, isolated and approved and

Ryan Martin: yeah.

So you had lot joint
pain, lot of information.

Rory Marshall: Yeah.


I mean, yeah.

Now I look back, I'm like,
yeah, that's so obvious.

But then at the same time, it really made.

Ryan Martin: You don't
know what you don't know.

You're just so

Rory Marshall: no.


And that, that became the mission.

Then after that, any, as soon as
that happened, I was like, how

many other people dunno about this?

Because originally I was like, okay,
so we've got the cancer industry and I

just I'd wrapped my head around that.

But then I was like,
well, what else is there?

And then I was realizing that.

You know, you've got gastro, gastro
pretty much every allergy and

gastrointestinal and unnecessary
orthopedic surgery knee replacements that

ne necessarily need and have to happen.

You've got, you know, problems with
cardiovascular that could be prevented.

And it's, there's this, this
figure, I think they say 85% or

86% of diseases are lifestyle.


Well, I think it's, I think it's
probably higher to be honest with you.


Ryan Martin: yeah, I think what the,
the old head of the old, certain general

in America, I can't remember his name.

He actually come out on TV and said
98% of these issues are lifestyle

and diet related the next day
they, they fight in the next day.

I can't remember who it is,

Rory Marshall: repented

Ryan Martin: don't.


And he was like the diet and lifestyle,
as you know mean, please, you just,

and put people program just to eat,
you know, it's up in the morning, you

have cereal with milk and then you
have a sandwich and then you have,

you know, past for dinner, whatever.

It's just, it's just what people do
because they've been programmed to do it.

And it's not like people.

I was the same.

My mom and dad did the same look, my
mom always cooked food and stuff, but

we had like cereals and breads and yeah.

Wes and stuff.

And she didn't, she
wasn't trying to hurt me.

She didn't know.

She just followed what she was told,
you know, and like everyone else.

And when you look back from history and
all these tribes and like digital that

never even have the name for disease,
cuz they to have it, that Western a

prices work, for example, you know,
didn't even have a name for cancer

cause they never even come across it.

You know?

No, all of them are lean, healthy, happy,
only start to get malformation of like

the jewel or the teeth when they start
to have white man's food, you know?

And so, and it's like, when
you go into it and there's so

many different as you're right.

There's so many different theories
in, in our, even the natural health

or that have this, or don't have that.

And, you know, certain compounds.

But I look at it like, obviously
everyone's, everyone's unique, everyone's

individual everyone's going for their own
stresses, but also certain foods that are

there to cleanse into clear, not the same
ones they're there to build into nourish.

And there's just, but, but it also depends
on your own well that's true chemistry.


So, but just taking, I D know my story.

I was, they almost like
destroyed me for five years.

That's why I do what I do.


Rory Marshall: terrible.

I wanted wanted you, I, I wanted to it
up and then I'd ask you so what actually.

What happened to you?

Ryan Martin: Yeah, no.

So I'll give you the cliff notes
because you know, it's like so long.


Be long.

But like when I was like 15, 16, I started
getting quite bad acne, like my face.

And then my chest and my back, my
best friend died when he was 17 and

it sort of pushed my body into that
emotional, chemical, physical response.

And the AC started getting really,
really bad to the point about I was

getting come through chest back and
it started to like blister and bleed.

And then, so they put me on
medication, which didn't do anything.

And I started to get this thing called
OID scarring, which is where the,

the over, I know OID scaring, it's
where the, the over heels, the body

over heels, cuz it's so much stress.

And so I was getting all rubbery nodules
all across here, across my chest and back.

They gave me once again, they, they
put me on racket, which if I know now

what I known them now and never done
it, you know, vitamin age, derivative

hundred percent chance of birth
defect for women going in the sun

and you get burned, put me on that.

But then I started to get these
cysts that were coming up in my

groin and, and my like my, just
my And it was got to point, right.

Wear two shirts.

Cuz I, I was bleeding from my shirt.

I had to, I used to play like rugby
at a good level at pro pro rugby.

And it was getting to the point where
I couldn't run and I was having all

the things that they told me to do
know the protein shakes, but I was also

taking the medication steroids and they
started giving me, you know, steroid

tablets because no nothing was working.

Switch got rid of my cyst
for a little, a little bit.

But since I come off and they come
back, it also blew me up to like 98 kg.

I was Balo and red and they start
giving me steroid injections in

my chest and back for my kilos.

And then that didn't heal it.

So I had to go, they put me under
for surgery to cut my cysts out

which everything was good for
like six, seven weeks weeks.

And then things come back again and they
put me for another surgery to cut it out.

And it was all good until it wasn't and
you know, I was just sitting on the couch.

Complete show up of man
like fat overweight in pain.

I was on Tramadol and all
that as well for the pain.


And I'd listen to the doctors
of specialists, you know?

And and the dermatologist, if I saw him
now, I I'd I'd dunno what I'd do to him.

But two pound the time start
60 to a hundred injections in

my chest and back for steroids.

And yeah, I was, I was on the
couch watching, I've mentioned

this before watching boxing.

Cause the only thing I could
do was watch sport at the time.

And David hay, who's actually here.

Actually I swim in the gym the other day.


He knows he's not stupid.

Yeah, so he was fighting value wear
for the heavyweight tire of the world.

And they had a, like a show called behind
the ropes, which documents their training.

And on that, you know, I I was
watching it and on that he had his

nutritionist's also like his, his coach
for everything, really shrimp conditioning

coach nutritionist, health coach.

And he was talking about
like cleansing the body.

He was talking about organic
foods and probiotic, rich liquids.

He was talking about you know, cutting out
certain foods because they frame the body.

And I was like, who the hell is this guy?

I need to speak to him.

This is a different approach.

His name was driven debars
and he's now a close friend.

And you know, I searched him was
like, I need to find this guy.

I sent him his company, an email.

They said, oh we'll get him to,
we'll send the message to him.

And he'll be in contact and maybe in
the next week or so he read my message

and he phoned me up within two hours
and was like I wanted to speak to you

because it's come and see me tomorrow.

I think it cost me like 350 pounds to
go and see him at the time for like an

hour best I've ever spent in my life.

Opened my eyes to where didn't know
existed, like told me about what was

going on, how I was inflamed, how I was
toxic, how I had like overgrowth of can.

Cause, cause of other things
I had mercury poisoning, the

candida was there for that sent

Rory Marshall: me to go to
work, have mercury poisoning.

Was that through dental?

Was that through MEMS or

Ryan Martin: so?

That was from my mom, had the
Malcolm mouth of and it come down.

I remember saying, so sent me
to this biological doctor that I

use now to test in certain ways.

And certain think pathic remedies as well.

I said to him, how come I.

How outcomes.

I did 17 years about
getting ill and manager.

I still use with people.

He said, it's light blowing up balloon,
you keep on blowing it up one day.

Eventually it'll burst.

We all got a toxic threshold.

And once it goes over, that was it.

And, and so he found like I had
heavy yeah, heavy metal poisoning.

And I had remnants of all the different
vaccines that I had in me as well.

Rory Marshall: You think that, that,
that the, the metal poisoning was

actually was sort of was from your
mother, from when you were conceived

Ryan Martin: when you.


So, wow.

Most people don't know is that the first
born of any mother has like majority

of her toxins put in as you wow.

Know that.


So, and that's why the first born
can, can yeah, if they got strong

constitution can be problems and
it's why babies get ill, you know,

obviously it's other things like.

Things they get injected with,
but babies can get ill cause

they get the mother's toxins.

So they, they get, yeah.

And so that was one of the things
she had hold mouth for the milk, but

she didn't know like mom's a, she was
just doing what they told her to do.

And, and yeah, but, but you know,
R it was the worst time in my life,

but in retrospect it was the greatest
thing that ever happened to me.

Cause if I didn't yeah, for it, I
would be like everyone else, you know?

And that just opened my eyes.

And I was like, he was, Ruben
was like, I've studied moving

for the next three years.

And I went around and also looked
with other people and he'd just be

like, watch this look into this.

And I was just looking into it and you'd
just keep on going down the rabbit.


And you're like into like a, and Dr.

Robert Wilner talking about the deadly
deception and same stuff they've done

with this, you know, a, think you be a Z T
did and just goes on and it's just, yeah.

Rory Marshall: I mean,
it's, it's, it's insane.

Isn't it?

When you actually try and
piece it all together.

I mean, I, I think the hardest thing
is the more that, you know, than

the more difficult it is to talk to
somebody who has no experience in

it, or, I mean, for, for they're.

So they're so good at
covering their tracks.

Aren't they?

I dunno how, cause to me,
they don't cover their tracks.

It's really obvious.

But you know, when you talk to somebody
who's maybe suffering from cancer

and, or, you know, somebody, a friend
of a friend or a family member of a

friend and they say, yeah, they're
about to do that chemo or whatever.

And you are just like, you, you are
in this Jux, you're in this horrible

rock in a hard place where you can't,
you can't, it's almost like not worth.

To say anything because you are already,
I already know what that, that wall,

that impenetrable wall of emotional
response is gonna be like, because

it's so evocative and it's so deeply
embedded into everybody's psyche as

to what to do that, you know, you are,
you know, I mean, obvious answer would

be, I think I'm gonna trust a psych.

I think I'm gonna trust an oncologist
of in a 40 year an oncologist who's been

doing it for 40 years over, over somebody.

Who's, who's basically you know, not,
not, not a qualified oncologist and

you can sympathize with that, with that
outlook, but then that, that then takes

you back to trying to explain where the
origins of apathic medicine come from.

And it becomes a much longer conversation.

And it's hard.

It's hard.

It's it's I found that very
stressful when I first learned.

What I learned to actually
digest that night on night.

Some people would listen,
some people wouldn't

Ryan Martin: I was gonna say, no one,
some people listen, but its no one's more

self-righteous and then really converted.


So you're trying to tell everyone,
but then you sort of get to point

say like is a good analogy that Peter
Chrome wants you the mind architect.

And he said, when you get these,
rather than just like he said, even

if you imagine you can't come up
to your, your friend's house or

someone's house, you know, and you
had better furniture than them.

And, and you just knocked on the
door and you just rushed into the

house, took out their old furniture
and put the new one in and they'd

be like, what the fuck are you in?

And you'd be like, well, miss
giving you a better furniture,

but yeah, I didn't ask you to.


Whereas if you knock on the door
and say, by the way, I I've got this

furniture here it's really brand new.

Would you like to have a look at it?

See what you think they say?

Oh yeah.

Why not?

And, and it's just like
framing it that way.

I've got, I've got suggestion.

Do you mind, but saying
you tapped on earlier.

I just wanna hold that thought.

Say you tapped on earlier,
which is really good.

You say Google used to be
a search engine and it did.

And they're very, very
clever what they did.

All these platforms,
Google, YouTube, Facebook.

They've got everyone on for five,
10 years gone to trust them.


Once everyone was on them, they
haven't got the term for it.

Google it, 95% of the
people use Google, you know?


Google or Google Chrome, Google it.

Fucking, they've got that.


They've got everyone on there.

And then like, we even built
our businesses on there.

And then when they wanted us, fuck you
off and go look, we don't, we don't

agree with this boom burn the books.

They're very, very clever.

Our strategic.

We, they do

Rory Marshall: very, I
think, I think definitely.

And, and in it for the long in it for
the long game, you know, this, it's

not, it's not a two, I mean, it's not
even a two year agenda is this is it's.

As we know, it's just gone back
from, even from the Dawn of time

and it's just utilizing technology
in different ways of book burning.

And they know, I mean,
it's like, they, they.

Responsible for the, the predictive
programming that we are experiencing.

And so, you know, we already know what
kind of opposition that you're, you know,

if you are trying to help somebody and
say, have you looked into this, what

X, Y, Z, and even just down to the word
conspiracy theorist, which I, I find

that the most boring terminology for
somebody who, who thinks outside of box

but they're already armed, you know,
people have been given these buzzwords

that they, they paraphrase from, from
the media, from the news, and they

don't even realize they're doing it a
bit like I was thinking a while ago in

about the whole overpopulation thing.

Well, the fact that you could get.

I think you get everybody, everybody
on the entire population of the

earth could fit into Australia.

I think it is.

And they could each have an acre
and you'd still have the rest Texas.



As well.


Texas as well, Texas, you
wouldn't have an acre.

I don't know.

Maybe that's true.

Well, yeah, either or, but, but
you get, and obviously you've got

people that are round into cities
and they don't you into a city.

Do they?

They entice people.

There's always this nudge.

It's like when you read the
lockstep agenda, And it's like,

okay, they're gonna hijack.

They're gonna overtake
the agricultural policies.

They're gonna have 5g 5g run farms
in the countryside, and we're gonna

get everybody out the countryside.

And we're gonna put 'em all into a smart
city, but they're not actually going

to come around with point of gun at you
and tell you to get in a smart city.

They'll just diminish you a bank account
so much through taxation, through the

pro the cost of living expenses through
hyperinflation of, of goods and services.

And then they'll say, actually,
you can have a nice three

bedroom department in the city.

And it's gonna be half the rent
that you are paying us now to

rent your house back off us.

You know, there'll be sorts, sorts
of clever ways of getting people

to do what they want them to do.

It's like they don't suddenly say
we're gonna get you to beat these,

I don't know what they're like.

These witchy gr sandwiches that are
genetically engineered in a laboratory.

They will gradually they
infiltrate the vegan movement.

Who's gonna argue with the vegan movement.

Every, I, I, I respect
the ethics of a vegan.

I don't, I don't, I can't be,
be a vegan or try to do it.

It didn't work for me very well.

But ethically I respect it.

I love animals and I would never.

I'd never really draw swords with a vegan
because I actually re I really do admire

what, what they're doing, but there is a
level of naivety within the vegan movement

where they don't realize they're being
played much in the same way as the oh God.

What was it?

When they when they tried to get women
to do the the, you know, both parents

would, would the feminist movement of
the word I was looking for and they

infiltrated that, and it was just a
high taxation and to hike, you know, to

take steal more money off the masses.

And that's kind of what they're
doing in the vegan movement.

They're infiltrating them and they're
seeding the idea that that meat

is, you know, a corrosive thing
to be having in our environment or

to be ingesting, and actually it's
gonna affect the carbon emissions.

And so then that's coming
into your social credit score.

So there's all these different
factors that are all coming in from

this huge link wheel of complete.


And if you don't see the bigger picture,
like I'm sure, you know, if you don't

see the bigger picture, you don't,
you only see that, you know, maybe

somebody has two pieces of the puzzle.

It'll just go past them like that.

They won't realize what what's actually
the bigger picture and much less won't

be able to foresee or project forward,
what will happen to them in the future.

And so people go along with it
and then of course, without even

realizing, they'll say we are
overpopulated, we need to eat less meat.

We need to have meat, free protein.

And then, you know stage enter,
you know, bill gates or whoever

produce anything back by that this
Frankenstein food and people will

laugh it up because you always think,
well, they won't, but they bloody do.

They just laugh.

It, I mean, they laugh up lockdown.

I met so many people that
said, oh, I love lockdown.

It's amazing.

I, oh, I was on furlough.

I was getting all this money.

I was like, where do you
think the money's coming from?

They're like, oh, I don't care.

I'm like, yeah, but you pubs shut and
that's probably gonna go out of business.

And if it doesn't, it's only matter of
time if you allow this to continue and

it's just, it was incredible to watch.

Actually, it's incredible to.

Ryan Martin: Yeah, no, it's it's when it
comes to that, like the the vegan agenda,

you said you wouldn't draw swords of them.

It's like, I understand, because most,
most of the things we definitely agree

on, but it's just when, so when you
see like a lot of very, I've seen,

I've had people come at me for what
I say, and then a year later, two

years later, Brian, I'm so sorry.

Like, I, I was really, I started
eating meat again, my life changed.

I'm like, no, no problem.

Like, you're welcome.

It's it's a lot of the high profile vegans
like Tim , you know, he started eating

meat again, cause he couldn't get well.


And, and it's like one of
those things, I, I, I get it.

And what, what's it like cow conspiracy,
cows create as much pollution as cars.

It's like, think they said, I'll
tell you what I I'll, I'll sleep in.

I'll sleep in the, in my
garage with a cow all night.

And I sleep in car really?


Sleep with your car engine and we'll
see you, which one who wakes up, you

know, and that's, and that's the thing
it's like, and when, when I don't

understand how the mono cropping is
destroying the land, ripping it of

the top soil, which it's killing that.

So many more animals, it's, it's
this corrosive to them and animals.

Like Joe Aine shows that poly face
farm, you know, the way that they

then being there helps the ecosystem.

It's like, yeah.

And they put the wolfs
back into Yellowstone park.

I don't know if you've ever seen that.


They put Yellowstone park.

One of them, they put the wolfs back in
there and it literally led all these,

like basically cuz the wolfs went there.

The, the, the deer that were just.

Massacre in the land.

They wouldn't be in certain areas anymore.

So that allowed for the, the grass
and the trees to grow the grass.

And the, remember this.

Yeah, yeah.

I mean, the bird would come in
and then more and cause there'd

be more rodents on the floor.

The birds could feed.

And then that meant would be in certain
areas and it allowed for allowed

for the rivers to start to flow.

And it changed the whole landscape
of, and that's what happens with

the animals and the ecosystem.

If you don't allow 'em to, to farm
rewinding or just being in the world,

then being there allows the ecosystem
to, to change otherwise things just,

that's why people have to coal certain
animals because otherwise they'll

just run a mark apex predators.

They won't die.

And then the whole system is, is gone.

So, you know, when it comes to, yeah, I
say, I understand where the begins are

coming from animal cruelty, I'm against
CAFOs and careful farming all the time.

It's why we get like wild wild
caught oil, grass fed and farmers,

farmers that do things the right way.

But you know, death is a part of life.

And if you look into it in
deeper level, it's like you're

upgrading their consciousness.

It's why everyone prayed over their meals.

They saying very much
for giving your life.

So I can be the healthiest version
of myself in, in better their terms.

And, you know, I've tried it as
well, mate, for six, six months,

the first three, I felt good.

Cause when body was cleansing, the last
three, I was about six, seven months.

I started, we couldn't get,
basically when my libido went,

I started to get bad breath.

I started to have, I had no energy.

I couldn't think clearly.

You know, and I, and I see
people with the other thing.

People would dive into this so much for
as well Roys because people used to have

a family unit or community to buy into,
and that would be who they belong to.

Now they've destroyed that with a family
unit, you know, you said before feminist

movement and all this transgender and
people are so long into belong, they

they'll just jump into something like
veganism and its this becomes who

they are, you know, girl like girl
vegan girl, or whatever's a handle.

And they're so lost that they
wanna be join a community and

they'll even sacrifice their
own health to be part of it.

That's how lost people are.

And that's just like, it's a shame.

And it's why then talks like this.

And I say to people like reach out
to people, get on's one thing that

this thing has done is, you know,
when I was two or three years ago,

I was always, I can always work
for anywhere cuz my stuff's online.

But I only went away when my friends
would go away, but this thing happened

and we got together a group on Facebook
called, like it was called plan B

finding somewhere that would be open.

And we, and we made like, like 20 of
us made friends, we lived in Mexico.

And then from that, we went
different places and we met

other people on this journey and.

And we've met people that
are now part of our tribe.

And so it's allowed us to expand.

So in one way, yeah, it's, it's been
terrible that they're doing and a

hundred percent, what they're trying
to push portray is terrible, but

it's allowed me and other people and
pretty huge to make new connections

and to have more people who are aware.

And so we can make
communities down the line.

So if we're one of the reason I'm
doing different places is cause I wanna

somewhere that I could live, like, I feel
like I could live long term and I'd be

like, right guys, I'm brought out here.

Who else wants to buy land on this here?

And we can have a community of people.

Cause if there's a community of people,
it's hard for them to try and do anything.

It's because we are so broken.

There's no like the family unit to be
so strong or like you're trying to take

someone over trying to conquer someone.

And now everyone's so like,
Moms are working two jobs.


Kids, autism, just
trying to make ends meet.

They can't even think about
this stuff because they're so

busy just trying to survive.

Rory Marshall: So fragmented isn't that?

I, I think that, you know, you don't,
it's not, it's only when you take a

step, take a step back and you look
at the way society runs, which is

literally like working nine to five
nine to coming back ready mail in the

oven, watching, you know, pre-programmed
entertainment, television weekends getting

drunk rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat.

And when you actually take a step back
and you, what is the, I mean, I think for

me, it was when I first started looking
into the inception of the federal reserve.

In, I think it was 1913 and I was
looking on, I think it's Edward G.

Griffin or G Edward Griffin.

I always get that the wrong way around.

But I was listening to him
and I was like, well, this guy

knows what he's talking about.

And in fact he was on
the truth about cancer.

I think that's where I found him.

And then I started to look into
that, the financial side of it,

and I was like fractional reserve.

I, well, that doesn't make sense.

That's that's theft, isn't it?

when you go into the whole taxation
system and you go, oh my God,

the whole thing, it's all theft.

It's all, you know, whether it's
sting your money or it's sting your

energy or it's sting, you psychology
or it's, it's really a shame.

And then you go either human.

I, I, I struggle to even think
that the people that are actually

pulling the strings are even human.

Not that have any evidence to suggest
any of that, but it's definitely D.

To understand why, why they're
doing what they're doing, because

we could have such a great life.

I mean, the fact that you, you and I
are talking about building, building

communities outside of the system.

Whereas, you know, I'm just sort of a
standard sort of middle class, you know,

went to school, went to university.

I, I did end up doing an unusual of
fashion modeling, which is an unusual

career, which was kind of accidental which
gave me a lot of time to read and like

self-awareness and, and things like that.

But essentially I'm just like a
normal guy from a suburban town.

Talking about stuff that a few decades
ago would be in, would be within the

confines of like the hippie movement.

You, you know, I think
that's never gonna be.

You know, I'm very, I was conventional
and then something I'm like,

well, fuck, I can't stand out.

I can't hang around in this system.

Cause it's absolutely it's broken

Ryan Martin: well, but this is the way
like even meeting each other through that.

So now you've got, now
we've spoken as well.

So now you've got, and some people
you just, you just stick with

and you it's like, okay, anything
like that, I'm down, meet up.

You know, you've got someone that you
can just message or have friends with.

Cause that's what this is done as well.

It's loud.

Cause certain people, you always have
certain friendships, no matter what

no matter what goes on it, there might
not be in the same vibration issue,

but you'll just be friends with them.

But you need to have connections with
people that are on this journey of you.

Cause otherwise it's a lonely world.


And, and And so, and so it's, it's
like with, with these communities of

people, it's one of the things you do.

You, you get that sense of, you know,
people putting together, which is good

to meeting people and even having I've
made so good connections like this R

as well, you know, people that are open
minded and understanding what's going on.

And as you said, most people, you know,
nine to 5, 9, 6, come back, watch it.

It's actually what's that film they did.

Well, the little is little cartoon film.

Everyone's just sitting in their couch,
sitting in their own chair, feeding

themselves to death, watching a screen.

Rory Marshall: I can't remember
pretty much every cartoon

Ryan Martin: might be called
w or something like the film.

And it was about like sign to the future.

And you look at people
how much we've regressed.

You see pictures from the 1970s.

R no one was overweight.

Now you're like one out.

If you are in good shape,
you know, it's, it's I.

Rory Marshall: I was thinking about that
because I was listening just randomly.

I just I was walking the dog and I just,
I don't normally take my phone with

me, but I did this afternoon and I just
randomly just flicked through, I, oh, I

just have a look at Ryan's podcast and
like, I just, cuz you've done quite a lot.

And I, I flicked on it.

It landed on Dan fur long.

And you were talking about that
on, on that particular podcast.

And I was just thinking this a
about how when I was younger.

So when I was doing fashion modeling, I
used to I didn't know how to lose weight.

So I just thought I was genetically
biased to be overweight because

it can't be what I'm eating.

Cause if I try and stop it.

So I went through this whole and
obviously the ketogenic diet was the

first time when I I, that actually
your body is intelligent and.

You know, it's, it's, it's amazing the
lies that are spun because then you,

that lifts the veil on everything.

You Herbalife, swimming, world,
weight Watchers, totally ineffective.

That doesn't mean that somebody can't.

Yeah, for sure.

If you, if you restrict calories and have
some crazy tree party on a Friday night

or allowed a hundred calories of chocolate
or whatever, you will lose weight.

And then we're into this argument of
sustainability in terms of weight loss.

But for me, I was like, I'd never, no,
I'd never, you didn't even know what

fasting like intimate and fasting was.

So to suddenly see my body change
and this, this, this, this midriff

that would never, ever disappear.

And what I used to do with the, in,
in modeling was I'd have a shoot

and they'd give me like, you know,
I might get a, if I was lucky, I

might get a five day, week heads up.

So how

Ryan Martin: so worry, sorry,
worry, five day, week heads up.

Keep that, keep that thought.

Rory Marshall: How old was you?

So I started when I was 21.


And I just, I mean, look, I would,
I would work for German catalogs

and things and they would go okay.

R or no, you know the client is saying,
you know, a really good model, but

you know, the, the client is saying
he's a little bit overweight and he's

not saying this in such a nice way,
Ryan , you know, and so it was a problem.

And, and I would, I could slim
down by starving myself and I

would, I become a nervous wreck.

So I was like, why am I
depressed and anxious, you know?

And I can't sleep and I've got insomnia.

And I remember waking up in,
in hotel rooms and going to

the mini bar and eating, do you
know those little Ritter sport?

Chocolate bars?


Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You seen those mini bar thing.

I used to, I just eat, like, because my
blood sugars were all over the place.

I'd literally so many different problems.

And I, I, I had no idea
that I needed nutrition.

If I go further into the journey
much like what you were alluding

to about your personal story.

I go further down.

Cause obviously I immediately started
looking back and I was like, okay,

multiple courses of antibiotics
when I was a kid to select me.


So I had a bio issue, so I had
leaky gut, gut permeability.

Now of course now eating processed
grains, and now I'm starting to get

depressed and that's binding to opioid
receptors in the brain, and that's

having a negative impact on X, Y, Z.

And Hey, if I've got Py Ure, and
I've, I'm ex you know, if I've got a,

some genetic aberration where I'm I'm
excreting Zi, can B six, then maybe

I'm gonna ex experience more anxiety.

And, and I pieced it together and I was
like, this is exactly what happened to me.

And I ended up going on
this cycle of having sugar

cravings, high adrenal function.

In inability to sleep, which obviously
RA, you know, raised the adrenal

function and then fast energy foods.

So when I was a kid, four,
four or five years old, I was

eating harvest crunch bars.

And there was no, there was no
cupboard that I wouldn't scale to

get to that harvest crunch bar.

There was no, there was no staircase
that I couldn't climb to get the next

bit of chocolate or whatever it was
that was gonna give me that sugar fix.

And I could just see how that UN unfolded.

And then if I look at say the
vaccine schedule that I had as a

child, I'm not entirely aware of it,
everything that I had, my mom doesn't

really remember, but for sure, I
got vaccinated against something.

Then I ended up nearly dying
of what it was that I was.

I can't remember if it, it
was months or something.


And I'd love to find out,
but, but yeah, you can see the

timeline of events and then.

Then you can see how that affects
your personality growing up.

So when you were at school while I
was the shy one because that then

affects your environment and then you,
you know, that becomes your reality.

And then I found out that then I thought
I had depression when I was 18, because

I was reading Sunday time style magazine.

And it was telling me that, you know,
depression was a, was a disorder.

I was like, well, I, I can identify.

I'm sure most people can't identify
with these, these symptoms.

And I was like, well,
I need antidepressants.

The only reason I didn't go to
get antidepressants was because

I was too shy to go and tell a
doctor that I had depression.


And then of course, when I found out
what I found out, then the, you know,

the depression evaporated, depression's
obviously a signaling system to tell you

that something in your environment or in
your, in your body is out of balance or

that you need to motivate yourself to do
something, to create the reality you want.

So there's so many different things to
talk about depression, but, but with

the chronic depression that I felt when
I was growing up, I really do think

that was attributed to the, to the
buildup and the, the, the toxicity that

I had in my system, which I believe.

Without oversimplifying.

It was born within the problem
within my gastro, within my gut.


Ryan Martin: put it this way.

Simply your brain can only be as
healthy as the blood that surrounds it.

And yeah.

And if, you know, you said
Vaus nerve gut to brain.

If your gut's inflamed.

Same information, depression.

It's amaz it's like I've had so
many clients come to me with certain

things and certain illnesses or
symptoms that you said before.

Like they're just different names.

They're just different
symptoms for the same thing.


Claim toxic deficient internally balance.

And nobody's stressed.


You get those things gone.

All of sudden life's a lot
better, you know, and people,

oh my God, my depression's gone.

My anxiety's gone.

It's like, yeah, it's not an,
it's not a condition it's of

what's going on internally and
also externally your environment.

And when you work on that, you know,
your, your, your external health

is that with your internal health.

And for me, for me, you said
for five days before you shoot

what you you'd starve yourself.

I mean, you do it from 21 until you was

Rory Marshall: 36.

I mean, sorry.

Can you say that again, Ryan?

I just missed what you

Ryan Martin: that's right.

How old were you?

We did it 21 years old to her

Rory Marshall: old 21 years old
till you know, till lockdown.

Yeah, I'm, I'm on the
book, I'm on the book.


But it's a bit of a problem.

It's a bit of a problem because social
media is very much linked to say the web,

the website of, of, of my, my agency.

And I knew what I was doing, you know?

So when, when this all kicked off that
I had a choice and it was literally keep

my mouth shut and, and, you know, send
some, you know, do some updates and go

and see the agency and things like that.

Or, or try and stop the world
from being completely nuked.

And I pretty much figured that there
weren't that many people in my industry

that were willing to speak out.

And I know quite a few
people know what's going on.

They're too afraid to speak out because
they've got, do you know Andrew Cooper?

I haven't seen him in
ages, but I do know him.


He's with, yeah.

Ryan Martin: Yeah.

Cause he's, he's someone that he's someone
that is, I follow him on Instagram.

He's one of the only blokes
I follow on Instagram.

He's like good looking guy.

I've followed him.

Cause first come across him.

He had a thing called Juiceman
and he was introducing to him.

But then he's like, He's properly.

He's proper, first of
all, he's proper woke.

When I see some of the things he puts
up, I mute him and he's also gone

and got the backs and everything.

I was like, what the fuck?

Yeah, he fuck.



And I was really surprised at that cause
he was really into like everything.

Hell like

Rory Marshall: I, you know what though?

I I've come across so many people
that like yoga, yoga instructors

and spiritual Google stuff.

Like I know somebody or I know a few
people, one of which brings to mind that

I obviously won't mention any names.

This particular person was very, very
I don't know, you know, spiritual

TA all about the power of the
healing of the mind and everything

I found out that this person was
promoting, hadn't just gone and taken.

It was promoting it, which is like,
You know, the antithesis of, of

everything that they'd ever said.

And, and I found that extraordinary
and I know I spoke to somebody through

the agency and they said, you know,
most people have, have gone for it.

And the agency were promoting
it to the younger models.

And I was like, I'm very grateful
to, to, to that side of my life, you

know, it gave me a lot of time to, to
think and develop other skills and,

and what have you, and to travel.

But I couldn't get on board with
that because I knew, I know I knew

too much about what was going on.

So I made that decision from day one.

I was literally like, I'm gonna say
something and I mean, long before you

and I connected on Instagram and I
was probably like yourself, I was just

hammering it every day, like night
and day, getting caught all kinds of

stuff for stuff that then came true.

I should, I should, but I never got any, I
got a couple of apologies actually, but in

the, in the, in the main, in the mainframe
of things, I, I never really got.

You know, the people I would've
liked cause that's just

your ego talking, isn't it.

But like it did come true,
but I guess they just sort

of, oh, I can't remember that.

But there wasn't, I don't think there was
much, the only thing that I got really

wrong was the timeline of food shortages.

So I knew there was gonna be food.

Food supply disruption, but
I got that totally wrong.

I thought that was gonna be a lot
sooner, but then you can't second

guess everything in geopolitics.

Ryan Martin: Hey, well, they, they shop
and change things as well, depending

on how many cattle buy into it.

So yeah, certain people were starting
to realize that COVID is bullshit.

They change the narrative
when we go to war.

And so climate engine, no mate,
there's there's what is it that, how

what's difference between a conspiracy
theory and, and truth six, six months.



I put it it's like things coming true and,
and people still calling it conspiracy.

It's like, what the fuck?

Rory Marshall: It's mad though.

Isn't cause then you, you go up to
the people and you say, but look, this

happened and I told you, and then they'll
give you some bizarre certification.


But it, it had to happen
because of this and that.

And you know, and then it, it, you
know, and what, and then they'll

tell you and I'll say, well, where
did you get that information from?

They'll say, well, I got it on Lorraine or
ITV this morning or something like that.

Which for me is like
sticking pins into my head.

And I don't mean an acupuncture sense.

I should maybe say nails.

I, I can't even watch the
mainstream media anymore.

I find it really, really difficult.

There was a period of time where I watched
it, but mostly just to APPE the people

to say that I see it from all sides.

Cause obviously I'd seen it from
the 36 years of my life side of I've

been nothing but program through the
television and through the media and.

And then, you know, and then my own, my
own independent investigation, I even like

prefer to call it invest investigation
rather than research, because even

research has been bastardized as a
word, because then the guy do research.

You can't say that anymore.

Cause it's, you know, so every
little nook and crony has

been already blocked up by the

Ryan Martin: you said earlier about my
Adams and then you got someone like Dr.

Cola who had to like put 25 years worth of
articles behind it, behind a, like a wall.

Cause they were gonna come out.

It's just like.

And people still going for him.



Well, they, they will.

And, and Mike Adams and the rest of them,
it's just crazy if you really, if you

really don't agree what they say, come on,
put, go on a table and let's discuss it.



Rory Marshall: me why, because I
mean, I love these people to go and

listen, because you listen to it.

You spent any land of time listening
to, or my Adams and I disagree.

There's some things that my Adams have
said that have been a little bit extreme.


That have maybe set my heart racing
because I feared they might be

true, but maybe they haven't come
true, but it's still his opinion.


He's actually excellent.

And he's a scientist and he, I like
his approach and I wanna hear these

people and I don't mind if I disagree
with them and I want hear Cola.

I want to hear Mike Avi and, you know,
Mike Avi disagrees with Tom Cowan on,

I think, I think I've got that right.

I, there was some disagreement between
Kaman and my VI or Tom co and Mike Avi

over the existence of viruses or the HIV.

And, and, but I still
wanna listen to them.

The fact that.

There, there is entities out there trying
to prohibit that discussion, which is the

basis of science is just bizarre to me.

But it's not bizarre.

I understand why they're doing it, but
it's fundamentally, it's fundamentally

wrong because they know that there
are people out there that will never,

ever come across these people because
of those blocks and those censorships.

Ryan Martin: That's the thing.

When you speak to someone, I
say, well, before we get into

it, do you know who Kerry?


They like Kerry.

My, no.

Do you know who Dr.

Malone is?



Do you know who Dr.

Stephen Langer is?


Do you know who Dr.

Karen is?



Do you know and you just go through it?

No, it's like, well, we haven't got
anything to discuss him because you

literally don't know any, like you,
haven't got no, he's a surface thick.

It's an inch thick.

So you scratch me the surface.

There's nothing there because you're just
literally repeating what you've, you've

heard rather than the people that have
actually developed the test, developed

the vaccine come out day and there's no.

Research paper available that shows
the existence of any virus in any, in

any living fluid from human or animal.

He said, if you go and take for the
chicken, chicken box lesion, you

won't find the chicken box virus.

He says, it's Dr.

Just step LAN has I said before he
he's OS responded his hiss biology

title, VI title, because he said
it's, it's complete nonsense.

He said, there's no such thing.

It's like being an expert in unicorn.


Yeah, yeah.

So it's just, it's just that, that's

Rory Marshall: hard though, isn't it?

Because then that's almost like, so I
was having a discussion with a friend

of mine and I think we were, you know,
because that, I'm a such a fun guy to hang

around me that I ended up putting on Tom.

I dunno what, I don't
think it was your podcast.

It was someone else's and I can't remember
who it was, but it was Tom anyway.

And randomly on, we were chatting.

And he was going, oh my God, like this,
guy's actually making a lot of sense.

I was like, yeah.

And then he was like, yeah,
but the whole of virology.

Cause it's so you know, this, this,
this veil of superiority, this veil of

complexity that they, the whole of the
whole of oncology is exactly what I said.

I was like, I was like, well, can
you think of another industry that's

done the same where actually the
solution is actually so simple.

I know there are technical elements
and it, you know, the pancreatic

enzymes and trophoblast and different,
you know, myriad of different

diseases up to 199 or whatever.

And, and brain tumors are slightly clear
by them are slightly different and you

can approach them in different ways.

But essentially the, the simplicity
of what we're actually talking

about is such that compared to the
complexity of like the whole of

oncology, like the, the decades,
and we're talking about 20 years of.

Bullshit research.

That's gone into alopathic medicine.

That's, that's taken us from one in a
hundred to one in two and, and nobody

still, I mean, for, for me, the genocide
all plan was already well, and I mean,

it's been going on forever in a day.

I mean, this has been going
on since the Dawn of time, but

specifically, particularly in since
the beginning of the 20th century.

And this is just an of that.

It's just an acceleration.

It's like full steam ahead.

We've got 'em all, most
people are brainwashed.

No, nobody's gonna listen to the other
guys because we'll just shut them out.


And that's essentially where we're at, but
Tom co I found, I find him fascinating.

I, I find the way he talks
he's so he's so matter

Ryan Martin: of he's just like,
yeah, he's just like down the line.

He's not the most, like, it's not the
most fun conversation, but he's just

like, no, he just like he's he's HES.


He's bang on the money.

Like you said, you come to cancer, like
cancer research and, and things like that.

It's just a combination of a, of
a charity, like 60% of their money

doesn't even go to, it goes to like
their funding there, that lifestyle,

and then they have 40% or whatever
it is, it goes to the research.

That's pushed by big pharma, which,
you know, it's not, it cancels the 200

billion a year industry in the us alone.

They Don everything else, 200
billion and they don't want to cure.

And I tell you

Rory Marshall: what, Ryan, I was just
gonna say, sorry to interrupt you.

I was gonna say it's 200 billion now.

Can you imagine what it's gonna be like?

For the people that are gonna experience
that as a side effect of something they

may have taken that won't necessarily be
prevalent as of yet, that's gonna Skype.

I mean, this is big pharma.

This is big pharma win,


Ryan Martin: it?


That's the other thing people saying,
oh, I took it and I, and I'm right.

So what you didn't die?

Oh, well done.

But that's, that's,
that's a positive, is it?

But no, you're not

Rory Marshall: yet.

I didn't, it's the problem because it's,
it's the latency of the product, isn't it?

It's like, you know, there's no, there's
complete indemnification for the for

the, the manufacturers that, I mean,
even if you didn't know anything about

VIR, even if you didn't know anything
about the history of the world or

Satanism, just that one fact alone
would be like a massive red flag.

You know, that to get the hell away
from a product that is not insurable.

And I, I believe Lloyds, Lloyds
wouldn't insure Pfizer or any of

the, none of them are insurable.


Hence, you know, hence they have their
indemnity and then of course they're,

they've always have the liability now.

They've always had indemnity
ever since I think it was,

was it 1986 when Reagan yeah.

Was Reagan.

Ryan Martin: Yeah.

Yeah, because insurance company said
that their product is undeniably unsafe.


Rory Marshall: yeah.

It's it's so it's so unsafe, but
it is, it's like the forbidden,

it's the forbid, it's the big one.

Isn't it?

It's the one thing that you can't say.


Yeah, you can.

And you must question it and, and I
find that, I find that, you know, that's

obviously been, I mean, like my I've got
a German mother, I've got an engineer.

My father was an engineer
when he was back in the.

So I've got like a strange, a curious
mix of kind of very fiery inquisition

mixed with sort of an, an analytical
kind of systematic system breakdown, kind

of mind of kind of working things out.

And so if somebody tells me that,
that there's no liability on a

product, then you, that, you know,
I'm gonna find out exactly why all

thing, all other things being equal.

But the fact is, as soon as you
look into that history of those

companies, you can't believe not
only have they made this particular

product that they've been firing out.

Worldwide, but the fact that any
of them are allowed to still be in

business is just absolutely be's belief.

Ryan Martin: Well, yeah, it's just cause
you know, you, you pay the right people.

You, I mean, you said before it's 30,
35 billion in the last 10 years before.

Biggest vaccine producers for
bribing officials, you know

for fraudulent science Fs.


But for, for people out there Royal.

Cause I've gotta wrap this up in a minute.

I gonna continue this conversation
hopefully face to face.

Well that to say, yeah, sure.

It's always good for people to know what's
going on so they can understand the cause.

Once you understand the debt behind
it, you can start making changes.

And this is why I always say to
people like solutions for them.

And I always try and put up every
day, you know, certain things to do

every day to keep yourself healthy.

And if what's to say to you as slightly
guest, what would be some of the things

you'd recommend for people to do on like
a daily basis or even a weekly basis

that can keep them nice and healthy on a,

Rory Marshall: on a, on a daily basis, I'd
say For me, for me, when I first got into

this, I was very much about supplements.

So I, I was like, I was
feverish about supplements, like

which supplements can I take?

P five P magnesium, L L three and eight.

How much, D three, B vitamins, methylate.

You know, I went into all these
different cascade of supplements

to try and improve things.

Like there would be a magic
switch sometimes that really

they can be really helpful.

But as you know, for me, one of the most
important things is what you take away.

So I can only give you
cuz we're all individual.

I can only give you my experience
personally, when I take away things like

unfortunately gluten, which has been my
biggest bug bear that, you know, process

bread, gluten if it's sour though,
and it's organic can be a little bit

better, but if I take away some gluten
and I would say coffee, although I enjoy

it, I, I know exactly why I enjoy it
and I know the best time to drink it.

And I know the dopamine spike and
I know the knock on effect, but I'd

say if I take away those two things.

On an average week, my week gets
a lot better if I, and, and also

if I, I would say water crest
is my number one supplement.

I absolutely, I think I don't even
really like the taste of it, but

water crest for me is one of the most
nutrient dense products of foods.

If you get decent organic water
crest with no pesticides on it.


And if you can fit that into your meals
during the day, all other things being

equal, you're getting significantly
higher levels of well, even iodine

is like probably one of the most
predominant minerals that's within

it, but you're gonna be significantly
better off than 99% of the popular

99% of where you live, because most
people wouldn't even to know about it.

So I'd say, I'd say, you know, it is,
is I'm trying to glorify something.

That's actually a simple
answer, which is just.

Vegetables and salad and make, and
a lot of raw foods and eat organic.

And don't use dangerous cooking oils,
like seed oils and you know, coconut

oils or avocado oils, my, my favorite
for, for frying or, or whatever,

and then just be balanced as well.

And don't beat yourself up if you
do, if you, if you do end up going

out and having a pizza, don't let
the guilt consume you because then

you are literally, you know, then you
are playing you're in reverse then.

So I think if I make some bad decisions or
if I go out and have a few drinks and you

know, I might drink too much or something,
cuz I live in the north of England.

So that tends to happen now.

And again I know how to mitigate
that, but I try not to judge myself.

So yeah, without, yeah, I think
those, those are probably some

of the, some of the key points.


Ryan Martin: we said about
having a drink as well.

Sometimes it's like your quality
of life is gonna be increased by

going out, having a few drinks with
someone or your friends and family.

And for that time you're having
that that's food for the soul.

That's your quality of life, but
you don't do that all the time.

And you mentioned like good foods
cutting out gluten, we know cafe.

And then I tell people saying, you
said earlier on going for a nice walk

dog or just going outside, getting
some fresh air, you know, you know,

listening to uplifting music and
getting away from the mainstream to

mainstream probably yeah, hundred

Rory Marshall: percent.

It's just, just common sense stuff.

But, but it needs reiterating, I think,
because when you do those things,

you really do you feel a difference?

Most people that I know around,
I would say where I live are not

board, even with eating organic
X food it's quite difficult.

To even come by, unless you
go to specific supermarkets.

And so they don't understand
the importance of it much.

Like I didn't you know, 10 years
ago, I didn't, I didn't get the

importance of it all whatsoever,
but I think that that's a pretty

important take home for me if I could.

I mean, it's yeah, I

Ryan Martin: was gonna say you
can always order it online though.

If you've got a shop there, things I've
really my friend Joseph, he got his

Thomas, Joseph butcher, you got that
there and they sell vegetables as well.

Even like you can get weights that
organic online, if you want, you

know, so you can always do that.

And so there are options out there
that people, I always say, if

you haven't got anything around,
you do even an online world now.

And so yeah, thing's that conversation,
not this or online, but then also detach

from the things that are just, if you find
yourself, you know, being used by your

phone or being used by the internet rather
than you using it, then that's when you,

Rory Marshall: but and also Ryan, I
just wanted to add water filtration,

which I know, I know that you'll
agree with slight the hundred percent.

Definitely, especially now with the
fluoridation and the the chemicals

that are going in even through, even
through the runoff of the rainwater.

But specifically I think everybody should
have a water filter now that worries me

as well with all the thyroid problems
and all the, the forecast illnesses that

w we presume will start to occur as we
move forward throughout this program.


I would say water
filtration is a huge one.

I should have mentioned that should
have been like the first thing.

Ryan Martin: Yeah, water filtration

Rory Marshall: water filtration and
maybe some COVID minerals or whatever.

Ryan Martin: Yeah.


Water filtrations always say,
it's not just what you add in.

It's what you subtract, you know?

And it's like taking out those.


It's heavy minerals in there.

It, all the medication that goes into
the water now people weighing it into,

into the right, as well as the, you
know, the, the chemicals that are

changing the, the, the female mal
fishing into female fish and diet.

They've seen it in the alligators,
in, in the, in Florida.

They, they, their penis isn't
actually even big enough to

impregnate the females anymore.

Cause of what's going on.

So hundred percent man, crazy.


Have to wrap it out there.


Absolutely pleasure, mate.

It was fantastic.

And we do this again and our message
when I'm back in the UK and we can,

hopefully we meet up and do it face to

Rory Marshall: face.

Yeah, for sure.

Good to, good to talk to you, Ryan.

Thanks a lot, having me.

Awesome mate.