Indie Maker Journey

Recorded on March 22, 2022.

Legos are fun and timeless. Mario’s business entity is finally formed and a business bank account is in place. Alan wants to play around a bit with the pricing model for DotPlan. We talk about the original idea for DotPlan, creating a short video pitch, dealing with landing pages, content, and UI for Japanese audience, and more.

What is Indie Maker Journey?

Two indie makers talk about building their software businesses.

Mario: Hey, Alan.

Alan: how's it going?

Mario: Good, good.

How are you doing?

Alan: I'm very well it's uh,
uh, yeah, things are going okay.

I dunno.

It's usual, like trying to, um, I'm
just juggling way too many things.

I really need to slim down my projects.

Mario: Yeah.

Alan: I think it's starting
to catch up with me.

Mario: Uh,

Alan: It's good though.

It's uh, it keeps it interesting.

There's always a lot going on.

That's something, right?

Mario: yup.


Hey, before we, uh, keep going,
I've been wanting to comment on

that space shuttle back there.

It's pretty cool.

Alan: I like it was specialty.


Yeah, it was.

Mario: or your son's?

Alan: And it's mine.

It was a birthday present, uh, at the end
of last year, um, from my wife and my son.

So it's a Lego special, it's
called the Lego, have a bunch

of like space or NASA stuff.

Um, I've got the, um, the Apollo 11 Lander
on somewhere as well as in the other room.


Mario: lunar module, the Lander.

Alan: So I think, I mean, Lego
is kind of, it's forever fun.


I don't think you can never
really get bored of it.

And so it's, uh, I think, um, that just.

Satisfying to build.

I think the interesting thing about like
this one as well and, and the lender as

well is the, um, the details that have
inside them that, you know, externally

it, you don't see it, it doesn't matter
to anybody looking at it, but, you

know, cause you put them in there, like
for instance, the, the whole landing

gear on this thing, um, if you push.

The back part of it, the
London gate will pop out.

And so there's all this internal
mechanism to, um, to make it all

eject and kind of like sits inside and
even like the, the chairs inside of

the right, um, colors that match the
original space shuttle, things like this.

So there's all this detailed inside
that like, you could look at it and

no one would ever know, but because
you built it, you know, that there's

all this detail inside of it and
it's, uh, so it's very satisfying.


Mario: Cool.

That's awesome.


I was watching a Netflix
documentary the other day.

Um, forget what It's called, but It's
all about, um, Legos and the Lego

culture and how there's a ton of adults
that play with Legos, you know, and

put stuff together and there's like a
conference or, or something like that.

And Yeah.

and the people go all out building these.

Amazing stuff like scenes
and you know, all kinds of

Alan: Seriously.

It's incredible.


I mean,

Mario: Yeah.

Alan: when my son was younger, I it's
funny because you know, when he started

to get into age, It was like, okay.

You know, we kind of graduated from
the Duplo blocks, the bigger ones.

And so it was that, hold on, I've got
like some old Lego in the, in the attics.

And my, so I dug out this box of,
you know, like 30 year old Lego and,

uh, it give it a bit of a wash and
it's the same, it's exactly the same.

It works fine.

Um, and just sitting with
him, especially when it's very

small, it's amazing how that.

Creative spark comes back to you
and it's like, I dunno, it's you

don't think you ever lose it?

It's um, it's just such a
satisfying, um, thing to do.

Um, and especially when you've
got, you know, a small child there

and you're kind of like, Hey,
look, this looks like a tree.

It's, it's very fun.

I I'm a huge Lego fan.

Mario: Yeah.


I used to love playing with Legos and
building stuff when I was a kid and

having done that ever since I was a kid.

So, um, I

Alan: when you get kids,
you're like, oh yeah.

Now I completely let go again.

Mario: yeah.


Hey, heck I don't, I wouldn't
even wait until then.

Alan: No,

Mario: go to the store and buy some Legos.

Alan: Yeah.

Just treat yourself sometime.

It's very satisfying.

Mario: It's a lot of fun.


Oh yeah.

I remember it used to be a lot of fun.

Alan: That is cool.

So how's it.


Have you done anything, on, uh, Fusioncast
lately, anything been happening or you

had been a, I know there's the problem
with, you know, juggling things, right.

As I was saying too many things
going on and it's, uh, it's tough.

Sometimes some weeks
are better than others.

Mario: Yeah.

Nothing on the product side of things,
but on the business side of things, um,

I, I got the business entity formed,

Alan: that's significant.

And that's news.


Mario: it's, uh, it's all done.

It's um, um, completed, the
whole process is completed.

There's one little thing that they still
need to I actually was with the company

that's processing the stuff for me.

I was on the phone with them
before this call and that's

why I was a little late to it.

Um, cause there was a little there was
a statement or there was, um, thing

that they needed to contact me so
that they would ask me on record and I

would provide the answer on record so
that they could put it on the form and

submit it to the state of California.

Alan: Okay.

Mario: It was like one of those
things that, uh, you know, can not

be completed unless, I'm there,

Alan: nice.


It says significant moment.

It's a, yeah, just knowing that it's,
there's nothing stopping you now, right?

Mario: Yeah.


And with that, uh, I also
applied for my bank account

Alan: oh, I can

Mario: yeah.


Cause now that I have that I can, I

Alan: But start making
some money with it, right?

Mario: Yup.


So all, moving towards that
moment that I can launch.

So it's getting there

Alan: I mean, even your trial customers,
it might be time to start saying,

so you've had it free for awhile.

Mario: right?

Alan: in.

Mario: Yeah.

Alan: It's funny, the, uh, you know,
we were mentioning, uh, like price

plants and stuff the other day.

Um, I'm kind of, um, so how did meeting
get my coworking space the other day, uh,

with, one of the people as she's helping
me with the, the Japanese landing page

and stuff, and they're also gonna help
introduce me to some local businesses that

I can kind of pitch directly to as well.

Um, and they said that they'd
been really helpful with.

One of the current customers.

I have that, you know, they introduced
them and they've been really good to help

them, helping them get things moving.

And so, uh, it, I think I mentioned, I
have like the three current plans, there's

one, the, um, unrealistic, like unlimited,
which I don't expect anybody to ever use.

I'm thinking of almost like nixing
that, just getting rid of that for

the moment, just because you know,
it's overhead and I don't expect any.

Get that if you want more, just
contact me and leave that as, as that

rather than have a prefixed option.


Mario: I see.

Alan: but on the, the other side,
I'm gonna introduce a mini version.

So I think we've talked before,
rather than doing per seat pricing.

I've just got, you know,
like 10 seats, 20 seats.

And if you need more than 20, then
contact me and, 10 is like the minimum.

Um, but because I, I think I
mentioned before, it works quite well.

If there's only if you're
using it just for yourself.


Um, I use it pretty much only me, but
it's still a very useful thing to use.

I find the, the, the
routine and the habit of it.


To me just knowing what
I'm going to work on next.

Um, and just that achievement of like,
yeah, I've got these three things done and

just having a log of the stuff that I've
done as well as is kind of nice to have.

So, um, I'm going to introduce
a mini version, which I dunno

is maybe two or three people.

and just charge as little as I can,
you know, I'm thinking like, you

know, $6, $7, something like that.

Um, whatever that fits into the, you know,
so it doesn't feel that the ten people

is too expensive or something like that.

I need to figure out, uh, I guess that
would be about $15 wouldn't it would.

but whatever I think I
can kind of, that works.

I need to think about it more, but
I, I definitely want to introduce

a, a much lower tier than it is.

Like, you know, this is fine for yourself.

And also that changed, make sure that
it's clear that it is useful for yourself.

it doesn't have to be, oh, well, if I'm
only doing this with what one or two

other people, then we don't need it.

Well, no, it may be still useful.


So, hopefully I can, get that
across in some of the copy as well.

So that's the, the pricing, play
with the pricing model a little bit and

just see, yeah, just because I think
it's, it feels a little bit high for a

single person right now, or two people.

Um, and so I just want to introduce
something that's, you know, th that

doesn't feel like a, you know, like, well,
that's, you know, I don't want to pay.

Mario: So if you go with that route, how
many plans are you going to end up with?

If you eliminate the

Alan: right.

I'm just going to stick
with the three still.

Um, I think having more than three
is just going to get confusing.

Um, and I mean, I guess I could
still think about moving to a

per user model, but I just don't
want that overhead right now.

I'd rather just keep it simple.

Um, I mean, maybe posts per person is
simple, is the most simple version.

Um, but yeah, I think I'm going to get
rid of the big one and just say colors.

Um, and then for introduce this
like mini version to go with it.

So that's my.

Fiddling because I'm in the middle
of, um, I've made a bunch of

changes to the landing page already.

so while I've been doing that, it's kind
of been on my mind that this like, yeah,

I need something that, that is more entry.

Um, and you know, in my experience as
well, the, for my experience of, of

companies adopting products, um, it's
generally for the most part come from.

The team themselves, especially this
kind of product where, um, it's kind of

aimed at smaller teams, um, potentially
startups, um, you know, not somewhere that

it's like, well, you know, we have a big
deal with, you know, a, uh, an existing

seller and we have these things and we
will be using Microsoft teams for this.

And this has to, you know, it's not
something that is, uh, gonna necessarily

be adopted by that type of company anyway.


I'd rather, it came from the
ground up, you know, it's like I

been using this, I find it useful.

We could use it as a team.

that's probably, you know, it's
a realistic entry, into a company

for DotPlan rather than trying
to aim at the top and go down.

So, um, I think having something
that, that feels, like not, not

outrageous for a single person
or a couple of people to use.


I think

Mario: Yeah, yeah,

Alan: that's my theory.


Mario: yeah.

Alan: Uh, yeah, I, uh, I also, um, I
said I had meeting with FDN about that.

Um, also they, I think I mentioned
last time, they asked me to do a, like

five to 10 minute pitch, video pitch.

Um, so I did that the other day.

Um, and I think it went okay.

It's they've put it up on YouTube.

Um, it's yeah, it, it seems okay.


Mario: Okay, cool.

Send me the link

Alan: will send you the link and it's,

Mario: Check it out.

Alan: I'm getting, I guess, uh, I feel
that my kind of pitch is becoming better.

Uh, not necessarily my presentation
that varies depending on the time of

day and how much coffee I've had, but in
terms of the, the, the structure and the

clarity of what I'm saying, I feel like.

Getting to the point now where
I don't have to think about it.

It's like, yeah, I know that the
points I want to make, I just need

to put them in the right order now.

Um, so that it's, I guess that just
comes through, you know, having done it

a few times now, um, to people or even
recording it, you know, we recorded

it a couple of times just to see if
you know, can get it better take.

and even just doing that, it's
like, yeah, I know this now.

I don't have to think about the pitch.

It's just kind of rattling it off a little
bit now, which is it's good because then I

can focus on, you know, my presentation of
it a little bit more than what I'm saying.


You know, whereas currently it's like, I
need to make sure I remember to say there.

So whereas now it's like, yeah, I know,
I know all the things I'm going to say.

I just need to make sure I say them well,

Mario: Yeah.



And are you, are you doing
that in English only?

Alan: That is an English.

They asked me to do it in English just
because it'd be more comfortable for me.

Um, so I, I'm going to give them a
Japanese translation for subtitles.

They haven't done one.

So I'm going to try and run
one to prove it through for

them, uh, save them some time.

Um, but yeah, they're going to use
that to pitch two companies that

they basically send a package.

Every, I don't know how often, um,
every now and again, to the companies

that they partner with to say, like,
these are the companies that were

startups that we're working with.

Uh, is there any that we can introduce you
to, or kind of, um, set something up with?

So this is part of their,
partnership and introduction kind

of thing that they have going.

So you'd have know
something might come from.

Mario: Yeah.

Yeah, for sure.

Alan: So it's nice that, that, that
helping me, with the structure and the

content of the landing page as well,
because I think I mentioned before

the, what is expected from a Japanese,
SAS landing page is quite different

from what you would expect from me

Mario: I remember you telling me that
they expect to see all the information

on the homepage and not multiple pages
and things broken down by sections.

Alan: No, I, it detail and information.

I mean, this just generally goes through,
I'm going to be very, uh, uh, hand-wavy

here and obviously this doesn't apply
to everybody and everything, but in

general, the trend is, Interfaces here
tend to be very information dense.

and if something isn't on the screen,
then it's like, well, doesn't it do this?

No, it is.

You just got to click on this first.

And this, that applies to the
same with landing pages and any

kind of, product documentation.

Um, and that also goes through to,
um, product guides or help systems.

you know, remember I had the video
pop-up thing, um, Every place that now

with, um, a page of, I think I've got
this about 20, how tos, for instance,

how to change your password, how to
start the timer, how to check your.

and whatever, basically a thing for each
one, I mentioned I was using Tango, to

make them, which meant, you know, me and
my wife rattled them off in a few hours.

We just got the English
and Japanese versions done.

And that's something that FDN also kind
of like, you really need that because

it's the first, if there's no manual,
guide for the product, then it be

like, well, we can't use that because.

Okay, how do we know how to use it?

Mario: Yeah.

Alan: This kind of click around and
find out does not sit well with people.

they want information there, and
say that that follows through

to the London pages as well.

The more information that you put on
it, if you don't mention it on the

landing page, they'll assume that it
doesn't do it or it doesn't exist.

So I have to be quite, information dense.

And yeah, I think you kind of, I guess I'm
used to seeing that on Japanese pages now.

So, I can kind of understand what they're
looking for a little bit better now,

whereas before I'm like, what is as though
it's too much now, like I kind of have an

idea of what they're expecting, so yeah.

I'm going to do basically, not
entirely different, but the

Japanese version will have more
than the English version for sure.

Mario: Yeah.

Would you be able to at least put all
the information on the homepage in like

a smaller chunk of that information
and then learn more and then click

Alan: Potentially.


I mean, I'm not, I I don't
feel, I absolutely have.

You know, do exactly the
same as everybody else.

So it will definitely be my version
of it, which will not put every single

piece of information on the page.

So I'm taking that as a guide
rather than, you know, um,

absolute have to it's just, yeah.


We have to make sure that we include
information that, you know, it

does these things and how it does
it, but I, you know, Like I have

to put it all on the same page.

I will probably link to it
just for my own peace of mind.

Mario: yeah, Yeah, That's
probably what I would do too.

That would be way too much to
put all, all on the homepage.

Alan: Yeah, exactly.


So, yep.

So speaking of homepages,
this is a, a curiosity.

Um, so when I, this is back before
I started doing, uh, DotPlan.

So when I left my previous.

And I'm like, okay, it's time
to do something on my own.

Uh, I started doing some freelance
work to, to pay the rent.

Um, but it's like, okay.

I, the whole, what, one of the reasons
for leaving the previous thing was okay,

it's time to do something on my own.

I need to get back into this.

So one of the products, um, that
I was going to make, I, I think

this was the, my original plan.

This was the original product.

I stuck up a landing page thing,
uh, with just a, I think it's like a

two sentence description, one or two
sentence description of what it's going

to be stuck in the mailbox in there,
and then, you know, published it and

it's like, okay, I need to, I think I
posted, I'm thinking of doing this or

this is what I'm going to do on Twitter.

And that was it.

I kind of, then the idea evolved
into something into DotPlan.

It's the core concept is similar, but.

rewind a little bit, the idea is
basically DotPlan, but for self-study.

So say for instance, I'm learning
Japanese, I'm learning to play

the guitar, um, you know, studying
I'm interested in something.

So the idea being that it's to
kind of record your journey, your

progress in learning something.


I mean, you know, I spent half an
hour studying some Kanji today.


Um, you know, yesterday I did, you
know, 15 minutes of grammar review.

So it's something just to say.

I did this, the idea being that you
can share that with other people that

are doing something similar, so have a
Japanese language community, You're of

course, everybody's learning differently.

It's not necessarily an education system,
but it's a way of just having a community

around a topic that you're interested in.

Um, and then just see where it goes.

And so that was my original core idea.

and I didn't really have the
product really clearly defined

in my mind, but that was what
the avenue I wanted to follow,

and then I kind of, I had some, I talked
to a few people who's, especially.

Th they've involved in like investment
and things like that in the city.

And uh, in, in the UK.

And th the main thing I got back
was it, there's no money in that.

I was like, that's nice,
but yeah, not gonna make any

money, at least not initially.

And, uh, you know, it's, it's one of those
that you'd have to get massive scale in

order to, for it to be worth anything.

And I'm like, well, public could be.

Mario: it sounds like a B2C type of

Alan: absolutely.

And I mean, yeah, it's, my head
is still very much in that area.

Um, you know, like I, I like
B to C products, of course.

but at the same time that
kind of pushed the like you'd

have to get into big numbers.

Sponsorship or partnership deals, and it's
not going to be a, um, you know, just side

project that could bring in some income.

Um, so you might want
to rethink like, okay.

All right.

So I, the, I mean, this is
one of the things that came

that the DotPlan came out of.


Because I had this similar,
routine in my previous jobs and

I've worked with people that the.

And the same as kind of DotPlan is
doing, having this publishing, what

I'm doing on a weekly basis or so.

And so it was like, okay, well, let's
take this idea and roll it into a team.

Um, you know, and it's, I know
it works in the work thing.

And I think that's where the, the
original idea for this product came

from was I know it works in work.

It would be nice to do
it for other things too.

So I kind of rewind back into
being a work based product.

and so.

Kind of evolved into DotPlan
over a space of a few months.

And I forgot about the landing page.

As you do.


Um, because it's just that, and
I'm at the domain came up for

renewal, a few months ago and I'm
like, oh yeah, I forgot about that.

And I'll, I'll re yeah, I guess, I guess
be honest, $20, whatever I'll renew it.

You never know.

I might think about it again sometime.

And I still like the idea and I still
want to do it, but I'm just not right now.


Mario: Right.

Alan: So the London pages.

So this is a twisty story.

This is a long way of getting
to what I'm going to say.

Um, so the London page is hosted on
umso dot com, which I use for the

DotPlan and, other landing pages.

And so the price, the plan that I'm
on is like $30 a month or $20 a month

for like three landing, three sites,
just a site builder, but it works.

It's got stuff built in for like
email lists and analytics and stuff.

So it's just a nice drag and
drop landing page builder.

I really like it and
recommended a U M S O dot com.

And, um, so I went to do, cause I
was working on the DotPlan landing

page, like the past week or so.

And I was like, oh, I'm
at the three site limit.

Um, I guess I can just delete
study space, which is the one.

Mario: the one.

that you had forgotten

Alan: Yeah, because someone clicked on it.

I'm like, oh, I guess that's got
an email list attached to it.

So I clicked on the email list
and there's like 150 signups

or something, including it's.

And the graph is zip like that.

It's flat since I announced it.

But in the past, like three months,
it's like, it's got that curve going on.

And like, in the past three days
or so three or four days, it's

been like six or seven per days
leaving their email address.

I'm like, okay, what, what
the hell did I come from?

Mario: Interesting.

Alan: got a cog, cog is going in my head.

Like maybe that's what I do.

So I didn't delete the site.

funnily enough.

and now, uh, yeah, I'm, I'm
kind of more than anything.

I'm just curious as to like, why,
how will people now finding this?

Because it's been flat for 18
months, you know, like a year

it's just been completely flat.

And in the past, like two, two
months, it's suddenly started to

get more and more signups every day.

And I'm like, what, what
the hell's going on there?

Um, so I need to look at that sometime.

Mario: Yeah.

And are these confirmed signups?

Is there, is there a confirmation

Alan: Uh, actually there's not,
but they all look respectable

signups as in they're all like that,

Mario: Hey look

Alan: legit

look like spammy ones.

That's for sure.



So, I mean, it's possible.

They are all spam ones and fine, you
know, it's just, it's a red herring,

but at the same time they, they looked
legit and um, now I'm like, okay,

maybe I should at least do something.

More with the email, as in, maybe
I should send out something like a

responder email just to confirm something.

So, yeah, I'm kind of
curious about that now.

Mario: Yeah.

Something like, uh, what, you know,
what prompted you to sign up what,

you know, what's going on in your life

Alan: Exactly.


That's exactly what I was thinking know
try and get some information about, well,

you know, who's signing up and why they're
signing up and what are they looking for?

Because it is kind of vague
about what it says on the site.


But it also gets across what I think
that the application is trying to do.

It says like, like a learning
community, um, share your

progress or something like that.

Um, so yeah, I'm kinda like.

Mario: well,

Alan: course I do not need
another project as well.

You're supposed to me, Mario,
that's what you're supposed to say.

That was your prompt, right?

That you say don't even think about Alan.

Mario: Yeah.

that's true.

Um, Yeah, for sure.

You know, well, you already have another
one going on at the same time with,

uh, you know, with the business cards.

Alan: Oh yeah.

That was really.

Mario: yeah, so, so I don't think
you need another line, so for sure.

That's what, uh, that's
what I'm going to tell you.

Alan: Wise words that very sensible.

Mario: You, yeah.

Uh, I mean, if you explore, That
idea, like you said, send an

email and ask and just kind of,

Alan: sounds reasonable.

Mario: you know yeah.

that I've, I would, I would
say that's reasonable.

You can do that.

Cause it's not going to
take you a long time, But.

if you're going to start building a
product, that's not gonna work very well.

It's gonna,

Alan: to work.


Mario: it's gonna, it's gonna
take you away from your, your main

focus, which should be DotPlan

Alan: Right.

I mean, the interesting thing about
DotPlan is, you know, I've kind of

got to be careful that it's actually
getting to the point now where, um,

it's that there's no reason apart
from finding customers for this.

There's nothing that it doesn't
do that I feel it absolutely

has to do, or there's no real.

Apart from just getting
more customers for it.

Um, again, there's a million
things I wanted to do, but they

don't have to be there right now.

it's, it's a complete,
product as it stands.

so yeah, but of course, that also means
that's the, I've got to be careful because

that's the bit where my brain goes.

Yeah, it's done now.

Well, it was it, what's interesting.

Now it's not a technical
challenge anymore.

It's a marketing and sales challenge.

And, and I know that's not the bit,
which gets my brain all excited.

So I'm kind of trying to
force myself into that,

you know, how it is, you know?


Mario: Yup.


I know the feeling.

My dog is barking

Alan: What's his name?


Mario: the background, barley.

Alan: Ali Barkley multis.

I think I have some cartoon Bali.

That's it?

Mario: Yeah.

Every time, every time he sees
people walking by outside.

Alan: I hope you don't
live in a busy street.

Mario: No, it's not, it's not a
busy street at all, but there is

a school nearby and every well,
right now, it's past that time.

It must be just some people walking
by, but, uh, normally around, you

know, middle of the afternoon when
school lets out and all the kids

are walking by, um, yeah, he starts.

Alan: Uh, very exciting type.

Mario: Yeah.

And there are some steps by the window
and he, he has a spot there where he can

just perch himself just to look out the
window and starts barking at everyone that

Alan: they sell to the other kids?


Mario: Yeah,


Oh, well, and it's hard
to get rid of that habit.

We've tried all kinds of
things, but it's just,

Alan: he's excited.

He's happy

Mario: yeah.

Alan: other people.

Mario: Yeah.


Alan: It is a retriever

Mario: he's a golden retriever.


Alan: They're excitable.

Mario: Oh Yeah.


And the funny thing is that he's,
he's the most loving dog ever.

He loves kids and people in general,
like he he's a people dog, right.

He doesn't care much for other
dogs, but he, he loves people.

And, uh, the, the people that he's barking
out from the window, if, if we were to.

Open the door and just
let him approach them.

He just melts because he wants pets.

He wants to, you know, he wants attention.

Alan: But if they're over there,
I'm going to shout at them.


Mario: yeah, exactly.

And so, you know people might think
he's like a, like an aggressive dog

or something, cause he's barking,
but he's, he's the most loving dog

ever and all he wants is attention.

So go figure.


Alan: Yeah.

He just wants that's all.


Mario: Yeah, exactly.

Oh, one thing that, uh, I did
spend quite a bit of time this past

week is, doing podcast editing.

Alan: I noticed is lots of files
there for me to get stuck into.


Mario: yeah.

so we're pretty much caught up finally
with all the backlog of episodes.

There's only one more one to the last one.

The one we recorded two weeks ago

Alan: Oh, why would that, that caught up?


So I think we kind of mentioned
this on MegaMaker or something.

I, it kind of could be fun to
maybe not dump them all at once,

but at least do a reasonably, fast
schedule of getting all these out.

So we are actually up to date as in
we're publishing, after we record them.


Mario: Yeah, exactly.

Alan: of having this backlog.

Mario: Yeah.


my plan is going forward.


do editing right away after we record.

and just have it ready for you,
within 24, 48 hours max, so that

you can, publish as soon as you can.


Alan: we should do that.

Um, so basically what you're saying is
Alan, you've got some work to do and get

all these notes written up and published.

Mario: I mean, with these, with
these, that, uh, we have a backlog.


It's going to be a little
bit of word because

Alan: Yeah.

I mean,

Mario: all those out.

Alan: it'd be nice to yeah.

Let let's, uh, to, to at least get,
a couple of queued up so we can just

push them out to every, I mean, even
if it's, you know, once a week for the

next few weeks, it'd be nice to, yeah.

Start getting them out.

And maybe that maybe
that's not a bad idea.

Maybe just publish once a week for
the next, uh, I think that'd be

like three or four weeks or so.

Mario: Yeah.

Yeah, that sounds good.

But then the question becomes, what
do we do with the current ones?

If we publish those once
a week kind of thing,

Alan: Yeah.

Mario: then these that
we're recording, like,

Alan: It's every two weeks, right?

Mario: Yeah.


Alan: I think we can drop back down
to a two weeks unless there's, you

know, some, um, uh, we figured out some
way to keep that weekly thing going.

Um, neither split it.

Do mini ones or something, but I think
just getting up to speed would be,

cause if we publish these ones out at
one, every two weeks, it's going to

take us forever to get up to speed.

Isn't it.

Mario: Yeah.


Um, yeah, that's what I was thinking.

Alan: And plus it might help, um, just
the, the, having that frequency could

be interesting to see about what effect
it has on subscribers to just, um, and

then see if dropping down to one every
two weeks has any negative effect or

let's just play it by ear, I'd say,

Mario: Yeah.

So then we would hold off on publishing
the ones that we are recording now, like

this one and the one so-so this one.

Even if we, if I edit it now, We
wouldn't publish it until we're caught up

Alan: Ah, I see what you're saying.

Are you saying we could effectively,
um, well I guess that's the

other alternative, isn't it?

Is that rather I was thinking we just
kind of try and catch up over the next,

like two, you know, uh, uh, probably
could take a couple of months, so

wouldn't it to get back up to speed.

Mario: yeah.


Alan: I'll just do like
a bulk dump every day.

You let new episodes.

Mario: Yeah, that's what I was

Alan: thinking

mean, that's still takes us
two weeks to get up to two or

three weeks to get up to speed.

Mario: Yeah, but at least that, that
would get us caught up a lot quicker

Alan: Yup.


Mario: If we do like one per day

Alan: I have no problem with doing that.

And then if

Mario: I I'm thinking that that
would, that would probably be better.

I mean, it's, it's more work,
but, but it would be fun, and it

would get us caught up more quickly.

Alan: would be nice to be
publishing these after we've.

Mario: Yeah.


That's my goal.

I don't want to get, I don't want
to get 'em behind like that anymore.

This was, Yeah, It's cause it's a lot
of work to, to, you know, have them

pile up and then go back and have to,
you know, dig ourselves from that hole.

Every, you know, it's, it's a lot
easier if we just do it right away.

Alan: exactly.

It's done.

And plus, you know, that, that means
we can do more timely episodes.

So if there's something that, you
know, we're working on, that is

actually, you know, let's just the
sooner we get caught up the better.

So, um, yeah.

Let's, let's do that.

I'll okay.

I'll get the first one published later
today and the next one maybe tomorrow.

Mario: Alright.

Sounds good.


I'm going to finish editing the last
one, which is the last from the backlog.

And then I'll edit this one.

Alan: Cool.

All right.

I know what I'm doing
this afternoon, then.

Mario: hopefully it doesn't
take you it too long.

Alan: No, no, it's not too bad.

Although it a low, you know, the
pain yourself of, uh, listening

to yourself is unpleasant.

I think I'm getting, I'm actually
getting a little bit more

used to hearing my own voice.

I think this is, this
does get easier over time.

I thought it was literally impossible,
but especially with, these pictures

that I've been recording, you know,
recording a couple of takes and then

watching them back and things I'm.

I can hear myself as an outsider
a little bit better now, and it

doesn't sound like me speaking.

It's just somebody speaking who
sounds a little bit like myself, um,

Mario: Yeah.

I was going to say, uh, also
with all the editing that I've

been doing, I feel the same way.

I'm getting a little more used
to hearing my own voice still.

Alan: as it was.


Mario: Yeah.

It's still is a little
bit, but not as bad.


Alan: Cool.

Let's let's do that then.

All right.

So I will that's that's my job.

I'm on the

Mario: right.

Sounds good.

So, uh, should we wrap it up here?

Alan: Let's do it.

Mario: Keep it, keep it
short and, uh, Yeah, Yeah.

That's another goal.

Keeping it around 30
minutes ish, would be great.

Alan: I agree.

Mario: it takes less editing.

It takes less time and yeah.



Alan: Excellent.

Mario: All right, Alan.


Uh, again, that was, that
was fun as always Yeah.

Take care and, uh, I'll see
you in a couple of weeks.

Alan: Cheers, man.

Mario: All right.

See ya.