Dentists, Puns, and Money


In this episode of 'Dentists, Puns and Money', host Shawn Terrell returns after a long hiatus due to health issues, specifically two strokes he experienced in June 2023. He discusses his recovery journey and outlines the new format of the podcast, which will focus on solo episodes and the intersection of life and financial planning for dentists. Shawn emphasizes the importance of sharing his personal health story as part of his narrative moving forward, aiming to connect with listeners on a deeper level.


Shawn Terrell returns to podcasting after a year-long break.
He experienced two strokes in June 2023, impacting his life significantly.
The podcast will focus on solo episodes for the time being.
Future topics will integrate life experiences with financial planning.
Shawn aims to share his health journey to connect with listeners.
He emphasizes the importance of understanding personal stories in professional contexts.
The podcast will now include video content alongside audio.
Regularity in podcast releases is a priority moving forward.
Shawn wants to weave personal experiences into financial discussions.
He expresses gratitude to listeners for their support.

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dentistry, podcast, financial planning, health journey, personal story, life intersection, near-death experience, solo podcast, podcast format, dentist exit planning

What is Dentists, Puns, and Money?

Dentists, Puns, and Money is a podcast focused on two things: The financial topics relevant to dentists leaving clinical practice and the stories and lessons of dentists who have already done so.

1. The stories of dentists who have transitioned from full-time clinical dentistry.

2. The financial topics that are relevant for dentists making that transition.

If you’re a dentist thinking about your exit from clinical, and you’d like to learn from the experiences of other dentists who have made that transition, be sure to subscribe to your favorite podcast app.

Host Shawn Terrell also dives deep into the many financial components of exiting dentistry, including tax reduction strategies and how to live off your assets.

And, we try to keep it light by mixing in a bad joke… or two.

Please note: Dentists, Puns, and Money was previously known as The Practice Growth Podcast until March 2022.

Shawn Terrell (00:03.126)
Welcome to Dentists, Puns and Money, I am your host, Shawn Terrell, and it has been a few months since our last podcast. More than a year. Well, not more than a year. It has been a little while since our last podcast. So back today with an update on things moving forward. want to cover three things in the podcast today. Number one, where I've been and why the podcast has sort of...

been infrequent at best and nonexistent since April of 2024. Number two, what the podcast is going to look like moving forward in terms of the format. And number three, the different topics we'll cover on the podcast moving forward in the near future. So let's start with number one, where I've been. So there has not been a podcast release since I think April of 2024. And prior to that, they were pretty infrequent for the last nine months before that.

And if you were paying really close attention, you probably saw that there was some repeat episodes released from the previous years. So this is the first podcast recording that I've done in more than a year. And the reason for that is in June of 2023, I had two strokes completely out of nowhere. The first stroke at the time seemed pretty bad, but in hindsight, wasn't really that bad.

The second stroke that I had, which came less than a week later after the first stroke, was pretty bad. Like, I woke up in the ICU. That's how bad it was. And probably lucky to still be here bad. So, I'm back. I've been recovering for the last year, more than a year, 16 months, I think, since I had everything happen, and I'm ready to start podcasting again. So, here we go. Topic number two.

is what the format of the podcast is going to look like moving forward, at least in the near future. And so I'm going to start off by just doing solo podcasts and try to keep them pretty short. in the past, we've had guests a lot of the time, or at least some of the time to talk about different topics within dentistry. But I don't think I'm going to have any guests on the podcast in the short term, just to kind of keep things simple and

Shawn Terrell (02:27.563)
keep it easy moving forward.

Shawn Terrell (02:35.026)
In the past, I published about every other week, and I'm going to try to keep to that schedule moving forward, at least getting one out there every couple of weeks or at least a couple of months to try to get some sort of regularity back with the podcasting schedule. And number three, if you are watching on video, you already know this, but in the past, my podcast was audio only. As I sort of restarted here and refresh it,

I'm going to put it out on video as well. So if you're watching on YouTube, thank you. If you're listening to the audio version of the podcast as you have in the past and you want to watch it on YouTube or to me, want to watch it on video, go to our YouTube page, which is just search for Dentist Exit Planning and should pop up on YouTube. And if you want to help out the algorithm, you can follow along as well. So.

That's sort of the topics as it relates to the new format moving forward. Number three, what I'll talk about, the topics moving forward. I still want it to be focused on dentistry and how dentists should handle the financial component of exiting from clinical practice. However, I think I tried to this in the past, but in light of what's happened to me in the last year or so, I'm going to try to really probably focus more on this moving forward.

How do we weave in life to the financial component as well? Like how do you want your money to intersect what you want out of life? And when you have a near -death experience as I have had, and I probably didn't call it that right away, but I've gotten more comfortable calling what happened a near -death experience recently, I think it sort of forms your thoughts on how you want

your money and your life to sort of intersect moving forward and it's part of my story. So I think I'll try to weave those things together in what I talk about moving forward. at least in the short term, everything subject to change, but that's kind of where I want to start and go with the first few episodes related to that. And I went back and forth on this one. I am going to talk about for the next couple episodes, what happened to me in terms of my health and the strokes and

Shawn Terrell (04:59.879)
I don't know if I'll give you a complete play by play, but more detailed explanation or version of events than I'm going to do today. Just what happened and I don't know if it helps anyone out there or not, but I went back and forth as to whether anyone would care, whether that was applicable to finances and money. But I also thought that, you know, it's part of my story now and I would want anyone that I work with moving forward to have a full understanding of what happened to me.

if they want to work with me in the future just so there's nothing that they don't know about and that might make some people not want to work with me moving forward or maybe I don't know how it makes people feel but at any rate I want to tell my story I want to do it my own words and I thought that my podcast would be the best place to do that so if you don't care at all I understand it's not related to money or won't be much related to money

the next few episodes, but if you do care and you kind of want to hear what happened, pretty open book about it, then the next couple episodes will be about that. And a lot of people, this will probably be a surprise to you because some people definitely know what happened health -wise to me in June of 2023, but a lot of people that have listened to the podcast probably do not know that. So I'm going to lay it all out there in the coming episodes.

Let me know what you think. Anyways, that's about all I have to say for today. Again, thanks for following along. And if you're listening again, thanks for being a subscriber and I will try to keep things moving forward in the future. Again, thanks for being here and thanks for being with me on the journey. And I'm rambling now because I'm pretty raw at this. haven't done it in a while. So we'll talk to you again soon.

Shawn Terrell