You're Wrong

You're *definitely* wrong if you think you know what each YW host thought of it, though.

Show Notes

Our favourite nerds sat down to discuss their opinions about Free Guy, using their now tried-and-true movie review format, and said opinions were... unexpected, let's say... coming from said nerds.


Please consider supporting Chris, Luciano, Matt and Spencer during the Extra Life charity event this year! For more information about Extra Life or to donate, follow the links on their names, or check out the You're Wrong homepage.

Creators & Guests

Bespectacled comic nerd
Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...
Full Time Host, Part time everything else
Recurring guest host extraordinaire

What is You're Wrong?

You're Wrong is on permanent hiatus, but Chris, Luciano, Matt and Spencer aren't! They have a new podcast, dedicated (almost) exclusively to movies, called Popcorn & Plot Holes. Come listen to their ramblings at or anywhere you get your podcasts from!

[hosty_matt]: Hello, wel comee back to your wrong. I hope you all enjoyed that brand new

[hosty_matt]: opening music. Um. Because Spencer made it, and if he didn't enjoy it, he's go

[hosty_matt]: to have his feelings hurt really badly.

[matts_butt]: No, I know they loved it.

[buddy]: Share the love twe us about it. What did you think of the new of the new digs, the

[buddy]: new acoustic digs, the new auditory digs inside your ear canals.

[cobra]: Jesus Christ, Chris, Ted, crazy already. that's great.

[matts_butt]: Feel like you said Dig so many times the word lost its meaning. digs

[buddy]: I can do that. I can di it.

[matts_butt]: digs.

[hosty_matt]: You. He's bringing it back. Um, So I would have introduce you all, but you've

[hosty_matt]: all spoken. so

[cobra]: Yeah, but

[hosty_matt]: we're moving on.

[cobra]: nobody knows who we are.

[hosty_matt]: I don't know. Maybe this is the first time listening. you know the hot new

[hosty_matt]: music. It's a brand new middle of the month. It's hard to say what's happening.

[matts_butt]: Ma, got rid of everyone and started afresh.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, all new people. Im

[buddy]: I'm Kt

[hosty_matt]: like the guy from Days of the New, I keep firing my band and hiring new ones.

[buddy]: who are

[hosty_matt]: So this week we thought we'd go back and watch another movie and talk about it

[hosty_matt]: and we opted to pick Uh, the Disney phenomenon known as Free Guy, mostly because

[hosty_matt]: it was well free to watch on Disney Plus

[cobra]: A,

[hosty_matt]: W.

[cobra]: not prepaid but close enough

[hosty_matt]: Well, it's like it's not a Yeah. I guess it's prepaidest.

[cobra]: extra is not extra cost. That that's good enough.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, We're not spending thirty nine, ninety nine to

[hosty_matt]: to watch it or

[cobra]: Oh, Jesus. yeah.

[buddy]: not my money

[hosty_matt]: whatever, The The prices.

[buddy]: rich. my digital blood,

[hosty_matt]: Not that that's uh, not. the. Chris is seeing what he thinks about it. ▁ quitet,

[hosty_matt]: we'll get to that in a minute. Um, but yeah, we watched it. Um, If you haven't

[hosty_matt]: watched it and you're listening to this episode, I mean, come on, man you, you,

[hosty_matt]: You

[cobra]: strange.

[hosty_matt]: saw the title. You make your choice. You're stuck first. as always, we like to

[hosty_matt]: just give a really high level rating of what we thought of the movie. Uh, Using

[hosty_matt]: our patented system of what is it At? Vendor trash all the way to Legendary,

[hosty_matt]: It's

[cobra]: yp.

[hosty_matt]: on the website.

[buddy]: Mhm,

[hosty_matt]: Still right. I'm going

[hosty_matt]: explain it again. So look on the webite You figure as we talk, Um, who would

[cobra]: it. Yeah, it's still there.

[hosty_matt]: like to give us their rating first?

[cobra]: I think we should just randomize it.

[hosty_matt]: Oh great idea. Uh, let me hit that randizer button real quick.

[hosty_matt]: Looks like it iss going to be the Luciano

[cobra]: those. Okay. Which one?

[cobra]: Oh, the let me go get him. Um,

[cobra]: so, uh, My reading for this movie is rare

[cobra]: on the cusp of epic, Because it it it. It would have to have an. an. an extra. Um, to

[cobra]: be epic, but I really enjoy it. It was a lot of fun. Um,

[cobra]: all of the online gaming Trooppes uses and abuses them, and it's awesome like I. I. I

[cobra]: found myself going back and re watching scenes whenever they're paantning back to to

[cobra]: Ryan Reynolds. There's always some Shanagans happening on the background that I, I

[cobra]: find myself myself going back and watching them again, lefting my ass off. So yeah,

[cobra]: it's uh. it's a fun movie. I would watch it again. I, I think just to catch more

[cobra]: references and uh, yeah, I recommend it if uh again, like Matt says, If you were

[cobra]: listening to this and you haven't watched it, Um, I mean go watch it. I guess

[hosty_matt]: Strong recommendation.

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Go watch it. I guess

[matts_butt]: what you?

[buddy]: Wow,

[buddy]: vilyicism,

[hosty_matt]: I know right.

[buddy]: the ▁lyricism

[matts_butt]: Theyll go back I on the back of the V Hs right there.

[cobra]: listen.

[hosty_matt]: I think so.

[cobra]: this is me. Why what Mar? do you express? Do you expect

[buddy]: Luc With with the photo with a a tight shot of of the Luciano, just like

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: cock to a three quarter,

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: With this T with his turtle neck up to up to y, you can't see mem,

[buddy]: and

[hosty_matt]: real high

[buddy]: he's just got.

[matts_butt]: know it does look. It does look good.

[buddy]: You've got all that positivity. You know he looks good. He

[buddy]: looks really good. He looks good. I will.

[matts_butt]: Hm. keep that jurtle neck up. brush the episode.

[buddy]: I

[hosty_matt]: y. He's got a slight shrug. though to to symbolize the, I guess

[buddy]: will's. like he's been working on his traps all year.

[buddy]: will's. like he's been working on his traps all year.

[buddy]: will's. like he's been working on his traps all year.

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: Yeah, go watch it. I guess,

[hosty_matt]: like a thumbs up and shrugs.

[cobra]: you know? Fuck all? all,

[buddy]: You look great.

[hosty_matt]: No, you look right.

[matts_butt]: Do you you? you all know I don't work on my traps.

[matts_butt]: Do you you? you all know I don't work on my traps.

[buddy]: Well, talking about the Luciano on the back of the Vs.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, Yeah, that one does.

[matts_butt]: He would do it for that.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, for the back of the v, Um,

[buddy]: He targeted those muscles.

[hosty_matt]: Spencer. let's let's get your take on this movie.

[matts_butt]: Well, um, I thought it was a fun movie. It was. Uh,

[matts_butt]: okay,

[buddy]: Uh,

[matts_butt]: I, I liked some parts. I thought I didn't. really. I. I found the humor didn't

[matts_butt]: land for me very much. I wasn't like. it's like it's not like Ha. How funny.

[matts_butt]: It's kind of like you know, like we were actually laughing aloud. It's more like

[matts_butt]: you know, man. No, it's funny like that, kind of uh, funny. So I gave it a uh

[matts_butt]: uncommon.

[matts_butt]: So, as it says on our uh website that means the. it's uh. It isn't great, but it

[matts_butt]: won't suck and it gets the job done of entertaining you, And I say that is

[matts_butt]: pretty apt to this movie. I was entertained, but like I think I forgot most of

[matts_butt]: the movie, So that'll be on the back of my v. h. S. review. I. I was

[matts_butt]: entertained, but I forgot about most of the movie.

[cobra]: they just Spencers picture and like the cod is, it's a movie. Spencer.

[matts_butt]: It's a mo, And and I'm just like Sh, I, I'm I. I have my elbows on a table and

[matts_butt]: my my fist underneath my chin going. Hm,

[buddy]: no,

[matts_butt]: it's a movie.

[buddy]: and he's not looking at the camera. It's off

[buddy]: in a different

[matts_butt]: Yeah, yeah,

[cobra]: Yeah, yeah,

[buddy]: direction because he doesn't want to make eye contactscause. he fucked up. who's

[matts_butt]: yeah,

[buddy]: next

[buddy]: Mat myself? Did the randomzer tell us who's next?

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, are you taking over for hosting this week from Spencer?

[matts_butt]: yeah. What the Fox?

[buddy]: I'm just

[cobra]: wow,

[buddy]: asking a question.

[matts_butt]: I'm the host.

[buddy]: I'm excited and

[cobra]: he. he.

[buddy]: I'm and I, I look to you,

[cobra]: He's so jealous of that position.

[buddy]: host Matt, with all the reverence,

[matts_butt]: hold on, Chris.

[buddy]: No, I'm not.

[cobra]: Wow,

[matts_butt]: Let me

[hosty_matt]: Well,

[matts_butt]: handle this. Who

[hosty_matt]: Oh

[matts_butt]: do we have next? I think Uh, up next is Chris. As that's what I determined that

[matts_butt]: host. Chris. Take it away.

[hosty_matt]: great job host.

[buddy]: I am a penitent.

[matts_butt]: I didn't ask you a god damn thing, Ma,

[buddy]: I am a penitent guest on

[buddy]: In the In the shadow of Hosty Matt. Okay, you know, such hits include Swedish mat.

[buddy]: Uh, that was. That was a great time. You know. Uh. so yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: Okay, my rating. I would actually

[buddy]: say you should all be ashamed of yourselves. Um, I'm going to. I'm

[matts_butt]: no

[buddy]: going to coursears, correct this entire conversation, you rat bastards. this was

[buddy]: vennderjitting, epic,

[cobra]: I thought

[buddy]: epic epic.

[cobra]: I'll

[matts_butt]: epic.

[cobra]: yeah. Wow. Okay.

[buddy]: For me, it was

[matts_butt]: Wow,

[buddy]: epic. Yes, for me was epic. Um.

[buddy]: I, I didn't quite know. I didn't quite know if I felt I felt going into it that I

[buddy]: would feel a lot like you did, Spencer

[matts_butt]: Mhm,

[buddy]: that I was. It'd be just like a lot of repetitive tropes, Uh, the jokes that we've

[buddy]: come to expect. But then I mean how how sport like spoiler like spoiler alerts

[buddy]: already even been stated right. We can just go ham now,

[cobra]: of course, yeah,

[buddy]: can't we great?

[hosty_matt]: I'll love it.

[buddy]: So thank you, Um, so the minute we we realiz we realized that like Free Guy is

[buddy]: trapped, and then blah blah blah, Um, and the pacing set out the way that it was

[buddy]: especially

[buddy]: how it kind of flipped for me, and I was really hoping that they wouldn't force a

[buddy]: guy's character into Uh, into a weird romantic path. A arc with Um, The The, The, the

[buddy]: lead female character. I can't remember her name.

[cobra]: Muo. girl,

[buddy]: Does anyone remember thank you,

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: Motv girl? Um, you know it,

[buddy]: that arc in and of itself, Sure it. it triggered his evolution, and so on. But but

[buddy]: what? what really made it epic for me was the friendship between Guy and buddy.

[buddy]: Like those moments really really tenderized my, my callousness, and like just the

[buddy]: love they had for each other as bestes. Oh my God, So I,

[buddy]: I. I'm ready to to draw blood.

[buddy]: Those who do not who, who do not rank epican and Hi,

[hosty_matt]: Oh,

[buddy]: seek my wrath,

[hosty_matt]: that's who you're going to murder. Cool. No, that makes sense.

[matts_butt]: I don't.

[hosty_matt]: murders Alwayvious. the waiter. Sorry, it's not murder. It's just strong blood.

[hosty_matt]: murders Alwayvious. the waiter. Sorry, it's not murder. It's just strong blood.

[buddy]: not murder. I' going to murder any of y.

[hosty_matt]: I guess technically

[hosty_matt]: I guess technically

[buddy]: Well, you know what I take that back. I shall draw blood. It could be a prick. It

[buddy]: could be a slice like it could

[hosty_matt]: that's

[buddy]: be red. red wedding level.

[matts_butt]: Oh, Oh, you're a brick. All right E,

[buddy]: Well, well,

[hosty_matt]: Ilthough. We left that on the last episode.

[matts_butt]: sorry, sorry, I take that back. I, I don't like your, your positivity and

[matts_butt]: happiness, and I see to destroy it

[hosty_matt]: Thank you. that is much better.

[matts_butt]: on that note. Mat. What did you think of the movie As host? I'm asking.

[buddy]: oh my god, shots fired.

[hosty_matt]: Well, thank you, Uh, no, this is good. I really appreciate you you hosting. Um.

[hosty_matt]: it really shows the listens. The difference between Um, somebody who's a good

[hosty_matt]: host and someone who tries to hijack a show. Anyways,

[matts_butt]: Mhm.

[hosty_matt]: moving on. Um,

[cobra]: she's the guys in a room.

[matts_butt]: The good, the good host, being myself, Obviously in this situation go ahead,

[hosty_matt]: Yep, no, we don't. We don't eat a room. We already hung out for a very long time

[matts_butt]: take it away.

[hosty_matt]: on the weekend.

[hosty_matt]: Um and Tom sayy too long. Our wives definitely said too long alone in the

[matts_butt]: some say too long.

[hosty_matt]: bedroom. But anyways, no moving on. Um, I am going to agree with the other hos

[hosty_matt]: on the show that. I also thought it was uncommon.

[buddy]: Hm.

[hosty_matt]: I enjoyed it, but I don't know if I would need to watch it again. I got what I

[hosty_matt]: needed out of it. I had a fun time. you know that they. They played well with

[hosty_matt]: the the jokes. It. it's shocking for Remo, a movie about making video games

[hosty_matt]: about video games. It was well done, but it's not something I feel the need to

[hosty_matt]: rewatch or or really dive deeply in on, so that's why I would put it as

[hosty_matt]: uncommon. I don't. I think it was good, but I watched it had a good time. and

[hosty_matt]: uh, I'm moving on with my life.

[matts_butt]: Another ▁quote. for the v h S box,

[matts_butt]: I wa

[matts_butt]: I. I watched it and I'm moving on with my life.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: So so we have four ▁quotes for this movie right, I think that's fair. We have.

[hosty_matt]: uh. I, I guess it was okay. I guess it was good.

[cobra]: it was

[matts_butt]: No,

[cobra]: great. I guess it was great. I guess

[hosty_matt]: It was great. I guess yes,

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Um, and then we also have I loved it. I will draw blood

[buddy]: Yes,

[matts_butt]: for it.

[cobra]: yp.

[buddy]: I will blood for it.

[hosty_matt]: for it.

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Um, and then we have. Uh,

[cobra]: it's a movie.

[hosty_matt]: What was what was yours? It's

[matts_butt]: it's a movie.

[hosty_matt]: a movie. It's a movie.

[matts_butt]: It's a movie.

[hosty_matt]: I watched it. I moved

[hosty_matt]: out. I'm moving out with my life.

[matts_butt]: I forg and I forgot about it. Yeah, that' also it.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Y. it's a

[buddy]: Oh,

[hosty_matt]: movie. I forgot about it.

[buddy]: I would like to submit my revision to my v. ▁quote, I

[hosty_matt]: Okay,

[buddy]: shall prac, I sha. I shall practice my stabbing as I draw blood from those who who

[buddy]: disagree with my rating.

[hosty_matt]: that's that's way too wordy. We're not

[matts_butt]: Yeah, yeah,

[hosty_matt]: going to be able to fit down

[cobra]: yeah,

[hosty_matt]: in the back of the box.

[buddy]: but my laugh,

[matts_butt]: it's a bit wordy

[buddy]: the Reberto, the Reberto,

[hosty_matt]: sorry, sorry, Roberto.

[cobra]: no, no, it won't. It won't translate into text. I'm sorry.

[buddy]: it

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: shall,

[hosty_matt]: no,

[matts_butt]: just now. the V h.

[hosty_matt]: segu.

[matts_butt]: S special just will just write.

[matts_butt]: not at all' a little fit.

[hosty_matt]: that's better. That's better

[cobra]: Like in a different in a different font or something.

[cobra]: Like in a different in a different font or something.

[buddy]: and then drop a a bitly,

[buddy]: a bit le, ▁url. To my full review.

[matts_butt]: Yes,

[hosty_matt]: Al right. moving on. We've beat the horse dead.

[hosty_matt]: Al right. moving on. We've beat the horse dead.

[hosty_matt]: I'm going to

[hosty_matt]: ask an open question. Here, the movie the movie is dead, I went. I'm going to

[matts_butt]: we're talking about the movie.

[hosty_matt]: ask there was a horse and there wasn't. uh, no, I'm going to ask you a question.

[hosty_matt]: It's It's a free fro. All question. whoever feels the need to jump in here, jump

[hosty_matt]: in. Um, who do you think the best character in the movie was?

[cobra]: Well, I think Chris gives us our answer already.

[hosty_matt]: Did he?

[buddy]: Buddy.

[cobra]: Yeah, isn't it?

[buddy]: Well, I like the two of them would say he' the best character.

[cobra]: I see what you mean. The bromance. That's what

[buddy]: the Promance,

[cobra]: you like right.

[matts_butt]: I, I can't even remember any characters in the movie.

[buddy]: shame on you.

[matts_butt]: There's the mate. there', the main guy

[matts_butt]: and there's the girl

[buddy]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: and the

[hosty_matt]: y?

[matts_butt]: computer guy.

[matts_butt]: right.

[cobra]: Did you watch it like last year?

[buddy]: there's more than that

[matts_butt]: Oh, oh no, and I told you I, It's a forgettable movie. I've forgot most

[cobra]: It's not

[matts_butt]: of the details. I wasn't I

[buddy]: dude.

[matts_butt]: wasn't ▁lying. Oh yeah,

[buddy]: Okay,

[matts_butt]: and the bad guy was Uh

[matts_butt]: taika. Wat, T.

[cobra]: taco?

[cobra]: Hes close. Like's funny ant.

[buddy]: Yeah, Did

[matts_butt]: He's

[buddy]: you see how they spelt his

[cobra]: Yeah,

[buddy]: name? Aunt One.

[cobra]: and one? Yeah,

[buddy]: Oh God,

[cobra]: terrible, Yeah,

[buddy]: I was quite.

[buddy]: I was quite caught off guard by

[buddy]: Um, the lackey,

[buddy]: so Molatov girls lause

[cobra]: mouse mouse right, no mouse

[buddy]: his name.

[cobra]: name, Mous or something like that,

[hosty_matt]: this is awkward. moving on looking up. You keep talking, our looking up so we

[cobra]: So I,

[hosty_matt]: don't sound so

[buddy]: Yeah,

[cobra]: I have.

[hosty_matt]: brutal.

[cobra]: I don't. I don't want to just say guy, just cause it's ryinyinods. but that would end

[cobra]: being my pick just because I love Ryn Rayd so much.

[cobra]: But like not picking the main character. I think I would pick. Buddy, Actually is

[cobra]: just just funny and heartwarming on the same packages.

[buddy]: well, great, he is the greatest security guard of all

[buddy]: timem.

[cobra]: Yeah, yeah,

[matts_butt]: yeah, like I, I'd like to pick Ryan Reynolds too, but like I like Ryan mards a

[matts_butt]: lot, but I feel like him playing himself has sort of hit a wall for me. It's

[matts_butt]: just like I find his like same character

[matts_butt]: getting a little derivative. It's like especially after Dead Pool where it's

[matts_butt]: like he does it with like more

[matts_butt]: like edge. Now this seems just like a like, a a tone down version for kids

[matts_butt]: almost, and it's like I don't know it. It doesn't land as much for me. I still

[matts_butt]: really like him. I think he carries the movie well, but

[matts_butt]: I don't know. It's

[hosty_matt]: Yes, he's getting into that Vin Fa territory. He displays himself in movies and

[hosty_matt]: isn't acting as say. I don't think Royan Ras can act, But he just these movies.

[hosty_matt]: He just kind, playing himself.

[cobra]: yeah, is a very specific stereotype than just please.

[matts_butt]: yeah. I guess it. it bothered me. thatcause doesn't really M match what he is in

[matts_butt]: this movie. It's like he's a

[matts_butt]: uh n p. C. Why would he be like a a comedian? You know, Like he makes so many

[matts_butt]: jokes. It just it seems like it. It would have made more sense if he was more

[matts_butt]: like a puppy dog, like how he is'.

[hosty_matt]: You really didn't watch this movie. He use an A. That's learning.

[matts_butt]: I know that

[hosty_matt]: It's like you forget everything.

[buddy]: Yeah, yeah, that's exactly my thoughts. You took the thoughts

[matts_butt]: Listen, is he is he learning?

[buddy]: out of my brain, Ma. How did you get in my brain?

[cobra]: I was going to say I was go to say the same thing.

[matts_butt]: is he learning? is he learning how to become dead Pool? Because that's what it

[matts_butt]: seems

[cobra]: Apparently, Apparently

[hosty_matt]: Yes,

[hosty_matt]: To a

[matts_butt]: like. it would have been.

[buddy]: No,

[hosty_matt]: certain degree he got you learn how to gun using guns and shooting people. So

[hosty_matt]: yes,

[matts_butt]: Yeah, I just think that it. it would have been more like I liked when he was

[matts_butt]: like, really innocent and like, like naive. I like that stuff more than his.

[matts_butt]: like

[matts_butt]: standard, Ryan Reynold's joke, you know, which I found was like a lot of.

[buddy]: out of love and empathy, allow me to help you, Spencer,

[matts_butt]: Oh boy,

[buddy]: our man, our man Guy was blossoming

[buddy]: blosoming.

[hosty_matt]: yup.

[buddy]: He went from. He went from innocent n Pc. Fly on the wall, stuck stuck in that that

[buddy]: rut which he was happy with to parts unknown due to the trigger of love. Thanks

[buddy]: girl.

[matts_butt]: yeah, yeah, he blossomed into a

[buddy]: don't do it negatively.

[matts_butt]: good looking. ▁l. good looking like Aable guy who makes jokes. Alli Ryan

[matts_butt]: Reynolds every movie.

[buddy]: You can't go wrong with that. Am right.

[matts_butt]: Ij, I mean, it's just uh. yeah, it's not. I don't know. Wasn't that great of an

[matts_butt]: evolution for me anyway? that wasn't the question.

[hosty_matt]: No, it wasn't at all, but like like all pocas we do. we skipp. the question I

[hosty_matt]: ask and dil into something else, but don't worri.

[cobra]: I answer it for you.

[buddy]: I shall clearly answer now myself.

[hosty_matt]: what I was going to say. Sp. There's a question comppator, that will allow you

[hosty_matt]: to to expand on your Ron Reynolds hatred.

[matts_butt]: sorry. sorry. I. I start to jump ahead. My favorite character was Channing

[matts_butt]: Dative, because I liked this dancing. That

[cobra]: fair,

[cobra]: fair

[matts_butt]: is all.

[matts_butt]: is all.

[hosty_matt]: D, Did Channing ta him have a character name?

[matts_butt]: I believe his name was.

[cobra]: revengamin button.

[matts_butt]: Yes, No,

[buddy]: What That's the real thing? No,

[cobra]: Yup, it's the name of the player, right, a revengamin button. Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, the M, P, C or the the P. C.

[matts_butt]: Oh,

[buddy]: good lord,

[matts_butt]: really, you right. That was his name.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, that's your pretty good one. I like it.

[buddy]: di. dig it.

[cobra]: that's the best name in the whole fucking thing.

[cobra]: that's the best name in the whole fucking thing.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: Good God. yeah, buddy. it was buddy for me, Um, trying to stay away from the main

[buddy]: character, Buddy, but' got that spot. That spot hit me right here in the heart area.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, I like.

[hosty_matt]: just to be

[matts_butt]: I was just saying. I like Buddy's speech about.

[matts_butt]: Like what's real in life

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: was touching. That was

[matts_butt]: one of the best parts of the movie.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah. I, I think for me the only reason why I wouldn't pick Buddy, is he really

[hosty_matt]: is not in the movie much.

[hosty_matt]: you know. Um, but uh, it's a good choice for me. I would pick Um, milly or Moltv

[hosty_matt]: girl Jody ker, but you know I enjoyed her characters

[hosty_matt]: Ar of just being a single moned, bad ass looking for a thing, not giving a shit

[hosty_matt]: about what everybody else wants trying to get to To the point

[hosty_matt]: her character was

[hosty_matt]: nice to see in the in the movie And and it fit the story well, I don't care for

[hosty_matt]: the

[hosty_matt]: unnecessary love wrap up at the end with her in keys.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, like come on like you didn't know he was into you.

[cobra]: like that.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: Was that a little bit like? Hey guys, you stupid. we' have to show you that. What

[cobra]: what that means? Like You can have ended the movie with her just leaving Right? That

[cobra]: could have been just there. Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Y. and and we, we'll get into that in another question. we asked later, but

[hosty_matt]: overallly enjoyed her character. I thought she play, played it well, especially

[hosty_matt]: having since Fl between the game character and the the real world character. Sh,

[matts_butt]: Yeah, almost I was like that. the same actress like it was almost like thought

[hosty_matt]: should a good job. Yeah, exactly.

[matts_butt]: she was a different actress in In the world. I like to the real world more than

[matts_butt]: in the game. Though

[hosty_matt]: that's fair. Yeah,

[cobra]: same. Yeah,

[buddy]: Yeah, that wig was not doing it for me,

[cobra]: exactly. yeah. it was weird.

[buddy]: like it. Just look like I don't know three printed to me.

[matts_butt]: looked as good as matw.

[cobra]: Wow, I was gratuitous

[hosty_matt]: segung. not, We're going to seg into the next question Because I have to go cry.

[hosty_matt]: Will you guys answer this question?

[hosty_matt]: Do you guys think

[buddy]: I brought cleanx.

[hosty_matt]: thank you. Do you guys think this could be like a limited series on Netflix?

[cobra]: The same story or like, what?

[buddy]: Yeah, that's a good question.

[buddy]: Yeah,

[cobra]: The same

[hosty_matt]: I? I mean, Yeah,

[cobra]: story? No, I just let know

[cobra]: the same story flat. know, for me

[hosty_matt]: why not.

[cobra]: it's thin. The story is very thin and it

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, but

[cobra]: kind of almost unravels at the end like the the story itself Like you. could. You

[cobra]: couldn't carry that through multiple. And least for me it would be boring. I think,

[hosty_matt]: I think you do it. I think

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: unless, unless you didn't

[hosty_matt]: Okay,

[cobra]: focus on the story

[cobra]: focus on the story

[hosty_matt]: Well, you could still have the same

[cobra]: and you focused on the

[hosty_matt]: Ar.

[cobra]: Shananans, Da. Yes,

[hosty_matt]: Well, but like like

[cobra]: like show him leveling up longer.

[hosty_matt]: right, Well, this is the thing right. you're you're If you're doing an Netlix

[hosty_matt]: series, let's say it was six or eight episodes. You, you have six to

[cobra]: Okay,

[hosty_matt]: eight hours, So you're not just going to try it to all the same story in six

[hosty_matt]: eight hours. You' going to. There'll probably be an episode where it's just him

[hosty_matt]: and Buddy hanging out for the episode and doing stuff.

[buddy]: yeah,

[hosty_matt]: ispo where he's

[cobra]: Okay,

[hosty_matt]: loing up doing specific sidequests.

[cobra]: enough, you told me on it. I mean,

[hosty_matt]: Okay,

[cobra]: when when it runs a premiere, I'll watch it.

[buddy]: Mhm.

[hosty_matt]: um, Spencer,

[buddy]: I agree with that. I yield my time.

[matts_butt]: I I like. Yeah, like, I definitely think the the premise actually lends itself

[matts_butt]: well to a series because there's a whole world which they could

[matts_butt]: develop. You know. it's like almost like. Uh, you know, like the Witcher Show

[matts_butt]: works because there's so much depth to the world. They could really

[matts_butt]: have more depth in that video game world. Like, what are the missions? What are?

[matts_butt]: who are the characters in this world? Who's like the The, The Minnniy boss, And

[matts_butt]: then who's the main boss? And who's the? You know? Like the the who? the users

[matts_butt]: like Go if it's like G, T, A who's Lance Pants fans or whatever that guy's name

[matts_butt]: is from G. Tv City,

[hosty_matt]: Y.

[matts_butt]: What it? Le faance? You know what I mean, Like it. It's like they could develop

[matts_butt]: that world. As for, like the overarching story outside the game.

[matts_butt]: You know that'd be interesting too, if they develop that a little more.

[hosty_matt]: I'd be curious to see like an episode or half an episode devoted to them with

[hosty_matt]: their other game meeting Antoine, and how that that relationship ended up

[hosty_matt]: developing into Ant One buying them and stealing the code.

[matts_butt]: it's hard for me to.

[cobra]: Oh, you mean? like like a flashback episode?

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: That could work.

[matts_butt]: everyone loves those. I always. whenever I think of a Netflix reboot I, I'm

[matts_butt]: pituring like it becoming gritty. For some reason, it's a gritty, a greedy

[matts_butt]: reboot of this movie And

[buddy]: I hear you.

[matts_butt]: I'm like that actually could be cool. if it's actually done like, Because it's

[matts_butt]: actually like. the themes of this movie are pretty heavy. And if they did it

[matts_butt]: seriously, it would be an entirely different thing you

[buddy]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: know, like him

[cobra]: Maybe

[matts_butt]: becoming sentient and re, re it be like the Matrix kind of Ibs. You know,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, you' have to take to like Altered Carbon Territory.

[cobra]: yeah,

[matts_butt]: Yeah, exactly

[cobra]: or or maybe move it to Hb O. And then you can show all of those Des very clearly and

[cobra]: and visly.

[matts_butt]: yeah, all a west, all a west world.

[cobra]: Yeah, exactly

[buddy]: I was going to say West World, but do good.

[hosty_matt]: You just want to see titties. Is that where I move?

[matts_butt]: Yeah, all right,

[hosty_matt]: Hbo? Like what's wrong with you

[cobra]: mean. I wouldn't mind teas, but you don't have to.

[matts_butt]: You

[buddy]: I don't need those.

[matts_butt]: got Y got me guiltiiest charged

[hosty_matt]: Por? Go check it out.

[matts_butt]: wait porn hub.

[hosty_matt]: I'll tell you

[matts_butt]: Oh

[hosty_matt]: later'. F

[matts_butt]: sweet.

[buddy]: I

[hosty_matt]: next question

[buddy]: will not be in the room.

[hosty_matt]: you, you'll be on the

[hosty_matt]: the next question. Um, if this movie

[hosty_matt]: is going to win an award,

[hosty_matt]: what what award do you think it would be? And I'm going to turn to Chris first,

[hosty_matt]: because he looks

[buddy]: Yes,

[hosty_matt]: confused. I want to put them on the spot.

[buddy]: processing. you don't have me anywhere, sir, With all due respect, best romance

[buddy]: and second award, best use of a Megaman buster.

[matts_butt]: so we

[cobra]: That's fair.

[matts_butt]: just making up awards now.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah.

[buddy]: Oh, of course

[cobra]: Why not? Why not?

[hosty_matt]: Yes, why do you have to give a real award?

[matts_butt]: best best Ryan Reynold's film of twenty twenty one, not including the one coming

[matts_butt]: up later with the rock.

[hosty_matt]: I mean, if that's how you want to get out your war, that's fine. but it's not a

[matts_butt]: Well, you said you said I, if it got an award if i, if in infers it, it can also

[hosty_matt]: real fun conversation. Yeah,

[matts_butt]: not get an award, in which case I would say, would not get any words.

[hosty_matt]: okay, Spencer, this movie has to win an award. Which one will it be?

[matts_butt]: Um

[buddy]: he yields his time.

[matts_butt]: mo, most reggettable movie,

[matts_butt]: most forggettable film of twenty twenty, one.

[cobra]: Why? why do you hate fun? You like to ▁ze. s, neither movies and you don't like this.

[cobra]: I don't understand.

[buddy]: Yeah, I'm a bit surprised

[matts_butt]: You know,

[buddy]: at. like who hurt you.

[matts_butt]: I don't want to talk. my.

[cobra]: I'm the assle here. usually,

[matts_butt]: I don't want to talk about my history with Ryan Reynolds.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, please get off Luciana's corner. You're supposed to have like lots of

[buddy]: That's right.

[hosty_matt]: creative ideas, not just shit on everything.

[matts_butt]: Oh, yeah,

[buddy]: You know how much blood he shed for that corner. Know how many hand gibbers he had

[buddy]: to?

[cobra]: Oh god,

[buddy]: Did he had to dole out?

[matts_butt]: not enough. not enough handjibbers,

[cobra]: no, none. I got the handjuvers. I got the handjver that didn't end them. mouth.

[buddy]: Oh God, okay,

[hosty_matt]: I don't know. That's much better. honestly.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, yeah, that's worse.

[buddy]: King Pin King pen level

[buddy]: hands,

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: so, uh, not enough handjibbers to it attend.

[hosty_matt]: that's not an award. That's a rating.

[matts_butt]: They.

[buddy]: Also the deckcoes on the front beles of the front of the v. H,

[matts_butt]: No, fine, if if I'm going if I'm going to give it an

[buddy]: ▁quot.

[matts_butt]: award

[matts_butt]: If I have to give it award. I would say best cameo.

[hosty_matt]: Great look

[buddy]: From who

[hosty_matt]: was that hard. And who? which person is it? Jait Is it

[cobra]: trying to take them again,

[matts_butt]: No, No, it's Chris Evans.

[matts_butt]: That was

[hosty_matt]: good choice?

[matts_butt]: that was the best the movie.

[cobra]: So so for for me for me, I was going to say it's the.

[buddy]: did you cut out? Did your audio cut out?

[matts_butt]: Yeah, Luciano cut out

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, Luc out, your audo is dead.

[cobra]: for. Yeah, I fix it. Um, I'll just go back to so

[cobra]: for for me, if I had to pick an award, it would be the best Um scene with like a

[cobra]: reference Machine gun where when he is like fighting du fight, he's getting his ass

[cobra]: kicked by dude, and then he, he puts the the glasses back on and he gets the Captain

[cobra]: America shield, and then the Hulk punch, and then the light sabre, like I, I. I watch

[cobra]: that scene like five times He just laughing my ass off. I don't know why it was so

[buddy]: So what's the award for that best

[cobra]: funny

[cobra]: Best

[buddy]: best

[cobra]: reference scene.

[buddy]: best stacked references?

[cobra]: Yeah, there there you go. that That works for me.

[matts_butt]: that. Yeah, that. it's called Easter Egg the movie and it was already done with

[cobra]: It's not really a myster racecause,

[matts_butt]: Ready, ready Player one.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, Readdy flyer One did it already.

[cobra]: like I useder And but

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: is there eggs like something hidden that wasn't hidden? That was on your face

[matts_butt]: okay, I'm sorry, I, I just got to speak up. This warship makes no sense, butly

[matts_butt]: just saying our favorite scenes

[buddy]: So

[matts_butt]: I

[cobra]: so

[matts_butt]: give to give you the award for best uh scing, where Ryan Reynolds talks to a

[matts_butt]: girl about ice cream.

[hosty_matt]: You could.

[cobra]: great.

[hosty_matt]: You could give it a real award.

[cobra]: I, actually, I actually,

[hosty_matt]: If you didn't hate trying. I mean

[matts_butt]: Well, I'm thinking like, like a real award for movie would be like. If it had to

[matts_butt]: win an Academy award, what would it win?

[hosty_matt]: it could also end a razzi. I don't know why your brain so limited right now.

[cobra]: ouch.

[matts_butt]: I said, most

[matts_butt]: forgettable

[buddy]: shoot shot, shoot you

[cobra]: ouu.

[matts_butt]: movie. That's a. That's a razzy.

[matts_butt]: movie. That's a. That's a razzy.

[hosty_matt]: Then, okay,

[matts_butt]: Uh,

[hosty_matt]: great, you did a good job, Gold star.

[matts_butt]: shut up. I'm a host of this show

[matts_butt]: and I'll

[buddy]: so angry,

[matts_butt]: take it that. I'll take it down the tubes.

[matts_butt]: Uh, yes, I would. I would say if it had to win in Oscar, it wouldn't

[hosty_matt]: Yup,

[matts_butt]: it would.

[hosty_matt]: That's

[cobra]: I'm telling you he hates fun. I don't understand

[cobra]: I'm telling you he hates fun. I don't understand

[hosty_matt]: for real here.

[matts_butt]: Yes,

[hosty_matt]: Why why aren't you participating in this question?

[matts_butt]: I. My answer, I said came

[matts_butt]: if it had to win an Oscar Best special effects,

[buddy]: Hm.

[hosty_matt]: Okay, you onlyought give it one.

[matts_butt]: You squeezed Atom. Me, like

[cobra]: Uck. If fucking checked out of the convererences

[matts_butt]: like at Orange, You squeezed every juice to every drop out of me,

[cobra]: the the

[hosty_matt]: I.

[cobra]: fucking

[cobra]: personification of cannot be bothered.

[hosty_matt]: there's a handjibber.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, there's a handjber reference in there with squeezing. But'm I'm going to

[hosty_matt]: skip it.

[cobra]: going to be the the bigger man and not make it.

[hosty_matt]: Yes, um, I, I think if I had to give this an award,

[hosty_matt]: I'm going to give it the best video game

[hosty_matt]: reference movie award because

[hosty_matt]: it took this subject matter and handled it in a way that was meaningful and

[hosty_matt]: interestingentative. So many video game or video game adjacent movies

[hosty_matt]: just layer themselves in tropes or lay themselves in like bad references. And

[hosty_matt]: maybe was the last time I got a good video game movie.

[buddy]: See on the point

[matts_butt]: Sonic the Hedgehog, Anybody,

[cobra]: Actually,

[buddy]: that was really good. I really like that movie

[cobra]: it was good. I, I enjoyed it.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: even when we compare Ready Player One.

[buddy]: I feel like like on the spectrum of video games, Ready Player One, total draw out

[buddy]: like action or Sciph drama Right

[hosty_matt]: y.

[buddy]: didn't have as much humor.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[buddy]: It just felt easier. Just like this free guy felt like a spoonful of of digital sugar

[buddy]: and it just goes down easy. You' Enjoying it and then ready player One. Oh my God,

[buddy]: these people are going to die like gaing in these, these stacked up trailer homes,

[buddy]: and and trying to survive digitally

[cobra]: well, the thing. The thing we already player one is that

[cobra]: it captures. I think it captures well enough. some of the the video game stuff, but a

[cobra]: lot of is the goofing around right And you couldn't do that in that movie because

[cobra]: it's too ▁ote serious. This one like you said is just comedy So you can. it canvel on

[cobra]: like the stupid shit we do online. I remember.

[matts_butt]: the

[cobra]: one Sc. there's like a taxi passing by on fire and someone on the corner just jumping

[cobra]: up and down not doing anything like. That's exactly what happens in those Gs.

[cobra]: So,

[matts_butt]: got I got Gu got te bagged.

[matts_butt]: got I got Gu got te bagged.

[cobra]: yeah, oh yeah,

[hosty_matt]: yeah.

[cobra]: like he puts them out on fire and immediately gets killed in Teb. It's perfect's.

[cobra]: exactly what happens?

[matts_butt]: It' very very accurate.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: yeah,

[buddy]: such as life.

[cobra]: I like

[hosty_matt]: I think

[cobra]: your reward mad. I agree with

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: yeah. so

[matts_butt]: the only.

[hosty_matt]: let let's move on so

[matts_butt]: uh,

[hosty_matt]: Spencer doesn't want to kill myself any longer. I

[matts_butt]: yeah, yeah,

[hosty_matt]: got a special category for your spenencer. This, If this doesn't

[hosty_matt]: get your useus flowing, then then I don't know what's going to.

[matts_butt]: I let me have it. Let me have it.

[matts_butt]: I'm ready.

[hosty_matt]: What part of the movie

[hosty_matt]: would you want to script doctor?

[buddy]: Hm.

[matts_butt]: Oh,

[matts_butt]: okay, that's a good. Uh, that's a good question.

[matts_butt]: I mean, honestly,

[matts_butt]: I think it's this movie like I, when I first heard about this movie, I was very

[matts_butt]: excited because I thought the premise was really cool. but I thought the movie

[matts_butt]: would be a very different tone right Because of the. the. The actual synopsis is

[matts_butt]: like Oh, a guy living in a video game realizes his life is a video game and he's

[matts_butt]: just an M. P, C. And I figured I'd have more like existential

[matts_butt]: dread involved than just you know, just like Happy Go Lucky film. So it's like

[matts_butt]: if I were re do this movie I would. I would do it in a different direction. I

[matts_butt]: wouldn't do Ryd Reynolds. I would you know, probably make it a little.

[matts_butt]: it. it's it's yeah, I would. I probably make it a little more serious. But it

[matts_butt]: that doesn't really drive with the whole uh tropes of a video game, like the

[matts_butt]: funny stuff like the te bagging, and you know like that stuff wouldn't work in

[matts_butt]: that kind of film.

[matts_butt]: So if I were to change it, I would definitely change Ryynolds as much as I like

[matts_butt]: them. I just think he's just

[cobra]: overwhelms the movie

[matts_butt]: overdone. Yeah, it just becomes a Ryan Reynolds thing. you know,

[hosty_matt]: So so keeping with the theme of the movie being more of

[matts_butt]: a comedy. Mhm,

[hosty_matt]: comedy action, Who would you replace Ram Rus with?

[buddy]: that was my question.

[matts_butt]: I would. I would definitely try to get somebody with

[matts_butt]: more depth who can be funny and serious

[matts_butt]: better

[matts_butt]: and not just be one note, which is what Ryan Reynolds was must be real.

[hosty_matt]: Could you? could you tease us with the name

[matts_butt]: Im think I'm thinking I'm actually just talking to stall.

[cobra]: And so

[hosty_matt]: the rock?

[matts_butt]: So having said that words

[matts_butt]: were bade to

[cobra]: well, why? Okay? why

[matts_butt]: express,

[cobra]: don't you think about it and let me let me add something to

[matts_butt]: Oh thank God,

[cobra]: descript, Doctor? anything.

[cobra]: Ah, the one thing I would personally, script doctor are almost entirely removed out

[cobra]: of this movie somehow is all of the technical mumble jumble parts. I, I don't. I'm

[cobra]: sure this is akin to how a doctor feels when they watch like doctors in movies,

[cobra]: saying the the worst absolute horseshipt, and people going. Oh, interesting, like all

[cobra]: of the the A I, and like coding shit that they talk In this movie is so cringe

[cobra]: because it's so ridiculously wrong and stupid, Like just the fact that at the end he

[cobra]: takes an axe

[cobra]: to the servers, and then each server he destroys destroys a little bit of the thing.

[cobra]: And then he asked which server is the. The is the The bridge on like that is so

[cobra]: ridiculous. It took me so out of the movie. All of those things. I, if I had to

[cobra]: remove something I remove, I would not have any of them talk about any of the A. I.

[cobra]: any of the technical stuff, or I would bring whoever the consultant was for Mister

[cobra]: Robot to help them out Be cause. it was terrible. That was the literally, my word. My

[cobra]: least favorite part of the movie was. any time they talked about the computing stuff,

[cobra]: it just made me cringe.

[matts_butt]: All right, I got an actor.

[cobra]: I would just move it out. Go for it.

[hosty_matt]: Hey,

[hosty_matt]: thanks Luciana for a filling time with your

[matts_butt]: Thank you.

[hosty_matt]: nonsense. We back to Spencer,

[matts_butt]: I. I wholeheartedly agree I didn't hear anything he said. Um,

[cobra]: I'll take it,

[matts_butt]: I would. I would say a great role because this actor would fit well with because

[matts_butt]: I realize one of my issues with Rymdds, too. is he him being like the day to day

[matts_butt]: normal guy? It's like you already know he's like an action hero from everything

[matts_butt]: else you've seen him in? I think a good actor would be someone like Paul Rud,

[matts_butt]: who can be funny. Obviously he could be serious and he comes off at first is

[matts_butt]: just like a regular dude. He doesn't come off like

[hosty_matt]: right,

[matts_butt]: already like a superhero and then him

[hosty_matt]: y.

[matts_butt]: becoming like bad ass would actually be more entertaining Because you be. see,

[matts_butt]: Paul Rud. Like learning the rules of the game and how to become really over.

[matts_butt]: Really cool would be. it would come off cooler. I think.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, it's I'd like that choice because I, I like Ryan Rads as an actor. I just

[hosty_matt]: think Paulrd has a little bit more natural

[hosty_matt]: everyday buddy guy charm

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: than Ronald Reynolds. Ronal Reynolds secretly knows hes Ryin Reynolds,

[cobra]: not so secretly,

[matts_butt]: I don't think it's just out of the cat's secret. Yeah,

[matts_butt]: I don't think it's just out of the cat's secret. Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: and I think that Well,

[cobra]: not so secretly.

[hosty_matt]: that's fair.

[matts_butt]: I'm going to go out on a limb and say, I think Ryan Reynolds know hes Ryan

[matts_butt]: Reynolds,

[hosty_matt]: Okay, so Ryan Reynolds is very aware that these Ryan Reynds, whereas Paul Rod

[hosty_matt]: really seems like he doesn't care if he's Pa, right or

[matts_butt]: Paul Rud,

[cobra]: I think he's better at Tony It down.

[hosty_matt]: not's right. That's the key.

[hosty_matt]: not's right. That's the key.

[hosty_matt]: not's right. That's the key.

[matts_butt]: Ryan Reynolds knows he's Ryan Reynolds, but Paul Rud doesn't know that he's Ryan

[matts_butt]: Reynolds. That's the difference

[cobra]: I think he

[buddy]: Hm, Hm.

[cobra]: knows he's not rhynolds. which is slightly different.

[matts_butt]: exactly and that's what we need. but also Paul rud like working a bank and stuff

[matts_butt]: would be much more like fitting. like he's just a regular guy right

[hosty_matt]: y

[matts_butt]: like Ry

[hosty_matt]: y.

[matts_butt]: Reynds, working in a bank in real life. he'd be like. Who the fuck is that guy

[hosty_matt]: Whys this guy to bank?

[matts_butt]: that Gu? This guy should not be at a bank.

[cobra]: He. would you know, you know, he would make jokes with everybody that like he would

[cobra]: just be non stopop,

[matts_butt]: Yeah, and you'd be like. I'd like to take deposit two hundred dollars and get

[matts_butt]: your phone number please.

[hosty_matt]: Yes,

[cobra]: Like what? Yeah,

[cobra]: although

[hosty_matt]: Okay he go. sir,

[cobra]: Poul Red can be released like ▁zany, but I think he is better at like holding it

[cobra]: back. So yeah that that's a good choice.

[buddy]: I can't argue against that.

[hosty_matt]: Your deepen thought,

[hosty_matt]: What do

[buddy]: Mhm.

[hosty_matt]: you want to script? Doctor

[buddy]: I'd say I would want to script Doctor,

[buddy]: The the dynamic inside the. Uh, like the video game studio company, Um. it served his

[buddy]: purpose that it this purpose as a set piece. Um,

[buddy]: but his

[buddy]: friend, uh, keys. like the other, the other creator, his friend, Uh, or honestly,

[buddy]: there were times in this movie. I didn't know if he gave a shit about his friend

[cobra]: Yeah,

[buddy]: or or not, and like for him to just like F, like they were. They seemed semi work,

[buddy]: buddy, R or die, but as soon as like the so call as soon as the orders came from from

[buddy]: Antoine, dude was like, I'll do it

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: like I'll

[hosty_matt]: Right

[buddy]: sec your deck.

[cobra]: yeah, the movie. This movie suffers a little bit from Assassin Scre

[cobra]: syndrome, where one part of the movie was really well made and well created, and the

[cobra]: other one stacked on like the external part from the game. To me. Feel felt quite

[cobra]: tacked on Honestly

[matts_butt]: hey,

[buddy]: And why was keys able? Just just say real quick. Why was K Soce toward the end?

[buddy]: right? Why was keys after he was fired? Why was he allowed to keep that computer

[buddy]: Like? was that his personal computer?

[cobra]: and be and be inside the network. I' go back to what I said All that Shi. Why did the

[cobra]: Ar people

[cobra]: like create the dude n Pc, when they are just the art people? None of that made

[cobra]: sense. That's what I'm saying.

[buddy]: Were they are people or I thought they were interns?

[cobra]: No, he said Anerds.

[cobra]: Arnerd's download is said download dude. Like all of that shit

[buddy]: Okay,

[hosty_matt]: in in Antoine's fence, Anto is supposed

[cobra]: it

[hosty_matt]: to be an idiot, so Ourners might be cold for

[matts_butt]: anybody who does anything?

[hosty_matt]: graphic designers. Anybody who does anything

[cobra]: even even then like anyway, Like whatever I agree with Chris. like that. Him keeping

[cobra]: like he, him able to do shouldn'tside the game after he was fired was weird.

[hosty_matt]: Sure. So what would you? How would you fix that Chris?

[buddy]: uh, I feel like we'd need more time for like. it would easily stretch this this out

[buddy]: into almost a miniiseries. Um,

[hosty_matt]: Well, you don't have many Sears. you have.

[buddy]: I know, So that's that's what I'm saying, Like it. it's I'm feeling. I'm feeling the

[buddy]: screws on on this one.

[hosty_matt]: I can give you like ten minutes be cause

[buddy]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: it a hundred and fifty an hour and fifty five. You

[hosty_matt]: talk on ten minutes and it'd still be okay.

[buddy]: okay, I think I got it.

[buddy]: Yeah, I think I got it. So keys and mouser are are like. I don't really feel like

[buddy]: they had a any any opportunity to really discuss what the hell was going on once the

[buddy]: cat was out of the bag, Mouser, which just seemed to completely side with Anton. C.

[buddy]: Me from wrong in terms of like the two of them supposed to be work buddies. Like

[buddy]: actually, ▁quote unquote friends, because they end up like he ends up leaving the

[buddy]: company and joing their, their, their their side thing at the end. But anyways, if I

[buddy]: was to fix this, the two of them would have to hash that out in

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: terms of what are you doing? Um, or like Keys is like this is wrong. Stuff is

[buddy]: happening. and um

[matts_butt]: Yeah, give that guy a

[buddy]: and

[matts_butt]: little more depth.

[buddy]: yeah's, really one dimensional and flip floppy. Uh,

[matts_butt]: Although I like that, he like went with his friend once. the second he realized

[matts_butt]: that he actually stole his stuff,

[buddy]: sure,

[matts_butt]: he he did like side with his friend, which is kind of a nice change. but I agree

[matts_butt]: they could have had him like talking to his body being like,

[buddy]: but you' got to lose your job and then I give us something.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, like there's nothing we can do. There's nothing we could do about it. You

[matts_butt]: know, it's like even if he took it, it's gone. you know

[buddy]: Mhm, like what

[matts_butt]: you. can you know.

[buddy]: are you talking about? Like the Y you told you told me the deal was was clean, or

[buddy]: whatever something

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: like that like, Give us something to let us know that he's not. I don't know. feels

[buddy]: like feel. I, I don't. I don't even think mutiny. F. it felt like friendship, mutiny

[buddy]: to me, You know.

[hosty_matt]: wait, how does friendship mu work? Is he taking over the friendship

[matts_butt]: Yeah, and he's he's getting

[buddy]: Ah,

[matts_butt]: his other friends

[buddy]: no,

[matts_butt]: to team up against him.

[buddy]: I'm I'm looking for. It's it like a betrayal. I, I need to

[cobra]: Ah betray.

[buddy]: crack myself. friendship, retrayal, friendship, Betrayal,

[hosty_matt]: friendship betrayal? That's I. I can see that. Yeah,

[cobra]: Yeah, slightly

[matts_butt]: Actu.

[buddy]: correction.

[cobra]: different from a mutiny.

[matts_butt]: The last thing last thing I want to add is to the script doctoring is, I would

[matts_butt]: have liked it, if like, I thought, the guy who is like mussly, uh, musly, Ryan

[matts_butt]: Reynolds was funny. I actually liked

[buddy]: yeah,

[matts_butt]: him, but I think that at the end it should have had a boss battle against

[matts_butt]: Antoine. Like he should have been like I'm going in, And then he like uses all

[matts_butt]: his codes to make himself really bad ass. And then there's like a fight scene

[matts_butt]: with him against Antoine.

[matts_butt]: You know, that would have been kind of interesting.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[buddy]: Ooh,

[cobra]: yeah, that be that' been interesting.

[matts_butt]: He's like, and even in him having like a god complex being like I, this is my

[matts_butt]: world. You

[buddy]: true.

[matts_butt]: know, he's like you.

[cobra]: just

[hosty_matt]: So before before he gets

[cobra]: so his appetite would be Jesus or something.

[matts_butt]: No, I. I picture my in like a mix suit with like

[buddy]: Mhm,

[cobra]: Okay,

[matts_butt]: te teca witi's head.

[matts_butt]: te teca witi's head.

[hosty_matt]: sure, So

[buddy]: coming out of the water. Perhaps

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: where the bridge is supposed to be. Maybe

[matts_butt]: yeah, exactly

[hosty_matt]: he I, he, he comes, like mean mar Ne was a bit dated reference, but I feel like

[hosty_matt]: that's the energy he wants to R. of being like the being omnitent in the game

[hosty_matt]: world.

[matts_butt]: yeah. exactly yeah. at that line I said it' from the Matrix Mo Misterr Smith

[matts_butt]: goes. This is my world. That's from major revolutions, but nobody remembers that

[matts_butt]: movie so he can use it.

[hosty_matt]: Thank you.

[buddy]: what movie

[hosty_matt]: Um, even though Spencers, di, I still would like to contribute to the script

[hosty_matt]: doctor if he'll allow me.

[matts_butt]: I'll

[buddy]: please do?

[matts_butt]: I'll allow it,

[cobra]: I mean, I guess

[hosty_matt]: thank you. Um, I think the I reference it before I, and it kind of tags on to

[hosty_matt]: Chris's

[hosty_matt]: awkwardness when it comes to

[hosty_matt]: dealing with

[hosty_matt]: Um, the friendship or whatever it was. the muship between mouser and keys. But

[buddy]: Apoloze.

[hosty_matt]: there wasn't enough time to talk about the actual friendship

[hosty_matt]: that Uh, Milli and Keys had,

[cobra]: yeah, yeah,

[hosty_matt]: let alone schhohorn in

[hosty_matt]: The They like each other and they should be dating. It made no sense. It didn't

[hosty_matt]: add anything to the movie. We should have just ended when they, when they went

[hosty_matt]: back and said they have a business together That would been fine and

[matts_butt]: but the whole thing with,

[cobra]: yeah.

[matts_butt]: like, uh, like, like Brianynald's character only loved her because it was coed

[matts_butt]: in him Like you would have just taken that out

[hosty_matt]: yeah, I just I like. maybe like maybe he follows. There's so many other reasons

[hosty_matt]: you can get for. like the reasons why he would follow over her. Maybe

[matts_butt]: like.

[hosty_matt]: it's just like

[hosty_matt]: I don't know. Like like he. She. she wrote the a I. right, So so maybe there's

[hosty_matt]: something in him that's like. I feel a connection to her and we find

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: out while she wrote, wrote All

[matts_butt]: not so good. Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: the Eye and this character was based on her.

[cobra]: Well, I mean

[matts_butt]: that's a good.

[cobra]: in a movie where the power of love restores his memories of all

[matts_butt]: Yeah.

[cobra]: the shit that he learned, I guess that would make sense, too.

[matts_butt]: I like bats. Actually better, you know what man. I don't care what Chris says

[matts_butt]: that your smart guy' some good ideas,

[cobra]: Wow.

[hosty_matt]: thanks. I.

[hosty_matt]: thanks. I.

[buddy]: You can't put words in my

[cobra]: Wow.

[buddy]: mouth. I am a

[buddy]: I, Sir,

[buddy]: am a paragon of respect and love.

[matts_butt]: Butminded me you get start out at. Luciana says that can't be said on there.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: wow. I mean. what

[cobra]: I've said most of those things already.

[hosty_matt]: can't of be? We say literally anything,

[matts_butt]: Well,

[matts_butt]: ▁zegway,

[cobra]: Wow,

[buddy]: Blasphem me

[cobra]: he stol your word

[matts_butt]: uh,

[cobra]: mat. He stole your word.

[matts_butt]: catch phrase, That's the cat fra catras,

[buddy]: cat phrase adjective,

[hosty_matt]: Spencer. it was. It was all fun and game. Andu went did that. Now

[hosty_matt]: now feelings been have been hurt. Probably I

[buddy]: Oh my God,

[hosty_matt]: don't know. I don't have them. Um,

[hosty_matt]: the next question, Spencer is

[hosty_matt]: what drink do you think represents the main villain And

[matts_butt]: Oh the villain.

[hosty_matt]: although we all know who the main villain is in this one,

[matts_butt]: Disney.

[cobra]: dude. No, it's not.

[matts_butt]: Um,

[matts_butt]: so what drink would Antoine be? I think I know

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: fucking monster energy drink.

[hosty_matt]: you' not wrong. I was. I'm thinking the same, but it's like red red bowll, like

[hosty_matt]: a yager bomb.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, yeah,

[cobra]: Yeah. I was going to say like the blue G fuel with like fodka

[cobra]: like a bad vodka.

[hosty_matt]: Oh yeah,

[matts_butt]: like a cheap, cheap, cheap budka.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: no, it'. it's

[cobra]: cheap like instant headache vodka. Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: It's not cheap vodka. It's like a fancy brand name that is also garbage

[cobra]: that tastes like shit. Yes, yeah,

[hosty_matt]: y. y.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, yeah, and it's called like it's called like Schzzer Bodka

[matts_butt]: Yeah, yeah, and it's called like it's called like Schzzer Bodka

[hosty_matt]: Oh, he'd have his own. I think that's the thing. He'd have his own vodka and his

[cobra]: yeah, the

[matts_butt]: anto.

[cobra]: tsunami vodka. Is it the suunami vodka?

[hosty_matt]: own energy drink.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, yeah, Tsunami, and or it' a free guy, a free city energy drink and Tsunami

[hosty_matt]: vodka

[cobra]: What's the name of the actual drink? The deuch has to be the Deuch.

[matts_butt]: It' give me a douche on the

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: rocks.

[buddy]: I yield my time. I had something, but I think that was it. I think

[hosty_matt]: sounds delicious.

[buddy]: was the one

[cobra]: jeez

[buddy]: was the one.

[hosty_matt]: Okay,

[cobra]: just made me sick

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: to my stomach just thinking about it.

[buddy]: You know, you know, there's kua in it,

[cobra]: No, shut up. don't don't you bet mouth Klua. fuck you.

[cobra]: I love it.

[matts_butt]: wow, touch the nerve there. Apparently,

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: that's

[buddy]: right,

[matts_butt]: Aarent. Apparently, that's a triggering. Uh issue is for Louisiano

[matts_butt]: Aarent. Apparently, that's a triggering. Uh issue is for Louisiano

[cobra]: it's

[cobra]: I have. I have. I have a lot of those

[matts_butt]: I'm not a big. I'm not a big fan of Klua. You shut your mouth.

[cobra]: barkue shut your whole mouth.

[buddy]: you died. You Di terribly painful.

[matts_butt]: You're dead to me.

[cobra]: No, it's like the energy drink and the shity vodka in the glass with like rimmed with

[cobra]: salt.

[hosty_matt]: come on,

[cobra]: No salt,

[matts_butt]: Yeah, yeah, no, no, no sugar

[cobra]: salt and

[hosty_matt]: pop rocks.

[cobra]: sugar. Oh pop rocks better. Okay,

[matts_butt]: popra,

[cobra]: yeah, perfect, perfect. I mean.

[matts_butt]: Yes, now I want. no, I want this drink.

[buddy]: I see your pop rocks and I raise you, crushed the skyrockets.

[matts_butt]: Hold on. is

[hosty_matt]: Okay,

[matts_butt]: anybody ever rim a glass with pop rock That sounds like a million dollar idea.

[buddy]: It kind does.

[matts_butt]: Just like drinking and getting the crackling,

[buddy]: that's and therein lies the deception

[cobra]: that's that's why that's why alcohol is missing is the crackling. That's for sure.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, that that's going to be a F. A freshman drink for the ages.

[matts_butt]: Can I get?

[matts_butt]: Can I get a back in with pop rocks?

[buddy]: you canle.

[buddy]: you canle.

[hosty_matt]: I mean, all right, let's lets up front of the stor. Let's see this. We' a bar

[hosty_matt]: reserving one thing, and it just pop rock.

[matts_butt]: I get a. I get a pop and Bob,

[matts_butt]: Yeah, we let's do it,

[matts_butt]: patent pend

[buddy]: where do I sign

[matts_butt]: patent, peny pa pennyt, Benny, listeners, patent Benning,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, I swear to gotd of any new stealers from us. We suing

[matts_butt]: we

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: will do nothing

[hosty_matt]: from Canada, which

[buddy]: Between the? For that, almost an unruly mob, almost

[matts_butt]: and we could, we could put up

[cobra]: we unruly. I don't know if it counts a mob.

[matts_butt]: in between the four of us. We could put up hundreds of dollars.

[cobra]: Oh yeah,

[hosty_matt]: I feel like we're mob more mob adjacent.

[cobra]: okay,

[matts_butt]: Yes, yes,

[cobra]: I'll take it.

[buddy]: a murder of of disgruntled,

[matts_butt]: Yes, we certainly could have the mob mentality without the actual physical mob.

[buddy]: a murder of crows.

[cobra]: I know, but disgruntled

[matts_butt]: Mhm,

[cobra]: is weird.

[buddy]: Listen, accept it

[cobra]: you. you tri

[cobra]: E for E for effort.

[matts_butt]: Matt, Mat, Takeg us away. Take us away, Matt.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, no, I think I think we've

[hosty_matt]: murdered thatction which is good on us.

[cobra]: Wow,

[matts_butt]: you mean you. You mean me group of crowde That?

[hosty_matt]: Look, you throw out your knowledge. Any more knowledge in there?

[matts_butt]: I mean, Chris. Chris just said it. so I'm not,

[hosty_matt]: So you stoleen stole a knowledge.

[matts_butt]: but I didn't know that. I know it from the Simpsons That is. all.

[hosty_matt]: Has the taught us?

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Let's let's piv it here slightly.

[hosty_matt]: What was the most

[hosty_matt]: watchable scene for you?

[matts_butt]: we all know the answer.

[cobra]: do,

[matts_butt]: It's when the when the credits had Roled,

[matts_butt]: It's when the when the credits had Roled,

[cobra]: wow

[cobra]: somebody. somebody.

[hosty_matt]: You picked uncommon, right, you know,

[cobra]: It's not even like. it's not even like

[cobra]: I

[matts_butt]: Just say

[hosty_matt]: you're talking about this like its vendnder trash.

[cobra]: was going to say. I was going to say someone

[matts_butt]: I know

[cobra]: pied in

[buddy]: he does. He does

[cobra]: his suit, but they didn't piss it if they shd on his soup. This

[cobra]: his suit, but they didn't piss it if they shd on his soup. This

[buddy]: let the record show Spencers. not in his right mind, He I side baar, gentlem,

[buddy]: I. I, I think he needs a hug,

[matts_butt]: side bar. I'll allow it.

[buddy]: be he's not that he's not all the keys, not all gone.

[cobra]: my my favorite scene to rewatch is I? If I had to pick just one, it would be him

[cobra]: running away from the guys at the very tall building when he jumps and misses

[buddy]: Yeah,

[cobra]: And then there' the little snippet Fromlys's racking ball

[cobra]: song, And then he falls and he activates the bouncy suit or whatever the fuck that

[cobra]: was,

[buddy]: Mhm,

[cobra]: I would watch That

[cobra]: left my ass off that one

[matts_butt]: Yeah, I mean, if we actually talk aboutchines we like, like the reference scene.

[matts_butt]: I liked where you like referencing. like all the stuff like Marvel and Disney

[matts_butt]: and all this, but I also just feel like it's such a cheap way to get people to

[matts_butt]: like like a scene. You know it's It's just like such a. It's

[cobra]: hanging fruit.

[matts_butt]: like the yeah, yeah, it's just like the. It's like when you like speak at a

[matts_butt]: college and you just like name the football team for Like to get the crowd to

[matts_butt]: cheer. It's just like too easy. It's like in the when I'm here with the

[matts_butt]: turn to see schoolcause. I love those titans, and it was like

[matts_butt]: the equival, the movie equivalent of that.

[hosty_matt]: How

[hosty_matt]: the question? I have you in this scenario. How do you? How do you make

[hosty_matt]: references to things that people like without doing what you said Because people

[hosty_matt]: like it, but they don't like it's heavy handed right. like

[matts_butt]: Yes,

[hosty_matt]: how do you balance that?

[matts_butt]: well, I think doing it all the one scene was

[matts_butt]: made it a little heavy. And and I think if you sprinkle it's a little better.

[matts_butt]: make it a little more subtle. It's not as

[matts_butt]: you know. It's like this is my idea, Is it should be that the people that know

[matts_butt]: the reference like it, but the people who don't know the reference. It won't

[matts_butt]: deter from the scene at all. It's like I felt like if you're not a Marvel fan or

[matts_butt]: servicers fan that seem would be like meaningless to you because it's all just

[matts_butt]: references.

[matts_butt]: You know what I mean.

[cobra]: They, they had a good one with the Megaman Blaster thing.

[buddy]: Mhm, Mhm, Mhm,

[matts_butt]: Yeah, that was a subtle and

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: I like the. and I like the. The. The Chrisevent. scenecause. it was like if he

[matts_butt]: just did the the The The Shield thing, it would have been like. Oh, that's

[matts_butt]: funny. whatever, but the fact that they got acros Eav, than him saying what the

[matts_butt]: shit

[cobra]: yeah, exactly.

[matts_butt]: like that was just like.

[cobra]: that was amazing.

[matts_butt]: It was like one uping of reference. It was like self referencing that they're

[matts_butt]: referencing something you know, and that made it

[matts_butt]: more original as oposed. just being like Star Wars. Yeah,

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: Avengers. Yeah,

[cobra]: the The Star Wars when they really milted like it took like. what? Ten minutes for

[cobra]: that light to kind of turn on completely.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: Yeah, it was a little too long.

[matts_butt]: yeah, it'd be cool if you just like Oo. Like

[cobra]: Yeah, exactlyly.

[matts_butt]: took a couple of swings. And that's it just you know.

[hosty_matt]: it does feel like

[hosty_matt]: references don't have to be the most obvious blatantly obvious reference You can

[hosty_matt]: possibly pull like you got a reference. Star Wars with a little deeper cut than

[hosty_matt]: the most iconic weapon in

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: the history of space.

[matts_butt]: agreed

[buddy]: What would have been the alternative to a St. a lightper than

[buddy]: Hans Gun?

[hosty_matt]: Hansel', dice. Obviously,

[hosty_matt]: Hansel', dice. Obviously,

[cobra]: Oh

[matts_butt]: the the second most iconic.

[cobra]: yeahcause. That worked. That works so well for the actual Solo movie.

[matts_butt]: These

[hosty_matt]: hey, man, they're really important.

[matts_butt]: are my lucky. They're really inform. That's way he hangs them in the ship

[matts_butt]: and his name's sound solo Because he doesn't have a family. he's alone

[matts_butt]: solo.

[cobra]: Yeah, now I with Star Wars, it's hard because either things are very evident and very

[cobra]: obvious, or like three people would get it

[matts_butt]: I prefer the three people One.

[cobra]: if they. if they picked like. Oh, Dell one was hand solo's blaster, Like nobody would

[cobra]: actually know it was on So's blaster,

[cobra]: so it's hard to do. it's

[hosty_matt]: I mean, we've all seen Hansol's blosser up close.

[cobra]: yeah. but they all look the same most of the time.

[matts_butt]: It sounds like a euphemism. We've all seen an Od fell thoses blasster of

[matts_butt]: clothes.

[buddy]: Speak by yourself, right,

[matts_butt]: Ha, have we?

[hosty_matt]: You're about to. um. Yeah, it is. I mean it's tough, right and maybe maybe the

[hosty_matt]: best way to go about it is if you don't know. Is she just to just go full

[hosty_matt]: full, full obvious, full Star Wars with it, But I feel like there are. We've

[hosty_matt]: seen enough stuff. Now That's got to be something. Star Wars's

[hosty_matt]: like, maybe like I don't it' stuff likecause. I think of like a jet pack like Bo

[hosty_matt]: Jeckpck, not both fact, but uh, menoran

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: jeckpack, But like now you're just like Oh, is any jetpck rightjpck or Japax?

[cobra]: well, they could have. they could have. He could have said they done something and

[cobra]: said this is the way. For example.

[matts_butt]: I don't like that either. Like you could do something where like he pulls a gun

[matts_butt]: in in a tonchul of blaster and then tries to shoot him and the other guy shoots

[matts_butt]: him and he goes. Hey, he shot first or something like that You. That's kind.

[cobra]: Yeah, okay, okay, there it go.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, just pull out. He pulls out a whole Tubaca and six them on the guy.

[cobra]: Uh, or maybe the dude could be dressed in princes, La, as slave outfit.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: No,

[hosty_matt]: I guess that and that distracts the traracks. the main character

[cobra]: Yeah, maybe

[hosty_matt]: or the right. the final boss.

[cobra]: yeah,

[matts_butt]: y,

[cobra]: something like that

[hosty_matt]: Okay, yeah, I'm I'm here for it.

[matts_butt]: you know what it could have been. It could have been like. you know, they all

[matts_butt]: like ships, and like there's like helicopter flying. They could have used like a

[matts_butt]: cool, like the Golden Shiip from like the prequels. or you know, like a not the

[matts_butt]: La Fogon? That's too obvious.

[cobra]: like the na. boo.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, or like you know, Like or the Triangle ship. From. Uh, you know that that

[hosty_matt]: I know I like it. He. He could have chased someone down by pulling out frigant

[matts_butt]: Bubba Ft drives,

[hosty_matt]: Anns, pod from the pod race

[matts_butt]: or the, or the the ones they ride on endoor Like those

[matts_butt]: Bite the

[buddy]: the Speter bikes,

[matts_butt]: Speeder bikes. That would have been cool.

[hosty_matt]: speeder bike. Yeah,

[cobra]: Yeah, okay, okay,

[hosty_matt]: I think that's that's survival like all thats, obviously the Star Wars thing,

[hosty_matt]: but it's not like Club You on the

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: head, Star Wars.

[cobra]: yeah, well, I mean even

[matts_butt]: we did it, guy. we got there.

[cobra]: we. We got even the songs. I like the theme songs with both references right with

[cobra]: Avngers and with Star Wars, Just in

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: case we weren't sure that that was a light saver. they had to play the Star Wars

[cobra]: theme too. So

[matts_butt]: all all I got when I watched a team was like, Oh, Wow, this is a Disney

[matts_butt]: property.

[cobra]: Yeah, exactly exactly,

[matts_butt]: You know like they're not getting that unless they're like

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, that.

[matts_butt]: conglomerateized.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah. they. they're flexing their Disney Disney

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: muscle, which I honestly didn't notic the Disney movie until A I saw that, but

[hosty_matt]: be it was on Disney blus.

[matts_butt]: it was on Disney Blu. Yeah,

[cobra]: and Disney Pl. Like Hm, that must be a

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: Disney property. I wonder

[matts_butt]: is this movie with Disney references on Disney Plus, made by Disney.

[hosty_matt]: hard to say,

[buddy]: Disney, Disney, Disney, Disney, Disney

[matts_butt]: I didn't know that

[cobra]: that that's a stretch. I think that's a stretch to think that that was the case.

[cobra]: that that's a stretch. I think that's a stretch to think that that was the case.

[matts_butt]: they. one. They're just one step away from having Mickey Mouse pop up

[cobra]: That

[matts_butt]: gota

[cobra]: would have been funny. Actually,

[buddy]: choke, Holding the dude

[matts_butt]: Yeah, get ' Micky.

[buddy]: You

[buddy]: thought

[cobra]: Yeah, will,

[hosty_matt]: I'm here for that.

[cobra]: yeah,

[buddy]: you thought?

[matts_butt]: Yeah, got ya.

[buddy]: Does Mickey have to chill? The bitch?

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Wow,

[matts_butt]: Embrace the

[cobra]: yeah, yeah, yeah,

[matts_butt]: sweet and embraceed Death

[cobra]: I, I like that. I like that.

[matts_butt]: sleep, sleep now,

[hosty_matt]: Disne.

[matts_butt]: sleep forever.

[buddy]: Would you lose conscious? I'm going to takele your.

[hosty_matt]: If I,

[hosty_matt]: if I know anything about Disney, they love sexualizing

[hosty_matt]: their most

[cobra]: Oh, I love the Choka Beach one on Mickey's voice. that was just

[matts_butt]: Oh, uh,

[hosty_matt]: childlike

[hosty_matt]: iconic.

[cobra]: skis.

[hosty_matt]: Where are you way with most Re watchable scene?

[buddy]: honestly, Although it. it's

[buddy]: although it's It's pretty formulaic for me. I, I think it would be the the. The

[buddy]: leveling up, skilling up montage, Um, dude was want, dude, Uh, guys, determined,

[buddy]: driven to get the girl digital girl and just going through his spaces and like really

[buddy]: going for it. I. I really enjoyed that you know.

[matts_butt]: I would have liked if this movie was like thirty percent more of that

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: and and less of like

[matts_butt]: whatever, like comedy or whatever. Like other the heist stuff. There's like

[buddy]: Mhm.

[matts_butt]: more high stuff of them

[buddy]: true.

[matts_butt]: trying to steal this stuff. I would have much

[buddy]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: preferred way more of him.

[matts_butt]: like leveling up. specifically what these missions were like. Like

[buddy]: I hear you.

[matts_butt]: you know, like him being a user and like out playing people. And like, I just

[matts_butt]: think that world would have been cool, though to like discover more of. and they

[matts_butt]: kind of just it was more just like a background that would

[buddy]: Yeah, I go. Yeah,

[matts_butt]: that would been cool. and I would have like to see Mickey jokes. someone to

[matts_butt]: death saying, Embrace the sweet comfort of death. Going who em braraced your

[matts_butt]: death?

[buddy]: just step into step into the shadows.

[cobra]: that's thats.

[buddy]: Um, I love the skill up. like stretch it out, but like, I also think it could have

[buddy]: like for a lot of, uh, a lot of our fellow gamers listening. It's It's kind of like

[buddy]: when you know you, you kind of feel like you've hit that wall and you're not at a

[buddy]: certain level, but you feel like you need to grind to

[cobra]: Yeah.

[buddy]: get enough experience to kill. Like to get the like go past a certain point

[hosty_matt]: Y,

[buddy]: or be the final boss. In which case, when Mot girls like, would you reach a hundred

[buddy]: level hundred? come find me. But what if he needed to be ▁x amount level order to

[buddy]: defeat Boss the dude or Boss Ant Oneine, but somehow with ingenuity still manages to

[buddy]: get it done under the so called level that he needed to get as opposed to the plot

[buddy]: through the power

[cobra]: Well,

[buddy]: of So

[matts_butt]: Yeah, yeah,

[buddy]: respect you Ga plus ten

[cobra]: youre you're going deep in the reference there

[cobra]: like he was carried by her because she was like almost level two hundred, and then he

[cobra]: got carried by. That's that's a deep reference there.

[matts_butt]: but but I agree you could be like you. You can't defe him unless you're level a

[matts_butt]: hundred and he's like

[buddy]: Mhm.

[cobra]: I'll do it at ninety nine.

[matts_butt]: he' are going to do it anyways. And but I also think that like it'd been cool if

[matts_butt]: in that world like him, doing the missions were like video game like he has to

[matts_butt]: survive a battle royal in one mission. you know. And it's like all different

[matts_butt]: game types and he's like, and he's

[hosty_matt]: sure, yeah,

[matts_butt]: like trying. He has to win all these different game types to like level up. You

[matts_butt]: know, he has to pull

[hosty_matt]: they

[matts_butt]: like a crazy, like plain high, used like a g, T, a mission type thing, or that

[matts_butt]: would be kind of like, I don't know.

[hosty_matt]: is. It is interesting that they really seem like. Well, they pulled specific

[hosty_matt]: references from things that were obvious to us. They really strive to steer

[hosty_matt]: clear of referencing any actual games in a meaningful way.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Yes, this feels like a high level g

[hosty_matt]: thing, but

[cobra]: oh yeah, one hundred percent.

[matts_butt]: yes,

[hosty_matt]: only in the generic sense that like you go around shooting people and driving

[hosty_matt]: only in the generic sense that like you go around shooting people and driving

[hosty_matt]: cars and being an assle. but outside of that reference,

[hosty_matt]: cars and being an assle. but outside of that reference,

[matts_butt]: that's a million games. Now

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, that's the thing.

[cobra]: It's enough

[hosty_matt]: Every.

[cobra]: of a mix right that you can't really point to one game like some parts of it felt

[cobra]: like crackdown, for example, superped, right,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: yeah, exactly yeah.

[buddy]: Oh, Terry Cruise would have been a nice cameo too, but anyway,

[cobra]: oh, can you oh yeah.

[matts_butt]: not have been good

[cobra]: Oh, man,

[matts_butt]: or like it. We see more like a Saints Row reference the soul, You know,

[cobra]: maybe instead of picking

[hosty_matt]: too far,

[cobra]: thatcause, it's

[matts_butt]: too crazy,

[cobra]: it was a bodybuilder guide that they picked like his body, and in Brian Reynald's

[cobra]: face on him, it could have been just Terry Cruise being that dude boss.

[matts_butt]: but Wh, but how with Ryd riddled faith on to Terry Cruise's by

[cobra]: No, No, without just just one hundred percent try Cruise.

[hosty_matt]: I don't.

[buddy]: Justm

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: Oh, and

[hosty_matt]: I don't understand why you just don't go get the mountain and call it a day.

[hosty_matt]: I don't understand why you just don't go get the mountain and call it a day.

[cobra]: lord the mountain. Sure, some, which

[cobra]: Cruz is funny on his own, too, There's that the month

[matts_butt]: yeah,

[cobra]: is just scary.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, yeah, that's fair. You want to be a bit of a

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: joke. not just not just full on scary. No, that that's fair. I, I think for me,

[hosty_matt]: just take it back to the question of most re watchful scene. Um

[cobra]: Is that what we're

[hosty_matt]: is

[cobra]: talking about?

[matts_butt]: yeah, yeah,

[hosty_matt]: felt like we're just script doctoring part

[matts_butt]: we never.

[hosty_matt]: too. But whatever,

[matts_butt]: Micky used. stay out of this.

[hosty_matt]: Micky.

[buddy]: that was my Reberto, but anyway, sorry.

[hosty_matt]: Um, it sounds a lot like Mickey with the knife.

[matts_butt]: it does.

[cobra]: Yeah, did it did

[cobra]: Yeah, did it did

[matts_butt]: You's got to taste for blood. Now

[hosty_matt]: Well, that sounded that

[buddy]: I' blood,

[matts_butt]: get out of here,

[hosty_matt]: sounded weird.

[hosty_matt]: sounded weird.

[buddy]: blood has been spilled this morning.

[hosty_matt]: Honestly, it sounds a little bit like Mickey's getting a handhaver.

[matts_butt]: Hello boy,

[cobra]: it? It did before already. anyway.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, um, not.

[matts_butt]: Guy,

[buddy]: but that's Micky anyway.

[matts_butt]: and for Disney listening, we're talking about Mickey Rooney,

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: y.

[cobra]: of course,

[matts_butt]: not Mickey Mouse,

[cobra]: he had his share ofgebers.

[matts_butt]: into the into the Mickey Roony Estate. we're talking about Mickey Johnson, our

[matts_butt]: friend from up north.

[buddy]: and from to the Mickey Jotted family were talking about Mickey Rok,

[matts_butt]: Oh

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: yes, make you Ro and Mickey

[hosty_matt]: Yeah. Yeah,

[matts_butt]: Rok. Buck you. I don't like you.

[buddy]: the wrestler.

[matts_butt]: You deserve all this.

[hosty_matt]: you know you did make it rook,

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: so most rewashable Sc.

[hosty_matt]: Um.

[hosty_matt]: I really enjoyed when Ronald Reynolds got to put on the glasses and saw the game

[hosty_matt]: for what it was, because while it was a little over the top, it is kinda like

[hosty_matt]: how

[hosty_matt]: how I would think like an online. g. T. A game

[cobra]: yeah,

[hosty_matt]: is like there, ▁quest, everywhere and there, like

[hosty_matt]: missions and um, glowing shit. It's like it fits that sort of like you, Las

[matts_butt]: yeah, glowing shit everywhere.

[hosty_matt]: Vegas, do whatever the fucky wa fibe that works so well. Um, and and I thought

[hosty_matt]: it was really well done to show you how crazy and dae this world is again with

[hosty_matt]: Chris. I just want to see more of this the video game like it's so light

[hosty_matt]: on the video game and I just want to see more of whatever

[matts_butt]: Hey, that was my point.

[matts_butt]: Don't you give Chris credit?

[hosty_matt]: he's

[cobra]: wow.

[hosty_matt]: got the credit. I can't. I can't change it now. it's too

[hosty_matt]: late. Sorry, great job, Chris,

[buddy]: Thank you. so much

[buddy]: like a freshly baked cooki.

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: great, g. great idea, Chris. you're just you. just great.

[hosty_matt]: you, you're the best.

[matts_butt]: shut up, Spencer.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, I think they did. They did a really great job with that. So I, I really

[hosty_matt]: enjoyed it and I would love to see to see more of it played out, especially when

[hosty_matt]: they give glasses to to his buddy.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, true.

[hosty_matt]: Last question.

[matts_butt]: Yep,

[buddy]: O. I have other question. May I ask it

[matts_butt]: wait. Wait, are you say?

[cobra]: oh no.

[matts_butt]: Is there going to be a question? Let set up.

[cobra]: now now Chris wants to be the host.

[hosty_matt]: There's a question so I don't know why we're waiting for Chriss.

[matts_butt]: Okay, Craig, Chris,

[buddy]: Well, May I ask a question?

[hosty_matt]: Uh,

[matts_butt]: hold on. let's

[buddy]: I, asking permission. You could say no, It's fine.

[matts_butt]: all just take a. let's like a deep sot. Let' take a deep sign and then say yes,

[cobra]: Yes,

[cobra]: I guess

[hosty_matt]: wow,

[hosty_matt]: Spencer,

[matts_butt]: Okay,

[hosty_matt]: Spencer says it's okay, Chris. So since he's the Pocastos, Uh, go ahead.

[buddy]: I, I prefer to the host to the true, the true host.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, that's me.

[hosty_matt]: you said you said, Though you said the

[cobra]: Wow, a true ho,

[cobra]: the true hor.

[buddy]: I have been drinking one and I did not say horror.

[matts_butt]: ys. okay, guy's

[hosty_matt]: right. Mostly the right thing.

[hosty_matt]: right. Mostly the right thing.

[cobra]: You did

[buddy]: I.

[matts_butt]: okay. it's okay. I'm both

[matts_butt]: okay. it's okay. I'm both

[matts_butt]: okay. it's okay. I'm both

[buddy]: someone

[hosty_matt]: It's

[buddy]: roll the tape back.

[hosty_matt]: the intent. Was there, Chris from withy, So I will allow. Please ask your a

[hosty_matt]: question.

[buddy]: Okay if you had your choice. What? Instead of? instead of the hulk, hand primed and

[buddy]: ready behind the shield. What sort of last resort? Uh, optioned from the sunglasses?

[buddy]: Would you have preferred to you know? put the Kbash on the dude.

[hosty_matt]: Can I kill him or do I have to just knock him out?

[buddy]: Honestly

[buddy]: free range. Go for it.

[cobra]: murd murder.

[buddy]: Mud.

[hosty_matt]: I think again, we'd have to use something that's recognizable just because we

[hosty_matt]: laying and on as thick as possible,

[buddy]: Hm.

[hosty_matt]: And I think

[hosty_matt]: I would. I would have ended him.

[hosty_matt]: His. His character was funny. Butest everything at the end of the movie just

[hosty_matt]: need to get cut. We were done

[hosty_matt]: so I would cut him

[hosty_matt]: and I think

[buddy]: What tool would you use or it can be obscure game reference, or you know, on the

[matts_butt]: well. If you're sticking with if you're sting with Marvel, like the Infinity

[buddy]: nose.

[matts_butt]: Galllet's, an obvious choice.

[hosty_matt]: yeah, we, if we had to stay with the Disney

[hosty_matt]: realm,

[matts_butt]: That does limit you quite a bit. They don't o much properties.

[buddy]: Yeah, feel free to stretch.

[matts_butt]: they don't own many Ipes.

[buddy]: No lone limits but

[cobra]: I mean

[hosty_matt]: there that many Ips.

[buddy]: no pressure but go for it.

[cobra]: they

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: did. they did use Megaman So any gaming thing would go as well.

[buddy]: Where do? What do you guys think?

[cobra]: I would

[cobra]: go. Ahe,

[matts_butt]: I was just going to say I would to use the infiny, gallant or

[matts_butt]: Mickey, who is the taste for blood.

[cobra]: I was going to say I

[matts_butt]: And of course we're t.

[cobra]: just just swapp the the Hok Hand with a giant mickey hand and

[matts_butt]: Yeah, and

[cobra]: go and punch him like to the moon. There?

[matts_butt]: of course we're talking about Mickey. Rok.

[matts_butt]: Wink

[hosty_matt]: Not Micky Johnson,

[matts_butt]: that Nicky, ja na. he's got. He's got lawyers.

[cobra]: No, no, that guy is a dick. That guys a dick.

[matts_butt]: We're talking about Mickey Roke. Keep piec of shit.

[buddy]: And and most definitely not Mickey Free. Mickey Free Was was an androgen, his

[buddy]: lookingp.

[matts_butt]: I don't know who you free. Is all I knows. Mickey works a piece of shit.

[matts_butt]: Fuck Mckey work. Don't make me come down there.

[buddy]: Okay. what?

[cobra]: Oh,

[buddy]: Yeah, final tool, final tool,

[cobra]: I know. I, I know I know what I would do.

[hosty_matt]: Thank you. Thank you for saving us from this.

[cobra]: I would. I would pick. I would pick.

[buddy]: Dar place,

[cobra]: uh, a b f G from Doom

[matts_butt]: M

[cobra]: there, just like ▁zapp him to in like just into multiple atoms in the air There then

[matts_butt]: the ring from Lord of the Rings,

[hosty_matt]: How does I finish?

[matts_butt]: Um,

[hosty_matt]: He puts it on the ring racer all around him.

[cobra]: and he can. he can't.

[matts_butt]: yeah,

[buddy]: and John K,

[cobra]: He can't see himself. and it gets like crazycause. It's stupid.

[buddy]: and then John Tandy, Rats from

[matts_butt]: Oh God,

[buddy]: cool runnings come to swarm him.

[hosty_matt]: Why John Candy raves?

[buddy]: De

[buddy]: cut listeners go back. Go back to go back to the episode. It' all make sense.

[matts_butt]: that the deep cut. Yeah,

[matts_butt]: yeah, I believe that was the best duos episode.

[buddy]: Yes, Yes, it was

[hosty_matt]: I' sorry. I blanked that from my mind. My.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, The

[cobra]: Could it be?

[matts_butt]: Ghost to John Candy,

[cobra]: Could it be John Candy, as the standing for Toubacca from spaceballs, like his

[cobra]: character

[matts_butt]: M

[cobra]: Barf,

[buddy]: indeede,

[matts_butt]: that be your weapon.

[cobra]: Yeah, Oh yeah, For sure.

[matts_butt]: great, great. great stuff. Um, I'm so glad Chris took us on this detour through

[matts_butt]: hell, Matt,

[buddy]: we all got hands.

[hosty_matt]: I think I would summ at a tiny little Des Star or a tiny little Star killer

[hosty_matt]: base, Just the hammer home. How everything can destroy planets.

[matts_butt]: Mhm.

[cobra]: Okay, not not a uh, like Star Destroyer planet Killer Dick.

[matts_butt]: Mhm's true.

[matts_butt]: Mhm's true.

[hosty_matt]: You know what, Just Emperor Palpine, He never does.

[cobra]: Now there go. Actually, actually, that would been Pl. just the unlimited.

[cobra]: Yeah, exactly,

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Y

[cobra]: that'd be good. That would have been good.

[matts_butt]: do it. do

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: it.

[hosty_matt]: strike him down.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[buddy]: Oh God, I enjoyed that.

[buddy]: thank you.

[hosty_matt]: Um, my last question, which was clear, not as good is Chss. Um,

[buddy]: No, no,

[hosty_matt]: which, Uh, Which fast food restaurant do you think the main character goes to

[cobra]: Tim hatons,

[hosty_matt]: and pick them? whatever man character you think is the main character.

[cobra]: Tim

[cobra]: hatonslyly.

[matts_butt]: nobody goes to Timrton, Stop that.

[matts_butt]: Well, he just like his coffee, but Timn's coffe is terrible.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: I'm not talking about

[hosty_matt]: But but guy, but Guy is actually a nice person. You even go to a

[matts_butt]: trash

[hosty_matt]: gross place like Tim Hartons,

[cobra]: are you

[matts_butt]: a trash.

[cobra]: saying that people that aren't that go to Thehtances are not nice

[hosty_matt]: No, I'm saying Timb is a trash restaurant.

[matts_butt]: they're not. they're not they're, they're not nice to themselves.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, treat yourself better

[cobra]: That I agree with that. I agree with

[buddy]: I could be doing so much better. All these timb bits I make be I could be studying. I

[buddy]: could be studying. This is how you make timb bits And it.

[matts_butt]: What? Bo?

[cobra]: Chri. Chris just had a

[matts_butt]: No, just just pa, just just

[cobra]: small meltown. This just a tiny meltdown.

[matts_butt]: that. I'm just going to go pretend that didn't happen. Um, so if he was a fast

[matts_butt]: food, where would he eat?

[matts_butt]: Hm?

[hosty_matt]: y

[matts_butt]: I mean, what's the most bubbly fun fast food restaurant?

[buddy]: I got onebb.

[matts_butt]: Just

[buddy]: Oh, okay, well, I got one.

[hosty_matt]: noenture. You wanting me to help you figure it out

[matts_butt]: Yeah, what?

[buddy]: I've got one while you help him.

[hosty_matt]: Taco bell.

[matts_butt]: No, that's that's for monsters.

[cobra]: Also,

[matts_butt]: Um,

[cobra]: people that don't like that are not good to themselves. That's where they go.

[buddy]: I'm going to drop mine before anybody else takes it. He goes to pink berry, and by

[buddy]: main character for me, Butdy goes to pinkbrry,

[matts_butt]: that's fair.

[cobra]: Okay,

[hosty_matt]: Okay,

[matts_butt]: What's that? What's that restaurant in the movie office space, where they have

[matts_butt]: to wear all the flam or fan or whatever.

[hosty_matt]: was it I know the way you talk about un musts say fundruckers. Is it

[hosty_matt]: Fd recordckers?

[buddy]: flannel or

[matts_butt]: Yeah, I think it. Uh, I think

[cobra]: is it bookers?

[buddy]: Fdruckers.

[matts_butt]: that that restaurant definitely seems like the kind of place he would he would

[matts_butt]: go to, or Um,

[matts_butt]: shannangans. the restaurant from from what you guys know that

[cobra]: The so the name from, had the same of the restaurant from office spaces. Chks, it's

[hosty_matt]: It's not food wreckers. Yeah,

[cobra]: Chkeys.

[matts_butt]: uh, ch chatsk. he'd loves chatks,

[buddy]: I also know what what fast food join Antoine goes to

[buddy]: not to make character for me, but he just poped like an equation, perfect and well

[hosty_matt]: right Taco Bell. I said it already

[buddy]: formed.

[buddy]: Okay, but on Sundays he goes to chilies,

[hosty_matt]: chilies.

[cobra]: Come on.

[matts_butt]: not mo with the little chilies.

[buddy]: Ch.

[cobra]: Come you know, Antoine goes to Hooers during lunch. Come on.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, that'.

[cobra]: We know we know that

[cobra]: We know we know that

[hosty_matt]: Yeah.

[matts_butt]: yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: he goes there for

[hosty_matt]: he thinks

[cobra]: lunch. He has. He has a a uh, loyalty card from

[matts_butt]: yeah,

[cobra]: Hoooters. We know that.

[hosty_matt]: he thinks that the wings there are good, so it gets like forty forty

[matts_butt]: yeah.

[hosty_matt]: wings.

[buddy]: See his ha, and his head is like pointed at the

[cobra]: Yeah,

[buddy]: plate. The the outside world is

[cobra]: Yeah, it's just the wings. Y.

[buddy]: dead to him and he focuses on the food is only the wings,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, No, it has nothing to do but it' nothing to do with the like, the staff,

[cobra]: No, it's just doing the spicy wings. Yeah, Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: or anything else to do with hooters.

[matts_butt]: Mhm.

[hosty_matt]: Just loves those wings.

[buddy]: Mhm,

[matts_butt]: he just walks in. Give me the usual and he says forty wings and a salad. I'm

[matts_butt]: watching my weight.

[hosty_matt]: Y, and Dkes, buoodlight.

[cobra]: and no, No, it's not what's either Bodli when he, when it's Friday, but on on

[cobra]: weekdays he drinks Kel juice,

[matts_butt]: No, No, on weekdays he drinks

[cobra]: but

[matts_butt]: vodka pop rocks.

[hosty_matt]: Ye

[cobra]: okay

[hosty_matt]: excellent.

[cobra]: makes sense.

[hosty_matt]: It's called the Antoine on the hood

[matts_butt]: Yeah, yeah,

[hosty_matt]: ofs many because no one else drinks but him.

[cobra]: Yeah, they stock

[matts_butt]: he he watch it.

[cobra]: it up just for him.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, and he

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: walks in and he says I'll have a bock on the rocks and they go on ice and goes.

[matts_butt]: No, No,

[cobra]: Pop rocks. Yeah,

[matts_butt]: but it this ice. What' the face?

[cobra]: yeah,

[matts_butt]: It sit on the rocks. the pop rocks.

[buddy]: Then he flips a table

[matts_butt]: He makes a scene.

[buddy]: and he proceeds to go to another table

[hosty_matt]: give me that giveiving that antoon. Forty,

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: That sounds real. Thank you.

[hosty_matt]: I think these are all excellent choices

[hosty_matt]: for Milly.

[hosty_matt]: I think that

[hosty_matt]: she barely goes outside of her house, so

[matts_butt]: Mhm.

[hosty_matt]: she wouldn't go to a restaurant. Lots of lots of uberes.

[hosty_matt]: And because she canberate it to her house and there's no shame.

[hosty_matt]: I think it is just

[hosty_matt]: never ending

[hosty_matt]: Korean fried chicken.

[matts_butt]: Well, that's oddly

[cobra]: really.

[matts_butt]: specific.

[cobra]: I. I thought you were going to go with like, supercised everything at Mcdonalds.

[hosty_matt]: No cause I feel like she, because she wants to have like an edge to her. Like

[cobra]: Oh, gotcha.

[hosty_matt]: looks like a bit of like a hipster

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: vibe if you will, not hipster, but like gamer. fiveb.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, I

[cobra]: that's fair.

[matts_butt]: was thinking like a. like a vegan bootbl type of thing. You know.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, but it wouldn't be healthy because she's just like hiding her shame.

[matts_butt]: she is a gamer. Yeah, gamers don't take care of themselves. We' know that.

[hosty_matt]: That's the thing.

[hosty_matt]: So maybes vegan boootable with like balls

[matts_butt]: What? what kind of balls

[hosty_matt]: like that. That energy sh,

[cobra]: like just like oxen balls. Is that

[hosty_matt]: now like falls, goara guan or whatever from the the nineties Whenever they had

[hosty_matt]: those that first, like energy drink For games.

[buddy]: Oh, wow,

[hosty_matt]: it's too deep.

[hosty_matt]: I'm sorry, re red bowl for for you, young youngsters

[buddy]: it was called Balls,

[matts_butt]: guys? May I may? I take a moment and point out all the fun cameos in this movie.

[matts_butt]: That is that allowed be cause there are a lot of them and they were

[hosty_matt]: As long you going to sign them food fast food restaurants, And yes,

[cobra]: Wow?

[matts_butt]: okay. No problem. Okay

[buddy]: rapid fire, lightning round,

[cobra]: what a fascest. What

[hosty_matt]: lightning ro.

[cobra]: a fascist.

[matts_butt]: one. uh, un, people didn't notice. This cameo was John Krizinsky and uh he plays

[matts_butt]: like, uh, he's like playing video games in the shadows And he's talking about

[matts_butt]: how Guy made an impact on his life and he would

[matts_butt]: go to Chki Cheiese.

[matts_butt]: He's weird. Obviously, Alex Trebecck made a uh,

[buddy]: r, I, P.

[matts_butt]: a great. yeah, r. I. P. the legends, Uh, made a an appearance, which was pretty

[matts_butt]: cool.

[matts_butt]: Um. funny. fun fact about Alextrabeck is, apparently he ate a chocolate bar for

[matts_butt]: breakfast every morning.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, so

[matts_butt]: he would obviously go to. Yeah, exactly so he would go to the comvenience store

[cobra]: I knew. I like the guy for a reason.

[matts_butt]: for his, his, uh food.

[matts_butt]: Um, the rock was in it.

[matts_butt]: Um, he was that guy, one of the guy who got shot through the chest when he's

[matts_butt]: trying to rob the bank.

[hosty_matt]: y.

[matts_butt]: Uh,

[hosty_matt]: see the problem with these cameos is like they were. They were voice cameos

[matts_butt]: voice cameos. Yeah, but it's kind of fun. It's like kind of fun like I didn't

[hosty_matt]: Right whenever she saw the characters.

[matts_butt]: notice them as much. but uh, I notice.

[hosty_matt]: What? Uh? What fast food restaurant do you think the Rock the Rocks character?

[matts_butt]: I notice some of them The Ro. Well, we all know the rock doesn't Well all. No,

[matts_butt]: the rock doesn't need fast food. He would go to g, M C and get a jar of protein

[matts_butt]: and ejected into his eyebas.

[hosty_matt]: I think. I think

[buddy]: But he also loves pancakes, so I say

[cobra]: I hope.

[buddy]: I want to say I,

[buddy]: hopny.

[hosty_matt]: maybe Denny's

[matts_butt]: What? what? what? What restaurant serves pure protein

[matts_butt]: What? what? what? What restaurant serves pure protein

[cobra]: Yeah, Dennys dens

[cobra]: Theg,

[matts_butt]: like fucking. Yeah, the Ca.

[buddy]: I was thinking the Kg

[matts_butt]: he seems like he get.

[hosty_matt]: is the Is the Cag, just Canadian, though

[matts_butt]: I, I

[cobra]: Maybe maybe

[matts_butt]: don't know I. I feel like the rockt could do some damage, Ed a keg. I'm not

[matts_butt]: going to lie. Feel like,

[hosty_matt]: whatever steakhouse you want inserted there.

[cobra]: yeah,

[matts_butt]: Um, Yes, Tina Fay was in it. She was vacuuming Mom in the background.

[hosty_matt]: Okay,

[hosty_matt]: where do you think she? She eats

[matts_butt]: She's like she's like.

[matts_butt]: Ah,

[matts_butt]: Well, she loves cheese. I believe she's like a burrito. What? Where do get

[matts_butt]: burrito? That's not Taco Bell Because that's literal trash,

[cobra]: Chpo,

[buddy]: Burrito Boys chips.

[matts_butt]: Bret, a boy Chaipo Lach pot. Yeah, she's a poly gal,

[matts_butt]: Uh, Hugh Jacman was in it. He was the. He did, the voice of that guy. that the

[matts_butt]: girl, Uh Maltov is like asking for information.

[hosty_matt]: Right.

[cobra]: Oh,

[matts_butt]: Yes,

[matts_butt]: and

[buddy]: I miss that one.

[matts_butt]: his, his fast food place is Uh,

[matts_butt]: Jack's Hungry Jacks, which is the Australian version of Burger Kingcause like,

[cobra]: I was going to say out back steakhouse.

[matts_butt]: 'cause like

[matts_butt]: because they can't. Yeah,

[buddy]: Y.

[matts_butt]: but they can't have Burger King in Australia, so they called Hungry Jacks

[cobra]: Seriously,

[hosty_matt]: Why can't they have Burger King and Australia

[matts_butt]: Yup, Yup. I

[cobra]: Jesus

[matts_butt]: don't know. It's like a legal thing when you.

[hosty_matt]: they don't. They don't observe the monarchy in anyway, shape or for them.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, exactly no, we don't

[cobra]: wait, they're part of the fucking commonwealth, aren't they

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, but the' criminals they're theyre jail.

[matts_butt]: way out. wait out. wait on the No king.

[cobra]: spoken like a true? spoken like a

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: true Englishman.

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: That's why they can't have nice things. Burger King things,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, they can have King. They got Jack

[matts_butt]: yeah, well, you know, respect a crown. it's Australia. Uh,

[buddy]: Kangaroo Jack

[matts_butt]: they. somebody mentioned the you two personalities. I didn't know who any of

[matts_butt]: them were, so

[cobra]: I was going to say,

[buddy]: Ninja was one. The Beast,

[cobra]: Um, I liked that those cameos from like the streamers, and and like poky, was there a

[cobra]: jaceptic shya.

[hosty_matt]: Jacepttic,

[matts_butt]: oh, I didn't. I didn't really know anyone, but I was like. I feel like these are

[matts_butt]: U tubers based on

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, they all they' all. Well, they're all like tubers or twitch

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: stars like ninjo. Us there poke like you

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: said

[buddy]: was it, Mr. Beast.

[hosty_matt]: Mister.

[cobra]: think so. yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Well,

[cobra]: that was like five or six. I think.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, and they were just playing themselves, which made a lot of sense.

[cobra]: yeah.

[matts_butt]: Yeah. that was. that was kind of cool.

[matts_butt]: Yeah. that was. that was kind of cool.

[cobra]: even then they didn't do well. Jackticka was actually pretty good at this, but

[cobra]: everyone else was really forced. Like if you

[matts_butt]: Yes,

[cobra]: ever watched them. Actually,

[hosty_matt]: Yes,

[matts_butt]: there. uh, yeah, they were not the best actors, but I, they could have been

[matts_butt]: worse. You know,

[matts_butt]: they didn't like. they were bad enough that I knew they were actual Youtube

[cobra]: Yeah, well, yeah, it was fine.

[matts_butt]: starscause. That makes any sense.

[hosty_matt]: when they were, they were there for a short enough amount of time that

[hosty_matt]: it

[matts_butt]: Yeah, didn't

[hosty_matt]: didn't get

[cobra]: It didn't matter. Yeah.

[matts_butt]: ruin the movie.

[hosty_matt]: get awkward or bad.

[matts_butt]: So and the next two cameos we al saw The the last two is. uh, we talked about

[matts_butt]: Chris Effins, and channingable you. the chaing, taem. I wouldn't consider it

[matts_butt]: Cameo actually was a like a role. You know.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, he had a role. A cameo was like you show for one

[hosty_matt]: scene.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: say one line and leave, but he show up a couple times.

[cobra]: he

[matts_butt]: so yeah,

[cobra]: had a role and the best name. best character named the whole damn movie

[matts_butt]: yeah. so put some sp on his. Uh, his contribution

[matts_butt]: and Chris

[hosty_matt]: please.

[matts_butt]: Evans would eat at

[matts_butt]: Hm.

[matts_butt]: Feel like he's like a No.

[cobra]: the most American thing ever.

[matts_butt]: I was going to say Arby's, but I like him too much to say

[matts_butt]: that

[buddy]: don't do that to him.

[cobra]: Yeah, don't do that to him.

[matts_butt]: that's something Arby's is something Mickey Roke would eat,

[cobra]: Oh, yeah,

[matts_butt]: fucking assle.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: Oh, my goodness,

[hosty_matt]: fuck you, Micky, Rok. You know you did,

[matts_butt]: Fuck you, you.

[cobra]: Arbys on even days, and like fucking applebes on the odd days.

[buddy]: please know apple be's yes, but

[buddy]: please don't give him. Please don't give cap. Oh, are you talking about Mickey Roke?

[hosty_matt]: Micky, Micky Roke,

[cobra]: No, no, no, Micker, rok. Yeah.

[matts_butt]: Oh, oh, Mickey, Roky, Arby's.

[buddy]: Continue,

[matts_butt]: That's going to be the

[hosty_matt]: an chick and chick filet.

[matts_butt]: an an chick fillet. What a fucking assle.

[matts_butt]: an an chick fillet. What a fucking assle.

[buddy]: proceed. O.

[cobra]: Oh, he definitely goes to chick filet, Yeah,

[matts_butt]: it's going.

[buddy]: I don't know why we hate him, but I'm here for it.

[matts_butt]: It's going to be like.

[hosty_matt]: He knows what

[buddy]: Bring the gas a leave.

[hosty_matt]: he did. Don't worry about it.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, He knows it's going to.

[cobra]: he knows what he

[buddy]: Yes,

[cobra]: knows what he did

[matts_butt]: It's going to be on T. M. ▁z, tomorrow, like Mickey Rok, known to eat at Errby's

[matts_butt]: Thousands Backlash.

[cobra]: on on

[cobra]: purpose.

[hosty_matt]: We breaking. We're breaking news on purpose.

[cobra]: Yeahrecret, secret

[cobra]: Yeahrecret, secret

[cobra]: Yeahrecret, secret

[cobra]: Yeahrecret, secret

[cobra]: Yeahrecret, secret

[cobra]: Yeahrecret, secret

[cobra]: Yeahrecret, secret

[cobra]: Yeahrecret, secret

[cobra]: Yeahrecret, secret

[cobra]: Yeahrecret, secret

[matts_butt]: not Yeah, on purpose,

[matts_butt]: uh, it's like Uh, that's like in the Simpsons, he was so hungry. He hated

[hosty_matt]: Millions. baffled.

[matts_butt]: Arby's. Wow, that is hungry.

[buddy]: I could see

[buddy]: I, reading this onteny. I could see it make sense.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, it tracks. it tracks for sure.

[hosty_matt]: Exactly That makes sense.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, and that's it.

[hosty_matt]: parting parting words for for this Pocast free guy.

[hosty_matt]: Let's go with Go with the free guy, Secret free guy hater and know, Mickey Rock

[hosty_matt]: sympathizer Spencer.

[matts_butt]: Whoa way, don't you put that on me. don't you put that on me?

[buddy]: It's been. It's been placed

[cobra]: secret, free guy hater,

[matts_butt]: I'm open.

[cobra]: What's secret

[buddy]: gently

[cobra]: about? what's secret about it?

[buddy]: plently gently placed before ye.

[matts_butt]: Yes, the only thing that could have made this movie worse is if

[cobra]: Jesus,

[matts_butt]: Mickey work was in it.

[hosty_matt]: You gave it uncommon

[matts_butt]: No, I'm just kidding. This movie wasn't I will say this, though,

[matts_butt]: fuck this movie and fuck Mickey York.

[buddy]: Wow, he yielded his time abruptly,

[hosty_matt]: greatri. Do you want to heat up his time?

[hosty_matt]: greatri. Do you want to heat up his time?

[buddy]: Didn't see that coming.

[buddy]: Uh, yes,

[buddy]: yes, I shall. uh, but yeah, no, I. I. I enjoyed this movie and and the last question

[buddy]: marked for me is um. I, I suppose it, other people will feel differently, but um I,

[buddy]: I'm I'm actually curious in terms of like sequel, territory, they could explore and

[buddy]: do pretty much whatever they want in that free land or free life. Sorry, free life,

[buddy]: Um, sort of section, Uh, that they hinted at. I'm actually curious because like

[buddy]: they've got like, Oh it with the bromance through the bromance, they could spin that

[buddy]: off into into like another buddy comedy. And that might feel like something akin to

[buddy]: a funnier modern

[buddy]: lethal weapon, but not lethal. It would be a free life weapon. but the weapon is love

[buddy]: and hugs.

[cobra]: Oh, my God,

[hosty_matt]: The F. Just,

[buddy]: If it was just be a highjinks scenario,

[cobra]: I, I got like this. just this whole section of Chris talk and gave me diabetes.

[matts_butt]: Yeah. how do I?

[buddy]: You're welcome.

[matts_butt]: How do I not? How do I unwch a movie that I haven't that I haven't seen yet.

[cobra]: How

[cobra]: do i? How do? how do I erase something? someone else said that

[buddy]: We don't need you. We don't need you.

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: you cannot. you, shan't. You can enjoy your sour patch kids' candy all over there,

[buddy]: Sirs.

[matts_butt]: I love Sour patch candy.

[buddy]: enjoy good day.

[hosty_matt]: I bet you guys think Ted Lasso is the worst thing ever created by humans.

[matts_butt]: I know I love Hadla, so that shows fantastic.

[buddy]: Hypocrite.

[cobra]: I, I have to watch it. Still,

[matts_butt]: See.

[hosty_matt]: You should. Was it?

[buddy]: Me too.

[matts_butt]: the main difference between this and T lastss. was Tedlass was good

[hosty_matt]: Why do assume that Christs grad is bad?

[matts_butt]: because Chris created it. No,

[hosty_matt]: Wow, okay,

[matts_butt]: I'm just kidding.

[cobra]: holy shit. I, I will relinquish I will relinquish money. the title of like local

[cobra]: asshole today to to dispenser. He earned it.

[buddy]: If you really want to relinquish something, relinquish your rating. That really grind

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: Spencers gears.

[matts_butt]: and another thing

[cobra]: No

[matts_butt]: I hate girl scouts. Com into my house. Give me cookies,

[buddy]: Oh Lord, got him. roll

[matts_butt]: but those kids

[buddy]: the music. Save us hos, sa us

[hosty_matt]: uh,

[buddy]: Swedish mat

[buddy]: on him

[hosty_matt]: I, I

[matts_butt]: get a real job.

[buddy]: or something.

[cobra]: sick,

[hosty_matt]: have not yielded my time,

[hosty_matt]: have not yielded my time,

[cobra]: six Swedish.

[hosty_matt]: so I'd like to step in here.

[cobra]: What what would you do for the Meles?

[hosty_matt]: Na.

[buddy]: What would he do? He would force feed Spencer Ikea meatballs

[buddy]: What would he do? He would force feed Spencer Ikea meatballs

[hosty_matt]: S Swedish Swedish Mat isn't here because he's out doing wet work.

[matts_butt]: He' a killer. No,

[hosty_matt]: So

[matts_butt]: Swedish, Ma Swedishs go. Everybody calm down.

[matts_butt]: Let's just

[buddy]: in a podcast. Swedish Mat takes the lodge, forces it down spers through. He's not

[buddy]: wearing a T neck.

[hosty_matt]: it the law is an appeance just for everybody's reference.

[cobra]: Yeah, I was going to say,

[matts_butt]: well, then I'm out.

[hosty_matt]: I just want be. I want to be clear.

[cobra]: So wait. It's not easy because you know the turtal neck just mean he circumcised,

[hosty_matt]: Well, that's all the time we have for this week. Um,

[matts_butt]: Yeah, what? these final comments?

[hosty_matt]: we're going on at.

[hosty_matt]: Um.

[hosty_matt]: I would like to remind everyone listening to the podcast that we are

[hosty_matt]: participating in extra life. All of our information is on our website, which is

[hosty_matt]: w. w w, dot, wrong cast Dotcier. We will be playing video games on the fourth,

[hosty_matt]: the fifth, the sixth in November, to raise money for local hospitals, Uh,

[hosty_matt]: specifically design around kids, uh, kids and hospitals. I believe all of us are

[hosty_matt]: participating. Spencer, still um in deep in negotiations to be released Uh, from

[hosty_matt]: his current contract for a one day, one, twenty four hour day event, maybe

[hosty_matt]: twelve hours.

[matts_butt]: I'm going to get there twenty

[hosty_matt]: Um,

[matts_butt]: minimum twelve.

[hosty_matt]: but please, please please donate to any of us, Me, specifically that you can,

[hosty_matt]: Um, other places you can catch us. Were on the Twitter. uh, at your wrongcast

[hosty_matt]: and we have an email address Your wrongcast at g, Ml dot com, Um, that's where

[hosty_matt]: you should send all of your hatemail to all of us, I assume at this point Um,

[cobra]: but specifically Spencer Andma

[hosty_matt]: okay,

[buddy]: I think you earned that one

[matts_butt]: Yeah, yeah, I, it's all right.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, yeah, I, it's all right.

[cobra]: work and make you work.

[hosty_matt]: Oh yeah, If if mickey roo, if you're listening, fuck you.

[matts_butt]: We know he is. He always is

[matts_butt]: that that guy's obsessed.

[hosty_matt]: you know what you did. don't E stop emailing

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: us?

[matts_butt]: Yes,

[hosty_matt]: Uh, well, yeah, for now, I'm Matt.

[cobra]: I'm Luiano.

[matts_butt]: I'm Spencer.

[buddy]: and I wish all of you a wonderful evening. Remember

[matts_butt]: Oh, that's nice.

[buddy]: you know, we all. we all love each other In the. in the end, love

[cobra]: I don't

[buddy]: yourselves too.

[buddy]: Oh well, I love you

[cobra]: thank you.

[buddy]: for it.