Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024 / Professional pillow fighting, Chantel got her car detailed, why are stores selling fall decor, another world record Josh will not be able to beat, and we pick out jobs for each other that we would be terrible at.

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Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast. It's a replay of today's full show. It's Wednesday, May 22nd. On today's show, we talk about professional pillow fighting. I got my car detailed, and it's super fancy.

Why craft stores are selling fall decor already? Another world record that Josh will never be able to beat, and we pick out jobs for each other that we would be terrible at. Thanks for listening. Catch the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10, and enjoy wake up classy 97, the podcast. Classy 97.

It's Josh and Chantel. It is, what day? Wednesday, 22nd May. Good morning. We've about burned this thing this May.

It's about time. I know. It's about June almost. I summer's already going away so fast. And it's still not even warm enough.

I know. So let's, let's get to summer, I guess. Hey. It's, National Numeracy Day. It's about numbers and equations and maths.

Great. You love math. I don't love math. Give math a big hug. Math doesn't love me.

Is that right? Yeah. That's right. K. It's, Harvey Milk Day today.

K. It is National Boss Babe Day. You're the boss, babe. That feels I dare you to say that to your boss today. Yeah.

It would've you're the boss, babe. Don't say it like that. How are you supposed to say boss babe not like that? Just say normal. You're the boss, babe.

Yeah. No. Don't you know, weird. Okay. Buy a musical instrument day.

I saw this yesterday. I actually did some prep work. Did you? Because I looked at the days yesterday because I was like, I'm gonna prepare, and I'm gonna do something fun. I did it.

Oh, okay. Alright. I'm not sure what Bitcoin pizza day is, but it's today. It's Sherlock Holmes Day and National Solitaire Day. I'll be your Watson.

Okay. Elementary. Be my Sherlock Holmes. Elementary, my dear Watson. Is World Goth Day?

Oh, we should have dressed up. As goth? Yeah. You have all that black clothing. I just some shirts?

Yeah. K. It's National Maritime Day, and it is international day for biological diversity. Oh. Has a lot to do with, the oceans.

I like the ocean. Coral reefs and things. So, that's what's happening today. Should have bought a musical instrument. I should've we still can.

Today is the day. Today. Alright. Let's go buy a musical instrument. I'll buy a cello.

What are you gonna buy? Tambourine? Oh, no. I changed our minds. You you did for both of us?

Yep. Well, thanks for doing that. Wake up class of 97. It's Josh and Chantal. When was the last time you mailed a letter?

Boy, it's been a while. I don't know. Yeah. We don't pay our bills through the mail. We pay them all online.

We don't pay our bills. Well, I do. No. I know. I just pay them online.

Yeah. Yeah. Last time I mailed a letter was probably some Christmas cards in December. Yes. That's probably right.

But did we did we take them to the post office and have them Yeah. I did. I did. No. I know.

But I would like, did we hand them to the the peeps, or did you do stamps and put it in? Stamps and put it in. The outgoing mail thing. I see. Would you be more inclined to mail a letter if you knew that there were scent flavored stamps?

No. I don't smell the mail. Gross. France has scratch and sniff postage snaps. Really?

Yes. It smells like a baguette. Like fresh baked bread? Yeah. A baguette.

The e Fresh baked bread? Apparently has microcapsules Of fresh baked bread? That provide the scent. Yes. Micro capsules of fresh baked bread.

To say micro capsules. Mhmm. Why? Because it's funner that way. It is it is a little more French if you say it like that.

I feel like Baguette kipseud. By the time the mail if I if I'm gonna mail you a letter Uh-huh. And I put my scratch and sniff baguette flavored stamp on there, and put it in the post office. It touches all the other mail. It touches the wall.

All the conveyor machines. Yeah. It touches hands. It touches the male tricot touches. I mean This is why I don't smell the man.

By the time you get that letter, it's not gonna smell like a baguette anymore. Mm-mm. It's gonna smell like mail. It's gonna smell like dirty postage. Maybe it's for the person sending it and less for the person receiving it.

Okay. That was the point of that. You get to smell fresh baked bread while you're sending your mail. Just buys our fresh baked bread. Right?

Yes. I agree with you. Sorry, France. This isn't your best idea. The baguette is a pretty good idea.

Yeah. But your scratch and stiff sniff stamp? No. Pass. It's for the birds.

It's Josh and Chantel in Classy 90 7. There was a man who woke up 1 day, and he said, I wanna see what would happen if I did this. What was it? What he wanted to do was order a triple cheeseburger from McDonald's with everything removed, even the meat and the bun. So he just wanted the cheese?

He ordered it from a delivery service. He ordered a triple cheeseburger, but he said no ketchup, no mustard, no pickle, no onions, no cheese, no bun, and no meat. So just nothing. He wanted to order nothing and see what he would get. When the driver got to the restaurant, the delivery driver got to the restaurant, he texted Greg.

Greg is his name. Hey, Greg. Hey. Cheeseburger with everything removed, including the bun and meat, you're gonna get an empty box. Are you okay with that?

And Greg said, yep. Perfect. That's what I ordered. Thank you so much. We'll see you soon.

The order was still wrong. No way. When Greg opened the bag, which was sealed for freshness Yes. There was just an empty box in there, but it was a box for a deluxe McCrispy. Uh-huh.

Greg said, I ordered a triple cheeseburger, not a crispy McCrispy. He paid guess how much he paid for his wrong box? Delivery fee is a 6 or $7? $20. No way.

So the triple cheeseburger was $5.39 even with everything removed. That makes no sense. There was a $3 service fee, 42ยข in tax, and he tipped the driver $11. Wow. I have nothing better to do with my day than order a bag of nothing, and they still got it wrong.

And they still got it wrong. That I think is hilarious, that it was still not the right box. He wanted them McMcCrispy. Well and here's the thing. This isn't a box.

It It would have been funny if there was, like, 2 bagged fries in there. Yeah. I don't know how that got in there. Weird. Those come with every order.

There's always a couple stray fries. I wonder if he got napkins. That would have been funny. It doesn't mention napkins. Just the box and some napkins and 2 fries.

It's perfect. Here's your napkins for your nothing burger. Yeah. Oh, that's what it's called. The nothing burger?

Mhmm. That's a term that's used in when, like, people make a big deal out of nothing. Oh, this is a nothing burger. Yeah. Yeah.

So that's good. I like that. Stop making a nothing burger out of a molehill. What? Uh-huh.

This is a kind of a cool story. Back in 1984, an Italian immigrant named Maria Polsoni, she posed for a sculpture that was sponsored by her employer in New York, which was Cozen and Sons Trailers. Okay. Or, excuse me, Taylors. Taylors.

It's totally different. She sat still with her body covered in plaster and only a pair of straws in her nose allowing her to breathe. Oh, gosh. How you get, you know, immortalized as a statue. How long did she have to sit there doing that?

A while. Because this was the eighties, and so I'm sure the plaster was not the technology they have in plaster today. So it probably took a long time to dry. Right. Yeah.

And, and so what's really interesting is the pose. Right? So So this is a tailor's, like a like a suit tailor. They, had her she's fully clothed in her dress stitching, hemming. So she's got, like, a needle in her hand.

So she's sitting with, like, a a piece of clothing in her left, the needle up here in her right pulling the thread taut. Okay. That's the pose. K. It's this 51 inch statue because she's seated, so it's a little over 4 feet tall.

It was on display in the lobby for years for customers to enjoy. They were like, they'll wow. Look at this. This is Maria. Well, somewhere along the way, the sculpture vanished, and Maria, who is now 95 years old, believe it had been destroyed.

She's like, that thing, I'm sure it's in the landfill somewhere. Well, her granddaughter, Jennifer, said, I'm gonna try and track this thing down or at least learn what happened to it. She found it, discovered the statue of her grandmother was for sale at an antiques warehouse in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Scranton, Pennsylvania. I know.

So she bought the piece of art. She donated it to the Italian American Museum where Maria and her family attended the unveiling. Maria said, that's a piece of me, and it's a big honor for all Italians, all of Italy. For me, I feel like a princess. I'm lucky this is a very big moment.

So the statue is back, and she is 95, and she got to see the statue again. 1 last thing. Here's here's the statue, as soon as all of this goes away. So you can see the statue here, and here she is that, Maria. Sitting next to it.

I know. With plaster all around you, 2 straws in your nose to breathe. Yeah. Just to be able to be a you know? Oh, they didn't even, like, bronze it.

It's literally just looks like clay. Yeah. Like, it's just Clay Maria. She's 95. Mhmm.

She She does not look 95. Know. Good for you, Maria. That plaster. It yeah.

Age defying plaster. Right. You've heard of mud baths? Try being made into a statue. That's your good news That's cool.

To get you going on classy 97. Classy 90 7. It's Josh and Chantel. Yesterday, I saw something, and I had to share it with you because I didn't know this was a real thing, and it is beyond real. PFC, pillow fight championship.

It's not as exciting as you're making it sound. It's really exciting. These pillows, 2 dudes 2 dudes in a ring Yeah. In a ring. In a ring.

Not a ring. In in a in a battle dome. The pillows they have have handholds on them Yes. So they're able to grip it easier Right. And just smack each other like mad.

They have a fancy pillow. It's called the combat pillow, and, and there are specific rules. So here are the rules. Do swing the pillow at full force. Yeah.

Do dodge and avoid strikes to the head. Do incorporate. Strikes to the head? Yeah. You wanna dodge and avoid strikes to the head.

Yeah. You want to incorporate sportsmanship into the fight. You want to perform special moves. I don't know what those are. No.

I saw some roundy house looking things. I did see that too. Only strike with the pillow and hold all straps with 1 hand. Oh. So you can't 2 hand I feel like the video I saw, saw, they were holding 2 hands.

Guy went over the head with 2 hands, and they told him you can only use 1 thing. They whistled at him. Okay. I didn't see that. The don'ts.

K. Don't hit the opponent with any part of your body, only the pillow. Don't drop your pillow. Don't grab your opponent or their pillow. Oh.

No pushing or charging the opponent, and no 2 handed overhead strikes. Oh. And that guy was trying to do that. I feel like, Josh, we could absolutely have our own pillow fight championship. I think we could.

We just need to get our battle pillows, combat pillows. Yeah. And then it's all points based. So a strike to the head is 1 point. K.

A 360 strike to the head is 3 points. It's like a roundhouse pillow Right. Hit. A knockdown is 5 points, and a leg strike unbalanced is 1 point. What's a leg strike?

Like, if you if you hit somebody in the leg and they go wobbly, you get a 0, man. If the fighter breaks the pillow, not the handles, but if you break the pillow and poof happens, 3 points. Woah. Yeah. And then, whoever gets the most points at the end of the, the battle, however many rounds are determined, wins.

I think we can do this, you and I. You think? Yeah. Pillow fight to the death. No.

No. Pillow fight to the nap. To the nap? Yes. Because that's how it should end.

I kinda wanna have a pillow fight. I kinda wanna figure out how much do you think these combat pillows cost. I don't know. Look it up because we're gonna do this. $80.

$80? Yep. No. Yeah. No way.

For the official We don't need the official champion. How much is the unofficial? No. I don't know. I'll have to look.

All I'm gonna do is sew a strap onto There's 4 handles. 4? Yes. Where? Well, there's 3 across 1 end and 1 on the side, I guess.

What? Yeah. Why do you need 3 across 1 end? I don't know. For different, angled strikes.

I don't understand the whole deal. I've never I've never swung a combat pillow. I haven't either. But I was blown away anyway to find out the pillow fight championships was a real thing. And you can you can register to be a an actual fighter on the website.

I don't wanna do that. I just wanna fight you. What? I don't wanna fight other people. I just want to fight you.

Oh, I see. Bring it on. Pillow fight championships. That guy did a cartwheel and then tried to strike. Special move.

Special move. That is a special move. Special move. What's your special move? You're not gonna know until I do it.

You're not gonna know until you do it, and you're gonna go, that was my special move. You're right. Wake up, classy 97. It's Josh and Chantel. Have you heard of the TikTok 100 envelope challenge?

No. You sound like you've been sneezing. I have been sneezing. I know. No.

I have not. What's the 100 envelope challenge? Tell you. This is a it's a viral money saving method. So it's gone viral, but it's a money saving method where you take a 100 envelopes and you label each 1, 1 to a 100.

K. Already, you're out of money. A 100 envelopes. Now I'm broke. Now I have, seen this.

So 1 has $1 in it. 1 has 5. So the idea is that you label them 1 to a100, and then you pick a random envelope on any day. And then you say, oh, I picked number 32. And then you put $32 in that envelope.

Right. At the end of the challenge, if you fill up all your 100 envelopes, you're going you're going to wind up with $5, 050. Is that how much it adds up to? Yes. Okay.

Somebody did the math. I didn't do the math. Somebody did the math. So a lot of people are like, this is a great idea. A lot of people are like, I never have cash.

So this is gonna be a lot of trips to the ATM. True. And a lot of people are saying that, it's a good idea for money saving. Okay. So you got 2 sides to this thing.

People are saying this will work. People are saying this is not gonna work. Could you do the same thing with just a random number and then throw that into a savings or something? That's what, yeah, that's what a lot of people are like. Why do you need envelopes to do this?

Have to do this with tan Especially if you don't ever carry cash, which you and I, I never have cash. Certainly not upwards of $20. Well and then, yeah, a lot of people are like, if you're gonna fill up these envelopes with cash and you're gonna have that much cash sitting in your house? Right. What if you misplace an envelope?

What if you get burglarized? Oh, or a fire or something. Or that. Right. And you're gonna have a 100 envelopes full of cash.

What if I do it in little jars, full of coins and I do it in the backyard? And bury it. That's it. That's a good idea. And then you can get a metal detector and dig it up.

Metal detecting. That sounds funny. I I know. $55100, Is what you'd say? 5, 050.

Oh, 5, 050. 5050. 5050. Yep. You get it.

Not 55100. People are saying, oh, this sounds like a fun game. I'll be easy it'll be easier for me to save my money if it's a game. It feels like a game. Out that 100 envelope, and then you draw out that 99 envelope, and you draw out that 98 envelope, and you're like, well, this wasn't very much fun.

Now I'm out $300. And if you have to go to the ATM to get all this cash like we do, $99 is not gonna be easy to retrieve retrieve from the ATM. True. That's that is correct. You're not gonna be able to say, oh, I need I need $64 today.

Exactly. Right. So then you're gonna have to go over to the store and break your twenties and It's a whole thing. It sounds too complicated. Right.

I'm not gonna save any money doing this. No. There's gotta be a better way. Classy 97. It's Josh and Chantel.

Yesterday, I was driving home, with Emery, and she decided she wanted to help me drive because you weren't there. Wasn't around. So I need You needed a special car helper buddy. Car helper buddy. Yeah.

Aw. And so she was letting me know when the lights turned green. She said that, you told her to quit saying go. Yeah. I did.

And so instead, she says, it's green, which is the same thing. And I went, I know. Because when I ride with her, she's so afraid of getting honked at. Like, she doesn't want people to honk at us. Yes.

This is what she told me. She was, I don't want people to honk at us. Okay. So when I drive with her, I mean, she if I look down for a second, she goes, it's green. I know.

Well, she'll say, go. Yeah. Go. And then I'm like, So I said, you gotta stop doing that because whoever you're with, if you do that, they're gonna just, like, not pay attention and just gun it. Because I just don't wanna be on that.

And I went, okay. I I got it. Things are under control. Alright. So so then, she felt like I might have been following behind the car too close.

You do that. She's not wrong. No. The car was was traveling at a slower speed than, we were. That doesn't mean you didn't follow them too closely.

And I was approaching the car. I wasn't following too close. I was approaching the car that was going slower, and she goes, brake. Brake. And I went, no.

What what is happening right now? And what she wanted to say was don't rear end that guy. But she didn't know what the right rec term was, and she's heard of t boning somebody. And she's heard of rear ending, but she couldn't remember it. And, and she knew what kinda what tailgating was, so she told me, don't tailbone that guy.

And I said, I don't I don't think that's the thing. I don't think I don't think it's called tailboning somebody. That's different. So we had a quick conversation about the different kinds of wrecks you can get in while we were waiting patiently behind the slow driver at a respectful diffs distance. I'm here for 2.

Person in front of me. Don't don't tailbone that guy. Don't do it. I'm happy that you had a special car helper, buddy, when I wasn't there to assist. Yeah.

I, was not. There are 2 of us. Yeah. Yes. I don't need 1 of you You do.

But I've got 2. You do. You need us. You need us both. You're so lucky to have us.

Classy 97. It's Josh and Chantel. So the US News and World Report put out, last year a list of the best cities to live in in the United States, and the number 1 spot went to Boise, Idaho. No way. Yes.

That was number 1 last year. It's number 2 this year. Oh, no. Yeah. Here's what it says about Boise.

It says Idaho's capital sits squarely on the boundary of urban and rural Don't civilized and wild, refined and raw. Yes. There are wilder places. Yes. There are more urban places, but Boise's a good place to live if you enjoy easy access to both.

I I would agree with that. They also say it's a recreationalist's paradise. If you value the outdoors and time spent among rivers, mountains, canyons, deserts, and lakes, all the activities encapsulated therein, it's worth a serious look. I agree. I actually really I love Boise.

I do. And I agree that it's like you can have the city Yeah. To this side Right. And you can have Mountains, mountains, and everything else right there at your fingertips too, which is cool. So number 1 this year.

Tell me what state it's in. Florida. Florida? Yeah. Florida.

Tampa Bay. No. Miami. Naples. Naples?

Naples. Florida. Town. It is the, it's on the Florida's Gulf Coast. Oh, of course.

Scored high marks for the value residents get for their money for ample job opportunities. It also did well in quality of life and desirability. Oh. Mhmm. Number 3 was Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Greenville, South Carolina was number 4, and Charlotte, North Carolina was number 5. Well, there you go. So you're looking to move somewhere No. Those are the top 5 Well, then take Idaho off the list. Best cities to live.

To know. Look. You can't find anywhere you can't find housing for, you know, for less than an arm and a leg anymore. So it's okay. Push everybody to Florida.

Yeah. Go to Naples, Florida. That's the best place to live. Go live there. Sweet.

Classy 97. It's Josh and Chantal. Big day for you yesterday. It was a big day. Yesterday morning, and we didn't talk about it yesterday because you you kinda wanna see how everything was gonna turn out.

You got your car details. First time did. You've ever had a car detail. Is that correct? Yeah.

Since my car was new. Yeah. But I listen. My youngest child is 14, almost 15. Right.

So I'm down with little kids. Right. My pets don't go in my car or shouldn't. Josh, I'm looking at you. I'm not a pet.

Because I didn't have a we did have a pet that went in my car. Right. And then you were giving me such grief not too long ago for having some French fries that were had fallen in between my seat and my console. Yeah. Because I looked down in there, and there was a lot more than, just the pen I had dropped.

There was a lot of texture in there. Did you look down in there? Yeah. Is it spotless in there? So good.

That's cool. It's so good. And, and so now you've had your car back for, well, less than 24 hours, and you haven't spent a lot of time in there, you said. But, do you feel pretty fancy? Yeah.

I just feel so fancy. I'm like, look on my clean car. No 1 can see inside, but it's so clean. That's great. He did bring it back yesterday.

And because he had washed the seats, they were still wet. Ah. And so when I sat down and I had to run to the store before going to my other job, got up from the seat, walked into the store, and I was like, why is my bottom wet? You had a little damp. Okay.

Yeah. From from what was left in the seat. Is it all good now, though? Yeah. I couldn't even be mad because it was so clean.

Nice. I feel so fancy. What's the first thing you're gonna spill in there? Nothing. No one's allowed in there at all.

I did bring home. Okay. I did bring home I was late home last night because I had an event that I had to work at my other job, but I did bring you and Emery home some desserts. Uh-huh. And I was like, oh, where am I gonna put this?

These I'm not gonna spill these in my can you imagine? I get a car detail, and then I spill dessert everywhere. Stuffed them in my car holder my cup holder. Stuffed them in there, and I drove very carefully like I was driving my 90 year old grandma. With the with the church clothes on, holding a really full pot of chili?

Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, I'm excited for you. It's kind of a big deal.

It's like having a new car It is. In a way. Does it smell nice? It does. Good.

I know. Brand new car. Go me. Well, I'm so gift to myself. That I pay for.

Anyway, go ahead. I've physically like, I physically hit the button to pay for. Okay. It's the same bank. Like, it's shared finances, but I pushed the button.

So, technically, I paid for it. You paid for it. Yeah. But I did all the work to get it there. I made the arrangements.

Did book the appointment. Yep. And then said, pay the man. I said, okay. Classy 97.

It's Josh and Chantel. I have a bone to pick with a local store. Okay. Gonna mention it by name. It's not even a local store.

It's it's all over the world. It's a national change of the box. Yeah. They have fall decorations up already, and I'm not pleased. I bet I could guess which store you're talking about.

And You could. And I think they do it because they want all of the influencers to make all of this stuff so that they can talk about where they got their supplies or whatever. This store also has an interesting, rollout pricing thing where they'll roll out fall right now at full price. I don't like it. But then as fall actually approaches, everything's, like, 70% off.

So why would you not buy it right now? Right. Right. And if you're gonna put it at 70% off later, just do it 70% off now. Exactly.

See, that's what's interesting as well is they've got huge markup on it right now, and I'm wondering, I don't know the business model. I don't understand if it's like, let's stock the shelves with the stuff now. Get it on the display. Get people excited about fall. I don't want to be excited about fall.

They're 2 seasons ahead, but they're gonna do that. It'll be 4th July, and they'll have Christmas stuff out. They had on 1 aisle, 4th July. Next aisle, fall. Yeah.

Let me enjoy spring for just a hot minute. I know. And then let me enjoy summer. Yeah. And then I'll go think about fall.

But I'm telling you, 4th July will move out and go on clearance, and Christmas will move in. Yeah. I don't It's strange. I don't understand it. I do.

I understand it. You just said it. It's because the influencers. Because they've gotta get the prep time in to get all their crafts made so they can showcase to the world. Look what I made.

Look at my cute fall wreath. No. I'm swimming because it's summertime. No. Let me enjoy my season when it's here.

I couldn't believe it. Could not believe it. May, and we're already thinking about fall. Mhmm. Get out of here.

What are you gonna be for Halloween? I'd totally forgot about it. Nope. Have you ever had a razor blade and an apple? Like, these are the conversations you wanna talk about.

What what's the best side to go with your turkey? My tulips are still alive and well. I'm not thinking about them dying already. Stop it. When did when did they do leaf pickup?

Now I'm grumpy. I just want some warm weather. I know. Is it gonna be warm ever? Never.

Never, ever, ever. Wake up classy 97. It's Josh and Chantel. Hi. Listen to this.

This is cool. Many families are struggling with rising monthly costs. Like, inflation is a thing. It's a legit thing. Sure.

So there's lots of families that are struggling because they have children in diapers, and so it's hard to purchase diapers. Diapers are expensive. The National Diaper Bank Network, did you even know that was a thing? There's a diaper bank? There's a National Diaper Bank Network.

What do they do? They I don't know. What? I don't know exactly what they do, but they estimate that 22% of families receiving diapers in Tennessee are working and still unable to afford an adequate supply of diapers. Man.

So Tennessee came up with this idea that they are going to it's their medic part of their Medicaid program. They're going to cover a 100 diapers a month for newborn infants and 1 year olds. This is where at? In Tennessee. That's cool.

So they're gonna provide some diapers. Yeah. That's very cool. I think that's very cool. You still have to obviously, you still have to, apply for the program.

Yeah. But there I don't know what the requirements are, but they're ready to help provide diapers to those who need it. They also have a diaper bank, which, people can donate. And we probably have something like Well, so that's what I was trying to figure out. Diapers for years, 10 years.

So I'm sure we have 1 here. We have to. Well, so the National Diaper Bank Network, they provide basic necessity necessities required to build strong foundations for all children, families, and individuals, so they can thrive to reach their full potential. They work in partnership with their network of diaper banks, allied programs, donor sponsors, and elected officials to end diaper need and, in and poverty in the United States. So this is really kind of a big deal.

It's cool. And they they do that so people can donate. You can, you know, send over some money or whatever, and then they can help distribute diapers as you just said. So, in Idaho I'm just pulling up the information for Idaho. Total population under the age of 3 is over 65, 000 people, which is pretty incredible, and 14% of children under age 18 are infants or toddlers.

And that's where, you know, if you have a poverty, line, 28% live in families earning 100 to 200% of that, poverty line. So there's, there's a need for sure. There is. And their Tennessee is stepping up and saying, hey. We're here to help.

And I think that is cool. Yeah. I'd I'd be curious to see, how the diaper bank is happening in Idaho because I don't know anything about it. But that's there, but That's pretty cool. Thanks for, pointing out that that's a thing.

It is a thing. I know. Diaper bank. It's pretty cool. It is.

It's, making it a little easier for people. I like that. It's Josh and Chantel. Now we have a teenage daughter Uh-huh. Who spends a lot of time on her phone Yes.

Scrolling social medias, watching YouTube, stuff like that, talking to her friends. Yes. Finland did a study, and, they believe that this is the, to their knowledge, the first study to combine objectively measured smartphone use with validated measures of social media addiction and well-being. And here's what they found. Young girls are spending a lot of time on their phones up to or around 6 hours a day.

Holy moly. That's a lot. This is causing not only a social media addiction, but it's leading to increased stress, loneliness, and fatigue, as well as poor body image, health, and mood, which I think is true. So what they found is that about 17% of teen girls are likely addicted to social media, and 37% are showing signs of anxiety disorders because of their amount of phone use. So what do you do?

Here's what Finland says. What is Finland doing? Finland says parents should establish tech free zones and rules and encourage teens to spend more time on in person relationships. They say that lawmakers should have tech companies prioritize health and safety for this very vulnerable group. Yeah.

Because these are very impressionable teenage girls that are taking all of this in and going, like, well, what's wrong with me? Right? That's the immediate thing that's happening, and those brain synapses are triggering. So that's the solution is tech free zones and, spending more time on in person relationships and, and rules and boundaries when it comes to the amount of screen time and social media access that that, this group of of people has. I think that's actually true for everyone.

I think everyone absolutely needs to take a break from phones and and have some personal connections. And Yeah. In person person is huge and gets lost all the time. You gotta have that in person ping ponging. Right?

You gotta have that back and forth with people. Yep. We spend a lot of time, looking at the scroll. I'm just scrolling. Scrolling.

Instead of doing, go outside. Do something. I know. It just it becomes such a habit. You just you get bored, and you pick it up.

Oh, hey. My phone. And then an hour later, you're like, what have I been doing? Yeah. Time went blank.

Yeah. Nothing. I'm just sitting here doing nothing. My now my neck hurts. Yeah.

And I And my posture's all messed up. Understimulated. Yeah. Or over sometimes. And you feel like you need a nap.

Been scrolling. My brain needs a rest. Yeah. Go get some fresh air. Try it outside.

Some exercise. Call a friend and have them come over. People Say, hey. Come hang out. Let's go for a walk outside.

Yeah. Let's try that. Let's ping pong. Classy 97. It's Josh and Chantal.

Another world record that I will never be able to achieve. What is it? Zoo in Germany Okay. Claims to have the world's oldest sloth. You don't have an old the oldest sloth?

Not the oldest sloth, so I can't get this record. This sloth recently celebrated his 54th birthday. How old do sloths typically live for? Well, here let me tell you about this. So Jan is a tooth 2 toed sloth, was found in the wild in South America in 1970 and believed to be about 6 months old at the time, so was small.

He's been living at, the Krefeld Zoo in Germany since 1986 and officially holds the Guinness World Record for the oldest sloth ever. They typically live about 20 years. He's 54. Wow. That's crazy.

What's his name? Jan. Jan. He, apparently, recently fathered his 22nd child. Woah.

So Buddy. Yeah. 54. Should have only lived to be 20. 22 kids.

This guy This guy. What's up with this guy? He's a world record holder, and I'm not. I don't know what to do about that information. The sloth is beating you in world records.

I know. This sloth should be ashamed. It should be. When asked, what's the secret to a long life? The sloth said nothing because they don't talk.

He's a sloth. Yeah. But, really, it's all about living life slowly. Very slowly. Classy 97.

It's Josh and Chantel. Let's talk about our brains. Okay. What's, what's that? Is that mushy thing in my in my skull?

So let's talk about negative self talk for a minute. Who does that? No 1 I know. Alright. What you tell yourself changes how you view the world.

Mhmm. So if you say, today is gonna be a great day. Yes. Man of fish. To look for things that are great.

Yes. So I watched a video once where a woman said, your brain is constantly looking for evidence of what you tell it. So if you say This is true. You're dumb, then it's gonna search relatable Correct. Instances where you messed up or said silly things.

Self, self something prophecy. Self fulfilling prophecy. That's what that's called. So there's a mental health coach, and he says when he catches himself saying something negative about himself Mhmm. He says 3 positive things about himself.

And the more we think about that something, then there your brain is wired to change. So he is giving he gave, like, some things that you should do to protect your brain and things that you should avoid to protect your brain. So the things that are good for your brain are like a daily meditation Yes. Saying daily affirmations Yes. And eating healthy fats like avocados and fruits like blueberries.

K. Those are all great for your brain. Blueberries this morning You did? In my oatmeal? It doesn't really count.

It's blueberries. Little tiny dehydrated ones. But are they? They're delicious. Are they real blueberries?

Yeah. That's real fruit. And you probably had, like, 3 of them. I had I don't know how many there were, but not many. Yeah.

I mean, I didn't have, like, big full on blueberries for sure. Try that. I don't have that. Okay. I do.

I do at home. We have blueberries at all? Yes. Cool. What can I put them in?

I like to put them in cottage cheese with honey. Yeah. I know that about you. That's delicious. Yeah.

Alright. And then things to avoid to protect your brain. This guy, this mental health coach is saying, don't go on your phone as soon as you wake up. You got you should at least wait 20 minutes. Yeah.

We've talked about that before too. Your brain is transitioning between sleep and waking. Right. And your brain is really suggestible, meaning that, like, you're reading stressful things prompting you to be stressed. Panic in the morning.

Yeah. Put you in fight or flight, like, right away. Yeah. And then it also messes with your dopamine. Yeah.

Nobody needs that messed with. I I need to do that. I because that's Yeah. It's just a habit for me. That buffer between sleep.

You're supposed to put your phone away before you go to bed, like, an hour before you go to bed. Yes. No screens. No screens. Take in some nature every day.

Yes. You're supposed to get some fresh air and some sunlight. Yeah. Yeah. Avoid heavily processed foods and avoid negative self talk.

We gotta do all of this while also still This is all in your head, though. This is all your lunch. You gotta make a better lunch decision. You gotta make a better dinner decision, and you gotta, like, not pick up the phone first thing in the morning, and you gotta put it away right before you go to sleep. That's that's all just decisions.

That's not like, oh, and I gotta also have a job, and I also gotta you know? That stuff's just gonna happen anyway. Just this is all internal and right before bed and right when you wake up. Like, you're in control of all of that. Yeah.

And, also, don't say bad things about yourself. Yeah. Quit doing that. I'm just saying that for my own self. Quit doing that.

I'm trying. Quit doing that. It's Josh and Chantel. Alright, We have this game called the hot seat music. It has questions.

You want the hot seat music? No. No. No. It's okay.

Okay? I can make that happen. No. Because it's just gonna be a it's not gonna be like a hot seat. It's just gonna be like, just take it easy.

I wanna ask you warm seat. And then I wanna guess what your Okay. Answer would be Alright. And vice versa. K?

Alright. What job would you be absolutely horrible at? So you guess for me, and I guess for you. It's easier to think about what I would be horrible at. I think that you would be not that you'd be horrible at it, just that you would not wanna do it at all.

Any kind of dishwashing like a bus a bus boy. I would I would be fine at the job. I would just be miserable the whole time. Oh my. Yeah.

Yeah. What job do you think you'd be horrible at? You said you had an easier time thinking. I I just was saying it's easier to think of things, not that I had thought of anything. It just felt like I was trying to shift gears to think about, like, okay.

What would you not excel at? And What would they be? Basketball coach. I don't think you'd be a strong basketball coach. Yeah.

Whatever. I'd rock that. Are you kidding? Are you kidding? I'd be so good.

I'd that was sad. I I think that I would earn I would learn the ins and outs of that game. Yeah. And then I would I would find my own kind of strategy. I've seen how you get in competitive modes.

Yeah. And, and that frightens me. Exactly. I don't know that you might be the Bill Belichick of basketball. What does that mean?

Like, just angry all the time, yelling, throwing things. I probably would. I'm not angry Yeah. You would. Competitive.

No. But you'd be mad because somebody, got a point above you, and you would you'd be got a point above you, and you would you'd be so upset. And I'd use that anger to fuel my team forward. Mhmm. Yeah.

It'd be so good. How would you be at, at making sushi? That'd be fine. Again, I could learn it. What?

I've seen how you handle, a a frustrating project, and all of that rice has to stick together. And I'm just thinking that maybe it wouldn't go well. I think there'd be a lot of destruction in your kitchen. Yeah. Yeah.

There'd be some there'd be some words. Math teacher. How would you be as a math teacher? I would be terrible at that. I would be absolutely horrible at math teacher.

At math teacher. I can't be bad at math teacher. Alright. What else you got for me? The dishes thing is the only 1 I would think I can think of.

I would be I would excel at it because I can do detail work, and I they would be clean dishes. So it'd be okay. I just personally would be miserable the whole time. I really can't think of another 1 that you'd be bad at. I I really can't because you're good at a lot of things.

Yeah. So are you. Thanks. I just found the handful of things that I know you struggle with. The 1 I was thinking of for myself is anything with conflict resolution.

So police officers Oh, yeah. Where you have to Forget about it. Yeah. Where I have to What about prison guard? No.

Never. That's so scary. No. I'd be so bad at it. I would last an hour, and then I'd say, I'm done.

I quit. After an hour? An hour. Probably even 15 minutes. I'd be like, nope.

I am. I can't do this. You can't. I'm done with orientation. I can't.

It's too scary. Fun. So I would be bad at math teacher, police officer, sushi maker. Just those 3. What was the other 1 you said?

It doesn't matter. Professional bodybuilder. Could you do that job? No. I don't want to.

I could. I just don't want to. Would you rather this or that? Would you rather never be able to close your eyes Oh, no. Be they'd be dry out.

Or I'm trying it. Yeah. Oh, I thought I'm ready. You're gonna need me to put in eye drops Constantly. All the time.

And you know you're not so good at eye drops. So good at eye drops. K. Or Or never be able to close your mouth. I'm going with mouth.

Because No. I'm not going with mouth. I am. No. I'm going with eyes because I can yes.

Because I can wear sunglasses. I can put in eye drops. I can wear goggles. There's several different things I can do with my eyes. If I am riding my motorcycle Oh.

And my mouth is just a gape open. You could wear a mask. No. No. You could a scarf.

Bugs are gonna fly in there. None of you have a scarf. No. Plus awful. Can't chew?

No. No. You can't chew. No. I'm I'm keeping my eyes open.

You can chew. Nope. That closes your mouth. And you're just you If your teeth meet, your mouth is closed. See, I think that's if your lips close.

If your lips touch, then your mouth is closed. I don't think if your teeth Hold on. Move move your microphone to the side a little bit. Okay. I should film this.

Okay. Hold on. Hang on. What am I supposed to do while I'm hanging on? You're fine.

Okay. Say Coca Cola without touching your lips. Coca Cola. I did it. Now say it normal.

Coca Cola. They don't touch. So there's that. Okay. My let's go back to my original argument.

If your teeth close, if your teeth meet Mhmm. Your top and bottom teeth, I don't think that counts as your mouth being closed. I think if your lips meet, that's your mouth being closed. This is not mouth closed. Yes.

It is. No. It isn't. Yeah. Uh-uh.

Yeah. This is. No. I'm I'm, I'm going with eyeballs. You're not changing my mind.

I'm going with mouth. Great. That's how you sleep most of the time anyway. Start hiding candy in there. You wake up and go, what's with this?

Candy? Yeah. Delicious. Classy 97. It's Josh and Chantel.

You're better today than yesterday. Daily challenge as we get ready to wrap up here on your Wednesday. This 1, you're gonna have to do in the morning. Unless unless you're listening in your lane in bed right now Okay. You're gonna have to do this 1 in the morning.

Lucky? If you're listening laying in oh, you're so lucky. I know. Wouldn't that be something? Like, just just lounging around, like yeah.

I know. Lucky. I know. Hydrate in the morning by drinking 12 ounces of water right after you wake up. Right after you wake up.

Yeah. Wake up, hit that 12 ounces of water. I actually have heard that that's, like, very beneficial. It is. Yeah.

Because, what it does is it balances out your lymphatic system you were like, what am I gonna do about it? And I said it. I don't you were like, what am I gonna do about it? And I said scares it. I don't know.

But then I found out just now. It really balances out after a night's sleep if you drink 12 ounces of water right after you wake up. So that's like a cup and a half. If 8 ounces is a cup Yeah. That's not too terrible.

Not a lot. That's not terrible. It's not a lot. 12 ounces is like a can of soda. It's that much.

Okay. But drink water, not a can of soda. Right. 12 ounces of water right after you wake up. Like a bottle of water.

Does it have to be cold? Does it have to be warm? It doesn't say. Matter? It's just important that you drink the water.

Okay. So do that. That's your better today than yesterday daily challenge. Again, if you need to do that tomorrow morning, do it then. That's fine.

You got 24 hours to, check this 1 off your list. So, then you can wake up more refreshed and ready to attack the Thursday. Okay. I should've done that this morning because I don't feel refreshed. Go drink 12 ounces of water right now.

Right now? See what happens. K. I bet your body's like, hey. Thanks.

Hey, buddy. Thank you. Hey. Thanks for refreshing me. I'm made up of a lot of this, but I need more.

I need more and more. So, there you go. That's your better today than yesterday daily challenge. Have a good rest of your Wednesday. We'll see you back here tomorrow morning, Thursday.

Hooray. See you. Okay. Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast.

If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.