JB Presents: Top Tier

Northern California rise up as Jordan Bro is joined by Wyatt Touchet as they talk about all things carryout pizza. Things might get a little cheesy as they discuss their favorite places, styles of pizza, and how pineapple DOES belong on pizza! Question for the audience, have y'all ever tried Detroit style pizza?

What is JB Presents: Top Tier?

Starring Jordan "Bro" McCray, better known as JB, as her and a weekly guest entertain the listeners with their opinions on everyday things. JB creates a category each episode and ranks all of your favorite things. Tune in for all loads of entertainment, laughs, and hot takes.

And we are live coming to you from the first floor of Greenspun Hall on the campus of UNLV in the beautiful Las Vegas, Nevada. You are listening to Top Tier. I am your host, Jordan Breaux, better known as JB, and I'm joined with my guest today.

What's going on?

Wyatt Touche in the building.

How you doing?

I'm doing good.

Thank you so much, Wyatt, for joining us today. We're going to have a lot of fun.

Thank you. I'm really excited. It's been a long awaited time and it's finally here. So I'm just

happy. Exactly. So this is going to be a super special episode. What we do on this show is essentially I take a category of food items since this entire episode is dedicated or this entire season, I should say, is dedicated to food. And I decide to rank those things. We go on a tier So bottom tier is our things that didn't wow us, aren't that good, generally aren't that well liked or well received. There is our middle tier, incredibly mid as I like to say, as in these things can be good, but it didn't wow us, maybe not our absolute favorite and they can do better. And then there is the top tier. These are the things that we live and we die for. We absolutely love it and it is our absolute favorite and we would go to war for it. So Wyatt, would you like to know our topic for today?

Yeah, go ahead.

Okay, so this episode is dedicated to pizza places.


I mean, I gotta say this. As a foodie myself, I love me some pizza. Pizza is one of the versatile foods on this planet in this universe that is so amazing because you can eat it cold, you can eat it hot, and even if you've

had it for five straight days you can have it for a six. Exactly like pizza it's so ooey gooey warm like cheesy and you have a pizza that has that good cheese pull like it's just so satisfying and then you cannot forget about the crust. Me personally, I do eat crust if I'm like hungry sometimes. I won't, but are you a crust eater?

Yeah, I think growing up everyone always told me that if I don't eat the crust, I didn't eat the entire pizza because I would definitely be the one just eating from the beginning to the where the middle of the pizza would be all the way up to the crust, but I would never eat the crust. How I used to do with my sister is we'd share a pizza, but what we would do is after I ate my section that I just mentioned, she would eat the crust for me. But now I eat the entire thing, so I could go through an entire large box of pizza

and it just wraps the entire thing, it's empty. No, because everyone has that one friend who will eat your crust for you. Whether it's a friend or a family member, it's kind of like a symbol of love, like an appreciation of like, hey, I see you're not gonna finish that, but we're in this together. That's what it is, we're in this together, it's a team thing. And for this episode, I have to announce some parameters. I tried to take the most popular pizza chains that are here on the West Coast, since currently we are in Las Vegas, but for those of you guys who are not aware, me and Wyatt are both actually from not only California, but Northern California. I'm representing Sacramento. Yeah.




You already know. So a good amount of the pizza places that we're going to mention, they might be only specific to Northern California. So we're just going to do a little bit of education for y'all because some of these chains really don't exist outside of California, you know, because it's that Cali lifestyle if you get it you get it all right let's get straight to it right let's get let's dive right in okay so we're gonna start with our bottom tier per usual and on the bottom I am going

to have to put CeCe's pizza I never heard of CeCe's before actually that's not true I had looked it up beforehand and I was like what is CeCe's and you had mentioned buffet style I vaguely remember eating this pizza. It had no impact on me, so I really can't say I have a stance on this. I'll say no comment for now. Why do you have it in bottom tier?

Okay, so I remember eating at a Cici's Pizza when I was very young. I don't know exactly who I was with, but I recall being there. But there's a certain thing about Northern California where I would always see commercials for this pizza place when I was a kid. Like this little buffet style all you can eat all types of pizzas and salads and even pastas you know like you see advertisements for like their little dessert pizza but there is something about a buffet first of all which is already kind of a turn off because it's like, oh, lovely, you're eating not only cold food, but secondhand food. And also, this buffet is only like a center around pizza. It's like, where's the variety outside of pizza? It doesn't seem like a great business plan. And I looked it up, there are not like any CC's pizzas on the West Coast anymore. That chain is just gone from the West Coast and they're basically only in the South around Texas because that's where they're headquartered. Apparently, Texas loves them some buffets and some Cici's Pizza. Hey, everything's bigger and better in Texas, I heard. Like, so I've heard, so I've heard. One of these days, I'm gonna take this podcast on the road and we're gonna try Whataburger. Oh, Whataburger's really good.

My dad's from Corpus Christi, Texas. I've had a Whataburger. Whataburger is where it's at.

Yeah, I definitely have to throw a Whataburger around the rink in one day. But yeah, I think CC's Pizza, very forgettable. And you're just, you're barely even worth mentioning. I just had to spark a little memory in people's heads just to remind you that this once existed. Especially since we are in the lovely Las Vegas, which is known for their buffets.

Yeah. Bellagio is the first one that comes to mind.

Oh really? Mine is like the one that comes to my mind is Caesars. Yo, that is a crazy buffet. Like you have to pay some little money to get in. When I say that there is three rooms full of food, it's crazy. But like the thing is, is like ever since the pandemic hit Buffets don't really exist anymore like a lot of buffets kind of closed down and like Even like here in Vegas like it's not like you're coming to Vegas to really eat at a buffet anymore R.I.P. hometown buffet talk about bottom tier. It was crazy. Okay. This was a while ago I remember as a kid I used to go with my grandparents all the time and I loved it, but then I visited one last time when I was older and I had a bite and I said oh my god This is disgusting. See anytime I went to a buffet back in my hometown It was always golden corral But those were like the two of like Sacramento, NorCal It was either you were hometown buffet or you're golden corral I remember eating a golden corral more than a couple of times and yeah Like if you're there in like your late preteens or like your teenage years, it's it's a turn-off. You're just like, oh This is nasty Alright, I think that's all I have to say on CC's pizza. Y'all tried but you're very forgettable All right, we're gonna move on to our last item. That's gonna be in the bottom tier, which has got to be for me Pizza Hut. Oh hell no. No, hold up. Hold up. You did not disrespect my staple of pe- The fact that you had the audacity, the audacity. I'm gonna say what Stephen A. says all the time. Stay off the weed. Stay off it. You need to stop smoking whatever is going on in your apartment.

You need to stop.

Hey, it's legal here on the West Coast.

We're not West Coast, Best Coast.


Stop. Yes, but stop. Don't use that against me right now. For real,

the fact that you have Pizza Hut at the bottom is shameful. No one out pizzas the Hut. Yes, they do. A lot of people out Pizza Hut, the Hut because Pizza Hut to me is very suspicious. Like they're rectangle pizzas. It's rectangle pizza, but it's not done well. I've had like good like square cut pizzas from like the Midwest and Pizza Hut does a terrible job at it. I feel like pizza hut like their cheese is icky, their crust, they always hyped up their crust like in the commercials of like oh we got the best stuffed crust, you're gonna want to eat the pizza backwards. It made no sense because their crust isn't very good. There are a lot of places I could think of that have better crust than pizza hut. And like if that pizza gets cold I don't want to eat it it has to be hot like I'll only eat pizza hot if it's like steaming hot if it's cold it's gross all I'll say is

it's not the best pizza around it's definitely not the worst but here's I have one bash on it I used so my order will get to that in a second what a part of my order would be garlic parmesan on the crust that would hit so hard.

It smacked.

And when they got rid of it, I almost cried. I almost cried. But point being is, for me, it's always for some reason been a staple for me and my household. Like, I feel like, okay, we're gonna go get pizza, let's get something quick. Oh, let's just order some Pizza Hut real quick. So, obviously it was nearby, but it was much better than what, freaking Little Caesars? Like, come on now.

Stop playing.

Okay, we're gonna talk about Little Caesars a little bit later.

But, like, another thing about Pizza Hut- How much later on this tier do you have Little Caesars?

Look, look, look.

That should be in the bottom tier.

Stop playing. We'll talk about it.

But, okay, my- one of my main things about Pizza Hut is that also, they are usually, like, comboed with the weirdest restaurants. Like, I swear, there are, like, Pizza Huts that- with Taco Bells that exist. You cannot convince me that if your pizza hut is connected to a Taco Bell, that it is not bottom tier.

Hey, what's wrong with that? What's wrong with Taco Bell? You want a little American, you can get a little pizza there and then go south of the border to Taco Bell, America's Mexican food restaurant?

Okay, look.

Don't diss Taco Bell either. We're talking about pizza, but now you're shooting strays.

You're shooting strays. For my listeners who listened to, I believe it was episode 5 or 6, it was fast food places, Taco Bell did end up in the bottom tier because it's one of those places.

It was Jess.

Jess B. Oh Jess, you're tripping. You are tripping.

There's no way Taco Bell is bottom tier. Yes, because it's one of those places where I don't want to spend anything more than $5, first of all, because the food is not going to be that good.

It's cheap, that's good.

But the food's not going to be that good, so I don't want to spend actual money on it I'm not gonna spend ten dollars on Taco Bell never never I refuse actually and it's also like I'm only getting Taco Bell because I'm balling on a budget or it's midnight and it's one of the very few things open that's crazy I'm not going there by choice the blasphemy coming out of your mouth right now. Anyways, continue. Continue. Okay, I'm just saying, but if Pizza Hut is going to associate with a bottom tier restaurant like Taco Bell, it's gotta be bottom tier itself. I'm sa- like the math is mathing there. I'm just saying. Nah, it's not. Alright, we're- we're obviously gonna have to agree to disagree on this one. Yep, yep. For those of you guys who need a reminder on what our bottom tier was, it is Cici's Pizza and Pizza Hut. Nah, that is Jordan's ranking. That is Jordan's ranking.

That's what we're going by, and I'm just giving my thoughts as we go, apparently.

This is all for fun. This is all for fun.

Nah, pizza's a serious topic here, clearly.

Alright, we're gonna move on to our incredibly mid category, and for me, I'm gonna start it off with Little Caesars,

since we were just talking about it.

Little Caesars is mid to bottom tier. I can remember one time we had a, I was playing basketball in middle school and my coach during our Christmas break had brought us Little Caesars after practice. And so his wife, who was actually a teacher at the time at the school I was playing at, she had brought it. And so after I was like, oh man, I'm so hungry. I remember taking a bite out of that and my stomach immediately crunched and it was hurting deep down.

That place literally gives you straight up diarrhea. Okay, look, my whole thing about Little Caesar's Pizza, is the pizza kind of good? Yeah, but it's also one of those things where it's like, you know what you're getting. It's definitely by no means great pizza. It is a $5 pizza to feed a small family or a small basketball team that Wyatt played on. That's about what you're getting. The offerings at Pizza Hut, they're a little crazy bread. They have cheesy bread, like super cheesy. Like, okay, those are cute little sides, but that's it. That's all you're getting. It's nothing gorman, nothing top tier. It's like, okay, this will suffice, but it's definitely not my first choice or even my second choice or even my third choice.

Or your fourth or fifth or sixth. It's bottom tier for me.

Like let's just keep it a buck. It's $5 pizza. It'll do its job. Like Little Caesar's pizza, because it's hot and ready.

So when it's hot, oh yeah.

It's hot but it's not ready

because it ain't never good.

Hey, here's what I'll say though. Here's what I'll say though. My buddy, shout out to Carson for the one time. I know he's not listening. But that's okay. He's doing other things. Carson has this ranking system called cost to taste ratio. And he has Little Caesar's at the highest because it's cost to it's taste ratio is higher than other places because you either have something that tastes really good but it's too expensive or you have something that's too expensive and tastes terrible or somewhere in between. For example, Five Guys to Him is at the bottom because he thinks it doesn't taste that good

but it costs too much.

Wow, okay, that's interesting. I understand the ranking though. I understand the ratios. That makes sense. I hate the ranking system but I had to mention that because that's the first thing I think of when I hear Little Caesar. It's his little blabbery on the cost of tension. But I agree with what he has to say. Like, Little Caesar's like, I'm not gonna say that it's like the best pizza you're ever gonna eat. Like, no, there's definitely a lot of pizzas that taste way better.


It's really good for how much you have to pay for it. $5 for a whole pepperoni pizza that could feed me and my four closest friends?

I'm down.

All right.

Yeah, agree to disagree.

I can't wait for top tier to see what you have cooking. Okay, it's gonna be some good stuff, I promise.

Oh boy.

All right, so next up, we're actually gonna talk about a NorCal staple. And it actually pains me to have to say that it is mid, but it's round table pizza for me.

Ooh, round table. I think I got to agree with that one, finally. I remember this being our pizza of choice for lunch every Wednesday and then Friday. And at the time, it was good, but I would never get it outside of school. And so that's why I agree. It's mid.

It's not terrible, but it could be better. So my school system, my elementary school, they would have these little specials, essentially, for if you gave round table pizza that was closest to the school, if you said that you were from that elementary school, you would get a discount on the pizza. So that's why it was really popular in my area, because it was right in my neighborhood. And round table pizza is one of those entertainment places where you can sit in their little activity room, hang out, watch a sports game, you know, like all of my little soccer meetings, you know, end of the year parties would usually be at like a roundtable pizza or a Big Daddy's pizza for those you guys who know that chain and that brand as well. But when you get out of that, oh I've graduated from elementary school, haven't ate it for like years on years on years outside of like my childhood. I've ate it again when I was like in high school in like my early college years back when I was in my hometown and that pizza is like nasty to me now. Like it's something about their sauce, like their sauce is so gross and there's so much of it on the pizza that it just like kills the whole thing for me. Like, round table pizza, I'm putting it in mid for the memories of like, man, that was like my staple, my go-to, like when I was a childhood. Like, it's kind of nostalgic for me when I think about round table pizza, but like also now I think about the fact that I like, man, their recipes changed. Something, like the quality has just like gone down in like the recent years. Like they don't have that hold on the elementary kids anymore.

Like, they're just terrible out of contact I ain't gonna lie though Domino's roundtable it's funny you mentioned the sauce I think that's what led me more to be more adventurous with pizza like having more sauce is better but there was a pizza I actually had this past weekend that had no sauce on it but no no but the oil on it was so tasteful in the right manner. That sounds so weird. It was so tastefully placed on the pizza. It was just good. I didn't need the sauce for it. But I definitely, you can get lost in the sauce. That's what I'm saying.

And I think that's exactly what happens for roundtable. You for sure get lost in the sauce and the fact that the sauce is not good, yeah, it kind of kills the whole thing for me. And it's really unfortunate, because I love round table pizza, I have good memories there, but, man, it sucks.

Well, speaking of loss in the sauce, I had to ask you this, and it's not a ranking per se, but what are your thoughts on Chicago style?

Oh, okay, so I actually have family in the Midwest. I used to travel to Chicago a lot when I was like a child. I haven't been in more than a couple of years now, but I've definitely had deep dish pizza more than a couple of times. And it is a solid pizza, but definitely not something you can eat on the regular. No, you cannot eat that on a regular. Like, even eating Chicago deep dish pizza once a month is pushing it.

Oh, that's crazy.

That is pushing it.

Oh, I can have that every week. It's so good. So I assume you like New York more or Detroit style more?

I mean, okay, I think that Detroit style pizza that we tried was also great, but that's also something I can't really have on a regular. Like if I have a craving for it, cool, but like if I'm not craving it, then it's like it's not a need. Me personally, I love thin crust pizza. I feel like that's something that's become really popular here on the West Coast especially. I just consider thin crust West Coast style pizza. But the thing is, some of the best thin crust pizza I've had was also while I was in Chicago. I feel like a lot of the people that are actually from Chicago eat more of thin crust than they do deep dish. I don't mean to really burst your guys' bubbles here, but I don't really think they actually eat that on a regular. That's just something that they specialize and are really good at.

I definitely gotta say New York style is supreme. Chicago's close, but I gotta give Crayword Cries due. Oh heck yeah. New York style is supreme.

For sure, they are the kings of pizza. And if anybody says otherwise, then they're just dead wrong. Me personally, I love me a little thin crust. I like my little crust to be a little crunchy.

That's me.

What's your go-to order then?

I don't, like my toppings wise, like I love Italian sausage. Like I love having like an Italian sausage, pepperoni, like this is if I'm building my own pizza, y'all are gonna be thinking I'm so weird, but I need pepperoni and pineapple. Not ham and pineapple, I need pepperoni and pineapple.


Like the ham itself is a little bit too sweet, so it's too sweet on sweet, but I love having pepperoni With pineapple, so you're getting sweet and salty That literally is my order right there Cheese pepperoni and pineapple I know people that don't like pineapple think I'm crazy, but I'll add a little bit more

I had mentioned the garlic parmesan crust You need to throw that bad boy on there make it nice nice and tasteful for me and just, woo! It's just nice and toasted. Oh, it's different. Try it out sometime. Trust me, just trust me.

No, for real, because it's the flavor profiles and if you're a foodie, you understand how things mix together and it's finding things that are opposite on the spectrum from each other, they blend so well. And that's why pizza is a great dish itself because there's so many possibilities. You can really throw anything on that bad boy. I'm like, they're gonna do it, so it's like, you might as well try it. Like, you might just surprise yourself. But, you know, the little, the little cheeky, tender people that are out there, they're not gonna like us.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm gonna put this in real quick. You know that scene from Ratatouille where they're eating the strawberry and the cheese and like the little movement, the color?

That's what it's like to eat the pizza I just described to y'all. Y'all better try that okay we gotta get back on topic cuz we're gonna run out of time this is such a fun episode I love doing this but our next topic in the mid category is going to be Papa Murphy's pizza that's probably bottom tier but yeah because the thing is, they don't cook the pizza. They don't cook the pizza, that's the thing.

It's a take and bake.

It's a take and bake, so it's like you gotta do it on your own time, so you gotta make time to go pick it up and then you have to bake it on your own time as well. But they have really great ingredients, you know, great, it's a good business model, because they're a little bit different. Like, all they gotta do is make the pizza for you. They're constructing it and you just take it home

and bake it.

Thing is, it's like because they don't make that pizza, they don't bake it for you, I feel like it kinda draws away of like, okay, pizza is usually a really quick option for a lot of families, so it's like the second that pizza gets to your house, you're digging in and you just can't do that with Papa Murphy's.

That's probably why I never ate it, because when we wanted to eat out, it was because

mom didn't want to cook or we were on a go. Exactly, you know, but Papa Murphy's, I gotta give it to you guys, like you have some really great quality and really great ingredients. And I don't want to bash you, so I don't have anything super negative to say about your pizza itself, because any time I've had a Papa Murphy's pizza, it's been really good. But just because of the little circumstance of like, when I think of a pizza, I need it now, that's why you landed bottom tier. Or the mid-tier, I'm sorry, excuse me. I was influencing you a little too much there, there you go. All right, now we are gonna move on to our last item in the mid-category, and for me, it's gonna be Costco pizza.

Ooh, this is an interesting topic. So what's funny is you say that is because a lot of people ride and die by Costco. Thank you. What's funny is I've had Costco pizza and I've had Sam's Club pizza and Sam's Club is better in my opinion. I like- Maybe it's because it's more nostalgic for me. Yeah. But it's definitely better. But Costco I would not say is mid.

I think there needs to be a subcategory between mid and top because it gets a little too clumped

in there.

That's all I gotta say.

Okay, look, the thing is, my family shops at Sam's Club, but we don't really shop there, we just use the gas benefits so we can get cheaper gas. And we've never shopped on Costco. So I've literally only had Costco pizza twice, very recently in my life. The first time I ate Costco pizza, it was cold and I got sick, so it was not very fun. I had a couple hours of just like nausea and like my stomach was turning and it was awful. And then the second time I had it, it had basically just been delivered, like very recently, but it was still like kind of cold. I didn't have like the cheese pull, like phenomenon. And it was just basic cheese pizza, but like the cheese was kind of mid, the sauce was okay. It kind of was like cardboardy of like the crust. So I was just like, okay, like, I wasn't impressed in the slightest. I was just like, okay, people really love their Costco products. People are like, oh, Costco's bottled water, like da-da-da-da-da-da, all of the, and they ride for anything Costco. And I'm just like, it's not that great. Costco kind of scares me, so I'm just like, I don't really, I'm not on the bandwagon of Costco at all.

What's interesting is Costco and Sam's Club, I'm just going to clump them together for a second. I know some people are going to get offended with that. But when you have that craving for either of their pizzas, that's when it hits best, because when it taps the tip of your tongue, it just, it transcends you. But I can understand why from your perspective, you've had two bad experiences. I think this is one of the things I've been telling you, you need to be like trying these as you're talking and you know you might need to mute yourself a little bit because I can't be on the radio here listening and you're just hearing someone go this is not an ASMR podcast I am not into that y'all but you need to try it when it's hot and right in front of you so you can give a better detailed description of it you know what I'm saying like because that it would also be good too I'm just saying

that because I'm hungry yeah pizza sound like it's gonna hit right now. Well, we know what Wyatt's eating later today when he leaves this podcast. We know what he's eating. But that's the thing about pizza is that also it has to be able to stand up after some time. When it's lukewarm, when it's cold, it has to be able to stand on its own and Costco Pizza just does not do that for me. Again, Pizza Hut because their pizza is icky. Icky. Alright, so that's just gonna wrap up our mid-category. If you guys need a little reminder because we got pretty off-topic, I had Costco, Little Caesars, Roundtable, and Papa Murphy's all in the mid-tier. Next, we are going to start off with another pizza place that is actually kind of nostalgic for me and specifically only NorCal. It's got to be Mountain Mike's pizza for me.

I hope you can take my sound as my answer. What I will say that

is top tier about Mountain Mike's for me have been the memories that I've had in a Mountain Mike's. I think trying to scrounge for dollars and like split a huge large pizza that cost $25. Wasn't the most ideal situation, but it was also very fun. I think for me that aspect was good, but because let me back up. At my high school we had a plaza like two minutes walking distance and they had a mountain mic so a lot of people did go there. But outside of that, I'm not going to go out my way to eat a mountain of ice cream. I hate to sound like the person that's constantly like, nah, this is your entire ranking. But I ain't gonna lie, your ranking system right now is kind of mid. Oh my gosh, no, that's crazy because the thing is, is like I'm that person where people are like, oh, what pizza toppings do you want? Like I'm not picky when it comes to pizza toppings like at all. I'll be like whatever, I'll eat anything. Maybe not jalapenos. I'll kind of side eye you a little bit if you eat jalapenos on your pizza. That is the one thing I'll say. But if I'm eating a Mountain Mike's pizza, it has to be a Meat Lovers pizza. Because I just have memories of me being younger and going to a Mountain Mike's pizza with my dad and eating their pizza. It's something about, I hate that the West Coast they've like tried to like make pizza healthy I'm I don't really care for it I like yes I like thin crust I don't need like a bunch of vegetables on it like if I can get my meat lovers greasy pizza like I'm gonna have it I love that and like that's what I remember of mountain bikes it's like oh my gosh it's cheesy you get that cheese pull it's like meat lovers there's a little bit of grease on top. piping hot. yeah! hot and ready.

burning my mouth as I eat it.

I like there's something about my mountain Mike's pizza is just like green flags I'm just like oh my gosh like that has to be like some of the best pizza ever just because of like how greasy and how good it was in the pull and just like the experience of it. That's just me. That's how I remember Mountain Mike's.

I'm glad they hit different for you.

But also we have different memories of Mountain Mike's because you were a broke teenager and I was like a kid with like huge eyes and I'm just like, ooh.

But maybe Mountain Mike's was good in Sacramento

and it just wasn't good in the Bay Area.

Maybe, maybe.

Because our good friend Diego, he agrees that Mountain Mike's pizza topped here. He loves Mountain Mike's pizza.

Jarod Famisani Shoutout to Diggy D and Ace Guy for the one time.

Tawna Thompson Yes, for real. The homies, for real. Alright, but that's just my personal opinion on Mountain Mike's pizza. I think it's up there for sure. And we're going to move on to our last item in the top tier.

Can I walk out? I'd rather have Mountain Mike's than Domino's. Which is funny you say that. No, I just clown. I always clown Domino's. Domino's is actually a pretty good pizza place. I'm not gonna lie.

Okay, I'm just saying like, I've had to like, look at Domino's multiple times from a hospitality perspective of service recovery. Because the turnaround that they did to absolutely rebrand themselves after everybody was agreeing, like, yeah, your pizza sucks. And then they rebranded, revamped their pizza, revamped their menu, and they're like, hey, we know our pizza sucks, but it's good now.

Try it.

Give us a chance.

Trust me, it sucks.

We say it ourselves, but we quality checked it. Don't worry, we fixed it though. And like, I agree that they did. Like, anytime I have their pizza, like their crust, so good. Like, if you get like a garlicky, parmigiani crust, like it's gonna hit. And then they have dips. Like, they have like a marinara dip. They have, um, it's like a butter garlic dip and you can like dip like your pizza and the garlic knots in it and your crust so freaking good and then that's another op like dominoes like has a lot of great sides that like you can add onto your pizza like obviously if you look at it it's kind of just a ploy for them to like make more money like hey you want wings we got that hey you want some garlic knots we got that but they do it well, so it's okay. Like I think it's okay, you know, like they're garlic knots They have wings like they have like a couple little dessert options. I think one of their desserts like a little cake But like I think Domino's like did a great job and then since y'all know I'm a thin crust girly Their thin crust is actually really good I like their thin crust pizza better than their like traditional crust one aspect

We haven't touched on any of these and Domino's does a good job as they're advertising. You always see a Domino's commercial of them trying to get the hot, not hot, sorry, wrong company, but of them

delivering it and the whole pothole commercial and this and that. And I'm like, dang. Right. They like, they were the, uh, like delivered in under 30 minutes or it's free, you know, type of company, but they've like rebranded cause you know, let's not cause accidents and they've rebranded of like hey you live in a crappy neighborhood with really a lot of potholes we'll fix that for you just tweet us you know like they like there they do a really good job of like marketing and making sure you remember them cuz like man we live

in California probably not a lot of job there was not a lot of dominoes by the

because there's too many bottles to fix.


There's too many bottles to fix.

That's a different conversation for another day.

We know the California, your tax dollars at work, type of construction that goes on there. But the fact that Domino's was like, hey, we'll fix your roads for you, that's a cool deal.

That's why it's top tier.

Yeah, I mean, I think they're memorable. Are they better at fixing bottles than their pizza?

Not only is their pizza memorable, but just them as a brand is memorable, you know, like that's just me I feel like I don't really remember Pizza Hut commercials nowadays I feel like they're just super random and they're just like kind of weird more than they are memorable

Yeah, it's kind of going south there. I've had a little bit more this last year with the one guy from the office You know what I'm talking about? I don't think his name is Craig Robertson, but I'm tripping but anyways, yeah I gotta throw out an honorable mention.


Have y'all ever had Zachary's Pizza?

I don't know that brand.

It is a Chicago-style pizza, and it is the best pizza to go to. It is so, so, so good.

Oh my gosh.

Okay, so since we're throwing out a little bit of honorable mentions, since we were mostly focusing on carry-out pizzas, essentially, I just want to talk about your little build your own style pizzas. And Blaze Pizza, y'all are killing the game. I'm pretty sure they're a California brand, so not everybody might not know about Blaze Pizza. But, man, the amount of options they have, the total creative freedom to make your own little personal pizza, and y'all are sleeping on that cauliflower crust, because that cauliflower crust is so fricking good, absolutely elevates your pizza.

Dude, Blaise's pizza is pretty good. We had that almost like every other week. It just hit different. The way it would just come out hot, the sauces they have for the drizzle on top. I mean, the whole shebang, honestly. And LeBron was on it, too. So for you guys that love LeBron, there you go. And those that are Jordan lovers, it's still good pizza. You don't need to think about LeBron. Regardless, I mean, it's really good.

Right. I really enjoyed doing this episode just talking about pizza because, like, who doesn't like pizza? If you don't like pizza, I just don't know what to say. But I think that is going to wrap up this super fun episode of just talking about pizza and ranking pizza places. I want to thank Wyatt Mr. Touche for coming on to my podcast. This was super fun. We got a little California representative here. I want to thank all of the listeners. Thank you so much for listening to my podcast. I really appreciate it. You can listen to me every Friday night at 6pm live on the HD2 app, The Rebel, or you can actually listen to me on all major podcast streaming apps now. So that includes Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Audible, all of your favorite podcast places.

I'm there. Just search up JB Presents. Top tier.

Yep, that's me.

All right.

That's going to end off this episode. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. I hope you guys all have a great night.

Transcribed with Cockatoo