Armed Forces Chamber Live

Step into the world of the Armed Forces Chamber with inspiring stories from veterans, foster parents, candidates, and financial experts. In this episode, hear from decorated combat veteran Hunter Cain, sharing his journey from military service to fostering 36 youth and running for Clark County Commission. Laura Perkins, a candidate for Nevada State Senate, discusses the impact of education on veteran-owned small businesses, while Dr. Erika Smith delves into strategies for addressing mental health challenges within the military community. Plus, financial advisor Will Reid explains annuities and retirement planning. Join the conversation and celebrate the resilience and contributions of our Armed Forces community.

What is Armed Forces Chamber Live?

Hosted by André Haynes and Patsy Brown, JD, "Armed Forces Chamber Live" is a multifaceted radio talk show delving into business, community, entertainment, and military affairs. The program is enriched through interviews with veterans, active-duty members, experts, and community leaders, providing firsthand insights into the diverse experiences within the armed forces. With a central goal of bridging the gap between military and civilian communities, the show actively fosters understanding and unity. Additionally, it serves as a valuable resource hub, disseminating information on programs and services dedicated to assisting veterans and their families.

Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a k u and v studios original program. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education. This is armed forces chamber

Unknown Speaker 0:27
It's a tale love success radio talk show no need to get salute and success hosted by Beth Brown. Truly to prepare to be impressed some of the success for dreams manifest, stand for the anthem and respect all events on forces change.

Unknown Speaker 0:48
underwriting and K u and v is provided by Hunter Kane in the Armed Forces chamber. Hey, I'm Hunter Cain in May is National Foster Care Month. You may ask what's so important about this month? Well, National Foster Care Month is a time to recognize that we can each play a part in enhancing the lives of youth in foster care to include the more than 3000 foster youth here in Southern Nevada. Take it from a foster parent to 36 use. Together we can shape a positive future for our community. Happy Foster Care Month from Hunter Kane and the armed forces chamber.

Unknown Speaker 1:19
We are talking to a decorated disabled combat veteran and a single foster parent in Park Hill.

Unknown Speaker 1:28
I'm Hunter Cain and I listened to armed forces chambered life

Unknown Speaker 1:33
Hunter, how did you first become involved in foster care and what inspired you to become a foster parent?

Unknown Speaker 1:41
You know, if I were to be honest, I think my foster care journey actually started when I was 16 years old. So you know, I found myself homeless on the streets. I was longing for a family community, a sense of purpose, all those kinds of great things. After my military service, and you fast forward to me being around 32 years old, I was actually telling my homeless teenage story to the late great Assemblyman Tyrone Thompson. He actually saw my connection with teens and other programs that we participated in. And he actually challenged me to do more than just advocate. So he literally challenged me to be a foster parent. So I became a foster parents, you know, and this friendly challenges led me to bring 36 preteen and teenage youth coming through my home, all of my sons happen to be higher level of care. So they all take a little bit of extra love and attention. I adopted my first son in 2018. And since that time became forever parents, we live in young man. And as of last year, my grandparents are two kids. I'm Hunter Cain, and I listened to armed forces chamber live. What

Unknown Speaker 2:41
advice would you give to someone becoming a foster parent or adopting from foster care?

Unknown Speaker 2:48
So my advice would be for you to take the classes. So personally, I am with an agency called Saffi of Nevada, you can feel free to look them up tell them I sent you. They give great support. And I think so even over the county programs. But if you're like hey, I'm not sure if I'm ready to be a foster parents still take the class. And then you can learn about being a respite parents. If you're saying I'm not ready to be a foster or Respite parents still take the class and then you can learn about being fictive kin parents or a casa you know they can talk to you about the mentorship programs or the many other alternatives to help support the youth and assist them. I'm Hunter Cain and I listened to armed forces chamber live.

Unknown Speaker 3:28
In addition to being a decorated disabled combat veteran, a single foster parent, you're also a candidate for Clark County Commission and district C. Tell us about that.

Unknown Speaker 3:44
I'm gonna say if when elected, I'm hoping to be the first licensed foster parent to serve on the Clark County Commission. I'm hoping to be the first combat veteran to serve in the commission and over 30 years. I'm hoping to be the first openly LGBTQ commissioner and Clark County's history. And then district C's first black Commissioner, I'm Hunter Kane and I listened to armed forces chamber live underwriting and K u and v is provided by Hunter Kane and the armed forces chamber. Hey, I'm Hunter Cain in May is National Foster Care Month. You may ask what's so important about this month? Well, National Foster Care Month is a time to recognize that we can each play a part in enhancing the lives of youth in foster care to include the more than 3000 foster youth here in Southern Nevada. Take it from a foster parent to 36 youth. Together we can shape a positive future for our community. Happy Foster Care Month from Hunter Kane and the armed forces chamber.

Unknown Speaker 4:41
This Armed Forces chamber Hi, my name is Jonathan Cooper and I listened to armed forces chamber live.

Unknown Speaker 4:54
What inspired you to join the US Army and how has your military Are you experience shaped your perspective on Military Appreciation Month?

Unknown Speaker 5:06
Absolutely, yeah. So, a little background, I joined the United States Army. When I was 17. fresh out of high school. What inspired me to join is actually my dad was in the military too. It's funny because we actually ended up getting stationed for basic training at the same location. So we both got stationed at Fort Leonard Wood. He was an engineer, but this was back in the 70s. I went for military police. But my dad, my dad's dedication to our country, the fact that he was a former military, and I saw the impact that the military had on his life. So I think that was probably the driving force to get me to join. The impact that military's had on my life has been tremendous, I think, joining us 17 The military made me a man, quite frankly, they they taught me discipline. They taught me dedication, they taught me to work hard. And all that has been instrumental in everything I've been able to accomplish since I since I got out of the military.

Unknown Speaker 6:11
Forces chamber law. Our special guest currently serves as an elected region for the Nevada System of Higher Education in district one, and is a former city of North Las Vegas planning permission. Hi,

Unknown Speaker 6:32
my name is Laura Perkins. I listen to armed forces chamber live.

Unknown Speaker 6:38
Laura Perkins. How does education impact the success of veteran owned small businesses?

Unknown Speaker 6:46
Well, let's just start with the How does education impact specifically geared toward the veteran owned small businesses. Nobody is born, knowing what a 1099 is. So all the ways you can equip yourself to be successful, I think the more you know about a business and how to run the business is is paramount to your success. And I can hear by the 300,000 small businesses that are owned by veterans that they are listening, they are listening and that veterans are getting the the equipment and the knowledge that they need to be successful. Hi, my name is Laura Perkins, I listen to armed forces chamber live.

Unknown Speaker 7:29
Share some advice about how veteran owned small businesses can thrive and create jobs within the community. Well, they're from the heart.

Unknown Speaker 7:41
This veterans that veteran owned small businesses are the cornerstone, I firmly believe that small businesses are the cornerstone of the us some advice? Seek mentors, seek, seek mentors and do your research. I just remember hearing that someone started a business right next door to another business. argument's sake, let's say a beauty beauty salon. Well, if if you didn't do your research, and you don't know what that beauty salon does, they might be mimicking, or they might be mimicking or providing the same services that you do and you're putting yourself at a risk for failure. And that's one thing that we can't afford for small businesses to do in this day and age, because they do exactly what you asked create jobs within the community. Usually, the the veteran owned businesses are from the community, they have a connection to the community, and therefore they care about the community, which makes success, which makes success even more important. Hi, my name is Laura Perkins, I listen to armed forces chamber live,

Unknown Speaker 8:51
in addition to serving as an elected region, for the Nevada System of Higher Education, you're currently running for Nevada State Senate and District Four, lower Perkins, if elected to the Nevada State Senate and District Four, how will you know, veteran owned small businesses,

Unknown Speaker 9:16
I am going to rely on organizations like the Armed Forces chamber so that I can get a clearer picture of what the businesses need. I've I'm a firm believer that when you're closer to the problem, you're closest to the solution. So my job will be to further that among the among the veteran small owned businesses to get you the support to get you the startup money, the capital, the information on low or no loans and everything that I can do to make that business thrive and be successful. The main thing I can do is listen, and I think that is some sometimes People think that they know what veterans need. And you know, every need is different and every group is different. So it's my job as an elected official to listen to those needs and try to answer them. And I that I can absolutely promise with all my heart that I will continue to do that and be a part of it.

Unknown Speaker 10:31
Armed Forces chamber this is Dr. Erika Smith and I listen to armed forces chamber live. How

Unknown Speaker 10:42
can we address the unique mental health challenges faced by military personnel and veterans during Mental Health Awareness Month?

Unknown Speaker 10:51
Okay, well, I'm glad you ask that our mental health awareness month is something that I think we should definitely be focusing on. A lot of people are suffering from mental health, and we don't know it. So I think during mental health awareness month, when we're dealing with our veterans and our military personnel, we want to provide a tailored approach to that. So what that means is we're going to enhance the access to mental health resources and services, we're going to reduce that stigma that is attached to having mental health, we're going to promote a peer support, we're gonna do a comprehensive transitions, assistance, post services, as well as those are things we want to look at doing to address the challenges, unique challenges that military personnel and veterans are dealing with. So we're going to foster that empathy. And we're going to and so that we can understand what mental health is within these particular communities. This is that Erica Smith and I listen to armed forces chamber live,

Unknown Speaker 12:00
what are some effective strategies for promoting mental health awareness and reducing stigma within the Armed Forces community?

Unknown Speaker 12:10
Okay, so first of all, we want to look at doing education and training, that's where you know, that's kind of our baseline where we're going to start. And that's going to provide a comprehensive mental health education and training that will come from your military leaders, your personnel, and that will also be offered to the families in addition to those personnel. So that's where we want to start. But then we want to go a step further, and want to have that peer support. Because a lot of times, you don't know that other people are going through the same things you went through, and they may be able to offer that support to you. So we want to have those type of programs in place as well. We want to do a leadership engagement. And so what that looks like is leaders sharing their own personal experiences. Like I said, we now you never know, really what other people are going through who says, oh, okay, they've got it going on. And you never know, oh, well, they've been, they've been dealing with the mental health challenges. And so I think that those kinds of things are important to reduce that stigma as well, and create a culture of acceptance within the military, we want to also have the access to confidential care. Okay, so that means that whoever comes and seeks care and guidance, we know your business, it's not going to be out there in the streets, we know that that's going to be kept within the people that is supposed to kept between that way people don't feel like Okay, I'm coming. And I'm divulging all this information about myself, you'll know that that information that you're giving to someone is going to be confidential. It's not going anywhere. So there's no judgment, there's no repercussion. So that's very important, when we're dealing something with a sensitive topic is like mental health. So that's, and then we're gonna want to create that community outreach, to raise awareness. Because if we're raising awareness, then that stigma, then we're reducing that stigma, where we know that this is something that happens in our community, people have mental health issues, but there's ways that we can properly deal with that. And really, like we said, talk about that cultural acceptance. The next thing is really utilizing technology. So we don't really have a lot of that technology in place. But we want to be able to look at maybe creating some mobile apps, maybe someone can we can create some online services and resources. So those are the things I would think that would be important, because I don't see that we have those things right now. But maybe we can challenge someone today to say, Hey, this is something you should be looking into. If you're out there and you create apps, and things of that nature, maybe create an app dealing with mental health awareness, in particular specific for a military event, military personnel and veterans. You So the one of the other things is really calm combating those misconceptions. There's a lot of misconceptions surrounding mental health. And that's why people are really scared to like talk about it. But we have to make it to where it's a safe space to even talk about it and discuss our challenges and going to the right people. And the last thing is really just celebrating that resilience. That means celebrating the recovery, celebrating the steps that you've made, to be better, to have, you know, be better mentally, mentally. So I think those are the things that we should be looking at, within our Armed Forces community. This is that the Erica Smith and I listen to armed forces chamber live.

Unknown Speaker 15:45
You are a candidate for City of Las Vegas Council in Ward five. Yeah, what's your candidacy?

Unknown Speaker 15:53
Is so I am so excited to be running. I think the people I'm a fresh face a fresh perspective. And I think that's really what the people want. This Armed Forces chamber.

Unknown Speaker 16:15
underwriting and K u and v is provided by Hunter Kane and the armed forces chamber. Hey, I'm Hunter Cain in May is National Foster Care Month. You may ask what's so important about this month? Well, National Foster Care Month is a time to recognize that we can each play a part in enhancing the lives of youth in foster care to include the more than 3000 foster youth here in Southern Nevada. Take it from a foster parent to 36 use. Together we can shape a positive future for our community. Happy Foster Care Month from Hunter Kane and the armed forces chamber.

Unknown Speaker 16:47
Andre Hey, today we're gonna talk about annuities.

Unknown Speaker 16:50
Hello, everybody. My name is Wil Reid and I listened to armed forces chamber live was one of the most popular questions we did ask, what is an annuity? So what an annuity is, technically, and I'll be giving you technical, then I'm going to give you how I like to look at it is it's an insurance product that guarantees income over a fixed period of time that can be you can do incomes, I mean, you know, date certain or you can do it for life, but it is going to be some type of guaranteed income for a certain period of time. So I like to call it you know, a personal escrow again, you're going to start putting money into it now and add it at a date. At some point during retirement, you'll start with withdrawing money from that, from that account. Hello, everybody. My name is Wil Reid and I listened to armed forces chamber live.

Unknown Speaker 17:54
Does an annuity offer benefits?

Unknown Speaker 17:58
Yeah, like I said it's guaranteed income. And so a lot of times it especially either in our community, both in our community, and with people who work in Union positions or you know you get a guaranteed state pension, you think that is the end all be on and then when you you people retire, they find out what shifts now I'm now living on 30% of the income that I was making when I was working. And so a nice annuity when you put that in place at the right time. That gives you that additional income during retirement. And in once again, it's it's set for a period of time or depending on how you and your financial advisor structured, what type of product you actually get into. It can be once again you can get it for 10 years you can get to pay off for 20 years, you can get to pay up for life. So depending on once again, you know how it's structured, what you know what type of product you actually get, will determine how long you're going to receive a cup.

Unknown Speaker 19:12
Now, who is eligible to get an annuity?

Unknown Speaker 19:17
Who is eligible or who is best suited to get it?

Unknown Speaker 19:21
You know answer both.

Unknown Speaker 19:26
Anybody can get an annuity. However it is not. It is not an industry standard to put a young person under the age of 50. As you get closer to retirement, this is something you want to to look into but someone under the age of 5055 We talked about that 10 year belt which is five years before five years after retirement. You know that 10 year belt when you get in is somewhere in that 10 year belt. That's when you really want to start looking at annuities in the eye So anybody can get. But it's not prudent for someone in their 20s and 30s. To really want to delve into, into annuities.

Unknown Speaker 20:13
None is the best time to be.

Unknown Speaker 20:16
Like I said, we look at their 10 year belt. So when you get about five years, you know that five years to retirement, that is when you really want start looking 10 years close, you know, so you get that 10 year windows like, hey, you know, what, 56 Now, retirement age is 63. For the next generation, I think it's 69. You know, you get about 5560 years old, you want to really start looking at, you know, put some money into an annuity, because like I said, it's going to be a a lifetime of payments, depending on the actual product to get a fixed pedal. Hello, everybody, my name is will read and I listened to armed forces chamber live.

Unknown Speaker 21:05
Now, how can our listeners contact you to learn more about annuities? Alright,

Unknown Speaker 21:10
my email addresses will read wi ll, R, E, D, at Applied wealth MGT a PDP Li, once again, we'll read out a paid wealth I can also be reached by phone Area code 303-676-7427. Or you can follow me on Facebook, we'll read the fourth or LinkedIn will read for off wonderful,

Unknown Speaker 21:43
are there any any last comments you'd like to share with our listeners?

Unknown Speaker 21:47
You know, it's, it's we have to start looking past some of the traditional things that are out there when it comes to retirement, especially in our communities. It's more than just the pension or the deferred comp, there are going to build a comprehensive retirement package and portfolio for you. So you can afford a financial advisor. Better yet, you cannot afford not to have a financial advisor as a part of your team. You know, we're the professionals, things that I may not know. Fortunately, with a firm like CIT applied wealth management, you can go and see who the members of our team are the years of experience we have in this industry. And we we do a lot of work as as team. And so we can answer your questions, sit down and map out the best plan for you. And it's going to take discipline to stick to that plan. But if you do, when you get to that age of retirement and you say, Okay, it's time to walk away, you'll be better off, we like to term it as walking up Mount Everest. Everybody talks about having enough oxygen to scale Mount Everest, but nobody ever talks about having enough oxygen to come down. And retirement is the same way. I want to have enough money to as I'm going into retirement. But because we don't know how long we're going to live, especially after retirement. We want to make sure we have enough income to last us to live the lifestyle that we want to live. And that's coming back down Mount Everest. That's our oxygen coming back down.

Unknown Speaker 23:34
Awesome. I like them. It's the first time I heard that analogy that makes sense. I like

Unknown Speaker 23:39
the issue if more people died coming down to sit down every day going up. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 23:45
I like that. I like that. super well. Well, I want to thank you so much for your time for being a guest ladies and gentlemen. We'll read the financial services professional from applied wealth management. I will share your phone number with them one

Unknown Speaker 24:00
more time 30367674 to seven.

Unknown Speaker 24:08
Underwriting on K u and v is provided by the city of mesquite morale Lippmann and the armed forces chamber. Hello, I am city of mesquite Mayor Allen Whitman and this month we come together to recognize Memorial Day. Some may wonder what is Memorial Day. Memorial Day is more than just the day off work or a chance to enjoy a barbecue. It's a solemn occasion where we pause to reflect on the sacrifices made by those who have given everything and service to our country. Join me city of mesquite Mayor al Littman, along with the Armed Forces chamber as we honor the legacy of our fallen heroes and support those who have served and continue to serve

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