Psychic School

Join us in this captivating episode of Psychic School, titled "Accessing Source: Unveiling the True Meaning Behind Aladdin's Magic Lamp in Psychic School". In this thought-provoking installment, our insightful speaker delves into the hidden influences that shape our lives, offering unique perspectives and intriguing insights.

Through the metaphor of a dice box, the speaker explores the unseen forces at play in the background of our existence. From backstabbing daggers of tragedy to the ripple effects of global events like wildfires, we uncover how these subtleties indirectly impact our lives and the lives of others.

With refreshing vulnerability and authenticity, our host reflects on personal experiences, including dreams about guides unraveling the true essence of Aladdin's magic lamp. Discover the enlightening connection between creating friction and accessing Source, as our speaker shares intuitive wisdom gained from these vivid dream encounters.

As the episode progresses, we stumble upon lighthearted moments that arise from random objects, leading us to consider the importance of treating oneself. Our speaker reminds us to strike a balance between indulgence and consideration for others, imparting valuable lessons in the pursuit of joy and happiness.

With a seamless blend of storytelling and spiritual exploration, we explore the remarkable power of going with the flow of life. Embracing both the good and the challenging moments, we find profound meaning in every experience, unlocking our true potential for pleasure, joy, and creativity.

Prepare for an intriguing encounter with crystals, as our speaker dives into the fascinating properties of red jasper. From solving problems in dream states to accessing the flow of creativity, we embark on a journey of exploration and empowerment.

Throughout the episode, we discover how the heart holds the key to living a fulfilling life. Through living in a heart-centric reality, we cultivate compassion, interconnectedness, and a deep appreciation for the uniqueness of every individual we encounter.

Embark on an insightful journey through the depths of psychic insights, dreams, and hidden forces that shape our lives. Tune in to Psychic School as we unravel the mysteries behind background happenings, providing you with tools to navigate life's intricate tapestry.

Listen now and discover the power within you to create the life you deserve.

What is Psychic School?

Welcome to Psychic School, where we explore the world of intuition and psychic abilities. I'm here to talk with expert guests, conduct experiments and deepen my understanding of the mystical. If you're on a journey to develop your psychic skills, then you've come to the right place. It takes practice to truly enhance your abilities, so keep experimenting and trying new things as we learn and grow together as students of life. Don't hesitate to reach out to me at, to share your stories, expertise, or love.

Speaker A [00:00:00]:

Hello, and welcome to another episode of the Psychic School Podcast. I am getting this, like, overwhelming, buzzing feeling the last few days that makes me feel like I need to continuously do these kind of readings. And when I'm doing these Dice readings, I'm kind of assume that I'm reading for this collective consciousness. But I don't know, maybe I'm just reading for myself. I would love to know if you've listened to one of my Dice podcasts in the past, if any of it resonates with you. I would love to hear from you. But I do feel like once I start, it feels like I'm kind of taken over, and I often don't even remember what I say and I go back and listen. I don't always listen.

Speaker A [00:00:57]:

I swear. It's one of those things, like, I listen when I'm supposed to listen. I will go back and listen to an old podcast, and there'll be some life lesson in there that is reoccurring in my life currently, that somehow I land on the podcast that talks about that. And this goes not just for my own podcast. I'm not just sitting here listening to my own podcast, but I often feel like with books from the library or I buy books from Vallue Village all the time. Often I won't sit and read the whole thing, but I will pick up the book like books when I'm called to do so. And I'm often like, sorry, I've got a tickle in my throat and I got to get some water. I feel like pushed to listen or watch certain things, and they always have meaning.

Speaker A [00:01:56]:

There's always something that I'm supposed to learn. I'm so sorry that I'm drinking on the thing, but all of a sudden I got this major tickle in my throat and I had to get rid of it. Okay, so today I wanted to do another Dice reading. I had this dream last night, and I don't want to make this whole episode about this dream, but it was really interesting. It was basically the dream was my guides were trying to explain to me why the story of Aladdin and his magic lamp was made and the actual reason. And this is being told by my guide, so I'm not like, Googling this. I don't know if there's any documentation of this anyways, but the reason it was created was to explain that to access Source, the genie, which is like how they're showing source in the story is the genie. You access it by creating friction.

Speaker A [00:03:02]:

So it was like this concept of rubbing the lamp, but it was actually just about creating friction. And then my guides took me to various situations where that has happened in life and how this concept has tried to emerge several times without success because it's a hard thing to prove. So my goal today is to try to create some friction and access Source. And in my dream so just going why I'm even mentioning this, a, because it was a really interesting dream, but B, because I was doing a dice reading recently and I started to bring out my tarot cards and I went completely blank. I felt like everything was being download into my brain and fleshing it out. And all of a sudden it was quiet and I was like, okay, I feel like I'm out of it. I should stop this reading. But then I started shuffling the deck and I feel like that friction caused me to be able to connect again.

Speaker A [00:04:07]:

So I feel like if you are developing your own psychic skills and you ever get stuck in a reading or a situation, try to create some sort of friction and that might help you connect to source. And also creating that friction helps you turn off. I think it's the left side of your brain, which is like you want to turn off one side of your brain to be able to access source. I think of like, Tyler Henry and how he scribbles. That's like friction. And also the brain turning off. It's like a combination. But there's this vibration get.

Speaker A [00:04:50]:

You can access source through going through a deep meditation, but if you can add vibration, you can do it with your hands. My guys were telling me last night that they use the example of the lamp, but it could be any sort of like heavy metal, like some sort of heavier, like metal. I have to go because my daughter wants a waffle, but I feel like this is an important lesson and I am going to continue in another moment. All right, sorry about that. I feel like I don't know if you could hear my daughter in the background. She's five. She probably should make her own waffle by now. But it felt like, you know that scene in Wedding Crashers where Will Ferrell's like calling to his mom for meatloaf? That's what it felt like.

Speaker A [00:05:46]:

She's little, so give me a break. But she probably could make her own waffle. Note to self, train my daughter to make her own waffle. Okay, so back to my vibrational thing. My guides are basically saying some sort of dense metal is really great, and rubbing it will help you create friction to access source. And it got me thinking about my singing bowl. I only have one, but I also have tuning forks, and that causes creates a vibration and that helps me kind of get into that zone to feel like I can do a reading or access, like if I'm doing a meditation or something, doing that first kind of gets me into this zone. So I feel like that dream kind of validated that, but also made me just really curious about vibrational rubbing things.

Speaker A [00:06:37]:

So today my goal is to just go around rubbing stuff and making wishes and see what happens. Anyways, with that being said, I'm going to do a reading I hope my random lamp vibration dream resonates with someone. And yeah, let's see what we got today. I am going to start by doing a little singing bowl, and I'm going to rub my hands together, create some vibration. I'm going to rub my hands on the singing bowl, and I'm going to say in my mind a couple of things only bring in good energy, life lessons that will help the greater good and collective consciousness. Yada, yada, yada. Love and light. And I'm going to do my singing bowl.

Speaker A [00:07:49]:

See the friction? That's the friction that's bringing in source. Thank you for providing me this opportunity to read for all of my wonderful, beautiful followers. You say followers for podcast. What's the word, listeners? Listeners, there's the word. I appreciate each and every one of you, and I hope that this reading can bring you some sort of peace, love, joy, clarity, all the things creating friction. Friction is the word of the day. Friction is the word of the day. All right, got lots of stuff and OOH, OOH.

Speaker A [00:08:57]:

This is an interesting reading. I don't really know where I'm going with this, but okay, first of all, I'd like to start off by saying I have a couple of things that landed outside of the dice box, which for me represents things that are kind of going on in the background of your life. It's not directly affecting you, but it could be something that's happening in your subconscious or something that's happening to someone that you might know that affects you indirectly. And I have the dagger, so there's some sort of backstabbing or some sort of tragedy or trauma happening not directly to you, but someone connected to you. And perhaps it's even like the things that are going on in the world, like the wildfires, it might not be directly affecting you, but we're all affected by the things that happen in our world, in our communities, and when things don't go right for other people, there's a ripple effect. And, yeah, we need to be aware of our surroundings and the experiences that other people are having. I'm sorry. I went into a real weird space there.

Speaker A [00:10:20]:

I was trying to listen, and there was just too much coming in at once there. So I'm going to try to get back to that, but I'm going to move on to some other dice to just see if I can get back into the flow of that. And I'm also like, see, now I'm reaching into my dice bag and creating my own friction so I can keep in that state. Okay. In the root chakra, I have two crystals, root chakra and sacral chakra. The root chakra, I have the amethyst, which is my birthstone. I'm Aquarius, and you think I'd be able to tell you a lot of stuff about Aquariuses, but I don't retain that information very well. I can tell you stuff about me, but I don't think that's going to help you in any way.

Speaker A [00:11:17]:

The amethyst, for me, when I wear my birthstone, it helps me feel very connected. Like my intuition gets heightened. I find that if I wear it for long periods of time, I get drained. So I have to take breaks from wearing my amethyst. And I actually had a bracelet explode on me. And this has happened to a friend of mine, too, where the crystal that you wore for weeks all of a sudden explodes. And I think that that happens when that crystal is no longer serving you or it needs to be cleansed or it needs to be changed out for something else. You change all the time, right? So the crystals that you resonate with should change as well.

Speaker A [00:12:09]:

So I really don't know much about crystals, and so anything I talk about is kind of just like what's being intuitively downloaded into my head. I haven't Googled any of that. The red jasper also fell into the root chakra and sacral chakra. Now, the sacral chakra is what kind of provides you with pleasure in life and helps you kind of get into a creative flow. And really listening to your root chakra or your sacral chakra will help you feel like joy in life and feel like passion. And when you get into a work project or an art project or something where you kind of lose track of time, the sacral chakra is like, really spinning and radiating well when you're in that flow state. The red jasper crystal fell into that chakra. And red Jasper for me, represents what does it represent? I don't know what it really represents, but what I use red Jasper for is trying to solve my problems from a dream state.

Speaker A [00:13:46]:

So red Jasper, how I use it is if I am struggling with something and I can't figure out a problem in my life, this is how one of the things I started doing, and I don't really do it much anymore because I feel like my dreams are kind of naturally solving my problems now. Like, I don't have to ask anymore, but I used to whenever I had a problem, I would stick. I got this red jasper from a doctor once. A naturopath gave it to my son, and I looked up the meaning and it helps you with dreams. And I really do feel like whenever I put the red Jasper under my pillow, I'm able to recall my dreams better and problem solving my dreams more. So I see this red Jasper in your sacral chakra, and I wonder if it has something to do with accessing your dream state to kind of figure out where your creativity and flow is supposed to come from. I feel like a lot of you are feeling this almost sludge in your sacral chakra where it's like, not moving properly and you don't know how to solve that issue. You're stuck.

Speaker A [00:15:08]:

You're feeling like you're muck and you don't know what the next step is, and you just have no way of solving this problem. I feel like you need to have some red jasper, put it under your pillow. And whatever problems that are arising in your life, write about them in a journal or something beside your bed and ask specific questions about how to solve those problems. And even if maybe you don't even know what your problems are, but you feel like you have this sludge. You feel like sludgy. See if you can come to any solutions in the dream state. And then I also have in the same chakra, which is your second chakra, I have the turtle, which is representative of being protected because turtles have their shell. But the turtle also represents the sea turtle, too, going with the flow of life and riding those waves and hopping onto a current and going with the flow of that I'm sorry, I'm being interrupted because my daughter just keeps reminding me of that scene from Wedding Crashers Le Lo.

Speaker A [00:16:28]:

But right now, I don't know if you can hear, but right now in the background, she's going, Alexa, Alexa. Oh, gosh, I hope that didn't make my phone do some Alexa thing. It didn't. Okay. Anyway, so I hope you can't hear in the background just yelling at Alexa. It's hilarious. Okay, so go with the flow of life. If you can go with the flow, the more you can go with the flow, the more you're going to be divinely guided and creatively inspired.

Speaker A [00:17:04]:

That's what I'm getting. Understand that there's a time for structure. There's also a time for just I get like, Jesus, take the wheel. And it doesn't have to be Jesus, but kind of let life happen to you and think of it as like this journey that even when you go through bad times, those bad times teach you the lessons in life that you're supposed to learn throughout your lifetime. And there is good in all of those moments, even if you can't see them in the moment, but to understand that you're always protected and that going with the flow of life will help provide you with pleasure and joy and yeah, in turn, you will be more creative and receptive in life. The next one I have is okay, first of all, I have a seashell that landed in your solar plexus, which is interesting. I think of, okay, I want to look at the seashell. I put these, like, little trinkets in my dice thing because it's like random little objects will spark things in your mind.

Speaker A [00:18:39]:

I look at seashells and I think of the many years they've been floating around in the water and all the experiences they've had. I find going to the beach and looking at fossils and stuff. I always have not an emotional reaction, but kind of it makes you feel small and insignificant, but also extremely significant at the same time. Like your body will decompose and become like these pieces that are part of your ocean. I mean, most of us are not going to decompose and be part of the ocean, but I think about all the sea creatures and how big the ocean is, the layers of sand upon sand upon sand, and how deep it is. This seashell is honestly, it looks kind of like an onion. And to me, it represents the layers of life. And this landed in your third chakra, which represents determination, an action in life.

Speaker A [00:20:18]:

So maybe you have an idea, maybe there's something brewing inside of you, this divine will that you don't really know how to use, but you feel it bubbling up, this seashell, it almost looks like, and this is what I'm getting right now, it's like there's layers to things, but there's also steps to take. And this seashell kind of looks like you're going up this staircase, you're going up this ladder almost. And you might have this big picture idea, which is the top of the shell, but you need to take those little steps to get to that big picture. So don't forget about the little steps along the way and understand that each step that you take on your journey is a lesson in your life. And so getting to the big picture is important, but those little steps that you take to get there are also important because that's where the lessons are learned. And that's where those hard times that you go through, those tiny steps, those steep steps that you have to take, they help you develop empathy and they help you stay determined. If everything was easy all the time, you would lose dream, I think. Anyways, that's where I got with that shell.

Speaker A [00:21:48]:

So it's funny, random stuff that can come from just like holding an object. Okay, and I also have in your third chakra, which is the same chakra we were just in. I have the doughnut, which I got in my last reading that I did, too, which is like all about treating yourself and how important it is to enjoy life and eat the donut, but don't eat all the donuts. Have fun, but not at the expense of other people. And the more you have fun, the more you're going to feel again, the more tragedy and stuff that happens in your life, the more you're pushed to better your life or whatever. But this is like the more you enjoy your life, the more you're going to want to enjoy your life, the more fun you have, the more fun you're going to want to have. You go see a really great concert, you're going to want to see another really great concert because, you know, it brings your vibe up. And that is a really great determining factor in life.

Speaker A [00:22:58]:

Like follow that joy, follow those delicious donuts. Because the more you enjoy life, the more you will feel like you have this wonderful vitality. You feel alive and you'll be more able to listen to divine guidance. If you're enjoying life and you take moments to just appreciate things, you're having a donut. If you go for this delicious donut, say you go to a specialty donut shop and you get the most delicious donut on the menu. Don't just eat it in your car while listening to music and swearing at the guy next to you who cut you off. Take a moment and enjoy the donut, but appreciate the donut, taste the donut, experience the different flavors. That's what life's about, is about enjoying the treats that we have in life.

Speaker A [00:24:00]:

Don't just eat them. Don't just go through the motions. Experience them and feel the things. And then the last dice I have is the fire. And that's in your heart. And that is a huge one for me. And I think this is like a big part of who I've become. In the last year, I have this fire in my heart.

Speaker A [00:24:25]:

It's very heart centric, where I feel like my heart is pushing me to do all these things that I wouldn't have done five years ago or I wouldn't have said five years ago or two years ago or three months ago. I am being pushed and it's this passion, fire energy. And I think this is what I'm getting from my guided dreams and my meditation experiences, is that if you can listen to the fire in your heart, like that passion, that energy that is guided from a heart space, there's no going wrong. Because then you're always thinking about other people and you're thinking about how to make the darkness in the world more light. You're thinking about ways you can better yourself and help others. And it's all driven by this beautiful passion that you have for living a heart centric reality in life. And for me, and this doesn't have to be for everyone, but I think that it should be not to push my beliefs on everyone, but I think that if you live through your heart, you realize quickly how connected we all are and how we're all so important, each and every one of us. You are important, I'm important.

Speaker A [00:26:10]:

Everything with a beating heart is important. And we're all connected. And the more you feel through your heart, the more you'll see that. I promise you. One of the biggest things I get from people writing in is saying how they didn't realize all these random connections in their life. I feel like part of my purpose is I feel like I'm learning more and more parts of my purpose, but is like to help people understand the connections in life. So if you have a fun story that you want to share with me about feeling connected or a sign or a synchronicity that came up in your life I love getting mail from people. It makes my day.

Speaker A [00:27:03]:

I know that some people are like, oh, people are too busy to hear from people. I will always stop and read an email, and if I don't get back to you right away, I promise you I will at some point. I love hearing from people because I think that part of my purpose is making people feel connected, and that includes myself. Anyways, I hope this reading resonated with some people. I hope everyone is enjoying their life and day. If you can lead into your heart energy at all today, I promise it will be good. And take a moment to rub your hands together, wish for some stuff, do some vibrational work. I am being told that this is very important and that if we could all raise our vibes and you can do that quickly by rubbing some metal together or your hands, we should all do that.

Speaker A [00:28:08]:

It's very important. So I hope everyone has a wonderful day. And I will record another one of these soon, because I feel very much like I need to get these out of me. It feels like this stuff is stacking up, and if I don't do this, I kind of feel like I go a bit squirrely. So if you feel like that too, let me know. Also, my email address. I have a couple of them. I'm one of those people that buy domain names and then don't use them.

Speaker A [00:28:44]:

But I have Um, and I also have Rofocreative ROFO You can email either one of those, and I will respond. I hope you have a wonderful day.