Seek the Magic

Ready to reset your routine and rediscover balance in your life? In this episode, Erin shares her personal journey of overcoming setbacks and getting back on track, offering powerful insights on how to transform your days. 

She reveals the game-changing impact of waking up at 5 a.m., giving herself those crucial early hours to meditate, exercise, and align with her goals—before the chaos of the day begins. 

Erin also dives into the power of breathwork, sharing how this simple practice has helped her refocus and push through the toughest challenges. Whether you're navigating busy family life or feeling overwhelmed by work, Erin’s tips for managing stress and creating a routine that works for you are invaluable.

What’s truly magical about this episode is how Erin not only shows the importance of sticking to routines but also the beauty of breaking out of them. By embracing unexpected moments and exploring new experiences, she unlocks a deeper sense of joy and fulfillment.

Click play now to hear Erin’s motivational insights and discover how to bring more magic into your daily routine—you won’t want to miss it!


Join me on the Seek the Magic podcast as I discover how surrender can lead to profound insights, greater peace, and how we can all find more magic in our everyday lives. ✨🚀 

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Connect with Erin McMahon:

  • (00:00) - Welcome to Seek the Magic / Getting Back to Routine
  • (00:48) - The Importance of Waking Up Early
  • (02:03) - Morning Routine and Mental Alignment
  • (04:08) - Using Breathwork to Stay on Track
  • (06:30) - Balancing Work, Family, and Holiday Preparations
  • (08:18) - The Power of Asking Questions Instead of Making Statements
  • (11:23) - Closing Thoughts: Seeking Magic in Routine and Beyond

What is Seek the Magic?

Hi, I’m Erin, an spiritual adventurer, tech marketer, and wife and mom of 2. I’m here to share the insights I learn, the joy I find, and hope to help others find a way to seek more magic in every day.

00;00;00;00 - 00;00;38;23
Hello, this is Erin. Welcome back to Seek the Magic. This week I want to talk about getting back into routine. So as I mentioned in the last episode, Tambora was a little crazy with injuries and getting sick and everything like that. And this month, as we mark the midpoint a little bit over the midpoint in the month, I know it's time to get back and realign, to help me get all the things I want to do, done and to help realign with my goals that I have for this year and just for life in general.

00;00;38;23 - 00;01;03;03
So one of those, of course, is doing the podcast, and there are a few other things that fell off and or I have been put on the backburner a bit. One actually from this week is waking up early, which if I had my way and sleep did not have its way, then I would wake up at 5:00 every morning and have a few hours for myself before getting the day ready.

00;01;03;03 - 00;01;28;06
I found this has been valuable for my life, but really, especially when I have kids getting up this early and having time to time for myself to do what I need to do before I get them ready has been so important. So this week, getting up early gave me a chance to not only work out and do cardio, which that's been my number one priority for as long as I can remember.

00;01;28;06 - 00;01;58;26
So I usually get that done regardless of whether what time I wake up. Then also. Now doing meditation, I found that if I wake up a little bit later or, you know, the kids wake up, then I'll have time to just work out. But I won't have time to meditate. And then that means it gets pushed to later in the day, or abbreviated or I don't know if you've ever tried doing yoga meditation with young kids around, but it means that they want to be very involved with the process.

00;01;58;26 - 00;02;24;00
So that means it's not as calm and peaceful as it could potentially be. So waking up earlier gave me the chance to meditate. In addition to doing my workout routine, I've had more time to get a smoothie ready in the morning and oh, that was just very exciting. And then I was much more calm and mentally ready by the time the kids got up.

00;02;24;00 - 00;02;50;20
Now, I always, you know, getting the kids up is one of my favorite things because it is just, you know, time for us as a family before they get ready for school. So I always love that. But having gotten a few things done and really given myself time to align has been a really great thing. And it's benefit in not only in, you know, the morning of the day, but it's actually had echoes for the rest of the day.

00;02;50;20 - 00;03;11;10
So I feel like I think I read a book once called the 5:00 Am club, or there's probably several books with that name, but the idea is that if you get up early and have those few hours that you feel like you're getting up before the rest of the world, that it can be very beneficial. So how is it impacted the rest of these days?

00;03;11;10 - 00;03;39;29
Well, I've had several things that I've also wanted to get done, including I'm training to be a breathwork facilitator and coach and so I have to train and practice with people. And, you know, that takes certain hours. And it also is a newer thing for me. So it's going outside of my comfort zone, which means that my brain resists it a little bit and would rather do prioritize it and or skip it.

00;03;39;29 - 00;04;08;07
So this has the morning routine. And probably the combination of that in getting the meditation done has helped me feel more centered and has helped the part of me that really wants to get the certification and help other people move forward, as opposed to the other reticent part of me that would rather just get other things done. So I've gotten that back on track this week, which is really great because it's something I want to get done by the end of the year.

00;04;08;07 - 00;04;34;16
And now we're we're catching up. Let's see. And also, just a reminder that breathwork is part of my meditation practice, but it has been a key part of the day in breaking up or getting me back on track. If I don't feel like I want to do something, or like I had to write a proposal and I'm getting a little bit nervous about it because I have to send it to, you know, a key stakeholders.

00;04;34;16 - 00;05;04;09
I find myself pausing, realizing that these emotions are taking over and wanting to switch. And I feel like instead of mentally trying to think my way through it, taking literally just a five minute break and doing five minutes of breathwork, I use the Pause Breathwork app because the woman I am training with created that up. Her name is Sam Skelly so it has breaks of three minutes, five minutes, ten minutes and so you can literally just take three minutes and pause.

00;05;04;09 - 00;05;27;13
I feel like that helps me reset and move forward. So that's helped me get back on track this week and it's reminding me what an amazing gift breathwork is, which I found about a year and a half ago and maybe close to tears. What an amazing gift that is and how much I am excited to tell everybody about it.

00;05;27;13 - 00;05;53;06
As much as I can, and hopefully at some point can start teaching other people about it too. Guiding people. Another aspect of getting up early is that while I'm still working on implementing this one, so TBD on whether this gets encompassed in the plan, but I guess since I've been only getting up for five for a week, let's see if I can keep this together for longer.

00;05;53;06 - 00;06;23;22
I'm committing to it on this podcast, so I will provide a progress update. But another key thing is setting goals for the day, work and personal. So again saying I want to make sure I get this breathwork session done. I want to make sure I have these four articles written and I have the meeting with this person. Doing that has really helped me focus because working in the tech space, there's alerts and people that ask you to do last minute things all the time.

00;06;23;22 - 00;07;04;24
And so the focus of your day can shift very rather quickly, quite dramatically at some point. And so it's important to look at what you originally wanted to do and then check in at the end of the day to make sure that you've done it. This also goes for things to do with the kids, and I think this is actually more important as we get into the mindset of October, November, December, because there are more obligations that come up associated with the holidays, such as figuring out Halloween costumes, getting the decorations up, helping volunteer for voting or charities, you know, all sorts of things.

00;07;04;24 - 00;07;30;09
So and what are these things that are going on in kids schools, of course, which seem to come up one after the other after the other. So again, very important to me. I've found it. Sorry, I just got a I just got a slack message, which is the interrupting alert that I am speaking about not getting distracted from so real time example.

00;07;30;11 - 00;07;53;21
So this so it's very important to make sure that those things are top of mind. And then also at the end of the day, I think it's helped me celebrate. I know that sounds silly to celebrate getting small things done, but it it reinforces positive behavior. And I think it helps my brain to be motivated for getting things done the next day.

00;07;53;21 - 00;08;18;14
So that's good. So those are the main things that I wanted to talk about related to moving forward. Right now I'm getting back on track, which means that I am behind and feel like I've lost progress from where I was before late August, the beginning of September. But I choose to focus on where I can go moving forward as opposed to moving back.

00;08;18;14 - 00;08;43;27
And I think another key thing that I read recently, which I may do a whole podcast episode about this, is just asking questions as opposed to making statements and accepting one point of view as reality, as like the the only stated as I guess. And what I mean by that is I could say, you know, I'm behind on this.

00;08;43;29 - 00;09;06;03
I will not get it done. And you know, I won't be able to make this goal right now. Or I could say, what are the possibilities for moving forward with this? How could I do this? What would make a difference if I, you know, try to catch up and meet the goal and time versus giving myself a little bit extra time and seeing if there's a new deadline.

00;09;06;09 - 00;09;35;07
So I think these things are helpful because it helps me recalibrate and not be so hard on myself. And in other non personal development situations. It helps me broaden the scope or thinking about how to look at something, what you know, what are the various possibilities, how could we approach us from different angles? And so that's been helpful in finding creative ways to solve problems as well.

00;09;35;10 - 00;10;03;21
Another fun thing that is like not not exactly routine related, but kind of ever since that, I would say over the past year, I've been mainly focused on reading psychology and spirituality related books. And I've taken a pause on reading fiction, which I read a lot of when I was pregnant with Katie the year before, I had her and I started to read fiction, sci fi, fantasy again.

00;10;03;21 - 00;10;29;04
And now I'm on a total kick of that. And part of what I do routine before bed is read a paper book. So not looking at, you know, a device with blue light or whatever, but just, you know, reading a paper book, old school and that is really help me fall asleep. So now that I'm doing that with fiction, I actually am just like going through so many more books and having so much fun with it.

00;10;29;04 - 00;10;56;08
And it's actually opening up, you know what I'm learning and ways that I did not expect so, or, you know, ways that I did not remember when I, you know, decided to go full on and on spirituality and psychology and breathwork and everything, which I think has a time and a place in my my brain tends to want to go like 150% on one thing and just, you know, really dive in deep and go down a rabbit hole.

00;10;56;08 - 00;11;22;01
But what I found is that going into these different genres or categories are investigating something else. It actually has drawn in more insights and revelations and ways of thinking about things and connections to the work that, I mean, they're doing for myself personally and professionally or connecting with my kids or things like that. So I definitely want to talk about that more at some point.

00;11;22;01 - 00;11;48;23
But not to say, while this episode focuses on getting back into your routine in order to get things done and in various ways to do an approach that I would say that maybe, maybe this is another part of the routine is to go out of routine or just like trying new things and deviating out of your normal path part of the routine.

00;11;48;23 - 00;12;23;20
Incorporate that as part of what you do and how you go about things. And I think that there's certainly magic in creating the routine and helping move yourself forward towards what you want to do and where you want to go. And then there's certainly magic and the unexpected surprises and and looking in places where you're not really sure what y you're, you're looking there or, you know, it doesn't have an expected outcome completely related to your goal, but you may find something wonderful there.

00;12;23;22 - 00;12;30;06
So I hope you seek the magic in your day and your week. And thank you so much. Take care.