My True Ghost Stories

Join Jennifer, a spiritual medium, as she shares two captivating ghost stories in this episode. Discover the tale of a haunted office desk and the lingering spirit of a former shopkeeper. Then, a message in a dream leads to surprising revelations for a neighbor dealing with a restless spirit. Tune in for a blend of mystery, emotion, and spiritual encounters that bridge the gap between the living and the departed.

Visit Jennifer's website to learn more!

What is My True Ghost Stories?

Join a New York City native and professional spiritual medium as she shares authentic paranormal encounters from her life and work. From childhood experiences to present-day revelations, these stories aim to normalize the supernatural and encourage listeners to trust their intuition.

Hello, and welcome to My True Ghost
Stories, where each story is a chapter

from my own journey as a spiritual medium.

I'm Jennifer, and I specialize in
helping trapped spirits to cross over.

I clear haunted houses, bring
closure to those left behind, and

I craft custom rituals that help
both the living and the departed.

In this podcast, I share my true
ghost stories, exploring those

moments of connection between
this side and the other side.

So join me as I explore these
experiences one true tale at a time.

Welcome to episode four
of My True Ghost Stories.

I have two stories for you today..

The first takes place in an
office with one haunted desk.

And the second is about a message
for a neighbor and me, Jennifer,

trying to get a dinner invitation.

And let's begin.

Speaker: This story is called Shopkeeper.

So I was contacted by an office manager
from a big office and he explained

to me that there was this one desk in
their office and that had had successive

employees and every person that works
at that desk may have started out as

positive but Eventually, would become
very negative and problematic and would

wind up quitting or getting fired, and
they were hiring for that position again.

So during my conversation with this
office manager, I began to get messages.

Right away.

Uh, that doesn't always happen.

Getting messages usually requires
some quiet and meditation.

And this may have spoken to the
desperation of the spirit that

immediately showed up during my
conversation with this office manager.

So all I saw was a very unhappy
man sitting in a swivel chair.

And I got the impression that he
had been there for a long time.

So the office manager told me that it
was a relatively new building, and I

could tell that this spirit and this
energy had to do with what was here.

Before the new building was built.

I made an appointment to come
to the office one week later.

which gave me time to meditate,
receive messages from my guides

and this spirit's guides.

And I need to do that in order
to formulate how I was going

to help this man cross over.

Because he was clearly
trapped in this space.

during that week, I I did a preparatory
meditation or two, and I received the

message from this spirit and from his
guides that he had some sort of investment

in this space that he was occupying.

And he strongly disapproved of
how this office was being run.

And that was all he communicated
to me, was disapproval and anger.

the office manager during this week
contacted me, and he had done some

research on the building and the history
of the space that the building was located

in, and he told me that before This
building was built, there had been stores

that had been there since the early 1900s.

So this was good information and he
even sent me a picture of these stores.

with this information I was able
to talk to this spirit and ask him

some questions about specifics.

Because up until this point I had only
received frustration and anger from him.

with this conversation, with questions
I was able to ask him, it became

apparent that he still thought that
this was his shop, and that these staff

members, these employees of this office,
which he thought was his shop, were

his employees, and that there were no
customers, and that the employees just

sat down all day and didn't do anything.

So, this desk, I imagine, must
have been right over his shop.

And maybe even like his office in the
shop, the back room, I don't know.

But it was this one space,
which must have been a

Speaker 3: Very important space for him.

Speaker: before this new building was
built, and this energy that he was

holding in this space was seriously
affecting the people who sat in

that desk, because he was probably
treating them like an employee and

saying, you know, get up, get up.

What are you doing?

You know, so they were, they were
picking up on that negative energy.

this was the information that I needed
in order to prepare my help to him.

So using my guides and his
guides and my meditations,

I was ready to prepare a custom
ritual for him and for this office.

normally as part of my rituals, I light
candles and sometimes I'll burn sage.

But this office had a strict fire
code, and apparently if I even

lit a match, it would set off all
sorts of alarms and 911 calls.

And so I, uh, I, obviously was not
going to light candles or burn anything.

instead I prepared a ritual that involved
a wand, some stones, other concoctions

that I use, and mostly I prepared for
my conversation with the shopkeeper.

Which I'm going to call him from now
on in this story, the shopkeeper.

I can usually communicate with
spirits from anywhere, , which

I did with this spirit.

But in order to help them
cross over, I need to go to the

place where they are trapped.

Which in this case was
the office and the desk.

So a week later.

I arrived at the office and the office
manager had told me that the whole staff

was on board and they were ready to
participate in any way that they can.

They were eager to get rid of this
energy and this pattern of employees

turning bad and quitting or being fired.

And so they even had an hour in their
calendar reserved for me and this process.

the office manager alone, just him and me,
uh, he gave me a tour around the office.

And it was a beautiful office and lots
of people and lots of stuff going on.

And then we arrived at this
corner desk, and it was very

obvious that this was the space.

I could feel the energy emanating
from the space, and there was the

swivel chair, and with some closer
inspection, there was the shopkeeper

sitting in the swivel chair.

So I was ready to start.

Um, the staff gathered near this desk
with me and I explained to them about

the shopkeeper situation and I told them,
you know, he thinks that this is his

shop and he feels that you are running
it badly so I explained to them that the

energy that they were feeling was that.

of a dissatisfied boss and a very
frustrated boss so I explained

to them that I was going to help
him cross over and that then I

was going to clear the energy.

my first order of business in this
process was to put a protective shield

around each staff member that was
participating, , this is to prevent any

negative energy from attaching to them
while I talk to the spirit and while

I send the spirit to the other side.

, this is necessary to do for all
bystanders and myself for safety.

So I told them I'm going to talk to
the shopkeeper, I'm going to help

him cross over, and then I'm going
to clear any residual energy, and I

assured them that the office would
then be a pleasant place to be in.

And they could safely hire
someone to sit at that desk again.

I sent them away so that
I could do my process.

I said, I will call you
back when I need you.

Because they were going to need to
do maintenance after I was finished.

then it came time.

to talk directly to the shopkeeper.

I pulled up a chair across from the
swivel chair and I sat down with

him and basically I just let him
vent, which is important to do with

someone who's very frustrated and
used to allow him to express himself.

So I just let him vent and he said,

they're not doing anything.

There's no customers.

This shop's going to fail.

He was a business owner who was really
upset that things were not going well.

after I let him vent for a while, , it
came time to offer some relief.

So, I did not explain to him, you
know, the shop is gone, it's been

knocked down, there's, you know,
I just, that just seemed that it

would be too painful to tell him
because it's meant so much to him.

So I couldn't tell him that.

But I did tell him

that he doesn't have to stay here anymore.

this he listened to.

He was excited.

Oh, I, I don't?

I don't have to stay here anymore?

And I said, no, you don't.

He was concerned about the well being
of the business, he did know that

there were these different staff
members, and then there was one staff

member there that he really liked, and
he asked, can I leave her in charge?

And I said, yes, because she,
this woman actually was sort of

in charge, so I wasn't lying.

I said, yes, you can leave her in charge.

And then, with that information,

He got out of the swivel chair,
and he stood up, and he said, Okay.

And I could see and feel his relief.

that moment right there, that relief,

is It's so emotional and moving to me
that it is why I do this, because I can

offer people relief, which is the most
rewarding thing in the world for me.

I stood up also and using his guides
and my guides and some other processes,

the shopkeeper finally crossed over.

I always cry a little when they cross over
because it's very emotional and I always

need a few minutes to recover from that.

So I, I took those few minutes
and I recovered from it.

And then I began the process
of clearing the energy.

Because even though the shopkeeper
was gone, if someone is that

angry and dissatisfied, , it's
going to leave residual energy.

So I began the process of clearing it.

, due to the fire code, I did
not use any sage or candles.

I used my stones, my spray, and some hand
motions, and some sort of dancey kind

of things, and It must look very strange
if someone doesn't know what's going on.

Um, so luckily no one, I hope
no one was watching me, but

if they were, that's okay too.

After finishing the process of clearing
the energy, I brought the staff back in.

They said, wow, it feels
different in here already.

Which is always very satisfying to hear.

And I gave them instructions on how
to maintain this new energy and when

and how to close the portal, which
needs to happen a few days later.

And they accepted the instructions.

I promised to do it.

I followed up with the office
manager in three days and he said

that they had completed all the
maintenance that I had, , suggested

and he said I feel good vibes now.

And a further follow up confirmed that
they had a new employee at that desk

and that that employee is happy and
positive and showing no signs of changing.

Speaker 2: And here's our second story.

Speaker: This story is about a
message I received in a dream that

I gave to my neighbor, and all sorts
of fun things happened after that.

So this dream that I had, I was, There
was this woman that I'd never seen

before, and she was pointing at a blue
wall, and she was very angry, about

the blue wall, and she just motioned
to this blue wall, looked me in the

eye with this angry face, and then
turned on her heel, and marched away.

And that was the whole dream.

Somehow, in the morning, I knew
that This was, or I thought that

this was my neighbor's mother,
my neighbor across the street.

I thought this was her mother.

So I stopped by her house and she knows
about me and these things that I do.

And I told her I had this dream and I
think it's, A message from your mother.

She said, Oh, let me show
you a picture of my mother.

So she takes out this snapshot
and it's a picture of two women.

She points to one and she
said, This is my mother.

And I said, Well, no, that's
not the woman in the dream.

However, the woman she was standing with.

I said, That's who was in the dream.

This other woman.

And she says, That's my Aunt Betty.

Which is not her real name.

I changed the names for the story.

And her Aunt Betty had passed
on a few years earlier.

And she was delighted with some
contact from Aunt Betty, who

I guess she was quite fond of.

So I gave her the details of the dream.

I told her there was a woman, it was
Aunt Betty, was pointing at a blue

wall, and she was really angry, and
she Stared me in the eye, and then she

turned on her heel and marched away.

And she said, that is
exactly how Aunt Betty acted.

But she didn't know
anything about a blue wall.

But she said, I'll keep my ears
open and my eyes open for anything

about a blue wall and Aunt Betty.

And I'll keep you posted.

So I didn't see her for a few days,
but I ran into her on the street.

And she told me that, another
one of Betty's nieces, not her,

now lives in Betty's old house.

I don't know if she inherited it or she
was just living there, but anyway, she

was living in aunt Betty's old house and
they were renovating and remodeling the

house and making some cosmetic changes.

And they had painted the bedroom blue.

Obviously, this is what Aunt
Betty was trying to communicate

to me, is that she disapproved
of the new color in the bedroom,

which I think was not blue before.

It was like, had wallpaper or something,
so she did not approve of this at all.

I have found there's Often, when
a home gets remodeled or repainted

or changes are made, that spirit
activity will just start up.

That hasn't been happening before.

Like they were existing there happily,
but then when they start to change

things, the spirit is not happy with
it and will make themselves known.

I have seen this happen often.

It was quiet for me for a while.

I didn't get any messages from Aunt Betty.

But not too much later, I got to meet
this other niece, , the one that was

living in Aunt Betty's house, and the
one that had painted the wall blue.

And, I met her at a community event
, her cousin introduced us and said,

you know, this is Jennifer and she's
the one that got the message about

the blue wall and she said, Oh, great.

And so she left us , to talk and
this other niece, the one that's

living in Aunt Betty's house, she
told me that Yes, lately, you know,

there's been a real presence there.

I can feel, that someone is there and
I, I didn't used to feel that at all.

And now I get this message
about the blue wall.

And while she was talking to me, I get
this strong message coming in and it was

about a perfectly good kitchen table.

And so, uh, when there was a pause
in the conversation, I said something

about, there's something about
a perfectly good kitchen table.

And the niece, as if she was directly
answering Aunt Betty, who I, we figured

this was, she just said, well, I, you
know, I'm sorry, I, I, you know, I had

to put it in the basement because we
had bought that other kitchen table.

So it was sort of funny.


The way that obviously the relationship
used to be was continuing to be.

I asked the young niece, I asked her,
would you like me to come by and I can

do like some rituals and some, clearing
and I can help Aunt Betty to cross

over and then you can remodel in peace.

I said, would you, would
you like me to do that?

And she said, yes, she
would like me to do that.

So I really liked this family
and I didn't know them that well.

But I really liked them.

They were funny and charming and
entertaining and really smart.

And so I offered to do this
ritual and she said yes.

And then I had this, this, uh, compulsion
to lie and say, and my guides are

telling me that I need to have dinner
with your family before I do the ritual.

But that was a total lie, and so
I refrained from doing that and

being weird, so I, I didn't do that,
but I did, maybe, so maybe, maybe

they'll think to invite me to dinner
first so I can hang out with them.

But um, it didn't happen.

Later, maybe a few weeks later, my
neighbor, I ran into her and she said,

you know Uh, so and so, , she is too
scared, she doesn't want to do it.

, it's too much for her to, uh, to do
this ritual, but, so maybe another time.

And, that they're just, they're fine
with Aunt Betty's presence right now.

And, and I think that's great.

, You know, it could be that it
wasn't really bothering them

that much and it could be that
they don't want to say goodbye.

And that's fine, too.

And it could be that Aunt Betty's
not ready to cross over and

that's why it didn't happen.

And maybe it will happen, either with my
help or without my help, when it's time.

So, From what I hear, the living
and the departed are all living

happily together in this home.

, I hear there was a wedding.

I hear that there have been amazing
career advancements and there's

probably going to be some babies soon.

So it is obviously not taking a toll on
the family to have Aunt Betty lurking

around probably, you know, judging their
decorating choices, but you know, maybe

someday they will call me to come do a
ritual when it's ready and maybe there

will be a dinner beforehand as well.

And that's all for today.

Thank you for listening to today's
episode, and if you think your house

is haunted, want energy cleared
from your space or need a custom

spiritual ritual, I'm here to help.

Visit jp or email me
at JP clearing

Don't forget to join me here
every Tuesday for a new episode.

Until next time.