Clydesdale Media Podcast

In an effort to be as fit as possible Scott and his Nutrition Coach Cheryl Nasso do their weekly check in live on the air.  Scott Visits his daughter and has very little control over food choices and still maintained the momentum.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

I hit the button by accident.

Here we are live.

We're live.

We're live.

We didn't even get an intro today.

I know.

That's the way it rolls.

How's it going?

I'm going to let Scott do his intro.

Go ahead and do it.

Go ahead.

Come on.

What's going on, everyone?

Welcome to the Clydesdale

Media Weight Loss Journey.

My name is Scott Schweitzer.

I'm the Clydesdale.

She is Cheryl Nasso.

She's my nutrition coach.

And we're here to do the weekly check-in.

But I accidentally hit the button.


I have this meeting that is scheduled

till four.

I start these at four or five.

They never end on time.


And I hate that.

Well, schedule a meeting.

It should end when it's should end.

And you saved the intro just like that.

We don't need no fancy intro now.

So how are you feeling today?

Obviously the stress of like, I get it,

you know,

like running out of a meeting

into another meeting is

always like that back to back.

So how are you feeling?

I feel okay.


I'm still having some of the gas issues,

but I was at my daughter's

house this weekend with not

a lot of control over food.

So had to go with what, what I could and,


and just had to wing it kind of

through it.

And then of course I was

around three dogs all weekend.

So yesterday was just recovery day.

Got it.

So what did,

so what did wing it this week?

It looked like in your nutrition.

so I you logged I did we ate

out a lot because my

daughter is not a great

cook and I guess that is on

me yeah looks like Saturday

you had a bagel chicken and

coleslaw and a Philly

cheesesteak that's pretty much it

Three square meals.

Sunday you had a chicken

sandwich and fries and

breakfast for dinner?


All right.

And then were you there Friday too?

I was.

Let's see what Friday was.

Friday was bagel and eggs, McDonald's,

and it looks like a pasta

dish of some sort.


So no snacking though.

You were kind of just like a

three square meals kind of

a person this weekend.

Pretty much.



I didn't snack at all.

Sometimes that helps because obviously,

you know,

if you can't really control

calories that much,

the less frequently you eat,

at least you're controlling calories to,

you know, three meals.


I think you honestly did pretty good.

I mean, you know,

even if your calories were

off a little bit, your calories reported,

we're still in the 1500 range.

So even if you were off and

you're logging by a thousand calories,

you likely still did a pretty good job.

So I feel pretty solid about that.

I feel like we need to say

hello to some people

because there's people that

I haven't seen on here in a while.

Like Elise,

I feel like she's been missing

the past couple of weeks, right?

It's okay.

We're out there all the time.

You can check,

You can catch up the recording.


Jake Chapman, Braylon tender, Yon Clark,

Kenneth, of course, Jody, Holly.

Can I just say,

I know I don't see Damien in here.

His wife is killing it.

Yeah, she is.

She hasn't posted her new photos yet,

but I'm excited to see her

new photos because she posted on IG.

I know she posted it.

Not a transformation though, right?

it was just a picture and I,

I met her at the games.


She's killing it.

She really is.

She's, she's been,

I don't have favorite clients,

but she's been a very good

client to work with.

I, I want more people like her in my life.


So, uh, speaking of that,

I do have a challenge coming up,

a jumpstart.

So if anybody wants the

details that I'll make sure

I talk a little bit about

before we close up,

because it is how I actually got, uh,

to work with Damien's wife.

She signed up for my last

jumpstart and decided to

continue on with coaching.

And she's just been,

she did it through the holidays,

you know?

So she still went through, went away.

She went away for

Thanksgiving and Christmas

and still came back and losing weight,

feeling good.

So, but this is not about her.

This is about Scott Schweitzer.

So coming off of the weekend, um,

I know it's about me,

but there's a lot going on

in the world and you had a

competitor take forth the TFX.

I know.

I know.

How was that this weekend?

It was good.


she's beating herself up because she

feels like she should have done better.

That's just the nature of, I'm like, girl,

you were behind two games

athletes and another semifinal athlete.

Like you did awesome.

So I'm, I'm very, very,

very happy for her.

So she's actually in

recovery mode right now.

So I'm like, don't drop your calories.

I know that you are not

working out a bunch this week,

but you got to keep fueling yourself.

I see somebody looking to absolutely.

You can definitely reach out to me.

So I love that.

I love the confidence there.

I plan to make it to the

CrossFit Games in 2025.

That's somebody who is going

to be a competitor right there.

Some people would see that

and think that that's

somebody that is like, quote unquote,



That's somebody who says I'm

going to be on that stage

one day and that's why he's

going to be there.

So for sure,

I would love to be able to help you out.

So definitely reach out to me.

I'll put my email and you

guys know my IG handle.

You can DM me on Instagram

at Cheryl Nasso or you can

also email me or I'm going

to also put the link to my

upcoming challenge as well.

You guys will have that too.


so you're coming off of the weekend.

How did the gym go last week?

Any gym workouts in?


I got in two workouts last

week before I left.

And then I haven't been back

since I got back this week.

Got it.

So you're still working out

in your garage or did you go to the gym?

I went to the gym last week.

Oh, awesome.

I did a garage yesterday.



which class are you typically taking?

Are you taking the nooner?


Got it.


How did it feel to be back at the gym?

Cause I know you have, you've been missing,

you haven't really been to

the gym since what December?


I've been back hit or miss probably a

couple of times a week with then

Accentuating that with the home gym.

Yeah, I gotcha.

So you haven't missed too

much from the gym,

but it probably is feeling

better to kind of be more

regular in there.

I know that your schedule,

I know you like that more

is why I'm saying that.

So yeah,

Tuesdays are my rest day now

because of the round table.


and then Monday yesterday was just a

recovery day.

So I just did the garage.

Um, and that was fine.



how's coming off the weekend with like

the different types of foods?

Did you find yourself

experiencing any more hunger cravings?

I haven't been hungry because of this gas.

When the gas issue hits, I'm not hungry.

It's still going on.


I didn't have any control really over

the weekend to try to get

more basic foods.

And I mean like not acid or based foods.

Cause I didn't have those at my disposal.

So yeah, I just did what I could.


I know like last week we had talked about,

you were doing a good job

of adding in more

vegetables and I kind of

suggested maybe taking it

back a little bit.

Had you done that at all or not,

not even notice a difference?

Well, yeah,

I didn't have a lot of

vegetables this weekend.

So you're,

but you're still having the gas.

So that means that that's not the problem.


But I don't think like a

Philly cheesesteak is the best.




And the McDonald's probably wasn't great.

So we're still,

still fighting through that.


I gotcha.

All right.

So yesterday back on track with things.

Kind of had a lighter breakfast.


yesterday you didn't really eat much

vegetables at all.

But you still feel a little off today,


Today I feel better.

Yesterday was pretty rough.

It was more last night when

I was trying to sleep.

I woke up.


Um, all right.

And today,

so far you have breakfast and

lunch logged.

All right.

So obviously this week,

the weight is pretty much

the same as it was before you left,

which isn't a bad thing.

You know, it's pretty much the same.

So that just means obviously

you're maintaining this week,

considering the weekend you had,

did you enjoy your time with your,

your family?

Yeah, we, my,

my daughter moved into a

house in a really nice

neighborhood in Pittsburgh and

She lives close to my mom now.

So my mom actually drove

down for Saturday.

So we got to hang out.

It was raining the whole weekend,

but we got to play games

and hang out and be a family.

And it was fun.

That's awesome.

Did you feel stressed about

the food at all?

I really didn't.

I just was so proud of her

and where she's come.

And I just wanted to be in that moment.


I really think it's important for

people to see that like

you know, we're not all about like,

if it fits your macros,

we are all about like, you have to be,

obviously we want to see

like primarily 80, 20 whole foods.

But when you have a weekend where like,

you don't have control over things,

sometimes you have to do

the best you can.

And that's how you still

continue to make progress.

So like, you know,

like you didn't have so

much control over your food,

but you still did a good

job of controlling calories.


I think that if I wanted to improve

things a little bit more, I would say,

you know,

trying to get options at fast

food restaurants that are a

little bit cleaner is a

really good practice for

people that do have to eat

out more conveniently or more frequently.

So like, for instance, going to McDonald's,

you know,

they've taken a lot of their

healthier options off the menu,

by the way.

Like they used to have,

they used to have salads.

They don't have salads anymore, right?

I don't think so.

I'm going to pull it out

because they used to have

the salad shakers that were

a thing back in the day.

They do have where you can

get a grilled chicken sandwich there.

I know that they do have things like that.

In fact,

I even think they might even have

a lighter menu.

Let's just take a look.

Actually, no.

They don't even have a

grilled chicken sandwich anymore.

Everything is...

make crispy or make chicken or whatever.

So they don't even have that anymore.

So I think honestly,

you probably did the best you could,

you know,

what did you pick their double burger?



I mean,

that's probably the best you could

have done because they really don't.

It's crazy.

They used to have a grilled

chicken sandwich.

They used to have salads and

now they have none of that.

They have literally burgers,

chicken and fish sandwiches,

but everything.

You really don't have much,

much control over anything.

I think the best you can do

is maybe get a kid's happy

meal and get the apple chips.

That's really like the best

thing you can do there.

So, um, but you know, I think that, um,


I always recommend people looking at

the menu and trying to find

the grilled options.

I think, like you said, like at McDonald's,

you probably did the best you can.


you might have been able to find some

different things.

I'm pulling that one up now.

And I think that it's

important for people to

take the time to do this stuff because,

you know, this is life.

You're going to end up being at, you know,

at a fast food restaurant

and have to make a good choice.

So I think it's sometimes

good to kind of take a look at things.

You pick... You chose...

What did you choose at KFC?

You chose... The classic chicken sandwich.


You're a sandwich guy.

I think I've noticed that.

You like... Well, I'm usually driving.

So those were the two meals,

driving to Pittsburgh and driving home.


And I'm not going to be able

to eat a salad while driving.



And they also...

don't have a grilled chicken sandwich.

Can you believe that?

It's just crazy.

It's really sad that you

can't even get something

like that at a freaking restaurant,

but that's just America.

You can get, everything is fried.

Even their a la carte stuff is all fried.

They don't have anything.

So honestly, Scott,

you did the best you could

because there really wasn't

At that point,

you're really not given much options.

They don't have anything there.

They don't even have salads there either.

I think you did great.

Can I say this?

Before I started with you,

if I went to McDonald's,

it was a couple double

cheeseburgers and a large fry.


I'm satiated with one and a small fry.

That's perfect.

With KFC, same thing.

I would have ordered...

a shit ton of food.

I had one sandwich and I

only had some of the fries

out of my wife's basket.

Like, yeah.

So I think, I think you did awesome.

That sounds like your

portion control moderation

is all getting better.

Um, I'm looking at some of these comments,

just kind of like scrolling through.

So what's the schedule like this week?

Are you going to the gym or

working out at home mostly?

So the plan is to work out

at the gym as long,

I'm just leading a project this week.

So as long as everything

works out and I don't have

to work over lunch.


I did want to make sure that

everybody knows that you

did send me photos.

So I did get new photos of you.

And it's so hard.

Guys are so bad about taking photos.

Like when I put side-by-side

photos together, like for one,

you can tell you redid your bathroom.

Is that where you took your

photos in your bathroom?

Uh, it was,

but it was a different bathroom.

Yeah, it was, it was a different bathroom.

I'm like, everything looks different.

Um, the boat, like where you're at,

you know, like,

so some people take really good photos,

their front side back.

You're one of those, let me take a selfie.

So I do have some side-by-sides,

but I'm not sharing them with anybody.

You'll, you'll be able to see those,

but nothing for anybody else.

And I definitely do see a huge difference,

especially in

When it comes to body fat,

there's different types of

fat that people don't even realize.

And I don't know what it's called,

but there's a specific kind

of fat that I feel like

I'll have to look it up

exactly because I didn't do that today.

But it looks like you have less of it.

And it's that like...

Fat that causes almost like the rippling.

It's more of an unhealthy fat.

Like you can see a

difference in the way your body looks.

Like you look tighter,

which is a really good thing.

So just talking a little bit

about body fat.

which you're like, Oh, this is fun.

So, um,

Hearing that is so anti what I'm

thinking because I have

this excess skin that I'm just,

I'm just really mad at.

And I don't know,

I don't know how else to put it.


It's just in my way and it

looks bad and it, you know,

Where do you, we'll see.

That's the other thing is

because of the way you took your photos.

I don't see that.

So are you carrying a lot of

that in your lower abdomen?

That's my guess.

Lower abdomen.

And then on the sides here,

like in the pec area.


I had a client that has

underwent two skin removal surgeries.

I think that they have to

kind of do it sometimes in series.

He's undergone two and it's

crazy looking at his

transformation since the surgery.

In fact,

he's due for progress photos pretty soon.


Hopefully that's something

that you'll have in your

future because it does help

a whole bunch.

And he would honestly not be

opposed to me sharing the photos.

He's a very open book, but it is drastic.

I mean,

that's also weight that you're

carrying too, that extra skin.

That's not body fat.


um yeah so so this week I

feel like is not much we

can really do because this

weekend was a little bit

off but are you feeling

good and motivated right

now with where you're at I

do good I feel like then

we're in a good space um

and I actually I do want to

kind of show isaiah because

I think it's this would be

helpful for you I think I'm

going to just show you

because let me just pull

this up share screen

While you're doing that.


Braylon, I do go to an affiliate.

These photos might be kind of small,

but Isaiah's lost quite a bit of weight.

I mean, I think it was 150 pounds or so,

give or take.

And you can see how much

loose skin he had.

In fact,

this was actually after... I think

this might have been after

his first surgery.

And then you can actually see...

Let's see, where's the next one?

Okay, this was after one of his surgeries.

So you can see the huge difference, right?

And now that was actually

his latest photo.

But yeah, so these were actually after,

this was after one of his

surgeries and then he had

to have another one done.

So it's just crazy how different,

look at the difference.

And this,

this was before I have any surgeries,

this to where he is now.

So, and that's, and he's died himself.

Like he's a super dedicated client,

but you can see the huge difference.

It's crazy.

So that's what you'll have in your future.

Hopefully we can kind of get

that approved for you.

I know it takes a lot of

work to get it approved, but for sure,

it's a big thing.

So yeah.


I just wonder because it's big.


so this week I feel like I'd like to

get back to focusing on food quality,

high fiber, um, all that kinds of stuff,

get into the gym.

Um, mentally though, how are you feeling?

I'm actually pretty good.


things are moving in a really good

direction, um,

with everything in my life.

And so super stoked.

What are you thinking for

semifinals and such?

Are you planning on

traveling or still that's

up in the air still?

It depends on sponsorship money.


And whether we can do that,

but I believe we've had

some good talks and

hopefully next week or two,

we'll be able to make an announcement.


All right, cool.


what do you have going on this

weekend with white?

You guys going on a date night?

I think we probably should.


We haven't done it in a while.

So we'll probably do that Friday night.

But other than that,

it's just going to be a chill weekend.


And you feel good about your nutrition.

You're in a good spot.



I got to tell you, talking nutrition,

if you guys don't have a Ninja Creamy,

the Ninja Creamy is so worth it.

Just saying.

I think it's like anywhere from,

depending on which one you get,

180 to 250 bucks.

but it is so worth it.

I have used it every single night,

like for the last, like two months.

I freaking love it.

I've had it since last year.

And I was,

I was sitting in a box for

almost the entire year and

I finally took it out.

It's, it's amazing.

The things you can make with

it are just like, so good.

So good.

I'm like hooked on it.

And it's easy.

It doesn't take,

it doesn't take much time at all.

You know,

like putting this stuff in the

ingredients together the night before,

So good.

So, um, yeah,

the first place I heard of it

was Christie.




and they were making their own like

healthy ice cream.


It's exactly what it tastes like.

It's, it's like a,

you can make regular ice

cream in there too.

Like if you want to, um,

you can make your own homemade ice cream,

but you can also make healthier,

lower fat options, which is awesome.

So Bruce Wayne says, um,

Podium cookies and cream is the worst.

Man, let me just tell you,

if you were around when

Progenix was a thing,

Progenix had their recovery

and they had the more muscle.

And that was their two proteins.

And they had a cookies and cream flavor.

And let me just tell you,

it was the best protein.

It had little chunks of cookie in it.

Little chunks of like Oreo

cookie in the protein.

It was amazing.


Loved it.

So did you ever have that?

I didn't.

I just started volunteering

when Progenix was being

phased out as a sponsor.

So I tried a couple of their things,

but not the cookies and cream.

It's funny.

I was at a gym down in Miami

when I was at

Guadalupalooza and somebody

was wearing a Progenix shirt.

that is an OG shirt.

In fact, I was,

I was a sponsored progenics

athlete and a couple of

weeks ago I was cleaning

out my CrossFit stuff and

I'm sure you have a gazillion t-shirts,

but I had so many t-shirts.

I remember Locomoka too.

I had so many t-shirts from

progenics and I like

was like, okay,

I need to part with these shirts.

Like they're not really memorabilia.

They're just t-shirts.

Like this company no longer

even really exists.

It does actually have a website,

but I felt like I was

losing a piece of my soul.

Getting rid of some of these shirts,

but yeah.

Were you one of their athletes?

I was.


That's where I actually,

I got to meet some really

cool people when I was working,

when I was with them.

I don't know if you know who

Kendrick Ferris is.

He's a, I got to,

I got to work with him like

one-on-one traveled to

California a few times for

progenic stuff.

They were, they were awesome.

Like they definitely treated me very well.

I was,

I was with them like when Miranda

was a part of their team.

She actually worked for them,

Miranda Alcaraz.

Back then was Oldroyd.

But yeah, they were awesome.

Loved it.


But now I'm with First Form,

not as a sponsored athlete,

as a Legionnaire,

mostly because I like their products.

I think their products are...


Do I think that there's just

as good a products out there?


I'm not here to say, you know,

they're the ultimate,

but what I like about first

form is that I don't have to worry about,

I could literally give my

clients supplements solely

from first form and feel

really good that they're

getting good quality.

even though I might

recommend different brands

for different things, for the most part,

I could literally just give

people a link to first form

and they could get

everything that they needed there.

And I would feel good about it.

But I do sometimes like, you know,

I have you on different vitamin D,

I have you on different fish oil.

You know, mostly because I find that some,

like, for instance, I think that fish oil,

I think liquid fish oil is

much easier for the body to absorb.

So I will always go for a

liquid version of that.


Um, yeah, Philip, I did,

I did actually get rid of

quite a few of my, um, progenic shirts.

I kept a couple.

So, so Judy asks, what do I use, uh,

for protein?

I actually still have some extend from C4.

Um, my, and I like the flavor of it.

I like it a lot.

It just, they only have two flavors.

Yeah, they have two flavors.

It's good, though.

It's good,

and it's really good mixed in yogurt.

Their vanilla ice cream

mixed in yogurt is really awesome.

It almost tastes like cream

cheese when you do that.

You can actually make a

really good... If you mix

protein powder with

reduced-fat cream cheese,

you can make a high-protein

that almost tastes like icing.

And you can put it on things

or you can make like a dip that way.

Just saying, but yeah.

And then as Cheryl mentioned,

I use first form for my vitamins, um,

except for I do.

And then wild health put me

on some supplements, uh,

that like a beef liver

capsule that I take, um,

a meta it's like for your heart and, um,

and then I take the liquid, um,

the liquid,

whatever we were just talking about.


Omega threes.

Core Omega is what you take.

Um, Elise says,

I just can't find anything

that tastes as good as core power.

So the reason why like the core power,

those are like the pre-made

shakes is because they're

not just a whey protein powder.

This is the biggest mistake

people make is like,

I was actually about to make

a post that I'm probably

going to get some hate for

about how fit aids and whey

protein shakes are doing

absolutely nothing for your recovery.


people literally just mix their

protein powder with water

and they think it's going to taste good.

And yes,

there are some that taste better

than others, but like, that's just blah.

And the reason why like the

core power tastes good is

because it's creamier.

So my recommendation is

always to mix your protein

powder with either

unsweetened almond or cashew milk,

or if you do dairy,

doing even like the Fairlife

brand fat-free milk because

that actually has higher

protein in it as well,

but it does taste better.

And I think that a couple of

brands that I would also recommend,

if you haven't tried the

first warm vanilla ice cream flavor,

that's really good.

Pea Science is another brand

of protein powder.

that I think tastes really

good and is actually really

good for baking, P.E.


So P.E.


Again, not sponsored,

but that's another brand

that has a pretty good

amount of variety for their

protein powders and is pretty tasty.

That's another one that I

like as we're getting into

protein powders.

So y'all really,

you don't even need a protein powder, but,


I think that some people it's easier

to get the protein in and

it can make getting your

protein a little bit more

exciting if you get bored

of just eating chicken and

fish all the time.

So, yeah, I like Kenneth,

Kenneth's go-to that's kind of my thing.


if you've never tried the frozen banana,

that's what I do.

Add a scoop of peanut butter.

Or if you're watching your fats,

use the powdered peanut butter.


Just adds a little bit more to it.

And Elise, also,

that's another trick for you too.

Add a little powdered peanut

butter in there.

That's another good one.

uh holly yes it is and I'm

actually going to send you

my link because I want you

to be attached to me

because I want all of my

clients attached to me

anybody that wants to uh

join the first form family

with me I'll actually just

put this in the in the

actual um comments here if

I have it I think I do microfactor

I got all kinds of links from first form.

So I want to make sure you

give you the right one.

All right.

So this week we're going to go to the gym.

We're going to be back on track.

You're not traveling this week.

So everything's pretty much status quo.

I did get photos.

I feel good about that.

What else, man?

I feel this check-in is pretty uneventful.

It is pretty much uneventful.

That's a good thing.

That's honestly a good thing.

Guys, when it comes to nutrition,

nutrition check-ins should

be somewhat boring work

when you're doing the work.

You know, that's the main thing.

So you're not reporting

aside from the gas.

That's your main upset right now.

So let's see how things go this week.

If that's still not getting better,

then I have some other

tricks up my sleeve that we

can mess around with next week.

Fitness challenge.


we actually haven't even really done a

fitness challenge this month.

We've kind of been a little bit in limbo.

I've been waiting on the cardio workouts.

I know.

So you have to get on coach

Cheryl because coach Cheryl hasn't been.

So do you want to go ahead

and do that in February?


I'm writing this down right

now and we'll start that

starting like now.

So we'll get into this week to a week,


That's what you wanted.


Cardio sessions.

Cardio party.

How long do you usually have

for those types of workouts?

Just so I know.

20 minutes, 30 minutes?

30 probably is good.


And anybody that wants to join in,

I'll post them on my social media too.

So you can do that.

so um kenneth has cows

sleeping it's been good

until I get this gas bubble

thing and then I'm up

burping for a while and

then I go back to sleep

then I usually get the gas

bubble again then I'm up

burping so it's not

continuous what what time

are you eating before bed

what's your last meal

Well, you can see in my log,

I haven't even eaten an evening snack.

Yeah, that's what I'm saying.

Trying to like calm things down.

But maybe that's also part of the problem.


You normally do eat a nighttime snack,


You might be getting too

much stomach acid built up

in the middle of the night

if you're going too long without eating.

So let's try and eat a light

snack tonight before bed,

like the yogurt and some granola,

something like that,

and see if that doesn't get

you a little bit better sleep tonight.


Something light,

not something like 200 calories or so.

Sounds good.

Because the other thing is,

if your stomach is too empty,

stomach acids might be

building up and making things worse.

And you're waking up with

all the stomach acid and

nothing to absorb it.

So let's try something like that.


I can do that tonight.


So we're going to have two

cardio sessions in this week.

We're going to have a week

of you being consistent,

obviously at home and we'll

see where things look next week.

Sounds good.

All right.

And I'm a guest on a podcast

in a half hour or so.

Oh yeah.

Which one?

Coaching your coach, coaching,

something like that.


but I don't even know if they're going

live or anything.

It's a guy I met.

He had credentials at the games.


we got to know each other over the last

couple of years, um,

reached out to me and

wanted to have me on.

Is it on YouTube?

You think I will put it,

I will post stuff about it

as soon as it's released.

What is it called?

Coaching your coach?

I think so.

I just wanted to pull it up on podcast.

I'm always looking for new podcasts.

I'll follow.

It's something to that degree.

All right, cool.

Coaching your coach.

Are you planning on doing the open?


All right.

This will be year 12.

All right.

That's awesome.

I think.

All right.


I'm excited to see how things go this

week for with you.

So I'm going to be on you

about the photos and stuff monthly.

So now we've got a place to

start at the beginning of the year.

We're going to keep up with that as well.

So, all righty.


Sounds good.

All right.

We will catch everybody next time.

Thank you so much to

everybody in the chat.

You guys are awesome.

As always, we love you so much.


and it's fun catching up every Tuesday

afternoon at 4 0 5 PM.

We'll catch you next time on

Clydesdale media weight loss journey.

Bye guys.