Mike Koenigs [00:00:00]:
This is the literally the single greatest wealth transfer ever in the history of the world. If you can figure out what millennials like to do, you're going to do really well financially. The moment that the US pursues and starts this Bitcoin reserve, the other G7 countries are going to have to fall in line. When things are going great, you just think you're really good. It's when you get burned, that's when you really learn some stuff and there's some real introspection.
Justin Donald [00:00:29]:
What you do and what you know is freaking valuable. Justin. I can remember saying everyone wants what you've done and everyone wants what you know. Selling the ultimate dream, which is freedom. But you're doing it through such a diligent, creative mindset. But you're also so systematic. This is Capability Amplifier. And this is my good friend Justin Donald, the lifestyle investor.
Justin Donald [00:01:06]:
Now he and I met on a trip to Fiji several years ago. We had the good fortune of working, working together, collaborating, actually creating the brand. But I learned so much from Justin. He went on to create best selling book called the Lifestyle Investor and today we're going to be talking about passive income. Some of the best strategies to invest in in 2025. He targets some really specific great niches to look at that are very non obvious. We're going to talk about crypto but more importantly, we're lifestyle compatible investing. And here is my good friend, Justin Donald.
Justin Donald [00:01:40]:
Hey Justin. Welcome to Capability Amplifier. It's so good to catch up. We're just getting caught up before we started rolling here. And you are the lifestyle investor. We've known each other now for years. You've got an amazing brand, what's hot for 2025 and how the hell are you doing?
Mike Koenigs [00:02:00]:
Oh man. Well, let's start first off with I'm doing great. It's so good to see you. I'm glad that we could catch up off air for a little and just see how each other's families are doing and what's new. And I can tell you're loving life there in Pescadero and really enjoying that, you know, Cabo countryside.
Justin Donald [00:02:19]:
It's so nice. Yep. Watching the sunset. Ocean's off to the my right and it's, it is exquisite. This is a great time to be down here.
Mike Koenigs [00:02:29]:
I love it, I love it. Well, you deserve it. You've been working hard, you've been doing some cool stuff in life and you know, I'm still so thankful for our years of friendship and some of the cool collaborations that we've been able to do because you're brilliant at extracting ideas from people's minds and helping make it a reality. So working together was a lot of fun.
Justin Donald [00:02:50]:
Yeah. Thanks, Nan. So, tell me. I just want to jump right into lifestyle investing. Passive income. Sure, everyone needs it. I want to begin, I want to ask the bombshell question, which were, what were the biggest mistakes you made in this past year and do you have any investing regrets? What fell apart?
Mike Koenigs [00:03:16]:
Yeah, you know, it's interesting. I try not to live in a world of regrets. I think even when things don't work out as planned or if they take a weird turn, there's just so much education and so much opportunity to learn in that. So I have many failures and blunders and like any other investor, I'm not going to get it right all the time. Luckily, 2024 was actually a really good year, so I don't have any blunders from 2024 now. I've got plenty of blunders from prior to that and we can talk about all that. But, you know, in the moment, it is really painful when things go wrong and you make a bad investment, you lose money and it's just. It's the worst feeling in the world.
Mike Koenigs [00:04:01]:
But once you can get beyond that. My best lessons truly have been from, like, the times where I've lost money because it, it was. It left such a burn that you're forced to learn lessons. You can't not learn lessons. When things are going great, you just think you're really good. You know, you think you're better than you really are. And often people don't take into account, like, the economy helping you. You've got, you know, low interest rates, you got whatever it is.
Mike Koenigs [00:04:29]:
And so most people, they're better than they really are. It's when you get burned, that's when you really learn some stuff. And there's some real introspection.
Justin Donald [00:04:38]:
All right, any specifics?
Mike Koenigs [00:04:41]:
Yeah, you know, I did a deal, so this is going back a few years now, but I did a deal that was supposed to be a senior secured position that was collateralized. So if things didn't go well, I should have been in first position and there should be assets for me to be able to take. Well, this wasn't properly papered or documented. It wasn't properly memorialized. And so it left me in a situation where I wasn't able to recoup what I thought I was able to recoup. And there was another situation. And by the way, we'll see how this plays out. Where we got a personal guarantee, but that person filed for bankruptcy or they're about to.
Mike Koenigs [00:05:27]:
They're in. We suspect that they're going to file for bankruptcy. And it'll be interesting to see how that personal guarantee actually plays out if they have no assets. Right. So, you know, those are a couple of situations. I mean, back when, when I wrote the book, you know, when. When you and I were going through that, we talked about a big Ponzi scheme I invested in, and that's still one of my largest losses, but greatest learning lessons. So because of that situation, I have had any losses to that magnitude, which is great.
Mike Koenigs [00:06:00]:
And the last few years, really, even though the last few years hasn't been great for a lot of people and it hasn't been great for interest rates, it's actually really been a good season for us and for the lifestyle investor community because we've just been like, so much safer, so much more cautious, so much more conservative in our investments and so much stricter on our underwriting that we have really done a handful of pretty incredible deals when. When most people are kind of not doing deals or, you know, or. Or they're just not getting the returns they want to get.
Justin Donald [00:06:35]:
Okay, so let's move on into the positive moving future. That's what Dan likes to say. I'm super curious. So here we are as of now, when we're recording this, it's the end of the year, and you're all about buying your time back, passive income. And for anyone who's not familiar with your platform, it's all about taking risk off the table, buying your time back, and creating passive income. I'm curious what you're looking forward to in the hopper for 25 that you can talk about. So if you've got some big tips under the radar, trends, emerging markets, everyone should be paying attention to.
Mike Koenigs [00:07:20]:
Yeah, I'd love to share just a handful of things. I'm thinking about my third commandment, which is part of my investment criteria. So one of my lifestyle investing commandments is to find invisible deals. And the way that you do that is you pay attention to trends. You pay attention to where money is being spent, you pay attention to where money is being transferred. And so we're in the midst right now, as we speak, of the largest wealth transfer in the history of the world. You've got baby boomers that are passing, some experts estimate, $80 trillion. I've heard as low as 75 trillion, and I've heard as high as 100, $110 trillion over the next 20 years, and it's already begun.
Mike Koenigs [00:07:55]:
And so, you know, you think about what that looks like here over the next timeline. This is the literally the single greatest wealth transfer ever in the history of the world. And so if you can figure out what millennials like to do, how they like to shop, how they like to, you know, spend time, what are they doing for recreation, how do they like to travel, how do they like to work? I mean, if you can figure all these things out, you're going to do really well financially. I like to look at some of that. I like to look at some of the other trends. I like to really kind of pay attention to what's going on. So, you know, if you want, I can give like, an overview of a handful of things. I mean, I can either go deep into a handful of things, or I can kind of go wide and give you a whole bunch of trends.
Mike Koenigs [00:08:39]:
Justin Donald [00:08:39]:
All right, so here's my, my gut is let's do the top three to five, because just, just tip on the millennials and what they like to do. I mean, that's one of those. It shouldn't be obvious to everyone, and I know it isn't, but I'd love to, you know, let's nosedive into, into a few of the top ones that are on your radar that, like, if you had 52, 50/2 million million dollars to put somewhere, where would you put it right now that you are very confident it's going to do something very positive?
Mike Koenigs [00:09:14]:
Okay, well, here's where I'll start. All right. I've got a few genres that, that I' tackle, and I'm going to save the, my favorite one for last. Okay. And so, and it's something you probably want to ask me about anyway, I would imagine, you know, based on what I know about you. But let's talk about trade with Mexico and let's talk about really this whole idea of the US Doing a lot more of the manufacturing. We're, you know, on shoring, reshoring, whatever you want to call it, where we're bringing, you know, bringing this back to the US Versus outsourcing everything. And, and so I really believe that we are going to see a boom in border towns and in port cities.
Mike Koenigs [00:10:05]:
And so there's really only a handful of ports across the US that are the big ports. You know, you've got a couple that are on the west coast, you got a couple on the East Coast. You know, you've got Houston, and that's really, you know, I mean, it's the biggest in the Gulf. But it's, it's not what most. I mean it doesn't even compete with the other ports. Right. And it could be a big player in the future. But I think these towns, you know, in the Rio Grande Valley, I think you're, you're going to see a boom in real estate, you're going to see a boom in industrial, you're going to see boom in, you know, it's kind of like a sub niche of industrial, which would be industrial outdoor storage iOS.
Mike Koenigs [00:10:52]:
And so, you know, it's kind of like self storage but on the industrial side. I think that we're going to see, we're already seeing it, but I think we're going to continue to see a boom there, you know, right along these border towns, right in these port cities. And I think that that's going to be a big play for various types of real estate. So multifamily I would put up there as well. And so that's one area that I'm looking at that I'm very bullish about. I mean we could go down the nich of like, you know, industrial outdoor stores and how. I think that because this is a niche market and it's a small market and it's very, it's not very institutionalized yet. So it's, it's, it's a, it's not very, it's still mom and pop or baby boomer owned primarily.
Mike Koenigs [00:11:38]:
So it gives you the opportunity to get in good pricing and there's not a lot of them out there. And so that is a niche. I've been investing in a lot recently. So you know that, that's you know, one area. We have several different things that we could go down. So maybe like three different areas, but I kind of combine them as one. Another one is going to be private credit. And so anytime you see the big financial institutions doing major moves, it's got to open your eyes when you see blackrock, that's never been in the private equity, I'm sorry, that's never been in the private credit space ever before.
Mike Koenigs [00:12:16]:
All of a sudden make, what was it, a $12 billion acquisition of a private credit fund with like $150 billion in assets under management. They went from being a non player, like not even on the team, you know, they're not even rostered to being one of the biggest players in this space overnight. So I am still very bullish there. I think that there's going to be a lot of people that have inferior products, have high margin that are high leverage. I mean, there's probably a lot out there that's not going to be great, but there's tons of great private credit opportunities which if you don't have a banking sector that is willing to lend money the way they could and should and the way that they used to, then the private side comes in and they create solutions. Right. So, huge fan of that. That's been a big part of our portfolio.
Mike Koenigs [00:13:17]:
You know, I still think buying small and medium sized businesses with this whole baby boomer retirement kind of theme and craze, like we're going to see more of that. So I talked about it a little bit, but how does it show up? It shows up in the real estate being sold, it shows up in these businesses being sold. And a lot of these businesses, the kids don't want it, you know, or maybe they don't even have kids. Right. And so they're either they're going to pass it down and their kids are going to sell it or they're going to sell it first. And yes, you know, that's just kind of what we're seeing. I think another huge one is minority positions, minority equity positions and pro sports teams. You know, we're seeing a lot of the, you know, legislation, rules for being able to invest in the NFL and be able to have minority equity ownership and a lot of the private equity firms getting into that space.
Mike Koenigs [00:14:12]:
So that's a space I've been investing in heavily here through a couple of groups that do it and I've had some great returns already in this space and so I'm a huge fan and I think it's going to get bigger. You're going to see it in college sports. So a lot of the schools that are private, they're going to be selling the majority of their stake. I mean there are people already talking about buying. I mean there's, there's a handful of groups that are literally Talking about buying 51% or more of many of these universities. Right. So you're not going to see that most likely on the state side like a public school, but for sure on the private side. So that's going to continue to be great and a great long term store of value.
Mike Koenigs [00:14:56]:
I think esports is something to really pay attention to. I mean it's huge in Asia, it's pretty massive in Europe and it's coming to you. It's very big in Latin America as well. But it's coming to the US and if you just ask your younger kids what are they doing, what do they like to spend their time doing? You will know all you need to know that this is going to be a major investment opportunity. And so there's one of the biggest teams, actually the biggest brand in the history of esports is a company that, because this deal is currently in the works, I'm not going to say it by name, but I'm really excited because I'm part of that investment and I'm very bullish on this space. So, you know, those are a few things actually, you know, I got a few others that I'll share with you.
Justin Donald [00:15:44]:
Mike Koenigs [00:15:45]:
Yeah, you know, web three 100 there. Blockchain, web three, web three gaming specifically, you know, different than esports. So web three gaming and esports, you could put them under one umbrella. You can kind of separate them. We've got a guy in our lifestyle investor mastermind that literally is building out one of the coolest versions of Web3 gaming. He was able to poach the person in this position that ran the most profitable division for Microsoft to head it up for his company. And it's taking off. And so they've officially gone live and kind of announced it on social media channels.
Mike Koenigs [00:16:25]:
So that one I think is going to be cool. You know, we could separate blockchain out of it and have that. His own category.
Justin Donald [00:16:31]:
Yeah, I want to go down to crypto. Yeah, let's go down that crypto path. When you're done with, with these, these are.
Mike Koenigs [00:16:36]:
I will, I will. And I am going to save my best one for last, which I, you know, it's. It's going to be down crypto line of things. Something that we're going to see more of and that I'm really excited about. It's something called GP stakes. That's where you can get a percentage of the general partnership as an investor. I'm going to group with that secondaries. We're seeing a lot bigger of an opportunity to be able to buy in an open market shares that someone might want to sell of a company.
Mike Koenigs [00:17:06]:
Maybe these are even founder shares or employee shares or whatever. So secondary and then distressed assets. We're still going to see distressed assets. The economy is with interest rates as high as they are. And by the way, I know a huge player in the multifamily space that just went under, just announced to all of his investors that they are wiped out. They literally have cleared the slate of all equity. And this is a monster player in the space with a great name. So more of that is going to come along.
Mike Koenigs [00:17:42]:
There are some really interesting Plays right now in defense tech and fintech, in biotech, in health tech and even something that I've seen a lot of that I'm really excited about are even there's a lot of companies that have these government contracts and these are like long 10, 15, 20 year contracts where you're locking in some massive value. There's a few sectors where the government has these contracts and they're not even showing up on the cap table because the dollars are coming in as grants, not as investments. And so these companies are being well capitalized, but it doesn't dilute the investors at all. You're seeing that a lot in defense tech. So that's a really cool space that we've been investing a lot in for sure, robotics and AI. I mean, I really want to be kind of riding the big. So far I've invested in your five biggest AI companies and then a whole bunch of smaller ancillary companies. But one of these five, and likely a handful of these five are going to be the winners.
Mike Koenigs [00:19:00]:
They're the front runners now. But I do think that in time that's going to be a huge opportunity. I still think SaaS is relevant, but I think what AI is going to do, AI is going to. I had someone explain this that I thought was brilliant and it was. When you take your services and you build out a SaaS model, a software as a service, and you now have this in a cloud, you've built software, you've made it smarter, you've made it recurring. Well, what AI does is it simplifies, it enhances that cloud product or that software as a service. So for as big of a market as SaaS is, and that's been one of the biggest markets, one of the largest multiples, multiples on revenue, it's been such a hot thing for the last 10, 15 years, AI is. The market's even bigger for what it can do.
Mike Koenigs [00:20:00]:
So we'll talk more about that. You're well versed in AI. You're much more an expert in AI than me. I just look at what I like investing in these AI companies. So I know enough to be dangerous and have done pretty well in the space.
Justin Donald [00:20:16]:
Well, I'll just speak for myself. I know I pay attention to the wrong things. So, you know, because I look at it from a functionality point of view, not in a business application, I'm not thinking like an investor, which is frankly a mistake. You know, I get so, so deep into the tech that I'd be better off as an advisor to an investor. Because it's like, what are you using right now? But those were excellent. And they're as usual, you have this under the radar mine mindset that is so damn good. I really appreciate it. So why don't we turn a little bit to crypto.
Justin Donald [00:21:03]:
So as of right now, when we're recording this, bitcoin's at its all time high. I mean, insane. I know you've been bullish on crypto on bitcoin for a while and congratulations by the way.
Mike Koenigs [00:21:18]:
Thank you.
Justin Donald [00:21:19]:
Yeah, but just talk about it from a both predictions perspective. What do you believe is happening for 2025? Of course no one has a crystal ball, but there are certainly trends. The other side of it would be using crypto as a passive income strategy. And for example, a good friend of mine, I was just talking to him the other day, he used bitcoin, he borrows against it as an asset. It's basically tax free. He uses that to capitalize his own business where he knows he has confidence he's going to get an ROI. But I'd be super curious just what your 10,000 foot view is in your 1 inch away view.
Mike Koenigs [00:22:06]:
Yeah, well, this is what I saved for last. What I'm most excited about, what I been talking about for a long time and my money has been where my mouth is for years and years and that is bitcoin. So we can break up, we can talk about crypto. I think there's bitcoin and then there's everything else. And so that's kind of how I'll set it up. And it's not that I don't like other crypto. I think there's going to be a lot of money to be made. I think there's going to be some neat protocols and blockchain and tokens.
Mike Koenigs [00:22:40]:
There's a lot of garbage and junk out there, but people are going to make money there. You know, there's going to be some moonshots and you know, but it's that to me, you know, most of crypto is like penny stocks. It's, you know, you're, you're throwing some money in and if you can catch some upside and you know, hopefully you can, but you're going to have a lot of losers for the small, smaller, you know, relatively smaller amount of winners. So that to me is like speculative. That to me is not really investing. That to me is, you know, closer to gambling or, you know, taking a shot. So to me that's money. I always like to do risky stuff with my passive income surplus.
Mike Koenigs [00:23:22]:
So anytime I've got money above and beyond what it costs me to live, that's where I like to invest in risky stuff, if I am. And I give myself the ability to do that with about 1% of my net worth. Okay. But where I'm very bullish is bitcoin. I'm a huge fan. I made my biggest single investment in Bitcoin on November 4th because I trusted Poly Market to be accurate and really thought that that was the case. And so I've been investing for years.
Justin Donald [00:23:52]:
What's Poly Market for people who don't know what that is?
Mike Koenigs [00:23:54]:
Polymarket's a betting site that you can literally bet on anything. And in the instance of the election, it was a way to legally wager on who is going to win the election. And many derivatives of the election. It could be in the House, the Congress. I mean, they've got even like, you know, what's the first thing, you know, what's, what's the first thing that Trump is going to do when he's officially in office? And so you can bet on that. So, I mean, basically is a guy that built this platform in like a closet of his apartment and it took off and became this huge thing and I just felt like there's enough data around it that it made sense and so I pushed a lot of chips in.
Justin Donald [00:24:42]:
So I'm just curious, sub question of that. Do you use this as an investing indicator for, as a way to look and predict markets beyond?
Mike Koenigs [00:24:54]:
Well, it's, yeah, it's certainly a data point or, you know, sets of data points. I mean, I'm not going to make all my decisions based on it, but I felt like there was enough information across the three major betting platforms that told me enough that, you know, I, I could make it. Educated guess. Now this is different though, because I believe no matter who's in, you know, who's running the country, that bitcoin is going to continue to go up. I think it's going to go up a lot faster now based on having a pro crypto government. But, but there's no doubt to me that when you have sovereign nations that are putting this in as their legal tender, like this is, this is. You've got a handful of countries that have done this, you've got more that are going to do it. The moment that the US pursues and starts this bitcoin reserve, the moment that happens, the other G7 countries are going to have to fall in line.
Mike Koenigs [00:25:55]:
They have to, they would need to keep up. And the moment you have that happen. That's when you start having more companies like MicroStrategy who, they're already, they've got a ton on their balance sheet and they've got a Treasury reserve in Bitcoin and they use leverage and there's a lot of cool things Michael Saylor's doing, but there's going to be, there's already a handful of companies that are doing this, but I predict that a lot more of these Fortune 500 companies are going to do it. I mean, this is something I even see is super relevant for my businesses is having money allocated at, you know, part of the treasury or part of what we use for capital reserves in different businesses being allocated partially or, or maybe even the majority in, in cr. In, you know, in Bitcoin specifically. So to me, there's a lot of ways that you can do it, a lot of ways you can own it. I mean, we now have ETFs that makes it easy. I still prefer, you know, cold storage and, and owning your coins directly because I think it's y.
Mike Koenigs [00:27:01]:
It's safer. You can hold them on an exchange like Coinbase or something like that. But I still like, you know, you having custody of it. But if you're, if you're feeling like the, I mean, so what's going to happen is as the path, as it gets easier to own Bitcoin, more people are going to do it. So the financial institutions are in it, there are ETFs on it. There, there's, there's, it's just so much easier to buy. Now you can Invest just in MicroStrategy if you want like a leveraged play on it so it's easier to invest. Now the, the more ease that exists, the more institutions that go in, the more sovereign nations that go in, the more, you know, more of these countries that create a reserve, the more the price goes up.
Mike Koenigs [00:27:53]:
It just, it just validates it. But these financial institutions are making it really easy to buy. BlackRock, the largest asset manager in the world, made it really easy with super low fees to get into Bitcoin. You can just buy an ETF Ibit.
Justin Donald [00:28:14]:
And are you using ETFs also besides buying Bitcoin itself?
Mike Koenigs [00:28:19]:
So every strategy I just shared we use and there's a way that you can self direct your, your accounts and you can get in that way so you can have retirement accounts like Roths and you know, other products where everything grows tax free. So yeah, I'm a big fan of that for myself, for my daughter, for my wife. I Mean, these are all like, if you think about what asset is going to perform the highest, like, what's the best return for the next 10 years out of all asset classes? Well, you can make a strong argument that it's bitcoin because the previous 10 years has shown that, you know.
Justin Donald [00:29:00]:
Yeah. And how do you, I say, equalize between what Buffett and the old guys say, where it's just stupid in a pipe dream and dreaming crazy. What's your response to that?
Mike Koenigs [00:29:16]:
Well, I think there are people that are brilliant at what they know and what they have expertise in, what they have 10,000 hours or more in. And I'm going to listen to their advice on that because they're brilliant in that. But if you haven't invested the time, if you haven't invested the 10,000 hours or even a fraction of those hours, then you're not an expert in that. And so I'm not going to you. I'm going to someone else that's put in that time that knows that space. You know, if you've got a guy like Michael Saylor, who you know is his company, MicroStrategy, owns more Bitcoin than virtually everyone. Right. I mean, there's very few people, countries, companies that own as much as him.
Mike Koenigs [00:30:03]:
That guy has put some time into it. I'm going to trust what he says over the people that don't have area expertise there. But I'm going to pay attention to Buffett. He likes insurance companies and he likes to buy companies for the long haul. And, you know, he, he has a playbook of, of when he buys and when he sells, and he's brilliant at it. So I'm just going to follow people for what they're brilliant at and, and keep it at that and recognize that no one knows everything about everything. So I need to specialize, you know, if I want to get smart, if I want to get educated, I just need to go to the experts in each thing. But I also need to make the decision myself based on my due diligence, my homework, not based on what someone else says.
Mike Koenigs [00:30:47]:
I need to take into many. I need to take into account.
Justin Donald [00:30:51]:
Well, first of all, I have to say we don't spend enough time together. And the first time we spoke, I saw this genius in you, and I was like this. What you do and what you know is so freaking valuable, Justin. I can remember saying, everyone wants what you've done and everyone wants what you know and selling the ultimate dream, which is freedom. But you're doing it through such a diligent creative mindset. But you're also so systematic. So I want to end with the mindset question, which is what is your primary question? Or if you look back at your first principle, thinking, what is it? And I think I know the answer, but I still want to ask anyway because I'm curious if it's evolved or changed. So what's your.
Justin Donald [00:31:53]:
What's your immediate response?
Mike Koenigs [00:31:55]:
You know, it's interesting. I mean, I know what I learned from Tony Robbins, you know, way back in the day is, you know, am I enough? Am I loved? So, you know, it probably fits somewhere in that, I mean, I love people. I love community. I love building, you know, programs and helping people just live a better life. And so, you know, part of me is like, you know, I wonder if today it's like, am I having enough impact or am I having. Am I having impact at the level that I know that I can? You know, deep down, of course I want to. I want to be loved, and I want to be around amazing human beings, and I want to pour into them, and I want them to pour into me. So, you know, it could be that.
Mike Koenigs [00:32:47]:
But there is a. There's a part of me. I mean, I could have done none of the lifestyle investor stuff like this stuff is.
Justin Donald [00:32:53]:
It was a huge risk.
Mike Koenigs [00:32:55]:
Justin Donald [00:32:56]:
A lot on the line, and I mean, when we started, it was a risk to you. It's like, who the hell is this guy? I can remember the moment and thank God, little miracles just tumbled. And you. I was just telling a story about you today. You spent more than a decade building deep, meaningful relationships. So when you came back and you asked for some support to build Lifestyle Investor Mastermind, you had a ton of referrals and a ton of connections who I think saw your genius as well. So I interrupted you, but I wanted to just acknowledge that part of you, but keep going.
Mike Koenigs [00:33:33]:
Yeah, I mean, the reason I did it wasn't, you know, it's interesting because it became a very profitable enterprise. But, you know, in the. In the first number of years, I never spent a cent of it. You know, it all went to, you know, to impact. It all went to, you know, to other investments that I did. And so, like, I didn't even use a single cent to live my life for years, you know, and. And so now I actually do draw small salary from it, but it's. It's actually pretty modest compared to what it produces.
Mike Koenigs [00:34:07]:
So I never really started it for. For that. But, I mean, I. But the whole idea of having impact and being able to teach people the things I'm doing and be able to have them come and join me in the deals I'm doing and, and go out and do these epic trips which you know what now we do these killer trips across the globe. You know, inside the Lifestyle Investor Mastermind. You know, we're going to, we just did this killer Napa trip. We're going to Japan which is going to be incredible. We're doing a New York City trip, we did a Mexico City trip, you know, a few months ago and we're just doing some awesome stuff.
Mike Koenigs [00:34:43]:
And so it's for me it's fun to do life, it's fun to do business and life together and be around like minded people. So yeah, I think it's more like am I making a difference? Do I have impact and am I around people that I love and that love me?
Justin Donald [00:35:00]:
Yeah, well that's, you have that collaborative mindset for sure. So let's end with, besides just going to lifestyle investor.com learning more about your programs, is there any other call to action you'd like to make?
Mike Koenigs [00:35:15]:
Well, you know, something that we've done in the past. So we've got these strategy sessions that we do when people are like, hey, I want to figure out how to move from point A to point B. Like what's next? What should I do? And so we've been charging, you know, 499 bucks to do one of these strategy sessions and I'd love to just give it to your community for free. So if someone goes to lifestyleinvestor.com consultation they'll get the opportunity to do a free strategy call with someone on our team that's very well versed in all the things we do. We've got a ton of courses. We produced this vetting deals course this year which is epic. We've got a tax strategy master class that's just incredible. We've got all these new products and for some people it's, it's great to you know, get inside community and, and create some mentorship.
Mike Koenigs [00:36:08]:
But for other people they can just learn a few things on the fly. So that's probably what I would say is lifestyleinvestor.com forward/consultation and we'll give you that session for free.
Justin Donald [00:36:19]:
Awesome. That's a great gift. And I'll just put in my two bits because I've known Justin now. I don't remember how many years ago we met on that trip to Fiji. We connected right away with the good fortune of working together and it was one of the babies was the lifestyle investor brand. But I personally introduced you to someone who we were talking about before this started, who is a remarkable human being. He's still working with you as a private client for a quarter million a year and you don't have take anyone on to do that but your friends too. You have always practiced what you preached.
Justin Donald [00:36:59]:
You're well grounded morally and ethically and everyone I know who I've turned on to you has always thanked me for it and said you just made a huge difference, both from a value perspective, but also from a wealth creation perspective. So thank you for that and thank you for always taking care of the people I send over to you.
Mike Koenigs [00:37:22]:
Yeah, thanks for the kind words. And you know, I'm never going to treat someone that you send me with anything less than the highest level of respect just because that's how I want to show up for anyone anyway, so. But I love your intros. You, you hang out with an incredible crew of people, like minded, big thinkers, huge action takers. It's fun when, if I can work with people that will actually like put into action the things we talk about and see, you know, they manifest and create these huge results. I love it. It's. It's so fulfilling for me.
Mike Koenigs [00:37:55]:
So thank you.
Justin Donald [00:37:57]:
Awesome man. Well, next step, head on over to lifestyleinvestor.com consultation.
Mike Koenigs [00:38:04]:
You got it.
Justin Donald [00:38:05]:
Right on. And thank you so much for your time, Justin. I really appreciate you. Hey, let's spend more time together.
Mike Koenigs [00:38:10]:
Sounds good. My pleasure. Always loves.