My True Ghost Stories

Join Jennifer, a spiritual medium, in Episode 9 as she recounts a haunting story from her summer stock days. Dive into a psychic connection that spans decades, a mysterious girl in a field, and a dear friend, Charlie. Explore how past lives, spirits, and mystical shops and botanicas play a role in unraveling these supernatural tales. Tune in for an episode full of paranormal encounters and heartfelt moments.

The Cauldron and the Cupboard shop
No Rain video, by Blind Melon
Johnny's Universal Botanica, 376 5th Ave Brooklyn NY 11215, Phone: 718-832-3606

Visit Jennifer's website to learn more!

Follow Jennifer on Facebook and Instagram

What is My True Ghost Stories?

Join a New York City native and professional spiritual medium as she shares authentic paranormal encounters from her life and work. From childhood experiences to present-day revelations, these stories aim to normalize the supernatural and encourage listeners to trust their intuition.

Hi, I'm Jennifer, and this is My True
Ghost Stories, where I share stories

of my supernatural adventures as a
spiritual medium, helping trapped

spirits to cross over and more.

Let's get started.

Speaker: Welcome to Episode
9 of My True Ghost Stories.

Today, I will tell you a tale of a psychic
connection that stood the test of time.

And the name of this story is
Charlie and the Girl in the Field.

This tale takes place back in
my summer stock days when I was

ignoring ghosts around me and
their messages and pleas for help.

And it was at a different theater from
the one I talked about in episode five.

The theater scene from episode
five was full of drama and

angst and all around negativity.

But the cast at the theater in this story
that I'm telling you today was just fun.

Theater people usually are.

They're hilarious and creative and
this particular cast really got along.

Which was definitely due in part to the
positive people there, no mean girls.

And also because our living
space was probably not haunted

like the house in episode 5.

No wandering ghosts there.

When doing Summerstock, you usually
rehearse one show all day, the one

that's opening next week, while
performing the current show at night.

Like, you would be rehearsing Joseph and
the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat all day,

and then perform West Side Story at night.

So, it was exhausting, but we were
young, so we were not exhausted.

But between shows, there is usually
a break in the performances for a few

days, so you only rehearse all day.

So, taking advantage of our free nights
during the break, and being super fun, the

director slash choreographer, Announced
on a Wednesday night that we were going

to have a true ghost storytelling party
on Friday in a location to be announced.

So he said, Get your
true ghost stories ready.

I know you all have one.

And save them for the party.

He also made a point to tell us
that the location was a secret.

We were so excited because we all
did indeed have a true ghost story

or two and everyone would like start
telling their story and then either

stop themselves or the people in the
room would yell, Save it for the party!

This summer stock theater was part of
a college campus, and we theater people

inhabited one small dormitory wing.

But it was in the summer, so otherwise it
was all empty quads, dormitory buildings,

student centers, libraries, and libraries.

And you'd think it would be really
haunted, but I was actually not

bothered by many spirits there.

That summer, I was hanging out with a
cast member who I will call Charlie.

And on the night before the true ghost
story telling party, full of warm

breezes and loud crickets, Charlie
and I were sitting on the edge of

the empty quad, and we were talking
about the party tomorrow night.

At this time in my life, I was beginning
to know that I could see and sense

ghosts, and it was a part of my life.

I was still afraid, tried to ignore
them, didn't know what to do, but

acceptance of it was happening.

Although I never told anyone about
it, and I had developed a few

boundaries with these spirits.

I was sitting there with Charlie,
talking about ghost stories, and there

was something about him, open minded and
cool, and something about the setting

that made me just go ahead and tell him.

I actually see ghosts all the time, I
said, not even cautiously, I just said it.


Like right now?

Was his response to this thing I said?

Yes, like right now.

And I knew that all I need to do is
focus briefly, open up a part of my

brain, is how I will describe it right
now, and since I was with someone there

on the empty quad, I was not afraid.

So I did that there,
that night with Charlie.

I opened up my brain, and there she was.

in the distance.

I started talking.

There was a girl, maybe
teenaged or early 20s.

She has a backpack and she's wandering
around in a small space in that field.

She's not looking at us.

She's confused and sad.

Something bad happened to her.

And it's a little trance like
when I'm focusing and getting

a message or a description.

So I sort of left Charlie for a minute
while I described the girl in the field.

So when I finished talking, I was startled
to see that Charlie was standing now.

And he had backed up a little.

And although it was dark, I
could see he was pale and had

a look of fear on his face.

You're scaring the crap out
of me right now, he said.

I was aware that I had been talking in a
trans like state and I had been somewhat

removed for a minute while I got the
description of the girl in the field.

I don't think my voice changed or
anything, but I was describing in detail

something that I could see and he could
not, and he believed that I could see it.

I felt bad for scaring him, but
from his total belief in this, I got

some belief that this active sixth
sense of mine was probably real.

I stopped right away.

He obviously did not want to hear
any more, And we eventually walked

away from that field and that girl.

The party the next night
was a total success.

The choreographer who had planned it
showed up at our dormitory wing, 15

minutes late, with a tray full of lit
candles, and we followed him ceremoniously

to the spot he had chosen for this event.

And everyone did have a true ghost
story of their own to tell, and

we had all managed to not tell
them and save them for this party.

I, personally, told my scariest story
of all, which I will share with you

guys someday, and we all probably
slept with the lights on that night.

I know I did.

I stayed in touch with Charlie for
a little while after that summer,

but eventually lost touch, which
unfortunately does happen with

theater friends, especially before
cell phones and social media.

But I certainly never forgot him.

Recently, I heard the very sad
news that Charlie had passed away.

Suddenly, after a brief illness,
way too young, it was tragic and

he left behind some family and many
friends, especially theater friends.

Unlike me, he had stayed in theater.

And there was a fabulous celebration of
life with lots of singing because Charlie

was a great guy who touched so many
lives in positive ways, including my own.

I would soon realize that he and I had
actually remained connected for all

these years, but in another dimension.

After his death, for about two
weeks, Charlie came to me in a

dream, almost nightly, and he
came in many different forms.

First, as a young man,
like when I knew him.

Then, as a young boy.

As a woman.

As an elderly man.

And other forms.

But I always knew it was him.

In some of these visitation dreams, we
would have a brief conversation, and

sometimes he would just wave at me,
and I would wave back, and there didn't

seem to be any messages, just greetings.

And some dreams were him just standing
there in a new form while I looked at him.

By this time in my life, as this happened
recently, and I know some more about

this stuff, I try to see if I'm being
called into service by Visitation Dreams.

I look for messages that I'm supposed to
deliver, rituals that the deceased needs

in order to cross over, because sometimes
they aren't happy with their send off.

But I wasn't getting any requests from
Charlie, just hellos from different forms.

I felt a sense of responsibility
to Charlie, but I didn't

know what these visits meant.

I went to my favorite mystical shop,
the Cauldron and the Cub Board,

in Point Pleasant, New Jersey.

The link is in the show notes.

I went there to pick up some supplies,
but also to ask one of the awesome

women who worked there for some
guidance on these Charlie dreams.

He's showing you his past lives, she
said, after I told her the story of

Charlie in all the different forms.

This made perfect sense.

No messages, no angst, just
appearances and connections.

Enjoy it, she advised.

I don't know why Charlie was
contacting me, but I did enjoy it.

And I let go of trying to find
a message in his greetings.

Although we had lost touch,
the friendship was still there.

And to try to make sense of this, Maybe
I admitted my sixth sense to him that day

for some plan that the universe had for
his dying and crossing over decades later.

And he needed to show his
past lives to someone.

Maybe he came to me in those dreams
because he knew I would understand.

Maybe he came to a whole bunch of people.

I mean, I don't know.

There's so much.

There's still so much that I don't
understand, but I will keep learning

and sharing what I learn with you.

The visits from Charlie gradually
stopped, and I missed them, but I

knew that this process of ours was
done, and I got a message from my

guides to light a candle for him at
church with a prayer and a send off.

Which I did, while sobbing and praying
for his soul and a safe journey to the

other side, or whatever his next step was.

I get a friendly, serene vibe when
I think of Charlie's spirit now,

and there's not much
communication, no dreams.

But I went ahead and asked him what
he would like his name to be in this

story, because I always change the
names, and he answered, Charlie.

So I said, Charlie it is.

I guess he likes that name.

And when I googled the name
Charlie, it says it means free man.

So I guess he's free.

And from his vibe, I'd say he's at peace.

And about the girl in the field.

The small circle.

where I saw her wandering around in
the empty quad that evening wound up

being the very spot where we had the
ghost storytelling party the next night.

She was waiting for me there, because
now I know, after doing this for

many years, that spirits that need
help often wait for me in a spot

where they know that I, Jennifer,
will be doing something supernatural.

I'm working on a plan for her spirit as
my guides tell me she is still there.

And maybe Charlie will help me.

I'll keep you posted.

Speaker: I'd love to hear your
experiences with Visitation Dreams.

Were there messages?

Did they talk to you?

Did you talk to them?

Let me know.

I would love to hear about it.

And now, I want to talk for a minute
about mystical shops and botanicas.

Two completely different
things, but a similar purpose.

So real quick, a botanica is a religious
shop that sells items used in spiritual

practices from many religions, such
as herbs, oils, candles, and statues.

And I grew up in a botanica, so I grew
up in a botanica, so I grew up in a

botanica, so I grew up in a botanica.

My favorite botanica of all
time is Johnny's Universal

Botanica in Brooklyn, New York.

Link is in the show notes.

And a mystical shop or a metaphysical
supply store, like the cauldron and

the cupboard, this place is awesome,
they sell items that are related

to spiritual healing, guiding you
along your magical journey, improving

your mental and physical health.

And so, botanicas and metaphysical
supply stores are not exactly

the same, but they are similar.

In the story of Charlie and the
Girl in the Field that I just told

you, I mentioned the mystical shop
in Point Pleasant, New Jersey.

I'm going to one of these shops,
especially the authentic ones,

like the Cauldron and the Cupboard,
and some of my favorite botanicas.

Um, it is like, for a total believer like
myself, it's like finding your people.

Like in the Blind Melon video, No
Rain, where the little girl in the

bumblebee costume finds her people.

I don't want to spoil it for
you on the off chance that

you have not seen this video.

I've enclosed the link, so
trust me, you will identify.

with the little girl in
the bumblebee costume.

So being a total believer in the unseen,
the supernatural, the paranormal,

I always felt that this was not
necessarily accepted by the general

public, you know, like a lot of things.

And I always felt Like, I would have
to feel a person out before discussing

something, like a trapped spirit or
lingering negative energy, which is fine.

You know, I always check to see what
someone is actually interested in

before launching into a subject, but
walking into a botanica, for instance,

you know, I grew up in a neighborhood
with lots of botanicas, or walking into

a mystical shop like the Cauldron and
the Cupboard, you know, It's like a

gardener walking into a garden center.

Everyone's ready to talk about gardening.

There's no feeling out of the vibe.

You know, do they, are they
interested in gardening?

You know, you don't have
to worry about that.

So walking into a mystical shop.

You don't have to worry if
they believe, they just do.

So the first time I went into this
kind of shop with a question, it was

such a thrill to just launch right
into, you know, There's a weird

energy in my downstairs hallway.

Can you recommend a good cleaning method?

And it was such a relief that I didn't
have to preface it with, you know,

this is going to sound crazy, but
didn't have to preface it with that.

I just told them.

And then when you tell them these
things, they just guide you to the

smudge, the herbs, the spray, the words.

You know, the way good sales help at a
good garden center will guide you to the

right soil conditioner, for instance.

This is one of the reasons I
still prefer shopping small and in

person, for that human interaction
and good old fashioned sales help.

I'm going to do a full
episode someday on my channel.

favorite mystical shops and botanicas.

But right now I'm just going to encourage
you to watch the No Rain video and

then go out and find your people.

And that's all for today.

Thank you for listening to today's
episode, and if you think your house

is haunted, want energy cleared
from your space or need a custom

spiritual ritual, I'm here to help.

Visit jp or email me
at JP clearing

Don't forget to join me here
every Tuesday for a new episode.

Until next time.