If I Was Starting Today

On this episode, Jim is joined by Ryan and Sean Kleier, two comedians who have taken their successes in show business and translated them into the world of marketing. They get tactical on how you can incorporate the art and science of comedy to improve your marketing campaigns.

  • Importance of authenticity
  • Creative process
  • Packaging and execution
  • Tweaking
  • A/B testing
  • Pitfalls of data reliance
  • The value of bombing
  • Comedy and branding
  • The business of creativity
  • Recognition
  • Virality
Additional episodes you might enjoy:
Startup Ideas by Paul Graham (#45)
Nathan Barry: How to Bootstrap a Company to $30M in a Crowded Market (#41)
How I Met My Biz Partner and Less Learned Hitting $2M ARR (#44)
Ryan Hamilton on his Netflix special, touring with Jerry Seinfeld, & how to write a joke (#10)
How We're Validating Startup Ideas (#51)

What is If I Was Starting Today?

What would you do if you were starting today? To help, here are half-baked startup ideas, growth marketing tactics, and stories from founders and creators - including my own journey as a bootstrapped business owner. All of the content is centered around helping founders, creators, and investors starting today.