The Jonathan Kogan Show

The documentary ("Plandemic") includes everything you're not supposed to know. We watch it together and break it down scene by scene. This is insane.

Show Notes

**We just moved from to so please subscribe here to get the new episodes! Please share with a friend or two who are seeking the truth (we get censored so anything that helps spread the word helps!)**

We watch the brand new documentary: Plandemic. This includes everything the 'powers-that-be' don't want you to know. We are not conspiracy theorists on this podcast. On the contrary, we are truth seekers that follow the facts and data to piece together the real narrative - not the one the mainstream media forces into our head. Listen to the real experts, doctors, and media personalities who piece together the madness we have experienced the past few years. Was it natural or was it planned? I will leave that for you to decide with your own critical thinking skills!

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What is The Jonathan Kogan Show?

The Jonathan Kogan Show brings you the most important, underreports news (and hot takes) that you need to know but the mainstream media is not covering. If you are searching for the truth, and of course the cold hard facts, then this podcast is for you. But, if you are looking for fake news and distractions from the real news, then you will be better off going to CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News. We do not cater to any corporations or powerful elites, but rather everyday peasants who simply want to know what is really going on without the propaganda.

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Jonathan Kogan: alive is everybody ready I'm ready are
the people ready people are ready we're live

Jonathan Kogan: we're alive what's up everybody welcome to
to Jonathan Kogan show i am your host

Jonathan Kogan: Jonathan Kogan good to be with you
today jump right into it this is awesome

Jonathan Kogan: i love spending every single day with
you if you've been listening to this podcast

Jonathan Kogan: i appreciate it with all of my
heart and soul oh this is an emergency

Jonathan Kogan: announcement my I'm not a good producer
I'm a good podcast host or decent but

Jonathan Kogan: not so good with the technology behind
it and so i've screwed up so if

Jonathan Kogan: you subscribe to this show or if
you share it or if you want to

Jonathan Kogan: listen other episodes instead of going to
anchor dot m for last j s k

Jonathan Kogan: like i always say it's all messed
up the correct place to go subscribe whether

Jonathan Kogan: it's apple podcast spodify especially the apple
podcasters and people even on pandora and all

Jonathan Kogan: this stuff now we're on audible and
all this stuff go to j s k

Jonathan Kogan: dot transistor dot f m so j
s k dot t r a n s

Jonathan Kogan: i s t o r dot f
m that is the official site you can

Jonathan Kogan: go to any podcast from there and
subscribe do whatever you want to do listen

Jonathan Kogan: to you can listen to the episode
in the web but it does not matter

Jonathan Kogan: we just want to each the people
with the truth as best as we can

Jonathan Kogan: on a daily basis build a friendship
because i feel like we got something going

Jonathan Kogan: here I'm feeling it i really do
i feel it let's get into it now

Jonathan Kogan: bear with me listen to me on
this one this episode is sponsored by an

Jonathan Kogan: awesome idea listen to this i think
this is really smart so you know like

Jonathan Kogan: if you're watching a show or movie
on nat flix doesn't pause who whatever does

Jonathan Kogan: anything right imagine if in those movies
and shows the bill boards or like the

Jonathan Kogan: cans that they're drinking out of or
like you know any sign that shows like

Jonathan Kogan: coco coal or something it's just a
green screen a and then that movie or

Jonathan Kogan: show once it's made that that particular
part of the show whether it's a sign

Jonathan Kogan: whether it's a can whether it's a
bag of food is for ever a green

Jonathan Kogan: screen that can serve dynamic branding deals
so instead of having something recorded in like

Jonathan Kogan: nineteen ninety five and says like and
one shoes or something it could just be

Jonathan Kogan: a shoe that's green and so it's
for ever a market place for brands and

Jonathan Kogan: two thousand and thirty that doesn't exist
like there could be a show that's still

Jonathan Kogan: really popular like fast and furious instead
of having like a honda let's say just

Jonathan Kogan: don't exist then it's like just tesla
well then tesla can put their branding name

Jonathan Kogan: on the car it's dynamic dynamic adds
it's like a whole marketplace forever so everything

Jonathan Kogan: is always current even old movies have
modern things in it modern product placement isn't

Jonathan Kogan: that really smart or not so much
let me now on the show note i

Jonathan Kogan: think it's genius oh wow look at
that old can of coke that he's drinking

Jonathan Kogan: out of no or look at that
look at that bottle of surge for all

Jonathan Kogan: you people don't know serge it was
like literally an illegal amount of like caffeine

Jonathan Kogan: and toxic chemicals i drink that every
day um it's kind of why i developed

Jonathan Kogan: the way i did but we're going
to resist an were gonna fight back against

Jonathan Kogan: the establishment what do you think about
that though I think it's really smart right

Jonathan Kogan: it can even create like a whole
market place like literally you know like let's

Jonathan Kogan: say The Godfather really popular or some
movie that came out now like the one

Jonathan Kogan: I want to see which by the
way I just watched The Matrix yesterday I

Jonathan Kogan: saw it many many years ago but
it as like watching it as it was

Jonathan Kogan: brand new i don't remember of it
and oh my god is that relevant in

Jonathan Kogan: today's world it is awesome you should
watch it it is awesome but you know

Jonathan Kogan: wat we're doing on this podcast and
if you're new to this podcast let me

Jonathan Kogan: tell you he ere on this podcast
we are popping out of The Matrix were

Jonathan Kogan: popping out of the Matrix we're building
our own communities we're creating our human network

Jonathan Kogan: on the internet and then in the
next coming decade we're going to form that

Jonathan Kogan: into a physical location with local farms
local stores everybody has a role we're going

Jonathan Kogan: into more localized communities that's the
word we're going into globalization as we've discussed

Jonathan Kogan: before is done you grew up in
a wild era of perfect globalization now we're

Jonathan Kogan: in the era of dglobaliza and if
you're in america anywhere but in america we're

Jonathan Kogan: rebuilding everything local now and you're going
to see a crazy shift in how things

Jonathan Kogan: are made and all this stuff and
yeah now you know i think the main

Jonathan Kogan: stream is finally covering the famons that
are coming or the famine that's coming that's

Jonathan Kogan: good way to hey m s m
c c n n foxes way to hey

Jonathan Kogan: way to tell the people the truth
that's really good we're really proud of you

Jonathan Kogan: we've only been doing this for many
months now I'm a one man crew this

Jonathan Kogan: is really smart too the whole business
model the johntheKogan show is lever there are

Jonathan Kogan: people writing the real reports and like
real journalism but the main stream the narrative

Jonathan Kogan: sometimes just doesn't pick it up so
the truth is out there so you just

Jonathan Kogan: need to find the truth that they
don't want you to share because they don't

Jonathan Kogan: want the people to be free they
don't want you to have enough food they

Jonathan Kogan: don't want you to be happy they
want to rule over you and tell you

Jonathan Kogan: what to do and how to breathe
and what car to drive in blalablbla you

Jonathan Kogan: know all that and we find those
articles like that re talking about a famine

Jonathan Kogan: many months ago and we talked about
in the jat the cog show and then

Jonathan Kogan: well what do you know six months
later there saying there's going to be a

Jonathan Kogan: famine why are they saying it six
months later because they don't care about you

Jonathan Kogan: we are a pro human podcast we
are not political we have we are as

Jonathan Kogan: objective as we possibly can be and
we do this for the people and it's

Jonathan Kogan: done by the people this is a
community of love this is a community of

Jonathan Kogan: caring for one another this is not
some artificial b s community that is trying

Jonathan Kogan: to extract money out of your pockets
lying my own okay that's not what we

Jonathan Kogan: do here we spread love world peace
we love people we want humans to thrive

Jonathan Kogan: other people not so much like bill
gates okay let's get into it let's get

Jonathan Kogan: into it m some documentary you know
listen if you've been listening to this podcast

Jonathan Kogan: for some time i told you i
appreciate you and i love you and i

Jonathan Kogan: do mean that with all my heart
i feel like we're forming a friendship and

Jonathan Kogan: i do i feel like i feel
like some of us are having a connection

Jonathan Kogan: i feel like you and i are
having a connection so i thought on today's

Jonathan Kogan: podcast we would do something a little
different okay we will watch the documentary together

Jonathan Kogan: and we'll talk about it together right
so this documentary we're not conspiracy theorist by

Jonathan Kogan: the way we've never been interested in
conspiracy there has ever ever I'm not interested

Jonathan Kogan: I'm not even interested in fiction i
probably should be it probably expands the mind

Jonathan Kogan: but i've been a you know non
fiction person my whole life i love things

Jonathan Kogan: that are based on true stories even
if movies say it's based on truth stories

Jonathan Kogan: like remember the titans and the last
championship game was like really closely one of

Jonathan Kogan: the last play real life they won
like fifty five to seven i still like

Jonathan Kogan: to pretend that the movie is one
hundred percent accurate i pretend when I'm watching

Jonathan Kogan: the movie that these are the exact
events as they played out brain washed myself

Jonathan Kogan: i want to believe that it's truly
non fiction and then i find out it's

Jonathan Kogan: awful so this documentary as we are
not conspiriously the head to preface that because

Jonathan Kogan: the name of the documentary will make
you think differently but you got to listen

Jonathan Kogan: this is amazing there's several parts i
saw this came out on august twenty ninth

Jonathan Kogan: it's now september first i don't know
if it's existed before august twenty ninth but

Jonathan Kogan: i just saw it and i felt
like i had to share with you i

Jonathan Kogan: felt like we had to watch it
together bcause it's amazing it's called plandemic and

Jonathan Kogan: this particular part is called in doctor
nation doctor nation part two i might play

Jonathan Kogan: part one but we're going to skip
it this is all stuff listen if you

Jonathan Kogan: need this podcast welcome to the community
were super happy to have you you're to

Jonathan Kogan: catch up on your own though where
we're light years ahead of you it's good

Jonathan Kogan: to have you and now you're in
the community you're going to have to go

Jonathan Kogan: listen to old podcast to realize how
far in the future this podcast lives we

Jonathan Kogan: are unbelievable at predicting the future without
being oracles straight up go look at the

Jonathan Kogan: previous episodes tell me if I'm wrong
tell me if I'm wrong i mean literally

Jonathan Kogan: after two months after i posted about
a famine on tik tok the c c

Jonathan Kogan: p on tik tok they took down
my post two months later and i played

Jonathan Kogan: that post on another podcast which was
just saying there's going to be a mask

Jonathan Kogan: famine a mask famine at twenty twenty
two he be a mask famine they took

Jonathan Kogan: that down off tiktok two months after
i posted it just recently like last week

Jonathan Kogan: i haven't even posted in like two
months on tiktok and i should because it's

Jonathan Kogan: a huge market opportunity stuff goes crazy
viral just the content i do which is

Jonathan Kogan: this thing called truth telling not spreading
a false narrative to enrich myself and gain

Jonathan Kogan: control over the people but rat or
tell the truth so the people can make

Jonathan Kogan: the best decisions for themselves and their
loved ones that's not endorsed by tik tok

Jonathan Kogan: they don't they don't like that they
don't like that why i don't know i'll

Jonathan Kogan: leave that to you so this documentary
is a crazy eye opener if you've been

Jonathan Kogan: listenin to this podcast you know all
of this stuff pretty much there's gonna be

Jonathan Kogan: a lot of new stuff though we're
gonna watch it together because it's amazing i

Jonathan Kogan: don't know how much I'm gonna play
of it i don't know if I'm gonna

Jonathan Kogan: skip around but we're gonna watch it
together why because we're friends and we're gaining

Jonathan Kogan: each other's trust and i appreciate you
and like i said the material that we

Jonathan Kogan: talk about the truth that we tell
on this podcast isn't liked by the powers

Jonathan Kogan: that be they obviously don't like us
now like me teyon'tlike you they don't like

Jonathan Kogan: good people trying to do the right
thing okay so i ask you as a

Jonathan Kogan: friend can you share this with one
person because we don't get the reach that

Jonathan Kogan: we're supposed to get so if you
can subscribe nspotify apple podcast uh podcast attic

Jonathan Kogan: pandora whatever if you could subscribe and
share this with just one person it's all

Jonathan Kogan: free I'm not extracting anything from you
it would mean the world and we can

Jonathan Kogan: reach more people so let's get into
it i appreciate you also i have to

Jonathan Kogan: say i hope that this reaches the
people in africa one day because this document

Jonathan Kogan: are opened my eyes big time i
love all the people in africa and i

Jonathan Kogan: want them to know from the bottom
of my soul we got your back and

Jonathan Kogan: we are going to tell the truth
to the world until you guys are basically

Jonathan Kogan: freed from this medical tyranny that's been
going on in that continent it's horrible it's

Jonathan Kogan: terrible so if you know any one
to africa and this can reach them tell

Jonathan Kogan: them that you love them just tell
it's not everybody but people in important areas

Jonathan Kogan: there's some crazy stuff that's been going
on and i just want to spread my

Jonathan Kogan: love to them because we're all humans
it doesn't matter where you're from it doesn't

Jonathan Kogan: matt or what you look like it
doesn't even matter what your beliefs are you're

Jonathan Kogan: human I'm a human therefore we are
friends and we love each other to the

Jonathan Kogan: extent that you're going to do good
if you decide to do really bad things

Jonathan Kogan: to other innocent human beings we can't
be friends that's all however if you try

Jonathan Kogan: to do good for the world no
matter how small or how big we could

Jonathan Kogan: be best friends for our life we
can even get b f f bracelets remember

Jonathan Kogan: those about this one b f f
anklets okay all right let's get on to

Jonathan Kogan: it i don't know you don't you
don't ant to hear you don't want to

Jonathan Kogan: hear me just speel and spiel maybe
you like my spiel i don't know I'm

Jonathan Kogan: a speller spiller seller all right here
we go let's get to plandemic this is

Jonathan Kogan: a really well done documentary this is
like unbelievable and i feel like we could

Jonathan Kogan: just watch it together so why don't
we watch it together shall we it's not

Jonathan Kogan: going to go far and wide because
it's all going to get censor so please

Jonathan Kogan: lease share with one person that you
think needs to hear or interested in wants

Jonathan Kogan: to hear we are starting off on
october eighteenth two thousand and nineteen in new

Jonathan Kogan: york new york so in new york
city this is from october eighteenth twenty nineteen

Jonathan Kogan: remember that date think about when that
was right right before that m you know

Jonathan Kogan: what I'm saying all right let's get
to it here we go this is incredible

Jonathan Kogan: here we go yeah

Jonathan Kogan: m

Jonathan Kogan: m five months prior to the pandemic

Jonathan Kogan: this is a scripter simulation

Jonathan Kogan: yeah

Jonathan Kogan: oh

Jonathan Kogan: this is scripted this is the simulation

Jonathan Kogan: i want to make it clear what's
going on here and on the screen it's

Jonathan Kogan: like they have actors playing this out
it's a simulation a script simulation they have

Jonathan Kogan: people playing news anchors they have people
playing government officials they have people playing conspiracy

Jonathan Kogan: there a truth tellers shout out Jonathan
coan show um so this is on the

Jonathan Kogan: screen and showing like new this not
real this is corn practice okay so think

Jonathan Kogan: about how early familiar this is to
what actually happened that's all scriptirsimulation all righ

Jonathan Kogan: we're good

Jonathan Kogan: yeah yeah

Jonathan Kogan: oh yeah

Jonathan Kogan: i

Jonathan Kogan: yeah

Jonathan Kogan: all right in doctor nation in doctor
nation is the segment

Jonathan Kogan: this is the juicy fruit this is
david marin ph d national intelligent and analyst

Jonathan Kogan: founder of i q one hundred index
ne york stock exchange yeah right

Jonathan Kogan: oh

Jonathan Kogan: yeah

Jonathan Kogan: oh

Jonathan Kogan: oh

Jonathan Kogan: yeah

Jonathan Kogan: oh there's nothing to see here look
the other way

Jonathan Kogan: oh yeah

Jonathan Kogan: ye

Jonathan Kogan: oh

Jonathan Kogan: oh yeah yeah

Jonathan Kogan: oh

Jonathan Kogan: all right this gets really juicy trust

Jonathan Kogan: oh baby

Jonathan Kogan: a i hope he doesn't say the
sea word

Jonathan Kogan: cause which is eco health alliance right
and we we we have those documents oh

Jonathan Kogan: boy i was trying to say that
while I'm trying to talk over it because

Jonathan Kogan: we get censored if he says that
sword sorry how to do that hopefully it

Jonathan Kogan: worked this is whan yeah yeah oh

Jonathan Kogan: o boy boy

Jonathan Kogan: see that's a so by the way
this gets i know this is like a

Jonathan Kogan: slow lead up maybe you're super interested
i don't know but it gets really good

Jonathan Kogan: i can even skip ahead but it
gets really really intense so either bear with

Jonathan Kogan: it but so what's amazing isn't i've
talked about this before is it would make

Jonathan Kogan: sense if lying if the if lying
to the general public meant you would actually

Jonathan Kogan: a more money right like c n
n m n c fox all them lying

Jonathan Kogan: because they would get more money and
maybe they did in the short term from

Jonathan Kogan: big parma but now it's they're done
it's over you don't trust them you'll never

Jonathan Kogan: trust them again how can we ever
trust them literally the death of mainstream media

Jonathan Kogan: is already under way the death there's
no way they revived revised themsles i couldn't

Jonathan Kogan: trust them ever i started this podcast
because i can't trust them I'm not a

Jonathan Kogan: media correspondent I'm just a peasant trying
to do peasant things so so they've ruined

Jonathan Kogan: their reputation they are going to go
bankrupt in the coming who knows five to

Jonathan Kogan: ten years probably unless a major pivot
comes here they gain everybody's trust back i

Jonathan Kogan: don't know how that happens to be
honest um they're never gonna gain my trust

Jonathan Kogan: back I'm just going to listen to
the independent creators that i trust that are

Jonathan Kogan: consistently telling the truth and it seems
like the best decision four a media person

Jonathan Kogan: or media company was to tell the
truth this whole time even though you go

Jonathan Kogan: all the back lash to have the
courage to tell the truth because that will

Jonathan Kogan: likely aline with the economic incentives like
the more i tell the truth the more

Jonathan Kogan: i correct myself and be honest with
you the more people that listen to this

Jonathan Kogan: podcast it's not the other way around
it isn't the more i lie to you

Jonathan Kogan: the more viewers you get it's the
opposite the more i tell the truth the

Jonathan Kogan: more you're willing to listen because you
know i have good intent and my intent

Jonathan Kogan: is pure and i have a real
heart that i love people and i love

Jonathan Kogan: you and i don't it's hard for
me to grasp why the main stream i

Jonathan Kogan: mean they did it to so it's
also called flooding it's called flooding when they

Jonathan Kogan: when they come up with a incredibl
amount of propaganda to push a narrative they

Jonathan Kogan: basically there's going to always be people
that tell the truth like the Jonathan ogan

Jonathan Kogan: show but it's hard to find media
outlets like this because they publish thousands of

Jonathan Kogan: articles they come on every single channel
and then they work with google and facebook

Jonathan Kogan: to fix the rankings that you see
and eighty percent of the people and google

Jonathan Kogan: don't even go to the second page
of results and so they fix what's on

Jonathan Kogan: the first page and it's all propaganda
you believe it and the fact checkers right

Jonathan Kogan: the good old fact checkers which that
was a great i thought that was a

Jonathan Kogan: good podcast we did a couple o
days ago on allen duke and and who

Jonathan Kogan: the fact checkers are and how they've
been so wrong at they have fired it's

Jonathan Kogan: wild like whence you want your fact
checkers to be accurate like it's weird seems

Jonathan Kogan: like something else is at play so
in the long run it's in your best

Jonathan Kogan: interest to tell the truth and that
aligns with the economic gain so it's like

Jonathan Kogan: fascinating that they threw that out the
window for short term games i don't know

Jonathan Kogan: i thought that was interesting all right
this really builds up i might skip ahead

Jonathan Kogan: let me play this part let me
let it you know continue and then i

Jonathan Kogan: know towards the end it gets real
intense so let's se what happens a right

Jonathan Kogan: ye

Jonathan Kogan: oh

Jonathan Kogan: is it natural no it's not natural
it's a professional job of molecular biologists it's

Jonathan Kogan: a very meticulous job is a no
bell medicine doesn't say of precision if you

Jonathan Kogan: like but for what purpose for what
purpose it is not clear i am exposing

Jonathan Kogan: facts my job here to state the
facts that's all and that's what we do

Jonathan Kogan: on this podcast

Jonathan Kogan: yet

Jonathan Kogan: a google whistle blower an engineer

Jonathan Kogan: m

Jonathan Kogan: which by the way you're seeing because
of alexberencing you're seeing a lot of news

Jonathan Kogan: come out now of the white house
directly corinating with instagram and twitter to take

Jonathan Kogan: things down in one email saying can
you take down this mem it's not one

Jonathan Kogan: of ours from a high level white
house person isn't it crazy like how many

Jonathan Kogan: times do you either see online or
you say something you know it's against the

Jonathan Kogan: narrative and sims like are you a
doctor or like my friend who said i

Jonathan Kogan: read the visor documents like he's like
you're not a doctor you don't now i

Jonathan Kogan: think like that can't be true go
look at you know this fact checking then

Jonathan Kogan: you go down the rabbit hole of
snope you know like a fact check like

Jonathan Kogan: snopes and realize wait you're believing the
fact checkers for their information yet not only

Jonathan Kogan: are they not a doctor or are
they not you know approved to cover this

Jonathan Kogan: stuff but they actually have a history
of committing crimes and doing bad stuff like

Jonathan Kogan: people always like you can't that you
know you're not a professional and then they

Jonathan Kogan: pull up like politafactor or snopes and
it's like what who's behind that and you

Jonathan Kogan: go down the rabbit hole and you
realize they're full of ship too i mean

Jonathan Kogan: they are full of ship i mean
we're not full of ship i don't know

Jonathan Kogan: why i said to but they're full
of crap right they have a history of

Jonathan Kogan: doing illegal things yet they're trustworthy because
nobody is willing to do the simple research

Jonathan Kogan: to find out what is true and
not true what we have learned from this

Jonathan Kogan: pandemic is that the vast majority of
the world just headline raiders people are headline

Jonathan Kogan: readers they don't do research they don't
even read the articles and it's blown my

Jonathan Kogan: mind but i think people are going
to start doing more research once all this

Jonathan Kogan: news keeps you know coming out but
it's funny how people attack you for in

Jonathan Kogan: something and say you're not you know
you don't have the the knowledge to comment

Jonathan Kogan: on this look at this link from
snopes and then you realize the people behind

Jonathan Kogan: that don't know anything at all and
they're criminals just really really funny all right

Jonathan Kogan: let's get back to it yeah

Jonathan Kogan: m m

Jonathan Kogan: oh

Jonathan Kogan: the director of the c d c
who they're asking

Jonathan Kogan: your

Jonathan Kogan: a

Jonathan Kogan: m

Jonathan Kogan: yeah

Jonathan Kogan: my

Jonathan Kogan: we

Jonathan Kogan: it

Jonathan Kogan: yeah

Jonathan Kogan: yeah

Jonathan Kogan: m

Jonathan Kogan: those who tell the stories rule society

Jonathan Kogan: house intelligence committee hearing nineteen seventy five

Jonathan Kogan: you

Jonathan Kogan: very

Jonathan Kogan: yeah

Jonathan Kogan: so we've been over that in a
previous podcast van guard state street and black

Jonathan Kogan: rock own pretty much everything from the
media to parma to all that stuff and

Jonathan Kogan: in three years they expect to ninety
per cent the companies in the united states

Jonathan Kogan: as three funds so little bit centralized
little bit too centralized

Jonathan Kogan: a

Jonathan Kogan: now how interesting is it this is
probably been happening for many i mean probably

Jonathan Kogan: for ever but for many decades in
america when there's like three stations and everyone's

Jonathan Kogan: plugged into it with their t v
and yet for me being a political really

Jonathan Kogan: just minding my own business in life
before a year before covid i didn't even

Jonathan Kogan: i didn't even know about this i
thought like there was you know i didn't

Jonathan Kogan: even recognize propaganda i didn't reckon i
is a narrative is just whatever like you

Jonathan Kogan: know i don't even want to watch
the news is not affecting my life is

Jonathan Kogan: that how you feel like did you
even know how coordinated this all was with

Jonathan Kogan: these institutions a decade ago maybe you
did i didn't and have a feeling the

Jonathan Kogan: majority of people didn't either and it
was this past event obviously this pandemic woke

Jonathan Kogan: everybody up and it's really like the
age of it's like a great awakening that's

Jonathan Kogan: going on here and it's beautiful it's
really sad we're gonna go through hardship but

Jonathan Kogan: it's very very beautiful that we're going
to rebuild a whole new world with different

Jonathan Kogan: systems different in fast the different communities
there's a lot to look forward to a

Jonathan Kogan: lot of friction ahead but a lot
to look forward to so i just want

Jonathan Kogan: to infuse that that excitement and you
know positive outlook that is in the future

Jonathan Kogan: even hugh we're going through all this
i think the great awakening is going to

Jonathan Kogan: lead us to a different and better
world because things throughout history pretty much every

Jonathan Kogan: civilization it's a pendulum it swings from
centralization to decentralization so like where at the

Jonathan Kogan: end of max centralization with our nation
state and so then we're going to swing

Jonathan Kogan: back to being more decent al ized
more community is more localized and that's happened

Jonathan Kogan: all throughout history that is a pattern
where it goes decentralized and it goes veers

Jonathan Kogan: back to ours centralization then it goes
back the other way so that's happened forever

Jonathan Kogan: and so that's what we're experiencing right
now we're converging with with mark moss does

Jonathan Kogan: a great job explaining how there's three
different things that are colliding right now three

Jonathan Kogan: different changes and that's being one of
them so we'll get into the one's later

Jonathan Kogan: she was talking to bill gates by
the way

Jonathan Kogan: oh

Jonathan Kogan: yeah

Jonathan Kogan: demi

Jonathan Kogan: a

Jonathan Kogan: shut up and take it okay wait
what's going on now is they go from

Jonathan Kogan: simulation they play apart from the simulation
that they did it at eventual one and

Jonathan Kogan: then reality of what really happened then
go back and forth so you're going to

Jonathan Kogan: hear you're gonna hear one part and
then you're going to see it basically mirrored

Jonathan Kogan: in real life so this is the
simulation and then the next one when you

Jonathan Kogan: hear mike pence's voice is the reality

Jonathan Kogan: ye

Jonathan Kogan: he

Jonathan Kogan: a good question that is a good
question by the way this is april twenty

Jonathan Kogan: twenty yes

Jonathan Kogan: so this is a really important report
that we reference before that you should definitely

Jonathan Kogan: check out it was published in twenty
ten okay this is from the rockefeller foundation

Jonathan Kogan: wait until you hear this has been
around a long time this and we know

Jonathan Kogan: rockefeller started the whole big farm which
you heard before so when you hear the

Jonathan Kogan: word lock step it's from them so
take a listen

Jonathan Kogan: yeah

Jonathan Kogan: oh

Jonathan Kogan: it

Jonathan Kogan: oh

Jonathan Kogan: i

Jonathan Kogan: here

Jonathan Kogan: think

Jonathan Kogan: this part's amazing

Jonathan Kogan: she had

Jonathan Kogan: no

Jonathan Kogan: there

Jonathan Kogan: was i

Jonathan Kogan: ah

Jonathan Kogan: he he

Jonathan Kogan: oh

Jonathan Kogan: any

Jonathan Kogan: yeah so drtedros who isn't a doctor
by the way there's a video floating around

Jonathan Kogan: where from like august third where they
asked him you know if he's gotten vacant

Jonathan Kogan: or something he's like now I'm waiting
I'm waiting because ethiopia hasn't done well with

Jonathan Kogan: the roll out and so I'm boycotting
like he's doing the right thing but there's

Jonathan Kogan: a great i believe it's a reporter
she's in africa wherever t joses terror group

Jonathan Kogan: terris group is there's a like civil
war between the terrors group and like the

Jonathan Kogan: government and he runs the wh so
he's telling the world that the terris group

Jonathan Kogan: is the the one that's not the
terris group which isn't his team and i

Jonathan Kogan: believe it was russell brand that brought
this no it was jimmy dore who brought

Jonathan Kogan: the this african reporter around who told
the whole truth behind what's going on here

Jonathan Kogan: and everyone knows that you know in
that area at least that dr t rose

Jonathan Kogan: is you know full of crap he's
the he's part of the terrorist team but

Jonathan Kogan: he's speaking out you know it's like
opposite day every day of the week again

Jonathan Kogan: so you can check that out if
you want to learn more about this but

Jonathan Kogan: let me continue to it's just cray
he's not even a doctor nd there's questions

Jonathan Kogan: she didn't know the reporter but asked
if she knew like she said there's rumours

Jonathan Kogan: that p h d isn't even real
either but they just gave it to him

Jonathan Kogan: and like you know put it into
the system but she didn't know that for

Jonathan Kogan: sure so we don't know we don't
know but we know he's not a medical

Jonathan Kogan: doctor the guy leading the world health
organization not medical doctor world health organization a

Jonathan Kogan: medical doctor okay let's take our advice
from him vaccine zare bill gates not a

Jonathan Kogan: medical doctor we live in clown world
back to the show

Jonathan Kogan: m

Jonathan Kogan: oh

Jonathan Kogan: yeah

Jonathan Kogan: i

Jonathan Kogan: m

Jonathan Kogan: how convenient

Jonathan Kogan: oh

Jonathan Kogan: he's bill gates one point o

Jonathan Kogan: do you want the people who are
selling medication to help people to have to

Jonathan Kogan: have a lobbing group they spent hundreds
of millions of dollars why if they're doing

Jonathan Kogan: such good for society they do they
need to lobby and convince politicians to make

Jonathan Kogan: certain laws that identifies them and lets
them off the like i don't want my

Jonathan Kogan: farm suitical company to be lobbing spend
the money on r n d spend the

Jonathan Kogan: money on research spend the money on
realizing people who have side effects and how

Jonathan Kogan: to make better not on lobbing seton
we want it's terrible that isn't for the

Jonathan Kogan: normal person that's not for the peasant
we're peasants and we love peasants and we

Jonathan Kogan: are for the peasants

Jonathan Kogan: oh here we go

Jonathan Kogan: here we go this is the bill
gates rant here we go i love this

Jonathan Kogan: one we also have a podcast called
the real bill gates which is pretty juicy

Jonathan Kogan: but this one is the ultimate juicy

Jonathan Kogan: m

Jonathan Kogan: oh a

Jonathan Kogan: okay so for everyone who's listening and
not watching on spotify a rumble which you

Jonathan Kogan: should definitely go subscribe in those places
this is a deposition august twenty seventh nineteen

Jonathan Kogan: ninety eight particularly at eleven o two
a m if you were curious but bill

Jonathan Kogan: gates is in a chair going like
moving back and forward like back forward like

Jonathan Kogan: just like a weird real sketchy and
disconnected and seems like he's not on an

Jonathan Kogan: emotional level where he realizes we're humans
and stuff he's just like he's going like

Jonathan Kogan: he's it's going up and down you
know like against the back of the chair

Jonathan Kogan: like in a really sketchy way looks
like a sketch ball which by the way

Jonathan Kogan: fun fact this deposition and his sketchiness
of how he was in the deposition is

Jonathan Kogan: what the actor in the social network
used for wan mark zakerburger the actor that

Jonathan Kogan: played mark ker burgh was an and
when the twins the wrinkle the winkleball twins

Jonathan Kogan: were suing him he watched the marxakebrg
actor i forget his name watched this deposition

Jonathan Kogan: to act like this so in the
social network that scene or those scenes where

Jonathan Kogan: he's where he's like slouching down and
not caring and totally disconnected that was learned

Jonathan Kogan: from the real deposition from our boy
bill gates

Jonathan Kogan: it's amazing that the general public thought
that during the pandemic all of a sudden

Jonathan Kogan: the big farm corporations that have screwed
us over every step of the way in

Jonathan Kogan: this sketch ball honestly i want to
just say he's a mess murderer I'm hoping

Jonathan Kogan: with my heart that he doesn't know
what bad he's doing but everything looks like

Jonathan Kogan: he's really like a socio pat zero
kill i don't really know how to put

Jonathan Kogan: it I'm sorry sorry to be honest
that's how i feel we don't know yet

Jonathan Kogan: maybe he just doesn't know and he's
trying to do good we believe in people

Jonathan Kogan: but it's not adding up that way
that all of a sudden these criminals had

Jonathan Kogan: a change of heart and want to
save the world in two thousand nineteen thousand

Jonathan Kogan: twenty all of a sudden the worst
criminals in the history of crime who frazer

Jonathan Kogan: guilty of paying the largest criminals fine
ever like billion dollars all of a sudden

Jonathan Kogan: met jesus and their holy savior of
the energy of the cos i was like

Jonathan Kogan: we now want to change our ways
and save the earth and i was like

Jonathan Kogan: yeah we believe and you flies are
we love you build gates these were always

Jonathan Kogan: criminals these were always criminals how that's
what the mass formation psychosis does when when

Jonathan Kogan: you get put into a state of
fear when you are really in a state

Jonathan Kogan: of fear which is what you were
like lyin no matter it's not about intellect

Jonathan Kogan: it's not about any of that if
you are in a state of fear your

Jonathan Kogan: thoughts can be controlled by somebody else
and they have very intelligent propaganda tactics been

Jonathan Kogan: used for decades like psychological warfare make
you do stuff against your own will that's

Jonathan Kogan: what took place like this is a
crazy crazy coordinated attack on us on the

Jonathan Kogan: people all right let me get back
to it i just had to say that

Jonathan Kogan: like all of a sudden these people
ovisly had change of heart for the first

Jonathan Kogan: time ever to save the world no
they created this pandemic and then all of

Jonathan Kogan: a sudden the criminals had the solution
to get us out get out of here

Jonathan Kogan: if you believe that you are the
conspiracy theorist he just got pied in the

Jonathan Kogan: face oh

Jonathan Kogan: m

Jonathan Kogan: ah ah

Jonathan Kogan: the world i

Jonathan Kogan: the

Jonathan Kogan: nothing to see here

Jonathan Kogan: which by the way this is from
the c d c itself from the u

Jonathan Kogan: k government they now say it could
be dangerous and pregnant women should not get

Jonathan Kogan: it that is the u k governments

Jonathan Kogan: a

Jonathan Kogan: m

Jonathan Kogan: this is important

Jonathan Kogan: yeah

Jonathan Kogan: yeah

Jonathan Kogan: oh

Jonathan Kogan: the

Jonathan Kogan: that's what's amazing is that india and
a lot of africa those two particular places

Jonathan Kogan: know of the billmen gates foundation and
their history of wrong doings but yet two

Jonathan Kogan: thousand nineteen two thousand twenty it's like
they totally forgot now if you do your

Jonathan Kogan: research and people in india and a
lot of africa there's massive protests against bill

Jonathan Kogan: gates and all them like they know
what now and they always did but because

Jonathan Kogan: of that fear you forget you don't
it doesn't matter you do as you're told

Jonathan Kogan: and so india and many countries in
africa are very very aware of them because

Jonathan Kogan: you're goin to hear more about their
history their track worker just isn't good so

Jonathan Kogan: just listen to this i employ to
listen with an open mind open heart even

Jonathan Kogan: if you like bill man there's no
problem with that just taking all of the

Jonathan Kogan: information from all sides and then use
your own critical thinking to come your own

Jonathan Kogan: conclusion it might be a different it's
not about the conclusion you come to in

Jonathan Kogan: decision making it's about the process in
which you come to that conclusion i don't

Jonathan Kogan: what answer you get to in anything
i care that you use the process and

Jonathan Kogan: the critical thinking skills that you've been
given since birth to evaluate all data and

Jonathan Kogan: think for yourself yeah the conclusion it's
irrelevant youre allowed to conclude whatever you want

Jonathan Kogan: but the process is imperative don't just
take orders and be obedient listen to all

Jonathan Kogan: sides and critically think critically to come
to your own conclusions that's my point

Jonathan Kogan: you

Jonathan Kogan: no pun tended

Jonathan Kogan: okay

Jonathan Kogan: this is honore j jamal c holly
new jersey state representative democrat

Jonathan Kogan: yeah

Jonathan Kogan: ah

Jonathan Kogan: a

Jonathan Kogan: that's what's so fascinating and i've talked
about so many times people the big push

Jonathan Kogan: back when you push against the narrative
s oh you're doing this to better yourself

Jonathan Kogan: when going against the narrative is literally
the worst thing you could do for your

Jonathan Kogan: life your reputation getting smeared going with
the narrative brings you the great results the

Jonathan Kogan: short term great results that argument and
hold oh you're doing this podcast for money

Jonathan Kogan: no the people that are making money
of ther ones taking bribes like c n

Jonathan Kogan: n and telling you lies it's actually
the opposite everything s opposite it's crazy so

Jonathan Kogan: my little tit bit there's not much
more left by the way

Jonathan Kogan: we will fight for them on this
podcast all the african children and they're so

Jonathan Kogan: damn cute ridiculous shouldn't have to go
through this garbage they can't walk they're showing

Jonathan Kogan: them limping around God they all have
like prosit legs and braces on God damn

Jonathan Kogan: you bilmwillindigate so wrong vaccine induced paralysis
calls for action says study my heart my

Jonathan Kogan: heart goes out to all of you
does saving more lives lead to over population

Jonathan Kogan: what

Jonathan Kogan: hold on bill gates anybody out there
you don't get to decide to block out

Jonathan Kogan: the sun you don't get to make
that decision who are these people that think

Jonathan Kogan: that they are were hired to play
God first of all you weren't even voted

Jonathan Kogan: for to play anything and you're definitely
not supposed to play God get out of

Jonathan Kogan: here and then what's coming next is
satellites that they're launching into orbit to survey

Jonathan Kogan: everything that you do please send this
to somebody who is still asleep we had

Jonathan Kogan: to wake the whole world up and
block bill gates out of the earth damn

Jonathan Kogan: can't block the damn sun it's not
our choice crazy man crazy crazy yeah

Jonathan Kogan: I'm not about that

Jonathan Kogan: you've all know harari he talks about
all the time do the skin

Jonathan Kogan: can we also have one that says
who's a psychopath so we know where you

Jonathan Kogan: are bill gates

Jonathan Kogan: he

Jonathan Kogan: m

Jonathan Kogan: oh okay does anybody have a problem
with flying syringes in the form of a

Jonathan Kogan: mosquito that imuniizes you whatever that word
is that puts a vaccine in your blood

Jonathan Kogan: like bill gate says we just shoot
it into the veins of children this isn't

Jonathan Kogan: a game and if we don't give
our consent not only is flying syringes in

Jonathan Kogan: the form of squitoes that put stuff
in your body against your will that's not

Jonathan Kogan: even that's a violent norberg and a
violation of just humanity that is so evil

Jonathan Kogan: and wrong ask people if they want
to get it give it to them if

Jonathan Kogan: they don't back off back off and
no matter what back off the damn children

Jonathan Kogan: can't stand it don't touch our children
ever when are we going to rise up

Jonathan Kogan: people feel like I'm alone here can
we get some support for the children does

Jonathan Kogan: anyone love children should we haven't danced
on poles with with guys just girls showing

Jonathan Kogan: their bulls come on it's not okay
they're normalizing the most outlandish stuff it's not

Jonathan Kogan: normal that's not normal when think about
it when you grew up did your parents

Jonathan Kogan: take you to drag queens shows where
they dance on poles or did that happen

Jonathan Kogan: when you were like older than eighteen
and twenty one and you went to a

Jonathan Kogan: strip club come on come on what's
going on come on it's no secret come

Jonathan Kogan: on to it oh

Jonathan Kogan: oh and here we go baby the
favorite part of the podcast standing in at

Jonathan Kogan: six foot one and trufficing young girls
and young boys there wealthy elite across the

Jonathan Kogan: world you know every country and having
surveylance cameras all over the plantation the want

Jonathan Kogan: they only king jeffry astute

Jonathan Kogan: before we continue there's nothing to see
here okay

Jonathan Kogan: oh

Jonathan Kogan: yeah

Jonathan Kogan: i think these are the two biggest
criminals in definitely of whoever is alive today

Jonathan Kogan: but all time criminals all time this
will go in the record books as two

Jonathan Kogan: of the biggest smacks ever

Jonathan Kogan: it it was just philanthropy listening it's
just philanthropy so we need to have sex

Jonathan Kogan: with underaged girls against their will and
we need to send mosquitoes to immuniize people

Jonathan Kogan: who don't say yes it's just philanthropy
just philanthropy so what you kill a few

Jonathan Kogan: hundred thousand million people it doesn't matter
just say you can go next time when

Jonathan Kogan: someone psycho out there goes and commits
a murder on trial they should say it

Jonathan Kogan: was for philanthropy and you get right
off it's over you just give go right

Jonathan Kogan: out the court door

Jonathan Kogan: because he loves you oh he loves
your child probably

Jonathan Kogan: he was so giving

Jonathan Kogan: would almost think he was a bad

Jonathan Kogan: we all do we all hope he's
doing it could cause just hard to make

Jonathan Kogan: that conclusion this is from hedgehogs two
thousand sixteen uh

Jonathan Kogan: there will be

Jonathan Kogan: no big deal we'll just skip the
human trials ah yeah let's go for it

Jonathan Kogan: ah

Jonathan Kogan: yes i love blankets it's like a

Jonathan Kogan: get a vaccine and get a blanket
a do not

Jonathan Kogan: whatever

Jonathan Kogan: phase three thirty thousand participants from adorn

Jonathan Kogan: yeah yeah

Jonathan Kogan: m even effective

Jonathan Kogan: yeah

Jonathan Kogan: it was a minor one

Jonathan Kogan: oh hong kong protest twenty nineteen ah
by the way i need to say this

Jonathan Kogan: again for all you depopulation promoters that's
fine but volunteer yourself first a new study

Jonathan Kogan: just came out zero percent of people
who want to depopulation are volunvolunteering themselves for

Jonathan Kogan: the trial zero per cent if you
want depopulation please volunteer

Jonathan Kogan: you didn't know you're just not as
you're just not as necessary you're not necessary

Jonathan Kogan: you're not a whatever worker or whatever
they called it during the pandemic you're expendable

Jonathan Kogan: bill gates is not but you are
you re less than did anyone tell you

Jonathan Kogan: you are less than they tell you
let me tell you you're just not on

Jonathan Kogan: the same playing field as the warriors
of cloud swab of bill gates of henry

Jonathan Kogan: kiss and joe joe bob you're just
not you're not you're just a peasant we

Jonathan Kogan: don't need you they need we need
them we need those strong leaders who care

Jonathan Kogan: about it so much but you we
don't need you get out of here we

Jonathan Kogan: need you we don't need them let's
get the story straight opposite day again

Jonathan Kogan: a oh this is scary these it's
showing videos of police and people's houses dragging

Jonathan Kogan: them out against their will this is
really freaky dragging people while they're wearing body

Jonathan Kogan: cost you know masks

Jonathan Kogan: this is tyranny i it's a cop
a cop choking this girl for not wearing

Jonathan Kogan: a mask

Jonathan Kogan: i i

Jonathan Kogan: pulling a girl out of the pool

Jonathan Kogan: oh

Jonathan Kogan: we're on the same team come on
people snitch on the elite oh my God

Jonathan Kogan: there's a place over just tackled a
woman head first to the ground people yelling

Jonathan Kogan: at each other

Jonathan Kogan: can this happen

Jonathan Kogan: i want did you hear that it's
not that tyranny usually takes over people voluntarily

Jonathan Kogan: over time give away their civil liberties
because you're you're doing a trade off you're

Jonathan Kogan: giving away for this illusion of security
of being protected by the government by the

Jonathan Kogan: powers that be so you will give
them out everything take this away take away

Jonathan Kogan: the sun take away all this as
long as you'll keep me safe keep me

Jonathan Kogan: safe this is a ex book tyranny
take over by people voluntarily giving away their

Jonathan Kogan: liberties we must stop we must resist
we must keep our liberties because i don't

Jonathan Kogan: want to give it to mind so
therefore you have to keep yours and we

Jonathan Kogan: need to resist next time you walk
into a place and they everyone like i

Jonathan Kogan: was at the hospital and everybody had
a mask on and i just my girl

Jonathan Kogan: and i just walked in I'm like
we're not you know just walk in if

Jonathan Kogan: they ask you you'd be like i
don't have a mask right and then they

Jonathan Kogan: have to go find it and so
every pers who walks in does that where

Jonathan Kogan: they have to go away stops up
and then go run and get a mask

Jonathan Kogan: and go through a on say you
know forget it I'm done I'm not going

Jonathan Kogan: to do it that's how we get
the liberties back and let me tell you

Jonathan Kogan: a good story that happened in that
hospital ninety nine percent of people had a

Jonathan Kogan: mask on we walked in throughout the
whole building talked to a tone of people

Jonathan Kogan: without a mask ever on and nobody
said a word you know why because the

Jonathan Kogan: people have awakened and the people are
sick of the tyranny ere taking our world

Jonathan Kogan: back baby we are taking our planet

Jonathan Kogan: unbelievable how did he know just what
happens we have pandemics

Jonathan Kogan: oh

Jonathan Kogan: oh

Jonathan Kogan: oh yeah oh

Jonathan Kogan: yeah wow you have been telling people
that this is the eleventh hour now you

Jonathan Kogan: must go and tell the people that
this is the hour and there are things

Jonathan Kogan: to be considered where are you living
what are you doing what are your relationships

Jonathan Kogan: are you in right relation where is
your water now your garden it is time

Jonathan Kogan: to speak your truth create your community
be good to each other and do not

Jonathan Kogan: look outside yourself for your leader all
that we do now must be done in

Jonathan Kogan: a sacred manner and in celebration we
are the ones we've been waiting for my

Jonathan Kogan: God I'm an emotional hope elders prophecy
oh my God that's incredible i really hope

Jonathan Kogan: you enjoyed that i hope you're still
with me at the end of year let

Jonathan Kogan: me tell you a story you're going
to tell your kids oh man I'm emotional

Jonathan Kogan: there was this crazy thing that happened
this pandemic this virus that shut down all

Jonathan Kogan: the economies across the world and everyone
lost their jobs and inflation went through the

Jonathan Kogan: roof and our money became worth nothing
and we and we almost lost everything but

Jonathan Kogan: we created our human network and we
created our communities and we built a better

Jonathan Kogan: world for our kids oh my God
so emotional and that's an we did it

Jonathan Kogan: for you guys we have to do
it for the kids we have to

Jonathan Kogan: i have nothing else to say share
this with someone who needs to hear it

Jonathan Kogan: I think it's really really important I
love you have an amazing day sorry for

Jonathan Kogan: geting emotional at the end but we
need to rebuild this place for our kids

Jonathan Kogan: let's do the right thing let's come
together have an amazing day amazing night I

Jonathan Kogan: love you everyone loves you subscribe to
the Jonathan Kogan show link is in the

Jonathan Kogan: show now share with one person let's
take this thing to the top all right

Jonathan Kogan: I love you until tomorrow by