Padel Smash Academy

We're excited to bring you an insightful interview with Carlos Arocha, the founder of The Lob Padel. Discover how The Lob Padel is making high-quality Padel rackets affordable without compromising on performance and style. Carlos will discuss the innovative use of materials like 3K and 12K carbon fiber and Kevlar, ensuring durability and lightweight handling. Learn how these cost-effective rackets are tailored for all skill levels, from beginners to professionals, offering an unmatched blend of control, power, and affordability. Tune in to explore the perfect balance of quality and economy in Padel rackets, only on Padel Smash Academy. Subscribe for more Padel insights and tips!

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What is Padel Smash Academy?

Hey Padel enthusiasts welcome to Padel Smash Academy, I am Cesc and I am here with Julian and we're all about Padel! Whether you're new to the sport or an experienced player, you've come to the right place. Our goal is to provide you with the best tips & tricks, news, and weekly lessons to help you improve your game and take your Padel to the next level. So grab your Padel Racket and let's get started with all things Padel on Padel Smash Academy.

That's a great price, man, for the Padel.

And that's a great racket.

You know, I always I mean, Julian
always are looking for Padels, right?

Like we're looking for wine, right?

You have a hundred dollar wine,
bottle of wine, but you're always

looking out for that 15 bottle of
wine that's just as good, right?

Yes, correct.

That's the same quality
and great taste, you know?

We are All Things Padel.

I was introduced to Padel four years ago.

I used to play baseball, actually.

Um, I've been in e
commerce for 10 years now.

So I've been developing some products.

I usually do auto parts.

But since I, in, I was introduced
to Padel, I got, um, the idea

with a friend, Raffa Ortega to
come up with, uh, Padel rackets.

So that's how we did it.

Great, great.

Um, so did you ever sell any
other type of pedal equipment?

I know that you're in
an e-commerce business.

No, no.

Uh, my main business always been auto
parts, like I said, and other products,

you know, like, um, some products for
e-commerce, you know, so never Padel.


So how were you introduced to Padel?

Like how did you start playing?

Well, uh, it's a funny story.

Uh, we were in, um, in vacation in
Puerto Rico playing like beach tennis.

So when we came back to the U S we
were very like, we came back to Miami.

We were like, we're going
to keep playing, you know?

Um, some of our friends say
we know a sport called Padel.

So we went and try it.

And since that day I never
played baseball, never played

other sports than Padel.

So did you play any other
racquet sports before?


So you played baseball though, right?


And so where was it, where was
the club that you played at?

That was in Edgewater, the Real Padel.

Oh, Real Padel.

That was the first one, yeah.

Wow, wow, wow.

And, uh, what year was that?

When was that, before
COVID or after COVID?

That was right before COVID.

Right before COVID.


And did you see a big swarm of people
start playing after COVID, right?

I mean, since we started, we started
looking like, this is gonna grow, man.

This is a fun sport.

Uh, I started like bringing
friends and they're all excited.

That's all.

We saw it coming, you know.

And you see the level of
playing a lot higher now, right?

In the next two, three years, right?

Yeah, of course.

Yeah, pretty amazing.

Okay, so how did you get into
creating, uh, you know, these rackets?

I mean, how did that come to be?

I mean, did you always have that idea, or?

Were you introduced to somebody
that offered you a racket?

I mean, how did that,
how did that come to be?

Well, like I said, I was, I was,
I was always checking e commerce,

you know, checking Amazon, like you
never see a lot of rackets there.


So, you know how expensive they are.


So, we started looking people
like, uh, their expenses, what

should I buy and all that.

So, that's when.

We say, Hey, we might have an
idea to come with a good rocket.

That's going to be also affordable.

So we were doing some research.

I have connection in China with
manufacturers and all that.

So I just started doing some calls
and getting some research on it

and we found a good manufacturer
and we said, let's do it.

I mean, we, we, there is
some opportunity to bring.

Para rackets are affordable for
people that want to start in

the sport and they don't want to
spend 300 on a racket, you know.

So is that your market?

Is that, uh, beginners or people just
getting introduced into the sport?

Is that who your market is?

I would say that, yes.

Wow, that's, that's great.

I mean, I, I think, I think a lot
of times people are a little lost.

They're, they're renting, uh, their
Padels at the rackets at the clubs

and they're not really sure what, what
to buy, you know, and you're right.

I mean, uh, a lot of these
rackets now are 300 to $400.


It's pretty extreme.

And, and a lot of, you know, these
beginners, umm, not sure if they

wanna invest that, that, that amount.


So let's talk a little
bit about the Padels.

Number one.

Um, where are they from?

Where are they made?

We are manufacturing in China.

We dis, we decided here, um,
we came up with a, we wanted

to do a minimalist, uh, design.


You know, something very, very clear.

Very, very, not so many stuff on it.

So, we design it here and
then we manufacture in China.

Okay, so now you said the design, the
design, exterior design, but how about

the, the, the, how about the research
and development of the actual Padel,

meaning like the materials that were
used, uh, the foam, um, you know,

the weight, the design of the head.

How did you come up with that or were you
just limited to what the manufacturer had?


So, uh, what, what, uh, what
we did was we wanted to do the

three models of the puddles.

So let's say we have the round
shape, we have the, the drop

shape and the diamond shape.

So that's where we started.

So what, what shape we wanted, we
wanted a little bit for, of everything.


So then we wanted quality, uh, price
and quality, of course, but on the

quality, we focus on three type of
quality, which focus on 3k carbon.

On the beginner one, on the round shape.

Then we did a drop shape.

We did it with 12K carbon.

On the pro, we did a Kevlar.


So is that something that they had
or is that something you requested?

Uh, they offered us.

We tried it.

Of course, we did samples with
many manufacturers, of course.

The one where we like it, we did a Kevlar.

And we love it.

We really like it.

How about the foam?

Did you have choice and you know, how,
what type of foam you wanted in there?

Yes, we did a 15, Eva 15 black.


That's the, the tough one.


We wanted some, because we wanted
like, if you're a beginner.

Even though you start to playing, we want
you to feel like you can, you hit it hard.

Right, right, right, right.

That's where we Comes off the record fast.

Yeah, that's where you
get excited on the score.

Sure, sure.

Okay, so let's talk about the first line.

You have, um, these right here.



Um, it's, it's a beautiful design.

I mean, uh, you did a great job.

And this is a round, round head here.


And you have, what, four different colors?

Four different colors on the round ones.

So kind of like an aqua, uh,
uh, tan or brown, uh, kind of

a pink and then a blue, right?

And this is, um, okay,
so what's exterior here?

You said this is carbon?

Yes, 3K carbon.

3K carbon, which is, which is good carbon.

Fiber is expensive compared
to fiberglass, right?

And how about the, the foam?

It's the same, ever 15 black.

Ever 15 black, right.

So I played with this one.


You know, um, and, um, here,
I'll show you, I'll show you

a little bit of clip here.

And for me it was, uh, you
know, it was a little, little

soft, you know what I'm saying?

Um, the weight was in the center, which
was, it's an easy Padel to use for me.

So this is a very good
beginner's, um, Padel.

Um, little more control in the back wall.

Um, but when it came to volleying and
hitting hard, it, you know, it, it,

it didn't come out as fast as as, as
I wanted to, but this is a good, I

think beginner's Padel, uh, again, the
weight's more in the center, so it's not.

You know, too heavy on your hand and
the colors are really, really nice.

Um, so who would you recommend this for?

Well, I recommend this for
someone that's starting to play.

Um, women and men.

It doesn't matter that we wanted
to also look good on the court.

So you have like this aqua one.

It's very nice.

We have, uh, the sun.

It's very popular.

And we have the pink one.

That's, that's also been very,
very like for, um, Yeah, so you

guys made the design yourself?


I think you guys did a great job.

It's very, uh, clean, easy,
and it's, it's really nice.

Yeah, and something that I wanted
to add, something that I also, we're

talking, uh, like clubs, um, also
people like, uh, for the company or

gift, we have this space here to add.

Maybe a logo or a name of the club,
you know, so you're able to do that.

You're able to customize it.


And do you have to order
a minimum amount or?

No, no.


And what would, what is
the extra cost to that?

Uh, we're doing five dollars.

Five dollars.


Yeah, that's, that's great.

And so what's the weight to this?

So they're all, they're all
around 360 and 370, you know, it

changed because they're handmade.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

So 360 through 370 grams.

Okay, so let's check it out.

I gotta, I gotta I'm gonna wear it here.

So, this is about 3.



Which I think is really, really perfect
and light for, especially for women who,

you know, it, it, it, you know, after
the third set, your, your, your arm

is starting to hurt here a little bit.

And they should be holding it
here, but if you're not, you know,

it's gonna start to hurt here.

So, this is a good, you know, light.

Okay, so let's talk about the, uh, the
other two, okay, um, I think we're going

to talk about We can start with this one.

This one?


So what, what is this one here?

I will say that one's the intermediate.


It's called like that.

We have a drop shape,
uh, with a 12K carbon.

So, um, you get a, uh, a
little more power on it.

But you still, you won't lose control.

So, we made two colors on that one.

We have the gray one and we also
have the black one right here.

Okay, so you have two.


Two of the varieties, right?


Okay, so I also use this too.

Uh, check it out.

Um, okay, so let's go
over the details on this.

Obviously, this looks like
more of a diamond head, right?


Okay, and you said this
is 12k carbon fiber?


Which is amazing, you know?

I mean, that's what, you know, most of
the, you know, best Padels right now

are made out of, you know, carbon fiber.

Um, and how about the foam?

The foam, we use the same foam.

The same foam?


Okay, okay.

So I, I, I like this one, um, you
know, I felt, you know, um, it wasn't

as hard as, as, as the other one, but
I felt has a little bit more control,

you know, I, I like the feel of it.

I mean, the, the weight was a
little bit on the, on the, on

the top end here, the bounce.

So you got a little bit more oomph
when, when you, when you hit that ball.

Um, good volleying, um, good
de ballers and bandejas.

Um, how much do you say this weighs?

Uh, same.

This should be around 360.

Okay, let's check it out.

Wow, so this one weighs, uh, 350.

Oh, slower.

So, this is pretty amazing.

Um, because usually When you get carbon
fiber and you get kind of a more of a

firmer, uh, you know, foam, um, like
higher end Padel, uh, you're usually

at 365, 370, and you could feel it, you
know, definitely after the third set,

you know, regardless if you're, you know,
supporting it with your, your hands.

So, I really like this one.

I think this is a good
You know, a good Padel.

Definitely for somebody who's a
beginner, who likes the weight

a little bit more on the top.

Um, this is, I think, a good Padel here.

Well, that was my favorite since
we started and since we got him.

That's been my favorite.

I changed to the pro one.

I wanted some more powerful.

We'll talk about it.

But that one I like a lot.

That one I like a lot.

Great racket.

Great racket.

And also, I didn't add Uh, on the
price on the first ones, uh, we,

they will, they'll be around $80.

So these right here are $80?



And so how can they, where,
where can they get them?

Uh, we're gonna be on Amazon and Okay.

Also our Shopify.

Okay, great, great.

Our, yes.

So, alright, I'll put your
information down here below.



And here in Miami.

Of course, if you are.

You can get it locally, then, right?

Alright, so then, uh, what is
the price, then, of, of these?

This, this one right here.

That'll be around 120.




Wow, great, great, great.

I mean, that's, that's a great
price, man, for the Padel.

And that's a great racket.

You know, you know, you know,
I always I mean, Julian always

are looking for Padels, right?

Like we're looking for wine, right?

You have a 100 wine, bottle of wine, but
you're always looking out for that 15

bottle of wine that's just as good, right?

Yes, correct.

Has the same quality and
great taste, you know?

So let's talk about the next one.

Um, this is pretty unique.

Um, I've never played with
a Kevlar Padel before.

Uh, it was the first time,
uh, and check it out.

So, uh, let's talk a
little bit about this.

Um, how did you come up with Kevlar?

Like, you know, Hey, I want to
use a Kevlar, you know, Padel.

How did that come up to be?

Well, you know, uh, the, the next,
the next, uh, quality, you have 18 K

carbon on, on all on all these brands.

So we try and we try the 18 K carbon, but
we also have the option for the cabler.

So let's, we, we see
like, let's check it out.

So what we get on this
Padel, it's a very.

Powerful racket, you know, so you maybe
don't have the all the control that

you that maybe you need at a time But
if you're looking for power, if you

want to smash you have powerful player,
you'll see the difference, right?

But you keep the racket light.

So the Kevlar is a is a it's a material
that they use on Life jackets they

use on the police using in all those
the military using helicopter and all

the stuff Yeah, so if you ever get an
argument with you know, your opponent

And he pulls up a firearm, you just put
it right there and you'll be just fine.

All right.

So, um, all right.

So continue going Kevlar, right?


So the light, it's light, but powerful.

Um, we did it, you know, we did it.

We started doing some testing.

We got some players, um, like pro arm
that they try and they say they like it.

So it is.

Let's do it like that and we, we can also
be on the ranch price that we wanted.

So, okay.

So for, for me, I use this and at
the net, uh, for volleys, for my

vibras, obviously for smashes, it was
like, wow, you know what I'm saying?

I, it was, it was, uh, it was great.

Um, when it came to my basic, you
know, um, shots and my back wall.

Uh, I didn't struggle a little
bit, but, you know, I had to put

a little bit more, more effort.

I am accustomed to a, you know,
uh, um, a, what do you call it,

a stiffer and harder Padel.

Um, but if you're not used to,
you know, playing with a Padel,

it's very, very hard because the
ball is going to come right out.

It's not even going to go in at all.

It's just going to come right out.

So, you know, um, if you're not used to
that, you know, this may not be for you.

But if you're somebody who definitely
comes from tennis or plays aggressive,

left sides, likes to smash, support
three, uh, or does a lot of vibras,

this might, or good volleys, uh, this
might be a Padel that you might like.

Um, okay.

And so this weighs,
what, about three sixes?


So let's check it out, man.

I mean, if this thing's light,
I think it's gonna be great.

Yeah, so we're at 357.

You know, if you put on, and
this is with a grip, right?

Yes, that's how it is.

That's 357 with a grip.

Grips are around 4 or 5 grams.

So, we're probably around 355.

I mean, that's pretty amazing,
uh, for a couple of reasons.

Number one, you have a little
bit of weight on the top,

and obviously you have power.

But the lighter the Padel is,
the faster you can hit that ball.

So, the speed and the power
is gonna give you a lot more.

You know, uh, performance when it comes
to power and smashing, you know, um, okay.

So how much is this?

That'll be around 150.


Yeah, we also added a smart strap.

So you will feel comfortable
on playing, you know.


Do all of them come with that?


I definitely like these straps.

These are kind of known
in the Nox, uh, straps.

And I always kind of like
these a little bit better.

Um, and all of them
come with this, correct?

All come with it.


And who would you say
this is made for then?

I'll say for a, uh, a
very aggressive player.

You know, that likes So do you use this?

I use that one.

You use this a lot?

I can see when you use it and
why you would use it, you know?

Um, it's the first time I used it.

Uh, you know, I liked it.

It is definitely stiff.

So you got to get used to it.

So it's not for everybody.

And how's the durability?

I can see, you know, you I already did it.

I already did it.

Yeah, yeah.

So, uh, how is the durability
Kevlar versus a, say,

carbon fiber and fiberglass?

I know carbon fiber is stronger
than fiberglass, but how is Kevlar?

The Kevlar, I will say it's
a little less durability.

It has a little less
durability than the carbon.

This has been very impressive.

I mean, I have the gray one.

Uh, we play a tournament in
Connecticut, in powerhouses, like.

One month ago, I had it like two months
ago and it's right, I have it right there.

It's just perfect.

So on, on the carbon, you see they, they
last, you know, they last on this one.

If you hit it hard to your partner
or to the walls, yeah, maybe

you're going to get cracked.

Regardless, you know, if you're playing
three, you know, two, three, four times

a week, I mean, you should probably
consider, you know, your, your, your

phone breaks down after six months.


You should be considering
purchasing a new Padel.

You're running from six to ten
months and you know, anyways, right?



All right.

So what are your goals for this brand?

The Lob.

I mean, our goals.

The main goal is to get people to start
playing the sport, you know, get more,

more, more people, um, of course, having
the branding in all clubs, uh, having

the brand on, uh, stores also, uh,
around the country, uh, around the world.

We have, uh, we have already, we've
already been working in other people

with other countries, you know,
because of the, of the price and

the affordability that we have.

So having the brand in most, uh,
courts and stores as possible.


Um, so did you already start
doing that or is that in 2024?

I would say 2024.

We started like, we started talking.

We already, we already received the, the
first, uh, merchandise like two weeks ago.



Oh, pretty exciting, huh?





So then, you know, what is going to
be the, I know you just put these out,

but when do you think you're going
to do the next generation of Padels?

You know, I know usually typically
most, most companies do every

year or every other year.

Are you going to follow the same suit?

I don't think so.

You know, we, we're
trying to keep it simple.


We, we, we might, we might in
the future add some colors.

We might change the model, but
we're trying to keep it simple.

So we can keep that price, you know,
keep that affordable, affordable.

We don't, we don't want to be so
much over, like, over the head to

just start inventing stuff and then
we have to add some costs on it.


We wanted to, people that, they
usually maybe play once a week,

twice a week, so they have the racket
there, you know, they don't have

to be changing and spending money.

That's true, you add some R& D into it,
you know, it costs you money, so obviously

you have to make it back somewhere, so
you have to add it to the Padels, right?

Uh, do you see for yourself, uh,
Producing any other products, you know

balls or bags or anything like that.

We're already doing hats We have
the hats and we have some shirts.

We might doing some clothing in the
future That's something that that

we're interested something about the
sport that I like a lot since I play.

Uh I played baseball, uh, in college, um,
you like to be part of a team, you know,

so that's something that we have in mind
that get people like, have like their

uniform, you know, like, you know, I'm
part of the Love Padel team, you know,

so that it's like belong to, to that.

I think that's very important.

That's very exciting.

And because you start playing
tournaments and then you go with

your racket, you have your hat and.

So the clothing, I think that'll be
a good challenge and that's something

they're very interested to do.


And, um, so both men and women, correct?

Yes, of course.

Right, right, right.

All right, Carlos, thank you for
joining us at Padel Smash and

we wish you all the luck in 2024.

Thank you very much.

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