The Lucas Skrobot Show

Cleon Skousen, in the book "The Naked Communist," documented 45 Not-So-Secret-Goals of the communist/socialist/marxist party to destroy morality, and prosperity in order to bring about the bloody revolution they dream of . . . most of it has come to pass.

Show Notes

Time Stamps
There is no conspiracy 00:00
Adopting bad ideas led to 100 Million deaths 00:05:11
45 Communist Goals 00:11:05
1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war. 00:11:55
2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war. 00:13:08
3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength. 00:14:52
4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war. 00:15:26
5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites. 00:16:17
6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination. 00:17:01
7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N. 00:17:26
8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev's promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N. 00:17:50
9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress. 00:18:29
10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N. 00:20:06
11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.) 00:20:21
12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party. 00:20:55
13. Do away with all loyalty oaths. 00:21:59
14. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office. 00:22:21
15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States. 00:23:07
16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights. 00:23:18
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks. 00:23:54
18. Gain control of all student newspapers. 00:24:42
19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack. 00:24:49
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions. 00:25:16
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures. 00:25:46
22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms." 00:26:07
23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art." 00:27:04
24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press. 00:27:16
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. 00:28:12
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy." 00:29:03
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch." 00:29:26
28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state." 00:30:06
29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis. 00:30:48
30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man." 00:31:24
31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over. 00:31:42
32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc. 00:32:01
33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus. 00:33:11
34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities. 00:34:02
35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI. 00:34:37
36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions. 00:34:52
37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business. 00:35:25
38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat]. 00:35:58
39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals. 00:37:36
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce. 00:38:42
41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents. 00:38:55
42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ["]united force["] to solve economic, political or social problems. 00:43:00
43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government. 00:43:26
44. Internationalize the Panama Canal. 00:44:31
45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction [over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction] over nations and individuals alike. 00:44:39
Conclusion 00:46:02
Why do we discuss marxist and postmodern ideologies so much on the show? 00:47:59
Value for Value 00:49:52
Outro 00:50:45

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I have a confession to make to you.

There is no conspiracy taking place.

What is the conspiracy you might ask?

But the definition of a conspiracy,
according to Oxford is a secret

plan by a group to do something on
lawful or harmful calling something.

A conspiracy theory has been
a clever way to write off and

dismiss claims with evidence.

Of wrongdoing on either side of the aisle,
the word conspiracy has been transformed

into meaning something that is unprovable
fear, mongering meth, but in reality, a

conspiracy is just that a secret plan by a
group to do something harmful or unlawful.

But aha, here it is.

What happens?

What happens if the secret plan isn't.

What happens if it's a public plan
to do something harmful or unlawful?

Is it now still a conspiracy?

Well, in a 1963 document that was
presented to the U S Congress in it,

it lays out 45 communist strategies
to destroy sane, decent moral society.

Not just in America, but across the globe.

Why to establish a
quote-unquote new world order?

What is it, a new world order?

It's again, one of these things that
we throw around all the time, the

new world order, all it means is
the reshuffling of world power, a

restructuring of the structures of
society, so that they're not under a

capitalistic operation, but that this.

The operandum of society would
be controlled by the government

rather than by free markets.

Well, this document lays out this
plan of how to establish a new world

communist Marxist social order.

And you may know.

Let me roll your eyes and you may
say, oh yeah, see, that is, that is a

conspiracy that is conspiracy theorists
talking about the Illuminati and their

pyramids and their Freemasonry stuff.

We're not going to be talking about
any of that today, but here's the

real kicker, the Marxists who laid
out this master strategy for the new

world order, they would create it
through and with a straight face.

Be it.

And of course, that's what we want to do.

Of course, that's our strategy.

Of course, that's our plan.

We've been talking about it for decades.

This isn't anything new,
this isn't anything secret.

In fact, we're quite quite proud of this.

We're quite proud that this is
our plan and this is where the

power of gaslighting truly.

We have a plan to up and society
to reshuffle the structures, the

morality of not just America, but
the globe that historically has

destroyed a hundred million plus lives.

Not just because of.

The wars, but because of manmade
famines and genocides, the killings

of, of millions of people, they
want to upend family structures.


Well, according to them, family
structures are bad and we need

to create a new structure.

Even though we can see that with
the destruction of the family comes

a horrible, detrimental impact
on society that is quite harmful.

But, uh, yes, in one.

They are able to not only admit that
their plan is not secret, but they can say

this is actually not going to do any harm
because this, this is undoing the harmful

systems that currently exist in societies.

They're claiming the moral high ground a
virtue because you you're just too small.

And you don't know it, but
you're internally oppressed

by systems of the patriarchy.

And so we are actually
on a mission to free you.

These things that will harm
society, they're actually

not going to harm society.

They are going to free society.

So in some ways, the Marxist
really being truthful, truthful

that there is no conspiracy.

It is an open boldface agenda.

One claiming that they're destruction
of morality, because remember under the

Marxist worldview, there is no such thing
as morality or justice is all about power.

So their destruction of morale.

And the harm that they will inflict
on society is actually a good thing.

It's actually a good, Hey, it's Lucas
Skrobot and you're listening to Lucas

Skrobot show where we uncover purpose,
pursue truth and own the future.

It is well, we're actually
recording this on May 4th.

2020 to be with you episode 283, but
this is going to be airing on May 19th.

This is going to be a little
bit of a different episode

than what we normally do.

I've been, I've been traveling by
the time you're listening to this.

I've been traveling.

And so we prerecorded this so that we
still have content out to you this week.

Now we have mentioned this
document that we're going to be

discussing through in today's.

Uh, these 45 theories, these 45 strategies
that were presented to Congress saying

this is from communist writing, Marxist
writing material, our strategy to up end

Western civilization, capitalism, America
Judeo-Christian values where, what we

do up and that, and create a new system.

And this is a strategy that we
are going to use to do that.

We've we've mentioned this a
number of times on the show.

We have even went through a
number of these strategies

probably a year ago on their show.

But when I think through some of
the arguments that are being made

today, arguments that are centered
around ideas, like compassion

centered around ideas, like freedom
or caring for the least amount.

They're there.

Normally these arguments sound good.

They sound like, well, this is
actually probably a good idea.

I don't know why we, wouldn't
why we wouldn't want to do this.

And it can be easily easy to fall
into agreement with the strategies

that will lead to the destruction of
Judeo-Christian worldviews across.

Uh, capitalistic systems that have
helped billions across the world.

And ultimately, as we've seen through
history, it leads to the death of

hundreds of millions of people.

The 20th century was the bloodiest
century, probably in human history.

Now we could argue well that's
because there's been more people

than ever before in human history.

Oh, okay.

That's a fair argument.

We could argue.

Well, it's.

Industrialization of the military and
the fact that we have such incredible

weapons now that that is causing it to be
the bloodiest century of human history.

But in actuality, it is the ideas that
were adopted by societies that caused

us to have lived through one of the
bloodiest centuries of all human history.

It wasn't the industrialization of
weapons and war that led to 6 million

Jews being led to gas chambers.

Those were ideas.

Ideas led them to gas chambers.

It wasn't, it wasn't weapons that caused
man made famines throughout Ukraine,

Ukraine, Russia, the USSR famines.

Can we millions of people across China,
those were ideas that were adopted ideas.

Overthrow the ruling class that the
farmers who own land and are sustaining

for society, giving us our food supply.

We're going to take that over
and we're going to turn it over.

Really turned it over to the government,
but then give it to the workers, the

common man to farm, but then we're not
going to give them any share any reward.

It all goes back to the state and
it led, it ended up in hundreds of.

Tens of millions there, but across
the whole century, a hundred million

plus I'm dead to these communist
ideas that come here, Rouge and pull

pot, the killing fields in Cambodia.

That was not because they all of a
sudden had some amazing firepower.

It was because they adopt adopted ideas

to restructure society, which led to
the genocide of certain classes of.

So when we look through these, we're
gonna, we're gonna read through these

45 goals today, and we're, there'll be
some parts that we actually pause and

give some context and some commentary
and how it is actually come to pass.

But for the most part, we're
just going to be reading through

these goals to understand the
strategy that Marxists socialists

Progressive's have and what it's.

Many times we can get in these
conversations, uh, policies being put

forth, your ideas being put forth and
can sound good and we can fall for it.

But if we don't see that as actually part
of the larger grander strategy to destroy.

Foundation stones, foundation blocks or
the moral fabric of a nation to bring in

something destructive that we don't want.

If we don't have the foresight to see
that the things that we're agreeing

with will actually lead to things
that we don't agree with because

of the way they're being placed in
structured within policy, not just

in America and America, but across.

If we don't see that, then
we will fall to those traps.

And I don't want, personally, I don't
want to fall prey to those things

and I don't think you want to either.

So without any further ado, we're
going to read through this document

that was presented on January 10th,
1963 to Congress, the U S Congress.

And this is from Cleon Cluse
Kuson who wrote the naked,

the book, the naked communist.

Marxist communist socialist writings,
open public writings, not something

secret, not something hidden where they
lay out openly and publicly what their

strategy is to up and society, not through
military conflict, but through destroying

the systems that make the west strong.

So here is.

Number one us acceptance of
coexistence as the only alternative

to atomic war cannot on its face.

It sounds good.

This idea of coexistence, but in reality,
it is, we have peace right now in the

world because we have military strength.

And if we degregate military strikes,
For the sake of coexisting thinking

that everything can just be evil.

There are players global players in
the world who will use their military

strength and use atomic war to threaten
other nations to take over other nations.

And we're seeing it right
now with Russia and Ukraine.

We are seeing it right now and this idea
of coexisting and not being stressed.

But just becoming one of the gang
is a large strategy that they are

using, because if they can convince
America of doing that, then they

can actually use the weapons that
they have for a forcible takeover.

Point number two, these first couple of
points, we'll have a little bit more, uh,

a little bit more commentary on them as.

They're involving a number
of different policy issues.

Number two, us willingness to
capitulate in preference to

engaging in atomic warp course.

I don't want to see atomic war.

I doubt you want to see at atomic
war, it would be devastating.

And this is this point can't necessarily
be said to have been achieved yet or not

achieved yet as it really depends on.

Th the situation where the person that
is in power, but enlargement by and large

America has begun to capitulate on many
fronts in order to deter people from war.

And this is what we saw
with Russia and the Ukraine.

The U S is, is capitulating trying to.

Uh, PS, and this is what the
west and the UK did with Hitler.

They capitulated time and time again,
trying to make these appeasement,

which ended up leading to war.

There are times there are times
where the just and right path to

stopping the catastrophe is actually
to engage in war, to engage.

In the process of fighting against
powers that are looking to oppress other

peoples because by doing so, you cut it
off at the root and enable them not to

gain power, get number three, develop
the illusion that total disarmament

by the United States, it would be
a demonstration of moral strength.

And that has happened
to a movement to disarm.

The U S has been growing since the 1915.

And loot a unilateral disarmament was the
lifelong philosophy of a man named Paul

worky who negotiated the salt two treaties
with Russia between 1972 and 1979.

This idea of disarmament, which
we see prevalent in society today.

Number four, permit free trade
between all nations, regardless

of communist affiliation.

And regardless of whether
or not items could be.

For war, there was an act in 1951
called the mutual defense assistant

control act or known as the battle act,
which banned us economies from giving

reconstruction aid to countries who are
doing business with the Soviet union.

So their goal was to over throw that
and by and large today, the United

States gives aid to over 150 countries
across the globe, whether or not they.

We're worse, uh, Soviet satellites
or have ties with communism.

So in many ways, this has been, has
been achieved by the Marxist number

five extension of long-term loans
to Russia, Russian and satellite

Soviets, Soviet satellites.

Excuse me.

This has been a us policy since 1971.

And has continued through the decades.

And it's a great thing that America
is generous and gives aid to

stabilize other parts of the world.

Of course, it's been abused many a
times, but it is also a strategy by the

communists so that they can take those
resources in arm themselves against them.

Number six, provide American
aid to all nations, regardless

of communist domination.

As I said, us gives aid to over
150 countries and it doesn't

matter who their ruler is.

And doesn't matter if the ruler wants
to see the destruction of America.

Number seven, grant
recognition of red checks.

To the United nations and to admit
China into the United nations.

This was done in 1972 when
finally consummated in 1979.

So China is a part of
the UN accomplished goal.

Number eight set up east and west
Germany is separate states in spite

of the promises in 1955, to settle
the German question by free election

under the supervision of the UN.

And this is when we saw the wall
between east and west Germany, the

famous line tear down this wall,
portrait deck tear down this wall.

Again, this, this was achieved no longer.

Is it achieved?

These members are now part
of the UN the members of the

satellite states of the USSR.

Number nine, prolong the conferences
to ban atomic tests because the United

States has agreed to suspend tests.

As long as negotiations are in process.

Now, the,

the testing of nuclear weapons.

Has been suspended in 1996, I
believe September 30, 30th, 1996.

There was, uh, an amendment, a
law that was passed the Hatfield

Exxon Mitchell amendment, which
effectively stopped all testing in

the United States of atomic bombs.

The last time the U S
tested a nuke was in 1992.

The way they do it now is through.

Visible visualizations to test and using
small amounts of, of nuclear material

in grams to see how we would react.

But this was so that this is a goal
so that America couldn't continue to

develop their weapons and it gives
other people, other nations, the ability

to develop their nuclear arsenal.

Again, it's going against the.

The premise that if you are strong, then
you can create a peaceful atmosphere,

peaceful coalition, but when nations
are weak, it gives space for other

nations to rise up and create war.

Number 10, allow all Soviet
satellite individual rep allow

all Soviet satellites, individual
representation in the United nations.

And this is definitely happened.

11 promote the UN is the
only hope for mankind.

If its charter is rewritten demand, that
it be set up as a one-world government

with its own independent armed forces.

Some communist leaders believe the world
can be taken over as easily by the UN as

by Moscow, we have heard for many years.

That the UN really is the
only hope for mankind.

It is the moral and right
arbitrator of truth in the world.

This is definitely been accomplished.

12 resist, any attempt to
outlaw the communist party.

They did try to do that in America.

They tried to outlaw the communist
party, but that was overruled by

the U S Supreme court in 1956.

And it got to the point where it was
essentially saying this is a free speech.

It falls under free speech and people
are allowed to organize lecture and plot

to overthrow the U S government, as long
as they don't actually try to do it.

And I can understand why this would be,
because if you don't allow people to

talk against the government, the U S.

And then the U S government
becomes absolutely corrupt.

Well, then you have no recourse
and no ability to mobilize against

an absolutely corrupt government.

And so, but this, again, this is a,
uh, a talking point, a strategy of

the communists, and they've achieved
it 13, do away with all loyalty oats.

This is not necessarily
referring to the pledge.

But loyalty to the constitution.

And we've seen that loyalty to
America and to the constitution

degrade over the decades with many
people who are voted into power,

really not liking America at all.

Number 14, continue giving Russia
access to the us patent office.

Now, currently Russia does not
have access to the us patent office

because of the war in Ukraine.

They borrowed Russia from accessing
it up to a few months ago, Russia did

have access to the us patent office.

Now it's still, they would still be
the world trade organization, which

would be able to control whether or
not someone could steal something that

has happening in the us patent office.

But if corrupt people want to be
corrupt, they're going to still steal.

Weapontry and patents to
use for their own military.

So again, achieved number 15, capture
one or both of the political parties

in the United States definitely
achieved most likely the majority,

both parties use technical decisions
of the courts to weaken America basic

American institution by claiming
their activities violate civil rights.

A major time that this was done.

A major win was the Warren court in
1962, where it eliminated prayer in

public schools, Bible reading in public
schools and the teaching of Christian

Judeo values in public schools.

And I've seen where that has led society.

17 get control of the schools.

You use them as transmission
belts for social.

And current communist propaganda,
softened the curriculum, get

control of teachers associations
and put the party line in textbooks.

This is the whole war over
CRT, critical race theory.

Critical race theory is just an extension
of Marxist communist post modern theory.

We have seen the softening of
curriculum, even in higher education.

How many people are coming in?

Of the university with
liberal arts degrees.

I have a liberal arts degree
in gender studies in dance.

So this is definitely fully achieved.

Full-blown achieved 18 gain control
of all student newspapers achieved 19

U student, right, is riots to foment
public protests against programs or

organizations which are under communist.

Absolutely done.

We've seen from occupy wall
street to occupy whatever to BLM.

We've seen student riots dominate
American society for a decade plus

now, 20 infiltrate, the press get
control of book, review assignments,

editorial writing, and policy positions.



A hundred percent.

Here's a statistic to go with
this in 1983, 90% of the us media

was controlled by 50 companies.

In 2011, 90% is being controlled by
six companies, six companies control

the press and the media in America,
21 gain control of key positions in

radio, TV, and motion pictures, Disney.

This is the whole Disney
scandal that has been.

This is all a part of a greater Marxist
agenda to undermine society, undermine

morality 20 to continue discrediting
American culture by degrading

all forms of artistic expression.

An American communist cell was told
to eliminate all good sculptures from

parks and buildings and steps to sick
shapeless, awkward, meaningless forms.

It's very interesting how.

Translates into the things
we value and hold dear.

And the way we do things in society, BLM
was notorious for tearing down any sort of

historical or artistic sculptures or forms
that had a beautiful artistic expression

or told a story throughout history.

If you can destroy history, if you
can destroy art, if you can move

it from something that is beautiful
into something that is dark and.

You can degrade the human
mind and the human morality.

It's very interesting.

The spiritual impact apart.

Number 23, control art critics
and directors of museum.

Our plan is to promote ugliness
repulsive, meaningless art.

Fascinating that this is a goal
24 eliminate all laws governing

obscenities by calling them sensors.

And violation of free
speech and free press.

This was largely done and achieved when
the Supreme court made clarification's

over obscenity and Radhika and free
speech censorship, and essentially saying

that erotica pornography obscenities
it's all covered underneath free speech.

And this envelope is continuing to be.

Uh, of people saying, oh, it's maps,
it's minor attraction persons, the

person who is attracted to minors and
how that should be covered under freedom

of expression and freedom of speech.

But really it is a strategy to
destroy morality in America and the.

Breakdown cultural standards of
morality by promoting pornography

obscenity in books, magazines,
motion, pictures, radio, and TV.

Oh gee, you can't go three clicks
without the internet on the internet.

Without engaging in that 70 here's
a stat 70% of all men, 18 to 24.

Visit at least one adult website.

Every month.

Pornography is the.

Open door of darkness and people's lives.

It is fuels and promotes human
trafficking across the globe.

And the film industry media
industry is full on in bed.

Promoting this across all media
platforms, blatant 26, present

homosexual, homosexuality, degeneracy,
and promiscuity as normal, natural, and.

Enter LGBTQ plus a plus S this
the trans agenda, the LGBT agenda.

It is direct stem from Marxist
ideology, 27 infiltrate the churches

and replace revealed religion with
social religion, discredit the Bible

and emphasize the need for intellectual
maturity, which is not need religious.


I know many, a Christian, I know any
Muslim who have adopted this point

of view, where they've taken parts of
their religion, parts of their beliefs.

They've written them off and
they've adopted a religion of social

justice, which is not justice.

28 eliminate prayer or any phrases of
religious expression in the schools on

the ground that it violates the principle
of the separation of church and state.

This happened in 1960, then it was
upheld in the Supreme court in 1963.

And at that point, prayer and
Bible readings were banished

from all American schools.

And since.

Reading the Bible and prayer has been
sought out and attacked in multiple ways,

including challenging the display of the
10 commandments on public facilities,

prayer and town hall meetings and
Christian and Christmas decorations

being displayed on public buildings.

29 discredit American cost to
discredit the American concept.

By calling it an adequate old
fashioned out of step with modern

needs, a hindrance to cooperation
between nations on a worldwide basis.

It's a living document that
we need to be able to change

and manipulate as we go along.

This was back in, this is,
remember, this is a document

that was being read back in 1963.

We have seen in our scene, these
now widespread widespread ideas

throughout America and, and Western.

30 discredit the American founding fathers
represented them as selfish eras, Mr.

Kratz, but no concern for the common man.

This is a common thought that
has helped, especially after BLM.

They really pushed this hard with the
1916 project 31, B little, all forms of

American culture discourage the teaching
of American history on the grounds

that it was only a minor part of a big.

Give more emphasis to Russian history
since the communists took over.

Absolutely is happening 30 to
support any socialist movement

to give centralized control over
any part of society, education,

social agencies, welfare programs,
mental health clinics, et cetera.

This is being pushed.

In American society where we are pushing
more and more towards even conservatives

have been pushing more and more towards
socialist ideas within the structure

of societies to create enclaves of
socialism within cities in big cities.

And it leads to further degradation.

And further weakness of
families not strength.

It, the argument is this will
strengthen families, but in reality,

it weakens families because it
doesn't make them strong individuals.

Instead, it makes them dependent in having
a co-dependent relationship on the state.

And if you have a codependent
relationship on the state, the state

can't control you 33 eliminate all
laws or procedures, which interfere

with the operation of the communists.

This is happening in America with
the adoption of big government

and those same people and academia
and media pushing for the limiting

of individual rights and further,
further oversight from the government.

This take the ministry of
disinformation that is.

That is it a communist apparatus that
is being established in America to

control speech and control thought,
even though in the constitution, it

says there shall be no, the government
shall not interfere whatsoever with the

freedom of speech 34, eliminate the house
committee on all American activities.

This was a direct reference to.

H U a C the committee on un-American
activities, which was created in 1938 to

track first of activities in the United
States, by the communist or other parties.

And in 1969, it was changed the
house committee on internal security.

And in 1975, it was abolished altogether.


35 discredit and eventually dismantle
the FBI that has not fully happened,

but there's definitely been a lot
of moves to discredit and to paint

the FBI in a very negative light, 36
infiltrating gain control of more unions.

The private sector unions have declined
to about 6.6%, but in the government.

It has definitely grown.

35% of all government
workers are union members.

Unions are a great way to control
people and to control government series,

essentially microorganisms of socialism,

number 37 infiltrate and
gain control over big.

It's shocking.

When, when I visit America and I
drive through America, how every big

business, every corporation, they are
all following the same talking points

in their messaging, in their marketing.

And it's all in alignment with
everything that we've seen in this

document, especially when it comes to
the degregation of morality in America.

So achieved a hundred
percent transfer some of the.

Of arrest from the police to social
agencies treat all behavioral problems as

say, corrector disorders, which no one,
but a psychiatrist didn't understand or

treat this is tied directly into defund.

The police is tied directly into
the arguments that we saw with BLM.

And it's really, it does as gained
a lot of ground where, well, these

people aren't really criminals.

They just need mental health when
no, actually you're looting story.

You're committing violent crimes.

That's criminal behavior.


Maybe there's lots of deep seated
wounds in yet psychiatric disorders

and pains that need to be helped,
but we shouldn't be sending a, a

counselor to domestic violent cases.

We need to be sending police to arrest
people, and then afterwards they

can get help and they should get.

But people are making choices.

People are making choices to commit
violent crimes and everything is

not a psychiatric disorder, but
why would you want to do that?

Because if you enable a society
to adopt this point of view,

then you effectively have a.

Society to do away with an plumb line
of morality, everything becomes gray.

If everything becomes gray, you can
begin to manipulate society to your,

your worldview, which says there is no
such thing as morality 39, dominate the

psychiatric profession and use mental
health law as means of gaining coercive

control over those who oppose communist.

In 2012, Barack Obama obey the UN order
by forcing us insurance companies to

provide free contraceptions contract
contraceptives and day after abortion

drugs to their subscribers using
mental health and health was to

oppress and coerce people who have.

Religious moral framework.

That is abortion is wrong.

Abortion is murder.


Because life begins at conception.

There's no other time that you can
point to life beginning, but they're

using these arms of the government and
professions to further oppress morality.

Because if you can undermine morality,
you can destroy a nation 40 discredit

the family as an institution.

Encourage promiscuity, an easy divorce,

41, emphasize the need to raise children
away from the negative influence of

parents, attribute prejudice, mental
blocks, and the retarding of children

to suppressive influence of parents.

We have seen this, these last
two points, 40 and 41 from the

Biden administration recently.

He said that the children, the
children of our nation belong to

the nation and teachers, those
children are like your children too.

Not just the parents when
they're in your classroom.

We've seen it when Harvard has said
we need to do away with homeschooling

because parents shouldn't be
able to raise their children.

They're abusing their children.

We need to do away with
it and make sure that the.

Educates all the children.

It's government education,
not public education.

It's government education.

We need to encourage as point 40 said,
encourage promiscuity, easy divorce.


Well here's some statistics.

And what happens when you encourage
promiscuity and easy divorce?

Here's some stats of kids without fathers.

85% of youth who are currently in
prison, grew up in a fatherless home.

It's Texas state of correction said
seven out of 10 youth that are housed in

state operated correctional facilities,
including detention and residential

treatments come from fatherless homes.

It's the U S justice department,
39% of students in America.

From the first grade to their
senior year of high school, do

not have a father in their home.

Children without a father are four times
more likely to be living in poverty.

Then children with a
father that was from NPR.

Number four, children from fatherless
homes are twice as likely to drop out

from school before graduating then
kids who have fathers in their lives.

Again, NPR.

Who live in a F girls who live in a
fatherless home of a hundred percent

higher risk of suffering from obesity
than girls that have their father present.

Teen girls from fatherless homes are
also four times more likely to become

mothers before the age of 20 and PR 2021
44% of children in homes headed by single

mothers were living in poverty, just 12%.

I've married children.

There's 12% of children
in married couples.

Families are living in poverty.

That's according to the us census
bureau children, number nine, children

who live in a single parent home
are two times more likely to commit

suicide than children in a two parents.

75% of rapists are motivated by displaced
anger that is associated with the Funes

of abandonment that involves their father.

Living in a fatherless home is a
contributing factor to substance

abuse with children from such homes,
accounting for 75% of adolescent patients

being treated for substance abuse
centers in substance abuse centers.


Three more statistics.

85% of children, which exhibit some
type of behavioral disorder come from

fatherless homes, 85%, 90% of the youth
in America who decided to run away

from home, come from fatherless homes.

63% of youth suicides involve the child
who is living in a fatherless home

when they made the final decision.

Why, why would you want to
influence and encourage.

Promiscuity and easy divorce.

Why would you want to accept to
destroy the youth of a nation?

Oh, it gets to be boiled number 42.

Create the impression that violence and
insurrections are a legitimate aspect

of the American tradition and student
special interest groups should raise,

rise up and use United force to solve
economic, political, or social problems.

The last decade, two decades.

Plus BLM made manifest number 43
over throw all colonial governments

before native populations are
ready for self governance.

If you are able to convince colonial
governments or for instance, in

Afghan, Where the government was
an Afghan government, but it being

supported by the United States.

If you convince them to pull out, you
can overthink that government will be

overthrown and send a nation into chaos.

If the system isn't strong and if
the people aren't ready for self

government, now there's a lot of
argument of how that should have

happened when that should have.

But if you can create chaos in a nation
by displacing colonial governments, then

you can sweep in with ideologies that we
have been seeing 44 international law.

The Panama canal that happened
in September 7th, 1977, number 45

repealed the colonial reservation.

So the United States cannot prevent
the world court from seizing

jurisdiction over domestic problems.

Give the world court jurisdiction
over nations and individuals

like now this is the colonial
reservation is one of the only major

communist goals that has failed.

If that gets repealed, world courts
would effectively be able to step in

and control all of American society.

And it would affect really be a one
world government, a world government of

unaffected, unelected, Alicia, excuse
me, on effected on elected officials who

would essentially be a world government.

On elected officials dictating
what the world can be or can't

be, should be, or shouldn't be.

And that is the communist party.

That is the goal of the communist party.

As we said in the beginning, the U S
not the U S just the globe itself can be

one justice easily through using the UN.

From using Moscow.

And so these, these are the 45 goals
of the communist agenda, and we've

see most of these goals, most all of
these goals have been made manifest,

and if they haven't been, and then
they're being actively pushed an

actively pressed on not just American
society, but it's being pushed

through media and the Western society.

So global society.

Is buying in to these talking points.

They're buying into this narrative.

And the reason that this is so dangerous,
the reason it's dangerous is that

these ideas have led to genocide,
have led to the killing of hundreds

of millions of people, world wide.

And they must be, they ought to
be utterly rejected and we all

have to stamp on art or mortality.

We ought to stand.

Reason and logic.

We all ought to stand on our, on
our holy scriptures and texts.

We ought to stand for the sacredness
of the family of the plumb line of

morality and not give into the lies of
tolerance, because that is just a weapon

to push people in bludging people.

Of the principles that keep
health, healthy societies and

communities strong from falling

for Marxist worldview.

And so when I think through
arguments, when I think through

what's happening in culture, when
I think through the narratives and

the discussions that people are.

I'm often viewing it through this lens.

And in the last number of weeks,
I've been thinking about how, how

much we really talk about communism,
socialism, and Marxism here on the show.

I didn't set out to do that.

I didn't particularly think about
doing that just happened as the more

conversations I had with people.

The more I began to realize.

That the things that are coming out of
our mouth, the things that we believe

are inherently tied to nihilism, to
Marxism, to postmodernism, and it's

eating people's lunches, it's destroying
people's lives and it is in history,

destroyed hundreds of millions of people.

And it is our responsible.

Our responsibility to lift up a standard
and abandoned that warns and for cats,

not just our children, but for those who
are around us to warn them that these,

these thoughts, they have consequences.

When we adopt them in our
society, they have consequence.

And history might not repeat itself line
for line, but it does rhyme as they say.

And we can look back through
history to know, to know the

effects that these ideas will have.

We can know the consequences that
these ideas will have upon society,

wherever we live, whatever nation.

That is all for today's episode.

It's a little bit of a different episode.

I know a little, no
Weaver in loom section.



That makes sense section.

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why we ought to hold onto certain values.

Resist certain ideologies, even
if they sound good, even if they

sound tolerant and compassionate
and kind on the front end.

Go out this week and don't be deceived.

Don't be deceived by communist Marxist,
socialist conspiracy theories that aren't

so conspiratorial because they agreed.


This is exactly what we are trying
to do, but I hope that you can

see that this will lead to the
destruction of society of sooner.

Go out this week, own the future.