The Dark Parade

It’s almost finale time, and the air is electric around these parts as Duncan and Bo Come Correct sets its sights on Part Five of True Detective: Night Country. We discuss the complicated characters, the answers we find, and the questions we have remaining for the last episode. Oh, we also pat ourselves on the back a bit. Get ready for the only OnlyFans announcement that matters; it’s a new episode just for you!

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Show Notes

It’s almost finale time, and the air is electric around these parts as Duncan and Bo Come Correct sets its sights on Part Five of True Detective: Night Country. We discuss the complicated characters, the answers we find, and the questions we have remaining for the last episode. Oh, we also pat ourselves on the back a bit. Get ready for the only OnlyFans announcement that matters; it’s a new episode just for you!

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What is The Dark Parade?

The writer of Lost After Dark and podcast host with the most brings The Dark Parade to your town - a horror podcast with many attractions. The show starts when the sun goes down...

True Detective: I was thinking about that time when you

True Detective: were nine, when you were skating and you

True Detective: fell through the ice, you know.

Duncan: I, um, I don't really remember a lot of

Duncan: that, so you know all I do.

True Detective: I wake up dreaming of it sometimes.

True Detective: One second you were there, I turned around

True Detective: and boom, you're gone Under the ice.

True Detective: The current took you.

True Detective: I had to run out ahead of you and try to

True Detective: break through with an ice axe.

True Detective: I kept hacking until I got through and then

True Detective: I pulled you out.

True Detective: Then, on the way to the hospital, I knew I

True Detective: had to keep you awake, just keep you awake.

True Detective: I felt like we were driving.

True Detective: For days I was Family stuff, right Fucking

True Detective: family.

Drop it, duncan and bo come correct.

Bo: It's about time people started

Bo: acknowledging.

Duncan: I think there's a bit 10 people started

Duncan: peeing Um as far as yeah, I hadn't gone

Duncan: that far with it yet.

Bo: To be honest, I wasn't looking to monetize

Bo: admiration just yet, but you're right.

Bo: Here's what we Duncan, here's what we need

Bo: to do.

True Detective: We need to do a masterworks class Head talk.

True Detective: Yeah.

Bo: Something that people gotta pay for, you

Bo: know, put it behind a paywall.

Bo: Maybe we just only fancy this shit.

Duncan: How you lesson.

Duncan: It could be the way forward.

Bo: Can I ask you a serious but stupid question?

Bo: I genuinely don't know the answer to it.

Duncan: Yes, please, by all means, ask me a serious

Duncan: question.

Bo: What is sex?

Bo: No, what do I?

Bo: Do you have to be fucking to be on OnlyFans?

Duncan: No.

Bo: Okay, because that's the only connotation.

Duncan: I hear it in no, so OnlyFans, like

Duncan: inherently, has become the way that all

Duncan: things on line and press and media go.

Duncan: Inevitably they go towards sex because you

Duncan: know that's what our brain thinks of like

Duncan: 90% of the time.

Duncan: But no, originally I think it was just for

Duncan: a way for specific people to own control of

Duncan: how they, how their fans, interacted with

Duncan: them, and I think that's the original

Duncan: premise for it.

Duncan: But I think, very, very quickly, adelaide

Duncan: entertainers were like hmm, like I could

Duncan: use this, there are like musicians, actors

Duncan: and actresses, um, authors, I think, have

Duncan: OnlyFans where it's like like almost like a

Duncan: discord thing and that is like they're like

Duncan: this is just a simple P and the tier gets

Duncan: them access to Q&As, like, etc.

Duncan: Etc.

Duncan: I don't think those people make nearly as

Duncan: much money as those that are very

Duncan: attractive and get their breasts out.

Bo: But yeah.

Bo: So is it just being naked, or can you fog?

Duncan: Can you go that far?

Bo: I believe that you can go full penny on it,

Bo: okay, because see, to me that makes a ton

Bo: of sense.

Duncan: And certain porn stars do.

Duncan: And the only reason I know this is because

Duncan: I was listening to a podcast recently where

Duncan: a porn star was interviewed about, you know,

Duncan: myth, myth-busting in the industry, how

Duncan: they got into, etc.

Duncan: Etc.

Duncan: Longevity and stuff, and basically what

Duncan: they were saying is as it stands just now,

Duncan: it's kind of never been a better time to be

Duncan: a porn star, in that you can sign with a

Duncan: production company, you can sign with an

Duncan: agency, you can do all those movies and

Duncan: make like money for doing those movies, and

Duncan: then you can have this complete side hustle

Duncan: that allows people to see behind the scenes

Duncan: of basically what happens.

Duncan: But then, moreover, on top of that, you can

Duncan: get like connections between other adult

Duncan: entertainers that are also on OnlyFans, so

Duncan: they can kind of cross the stream, so to

Duncan: speak, of their things.

Duncan: So you pay like a higher premium for them

Duncan: having sex with people that they've always

Duncan: wanted to, you know, almost pair up dream

Duncan: matches and stuff like that.

Duncan: So they make a fortune from it, which is

Duncan: kind of great, because that industry in

Duncan: particular is only in the last what 10, 15

Duncan: years kind of started to like get its act

Duncan: together in terms of better pay, better

Duncan: representation, you know and like more

Duncan: transparency on the studios that actually

Duncan: do what they need to do and given those

Duncan: people the opportunity to actually take

Duncan: control of how they are perceived, consumed,

Duncan: etc.

Bo: online is a huge plus bonus and obviously

Bo: the pandemic helped Sure yeah, well, and I

Bo: think there's something immediately

Bo: satisfying and I don't mean just the sexual

Bo: way, but like there's something about like

Bo: if you are really into a guy or girl and

Bo: are like I just want to see them, fuck, I

Bo: don't care about all this other stuff, I

Bo: just want to see them, you know, jerking it

Bo: or rubbing it or Remove the story, do

Bo: whatever.

Duncan: Yeah, basically the modern this is now the

Duncan: modern equivalent of phone sex, telephone

Duncan: sex people used to phone into like adult

Duncan: entertaining channels that would run at

Duncan: night and it was basically someone on a cam

Duncan: and they would take calls and do certain

Duncan: things.

Duncan: So as basal to that, they've just moved it

Duncan: to the internet and monetized the fuck out

Duncan: of it.

Bo: Yeah, like last summer I kind of went down

Bo: a weird rabbit hole of like that kind of

Bo: thing on Twitch.

Bo: Like I wasn't subscribing to a bunch of

Bo: girls in pools and stuff, but I did look at

Bo: a bunch of channels because I was like, is

Bo: this really all it is?

Bo: And it kind of is, but, like you said, it's

Bo: sort of phone sex, because it's like people

Bo: in chat being like hey, I did this many

Bo: likes or I did this many referrals or

Bo: whatever the fuck.

Duncan: And so now you've got a bunch of names on

Duncan: my list, yeah, so, and I think there's

Duncan: you're talking about instant gratification

Duncan: in terms of if they're watching someone

Duncan: have sex, I play with them, whatever, and

Duncan: then instantly that person then says their

Duncan: name.

Duncan: You know what I mean.

Duncan: That's like it's essentially breaking the

Duncan: kind of fourth wall for them.

Duncan: So it's not quite you and the fantasy, but

Duncan: it might as well be because they've just so

Duncan: all that stuff.

Duncan: I think it's.

Duncan: And the thing is they build like from what

Duncan: was said in that interview like they build

Duncan: communities around it so that they're being

Duncan: paid, yes, and all the rest, but it's not a

Duncan: case of their view that, purely as a source

Duncan: of income, those that are paying the money

Duncan: on is actually they build their own

Duncan: community because they understand that's

Duncan: their fan base and the more engagement they

Duncan: have with their fan base, the more their

Duncan: next video that comes out or the next

Duncan: production they do gets a lot of buzz

Duncan: online.

Duncan: It boosts their online presence through

Duncan: Instagram and Twitter, which you wouldn't

Duncan: think would need to be a thing for adult

Duncan: entertainers.

Duncan: But it is like the higher the profile, the

Duncan: more likely they are they're going to get

Duncan: better offers, etc.

Duncan: More interest, more digital presence online

Duncan: and all the rest.

Duncan: So it kind of all goes hand in hand.

Duncan: But they have whole production.

Duncan: Like the woman that was being interviewed

Duncan: says that she hires just very, very, very

Duncan: well.

Duncan: I think it was like 90 grand a month is

Duncan: what she earns just off only fans, and

Duncan: that's enough to employ her.

Duncan: I think it's her little sister to do all

Duncan: her online presence for a full time.

Duncan: So our sister does all her social media, so

Duncan: she employs her from that money and she has

Duncan: a team of two people that she films, that

Duncan: she trusts, who do all the like, say,

Duncan: decoration filming for all her scenes and

Duncan: all the rest.

Duncan: So she actually is in a weird way she's

Duncan: providing jobs.

Bo: So yeah, yeah, I mean you know.

Bo: Look, I think you and I are both of the

Bo: mind that, like you know, sex workers are

Bo: certainly providing a service and it's

Bo: legitimate.

Duncan: Oh God, yes, yeah, yeah yeah.

Bo: So yeah, I'm kind of glad that in a weird

Bo: way it's shaken out like this, because that

Bo: way they're protected too and it's not,

Bo: like you know, going out to meet some high

Bo: roller like for five grand a night, like

Bo: I'm gonna fuck this porn star.

Duncan: Yeah, where there's five grand like yeah,

Duncan: and there's no protection over that, you

Duncan: know, like all the rest, it's all secure

Duncan: and I think that's kind of awesome.

Bo: Yeah, yeah, that seems real smart.

Bo: By the way, this is Duncan and Bo.

Duncan: come correct If you hadn't noticed Emphasis

Duncan: on the cum.

Bo: Yeah, Duncan and Bo correct.

Bo: That's how it sounds when I work at

Bo: something it's supposed to be that noise.

Bo: Yeah, yeah, I think it's probably not,

Bo: probably not.

Duncan: It means?

Duncan: It means it's like a cartoon spittin.

Bo: Wow, it's got velocity.

Bo: That's what I like about it.

Duncan: It's, I mean, really really quick, I was

Duncan: going more for the aim, but like, yeah, but

Duncan: it also works as well.

Bo: Yeah, oh look, I'm a terrible aim at

Bo: anything I do, duncan.

Bo: Consistently bad, consistently bad aim,

Bo: doesn't matter, doesn't matter in what

Bo: context, but yeah, so here we are.

Bo: We are on the penultimate episode.

Duncan: In fact, we were just talking about how

Duncan: Neither one of us has got the episode 6 yet

Duncan: and the internet hasn't spoiled it, which I

Duncan: will give them.

Duncan: There's a lot of people on the internet

Duncan: that didn't like it, but then there's a lot

Duncan: of people just in general have not liked

Duncan: this season, but like according to the

Duncan: critics.

Duncan: The critics think this thing lands strong

Duncan: and, moreover, boran's thought, moreover

Duncan: than that the numbers were so good for this

Duncan: season that HBO opened that checkbook and

Duncan: said to Issa Lopez, do you want to do a

Duncan: season 5?

Duncan: And she has said yes, and she will be

Duncan: returning season 5, making that bank.

Duncan: And I'll tell you right now that makes DBCC

Duncan: very fucking happy.

Bo: Yeah, we are definitely pro Issa Lopez

Bo: around these parts.

Duncan: She's just a ton of articles coming out

Duncan: right now about Nick Pizzalato and his mini

Duncan: Instagram rant he had when the thing

Duncan: finished, about how they destroyed

Duncan: everything, blah, blah, blah.

Duncan: And there's just loads of articles coming

Duncan: out just saying, if you'd forgotten, I know

Duncan: he was away for a little while, but Nick

Duncan: Pizzalato kinda a dick, and then this

Duncan: article was going back over.

Duncan: Well, he said this at this point.

Duncan: He was this about this.

Duncan: So, yeah, he's not happy that this season

Duncan: did much better numbers than any of the

Duncan: seasons he was in charge of when he was at

Duncan: HBO.

Bo: Yeah, well, I mean, look, it was a great

Bo: cast and you know Issa Lopez is a great

Bo: director and it's really moody and it had

Bo: people dealing with the first season did

Bo: which was speculating and talking about it,

Bo: and you know that's a different medium.

Duncan: Now that's the thing Like when True

Duncan: Detective came out, we hadn't fully really

Duncan: jumped on.

Duncan: Hbo has its own channel online.

Duncan: You know 2013,.

Duncan: There wasn't really anything like that out

Duncan: with your Netflix in terms of dedicated

Duncan: streaming sites, and now we have that.

Duncan: So audiences can, you know, interact with

Duncan: things either on your conventional

Duncan: television or check out on their streaming

Duncan: channel on their computer or whatever.

Duncan: However, they're consuming that, which is

Duncan: going to help the numbers.

Duncan: But the biggest thing is like who is

Duncan: executive producer of True Detective season

Duncan: four?

Duncan: Nick Pizzalato.

Duncan: So he's shooting himself.

Duncan: If I worked for HBO, why would I ever hire

Duncan: this guy to do anything for me again in

Duncan: terms of running a show or pitching a show

Duncan: or anything, when he is basically verbally

Duncan: trying to massacre the thing that just did

Duncan: record numbers on our channel?

Duncan: And you never burn the bridge, even when

Duncan: you get to the other side of it, because

Duncan: you may have to cross it.

Bo: Right, you're right.

Bo: Right, I mean that feels like a bear, I

Bo: like.

Bo: I know he's not a young man, but that feels

Bo: like a young man's move of, just like yeah

Bo: fuck him.

Bo: And it's like no man.

Bo: There's a way to be political about this,

Bo: where you don't shut that door, yeah, right.

Bo: Right, like, even if he didn't like the

Bo: season, he's still getting that paycheck.

Bo: And like, don't be a hypocrite.

Bo: If that's how he feels about it, make sure

Bo: you're returning the checks.

Duncan: Even David Fincher went back to work with

Duncan: the film studio that destroyed his love of

Duncan: making he's very first movie, alien 3.

Duncan: He went back and worked with him 20 years

Duncan: later, even after he said he would never

Duncan: work with that studio again, he would never

Duncan: fuck it like he was the most miserable

Duncan: experience.

Duncan: What is his name off that movie?

Duncan: Et cetera, et cetera.

Duncan: He did go back 20 years later.

Duncan: So, like it's not, there's only so many

Duncan: places you can eat.

Duncan: So you know, and I just don't, I just don't

Duncan: get.

Duncan: But yes, both myself and Bo have been

Duncan: champing it a bit to get into the finale.

Duncan: Can't believe it's almost here.

Duncan: But what we were saying before we hit

Duncan: record was after seeing this episode I'm

Duncan: just going to flex.

Duncan: We have been right on so many of the things

Duncan: revealed from almost episode one or two.

Duncan: A lot of it we've hit square on the head.

Duncan: And yeah, I mean I'm just going to say

Duncan: we've still to see the ending.

Duncan: More people still on the table.

Bo: Absolutely a hundred percent.

Bo: They are as well as as crap.

Bo: People who would?

Bo: Live in tunnels under the ground, Bo there

Bo: is a callback I've got for this episode, as

Bo: a matter of fact, that I was really happy.

Duncan: Don't call it a callback.

Bo: Yeah, I've been here for years, baby Anyway

Bo: so let's talk about some movies, good and

Bo: bad.

Bo: If you don't mind, I want to kick us off

Bo: with a good.

Bo: Please do, just because I watched it last

Bo: night and I'm still I'm still high on it,

Bo: duncan still feeling the vibe.

Bo: I rewatched Darkman.

Bo: Oh, that man is so much fun, dude, it is

Bo: such a good time and it's it's such a great

Bo: period of rainy where he still got the evil

Bo: dead running through the veins, yep, and

Bo: run him through my veins, I can't get him

Bo: out.

Bo: But at the same time you can see the

Bo: glimmers of, you know, spider-man and all

Bo: the stuff that came after.

Bo: Yeah, and it's, it's a really nice

Bo: interstitial kind of film for him, where

Bo: it's still just grungy and B movie as fuck,

Bo: but it it has all the trappings of the big

Bo: budget stuff that he would go on to do and,

Bo: yeah, I had so much fun with it.

Bo: It's kind of mean spirited and huge.

Bo: I mean, look, if you cannot enjoy Liam

Bo: Neeson prancing around in that movie when

Bo: he's like coming to get the freak and

Bo: you're just like man.

Bo: You are going for it.

Duncan: I love Liam.

Bo: Neeson, you rarely see you.

Duncan: It is full Gonzo Liam Neeson and I fucking

Duncan: love it.

Duncan: Within a couple of years of making this

Duncan: movie.

Duncan: He plays Rob Roy McGregor in the movie of

Duncan: Rob Roy and it is the most sobering

Duncan: portrayal of a Scotsman you will ever see.

Duncan: And before he's, he's like fucking.

Duncan: He's.

Duncan: He's fucking breaks a guy's fingers at a

Duncan: carnival to get a teddy bear.

Bo: It's man, that scene is so goddamn good

Bo: it's because it almost has like a creep

Bo: show level of like red backgrounds and oh

Bo: it's still on.

Bo: I still on man.

Bo: I love that movie.

Bo: It is so good.

Bo: I mean it's completely not a perfect movie,

Bo: like it's got all kinds of flaws, but

Bo: there's just so much spirit to it.

Bo: And the moment when the Oldsmobile shows up

Bo: with the Coen Brothers driving it.

Bo: I'm like, yeah, you know, it's just it's

Bo: such a movie, nerd kind of movie.

Bo: I think I really dig it.

Bo: It's so good, so that's my good.

Bo: I mean, you can go on and on about Darkman

Bo: if you want, but everybody's seen it.

Bo: I just my enthusiasm was overflowing and I

Bo: could not resist giving it that shout out.

Duncan: My good.

Duncan: My good is one that I'd seen before, but I

Duncan: watched recently on a workstrip and it

Duncan: filled up a very easy one two and three

Duncan: quarter hours and it reminded me why.

Duncan: Whether you like him or you, load them, and

Duncan: we spoke about them recently, but there is

Duncan: absolutely no dispute that Quentin

Duncan: Tarantino reign supreme above everyone.

Duncan: I watch once upon a time in Hollywood.

Duncan: Oh and it is Well.

Duncan: That's maybe my seventh time seeing that

Duncan: movie now and it is just aging like a fine

Duncan: wine.

Bo: Yeah, that is rapidly climbing the list for

Bo: me of my favorite.

Duncan: Tarantino film.

Duncan: I think it might now be my favorite

Duncan: Tarantino movie.

Bo: It's real goddamn good, I mean it much like

Bo: the holdovers when I was describing that

Bo: movie to you have like settling into like

Bo: an old comforter of a movie, and that's how

Bo: I feel when I watch once upon a time in

Bo: Hollywood.

Bo: Yeah just like, oh, let me just let this

Bo: movie just wash over me.

Bo: And, you know, the only time that I even

Bo: perk up from that days of good moviemaking

Bo: is the scene when Brad Pitt is climbing the

Bo: roof and I'm just like don't fuck yourself

Bo: like you can.

Bo: How do you look that good in your 73 years,

Bo: jesus Christ?

Duncan: I think we mentioned it when we first look

Duncan: at it as well.

Duncan: It's maybe the only movie where the

Duncan: filmmaker can have the audacity to have a

Duncan: five minute scene of feeding a dog and you

Duncan: just roll with it.

Duncan: You're like I could watch him.

Duncan: I could watch him watch the dishes.

Bo: Yeah, it's one of my favorite scenes in the

Bo: movie.

Bo: It really is.

Bo: I mean, there's that the bit about him kind

Bo: of controlling the dog, which pays off

Bo: later.

Bo: Yeah, but it's just watching handsome ass

Bo: Brad Pitt smoking a cigarette and feeding

Bo: his sloppy ass dog and like, yes, I wish

Bo: this was my life.

Bo: I wish I could just come home and this is

Bo: what was happening.

Duncan: Yeah, it's absolutely excellent front to

Duncan: back, so that that was my good.

Bo: I'm the devil and I'm here to devil shit or

Bo: something, it's he really does it like in

Bo: this.

Duncan: I remember like all the criticism which

Duncan: seemed to miss a point in the movie about

Duncan: the way he changed history at the end and

Duncan: all the rest.

Duncan: And they missed the point that what he's

Duncan: doing is he's declawing a thing that like

Duncan: still looks very large over America.

Duncan: It was like that.

Duncan: That was that's what destroyed quote

Duncan: unquote the summer of love.

Duncan: That was.

Duncan: That was the end of it.

Duncan: Like the free love movement died the day

Duncan: that Sharon Tate died and he de-claws it by

Duncan: making them fucking imbeciles, like just

Duncan: absolute fucking morons.

Duncan: And he does it like the same way and then

Duncan: glorious bastards.

Duncan: He makes the Nazis like not withstanding

Duncan: Christopher's, but he makes like a Hitler

Duncan: and all that just fucking idiots.

Duncan: So, yeah, it's really.

Duncan: Yeah, it's really really good and it's a,

Duncan: it's a fairy tale.

Duncan: The whole point is the whole point.

Bo: Yeah, like movies are magic and fairy tales

Bo: and this is a fairy tale version of that

Bo: and where the good guys win and everybody

Bo: like it's.

Bo: It's his most upbeat, optimistic movie that

Bo: he's fucking done, and maybe that's when

Bo: people bristle out there like I wanted

Bo: everyone to die.

Bo: You know where's Jennifer Jason Lee

Bo: murdering everyone, but yeah, so my bad

Bo: Look again.

Bo: This will come as a surprise to no one

Bo: who's ever heard me on a show ever.

Bo: I don't need your pity.

Bo: Go on bull.

True Detective: But I don't need your pity.

Duncan: Go on bull, but I like a good creature

Duncan: feature and.

Bo: I even like a bad creature feature on

Bo: occasion and I somehow or another, I had

Bo: never gotten around to the sequel to

Bo: Blackwater, the killer crocodile movie

Bo: called Blackwater Abyss.

True Detective: Yeah, no, it's really not like all.

Duncan: And okay but the it's frustrating.

Bo: It's frustratingly dumb, like really Right

Bo: in all the characters, like all the shit

Bo: about.

Duncan: Like you know, I'm pregnant.

Bo: Oh, but I forgot.

Bo: We're having a fight.

Bo: Who?

Duncan: gives a fuck like deal with this shit later.

Bo: Wait till you get home.

Bo: Precipes Donna.

Bo: God damn it Donna.

Duncan: Precipes Um.

Bo: So, um yeah, that was real stupid.

Bo: But the reason to bring it up is just to do

Bo: a shout out for a much better crocodile

Bo: movie, which is Greg McLean's Rogue, which

Bo: is a great killer project, great movie,

Bo: yeah, like doesn't we don't have to deal

Bo: with a bunch of who fuck to who's having a

Bo: fair bullshit.

Bo: It is just crocodile V people and crocodile

Bo: wins a lot.

Bo: And that's what I want out of those movies

Bo: Like why did they always screw up the

Bo: recipe of?

Bo: Like well, we've got to make people care

Bo: about the characters.

Bo: No, I don't care about the characters.

Bo: All I need to know is why they're there,

Bo: and then seeing them struggle will make me

Bo: like them.

Bo: So, anyway, that's my bad, but also a good,

Bo: hidden inside like a little, a little new

Bo: get center of my bad.

Bo: What?

Bo: What's your bad?

Duncan: Um, so I am finally got into something.

Duncan: I have a shutter subscription, right, and I

Duncan: am absolutely fucking terrible at using my

Duncan: shutter subscription.

Duncan: What happens is I forget I have it, and

Duncan: then there's a movie that gets a bit of

Duncan: traction and then, like that, I should.

Duncan: I still have my.

Duncan: Oh, I still have my oh, I should go and

Duncan: check it out.

Duncan: I somehow completely missed the fact that

Duncan: VHS 85 came out last year.

Duncan: Oh, yeah.

Duncan: Now, I didn't hate VHS.

Duncan: What was it?

Duncan: Ninety, nine or whatever.

Duncan: It was 94.

Duncan: I thought it was 99 because it like it's

Duncan: set during Y2.

True Detective: OK, one of them is I'm sorry.

Duncan: Right.

True Detective: Sorry, yeah, the other yeah, yeah who

True Detective: carried you.

Duncan: It's just like there's there's like 30 of

Duncan: these movies by now, so yeah, I remember

Duncan: kind of thinking it wasn't there, was it

Duncan: like one or two segments that were just

Duncan: like inherently shit, but all of them have

Duncan: that.

Duncan: But there was a couple that I thought were

Duncan: pretty cool, including the one that the one

Duncan: that was set in hell.

Duncan: Oh yeah, the one that was directed by the

Duncan: dude that did the found footage movie.

Duncan: That was fucking great.

Bo: Yeah, I can't think of the name.

Bo: It's not Deadstream, but something like

Bo: that.

Duncan: Deadstream is.

Duncan: Deadstream, deadstream, yeah, so the the

Duncan: guy did it, so that was really good and I

Duncan: want to see there was Was an internet based

Duncan: one, or whatever.

Duncan: It was Like like a lot of it was good,

Duncan: right, but not all of it.

Duncan: There was a vampire one that I really liked

Duncan: and an interest was throw away, and so I'd

Duncan: somehow completely Missed the fact that if

Duncan: I had come out and David Brugner did one I

Duncan: like David Brugner as a director Scott

Duncan: Derrickson did one I like Scott Derrickson

Duncan: I was like I'm going to check this out.

Duncan: Piece of shit Front to back, piece of shit,

Duncan: just I don't know, not good, no, it's not.

Duncan: And I think the problem was that the tone

Duncan: is all the same throughout it and the tone

Duncan: is pretty shay and like there wasn't any

Duncan: that I necessarily felt Try to do something

Duncan: substantially different from any of the

Duncan: others.

Duncan: Like they all seem to kind of.

Duncan: The problem is they all end kind of the

Duncan: same way, which is a trope with the VHS

Duncan: movies, is they all kind of?

Duncan: They're all kind of trying to make Many

Duncan: found footage movies and they all end the

Duncan: tiresome found food sort of way.

Duncan: And yeah, it was a slog.

Duncan: I felt like I was watching it for like in

Duncan: between recordings here with you, like a

Duncan: fellow in on for days, and I think there's

Duncan: another one coming.

Duncan: I think like cause you're there now.

Duncan: I essentially think own VHS, the rights

Duncan: that they can just turn them out every year

Duncan: now and I don't think that's necessarily a

Duncan: great idea.

Bo: I think it's bloody disgusting.

Bo: Who owns it and you've got to deal with.

Bo: Yeah, I see.

Duncan: Even worse.

Duncan: Oh, at this point, like just I just put it

Duncan: to bed, I think we've had enough.

Duncan: Yeah, that's got it.

Bo: It feels like the Scott Derrickson was

Bo: really the the thing in it.

Bo: I mean it's the longest by far and feels

Bo: like an actual short film.

Duncan: Yes, and I like one, but and principle has

Duncan: a cool idea, yeah, and I just think it.

Duncan: I think I isn't aided by the fact that it's

Duncan: not really got enough time or money to

Duncan: flesh it out in any fully meaningful way

Duncan: and it cuts a lot of corners.

Duncan: And then I'm just used to.

Duncan: To me, scott Derrickson is just a bigger

Duncan: director than that now and it's kind of

Duncan: great that he wants to give something back

Duncan: and do something short form.

Duncan: But that did command huge budgets now, so

Duncan: he should be off commanding huge budgets.

Duncan: Blackphone was a great fucking movie, you

Duncan: know.

Duncan: I mean I like that.

Duncan: That's what he did prior to this and I

Duncan: can't equate the two, because one is he

Duncan: very well made like, really well acted,

Duncan: really well put together adaptation of a

Duncan: Joe Hill novel, and this is beneath him.

Duncan: I won't say that we're getting a black

Duncan: phone to.

Duncan: I don't know how that works, except it made

Duncan: a lot of money and it's just a bad idea and

Duncan: I probably won't enjoy it.

Duncan: But yeah, it was really bad.

Duncan: I didn't like it at all.

Bo: Yeah, yeah, that's a real crap outing that

Bo: VR one is especially like.

Bo: Why are we even wasting our time with any

Bo: of this Like?

Duncan: yeah, the VR one is just basically an

Duncan: exercise and like can I kick you in the

Duncan: testicles again please?

Duncan: Oh, excellent.

Bo: Yeah, like yeah, right, yes, there's a guy

Bo: in the VR, the computer oh my God,

Bo: computers are aware of us Like.

Bo: This is the tiredest ass shit.

Duncan: Next to be making movies about bad AI.

Duncan: Oh, I mean, all those positive movies on AI

Duncan: at the moment are just really just the AI

Duncan: narrative is being skewed.

Bo: Just so stupid.

Bo: Anyway, all right, so let's get into this

Bo: episode, Duncan.

Bo: Yeah we got a lot of material to cover here.

Duncan: There's tons of things being tied up, and

Duncan: then there's a lot of things being kind of

Duncan: set up for this final episode.

Bo: Yeah, yeah, so we open on like where we

Bo: left it last time was at the place where we

Bo: see Navarro coming out of here, since like

Bo: Total Clif anger.

Duncan: What the fuck is going on with the front?

Bo: Yeah and, and that is largely never

Bo: discussed- no, because we we jump forward

Bo: six days.

Duncan: Yeah, it's like that.

Duncan: No, so I don't know.

Duncan: I'm kind of hoping, I'm in two thoughts

Duncan: with us.

Duncan: I'm kind of hoping that in episode six we

Duncan: fill in some of the blanks there.

Duncan: But then I also think I, if it was super

Duncan: important, they would have covered it in

Duncan: episode six, even if it was a callback to a

Duncan: previous conversation.

Duncan: And maybe it's just not that important,

Duncan: like because our ear, ear drums were

Duncan: bleeding but they appear to be fine now.

Bo: So yeah, and you know, and we know that

Bo: there are degrees of this, because of

Bo: something we'll get to later, but so we'll

Bo: put a pin in that.

Bo: But so that's not where we open, though we

Bo: open on the cremation of Julia, oh fuck's

Bo: sake yeah.

Bo: And, as she is being like, burned, placed

Bo: in this rock machine to you know, turn it

Bo: all into dust and and put it in her own and

Bo: then just hand it over to Navarro who, like

Bo: I said, you know, seems totally fine at

Bo: this point.

Bo: And the the most brutal moment of this for

Bo: me is when the woman says careful with that,

Bo: it's hot.

Duncan: Yeah.

Bo: It's like, oh, what in the fuck?

Duncan: Yeah, Couldn't do anything to kill it.

Duncan: You know, like blast freeze or something.

Duncan: Before we hand it over we had to handle

Duncan: overstile smoldering.

Bo: Awesome and her kind of like blowing on a

Bo: little bit was a little in portaste, I

Bo: thought.

Bo: Oh, she said and I was like oh, that seems

Bo: heartless really.

Duncan: She was wearing a pepper pink oven mitts.

Duncan: I mean that was pretty bad for yeah yeah.

Bo: Then she drops it.

Bo: Oops, oh, but it's sealed up, it's fine.

Duncan: Yeah, hicks it bending over and the giant

Duncan: dent in the side of the metal.

Bo: I'll give you 10 bucks off On our scratched

Bo: and dent sales before she offers a 10 bucks.

Duncan: That almost never happens.

Bo: Don't tell anyone.

Bo: You were here, ok, so we're going to help.

Duncan: We're going to help.

Bo: Danvers, meanwhile, is at the hospital

Bo: where you know they've brought Otis highs,

Bo: and she's told by the nurse like hey, you

Bo: can't talk to him for more than about 10

Bo: minutes because he's detoxing.

Bo: Yeah because he likes to write the pony,

Bo: and so we do get an interview, though it's

Bo: Danvers talking to Otis and it's like you

Bo: know, tell me about Mr Clark, dr Lector,

Bo: and he, he's like I didn't, I didn't really

Bo: know Clark, and but Clark came to him

Bo: because he had survived whatever happened,

Bo: right, and we're going to get into that,

Bo: the night country shit.

Bo: But he says Clark wants to know how he

Bo: survived and he's like, well, how did you

Bo: survive, dr Lector?

True Detective: And he's like, do you?

Bo: think I did like my eyes.

True Detective: Oh, I know.

Duncan: Get a wash case with the rose.

Duncan: His eyes are fucking white.

Duncan: He's like his face is all narrow.

Bo: These nurses have gone to shit.

Bo: Yeah, yeah.

Duncan: I'm doing fine, like this guy here Shagger

Duncan: Shagger's doing fine right now.

Bo: You know God's been a real pal to me.

Bo: He threw a truck.

Bo: Sorry, We've got a.

Bo: We've got a couple of opportunities to do

Bo: some dead zone riffs when you while they're

Bo: remaking it.

Duncan: If you've been following the news today, I

Duncan: saw that.

Bo: So who's directing?

Bo: And then we did we did.

Duncan: We do the studio of options for a remake of

Duncan: the dead zone and the remake of American

Duncan: cycle, which are two bizarre titles to be

Duncan: picking, and that's only to the venim's.

Duncan: So I guess it's dead zone makes sense to me

Duncan: because of the political climate.

Duncan: I think there's loads you can do there, or

Duncan: that one American cycle less so because I

Duncan: imagine if they're redoing that, it's still

Duncan: set in the 80s, like Brett Nellis has like

Duncan: a tight grip on that.

Duncan: You're going to have to do that and it's

Duncan: always going to be compared to Christian

Duncan: Bale and I'm sorry, christian Bale is

Duncan: Patrick Bateman.

Duncan: Having read the book, christian Bale is

Duncan: Patrick Bateman and I don't care who you

Duncan: put in that role, it ain't going to work.

Duncan: Ain't going to work.

Bo: What if they bring him back for it?

Bo: He's just older.

Duncan: So I would watch that and he'll never do it.

Duncan: I do.

Duncan: You know what, what, what happens if they

Duncan: bring what who's who's?

Duncan: The second one again, I forgot one.

Duncan: Yeah, what me?

Duncan: I couldn't see Stalker.

Duncan: She could come back, although she did kill

Duncan: Bill Shatner, so he won't be coming back.

Bo: No, it's going to be a long, long time.

True Detective: But yeah, that's a good opportunity.

Duncan: He's about this is going to break.

Bo: Yeah, very pointedly.

Bo: But yeah, and so Danvers is like tell me

Bo: about the night country, doctor Lector, and

Bo: he's like what I don't know what you're

Bo: talking about I was fucking stowed out of

Bo: my balls.

Bo: And she says, well, you were saying

Bo: something.

Bo: She's awake, yeah, and he's.

Bo: He's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's a Clark

Bo: had said that to me and you know, danvers

Bo: has the flashback of her kid and I've had a

Bo: really interesting theory about the, the

Bo: visions that people are having.

Bo: Oh yeah, Is it because of the toxins?

Duncan: That's what I've been reading.

Duncan: Could it?

Duncan: Could it be?

Bo: I had that.

Bo: I literally have not read this.

Duncan: Yeah.

Bo: This has been my like the thing about like

Bo: oh, people see dead people around here.

Bo: It's like, oh well, the water Right.

Duncan: Yeah, the water is bad.

Duncan: That's, you know, like your body having a

Duncan: weird side effect and trying to work itself

Duncan: through.

Duncan: That way, when you eat some really bad,

Duncan: like fucking Indian food or something, and

Duncan: you're you're you.

Duncan: Basically you see things you're not

Duncan: supposed to see because your stomach is is

Duncan: ruined and your brain is trying to put you

Duncan: in some sort of meditative happy place, so

Duncan: you don't have to go through the pain that

Duncan: your body is now right.

Duncan: That was the first one.

Duncan: The second thing that I read, which I

Duncan: instantly disproved within three seconds of

Duncan: just I don't know, having watched the show,

Duncan: is that Rose isn't real.

Duncan: She's a ghost, because only Navarro has

Duncan: actually spoken to her.

Bo: Back to me, but that's I thought about that

Bo: earlier, but that's not the case.

Duncan: It can't be.

Duncan: And you want to know why it can't be?

Duncan: Because, yeah, she called in the bodies and

Duncan: it was the first thing I like when I read.

Duncan: It was like that.

Duncan: But she called in the bodies.

Duncan: So I just physically went back to the first

Duncan: episode and, yeah, she called in the bodies,

Duncan: right, yeah, so I just think people are

Duncan: reaching Bo, they're reaching, they're not,

Duncan: they're not grounded in their investigation

Duncan: like we are, and we will prove it as we

Duncan: review this episode and call it all the

Duncan: things that we got right from the start yes.

Bo: I mean, look, we are scientists, if nothing

Bo: else, science.

Bo: So he eventually tells the story of like

Bo: why Clark wanted to find him in the first

Bo: place, how he got hurt.

Bo: And there it was.

Bo: They were fucking around in the ice caves.

Bo: Yes, he had a bunch of, you know, other men

Bo: and there was a collapse and so some men

Bo: were trapped inside, heist and a bunch of

Bo: other dudes go for help.

Bo: But as they're leaving, the way he puts it

Bo: is like, you know, we heard him moan and

Bo: everybody started to go towards it and I

Bo: chased after him.

Bo: And then she's like and then what happened,

Bo: dr Lector?

Bo: And just on the edge of her seat, quit pro

Bo: quo, dr Lector, what happened to you after

Bo: the ice cave?

Bo: And and he's like oh, fucking no, he's like.

Bo: I woke up and my eyes were fucked up, my

Bo: ears are jacked.

Bo: And she's like are you kidding me?

Bo: And then she literally looked at the camera

Bo: and was like are you serious?

Duncan: This is in the back, go, look that.

Duncan: Trust the process.

Duncan: Trust the process.

Bo: Yeah, and so she shows him this map of the

Bo: area and he's like yeah, the cave's

Bo: entrance is here, but you can't go down

Bo: there because of how, how thin the ice is

Bo: and what could happen, duncan, the ice is

Bo: going to break Right.

Bo: And so she she says, well, don't worry

Bo: about that, dr Lector, because you're

Bo: coming with me.

Duncan: And he's like what?

Bo: Well, the only way I'm coming with you is

Bo: if I get well well, we went right and she's

Bo: like I don't understand what that means.

Bo: Get my medicine, we medicine, yeah Ha keep

Bo: going, keep going, gank.

Bo: Clean burning propane.

Bo: Yes and yeah, I have that written into my

Bo: notes, by the way, of course you do.

Bo: So Navarro is waiting in the truck and

Bo: Danvers gets in and is like, hey, we're

Bo: good to go to the entrance of this place.

Bo: I've got it on the map.

Bo: And she's like are you up for it?

Bo: Dr Lector and Navarro is like yeah, I'm

Bo: good.

Bo: And she looks back and Danvers looks back

Bo: and in the backseat, like, with the

Bo: seatbelt buckled over, it is the urn, yeah,

Bo: and she goes.

Bo: Do you want to talk about it?

Bo: Dr Lector and Navarro is like nah, and

Bo: she's like all right, and then they just go.

Bo: But it's a nice moment where it's like, if

Bo: you want to talk about this weekend, she's

Bo: just like nah, it's not worth it right now.

Duncan: Let's just move on.

Duncan: She is.

Duncan: She is putting a lot of personal shit on

Duncan: hold to she solves this case, yeah, and

Duncan: then it's going to come crashing down.

Bo: Oh yeah, she is going to need some time off.

Bo: So Pete gets to kick the fuck out in the

Bo: next scene and that's really all that

Bo: happens.

Bo: But he gets kicked the fuck out Like.

Duncan: To be honest, the previous conversation we

Duncan: saw, which was apparently six days ago, he

Duncan: basically said to his wife like you blame

Duncan: me for having a kid and tying you down to

Duncan: this life, which I mean that's never.

Duncan: I'll be honest, that's never.

Duncan: That's never a great thing to say to your

Duncan: wife, who is desperately trying to sleep.

Bo: Right, right, right yeah, let me go after

Bo: the very nature of your existence right now.

Bo: Yeah, not great, not great pillow talk.

Bo: Um, so, anyway, back to the truck where, uh,

Bo: Danvers and Navarro are barreling across

Bo: the frozen tundra and Navarro points out

Bo: like that, all the caves are in Silver

Bo: Skyland.

Bo: And then after that we have another kind of

Bo: personal moment where she's like, hey, I

Bo: meant to ask how's Leah doing?

Bo: And uh, she's like she's just doing this to

Bo: piss me off, dr Lecter.

Bo: And she's like, well, yeah, but you know

Bo: that there's something wrong with the water.

Bo: And she gets defensive in a way where she's

Bo: like I know, I know, you know where.

Bo: She's like, I understand how bad this is,

Bo: but again, we've talked about this, right?

Duncan: Yeah, she's.

Duncan: She is following any key footsteps, and

Duncan: everything Danvers tries to do is just

Duncan: pushing her further along that way.

Bo: Yeah, there's a.

Bo: Leah has a surprisingly good evaluation of

Bo: her in this episode that we'll get to but I

Bo: really like it.

Duncan: Leah.

Duncan: Like the roles are like.

Duncan: Leah has the adults part in the

Duncan: conversation between the two later on.

Duncan: Yes, and you're just like what, like how,

Duncan: how, yeah.

Bo: Um so anyway.

Bo: So they're going to uh the entrance of the

Bo: ice caves.

True Detective: They're on their way.

Bo: Meanwhile, speaking of Leah, cut to her

Bo: with her girlfriend.

True Detective: Yeah.

Bo: Uh, as they are at a protest and she's

Bo: doing like the, the streak of black across

Bo: the mouth and they're grabbing picket signs

Bo: and they are.

Bo: They're ready to do an old fashioned

Bo: protest, Duncan.

Duncan: Yep.

Bo: Um, so then we check back in with Denver,

Bo: danvers and Navarro, who make it to the

Bo: entrance of this cave only to find that it

Bo: has been completely covered over.

Bo: Yeah.

Duncan: And like the people in the town of Ennis,

Duncan: miles away, can hear Navarro's reaction

Duncan: where she's like fuck, she loses it on the

Duncan: ice man.

Bo: It's yeah, it is truly one for the ages.

Bo: She lets it go in a borrow like storms,

Bo: back to the truck, all pissed off and it's

Bo: just you know.

Bo: You know this is just their luck, right,

Bo: Like every, every time they get a lead, it

Bo: gets shut down.

Duncan: I mean, it does look like it's been

Duncan: deliberately closed.

Bo: Oh, absolutely they.

Bo: They say like it looks like it's been blown,

Bo: yeah, so then John Hawks in a really nice

Bo: month.

Bo: This whole sequence, I think, is really

Bo: good where John Hawks, who previously in

Bo: one of the episodes they Pete, and I think

Bo: it's being Danvers are talking about how

Bo: it's Pete and Leah.

Duncan: Okay, pete and Leah, about different their

Duncan: parents where before them.

Bo: Right, right, right, right, right Right.

Bo: And Pete's talking about how he's never

Bo: heard his dad play music.

Bo: And sure enough, you know, because he's

Bo: kicked out and he's got his bags packed.

Bo: He is going to his dad's house and he stops

Bo: outside because he hears him playing and he

Bo: just stops and listens to him play this

Bo: incredibly depressing song.

Duncan: That's the most depressing song.

Duncan: This might be why he never made it as a

Duncan: musician, right.

Bo: Every time you listen to one of his songs,

Bo: you were like I can't listen to any more.

Duncan: I know anything?

Duncan: Do you know anything about Pete?

Bo: Yeah, of course the God has forsaken me

Bo: Right, like the opening line is like there

Bo: is no God in the world.

Bo: You're like, wow, this was that written by

Bo: Tom Waits.

Bo: There is no God in this old town.

Duncan: Oh man, yeah, but like he's, he's, he's

Duncan: playing that and Pete stands outside and

Duncan: kind of takes it in and listens to his dad.

Duncan: This song is interspersed, Like it's played

Duncan: over the background of, basically like how

Duncan: fucked Ennis is as a place.

Duncan: Like the disparity of what is going on in

Duncan: this town on this night is absolutely

Duncan: incredible.

Duncan: But we see lots of stuff to do with the

Duncan: protests specifically.

Duncan: But yeah, it's just like it's.

Duncan: It's miserable and like take it from, if

Duncan: you take it from like John Hawks point of

Duncan: view.

Duncan: He literally has his mail order bride,

Duncan: which we find out may have been financed

Duncan: for from hush money, I mean that's.

Duncan: He says I have none of that money anymore.

Duncan: And it makes you wonder how long's that

Duncan: hustle being going with that mail order

Duncan: bride and how much money is he giving away

Duncan: to her.

Duncan: Like was he spending his money on an Ennis

Duncan: Nothing?

Bo: Right, right.

Bo: Yeah, I mean it's booze and you know so,

Bo: like all this, blood money.

Duncan: All this and we'll touch on what the blood

Duncan: money's actually for, but all this blood

Duncan: money is essentially went on someone who

Duncan: has catfished him.

Bo: Right.

Duncan: Yeah, I'd be singing the blues as well.

Bo: Well, of course, of course.

Bo: Yeah, he has not had it well lately and we

Bo: also, as you said there, there's some stuff

Bo: with the protests going on where we see the

Bo: security and the protesters start to get

Bo: into it a little bit and the cops are on

Bo: the way and after the after Hawks gets done

Bo: playing, pete calls him from outside and is

Bo: like hey, I just want to let you know, like

Bo: Kayla kicked me out and it looks weirdly

Bo: pleased about that as well, as if to my

Bo: son's in misery with me or you know like

Bo: you're having it, because he smiles when he

Bo: says it in a weird sort of way.

Duncan: Oh, that's terrible, oh no.

Bo: Yeah, and I mean I think there's a little

Bo: bit of misery loves company and I think

Bo: he's lonely, you know, and if it means that

Bo: he might be getting some company, then you

Bo: know all the better.

Bo: But yeah, pete lies to him and is like hey,

Bo: I'm five minutes away.

Bo: Do you mind if I say your place?

Duncan: Yeah, I say I said what he's been, what

Duncan: he's up to, and he says he's been working

Duncan: on his truck.

Bo: Yeah yeah, it doesn't even admit he was

Bo: playing his guitar.

Bo: Yeah, it's that boy.

Bo: What a fucked up family.

Duncan: And it's going to get worse oh it is.

Duncan: It is definitely getting worse.

Duncan: We're going to look back and call these

Duncan: times the good times.

Bo: These were the good old days I'm talking

Bo: about.

Bo: Yeah, this, all this all got to go so, so

Bo: bad.

Bo: But yeah, so back at the protest.

Bo: Things are really getting violent.

Bo: Navarro and the cops finally show up.

Bo: As Navarro is waiting into things, by the

Bo: way, she sees another ghost of Annie Kay.

Bo: And then we go to the show, leah's point of

Bo: view, who is getting like hustled by

Bo: another cop?

Bo: It's the same one that was hitting the girl

Bo: at the at the open of the show, you know

Bo: the cannery or whatever working the

Bo: cleaning crew and anyway he's going after.

Bo: Leah Navarro tackles them.

Bo: Leah yells for a girlfriend who is like

Bo: fuck that and takes off.

Duncan: Yeah, like no support at all.

Duncan: And Leah doesn't just like run away from

Duncan: this cop.

Duncan: This cop fucking whales on her like two

Duncan: times with a, with a big baton right across

Duncan: the top of her head, right into her ribs,

Duncan: and Navarro obviously runs across, manages

Duncan: to save Leah whilst pissing off this cop.

Duncan: And yeah, like I mean Danvers doesn't want

Duncan: to say I told you so, but like kind of you

Duncan: know what I mean.

Duncan: She did see like is that thing of fuck

Duncan: around?

Duncan: Find out.

Duncan: You don't fuck around with the police,

Duncan: don't fuck around with the five or four.

Bo: You know, I mean just just continuing with

Bo: that, because they're in the car together.

Bo: There is a great moment where Leah is like

Bo: how come you weren't there on our side.

Bo: Who said, are you on anyway?

Bo: And Navarro is like oh fuck, you're making

Bo: me side with your mom.

Bo: That's not the and.

Bo: And Leah finally just like take me home.

Bo: And Navarro is like I can't really do that.

Duncan: Yeah, Because Danvers is basically told her

Duncan: bring her in.

Duncan: Yeah.

Bo: And Leah's response to that is fucking pigs

Bo: all of you.

Bo: Which is you?

Duncan: know, hurtful.

Bo: I mean, meanwhile we'll we'll kind of mush

Bo: these, these two scenes together, because

Bo: Danvers gets a call from Dr who saying, hey,

Bo: I need you to meet at McKintrick's office

Bo: the lady from Silver Sky and Danvers is

Bo: like what's going on, dr who?

Bo: And he's like just be there, yeah.

Bo: And she's like, oh fuck, this doesn't seem

Bo: good.

Duncan: But she gets a reprieve because Pete says

Duncan: I've been doing a little digging around and

Duncan: remember that total institute that we

Duncan: mentioned a couple of episodes ago, that

Duncan: Internet went mental about and well turns

Duncan: out they're actually owned by a company

Duncan: that's owned by a company, that's owned by

Duncan: a shell company that is actually partners

Duncan: with the main company.

Duncan: I guess who the finance?

Duncan: Remember everyone, the Salal Station, which

Duncan: means there is a direct connection between

Duncan: Salal and the main, which, by the way, I

Duncan: think we called on the episode two Yep,

Duncan: 100%.

Bo: As soon as it happened, it was like, oh OK,

Bo: well.

Bo: So as soon as they mentioned the total

Bo: group, is like, oh well, it don't spell

Bo: that.

Duncan: Yeah, and we were right, yeah, because

Duncan: we're very smart.

Duncan: We're going to be saying that a lot moving

Duncan: forward as well.

Duncan: So let's say, let's just try and keep it in

Duncan: check.

Duncan: Well, let's just try and keep it in check.

Bo: So there's there's a personal moment

Bo: between Danvers and Pete where she's like

Bo: did you, did you know that she was going to

Bo: be at the protest, dr Pete?

True Detective: And it's like no, no, no.

Bo: I, I didn't know anything that was going on

Bo: because I got kicked the fuck out.

Bo: Yeah, and Danvers was like oh well, do you

Bo: have a place to say, Dr Lector?

Bo: Yeah, and he's like look, if I stay at your

Bo: place, that is a fast track to a divorce.

Duncan: Yeah, that's a divorce right there.

Duncan: Right, well, you get read between the lanes.

Duncan: You might be the reason that I can't go

Duncan: home tonight.

Bo: Right and while Pete is laying all this

Bo: information on the stuff we just talked

Bo: about, that is where Leah is brought into

Bo: the station and, like Danvers, literally

Bo: turns her back to her.

Duncan: Yeah.

Bo: And, but yeah.

Duncan: Leah what?

Duncan: Leah walks up to front desk, spits blood on

Duncan: the counter, says just give me my fucking

Duncan: phone call, right, because if you're going

Duncan: to do that in a movie, do it then Uh-huh.

Bo: You want to fly Danvers?

Duncan: I want to fuck with you, Sam.

Duncan: It's instantly quotable.

Duncan: Like you get me on a Robocop kick.

Duncan: We are going to be here all night, all

Duncan: night.

Bo: Danvers leave.

Bo: Oh, what are my favorite moments?

Bo: Happens here in this whole episode, when,

Bo: when Pete is walking off and Danvers is

Bo: like sorry about the divorce, dr Lector,

Bo: he's like it's not a divorce and she's like

Bo: whatever, like has zero belief that

Bo: anything is going to get worked out here.

Bo: She's just like, oh, you're fucked.

Bo: Yeah, yeah, also, I've got to go, I'm going

Bo: to go, I'm going to go, I'm going to go,

Bo: I'm going to go, I'm going to go, I'm going

Bo: to go.

Bo: I'm going to go.

Bo: Also, I've got a key I'll give.

Bo: I'll give that to you later, don't worry

Bo: about it right now.

Duncan: This like I want to get.

Duncan: I've read some things that talked about the

Duncan: dissatisfaction that some people have with

Duncan: the writing in this season and I just don't

Duncan: get it because that, specifically in this

Duncan: episode, everything is paid off.

Duncan: All the everything that's set up is

Duncan: completely paid off, and it's paid off in a

Duncan: way when I was like that, just a chef's

Duncan: kiss, jeff's kiss.

Bo: Yeah, I right, I really enjoy doing this

Bo: with you because it forces me to go back

Bo: and watch it a second time and critically,

Bo: and as I'm doing them like man, this really

Bo: does hang together real well.

Duncan: Well, I think this is the thing people

Duncan: forget is, like in the previous seasons,

Duncan: the true detective they're focused on to

Duncan: the two cop leads.

Duncan: This season is juggling about four or five

Duncan: storylines intricate with characters and it

Duncan: is paid off.

Duncan: Like everything they've set up from almost

Duncan: episode one or introduced as episode one is

Duncan: even just a slight discussion point, is

Duncan: either paid off in this episode or, I have

Duncan: to guess, will be paid off in the finale.

Duncan: But the like the the writing is being like,

Duncan: especially this like who is this actor that

Duncan: plays Pete?

Bo: Yeah, yeah, I don't know.

Duncan: He's great.

True Detective: Yeah.

Duncan: He's absolutely brilliant because he's

Duncan: holding his own against, like Academy Award

Duncan: winner Fucking Jody Foster.

True Detective: Yeah.

Bo: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's nuts, yeah,

Bo: it's so good.

Bo: So, speaking of, pete goes to go check on

Bo: Leah who is, you know, in her cell.

Duncan: Nobody knows the trouble I've been.

Duncan: Nobody knows.

Bo: Running across the bars.

Duncan: It gives her, it gives us.

True Detective: Yeah, now down 40 years since I anyway.

Duncan: So yeah, the thing is like there is a high

Duncan: probability that, like Danvers, keeps it in

Duncan: there for Forever.

Bo: Like, yes, it left to her devices.

Bo: Yeah, because, yeah, danvers is a real

Bo: tough love kind of person, but this is the

Bo: scene that I was talking about, where

Bo: there's a really good, I think, evaluation

Bo: of her, where.

Bo: So Pete gives Leah Pepsi and Leah is like I

Bo: don't like Pepsi, no, I don't like Pepsi.

Bo: And he's like there was no mountain doing.

Bo: The machine shut up and there they talk

Bo: about how, like her girlfriend sucks and he

Bo: got kicked out.

Bo: And then Leah tells a story that Kayla told

Bo: her about Pete where, when you know, back

Bo: in his high school football days, when he

Bo: was in a big game, and he's like, oh, is it

Bo: one you know where I won the game?

Bo: And she's like, no, actually you lost the

Bo: game because you were, you know, playing

Bo: linebacker or whatever, and kept falling

Bo: down and this guy kept getting past you.

Bo: And later on we found out that his mother

Bo: had had a stroke or whatever it was, and

Bo: she was like so you let him beat you.

Bo: And he's like I didn't do that.

Bo: She's like, look, just don't let Danvers

Bo: ruin that person.

Duncan: Yeah.

Bo: And this is the lie I love where she says

Bo: she's not good with people she cares about.

Duncan: Yeah.

Bo: And it's a perfect encapsulation of Danvers,

Bo: because Danvers definitely cares about Leah.

Bo: It's just does not have the emotional

Bo: capacity, because of all of her trauma, to

Bo: express that.

Bo: And yeah, it's in a lot of ways Danvers is

Bo: a really A really tortured kind of

Bo: character.

Duncan: Yeah.

Bo: And I think there are odds that she does

Bo: not make it out of episode six.

Duncan: Oh, I was going with Navarro.

Bo: Oh, I think it's more likely, because I

Bo: think Navarro seems too likely to go down

Bo: that road and I think it's in my mind at

Bo: least it's Danvers sacrificing herself for

Bo: Navarro and for ultimately Leah through

Bo: Navarro All right.

Duncan: So I have it in my head that, like Danvers

Duncan: is refusing to listen to the ghost that has

Duncan: something to tell her, and Navarro is

Duncan: Weirdly listening to the ghost that wants

Duncan: to take her away, so oh, Interesting.

Bo: OK, well, we'll see if we're looking.

Duncan: Yeah, we don't know, we don't we stop on

Duncan: this.

Duncan: We had stopped, we were finding out.

Bo: We're finding it, but so.

Duncan: It's interesting that both of us think that

Duncan: somebody does.

Duncan: Yeah, but they're not both making it to the

Duncan: end.

Duncan: That's interesting.

Bo: Navarro tries to talk Danvers out of

Bo: holding Leah in the cell and I went well,

Bo: didn't I?

Duncan: Yeah right, she said it.

Bo: Fuck out of my business, quit fucking

Bo: around in my shit.

Bo: Basically is what she says.

Bo: And but then Danvers tells Navarro like all

Bo: the answer to the file that Pete gave her,

Bo: and she's getting dressed the whole time

Bo: because she's like I got to go meet Dr who

Bo: and McKittrick Dr Lector, so I'll be back

Bo: in a little bit.

Bo: You just keep my shitty daughter in the

Bo: jail cell, but anyway.

Bo: So Danvers is off to Silver Sky where she

Bo: buss in and like just storms into this

Bo: place like she.

Duncan: Like every, every place that Danvers goes,

Duncan: she walks in like she owns kind of while as

Duncan: a character right.

Bo: But everywhere, to borrow like a poker term.

Duncan: She thinks she has the nuts right, like she

Duncan: thinks that I don't think she doesn't in

Duncan: this Like I, like, I think I, I think I

Duncan: once again reading, like some of the the

Duncan: reviews for this episode, I actually think

Duncan: I think she's rust and cold in this

Duncan: situation.

Duncan: I think she realises halfway through this

Duncan: conversation that she is not holding all

Duncan: the cards and I think she then basically

Duncan: plays the rest of that conversation to get

Duncan: as much information as she can without

Duncan: giving anything else.

Bo: OK, all right.

Duncan: Because I think, like the start of the

Duncan: conversation, like she, like she's just,

Duncan: she's like Phillip pissing vinegar with

Duncan: them.

Bo: Because the first thing they do is they

Bo: show her the video.

Bo: They're like, they're like.

Bo: The reason we called you here, yes, is

Bo: because this video you and Avaro are in

Bo: Silver Sky property.

Bo: What the fuck are you looking for?

Duncan: Yeah.

Bo: And she says well, you know, we had Intel,

Bo: dr Lector, about the area.

Bo: And she's like aha, who gave you that Intel?

Bo: And she's like, well, otis highs, as it

Bo: happens.

Bo: And she's like, huh, huh, well, there's

Bo: good news, yeah, we've solved the mystery.

Bo: And she's like, oh, is that right, dr

Bo: Lector?

Duncan: Yeah, and this is also coming from the

Duncan: Kittridge, yes, and not coming from Dr who,

Duncan: like she is not the police, right, and he

Duncan: is the police and she is basically saying

Duncan: this case is closed.

Bo: Yes, because what she says happens in this

Bo: goes back to the Yadav Paz.

Duncan: Yes.

Bo: But they said there was a slab avalanche,

Bo: that all the guys had gone outside to see

Bo: the last sunset of the year and got hit by

Bo: this avalanche.

Duncan: We, we out and like they just decided to

Duncan: walk for miles Right.

Bo: Stop everything they were doing, and yeah,

Bo: so what area?

Duncan: which didn't have any hills around at all

Duncan: and were hit with avalanche, which I mean.

Duncan: I'm no like volcanologist, but I'm fairly

Duncan: sure that an avalanche rose downhill.

Bo: Yes.

Duncan: Yeah.

Bo: And you're, Davies is pretty quick to say

Bo: fuck your weather event.

Bo: She does.

Bo: Oh she's got over and I mean it's so

Bo: inappropriate and it's completely the wrong

Bo: move to me.

Duncan: Plus, your boss is there, right.

Bo: Like it is wildly out of line.

Duncan: It's not the most out of line thing she

Duncan: says to her, though she's building up to

Duncan: that.

Bo: So yeah, well, oh man, she does go nuclear

Bo: at a certain point for no reason, Like it's

Bo: a real.

Duncan: Well, this is what makes me think the

Duncan: nuclear option is a distraction.

Bo: Yeah, so anyway, she then kind of lays down

Bo: her cards about the connection between

Bo: Tuttle and Salel and Silver Sky.

Duncan: Yeah.

Duncan: And the insinuation that she's making is if

Duncan: you have an environmental you know

Duncan: geological survey team there, that's

Duncan: basically there to identify how pure the

Duncan: ice and the you know surrounding

Duncan: environment is, and it's owned by the same

Duncan: company that owns the mining company where

Duncan: the locals are saying the water has been

Duncan: poisoned.

Duncan: Maybe a conflict of interest?

Bo: Right.

Bo: And what happens, though, is McKittrick is

Bo: like hmm, that's interesting, I'll

Bo: certainly look into it, but you know, with

Bo: the company as big as ours, it you know,

Bo: there's no conflict of interest, because

Bo: one hand doesn't really know what the other

Bo: is doing.

Bo: Most of the time, anyway.

Duncan: So I would give money to lots of different.

Bo: Yeah, and it really diffuses like there's

Bo: no, nobody was like you found this, you

Bo: know, it was just like yeah, ok, so what?

Bo: And yeah like well, but that's wrong.

Duncan: Yeah, and they're like yeah.

Bo: And then this is where she pulls the

Bo: nuclear option.

Duncan: And I think this is so she can get out of

Duncan: there.

Duncan: Yeah, like, get out of there or not, can't?

Duncan: Let's just like like you can get out of

Duncan: here and I can't, let's just get out of

Duncan: here.

Duncan: So I think what she does, she pulls it,

Duncan: pulls the pendant and the grenade right in

Duncan: front of her.

Bo: Yeah, I'm sorry your husband's such a bad

Bo: lay.

Bo: And immediately Dr who is like what the

Bo: fuck are you doing?

Bo: Like he is shot, genuinely shocked, like

Bo: what the fuck it is such a great reaction

Bo: from Christopher Eccleston.

Bo: He is just like jaw dropped of like yeah it

Bo: never entered his head that something like

Bo: this would come out of her mouth.

Duncan: And interesting dynamics.

Duncan: In this one, he's a police officer.

Duncan: She's a police officer.

Duncan: Yeah, he's sitting on the other side of the

Duncan: table.

Bo: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Duncan: Like they're interrogating her and that

Duncan: that would never fucking happen, which

Duncan: makes me wonder yeah, is she contributing

Duncan: to the upcoming mayoral campaign?

Bo: Yeah, or is he just a useful idiot, or you

Bo: know, I mean how many police officers are

Bo: in because we're about to get the reveal.

Duncan: We are moments away from the reveal of

Duncan: something I called right back in that first

Duncan: episode.

Duncan: But how many does she have in her back

Duncan: pocket?

Duncan: How many?

Duncan: How many does McKittridge and this mining

Duncan: company?

Duncan: How many police officers do they have?

Duncan: Because he's not even based in that time.

Duncan: He's based in Anchorage.

Bo: So yeah, I mean.

Bo: The only reason he is there, as a matter of

Bo: fact, is because of what's going on with

Bo: Silver Sky.

Duncan: Yeah so.

Bo: I mean he had like again, he had exiled her

Bo: is the way they put it, danvers?

Duncan: Yes.

Bo: So this is an ass out in the middle of

Bo: nowhere place and not a place you would

Bo: expect him to come, unless he is there to

Bo: come.

Duncan: Yes.

Bo: Or deal with McKittrick, but anyway.

Bo: So when, when McKittrick leaves, jody

Bo: Foster still seems to think that he is kind

Bo: of on her side.

Duncan: She's.

Duncan: She's about to find out very, very quickly

Duncan: that that's not the case.

Bo: Right?

Bo: Well, because she's like impassionedly

Bo: telling him look, this cave is where Annie

Bo: Kay was murdered.

Bo: The two cases are linked, the stuff with.

Bo: You know, salal and Annie Kay, all of this

Bo: is the same thing.

Bo: We just got to figure it out.

Bo: And then Dr who is like so what about the

Bo: Wheeler case?

Duncan: Yeah, when were you going to tell me about

Duncan: this?

Bo: Right, this suicide, this supposed suicide,

Bo: and there was no suicide was there.

Bo: And she's like, where did this come from?

Bo: And then he's like, look, the case is

Bo: closed, be smart for once and just go home

Bo: to your daughter and and so all she fucks.

Duncan: Yeah Well, this is, this is his, this is

Duncan: him trying to pull the nuclear option.

Duncan: But once again, like we know where this

Duncan: goes, which makes me Like she she kind of

Duncan: plays this out to, to narrow it down, what

Duncan: this information could only have come from

Duncan: One place, right, yes, so she.

Duncan: She walks us out once again to Danverscray

Duncan: that she's like ruthlessly smart.

Duncan: Even even the explanation of what happens

Duncan: in the Wheeler case is ruthlessly fucking

Duncan: smart.

Duncan: It just took it like Ace Cop, who his wife

Duncan: had flung him at the house to crack it and

Duncan: but like was one of the assumptions we had

Duncan: made, was one of the assumptions we had

Duncan: made was that essentially, hank knew right

Duncan: and had covered up.

Duncan: What we will find out is Hank didn't

Duncan: actually know, but Hank is what's the word

Duncan: she uses Not as stupid, as he acts Right

Duncan: and and has done something that is

Duncan: basically giving him the leverage that he

Duncan: needs to fuck with Danvers.

Bo: Right.

Bo: Well, and that is the next thing where

Bo: McKittrick and Hawks are meeting kind of in

Bo: her car out in the middle.

Bo: Yes one presumes, nowhere Like this is real

Bo: secret, clandestine meeting stuff.

Bo: And McKittrick says like Danvers is not

Bo: letting this go and she cannot find that

Bo: cave and Heiss can't take her there, do you?

Duncan: understand what I mean Like.

Bo: I'm going to press and you say I will take

Bo: care of this.

Duncan: The thing is.

Duncan: The thing is I like she.

Duncan: There's a great, great part of this

Duncan: interaction where you get the feeling that

Duncan: McKittrick doesn't really know.

Duncan: It's not that she doesn't know what she's

Duncan: asking, she just doesn't understand the

Duncan: logistics of what she's asking.

Duncan: Because, like, he's like that I can't, just,

Duncan: I can't just kill a guy.

Duncan: Like I, just like I can't, like, I can't,

Duncan: just I can't just do that.

Duncan: And she's like well, he's a drug addict,

Duncan: maybe he has an accident, you know, like he

Duncan: gets lost, right, yeah, maybe, maybe he

Duncan: gets lost.

Duncan: These things happen all the time.

Duncan: And he's like and he's like, listen, you

Duncan: know, isn't like we paid you a lot of money

Duncan: that time that you did that thing for us?

Duncan: And he's like listen, I haven't, there is

Duncan: no money left.

Duncan: There is, I haven't paid him enough and

Duncan: there are none of it left, which, like I

Duncan: say, makes me think he's spent all on these

Duncan: catfish.

Duncan: Russian bride.

Bo: And he was supposed to be chief of police.

Duncan: That was the bar that was part of the deal

Duncan: as well.

Duncan: And, of course, like Mckitry says, how was

Duncan: I supposed to know that Dan versus was

Duncan: going to be, you know like essentially cast

Duncan: out and ostracized up here how?

Duncan: There's no way I would have ever known that.

Duncan: But it falls into that play of, like I

Duncan: mentioned right at the start, why did he

Duncan: have the Annie Kay case files in his house?

Duncan: Right, it's because he's doing the mines

Duncan: that we also said that we felt that he

Duncan: probably wanted that job or had had that

Duncan: job.

Duncan: No, he pretty much had that job.

Duncan: And they said full support of the mine.

Duncan: You basically tidy up for them or look in

Duncan: the other way all the way through.

Duncan: And, yeah, mckitry basically said you know,

Duncan: go forth, get any.

Duncan: So I don't even know where he is and he's

Duncan: like that, well, followed, ambers.

Duncan: I mean like I have to do your job for you

Duncan: as well.

Duncan: Do I physically have to do this for you?

Duncan: Well, that follower, she'll take you to him

Duncan: and then sort this out, which will come

Duncan: into effect at the end of this episode,

Duncan: which I have some strong takes on the end

Duncan: of this episode.

Duncan: Oh, I'm interested to see if we read the

Duncan: room the same way.

Bo: All right, yeah, but one of my favorite

Bo: moments in this whole back and forth with

Bo: Hawks and Mckitryk is when he's like look,

Bo: I've never killed anybody.

True Detective: And she's like whoa who said anything?

Bo: about killing.

Duncan: I didn't say anything.

Duncan: I didn't say anything.

Duncan: I never said it, you never heard it.

True Detective: I never said it you never heard it.

Duncan: So it's like whoa sir.

Duncan: It's going to be percussive noises with my

Duncan: mouth.

Bo: We cut over to Navarro, who has some

Bo: Japanese horror movie ghost hair, her

Bo: washing machine at the laundromat, which is

Bo: unfortunate.

Duncan: I hate when that happens as terrible, you

Duncan: know, you pull in here, you pull in here,

Duncan: and then all of a sudden Sadako comes out.

Bo: Oh, what is this little kid meowing at me?

Bo: For Jeez, I've got company coming over.

Duncan: Did I buy a grudge house?

Bo: Yeah, Tired of all your grudge ghosts.

Bo: There has to be a better way.

Bo: As soon as you cross the threshold, you are

Bo: damned for all eternity.

Bo: But that doesn't mean your guests have to

Bo: be.

Bo: Keep those spooks at a respectable distance

Bo: with grudge away, grudge away.

Bo: Take it from, take it from this user.

Bo: Yeah, that is one freaky kid.

Bo: Anyway, so while she's dealing with grudge

Bo: here in the laundromat, a cavick finds her

Bo: along with his pal and he's like hey, this

Bo: buddy of mine can identify that spiral on

Bo: the stone.

Bo: Yeah, the school that you left at my house

Bo: and she's like no shit, let's have it.

Bo: And all of true detective was like no shit,

Bo: let's have it.

Bo: And he's like, oh, it's a marker that

Bo: hunters used for places where the ice will

Bo: swallow you whole.

Bo: And also, you know, he reveals that people

Bo: in the area have referred to those ice

Bo: caves as the night country.

Duncan: Yes, and so interesting.

Duncan: Interesting theory online about the spirals

Duncan: is that the spirals and true detective go

Duncan: the other way.

Duncan: So the the the insinuation is the spirals

Duncan: and true detective that go the other way

Duncan: are about ascension and the spirals that

Duncan: are in this one that go the opposite way

Duncan: are about descending.

Bo: Hmm, okay, all right, or one is war a

Bo: warning, the other an invitation.

Duncan: Hmm, I love it, I love it.

Duncan: How very lovecraftian of you, bro, I know.

Bo: So Navarro bus in to tell Liz about this

Bo: and Navarro is very excited where she's

Bo: like look, look, we've cracked a case.

Bo: We, they call the caves the night country.

Bo: We can crack down into them from above and

Bo: the whole time, danvers is like it's over.

Bo: It's over Dr, like we're being shut down

Bo: and go on now Go on.

Duncan: Go on.

Bo: And Navarro is like fuck that, no, we'll do

Bo: it anyway.

Bo: And finally Danvers is like doctor, who

Bo: knows about Wheeler, yeah.

Bo: And she's like, oh huh, you know what?

Bo: Fuck that, who cares?

Bo: Let's get down there anyway and we can find

Bo: DNA and whatever.

Bo: We got to go.

Bo: This is our time, this is the time to do

Bo: this.

Bo: We got a strike.

Bo: And Danvers is like just refuses to, as

Bo: just like go home, we're done.

Bo: And Navarro very pointedly says, all right,

Bo: well then, annie K is yours now.

Bo: You get to carry that burden.

Bo: So you're leaving her alone down in that

Bo: cave in the dark, and she's yours now.

True Detective: Yeah.

Bo: And all off.

Bo: Navarro goes to.

Bo: By the way, let Lee out, that's her.

Duncan: Yeah, I'm going to stick at the Danvers

Duncan: here and she lets me out.

Bo: And Lee asked did Liz tell you to do this?

Bo: And she said fuck this yeah.

Bo: All right All right, I'm going to look

Bo: whatever.

Bo: Whatever gets me out of here, I'm down.

Duncan: Yeah, whatever gets me out.

Bo: Yeah.

Duncan: I'm going to get short or tease if I walk

Duncan: out this police station.

Bo: And Danvers sees her but just doesn't say

Bo: anything.

Bo: She just, she just lets it go from that

Bo: point.

Bo: But Hawks, meanwhile, is like what was that

Bo: all around, all about Pete?

Bo: And Pete's like, oh, you know, family shit.

Bo: And then he tells the story Hawks does of

Bo: Pete being a little kid and playing on the

Bo: ice and falling into it and this whole

Bo: thing where he was, like you know, the

Bo: current was pulling you so I had to get

Bo: ahead of you and bash through the ice and

Bo: grab you and I almost missed.

Bo: But you know, we got you out of there and I

Bo: got you into my car and I knew I just had

Bo: to keep you awake.

Bo: So I just kept talking to you and all the

Bo: way to the hospital, huh, family stuff,

Bo: right.

Bo: And Pete's like yeah, and then off he goes

Bo: and it's like, oh, that's dramatic.

Duncan: Yeah.

Bo: Someone's making it out of this episode.

Duncan: It's a very See, I look.

Duncan: I look at this as pure manipulation.

Duncan: What Hawks is not as silly as you think I

Duncan: think right to the very end.

Duncan: Here he is in film manipulation.

Bo: Oh, you think he's really.

Duncan: I think it's no, there are a couple of

Duncan: moments.

Bo: I feel like this is sort of like his last

Bo: moment, where it's just like things are

Bo: going bad.

Bo: But let me at least try to make an effort.

Duncan: He is no, no, no, no, I think there is.

Duncan: He like he is easy, easy, nasty piece of

Duncan: work.

Duncan: He forces his son to kill him, like see, if

Duncan: you go back and check that scene, his

Duncan: finger is not on the trigger.

Duncan: His finger is not on the trigger when he

Duncan: lifts that gun up to Danvers so he forces

Duncan: his kid to shoot him.

Duncan: I knew that part.

Duncan: Yeah, right, so he is.

Duncan: He is.

Duncan: Basically he's leaving his kid with that to

Duncan: deal with.

True Detective: Oh yeah.

Duncan: Like so he's not.

Duncan: He is not a good guy you can talk about.

Duncan: Like let's talk about this nice memory,

Duncan: about that time I saved your life, Like

Duncan: moments before I traumatized your life for

Duncan: the rest of your existence.

Bo: It's a fucking horrible thing to do, Well

Bo: this is a miserable piece of shit, not

Bo: defending Hawks at all as a good person.

Bo: But, as we've seen, like characters on this

Bo: show, like bad people, have good moments

Bo: and good people have bad moments and stuff.

Bo: So I felt like this was like a moment of

Bo: nostalgia for him.

Duncan: Yeah, there was also that I don't like.

Duncan: Part of me feels like there's this is kind

Duncan: of seven, two purposes.

Duncan: It's when, when crunch time comes, will you

Duncan: hold on to that time that I saved your life

Duncan: or will you need your help, and so I need

Duncan: to remind you.

Duncan: Yeah, because it comes out like like why

Duncan: would that, like that's such a weird

Duncan: conversation to have at that moment.

Duncan: You know what I mean?

Bo: Yeah yeah, you're right.

Duncan: Well, like, yeah, I like all the way

Duncan: through, like from the moment he started

Duncan: singing the blues, I was like this man's a

Duncan: bad man.

Bo: All right, I'm coming around, ok.

Bo: So then we go to Navarro, who is Rose.

Bo: Has like cut through the ice way up in the

Bo: middle of nowhere, so that Navarro can rose,

Bo: who is a real person.

Duncan: Yes, yes who exists, it exists, it's kind

Duncan: of a whole nice.

Bo: Yeah, and so that Navarro can put Julie's

Bo: ashes into the water and give her back to

Bo: the sea.

Bo: She says which is really, you know, kind of

Bo: a sweet thing to say and Rose is like, hey,

Bo: hurry up out here, because the weather is

Bo: going to shit.

Bo: They're saying it's going to be a category

Bo: for whatever that is.

Duncan: Yeah, I can't agree for for boating storm

Duncan: is coming in.

Duncan: Yes, hope that won't have any impact on the

Duncan: next episode.

Bo: And all right.

Bo: So her light starts flickering.

Bo: Yes, navarro does, after Rose is walking

Bo: away and she hears somebody calling her

Bo: name and it's a voice saying listen.

Bo: And she starts to follow and has this like

Bo: flash of the desert for a second I've like

Bo: she goes back to the combat zone from the

Bo: first episode.

Bo: Yeah, from that, like the girl who

Bo: whispered to her that had to have her the

Bo: head blown off, was like Gus from Breaking

Bo: bad.

Bo: And and then she flashes back and she's

Bo: back in the present, but she is on super

Bo: thin ice, which means Duncan.

Bo: The ice is going to break, right.

Bo: And so she has to get on her belly, and

Bo: rose does too, and kind of like, get, get

Bo: wide, yeah, so that you stand less of a

Bo: chance to go through.

Bo: And rose finally, like throw something out

Bo: to her and brings her back.

Bo: And Rose is like why didn't you hear me

Bo: calling your name?

Bo: Yeah, what were you doing?

Bo: And she's just you know, I don't know.

Duncan: Navarro listens to the ghosts that are

Duncan: trying to take her with her.

Duncan: This is what I'm saying.

Duncan: I don't think she's getting out the next

Duncan: episode, but I think she's no long for this

Duncan: world.

Bo: See, I think that's the bend of her

Bo: characters.

Bo: She's been like on that journey Right.

Bo: I think she she finds redemption and

Bo: Danvers finds.

Bo: You know like like the way that she can

Bo: help people in her demise.

Bo: You know like where she can do the most

Bo: good.

Bo: Oh, right so but anyway, we'll talk about

Bo: speculation in a minute.

Bo: So but Danvers shows up at the priors and

Bo: asked to see Leah and I originally.

Duncan: Just like, once again, she owns how she's

Duncan: boxing or having a bath.

Bo: Absolutely, and they're talking while she's

Bo: in the bath and she's in the bath and

Bo: Danvers very sweetly, I think, is like

Bo: please come home for new years, come on,

Bo: come on, come on, now Go on now.

Duncan: And Leah doesn't agree per se, but as she's

Duncan: leaving, she has the most pain line I've

Duncan: ever heard a kid say ever.

Bo: Yeah.

Bo: And she says Liz, you know, I haven't given

Bo: up on you.

Bo: And Liz doesn't say anything and she just

Bo: leaves.

Bo: So Danvers takes off.

Bo: We see that Hawks is now following her.

Bo: Yeah.

Duncan: Which is not very good at either, like he's,

Duncan: like the one, because, like Danvers, heads

Duncan: straight to police station so she can score

Duncan: some of that capital.

Duncan: H, no, no no, she doesn't.

Bo: She first goes to the morgue, she goes to

Bo: the morgue.

Duncan: Yeah.

Duncan: So Leah basically told her in that

Duncan: conversation do you know, like I bad water?

Duncan: She's like I know about the fucking water

Duncan: and she's like do you know about the still

Duncan: person?

Duncan: She's like, yeah, I know about the still

Duncan: person.

Duncan: She's like nine in the last month and she's

Duncan: like nine, like, yeah, nine stillborn

Duncan: babies, nine times.

Duncan: Yeah, nine times in the last month and you

Duncan: have done nothing.

Duncan: Yeah, so she makes a move to the morgue.

Duncan: I've kind of dramatic seen here.

Duncan: She goes in, basically what you find that

Duncan: is because the ground is so frozen like the

Duncan: bodies are just in coffins and storage

Duncan: Because they can't dig holes in the ground.

Duncan: So she goes in.

Duncan: She sees like all these tiny little coffins

Duncan: and it really affects her, like you can see

Duncan: her getting like because this but this is

Duncan: like, while she is like, while she's

Duncan: fucking fumbling around with these cases

Duncan: and trying to like like deal with all the

Duncan: bullshit that she's happening, there is a

Duncan: legitimate crime happening here that the

Duncan: police is not investigating because it, you

Duncan: know, it's hard to prove.

Duncan: You know, like all this stuff that you know

Duncan: that the right that the law should be taken

Duncan: care of, all this stuff, that big

Duncan: corporations and it's the theme all the way

Duncan: through true detective from the first

Duncan: fucking season, that is the abuse of people,

Duncan: of power, money and wealth to just make

Duncan: problems disappear.

Duncan: And I mean it's in my eyes.

Duncan: It's inevitable now that a theory, a kind

Duncan: of partial theory that I floated in our

Duncan: third episode is Annie Kay was

Duncan: investigating the stillborn you know

Duncan: stillborn babies related to the mind, you

Duncan: know like.

Duncan: Struck up a friendship with the guy at the

Duncan: Salal station, probably found out they were

Duncan: being funded by the same people, ended up

Duncan: in this cave, came across some sort of

Duncan: evidence and was murdered for it.

Bo: Yeah, I think all of that feels right, yeah,

Bo: so anyway, that will like think about why

Bo: take your tongue.

Duncan: I think he took her tongue.

Duncan: Hox, did no.

Duncan: I think the crazy guy at the station took

Duncan: her tongue.

Duncan: Oh, clark, I think he took her tongue

Duncan: because he felt guilty about what happened

Duncan: and he took that as a kind of partial

Duncan: souvenir.

Bo: I think that's or if it's the like, going

Bo: back to the she's awake stuff, if you've

Bo: been having visions of her because of his

Bo: guilt and this is a way for her, to get her

Bo: to stop talking to him.

Duncan: Possibly.

Duncan: Yeah, there's that.

Duncan: Yeah, I think he had.

Duncan: I think he had it and I think that's why we

Duncan: found that at the station.

Duncan: I think, when we find out what happened, I

Duncan: think he went crazy, probably through guilt.

Duncan: And you know, this is what we fucking did

Duncan: to her.

Duncan: I've got a fucking tongue which was frozen

Duncan: in her station for God knows how long, and

Duncan: that's what happened, I think.

Duncan: So I mean, that's what was going on with

Duncan: the tongue.

Bo: And so all right.

Duncan: So after Liz checks out the stillborn

Duncan: babies and that that probably she pulls a

Duncan: McConaughey from season one of true

Duncan: detective and that instead of going in for

Duncan: a big bag of cocaine, she goes in and she

Duncan: removes heroin from the from the evidence.

Duncan: From when she comes out she bumps right in

Duncan: the John Hawks who's just standing there.

Duncan: In the worst, I will follow you.

Duncan: I'm tailing a suspect.

Duncan: Yeah, like, just like.

Duncan: And it's awkward and it's fumbly, and she's

Duncan: like walks right up to him, she gets in his

Duncan: face and she's like like, what did you say

Duncan: about the wheeler case?

Duncan: And he's like the To Dr who.

Bo: Like you, I know you talked to Dr who.

Bo: You told him all about yeah.

Duncan: Yeah, she grabs Pete and takes Pete into

Duncan: the room and then we get like maybe the

Duncan: most intense like ask the right question

Duncan: session we've had in this entire series.

Duncan: And this is where you really find that Pete

Duncan: is a fucking great cop Because you wouldn't

Duncan: let go.

Duncan: She basically she says start asking

Duncan: questions.

Duncan: And he's like that Well, you know what

Duncan: happened.

Duncan: And he's like wrong question.

Duncan: Well yeah, I asked the right question and

Duncan: he's like well, did you maybe like just

Duncan: like wrong question?

Duncan: He doesn't even get the full question out.

Duncan: It's like and she's like wrong question,

Duncan: Did you wrong question, like this, and

Duncan: basically he finally hits on the right

Duncan: question, which is you remember what the

Duncan: right question is?

Bo: Did you know, wheeler was left handed.

Duncan: There we go and she's like, huh, right, and

Duncan: then we get his rationale behind it,

Duncan: basically what we the way I interpret this.

Duncan: I'm interested in if you interpret

Duncan: different.

Duncan: The way I interpret this is the.

Duncan: They've been called out there several times

Duncan: and hadn't done anything.

Duncan: Right, there'd been a lot of an action.

Duncan: Is what he's saying from the evidence here.

Duncan: The reason, like the, the hadn't done

Duncan: anything is because she was prone to hurt

Duncan: herself, or did I pick that up wrong?

Bo: Yeah, it's a little confusing because they

Bo: get it.

Bo: Pete gets into this all this business about

Bo: how the pictures were flipped.

Duncan: Yes, yeah, I got that.

Duncan: So basically what they were saying is, like

Duncan: you said, that he shot himself, but he shot

Duncan: her Right, but he couldn't have shot her

Duncan: because Wheeler was left handed and I found

Duncan: out, like the way, like the way her bruises

Duncan: were and all the subsequent like case

Duncan: pictures before they all came from the

Duncan: opposite side, so, like, almost like she'd

Duncan: hit herself.

Duncan: So you know, I then checked the picture, I

Duncan: went back and checked her yearbook photo

Duncan: and the, the, the, the crime scene photos

Duncan: that you have of her dead.

Duncan: The birthmark is on the wrong side.

Duncan: If she had shot, if she, like she, had been

Duncan: shot, you know it would make sense.

Duncan: But she killed herself, as how I

Duncan: interpreted it, she committed suicide.

Bo: Right, and so they leapt to the wrong

Bo: conclusion.

Duncan: They killed him and what they then saw,

Duncan: what I think Navarro Short thingy.

Duncan: And then I think Danvers yeah, I think

Duncan: Danvers put together and then falsified

Duncan: evidence to get Navarro out.

Duncan: Yeah, ok, all right, I mean I'm on board

Duncan: with that, which is also why I don't think

Duncan: Danvers is going to die in the next episode.

Duncan: I think Danvers is going to take the fall

Duncan: for it in the next episode.

Duncan: I think that's the sort of thing that's

Duncan: going to come up.

Duncan: I think there's going to be like Pete knows

Duncan: about that, she knows about that.

Duncan: It's clearly, it clearly weighs on her and

Duncan: I think she will confess that at the end.

Duncan: Plus fucking, what's his tips?

Duncan: Knows about it Doctor who.

Duncan: And he's not going to go away on that one.

Duncan: He's ultimately, regardless what comes out,

Duncan: the women in the mind is not going to take

Duncan: the fall, but Mckitridge is going to be

Duncan: safe because it's true detective and no one

Duncan: at the top ever takes the fall, it's all

Duncan: the people below.

Duncan: So I think it follows.

Duncan: It follows a thread.

Duncan: She will take the fall at the end of this.

Bo: OK, I'm with you.

Bo: I mean, I think somebody, I think you're

Bo: right.

Bo: I don't think this is the season where

Bo: suddenly, true detective ends with the good

Bo: guys winning an unquestionable victory.

Duncan: Yeah Well, even season one they hadn't

Duncan: really won, like they survived.

Duncan: They survived that bout, but there was an

Duncan: international pedophile fucking like scheme

Duncan: out there.

Duncan: They just managed to close the chapter that

Duncan: was on their doorstep, right, they didn't

Duncan: Well, they didn't stop.

Duncan: At season two, everyone died, except

Duncan: fucking Rachel McAdams who, like pretty

Duncan: much died.

Duncan: But everyone else died.

Duncan: The guy from John Carter of Marseille

Duncan: fucking perished horribly, and Vince Vaughn

Duncan: died bleeding out in the fucking desert and

Duncan: Conferral couldn't even text his son to

Duncan: tell me he loved him.

Duncan: He got fucking shot in some woods.

Duncan: And then in season three there's that

Duncan: insinuation that, as happy as that ending

Duncan: is, it might not be everything that

Duncan: happened.

Duncan: So, so like none of them have happy endings.

Duncan: So, I like I don't think he's a Lopez Like

Duncan: he's gonna like come in here and be like.

Duncan: You know what I'm going to give it the

Duncan: Disney ending.

Bo: Well, because, notoriously, tigers are not

Bo: afraid.

Bo: One of the happiest endings ever it doesn't?

Duncan: It's another one Like.

Duncan: I sat in a cinema with grown men balling

Duncan: their fucking eyes out watching the end of

Duncan: that movie.

Bo: Sure, yeah, that's one of them.

Bo: I did not my eyes out at the end of the day.

Duncan: One single solitary bit of moisture in my

Duncan: tear ducts when that movie finished,

Duncan: because I have a heart of stone.

Bo: Yeah, because, yeah you, there's something

Bo: broken inside you, it is.

Bo: That is not a badge of honor.

Duncan: That is my daughter, was recently a slight

Duncan: aside.

Duncan: There was a relatively emotional advert

Duncan: that was on the telly and my wife cries

Duncan: Everything and we're sitting on the couch

Duncan: and I kind of looked around and I was like,

Duncan: oh, when I was like, here come the

Duncan: waterworks, and she's like it's my mom

Duncan: crying.

Duncan: And she's like, yeah, I'm crying, I was

Duncan: like your mom cries everything, and she

Duncan: turned around and she's like that's because

Duncan: I'm not an emotionalist monster Like you.

Bo: No, it falls Frankie.

Duncan: I was like could I write in the button

Duncan: there?

Duncan: She called it, she saw it and she's right.

Duncan: I'm not to the thought, but yeah, like this.

Duncan: So I can't remember how we were related,

Duncan: but yeah, I think I think ultimately is he

Duncan: gonna have a happy.

Duncan: I think Danvers will take the fall at the

Duncan: end.

Bo: Okay, all right.

Duncan: I was gonna die just for chicks and girls.

Bo: Um, yeah, well, you know how I feel about

Bo: this.

True Detective: All right.

Duncan: So, anyway, uh, so, um, so, like you.

Duncan: Basically, she explains all of the P and

Duncan: pizza about to push forward and she's like

Duncan: that you know this conversation is now

Duncan: closed.

Duncan: And she's like oh, by the way, the password

Duncan: on your, your laptop I'm guessing it's this

Duncan: because your dad's been access now because

Duncan: you've been staying with them and he's been

Duncan: going through your computer to dig up dirt

Duncan: on me, because I told you before he may,

Duncan: actually, but he is not.

Bo: Mm, hmm, it the.

Bo: The one thing in this whole episode that I

Bo: felt like a bad note to me was, uh, this

Bo: bit with the password, because it's like,

Bo: well, we've established that Pete is kind

Bo: of somewhat tech savvy.

True Detective: Yeah.

Bo: And using his kids birthday is the most

Bo: obvious password in the world.

Bo: So why on earth would somebody who knew at

Bo: least a little something about this use

Bo: such a terrible password?

Duncan: Yeah.

Bo: I mean it's, it's fine.

Bo: At the end of the day, it's not that big a

Bo: deal.

Bo: But it felt like not Pete, you know, like

Bo: Pete would be.

Bo: If he's the one that they hand a phone to

Bo: him like figure this out and hack it and

Bo: get it working again, then he would know to

Bo: not have you would think, but then

Bo: sometimes people are really lazy with our

Bo: computers.

Bo: Maybe, but what she does say to him is as

Bo: smart as you are, Pete you you haven't get

Bo: learned when to stop asking questions to

Bo: her.

Bo: And anyway.

Bo: So then she gives them a key, because of

Bo: course she does.

Duncan: Yeah, and it says listen, you can't stay

Duncan: with your dad anymore, like, and I know

Duncan: that you can't stay in my house because

Duncan: divorce.

Duncan: However, there is the shed out the back and

Duncan: you're welcome to stay there as long as you

Duncan: want, but get out of that house and get

Duncan: away from your dad, and I don't have to see

Duncan: you.

Bo: You don't have to see me Like you are.

Bo: You have your own space, even though it's

Bo: just like this.

Duncan: And this totally sets up the end.

Duncan: It's so fucking good.

Duncan: It's still good.

Bo: So she takes off.

Bo: Then Hux comes over to Pete.

Bo: I was like hey, what was all that about?

Bo: Bookeroo, my boy?

True Detective: Remember that to my diligent from the ace.

Duncan: You always died.

Duncan: Is everything okay yeah?

Bo: And Pete's like don't fucking touch me and

Bo: you know, get out of here, I don't want to

Bo: see you.

Bo: And so Hawks was like what do I do?

Bo: And then leaves.

Bo: He's always like John Hawks in this, not in

Bo: everything.

Duncan: He's fucking excellent.

Bo: He's great and and that kind of dopey, like

Bo: what you know, like that look that he he

Bo: throws at Pete is, and I think you're right.

Bo: I think that, in particular, is really

Bo: manipulative.

Bo: Yeah, but he's all built up.

Duncan: Like cause he doesn't know.

Duncan: This is the key to what is going to happen

Duncan: at the end of this episode is he does not

Duncan: know that Danvers has given them a key to

Duncan: stay in the back cabin.

Duncan: Because if he did know that, if this

Duncan: conversation had went differently and he

Duncan: found out that information, there is

Duncan: absolutely no way that Hank pulls what he's

Duncan: about to pull at Danvers house.

Bo: A hundred percent.

Bo: So we do have a moment where Navarro shows

Bo: up at Cavex and I like the fact that he's

Bo: the little spoon when she gets into bed

Bo: with him and like I dig that I, you know,

Bo: as a six foot plus tall man, I don't know

Bo: if I've ever been the little spoon, and I

Bo: feel like I should have been at some point.

Duncan: There is a there is a very, very, very

Duncan: funny theory about this particular scene

Duncan: and that Kavik, whose name apparently is I

Duncan: think it's in you for wolf.

Bo: Okay, yeah, cause.

Bo: Yeah, there's a book called Kavik the wolf

Bo: dog.

Bo: I remember reading when I was a kid and

Bo: he's reading.

Duncan: Did you see what he was reading?

Duncan: He's reading any sand.

Duncan: He's reading.

Duncan: Who's afraid of Virginia wolf?

Bo: Oh, that's fun.

Duncan: Right, the play, but apparently like a

Duncan: whole fucking, like, mega, mega, mega mega

Duncan: thread or read it about this.

Duncan: I've never seen the play.

Duncan: But who who's afraid of Virginia wolf is

Duncan: the story of a couple who pretend that they

Duncan: have a child and when they're confronted

Duncan: about it they claim that the child died in

Duncan: a car accident.

Duncan: And there was assumptions that, like you're

Duncan: doing the feast, I was doing that, I was

Duncan: like that.

Duncan: But we know that like holding as a real

Duncan: person, because he's been referenced in

Duncan: this show and I think this is just as a

Duncan: Lopez having some fun, which I kind of love

Duncan: it.

Duncan: She's like you know what.

Duncan: I'm just going to put this in here because

Duncan: I know how the internet works and people

Duncan: are going to look into this a little

Duncan: further than they necessarily should.

Duncan: Or maybe even like hey, here's this guy who

Duncan: sort of belongs in the area and he's like

Duncan: at peace in this land, and well, also like

Duncan: the fact that it tells a story about a very

Duncan: kind of a dysfunctional couple, and that

Duncan: could be Navarro and Kavac.

Bo: Yeah, yeah, I mean you may not have to read

Bo: too deeply into this.

Duncan: Yeah, I would read deeply at all and I just

Duncan: think it's, I just think it's fun that the

Duncan: other someone spent a long time, good, and

Duncan: I just cracked it, eureka, with one of

Duncan: those like beautiful mind yarn.

Bo: You got a red wave on the wall.

Bo: Yeah Well, kavac is actually the name of a

Bo: wolf and wolves, as we know, or furry

Bo: furries, as we know, go to conventions.

Bo: Ah, this all ends at a convention.

Bo: So, anyway.

Bo: But Danvers goes to the lighthouse to get

Bo: Heis out of there and of course she has a

Bo: little bit of yellow Conja, clean burning

Bo: propane in her pocket and she gets about

Bo: there.

Bo: It's like we're going back to my place, Dr

Bo: Hiss, and he's like, well, give me the

Bo: heroine.

Bo: She's like no, I'm not stupid, you don't

Bo: get that yet.

Bo: And so she calls Navarro to say to me to

Bo: tell Navarro to meet Danvers at her place.

True Detective: Yeah.

Bo: And that she's got eyes that heist and

Bo: they're going to go to the ice caves.

Bo: And if I was like I thought we were out of

Bo: this, just like, yeah, well, things change,

Bo: so get to my place.

Bo: And so Navarro is like, tells Kavac like

Bo: hey, I got to go, and heist, like one of

Bo: the things that Danvers makes high show her

Bo: is like show me the place we're going, yeah,

Bo: and so I give you this bagging you go to

Bo: the back, just in case you don't survive

Bo: the next five minutes, Right In case you

Bo: pop your last balloon like Sam Stone from

Bo: that John Prine song.

Bo: Yeah.

Duncan: But there's also the part like he is about

Duncan: to like shoot up drugs as well.

Duncan: So there is obviously a chance to get my OD

Duncan: with that as well.

Bo: So just give me the information first,

Bo: right, and so Navarro's on her way and we

Bo: get a weird moment where a little kid stops

Bo: in the middle of the street and points at

Bo: her like all the ghosts have done and we

Bo: get some crashes of that.

Bo: And then his mom is like quit being creepy.

Duncan: Come on, we got to go home.

Duncan: Yeah, you're a real child and not like a

Duncan: ghost.

Bo: Yeah, you're not a Grudge baby.

Bo: We have Grudge away.

Duncan: We have Grudge away.

Duncan: We pay our subscription Right, I'm paid up

Duncan: through January.

Duncan: I mean we're fine, it's nice.

Bo: It's just a thing you plug into the wallet

Bo: since out a little signal or whatever, and

Bo: the ghosts hate it.

Bo: It's the same.

Bo: It just plays over and over again.

Bo: There's like two notes that Binkman plays

Bo: when he goes to Dana Barrett's apartment.

Bo: I was like I hate this and it turns out he

Bo: was right.

Bo: They do hate that.

Bo: It's a long way to go for that joke.

Bo: Anyway so Danvers is at her place, here's a

Bo: car door open and thinks it's Navarro and

Bo: in fact goes to the door and is kind of

Bo: opening it and in walks John Hawks.

Duncan: Yeah.

Bo: And he's like hey, I'm sorry to bother you

Bo: and everything, but you know a doctor who

Bo: called me and told me to bring Otis Heisen,

Bo: and she's like how did you know he was here?

Bo: He's like oh, he's here.

Duncan: I just came to ask you.

Duncan: I didn't know that.

Bo: I just thought maybe.

Bo: But now that I know that you know, come

Bo: with me, Otis, because Otis Heisen has come

Bo: out and Danvers immediately steps between

Bo: them.

Bo: It's like how about I give him a call Cause?

Bo: This all seems real, fucking weird.

Duncan: Yeah, I think like my.

Duncan: My theory on this is this is a two far for

Duncan: him.

Bo: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.

Duncan: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,

Duncan: yeah, yeah, yeah, and like getting

Duncan: everything they ever wanted.

Duncan: And he would have got away with it too.

Duncan: But if it hadn't been for that peat in the

Duncan: shed?

Bo: So, danvers, I like the fact that the whole

Bo: time she's like, whatever's going on, we

Bo: can fix it.

Bo: Okay, yeah, listen, dr Lecter, you don't

Bo: have to shoot anybody here?

Duncan: But Heis makes a break every day you will

Duncan: walk in the beach.

Duncan: You will have like supervised.

Bo: Yeah.

Duncan: Yeah, plum Island.

Duncan: Yeah, that's right.

Bo: John Hawks, you don't have to do this, you

Bo: will.

Bo: We'll have a view from yourself.

Bo: We'll get one hour on the beach, supervised,

Bo: of course.

Duncan: Plum Island.

Duncan: Was that you lovely touch?

Duncan: So yeah, he shoots Heis, who has made a

Duncan: break for it right in the head, right in

Duncan: the head, like so Heis ain't coming back,

Duncan: well, but he's still flopping around a

Duncan: little bit and Hawks goes over and puts

Duncan: another bullet in him to finish the job.

Duncan: Of course, those two gunshots are enough to

Duncan: start anyone in a shed out the back.

Bo: Of course yeah.

Duncan: So yeah, like he's standing over the body

Duncan: and then he kind of turns on Danvers with

Duncan: the gun and that's when Pete comes in and

Duncan: God bless Danvers.

Duncan: Like she is like literally to Pete, like

Duncan: she is like John Knowles got their behind,

Duncan: like she is like she's like that, think,

Duncan: like be smart.

Bo: Think about this, be smart about this.

Bo: Everybody needs to drop their guns.

Bo: This is like things are wildly spinning out

Bo: control here.

Bo: We can still fix this.

Duncan: I think, I think, even I think Danvers is

Duncan: even.

Duncan: There's a part of Danvers that's even

Duncan: resigned to the fact that if, if fucking

Duncan: Hank shoots her, pete can always arrest

Duncan: Hank.

Duncan: Yeah, yeah, you know, I mean you do still

Duncan: get justice, still like she done some shit.

Duncan: You know, rest him that way.

Duncan: If you kill him, you can't take that back.

Duncan: You know you can't do that.

Duncan: And, of course, the ultimate I think at

Duncan: this point it all dawns on Hank how royally

Duncan: fucked everything is.

Bo: As soon as Pete walks in the door, he's

Bo: like I think he's resigned himself.

Bo: Yeah.

Duncan: I think he's resigned himself at that point

Duncan: of I either killer and he's on side with me,

Duncan: or he puts me down.

Bo: I I slightly disagree.

Bo: I think that there's a moment of optimism

Bo: and there's a there is a specific moment

Bo: where Pete or not Pete, but where Hank

Bo: knows he's fucked.

Duncan: Yeah.

Bo: And it's, but so he keeps asking Pete to

Bo: help him.

True Detective: Yeah.

Bo: And I say, hey, look, the I know what this

Bo: looks like, but look, I just need you to

Bo: help me.

Bo: We got to get rid of this body Remember.

Duncan: I told you when you were freezing in the

Duncan: water right, I spoke to you all the way in

Duncan: the car.

Duncan: Remember?

Duncan: I told you that five minutes ago.

Bo: Yeah, and it's when he says something to

Bo: the effect of you don't want to do this,

Bo: and then he says, son and it's the moment

Bo: he says, son, that you see the look on

Bo: Pete's face change where it goes from.

Bo: I like this whole thing has gotten out of

Bo: control to oh how dare you call me that in

Bo: this moment where and it's the like it,

Bo: dennis.

Bo: It might as well be Dennis Hopper asking

Bo: for the cigarette and true romance, like,

Bo: like Hank knows he is done.

Bo: He knows he's about to die.

Duncan: I was.

Duncan: I'm glad you were going there.

Duncan: I was going with the guineast when she's

Duncan: like that, you know, like with a cradle,

Duncan: will fall, and he's like fall back.

Duncan: And she's like, oh, no, sloth, he's not.

Bo: You've been bad.

Duncan: It's how our brains work.

Duncan: Our brains just work different.

Duncan: But yeah, like he, I think he resigns

Duncan: himself.

Duncan: But this is this is what I said, this is

Duncan: what I mean before.

Duncan: He's either prepared to fully drag his son

Duncan: into committing a fucking heinous crime and

Duncan: putting down Danvers which he will have to

Duncan: live with for the rest of his life, or,

Duncan: alternatively, kill his own dad.

Duncan: Now I also want to stress as well I think,

Duncan: when there is a scenario here where Pete

Duncan: just hits him in the shoulder and Hank

Duncan: survives and he's arrested for what he's

Duncan: done, he didn't have to shoot him in the

Duncan: head Like just maybe a slight overreaction

Duncan: here, like he could have shot him in the

Duncan: arm, disarmed them and taken them in, but

Duncan: Pete chose violence.

Duncan: And you see it, though, hank lifts the gun,

Duncan: but his finger is not on the trigger.

Duncan: He's resigning themselves.

Duncan: The fact is going to get his.

Duncan: Is this suicide by cop?

Bo: Yeah, well, and he's, he like, prefaces all

Bo: this with.

Bo: Well, there's something that you should

Bo: know.

Duncan: Yeah.

Bo: And like he's going to unburden himself

Bo: right before this last moment.

Bo: He says there's something that that you

Bo: ought to know.

Bo: I didn't kill Annie Kay, I just moved the

Bo: body.

Bo: And then he says, pete, I always love you.

Bo: And then lifts the gun, yeah, and Pete

Bo: shoots him in the fucking head, yep.

Bo: And as soon as it happens, pete just kind

Bo: of squats down in position and Danvers like

Bo: goes over and it's very maternal, yeah, you

Bo: know.

Bo: It's just like, oh man, like you are fucked,

Bo: your head is so fucked right now.

Bo: And then Navarro shows up because of where

Bo: she does.

Duncan: But Navarro like looks at this situation

Duncan: very much the same way that I imagine they

Duncan: looked at this situation when we were shot.

Duncan: And because she's like right, we need to

Duncan: clean this up and get rid of the body right

Duncan: now.

Duncan: And so they basically kind of they, they

Duncan: parse out very quickly a plan of like Hank

Duncan: is just going to disappear, like yeah, like

Duncan: they're not going to find the body, they're

Duncan: going to find nothing.

Duncan: He's just not going to be here anymore.

Duncan: And Pete, you need to.

Duncan: Like you Danvers at first says that she's

Duncan: going to clean and then Pete's like no, I

Duncan: should clean, because he kind of snaps it a

Duncan: little bit and I don't know like there's.

Duncan: It's kind of like like that's going to

Duncan: disappear.

Duncan: But I think, like I said before, I think

Duncan: there's a reckoning coming on the Wheeler

Duncan: case.

Duncan: I think it kind of has to.

Duncan: There's too much now.

Duncan: No, I think as soon as Doctor who found out

Duncan: that information and you've got to think

Duncan: that McKintrick will know about that

Duncan: information at some point it's out there

Duncan: now and someone has to take the fall for

Duncan: that.

Duncan: I reckon it's going to be her.

Duncan: But, yeah, like we end this episode, bo,

Duncan: with Pete cleaning his father's blood from

Duncan: the ground and being told to take the body

Duncan: to Rose because Rose will know what to do.

Duncan: Once again, rose is a real person.

Duncan: Like I don't know how these people like

Duncan: that, clearly, because Pete's not like

Duncan: who's Rose, that old woman that died years

Duncan: ago.

Duncan: But yeah, take it, the Rose will help you

Duncan: get rid of the body.

Duncan: We finish this with Danvers and the Varo in

Duncan: the cop car racing off to the ice through a

Duncan: fucking snowstorm.

Duncan: Credits, mm, hmm, oh that great fucking

Duncan: episode.

Duncan: I go right fucking.

Bo: Really fun, really fun episode and we've

Bo: we've been mixing in some speculation along

Bo: the way, but yeah, but I, you know, I think

Bo: what happens is we go to the cave.

Duncan: I think we've been right about all of this,

Duncan: that Annie Kay was onto some environmental

Duncan: shenanigans, which has caused everybody to

Duncan: have these visions, and to see the dead in

Duncan: Annas, and yeah, and then it's just going

Duncan: to come, I think what is likely to be in

Duncan: the caves is evidence of whatever is in the

Duncan: water.

Bo: Yeah, just barrels of some shit or whatever,

Bo: yeah that's to me makes sense.

Duncan: Yeah, that's.

Duncan: She came across that she, like she found

Duncan: out through a relationship with what's his

Duncan: face and that the NS station is drilling

Duncan: boreholes and storing the toxic waste from

Duncan: as a front Interesting.

Bo: So if that is the scenario, though, let's

Bo: get to a couple of big questions.

Bo: Yeah, I think we'll see what or what or who

Bo: is the she's awake.

Duncan: I don't know.

Duncan: That's the one thing I do.

Duncan: It's the one thing I don't know.

Duncan: It's the one thing that doesn't make sense

Duncan: to me In my head.

Duncan: If the Salal Station is purely a front for

Duncan: this, then they have been helping dispose

Duncan: of the.

Duncan: I think those guys did die from a polar

Duncan: event or something.

Duncan: I think Crazy man went crazy inside the

Duncan: building for whatever reason.

Duncan: I think there was a power cut.

Duncan: I think they all went outside Maybe he

Duncan: chased them, I don't know and they froze to

Duncan: death and they were moved.

Duncan: I think the thing that doesn't make sense

Duncan: is the clothes, and I still think there's

Duncan: going to be, I think, to do with the

Duncan: cleaners on that one, but I don't think

Duncan: they were involved with the murder.

Duncan: Or, like the environmentalists, show up and

Duncan: do something, they sabotage the power

Duncan: supply to the building and they've worked

Duncan: it out.

Duncan: But I think the member I said before they

Duncan: took fingerprints way back.

Duncan: That's come to nothing but all those

Duncan: fingerprints.

Duncan: There was fingers missing on a cat.

Duncan: She appeared in this episode, by the way.

Duncan: She was in the London Matt when Cavick was

Duncan: there.

Duncan: Why is she back for like all of three

Duncan: seconds?

Duncan: She's in the background of this.

Duncan: I think she helps dispose of the bodies.

Duncan: Somehow, I think they take them away from

Duncan: wherever they are to somewhere else and

Duncan: leave them out there.

Duncan: I don't think that's that's not the mystery.

Duncan: I think the mystery still is what happened

Duncan: to Annie Kay, and I think that's ultimately

Duncan: what we're going to find is, you know, she

Duncan: went down there.

Duncan: She was discovered, maybe by the Salal folk.

Duncan: I think they probably killed her.

Duncan: I think it kind of destroyed the brain of

Duncan: her boyfriend, who became more ostracised

Duncan: in there.

Duncan: Maybe there's a confession to someone about

Duncan: it.

Duncan: I don't know that we haven't seen yet.

Duncan: And yeah, the you know people have taken

Duncan: vengeance.

Bo: Yeah yeah, I'm kind of on board with all of

Bo: that, but also I, you know, I think both of

Bo: us interestingly.

Duncan: We're not far off.

Duncan: We're not far off.

Duncan: I think it's just the.

Duncan: The who's walking out of this episode, yeah,

Duncan: is where we diverge a little bit.

Duncan: I just think Navarro, I think she, I think

Duncan: all the ghosts are trying to get her to go,

Duncan: whereas, like the other ones we've seen

Duncan: other characters interact with, just kind

Duncan: of live with it.

Duncan: So I think it's because the other ones that

Duncan: they're seeing are not ghosts or

Duncan: hallucinations.

Duncan: I think Navarro sees ghosts.

Bo: Okay, well, that's what I was getting to is

Bo: are we going to get confirmation, or as

Bo: close to confirmation as true detective

Bo: will ever get, that there is, in fact, a

Bo: supernatural element to all of this.

Duncan: I think so.

Duncan: Yeah, I think that I think.

Duncan: I think we, I think we in part have that.

Duncan: I think there's absolutely no way Rose

Duncan: finds the bodies without Travis crossing

Duncan: the veil and doing the fire.

Duncan: What would we dance out to?

Duncan: Where the bodies are buried?

Duncan: So I think that I think there is.

Duncan: I think this particular season is all but

Duncan: saying that ghosts are real and you can tap

Duncan: into that, the same way that you know

Duncan: fucking Rustin Cole could smell the

Duncan: psychosphere.

Duncan: I think it's the.

Duncan: You know.

Duncan: There's a tangible element that exists

Duncan: beyond the reality that some characters in

Duncan: this season can tap into.

Duncan: I think the only two that can tap into our

Duncan: Rose, aguinal and Navarro, are the only two.

Duncan: I think everyone else is seeing things

Duncan: because there's toxins in the water.

Bo: Okay, all right, that's my theory.

Bo: Okay, I mean, I like it.

Duncan: I also think the, the, the, the noise that

Duncan: we heard in the caves of our screaming and

Duncan: the roaring as a polar bear, though.

Duncan: Yeah, I think that's the polar bear that

Duncan: loses the eye.

Bo: Yeah, right, and maybe Annie Kay.

Duncan: I think she survives, that.

Duncan: I think they save her.

Duncan: And then she maybe threatens them.

Duncan: They save her, they shoo away the bear, and

Duncan: then maybe she like, I know what you've

Duncan: done, that's why I was down here.

Duncan: And then they're like, oh, we've got to

Duncan: kill this woman, um, or something along

Duncan: those lines.

Bo: Oh, we got to kill this one.

Bo: Oh boy, I hate when that happens.

Duncan: But yeah, like I'm in for this, this has

Duncan: been a quick, fucking six episodes.

Duncan: I'll tell you right now, but there's one

Duncan: episode left and they have to somehow cram

Duncan: it into an ever, which I don't know how

Duncan: they're going to do.

Duncan: Um need to answer a lot, buddy.

Bo: Yeah, I'm, I'm on board with you.

Bo: Um, I feel like I've got a lot of questions

Bo: and I don't need every single thing

Bo: answered, but you know most things, I guess.

Duncan: Yeah, I'm going to answer everything, but

Duncan: if they could answer the main things, I'd

Duncan: be happy with that.

Bo: Yeah, yeah, and, and for the record, uh,

Bo: I'm looking now, uh, one hour 16 minutes,

Bo: so the longest that has ever.

Bo: Oh, oh, we're getting extra 15 minutes Yep.

Bo: Uh so.

Duncan: That doesn't my heart good.

Bo: So you know, little mini movie, not quite

Bo: full length, but but darn near it, Disney

Bo: link at least.

Bo: Yeah, Uh, all right.

Bo: So, speaking of Disney, Duncan, um, where

Bo: can?

True Detective: I don't know um?

Bo: where can people uh find more out of you

Bo: and all of your delightful uh family

Bo: centric entertainment?

Duncan: You're.

Duncan: You're only saying that because you know

Duncan: that today I dropped an episode on Cannibal

Duncan: Holocaust.

Duncan: Um, yeah, so, uh, podcasts under the stairs,

Duncan: officially back after a couple of weeks

Duncan: away because I've been working away from

Duncan: home.

Duncan: Um, so yeah, um.

Duncan: Then a group of Italian collection reviews

Duncan: Um, the first one that dropped um on a

Duncan: tputscastcom or podcast under the stairs

Duncan: on YouTube or wherever you listen to

Duncan: podcasts, is on the 4k UHD print of

Duncan: Cannibal Holocaust, released by 88 films,

Duncan: which is jaw droppingly good.

Duncan: The quality on that cut is fucking

Duncan: phenomenal.

Duncan: Like better than that movie should ever

Duncan: look.

Duncan: Um, and yeah, so I, I, I did a review on

Duncan: that.

Duncan: There'll be more coming along those lines.

Duncan: Uh, speaking of Disney, though linking this

Duncan: back in um, disney acquired a company

Duncan: called Hulu and Hulu, as of tomorrow, the

Duncan: day after we were recording, uh, dropped

Duncan: the first episode of that show gun TV show,

Duncan: which looks fucking incredible.

Duncan: I have heard good things about that.

Duncan: That sounds good.

Duncan: That's how you get me in.

Duncan: That's how you get me in.

Duncan: So, yes, I'll be, uh, I'll be jumping on

Duncan: the the show gun band wagon.

Duncan: Uh, but, yeah, tputscast podcast under the stairs

Duncan: stairs.

Duncan: Just go, go like you'll find it Great.

Bo: Uh, and if you want to hear more out of

Bo: this, uh, just, uh, drop by the dark

Bo: paradecom.

Bo: Uh, we have.

Bo: We have shifted Duncan.

Bo: Uh, we aren't doing crocheting anymore.

Duncan: Oh well, that's the last song.

Bo: Yeah, look, I think we can all agree.

Bo: It was probably not the best option for a

Bo: horror podcast to also do uh crocheting Uh,

Bo: so instead we are now doing uh fish.

Bo: So if you're interested in fish sales, fish

Bo: preparation for sale, Great Lincoln to.

Duncan: I know we did last summer.

Duncan: Yeah, I see we are down both.

Duncan: Yeah, incrucnicity.

Bo: So, uh, please, uh, drop by and uh, not

Bo: only will you hear more about, uh the

Bo: fishmonger lifestyle, but also horror

Bo: movies, and who doesn't like that?

Bo: So, everyone's like all right, and so, uh,

Bo: the last order of business, then, is for me

Bo: to say uh say, good night, duncan.

Bo: Good night, Duncan All right, let's go

Bo: watch the finale.

True Detective: Yeah.