Public Sector Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from Public Sector Executive – on Wednesday the 15th May 2024.
It has been announced that Mayor of London Sadiq Khan will travel to the Vatican City as part of a delegation of global city leaders, who will discuss the climate emergency.
As the leader of the delegation, which includes city leaders from around the world, the mayor will meet Pope Francis for the first time, whilst also addressing world leaders at the Climate Crisis to Climate Resilience summit. This comes as he acts in both his role as the Mayor of London, and the Co-Chair of C40 Cities.
Discussions at the summit will look into how collaboration between different faiths can bring people together under the cause of protecting the planet.

A decade on from the Care Act, a survey from the Local Government Association has found that urgent action is needed to ensure the continuation of adult social care.
With the Care Act working to improve the way that people can access the care and support that they need, only two thirds of councils are confident of their ability to meet all their legal duties by next year.
Due to this lack of confidence in adult social care, the LGA has called for the current government to invest immediately in the service, whilst also bringing political parties together to end the politicisation of social care and deliver real improvements for people who rely on social care.

According to the National Audit Office, HM Revenue and Customs’ digital services are not delivering the benefits that they were expected to bring for users.
Following an NAO report into the customer service of the department, it was found that a cumulative time of 798 years was spent on hold, whilst also discovering that not enough has been done to raise the awareness of their digital services.
As it publishes the report into HMRC, the NAO has recommended that it develops more realistic plans for cutting the services that it intends to replace with digital alternatives, and that it adopts an approach that is more customer focused.

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