Hot Mic

Byron looking at a new line of work and their odd policies, Shaun is getting felonious with a feline, and Adam concludes his RAV4 saga on today's episode.

What is Hot Mic?

Hot Mic is a bi-weekly podcast where hosts Byron, Shaun and Adam talk about life, liberty and the pursuit of ridiculous situations and altercations. Any topic is on the table along with our beverages.

I'm looking at the phone and so I went for a trade in, which is really funny because they're like, okay, well, what do you have? You got the 1212 Promax and you should get, I think, like 550.

So it asks you questions and what it asks you hold on.

So I go to 14 Promax and it's like, what do you want to trade in? I click my line and it says, now do you want to trade in the phone? I go trade in the phone and now, you know, like, the back glass is cracked on mine, right? Well, you go into trade in estimates and it says it brings up my twelve Promax 256 gig.

I say trade in this device and now it asks me questions.

Yeah, it's going to ask you like, condition and stuff like that.

I will disable find my phone features before trading in.


Front display, not cracked or damaged.

My Front display is not cracked or damaged.

My back is, but it doesn't ask me that because that's more of the concern.

I bet you can check.

Okay, go ahead.

No liquid damage or internal moisture.


Device powers on and stays on.


Get estimated value $1,000.



Oh, you know why? Because I think I was estimating through apple.

You've tried that one? No, I'm not doing that.

No, but just try man your questions like Kelly Blue Book press continue.

Was it involved in an accident? Right.

What features does it have? Did you spoke of this phone? Is there any damage? Here's the deal.

Now it says I would still owe $349.


Yeah, because you have to pay something.

The trade in thing doesn't come until after they receive your phone.

Yes, but why would I pay $349? They don't do that anymore.

They stopped that like five years ago.

It used to be that when you trade it in a phone, if yours was equal to or more than the value you'd have to pay up front, they would take it off the deposit.

Well, yeah, but if they stopped doing that so what they did is they added the 24 months where the 24 months? I would only be paying $6.46 for 24 months.


I would just do that.

I would just go and pay the phone off and be like, I'm not take that extra $6 off a month.

I mean, my phone bill would be dropping over $30 a month if I were to get this.

But I would have to pay the $300.

Where did you go on the app? It just shop.

Okay, so you go to Shop, and then at the top it should bring it up and you just click Apple.

I just clicked Apple.


Click apple.

And the first things that pop up are like the pro max.

No, it says, what would you like to do today? Well, I did upgrade my line, upgrade my phone, upgrade a current device, yes.


Did you get the save with two deals thing, too? Yeah, because that's their magenta, MX.

Yeah, it says save with two deals.

Okay, but I haven't even picked, like all right, hold up.

So here we are.

Where'd you go after you select what did you select? 256.

I mean, I did okay.

I really would prefer to go with, like and then you selected upgrade.

Huh? You selected upgrade? Yes.


And then what? You selected your line? Yes.


So there's mine.



Get a trade in estimate.

Oh, that's it? Yeah.

All right, so let's see.

We do oh, yeah, it says up to 1000 estimated in credit.

Yeah, that's not what it was fucking told me before, but see, now that I chose the 256, they want $500, almost $449.

Is there fine print saying, like, pending credit approval or something like that? It says you're getting a promotion worth $1,000.

You'll get a $405 estimated one time bill credit for the value of your trade in device and the rest of the offer via 24 month bill credits.

So basically I wouldn't be paying the $6.

They'd just be crediting my bill every month.

For those just tuning in, we're just gabbing about fucking Apple T Mobile, because if they gave me $1,000, they give it off the balance.

And what that does is yeah, but the total for it is $1,200 for the two I did this once, so I'd be paying still $300 more for the phone.

Hold up.

No matter what, you're going to pay that down payment upfront.

What they do is once they receive the trade in because this is what happened once they received the trade in, they examined, like, everything is what you're saying is true.

Like the front glass is not damaged, it's in good condition or whatever, then they apply the value of the phone to your remaining balance.

Up until then, what you're agreeing to is in case of you send them a piece of cardboard.

That's why it's looking like you're paying more upfront.

You're not.

It's just whether you're trading in a phone or not, they're showing you the terms.

Once they have the phone in hand, then they apply its value to your balance.

That's going to show you different prices.

I don't remember if my phone is a 128.

No, you said yours is a 256.

Because I remember when we both got ours, we had this literally the same yeah.

Mine is 256 because you went from 256 to 256, whereas I went from like 128 to 256 because I already ran out of space on the seven.

Are you going to go with 256 or are you going to go with 512? I'm going with the 256 because I went to 256.

I never ran out of space.

Yeah, I mean, I still got like half of what do you also this is the Pro Flow pro no memory size.

Go to settings general about no settings.

General storage.

Storage? Yeah, I have the 128.


Have you ever gotten the notice that you're running out of space? No.

I currently have.

I've used 36 gigs.

Oh, wait, you don't have Icloud storage.

Which one? I don't remember.

What is there? It's like 20GB, 200GB.

I have the two terabytes a month, but I'm trying to remember what was the lowest, because I started with the lowest one and it just worked my way up until fuck it.

I'd say the lowest is like, five gigs, but because of Icloud, it will store all your photos off depending on your settings.

But they automatic if you don't do anything.

The default is to store all the photos offline.

Yeah, and I think that was the difference when I had the 7128.

I wasn't doing that.

They just kept them on the phone.

So that's why I was always using up so much space, because I was taking, like, 40 photos a day.

Yeah, whatever.

If I get this job that I'm going for this interview on Wednesday, then I will most likely be doing that when I get my first paycheck.

Oh, purchasing it? Yeah.

Getting the phone.


So I'm applying for a job in the school district as a campus security and stuff like that.

But it's funny because I was talking to somebody yesterday and some of the things that they have in place in schools is some of the most ridiculous and unsafe shit I've ever heard in my life.

What? What do you mean? Okay, wait, are you talking about, like, rules? Yeah.

This is case for, like, security admin to follow.


You call it more like guideline.

In a certain school district here in town, there's only two districts here, isn't there? New there's four in this area.

Brush Prairie, ms.


In one of said districts, the policy is that if a student shows up to school with a weapon, gun, knife, whatever, first offense is talking to them and telling them that it's wrong.

If it even gets to that point.

Sir, can you put your 249 down for a second? I need to tell you that this is wrong.


No, second offense is a little bit of a stricter whatever.

Third offense is suspension for only up to ten days.

If a kid brings a gun on campus and you find them, does it say firearm or does it say weapon? It says any weapon of any sort of any sort.

But there's no separate rule or guideline for firearm.

I would think that no, if a minor or adult, whatever, even if you have an 18 year old senior, brings a firearm to school, that's going to be a misdemeanor.

Yes, but you have to get the police involved, and I still can't be kicked out of school for it.

Give me the federal laws.

That's why I say that the minimum.

The person I know, he was talking to me and he was like, yeah, I got a kid for the last because, I don't know, juvenile, last three days has broken into the school, like 809:00.

Broken into the school, got video, broke into the school, broke into the auditorium, climbed up in the rafters, and doing fuck all up there at, like, 900 at night, breaking in air, structure of property, et cetera, et cetera.

And you want to know the school was just like, you tell them that they can't do that.

Stop that.

It's bad.

You should, like, ask them.

Like, not being able to can you explain this to me? Can you explain how these rules make sense? I wonder if brought other people in now.

So now other people know how to break in, and they still can't do anything to the skit.

Okay? I mean, like, expanding about these stupid measures.

I mean, even in our medical system, that's stupid fucking bullshit, where if you're 13 or if you're older, you make your own decisions.

I wonder if those rules are like they're not really or guidelines or whatever, they would fall back on the legal system to kind of intervene with actual punishment, because obviously that's going to be another story about that.

All right, girl, her car hit in the parking lot of the school in there.


What do you say? Hit by what? By another car.

Okay, so traffic accident on property, and person takes the fuck off.


Hit and run.


They review the video.

The kid denies it.

It's like, well, is this your truck? Yeah.

Is that you? Yes.

Okay, well, you need to leave your insurance information so I can give it to said girl.

I don't have insurance.

Okay, well, now I'm going to call your parents.

Call the parents.

Hey, kid damaged the car, hit him, hit another car in the parking lot.

Hit and run.

He doesn't have insurance, and he left.

Yeah, we know he doesn't have insurance.

It's too expensive.

It's legally required for that, but it's too expensive.

So now it's like, okay, well, I can't give the girl his name.

What I had to do, filed a police report, go back to her and her parents here.

You got to call the detective, and they can give you his name, and now you have to go to court for it.

But they can't do anything.

They can't say, hey, you don't have insurance.

That's unsafe.

You can't be at the school in the car.

Can't tell them that because they have to I think you're talking about the school can't say anything or the police can't say anything school because I remember being in school and high school.

They don't have a policy about it.

You were required to have, like, a parking pass.


To build a park in there, which you had to insure insurance.


And if there's any issues, anything you did, like hit and run, obviously you would get your parking pass revoked, and you wouldn't be able to do that anymore.

brooklyn's High School requires to get a parking lot.

You have to give your insurance information.

What's that? Brooklyn's High school.

They have to give insurance information and their car, license plate number, all of that stuff to get a parking pass.

Same with James.

So it's just a matter of schools.


Or who knows? Maybe he had it just so we can get the parking pass.

Most likely he probably just used his parents one or that or just lied about it.

It's just like some things that go on is just like, dude, what the hell, man? I was like, there's some things that happen in schools where I could be like, okay, maybe this kid probably needs help.

But then there's ones like the kid breaking into the school and you're just like, he's a parent, first of all.

Yeah, he needs a fucking parent.

Like, where the hell are you guys at, man? Right? It's like, why the hell is your kid do you not know that your kid is out at freaking 09:00 breaking into the school? What the fuck? I'm more than curious to know how this person got into the school.

They said it said school.

Once you jump over the locked gates, like into like the courtyard, don't lock the door.

Just walk right the fuck in.


Well, you're going to have fun.

Yeah, I'm not at that school.

You're going to have fun.

I think Hot Mike's going to turn into what did Byron run in today at school? Byron school is the school.


Well, speaking of school stuff, it's going to be my tinfoil hat moment.

What signs.

So how do we pronounce that? Yuvalde.



Did you live near there? No, that was West Texas.

Is it west? I thought it was southern.

Somewhere near the border.

Okay, it's all on the border.


But I thought the border patrol that actually showed up were parents.

It was a parent.

Yeah, it was a parent.

If a parent has a child there, then does that mean they're at a border town? We're getting off of where I was.

Where are you going with this? Nothing, it's just because don't worry, I got my ten hat on.

Here we go.

Let's go.

Hold up.

There it goes.

Oh, shit.

You broke it.

See, that's why Master Chief is the boss.

That didn't even break.

So Uvaldi is just west of San Antonio.

Geography? Yeah, if you tell me Colleen or clean.


So pretty.

Is that where nearby that's you all the right there.

But no.

When I say Colleen, Texas colleen, Texas is all by Dallas.

Fuck, dude.

Yeah, it's by Fort Worth because it's a Basetown.


San Antonio.

No, because that's where John lived when he was based in forward John Wingacey.

So anyways, how much do you know about the dude? He was an excellent bowler.

He bowled a 280.

He loves kalua.

but no.

Did you ever see that TikTok about the army sergeant that I don't know what his rank was, but I think they said sergeant was saying like, all the stuff that he bought would probably estimate over ten grand.

And how did he come up with the money for this? The kid bought? Yes.

So do you know all what he had? No.

So he had two Dfaniel.

Daniel, daniel defense.

AR fifteen s okay.

All right.

Daniel defense.

Daniel's defense.


And he posted a receipt for his purchase order for one of them, and one of them cost 1800.

So imagine the other one was relatively close.


He had 1600 rounds of five, five, six, which goes to about a dollar around.

And then he also had some handgun.

I didn't remember hearing what type, but like a couple of hundred rounds of ammo for that.

And then body armor, like played best in Texas, bought it at the costco right through liquor store.

So anyways, he was saying that I think what he was inciting was that somebody obviously funded his little adventure.


And then Reuters, I don't know if I'm pronouncing that right.


So the fact checking website just said that it was wrong because he worked at Wendy's.

But if you look at some things or I don't know, if you just do some math, some of it still doesn't add up.

But that's where Root stopped.

They didn't try to explain, like, oh, he had this much in his bank account.

He also stole something because he shot his mother in the neck or grandmother in the neck before he went off shooting.

And he had stolen his grandfather's truck and both his grandparents had no idea that he had purchased all this stuff.

So it's kind of, I think, closing that he didn't steal the money from them.


Because you would have noticed a couple of $1,000 missing.


So the wage that he made was ten point $29.

when he quit, he quit right around the 13th.

So he quit his job at Wendy's on the 13th because that's when he bought the guns, so and he only was 18 for about nine days.

So prior to that, I guess Texas maximum hours for a minor is about 18 hours per week, per school week.

But of course, I guess he dropped out, I think a year or two beforehand, so I don't know.

But even if he was working, let's say 340 hours, you would have had to have how long do you work for Wendy's? That's the thing.

There's no record.

There's no record of it.

No, there's record of him working there because he had a boss and there's other employees that said but no timeline.

There's no timeline.

That's one of the things that they're not reporting is like so if it was 18 hours, if they were going by the book or by the law, can't work 18 hours, he would have had to work for at least seven years without spending a dime to save up for the amount that it would have cost him for all this stuff.

Unless he sourced it from somewhere else and didn't pay for anything.

Or didn't pay for at least for the ammo and the armor and the handgun and everything else.

But if he did pay for everything out of his bank and that's the other thing.

Oh, yeah.

We checked his bank account, and he purchased these.

The only thing that they're showing receipts for is the one AR 15 that he had that already saved up his birthday money for ten years.


His king said, you have money.


Even if you work, like, 40 hours a week.

This is including, like, taxes, and I was trying to look at what taxes were in.


Sales tax, income tax? Income tax.

I don't know.

I took, like, 10% because I was basing off what the average is for a minor.

Look at your dateline.


So anyways, even if he was doing 40 hours a week and taxed everything 10%, it still would have taken him, like, at least four years to have saved up all this money.

So I don't know.

It's conspiracy theory Sunday.


The government is not doing nothing.


And then the whole 73 minutes to respond.

Was that including the hallway on their phone and getting hand sanitizer? Yeah.

Got to make sure my hand sanitized force shoots fool the face.


So from the first responder showing up to the time that he was shot down or shot, 73 minutes.


That part was relevant.

I was more interested in the funding thing because no one really talked about that.


Everything else except how the hell he came up with $8,000 worth of guns that he bought.

But that's just the thing.

So anytime they talk about, like, oh, that's just a conspiracy theory, like, that anyone backed that funded this whole thing or gave money because he worked at Wendy's.

Well, how long did he work at Wendy's? It definitely wasn't seven years because he wasn't working there since he was eleven.


Well, also, think about what's legal age I mowed a lot of lawns.


What's the legal age? Even if you say in Oregon, it's 16, you have to be 16 out of but if it's there, given the benefit of the doubt, like, let's say 14, still, that's not enough time to put in.

No, but just the fact that they stopped at the fact that he had a job and that was it.

They didn't want to say, like, he had a job for X amount of time.

The other thing was everybody they interviewed at his work said he was quiet.

He never talked to anyone, saying it was like, no, this guy was creepy, aggressive, and a lot of people confrontational.

A lot of people that he went to school with said the same thing.

So I guess he had his online presence, too.

Well, the other thing is online stuff he posted, his guns, the stuff he had purchased.

A couple of things he did was he came to work one time and he'd cut his face for funsies and posted pictures about it.

Guys, look at this.

that's one thing.

There was a recent shooting in Tennessee.

It was a minor involved in the shooting, but they refused to give the name of the shooter.

Yeah, because you're protected if you're a minor.

His last name was McGavin.

But I'm all about that, though.

It's like if anything that happens, which makes them happen, I don't believe they should give the name of the person involved.

No, they shouldn't, because that's making them famous.

Affects their family, too, who had nothing involved if they were not involved whatsoever.

And what happened, that's going to haunt.

They're already haunted for the rest of their life.

But you don't need to add that on top of it, people finding them.

And the other thing is because it's creating south.

It's creating an infamy culture.

Because people that want to go down in the blaze of glory, like a lot of mass shooters that just go out to shoot are in it for the no, I'm trying to remember there was something about Jordan Peterson once was talking about this about something like, the worst thing you can do is ignore a person and who's making some reference about it.

Because if you ignore a person, that person is going to want to seek out something out to get their name out there.

And all they're getting is negative attention all their life and being ignored, then they'll seek the negative attention that will make them not ignored.

Well, that dude that did that shitting in Memphis, he Facebook stream that shit.


So here, can we run that back and listen to Sean say shitting instead of shooting dude that did that shitting in Memphis? Did I say that? Oh, you definitely saw shitting.


You saw that guy that did that shitting in Memphis.

I was like, driving by, throwing poor people.

He had done that instead.

So actually going to fact check you here.

He was actually 19.

Police in Memphis, Tennessee, arrested a 19 year old repeat offender sorry, suspected.

Oh, did they finally find him? They found him, people.


And injuring at least three others at the same page on Wednesday afternoon.

His name never mind.

I won't say his name.

No, fuck it.

Ezekiel Kelly is also accused of two armed carjackings that happened as he attempted to flee from police.

They already said that the rampage was spread across at least eight different crime scenes.

Yeah, like I said, he literally posted that on Facebook.

He livestreamed it.

The whole I don't know if this is Kelly or if this is somebody else that they're talking to.

I don't know.

That's him.

Yeah, I don't know if that's him or if that's Ms.

Yeah, that's definitely the same.

Yeah, because I have, like, another little thing here.

It says somebody else's name stuff.

So I wasn't sure if that was like, an ad like this.

I know they had his Facebook profile pulled up and everything, and they were like, hey, the WiFi is most basically, they pretty much shut down all of Memphis for the most part.

Well, yeah.

Did you guys hear about the shit up in Olympia? Closer to home? In Olympia? Yeah.

Something happened in Washington.

What? And not in Tacoma? Weird.

I think it was like a 17, 1617 year old football player up in Olympia was missing and they found his car.

Car was covered in blood.

They found him hours later, like 3 miles away from his car with no shirt on, no shoes on, and they interviewed him and they were like, Dude.

And he claimed that a biker gang had kidnapped him and stole all his money, et cetera.

They let him go, like, down the road.

Well, now they were like, yeah, that's not what happened at all.

And he is a prime suspect for the murder of another teenager from the school.


So he killed somebody and then set a false story about him being kidnapped.

Does this happen recently or is this a while ago? Like a week ago.

Okay, never mind.

I feel like I remember somebody somewhere nearby faking a story about being kidnapped or something like that.

And then they were being but I didn't I guess when all else fails, just blame a biker gang.

Yes, biker gang in Olympia, of all places, because that's the place to go biking.

The Sons of Anarchy.

It makes it Olympia or some shit.

Once before.

Maybe Oregon.

I forget which one.

That's why I said I'm so surprised.

It was a Tacoma.

Oh, there we go.

Sun's Tacoma.

Sun is a Tacoma.

Speaking of another brand of Toyota, another model.

We said Tacoma.


Tacoma didn't what a great Segue.


Of Toyota.


You guys remember my Rav four? The kind of gold one? Was it gold? Gray.

No, it was gray.

You're thinking of the Lexus.


Now this is the mini.

You go with the sweaty cars.

I don't literally have the same car for the last five years.

And before that, there was, like six of them.

There's like at least four Saturns.

What are you talking about? I know.

it was teal.

No, it's weird is if you look at I don't remember if it was either it was one way or the other.

It was pictures it looked green, but in real life it looked blue, or in real life it looked green, but in pictures it was blue.

I don't know.

It doesn't matter.

It was green.

It can be blue.

I remember your mom giving you driving license in that car.

No, not that car.

Wasn't that car, right? No, I never got driver.

You're thinking of the Ford Escort engine.

It wasn't her that was giving me lessons, it was Kevin.


Because I had not driven a stick then and they got me.

I didn't know how to handle a stick.


Because now he's never going back.

Yeah, right.

Was he a stick? No.

So you were there when I got the Escort.

The white one? The white one, yeah.

And I had never driven manual before.

And it was like having a graduation party or something like that.

And Kevin came up and he happened to be up for the week or the weekend.

And he was teaching me how to drive a stick because nobody else would.



So that's who was teaching me.

Got you.

Once I got my fucking license name.

Once I got my license, I never drove until I bought or got another car.

I already heard t heard saturds.


You love those cars.

Yeah, because they were easy to work on.


Like 90% of the body was plastic.

Yeah, everything was plastic except for the top of the trunk or the back.

The top of the trunk, the hood and the roof.

Because those things do you know why that is? They melt that shit back together.


Do you know why that is? They wanted to keep cost.

They're like making a change.

No, why it has to be those three things that are metal? I don't know.

I thought I figured it had something to do with the safety rate and safety stuff.

Safety measures that they have for he wasn't quizzing you.

He was really for a second.

He's the only thing I know about.

I was like, I agree.

Why didn't you ask? Wait, I remember changing his headlights.

I think it was in the mid or late 50s.

They were having a lot of cars that we're getting in front end wrecks.

The hood would come through the windshield and shear off and would he? So that was a feature that they had to add to that way.

And then ripple points, too.

You know about those? Yeah.

Is it ripple or crimple? Points.


Not cripple.


Crumble cookie.

We've come full circle.

All right, back to the Rav Four.

Yeah, so some time ago I tried to buy or I didn't try, I was looking specifically for a Rav Four because I wanted something that was just because, I don't know, I wanted something that was all in drive and good on gas, but I didn't want to subaru because they fucking have head gasket issues.

So I found this Rav Four and the guy said it has a driveline issue.

So I was like, okay, I'll build drive.

And I took his word for it and he's like, you can go take a look at it.

It's out in front of this business or whatever.

That's like off of 82nd or something.

Strip club.


So I get out there, he's like, yeah, just keys are in the door.

Just let me know when you're there.

Keys in the door.

It was fine.

It was tucked away back in an area where you it seems shady.

Every time I was talking to this guy, he was like, let me know when you're going to be there.

I'll put keys in the door because it was in some car auction lot thing, but like, out on the street, on the other side of the gate.

So I think he left it there for people who are interested to come be able to see it or steal it, leaving keys in the door unlocked.

So I get in there and find out.

I look at the drive line, it's like perfectly in shape.

And he's like, yeah, just watch.

Put it in gear and you'll see what I'm talking about.

And I put it in gear and it went 2ft and went clunk.

And I was like, yeah, that's not a drive line issue.

That's like maybe a Stevie issue or a transfer case or something in the transmission.

I was hoping it was a transfer case, but it was ended up being a transfer case.

So I talked him down on his prices.

He wanted a lot more than what I thought it was worth.

And so I talked him down a little bit.

I was like, yeah, it's not a drive line or a CV.

That's the transfer case, and that's going to be quite a bit of money.

So anyways, long story short it's short.

No, this is short story, long story, long story long.

Got the transfer case, got it fixed and was driving it for work for a bit.

And then how long ago was this? When was that? Three weeks ago.

Three weeks ago? Yeah.

When was that ice storm that we had? The last one, the big one? Where was it? Big one? Yeah, where everything was freezing up.

It was like two years ago, I think.


Okay, so just before that, like seven months before that.

So it had developed a little coolantly, which I thought was like the thermostat so I was like, okay, I have to fuck around with this.

And then come to find out it wasn't their thermostat.

It was the actual water pump, which is behind the timing bell, which is behind the timing cover.

And also so a big job because this engine you can't really it's hard to you have to like, drop it a little bit to get access to the water pump and timing case and all this other shit.

Side note, if you ever want to lift the engine or take the engine out of the car, you can't lift it out of the top.

Like most front wheel drives, you have to fucking take the whole sub frame out from the bottom.

Sounds like your kind of project.

Fuck no.

He likes taking names out of the bottom, set them up.

so it's that for a little bit.

And then we had that ice storm and there was a bigass oak tree in the apartment that I lived in and that fucking oh, that was yeah, okay.


You're at the farmhouse? Yeah.

And I think I brought pictures.

I might even talk about it on the recording.

Fucking tree pancaked and completely pancaked.

But it went enough where it was like through the windshield and kick it.

And I was like, yeah, this thing's fucked.

I'm not going to try to fix anything more on it.

So once they cleared the tree and the breeze, it sat out on the driveway for a while.

And a guy, I guess, kept coming by and saying leaving his number to call him because he was interested in buying it.

And so I get in touch with him.

He's like, yeah, how much do you want for it? I'm like, not much.

Just enough to cover I don't know what I had to pay to title it and all this other shit.

So that stuff.

And he's like, okay, so if I pay you that, it'll run and drive and everything.

There's like no problems.

Because that was the whole thing.

I'm like, dude.

So his thing was like he would pick up cars that had busted windshields or whatever or body damage, and he'd repair them as long as they were in mechanically good condition.

Because I was in the middle of doing the water pumping.

I had taken some stuff out and told him about it.

So I was like, if you put all this stuff back together and I can drive it out of here, I'll give you your asking price.

And I was like, okay, well, I got to go pick up some stuff for it or whatever.

It's like, okay, I'll give you half of what you're asking for.

So it gives me half of what I'm asking for it.

And I get it done within this time limit that he was asking for.

It comes to get it, and we start driving to a gas station.

And then he's like he couldn't get it towed or something.

I don't know.

So he asked if we could drive back to my place, and he would come get it later, but I would keep the money.

I said, sure.

Now, one of the conditions was getting the full price was getting him a title or not giving him a title.

Yeah, I said, I don't know where the title is.

I'm not going to be able to get it for you.

He's like, okay, well, I'll give you, like, this much less than what you're asking for, for a title or without a title.

So you never gave me the extra money.

And when he left it out there, I was like, bucket.

I got a bill of sale from him.

It's off my hands.


Now, I could have got an extra key, moved it to a different place.

Now it's in the door.

I block his number because he starts calling me to ask me questions.

I'm like, no deal.

Done deal.

You're not giving me any more money.

I'm done with this transaction.

So I kind of just blocked his number.

So then about four months later, I get a tow notice in my PO.


And I'm like and it had been, like three or four weeks since it was in my PO.

Box because I was only checking it like once a month.

So I'm like, fuck.

So I called the Marion County because that's where I was like, hey, I got this tow notice for a car that I sold a while ago.

Is it in your impound? Like, what's going on with it? And they're like, well, let me look.

What's the reference number? What's this? And I'm like, I can't find anything.

Like, let me transfer you.

And they transfer me to somebody else.

And I'm like, I can't find it either.

And they transfer me on a third person.

They're like, okay, it looks like they were just issued a notice.

They never issued a toe, so it looks like wherever it was at, it might have been moved.

I'm like, okay, good.

I'm thinking to myself, like, fuck, I need to get this thing out of my name.

Well, I can't find the fucking bill of sale anymore.

The day I went to print up the bill of sale, for some reason, I printed six of them.

I don't know why, but I figured at least one copy for him, one copy for me, and I think I just printed off three times by accident or four times.

So I found a bill of sale at one point, and I was like, oh, there it is.

Folded it, put it away.

And then when this thing came up, I was like, shit, I need to go turn this bill of sale.

Because in Washington, I think you only have, like, 15 days after sale to put that shit in and not get penalized.

And I completely fucked up.

I think the last three times I've done that or sold the vehicle, I never did that because the person buying the car went in and took care of that and I didn't have to.

Well, this guy I'm not going to say where he's from, but I'm sure you can guess.



And maybe I was under the impression he was never going to make a trip to the DMV and this was never going to be an issue and thought he was just going to drive the car elsewhere.

But apparently that wasn't the case.

So I can't find the thing and I can't find his number.

And I don't know how I'm going to work around like, hey, I'm not going to give you the title because you didn't give me the money, but I need you to sign another bill of sale.

I didn't know how I was going to get through that.

So I was trying to figure out what the fuck am I going to do? Well, while I'm pondering about all this shit, I get another thing in the mail.

And it's a fucking red light ticket with that car in it, somebody else's face on it, or driving, like, not even the guy I sold it to.

What the fuck is this? So I have to go to court for this.

But I ran into the guy at a parking lot in Woodburn.

I didn't run into him, but I saw him pull up and I was like, hey, no, I didn't get out to him in time.

And then I saw him again.

This is the time before this, at a truck stop in Brooks.

And I found out that he had lived there.

He was going from truck stop to truck stop and he was just living there.

And apparently this guy buys up RVs and different vehicles and just lives in them in truck stops.

So the place where he was at the truck stop he was at in Brooks, he was parked at a store.

And I went in and talk to manager, like, hey, have you seen this person here? And they said, yeah, actually I have his number.

And so I was able to call him up and like, hey, what if I can get you the title, but I need a copy of the bill.

He's like, I've been looking for you.

Apparently the car has been stolen, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

And I was like, cool, that's good to know, motherfucker.

So I met up with a guy, get him to sign a new bill of sale, and I'm not going to buy him.

Going to get a title replacement and get that done.

the army.


And he needed to have something that showed that he owned it even though he didn't.

So he was like, looking forward to this.

So I told him, like, yeah, I'll get you the thing.

I never got it for him, but I took that bill of sale to the fucking court hearing for the ticket and then got the ticket cleared.

They did the whole spiel, like, if this is your first offense or we can do I don't know if you've ever been to traffic court, but they go through a whole spiel of deferment and all this other stuff, and it's like five minutes long.

It's like I'm just there to say, like, this isn't me.

If you just look at the photo in your hand, you can tell it's not me.

And so he finally says, how do you plead? This isn't me.

He's like, yeah, that's not you.

So we'll go ahead and dismiss this for you.

And for some reason, he's narrating.

Every time he makes something different, like a different judgment or a different case, he's narrating what he's doing to the audience, to the jury? No, to the other people that are in court in case they have a similar case, I'm guessing.

But anyhow, so that's done and dealt with, and I have the bill of sale at the dude signed, and then I fucking lose it again.

Now I got to go through this whole process again if I want to get the shit out of my name.

But the thing is, now it's been stolen, and that guy had his copy.

So I'm thinking like, okay, maybe he'll eventually go do something and get out of my name.

Well, like, you lost your copy.



There's a common thing in my house to lose papers.

Even though I put no, you know what? No, that's a lie.

I do have it.

It's in this hopefully in a safe this time around.

He put it on his wall.

He has, like, ten different copies placed all across the house.

Okay, so fast forward to about a month ago.

I was looking for parts for Shane's car because she doesn't have headrests in the back seat.

And I was, like, looking on ebay and couldn't find anybody selling those.

I was like, well, maybe I'll find a wrecking yard that has those.

I'm like going through pick a part and, like, pick and pull.

And they'll actually show you the pictures of cars because her car has a cross platform because she drives a Chevy, and they also make an Abyssuki model that's the same.

I was looking for both, so I was like, never mind.

Just show me cars between 99 and 2002.

And so as I'm looking, I'm scrolling down.

I see a very familiar looking rav four with a very familiar looking roof rack as I zoom in.


It's mine.

So apparently we're about to do a drum roll.







So apparently after it's long journey from some fucked up lot into my possession to being smushed by a tree to being swindled by some never mind trying to call Fidel Castro of ground floors.

He said it pretty well.


To being stolen.

And now it's made its way to a wrecking yard where it's final resting places.

Well, yeah, that's a story and a half and then some chapters.

chapter 2.2.

When I say the lifespan, I mean the lifespan at the factory.


That's crazy.


simultation, you know, the situation with my simultaneous with my Suburban.

But I was on top of that shit.

The black one? Yes.

Wait, is that a Suburban? The black one.

The black one? Yeah.

The black one was I thought it was like no, it was a full Suburban.

You had something else before that, though, was PT Cruiser.


Did you own another I know about the PT Cruiser.

I'm talking about like did you have another Suburban before then? We had like an old oh, yeah, Expedition.

Ford Expedition.

Yeah, it's a great one.

Like brown and wood.

So you went from the PT to the Suburban? Yes.




For some reason I thought there was like you had another one.



started to overheat and shit like that.

And I was just like, what the fuck? I haven't even drove this shit.

Like, I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do with this.

I just parked it.

And then Fidel Castro's brother showed up to my house and knocked on the door.

Hey, what are you doing with the Suburban? Oh, that was a spot on impression.

I was like, I don't fucking know, man.

What are you talking about? I'll buy it from you right now.

Cash money.

What that? Let me buy it.

I don't know, man.

I'm going to talk to my fiance.

I'll call you back.

No, right outside this house.

Oh, okay.

This has happened a couple of months ago.

Damn, it's the first time we've heard about it.


And so I go and I talk to her and I'm like, these dudes want to they just showed up to the house asking me to buy the fucking truck.

She's like, fucking sell it.

I was like, all right, how much do you want for it? I was like, I don't know.

Like 3000 maybe.

I don't fucking know, man.

Can we drive it? Sure, go ahead and drive it.

I was like, but you're not going anywhere.

You stay right where you are.

And so they went and did this shit.

Now, mind you, now I'm kind of, like annoyed because they showed up like super late.

And it was like, on a Friday I need to go to work.

And I had to go to work.

So they showed up at like 07:00 730 or some shit.

It might have been eight.

Like, they showed back up and I was just like I'm like, fucking annoyed.

And so I'm like sitting there and I'm just like, all right, whatever.

And he's like, okay, it's overheating.

I work with Chevy all the time.

I was like, dude, I don't fuck you, man.

He's all this for my brother.

He needs shit for his family.

I was like, okay, dude.

I don't need the sad story.

Like, how much would you take? $1,100? Fuck no.

I don't want a $3,000.

I was like, tell you what, I'll give a shit.

You had me like, fucking $1800 right now.

I'll give it to you.

I don't give a shit.

I was like, give me 1800.

I was like, I'll be right back.

I looked at Christina and I was like she's like, what are you doing? I was like, pretending like I'm fucking talking to you.

She's like, about what? And I was like, I told them 3000.

They were like, oh, can we do it for 1100? She's like, fuck no.

And I was like, I told them 1800.

They have it out the door.

She's like, I'm good with that.

I was like, I know.

I'm just pretending like I'm in here talking to you about it.

Which you really are, though.

I wasn't asking her about it.

Did you stand in front of the window where they could see you be like and then she didn't have her? Like no.

So then I walked back outside, like 45 seconds later because it wasn't a conversation, I walked back outside and I was like, no.

She said one.


Take it or leave it.

She's like, okay, I'll take it.

Okay, well, here's the paperwork.

I need you to sign the fucking selling shit.

And so he puts his name on there and then he's like, looking at his brother.

He's, what's the address? And he tells them.

And at this point I'm like, hurry up because I got to get to work.

I got to fucking get to work, dude.

It's fucking like 915.

I got to fucking go, man.

Let's fucking go.

I don't fucking understand.

He gives it to me.

I'm like, cool.

Give me the money.

All right, cool.


And I left and I went to fucking work.

I got the shit on my desk so I can deal with it later.

So next day I go to my desk because I'm just like I'm going to go and just report, get it done with.

I look at the sheet and it has, like, half an address that looks like it was scribbled on by like a little kid.

That's the fucking thing that this guy did.

And I scribbled his name and I was just like, yo, I need a fucking address.

This is what I fucking got.

I need a fucking address.

And he's like, oh, yeah, I'll send it to you.

No, it's this one.

I was like, dude, I don't really give a fuck.

Just give me a fucking address.

So he takes a picture of another title with an address on it from like, Amboy, even though they told me they only live like a couple of minutes down the street, okay? And I'm like, you know what? I don't give a fuck.

Your driver's license number, your name.

And now I got me a fucking address.

Like the address said it was a PO.


I didn't even fucking put that shit on there.

I went to the fucking website, the DOL website.

I fucking typed in his name, put in his shit, put in that fucking weird ass address.

And I was like, dupe, sold.

And they were like, all right, this is off of you.

I don't give a shit.

I was like, I don't know where the fuck they sent the title to because it wasn't going to get to that address.

But at this point, I don't fucking care because it's not on me anymore, right? I went and looked at my records and it's like, there ain't no Suburban.

There no more.

Which also on the Washington site, you can go and you can delete cars off of your profile.

Did you know that? No, I didn't.

Because I probably have.

Yeah, because my PT Cruiser was still showing up saying I had it.

But it also said I sold it.

And I was like, why is it saying both? And I was like, no, because whoever you sold it to didn't turn in their shit.

Delete that shit.

And I deleted it.

And it's not on my record of cars anymore.

Because with DOL in Washington, you can register to the website.

It'll just pull it up under your Social Security number.

Okay, I should try that.

See if that's been dealt with since because wrecking yards, they won't take car unless they have a title.

No, they've had to have done something at some point.

Even if it's like a lost thing or whatever.

I don't know the fuck.

Unless they're shady as fucking just like threw it in there.

I've sold a few cars to pick and pull.

They will not fucking do anything.

I mean, I've sold one to pick and pool without a title.


Oh, yeah.

Because I tried to bring one one time and I didn't have the title.

I just had the registration.

Like, no, that shouldn't going to work.

We want the title.


Unless they just was like, hey, you see that one over there? Let's just grab that.

It looks abandoned.



You need a drink? For what? Since we're on the topic of cars, fun fact, the Ford Mustang, one of the most iconic muscle cars.


If you had to guess, like a dollar amount, which almost stopped production of the car from ever being made, what would it be? $10.

What, like a production cost per car? What almost stopped the Mustang from ever being produced? $200? Let's say $5,000.


Bob $2 per car.

Almost stopped Ford Mustang from ever being produced and it's the little brackets that stabilize the bottom of the front fenders.

Did they talk about did you see Ford versus Ford vFerrari? I saw parts of the Aventon.

Whole thing.

That car was all about the Chevy wasn't about the most thing, though.


I know.

But there's a part in there where they're talking about where they unveil the Mustang and I'm trying to remember if they mentioned anything about it because they were talking about like because Henry Ford walked into the factory and made this big I'm sure it's all bullshit.

But he walked into the factory and saying like.

You all need to go home and come up with the next whatever because their sales were doing terrible.

Which I think is part of that part was accurate.

But the part of him walking in, closing down the factory until the next fucking genius came out was BS.

All right, Sean, talk about your pussy.

So I just got this cat fixed two weeks ago.


But the week leading up to it, a week and a half, there were certain signs that the cat was in heat.

So I thought there's things that happened like, okay, she's fine.

And that was just presented.

It was terrible.

It was face down, ass up.


It was like the worst it's like the worst little Kim video ever.

What are you doing? Nothing.

Mind your business.

I'm not sure how many of you guys byron hates cats.

So that's a no.

Not about Ryan.

I'm not sure about you, if you've dealt with a cat on heat in a household.

Yes, I have.

Yeah, it's been a while, but yeah.

So you have a general idea of what it's like, man.

No, it's worse.

The first night it happened the first day I just got home from work like, hey.

What's? My roommate.



What's going on? What do you mean? Well, she's been pretty vocal about shit.

I'm like, how vocal? Reasonably so, I think.

Reasonably so being like, cats are fucking assholes and they just meow and they want whatever.

No, this was by far a lot worse.

I went to bed that night, my door is open, middle of the night, I hear the most blood curdling.

How? Like that.

I wasn't sure if it was a cat, a ghost or someone banging next door.

I thought you were about saying goat, but not goat.

I know it's better.

I don't know what it was.

I knew what it was at the end, but it was one week of sporadic throughout the day.

Just like, oh, I'm fine.

Hey, welcome home.

Hey, what's going on? Oh, I had a good day.


Alright, here's my phone.

Pet me, pet me, pet me.

He's like, hey, she's in the heat.

Just smack her butt.

And it makes it better.

It makes it better.

I didn't know this.

I had cats when I was younger, but I don't have a lot of memories of them going because my parents were smart.

And as soon as they got the suckers, they fixed them.

Like that just done.

I was stupid, I'll admit that now, I did not do that.

So he's like, oh, just test catch.

But it's fine.

You mean like above the tail? Not really.

Like the rectum.

Yeah, not the goodies just right under the tail.


So it's right on top.

Boom, boom, sack, tap.

The worst mistake the worst mistake I had ever made dealing with cat.

that tail goes to the side.

I'm nursing cat's tail.

Make a question mark.

But it did.

And I was like, oh, this is not fucking good.

But thank you for the Google.

Thank you for Google.

Because I was like, oh, yeah.

No, but every hour it's like clockwork.

It'd be quiet.

Kat was just fine.

Oh, I'm fine.

How's it going? How's it going? I'm good, thanks.

Oh, hungry? Yeah.

We were outside smoking and all of a sudden I hear this.

Someone is getting the shit out of them fisted.

It was fucking terrible.

I had to close my door, put my AirPods in my ear, or at least in one ear all night so I didn't have to hear that shit.

I got my roommate back one time because he did something.

It pissed me the fuck off.

So I was like, hey, Rambo, you want Pepsis? Come here.

I was like, hey, I'm going to bed.

Five minutes later, I'm getting ready to close door here.

Good night.

Fun fact, if you do that to a chicken, it'll do the same.

Or a hen.

Really? Yeah.

Well, not the thing.

It'll present its asshole and be like, unpucker for you.

Yeah, but it was fucked up because you're trying to pet the cat and the cats like, do it.

So, did you all ever watch The Three Stooges? Back.

He might have.


Like Curly, you know how he would spin like that? So I would start petting the cat and she would start doing it.

She would start spinning, like casually spinning.

Like, oh, you're going to pet me, aren't you? It's like, no, I'm just going to spin you away that way.

I'm going to leave.

Get your cat asshole out of my face.

It was that way for an entire week.

Daddy don't want no pussy.


Thank God that motherfucker is all fixed up.

On a different note, same cat.

I got her fixed two weeks ago, so I got her fixed on Thursday.

I brought her home.

He told me it was like, oh, 05:00 or so.

She'll be ready.


I got a phone call at 230, so she'll be ready at about 330 mike.

How does 430 sound? Pick the cat up.

I'm expecting her to be like just out.

Knocked out, right? No.

Oh, no.

This motherfucker was like all about it like trying to.

Get out aware? Yes.

The first two days of her being fixed was a fucking nightmare.

The first night I slipped on the floor as a pet owner, I'm like, I care about my animal.

I want to make sure the cat's comfortable.


I'm like, did something happen in the bed? No, I just want to make sure for those two days you were trying.

It was a binge watch of due patrol and titans.

That's why I texted you about that.

So the vet always tells you, it's like, oh, don't let your cat jump up.

Don't want to jump up on things or run quickly or look at some decisions.


It got the cone of shame.

It got the cone.

But this motherfucker was like literally the night of this cat being fixed, I woke up on the floor, and I look up, and it was almost like an outline of, like, coyote howling at the moon, except a coyote is really pissed off.

Drugged up cat with a Conan's head.

It was the entire way.

For the next two weeks.

That cat did not give two shits about anything.

It's like, oh, put me down.

I drugged that cat.

I paid extra money.

They gave me pills to put the cat's food, but they gave me extra shit, like, just take the syringe of painkiller and put in the cat's mouth.

Now, you try to put that cat in a coma right now, saying that you get a fucking pissed off cat who does not want to Conance head and does not want to have anything to do with you or anything else, and try to give that cat a syringe full of something they don't want to fucking take.

That's what you got.




Thank God.

Let's see here.

Thursday thursday, that cat no cone.

Actually, the cat decided there's no cone because that cone disappeared.


This last day, this last Thursday cone is gone.

That cat was fine.

But that was my fucking cat story of getting a cat fixed.

It was your pussy story.


I mean, I don't know how dogs.

Finn just got fixed last month.

Yeah, something like that.

What? Oh, wow.

How old is Finn? A couple of years old.

Finn is a dog.

Oh, I know.

A boy.

I know that.

But I'm just curious.

Watching them run in the backyard with the count, like, bobbing in, like, the bottom would hit, like, the freaking ground.


Is she married again? No, no.

God, no.

I figured since the statute of limitations for the store is let up what a great segue.

So I don't remember what site it was, but apparently when you watch certain videos, they can go on a playlist or not a playlist.

They'll autoplay, like, you know, YouTube.

YouTube will do that? Well, not a mimics.

It just like it will auto play, because when the video is done, it has, like, playing next.


So certain websites do the same thing.

I don't know why you load your voice.

Do you want a doctor? This is a fun game.


Red tubes.

One of them.

That's why I said YouTube.

And that's why yeah, that's why you said it.

Skin tube.


You go out to all their shit on porn.




You go somewhere else, too.

Anyways, so one time

What? Shopliftingmilk.

Okay, that's almost super specific, but 20 tentacles in me.

I was just looking for auditory stimuli.

I wasn't really looking for the visual.

You were just looking to something to play while you go to sleep.


I don't know.

What's the white noise? White noise? No.

I don't know.

Anyway, it doesn't matter.

Fuck moves.


Anybody could ask for put some steak on it.

Or be like, while they're fucking her sister.

Like damn you fuck.

Just like, dad do.

I know.

Mom is telling me that all the time.

Anyways, so, yeah, I was going for the sound, and I've gone through, like, two, maybe three videos.

It was like the third one, they were real short for some reason.

Well, thanks for clarifying that.

Yeah, because it wasn't like it was all the way through.

No, it's like, what, 30 seconds.

All right, well, I'm done with this video.

And I was like, instant regret.

Danger, will robin's in danger when you get hit in Mario Kart.

So when I was done with the list, because I had my phone down, face down, I wasn't trying to light up the room or anything, so I had the phone down, but the screen was still lit and it was still playing.

I think it was before you could have things playing, when the iPhones could play things in the background while your screen is off, I pick up the phone.

What were you watching? Or, sorry, listening to? Yeah, it was Bridget, but it wasn't Megett.

It's a dude playing.

A dude doing another dude.


I was like, how did I not catch that? How about I wet your whistle, Daddy? I know how to make grumpy.

Not so grumpy anymore.

I got frosted like a cake that smurf delicious.

I was like, let's just see how this pans out.

So I'm curious.

At what time did you wake up to hear this? Wake up.

You playlist? Nobody said I was asleep.


You just want to hear it? Yeah.


If I don't watch it, I can't be guilty of anything.

Because the soothing sounds, slapping cheeks.


Round of applause.


I've been, like, five minutes deep into it.

Well said.

Nice verbiage.

And someone's working on their grammar.

Keep going for the buttons.

But all I have is this.

There we go.

I don't have a story exactly like that, but I do have one similar.

Okay, so when I was working at a restaurant, it's closed now, like, lapela here in Vancouver.

Lapella? Yeah, I was in the back kitchen, and there's a bathroom in the back kitchen.




Employee one.

Because they don't want us on proper folk taking nasty shits in the proper bathrooms.

We want to scare off the customers.


So the prep table is, I would say, 3ft from the door.


Yeah, right.


So the sushi at the time was in the bathroom, right.

And it started we had music playing, but we heard something.

We heard noises going on.

We heard noises like, I can't remember what we're listening to, but I was like it was, like, off the beat.


So it didn't match up? Yeah, something like that.

We stopped the music, but it stopped in the bathroom.

Five minutes later, old boy comes out.

So he comes out and we're all can I get up? It's not something you want to address, really.

I just want to forget what I heard and whatever was going on.


When the fuck were you watching me? Like, I didn't have to ask that because he came out, and about 1520 minutes later, we were talking about something totally different.

He's like, oh, let's pull up my phone.

So he's standing right here.

I'm right next to him like this, and he pulls his phone out and he swipes it up and hits the Internet.

And all of a sudden, I see big black women ass lesbians just right there.

Like, the venue was still playing without the music playing.

It's like, oh, that wasn't it, Mike.

But it was it wasn't dirty, boy.

You were dirty boy, weren't you? I was talking about like oh, I do.

And I saw what you're talking about, man, and the fact that you get in that bathroom.


Thanks for the entertainment.

So if you want a visual representation, just watch the movie Waiting.

I mean, Waiting is pretty much based on real things that have happened in restaurants, except for the goat or the bat or anything like that.

I've seen that movie, but I've seen the one question.

You never seen waiting.

No, I don't know.

We are running a podcast here, sir, about movies, and you've never seen Waiting? I've never seen Godfather.

So why are you giving me shit about Waiting? And not that I never do that either.

I've mentioned it multiple times.

I've not seen I've heard of okay.

Did I tell you guys about the whole reddit and my apple CarPlay? No, wait, he might have something played.

Yeah, I was, like, going through MXR mods, and I watched the video, and I was like, oh, shit, with the kids in the car.

And I went and plugged up my phone, and all of a sudden, it just automatically played.

And I'm, like, sitting there, driving down the road, and I hear and I was like, what the what the fuck? Sure, Adrian's.

Like I like that song.

Play it again.

Dad, what are you doing? Oh, no, I'm just pulling up a subreddit.

Face down alpha.

Come on.

Did you already look it up? I did, and they came up with a bunch of them and I was just like, I'm not clicking on that.

Search ain't working.

No, it is not.


There it is.

Face down, ass up.


703k gross with your face down and ass up in the air.


Looks like Sean's Cat.

She's a neat good thing, that Windows, right? So for those who cannot see inside our fucking studio, they write down they know what's going on here.

Well, I'm thinking with the window, the TV is on one side of the studio.

Somebody needs to get fixed in a different way.

All right.

I think that's been properly finished.

What a great segue.

You just listen to an episode, Mike.

Check us out on social media at real.


Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, victory.


No, YouTube.

There we go.

I know.

One more.

All right, bye.