Mahakatha's Meditation Mantras

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On this episode of Mahakatha, we explore the benefits of unplugging and decluttering the mind to achieve our desired outcomes. Our guest shares the ancient practice of Karadarshanam, which involves meditating while looking into your palms. We delve into the details of the practice, including the Karadarshanam mantra and the benefits of studying your palms in great detail. Additionally, we discuss the negative effects of constantly checking our phones and suggest focusing on what's underneath them instead. Lastly, we learn about a powerful mantra called Karagre Vasate Lakshmi and listen to two testimonials from listeners who have experienced blessings and success while practicing it. Tune in to learn more about these ancient practices and how they can help you stay grounded and focused in today's distraction-filled world.
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Host of Mahakatha's Meditation Mantras

What is Mahakatha's Meditation Mantras?

"Meditation Mantras Podcast - Ancient Chants from India by Mahakatha" by Mahakatha is an immersive and enlightening journey through the ancient chants of India. The podcast delves into the rich history and origin story of these powerful mantras, which have been used for centuries to promote sound healing and personal transformation.

Each episode features a different mantra, such as Shiva mantras, Buddha mantras, Krishna mantras, and devi mantras, with an in-depth exploration of the lyrics and meaning behind each one.

The host, Mahakatha, is an expert in the field, and provides valuable insights and guidance on how to incorporate these mantras into your own meditation practice.

Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to the world of meditation and mantras, this podcast offers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration to deepen your understanding. Additionally, it will enhance your spiritual journey. Discover the ancient wisdom and transformative power of these sacred chants from India through the "Meditation Mantras Podcast" by Mahakatha.

Everybody says, don't look at

your phone so much. I agree.

Don't look at your phone.

Look at what's underneath your

phone. Hello, and welcome to a

brand new episode of the mantra

meditation podcast, by Mahagata.

I'm your host, Preeti, and I'm

really happy that you've decided

to tune in to this very special


Are you trying to figure out

what I meant to say when I said,

don't look at your phone. Look

underneath your phone. Well, let

me say this. Most of us have got

this habit, haven't we, of

checking out our phones,

Whenever we catch ourselves

either in an awkward situation

or whenever we have a minute to

ourselves or Even as soon as we

wake up right until the moment

we fall asleep. Right? We have a

habit of checking our phones.

Now I'm specifically talking

about the moment when we wake up

and the first thing we pull out

from under the pillow or on the

side table is our phones. Now if

that's you, there's nothing to

be ashamed of, and that's

because Looking at a phone

probably reminds you of your

world. It reminds you of the

people who are important to you.

It reminds you of the things

that are lined up for you. It

informs you of things that are

happening around you. Right?

it's your connection to the

world. And you've just woken up

from some dream you've been

having and looking at your

phone, could be your way of

grounding yourself in reality.

Now I know doing it is not ideal

And why you are prone to the

distractions that come with the


Don't hate yourself for it.

Understand that the act of

looking at your phone,

especially the moment you wake

up, is fulfilling the need for


And once you understand this,

once you understand that at the

core of your need to Constantly

check your phone is a call for

groundedness. Then we can shift

our focus and look at another

way of experiencing groundedness

and experiencing focus without

all the distractions that exist.

on our phone. And that brings me

to the statement I made right at

the beginning of this episode

when I said, don't look at your

phone. Look at what's underneath

your phone. What is underneath

your phone? What is your phone

resting on when you're scrolling

up and down? That's it. It's

resting on your palm. Am I

right? So I indicated Try not

looking at your phone. Try

looking at your palms. And

there's a very specific reason

why I said, look at your palms.

If you do it right now, if you

bring both your palms in front

of your chest, Open them up,

palms facing upwards and hold

them together, little finger to

little finger.

And if you just study your palms

all the way up to your

fingertips, finger by finger.

Something happens. Everything

else fades into the background.

As you focus deeper into the

lines and creases of your hands,

you're able to see minute

details. You're able to focus on

the smallest

visible element of you. of your

body, of your being.

And looking at your hands, will

never be the same experience

twice. You will always find new

lines that you see. new creases

that are formed, new details

that you will spot, those tiny,

fine little details, only you

can spot. in your palms.

Focusing on something as

intricate as detailed as The

blueprint of your hands of your

palms can be incredibly calming

and also meditative. And this

practice of looking at your

palms, the moment you wake up,

is not something that's come up

now, something that's been

recommended or experimented on

right now. It is something that,

in fact, was a part of a culture


ago. It was a part of the

ancient Hindu culture, in which

the was a daily practice. Now

the meaning Kara, meaning hand,

and Darshanam meaning viewing.

Right? So the was a meditative

practice. in those ancient

times, and they used it for

experiencing groundedness for

expressing gratitude and also

for visualizing whatever they

had their hearts set on. And

there's a beautiful mantra that

goes along with this ancient

practice of looking into your

palms meditatively. And that

mantra is also known as the

Karadarshanam Mantra or the.

Now if you've been a listener of

Mahagata for the past few years

or months, you know that the is

one that you cannot miss because

it is loved and adored

and practiced by so many of our

listeners worldwide that it is

one of our most popular releases

of all time. This mantra,

the has several benefits. Right?

As I said, this is a chant that

can be used to experience

groundedness. This is a chance

that can be used to shift

internally from negativity

towards positiveness and hope.

And lastly, this is a chant that

can help you. focus on and

visualize and ultimately

manifest any desire that you

hold in your heart. This is a

consistent practice that will

take you closer towards your

dreams and goals. And that is

why I have recommended this

mantra to countless people who

are experiencing financial

difficulty, who are experiencing

negativity at home and problems

in family relationships and so

on. Because when you're going

through those difficult times.

What you need the most is

clarity. You need solutions.

You're looking for answers.

You're looking for some sort

of inspired answer. to come to

you. But it won't come to you

when your mind is cluttered and

clogged with worry and fear.

This practice and this mantra is

a way of

unplugging and decluttering the

mind. and focusing on the

outcome that you desire,

irrespective of how difficult

your current situation is, You

focus on the outcome that you

desire how it looks, how it

feels, and through this

practice. You open yourself up

to solutions and answers that

you previously couldn't even

think of. This is the exact


that many of our listeners have

had, and I will share an

experience or 2 with you in just

a few minutes.

But for now, I want you to

experience a little bit of this

mantra. Alright. So I'm gonna

chant the four lines of this

mantra, but I need you to

open your palms the way I

described and just focus on

them. Focus on your palms,

all the way up to your

fingertips, and then all the way

back down to the base of your

palm. alright, throughout

the duration of the four lines

of this mantra. Okay? So here


Go down my seaside

us with the

Wonderful. I hope you got a

little bit of calmness and

pleasantness out of Listening to

this mantra, if you've heard it

for the first time, you should

definitely head over to our

mahakata YouTube channel and

listen to the longer version of

it and try meditating to it for

a longer time. And while you're

there, Feel free to go through

the thread of positive,

heartening, hopeful comments and

messages about people who've

been practicing the Karagre

Vasate Lakshmi mantra regularly

for several weeks or months or

even years. Right? These Going

through these comments will

definitely give you more ideas,

more inspiration on how you can

make this mantra a part of your

daily life. I'm gonna read out 2

of these beautiful comments to

you. Right now, the first one is

from someone named Vicki Bacon,

who says, for 2 years, I've been

listening to this mantra every

day 5 to 7 AM. I noticed that

There are blessings coming and

money flows to me, and success

of my dreams come true. Thank

you thank you for this video

music. it really works. Thank

you so much, Vicki, for leaving

us this wonderful comment in

sharing your personal experience

I'm so glad that this mantra has

been working out for you, and

thank you for being consistent

with your practice for 2 years

straight. That's amazing. And

another comment from a user

who's been practicing this

mantra, but slightly differently

is from a listener named Regine

or Regine who says, thank you

for this mantra. I started

listening to it It's very calm,

sweet, and peaceful. I think it

can help me sleep peacefully

every night. I wish it gives me

peace and fortune. So as you can

see, people are using it not

just immediately upon waking up,

but also to drift into restful

sleep after a difficult day.

Like I said, this mantra is a

practice of groundedness of

gratitude and of visualization.

So whether you want to practice

it early in the morning,

ordering any other time in the

day is totally up to you.

There's no rigid rule to when

you need to practice this mantra

or how or for how long. Just try

to spend a few minutes every

morning with this chant. And, of

course, come back to it later

whenever you feel like you want

to be calm or soothed or

uplifted. And if your own

experience with this mantra has

been different or if you've been

using this mantra in a manner

that's unique to you and you

think it can help other

listeners. Please share your

experience with us as well the

easiest way to do that would be

to comment on the mantra itself.

So once again, Don't look at

your phone. Look at what's

underneath your phone, and it

will help you set the wheels of

manifestation in motion. That's

it. That is all I wanted to

share with you in today's

episode. Thank you so much for

tuning in and sticking around

till the end. As always, your

comments, your suggestions, your

feedback are all welcome. And

until I see you next week with a

brand new episode, of the mantra

meditation podcast, this is your

host Preeti saying, stay
