Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Wednesday, August 28th, 2024 / Sam Sam the KittyKat Man, team building exercise gone horribly wrong, Josh thinks he deserves his own parking spot, don’t pass go - don’t collect $200, Josh & Chantel are coworkers only - no dating!, the all female mechanic shop, we’ve got a new spooky game to play, Chantel printed the Airbnb itinerary, and no cupcakes in the classroom.

What is Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast?

Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - Wednesday, August 28th, 2024

Episode summary introduction:

Sam Sam the KittyKat Man, team building exercise gone horribly wrong, Josh thinks he deserves his own parking spot, don’t pass go - don’t collect $200, Josh & Chantel are coworkers only - no dating!, the all female mechanic shop, we’ve got a new spooky game to play, Chantel printed the Airbnb itinerary, and no cupcakes in the classroom.

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Full show transcript:

Hey. It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. It's Wednesday, August 28th. Today on the show, Sam Sam the kitty cat man. Team building exercise gone horribly wrong.

Josh thinks he deserves his own parking spot. Don't pass go. Don't collect $200. Me and Josh are coworkers only. No dating.

The all female mechanic shop. We've got a new spooky game to play. I printed the Airbnb itinerary, and no cupcakes in the classroom, please. Thanks for listening to the show. You can hear it live weekday mornings from 6 to 10.

It's wake up classy 97, the podcast. Enjoy today's show. Classy 97. Oh, hey. What's up?

How's it going? I'm good, I guess. How are you? I'm good. Okay.

Good. Alright. Well, good morning. Today is radio commercials day. Ew.

So we're just gonna play a bunch to celebrate because we gotta. Yeah. You gotta. Dig into the, old the old archive of radio commercials. Oh, yeah?

Fill out some some oldies. No. Oh, no. Not okay. No.

We'll we'll keep it, we'll keep it, you know, clean and easy like we do every day. Let's see. Crackers over the keyboard day because sometimes all that stuff gets in between the keys. You do you like cleaning that out? I do.

I can't stand it. It's gross. It is very gross, but it is satisfying. I just the other day, sometimes you can pop the keys out Yeah. And clean them and put them back in.

Pretty much all keyboards, but yes. I don't know how to do that, but I wanna learn because my keys get so dirty. The other day, I unplugged my keyboard because I didn't know how to pop out the keys, and I just really wiped down the keys. And the towel that I was using to wipe them down was pretty gross. Yeah.

There's a lot of hands on that thing. There's a lot of hands on it. I do eat at my desk, and so it's If I were to take apart a keyboard and just give you a bag of buttons, just the keys Oh. Would you be able to know the geography of the keyboard to put it back together properly? I would have to I would have to, like, use my hands and, like, do the To figure out where it was.

So I could do a s Uh-huh. D. Uh-huh. I could do that whole row. The whole middle row?

The whole middle row. I probably struggle with everything else. What kind of keyboard is this? Well, good. I'm glad you could do the numbers.

But what do you know what kind of keyboard is pretty standard? No. And it's called a QWERTY Oh, yes. Keyboard? Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. You've heard that? Yes. Because it's q w e r t y Yes.

Qwerty. So I think you'd be able to figure out Qwerty. Yes. And then you'd be able to figure out the whole middle row. Yes.

But you you would struggle with the bottom? I'd struggle with the bottom, and I would also struggle with, like, all of the tab and backspace and enter fine. But Yeah. I wouldn't know where to put, like The bracket keys? Yeah.

Nobody knows that. All the, like, print screen and insert and so forth. Okay. I'd be lost. That'd be a fun little challenge.

That would be a challenge. Let's see. Today is, Rainbow Bridge remembrance day because mourning the loss of a pet is a terrible experience. Yes. It is.

And so today, you should honor the pets that you have loved, who have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. Oh. That is a thing today. Let's see. What else is going on?

Race your mouse around the icons day. Another computer one. What? Yeah. Give it a give it the old test.

See how fast you can go. Fast you can go to do what? Move your mouse around the icons on the desktop. I'm I'm gonna be able to go quick. I keep a clean desktop, so I don't have a lot of icons.

Maybe a couple. Why are you rolling your eyes at me? Because big whoop. You think that's a badge of honor, and it's not. I just can't stand when people like, there are some people in this building that are they'll go, hey.

Can you help me with the computer thing? And then I see their computer, and it's just covered. And I'm like, nope. I can't. You really say help yourself, I can't help you.

Do you really say that to me? But it grosses me out. It's a major, major red flag. Let's see. A major red flag for what?

Someone who doesn't know that you should turn it off and then back on again first before you ask for IT help. Hey. My my computer at my other job was I turned it on, and it was screaming at me the other day. Yeah. Like, it was making some loud noises.

Yeah. You sent me a video of that. Immediately videoed you and said, what do I do? I don't know what to do. And you said what did you say?

I said it's a power supply issue. That's a power supply issue. And I went, I don't care. Tell me what to do to fix it. Oh, call a computer person.

No. You are my computer person. Be kind to humankind week this week, which I think is good. Day. Yep.

And National Cherry Turnover Day and National Bowtie Day. Bowtie? Mhmm. You didn't even wear one. I didn't even wear one.

Oh, no. I think we'll be okay. But that's what's happening. Happy Wednesday. Josh.

Hey. You've had a job since you were how how old was your first job? Well, I do you count, like, when I was mowing lawns in the neighborhood and had a brochure that I took around to the neighbors? Because that was 12. No.

Like a like a real job. Probably well, I started on what? 14. Like a job with coworkers. Oh, well, the moving pipe is a job.

Alright. A job? Okay. It's a lonely it's lonely work. A job with coworkers.

It doesn't matter. You've had jobs with coworkers. Like, 15 or 16. Okay. Have you ever in all of that time with jobs with coworkers had, like, team building exercises?

Not when I was young. I'm trying to think if any of the jobs I've done have been like, let's do a big team building hoorah. I I don't know that I have. I have. They never they never go as planned.

And maybe, like, there's a handful of people that are like, yeah. Let's do this. Let's do this team building thing. And then a handful of people that are like, ugh. We hate this.

And you don't feel better afterward. You don't feel much more like a team afterward. That's true. I would say the closest I've probably come when I worked at PacSun in the mall in Arizona. The the people that work there and we had a pretty good team of people.

Okay. Met for a barbecue slash volleyball thing at a park. And, and that's probably the closest team building thing I've I've ever had. But, again, it was like hanging out on a Saturday or a Sunday with people I worked with. So that was just like it felt like more work.

Okay. There was a I don't know what company these guys are from, but there was a company, and they decided that they were gonna do a team building exercise of climbing a mountain. A literal mountain? Yes. So the summit was over 14,000 feet.

That's in that's a lot. And not everyone did the whole thing. So there were 15 coworkers that decided to scale the mountain. But, like, a few people hung back, so there were 2 groups except for 1 guy who ended up doing the last leg by himself. And I know enough about hiking that you're always supposed to have a buddy.

Yes. So this guy who did it by himself, that last part, he made it to the top find, but then he got lost on his way down after everyone left and took all their gear with them. Oh, no. They had left stuff along the path up to guide them back down like a trail of bread crumbs, but they took it all with them when they left. So he had no idea.

Was totally lost? He was totally lost and alone. He made it to the top of the mountain around 11:30 AM, but then got a little bit turned around. So he dropped a pin, texted it to his coworkers, and then they said, you're going the wrong way. But nobody went up to kinda help.

Nobody went up to assist. They didn't wait for him. Then he sent another pin drop at 3:50 PM, and he was going the right way at that point, but then a huge storm hit with high winds and freezing rains. And so that made him get disoriented, and it cut off his cell service. His coworkers either didn't know or didn't care, and they didn't tell search and rescue until 9 PM.

He got lost at 4. That's a lot. Like, this this is not good. No. They could have tried using drones to find him, but the drones couldn't make it that far up the mountain in bad weather bad weather.

Yeah. Plus, he dressed all in black clothing, so it would have been impossible to find him. So he survived the night. He got a cell service back around 10 AM the next morning and called 9 a and called 911. Yeah.

By the time they had found him, he'd been on the mountain for over 24 hours and couldn't walk. He told them that he had fallen 20 times. I would imagine so. To the hospital. He's fine now.

But So, does this guy get a raise? Like, this was a team building thing, and his team abandoned him. Totally abandoned him. Holy cow. Here's some important lessons.

Don't hike in all black. Yeah. If you get lost or turned around, stay put. Correct. You're supposed to stop.

Never leave somebody behind. Yeah. No. The group made a big boo boo. The group talk about some teamwork.

Yeah. What? No. We're not gonna stay here and wait anymore. We have to go.

Do you think that guy is gonna quit? I don't think he's I don't think he works there right now. I think immediately, he was like, I'm done Yeah. With this company. I'm done with these people.

That's that's not good. Yeah. No. That's definitely team building gone real wrong. Don't abandon your your buddy.

Even if he's not your buddy, just don't abandon it. That's so rude. Yeah. My my my. But also that guy should have had a little more outdoor skills.

He was gonna go off on his own. Yeah. That's true. He should have known how to get back. That's true.

But, I digress. So there's 4 types of friends, a, b, c, and d. So a and b are kind of loosely based on your personality type. So if you have a type a personality Oh, okay. Yeah.

You're typically more organized, punctual, all that kind of stuff. So the type a friend is, yes, the overly responsible one. They plan and organize everything. They have a sense of urgency, and they make sure that things get planned and don't fall apart. I feel like I'm not that guy.

I am not also not that friend. I've had friends like that. The type b friend is someone in that would give you the shirt off your back, but they need help too. These friends are forgetful. They leave stuff behind, and their phone is always dead.

I'm not that. No. But I do have a bad name. Lean a little more to b so far. So far, I'm I'm I'm a little a, but I'm a little b.

The type c friend, I feel is me. I'm organized, but more neurotic. I'm more likely to bow out of things other people wanna do, and I love long naps. Okay. That is for sure.

What's the d friend? The defriend is you're annoyed a lot, you're prone to confrontation, you have a twisted sense of humor, and you might be into weird stuff like crystals and astrology. Yes. I'm not any of these. I'm none of these friends.

Maybe a little bit of each. Maybe. Maybe I'm like a I'm like a a b c d e friend. I feel like also these types of friends are also polary polary opposites. Yes.

I think it's just polar opposite. Polary. I'm gonna say polary. I know. I heard it a few times.

So I feel like there's no way that they'd even be friends because How does it work? They wouldn't get along. Yeah. But, knowing what I know about people, that's not true because you like people for a lot of, like, different reasons. Yeah.

I guess that's true. And But it's You're friends with an a and a b, and it's fine. It is fine. Yeah. Even if you had 2 type a friends, they would have they would still have moments of annoyance and frustration with one another.

So you're gonna get in fights no matter what you do because sometimes people, you're just you know where I'm going. I I don't know. I don't know where I'm going either. But, you know, be friends with who you want. Just be friends with who you want.

Yeah. And if it happens to be that you're a b and wanna be friends with an a, fine. Do it. Be friends. You'll hate life, but you'll be friends.

You load. No. But you'll be frustrated by that friend. Either way, if you're the b and you have an a friend who's clean and organized and all those things, you're gonna be annoyed because they're gonna be like, why are you the way you are? Exactly.

And if you're the way you are, so be it. But if you're an a and you have a friend who's a b, and you're the person who's, like, why are you the way you are? You're gonna be frustrated. Yeah. So a's and b's will be they'll be fine.

They can coexist, but they're gonna be they're gonna be frustrated. And that's what I know about that. There is a lady goes by the name of Jennifer, because that's her name. K. Jennifer Ravenel from South Carolina.

She had a cat. K. A cat left home 11 years ago. And, Jennifer thought, well, after looking and hanging up posters and talking to animal shelters and so on and so forth, My cat is gone forever. A representative from Charleston County Animal Control informed her that her cat was found earlier this month less than a mile away from her home No way.

Living among a colony of feral cats. No way. He was very skinny and feeding off of scraps. Animal control officers believed that he may have been someone's pet, so they scanned for a microchip. And sure enough, Jennifer's information came up.

11 years. Why would you, as a cat, go from a place where you can just eat snacks and food and a warm bed every night? I have a theory. What is your theory? The cat's name?

Sam Sam, the kitty cat man. Okay. What's I'd run away too. That's you? You think he'd run away just because his name?

His name's Sam Sam, the kitty cat man. I get that, but you have snacks, as much snacks as you want. Yeah. And you're gonna go live with the feral cats? No.

Thank you. Where they won't call him Sam Sam the kitty cat man. But you had to eat scraps. I could put up with a dumb name if I could just not have to work for food. So Jennifer told the animal control team, I really thought you all were pranking on me because it couldn't be possible, but this is a miracle in itself.

She rushed over rushed over the shelter. She was reunited with Sam Sam, the kitty cat man. Oh my gosh. She said through tears, I haven't held a cat since he left 11 years ago because it broke my heart. And to hold a cat and this particular cat specifically and feel his little heartbeat in there, she said it's the craziest thing that has ever happened to me.

Sam Sam, the kitty cat man Yeah. Is like, man. He's like, I thought I got away from you. How did I get back here? Yep.

That cat did not wanna be called Sam Sam, the kitty cat man. That's my theory on why it left. That's your that's your theory. Yep. Because she was probably like, Sam Sam to kitty cat man.

And made him dance, had little outfits for him. You know he was like, I'm gonna go live with the feral cats. I'm out. But the good news is that he's not out anymore. Sam Sam, the kitty cat man, 11 years ago.

I don't know how long she had the cat, but he's gotta be an old cat. Now he's an old now and now maybe he's like, alright. I prefer some I'm gonna return to being Sam Sam, the kitty cat man. I want some luxury. Yeah.

A warm bed and some wet food. It's good news to get you going. We were watching a video the other day of a woman pretending to play Heads Up 7 Up. Remember that old I don't know if I watched this video. Did I see this video?

Yeah. Yeah. She was wearing a tracksuit. Oh, yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Play heads up 7 up in school, but you wore a tracksuit that day, and it was all Yes. And, we both you and I were both sitting there going, I can remember exactly what the desk smelled like when you put your head down to play heads up 7 up.

Yeah. It's some sort of cleaner Also, why is it called heads up 7 up? I really don't know the answer to that because it had a a rhythm to it. I don't know why they called it that. Because it it should be called thumbs up guess of who.

No. That's a terrible name too. Well, that's what the game is. Do kids still play that game? I have no idea.

It was okay. No way. That game was awesome. People cheated, though. Everyone cheated.

Everyone cheated. From parachute pants to keeping one eye open on into your arms so you could and you're looking back through your armpits so you can see what shoes they were wearing when they walked by? You cheated. No. I'm just really good at guessing.

I'm just so good. I'm so good. Hey. Heads up 7 thumbs up. Guess who?

That's so terrible. Okay. What other smells from school? Well, the school itself sort of smells like pencil shavings. Yes.

Like, just in general, it smells like crayon papers. Crayon papers? Yep. What's crayon papers? The papers around a crayon?

It just smells like crayons, not paper around the crayon. You know, like, when when you you accidentally break the crayon, and then you have to peel the paper back, and the crayon's never the same. Yeah. But you you peel it back. A broken crayon still colors, Josh.

And then and then your little papers end up in your desk. And then a couple of times a year or maybe not until the end of the year, you're scooping out all that debris, and there's those dry, waxy crayon papers. Yes. That smell. Okay.

Alright. The school smells like that. That was School smells like a pile of desk debris. Yes. It does.

And I kinda love it. Don't you kinda love it? I mean, it's reminiscent of childhood Nostalgia. For sure. For sure.

I don't know that I'm like, I wish I could smell that right now. And I don't think kids these days know the smell, but back in my day Oh. We had a chalkboard grandma. With chalk. Yes.

And then they had erasers. Yes. And then they would clap their erasers together. And you can remember I can remember the smell of the chalk and the the chalkboard erasers. Do you remember that smell?

I remember there was the little erasers, the little, like, you know, that big that just made a mess. Yes. And then there was that long one that was, like, wrapped in, like, a suede. I don't know what you're talking about. Yes.

Yeah. And then they would they'd wipe with that one, and the whole board looked brand new. Oh, we never had not have oh. No. You went to a rich school.

I didn't go to a rich school. I'd we didn't have that. My teachers didn't have that. You didn't have the big, long No. How about the gym?

Suede one. Do you remember what the gym smelled like? Especially on an assembly day. Ew. Especially on a rainy assembly day when everybody's got wet, rainy shoes.

Ew. The gym smelled awful on assembly day. Pack all these wet kids in here. Ew. You're having a you're having a time.

I'm just going back to school. I remember what lunch what the lunchroom smelled like. It's the same room. It is the same room. Smelled like lunch.

And depending on what was for lunch, it either smelled really good or really gross. Like, pigs in a blanket day was the worst day ever. Of all the days? Of all the days. Mhmm.

Blah. Stunk up the whole school. Do you know what the principal's office smelled like? No. Me neither because I was never there.

I was there once when I was crowned student of the week. A what? Yeah. I didn't even know. Probably got a certificate and an unsharpened pencil and maybe a ribbon Yeah.

And my photo taken to hang on a board outside the office, I'll bet. I had no idea. That you were married to a student of the week? I didn't even know. Yeah.

That's me. How old were you? 2nd grade. 2nd grade. Yeah.

And it never happened again. That's rude. I'm just that was a question. Not till I got employee of the month when I was working in, in jobs later in life. Cute.

I know. Student of the week and employee of the month. What a catch. I know. I know.

Hands off, ladies. Give me my own taken. Give me my own parking spot. Hey. I spotted something online today, and, apparently, I didn't know What?

That Monopoly, was actually designed as a board game to not be terrible. Like, it's one of the longest Yes. Most boring games, and everybody who plays it gets frustrated. But I found out this morning that it's actually designed, and and there are pro tips on the inside of the box now for how to make Monopoly fast, fair, and competitive, and actually a little more fun. Okay.

By eliminating all of the house rules that have been infiltrating the game for decades. What are the house rules? Well, how many times do you land on free parking and get paid? Like, every time somebody has to pay a luxury tax, whatever, and it goes in the middle of the board Yeah. And you land on free parking and you grab that money?

Like, not very often. Right? Well, every time you play the game time since I've played that game. So you have because it's boring. Well, okay.

Fine. But when when you land on the free parking, you're not supposed to get anything. You just get to stop there. That's it. Oh, really?

Because it it makes the game last way longer if somebody's getting a handout of cash because then they're gonna be able to keep buying or what like, it makes it last forever. So that's a big one. There's no such thing as rent immunity in the game. You gotta pay rent. There's no there's no I've got rent immunity.

Who gets rent immunity? No. We've never had that rule. There's also, don't loan other players money. Do you want to win?

Hello? When you land on a property, you must buy it or auction it, if you land on it. You have to buy it, which means you have to take out a bank loan or what you landed on it, you gotta buy it Rude. Or auction it. Rude.

And it says you can swap or sell properties and get out of jail free cards with any player at any time. Always trade for profit, never for pity. You cannot swap buildings with nor sell buildings to another player, but you can buy and sell buildings from the bank anytime you want, not just on your turn. So that's interesting. And you can mortgage your property to raise money to buy houses, hotels, or other properties, and being the banker doesn't give you the right to steal.

Who is stealing as the banker? Probably a bunch of bankers. When we play that game. I've not played monopoly in a very long time. Because we cut onto your stealing.

Because anytime monopoly comes out, everybody's like, I have really got something to do. Yeah. I got something much more fun to do than that. I gotta go pluck all my eyebrows out. Yeah.

Like, I gotta go. I gotta go clean the toilets. I'd rather do that than play that game. It was designed to not be so bad. It's so lame.

But it has really tanked. They still keep making it. They make new versions. They got a 1,000 different monopolies. I know.

They're like, maybe it'll be better if it's a friend's version. We added a calculator and a cell phone. That doesn't help. School has started for a lot of people. There are still some schools that haven't started yet and won't start till after Labor Day.

So but what I'm gonna talk about is, the school drop off and pickup. Oh, what a terrible thing. What a terrible waste of time. Who was like, I got an idea. What if we make everybody hate their day right early in the morning?

Right early in the morning and right at the middle of the day. Yeah. Let's get everybody all worked up first thing in the morning. Sounds sounds like a great idea. I feel like it's better at the high school and middle school levels.

Maybe. But those elementary drop offs and pickups, oy. It's not better at high school. I did. No.

I did a pickup yesterday. It's miserable because then you're also dealing with high school drivers. Oh, good point. You've got buses, parents, and high school drivers. It's not better.

And there's no designated loop. It's just Yeah. It's free for all. Kid. It's just find your kid.

That's what it is. And try not to let them get run over. Which almost happened. Did it? So here's the deal.

Yesterday, I went to pick up our daughter from from school. And, she was like, hey. Here's the time, whatever. And I was like, cool. I'll come get you.

So I pull into the parking lot. I said, hey. I'm in the parking lot when you're ready. And I pulled through, and I turned around to where all the students come out. And I was like, cool.

I'm now in the pickup line of people moving toward where the kids come out. Okay. And then she sends me a message and says, I'm back, in this area waiting with my friend, who's getting picked up over here. And I went, I will leave the line, and I will head in that direction. So I drive around the backside here, and I'm back over in another part of the parking lot, and I'm stopped.

And I see her, and, and she sees me, so we've connected. And, her friend is leaving, and so she starts to walk over, and she gets to, the sidewalk, and a bus just decides it's gonna go right then. She's about to walk out. And I went, well, good thing you saw that big bus. The bus almost hit her.

The bus almost took her down. Bus. Yeah. I know. We're supposed to stop for bus drivers, but are they stopping for our kids?

Oh, what did you say? So she was she was okay. She's good. She didn't get hit by a bus because she wasn't paying attention. Good.

But, yeah, it's chaos. And then It is chaos. I'm stopped, and she's gotta get past just a parking lot of it's like Frogger a little bit, and then she made it. And then I think she, hit her leg on the door when she opened the door, so she had that going. It was a whole thing.

Man. It was a whole thing. Oh, jeez. I know. But at least she didn't have to ride the bus out.

Which I think she was excited about that. Riding the bus. I think she was good with that. I hate I hate hate hate when our kids left elementary school, I was sad because the, they were growing up, and I was like, I really like this school. How sad that we're done with elementary school.

But I celebrated wholeheartedly not being in that drop off and pickup line Yeah. Ever again. Yeah. It is the new worst. And there are rules We ended up parking at different spots in the neighborhood and just said walk down here.

We'll be around the corner. Yeah. Just I can't do that anymore. Yeah. And it's not happening.

Because there are rules to make it go more efficiently, and nobody adheres to the rules. This is true. Pull forward is not a suggestion. No. No.

Anyone doing the loop this morning, pull forward. Keep pulling forward. There's a there's no car in front of you, keep pulling forward. Just keep pulling forward. Everybody behind you is going like, please pull forward.

Please pull forward. Please pull forward. Say your goodbyes long before you stop. Yeah. Go, hey.

I don't wanna hold up traffic here, so, have a great day at school. Love you. We'll see you in a bit. Scurry on out. Scurry on out because we're in the drop off line.

I gotta a minute. I gotta move. I gotta pull forward. I gotta pull forward. Pull forward.

Do it. Do it for the good of you. Drop off and pickup line, good luck. And pull forward. Godspeed.

We used to before I started working with you oh, sorry. That's my phone. Before I started working with you, we used to, on Fridays, get off at about 3 o'clock. Yeah. Then we would go have a nice little, like, end of the week celebration.

So we'd go get, like, an appetizer and Yeah. It was awesome. There's nothing better than, like, the week finishes up, you you get a early afternoon. A lot of the restaurants and stuff will have, like, deals so you can go and you can sit and have, like, a a discounted appetizer, which is fantastic. You can recap the week.

This really started before we were doing the show together. Yeah. That's what I said. But it carried on, and we haven't done it in a long time. Done it in a long time.

And I said yesterday, I said, I kinda miss that. Let's get back to doing that because it's kinda fun. Right. Or And then I said, unless you think we're spending too much time together. Right.

I said, no. It's important that we just only do the morning show and then live together. Yeah. Like, we we've gotta keep business business. No.

We can't Dating. Yeah. No. We're just coworkers. There's no there's no friendship here.

There's no dating. We're done. All that's in the back. Like, we're done. No fun.

Put that away. We are roommates Right. And we are coworkers. That's right. Don't you forget it.

I never will. Yeah. No. I think it's a great idea. And so, yeah, let's get, let's get the Labor Day weekend out of the way, and let's get back to let's get back to dating.

That was fun. It was fun. It was fun. It's nice. You get to relax.

You get to just the week is gone. Yeah. It is good. Gotta do it. It's important.

Listen. As as a married couple, you and I, it's important to to stay connected outside the professional environment. We've been doing this almost 2 years, and I remember, starting up and people were like, I don't think I could ever work with with my wife. People still say that. I know.

They hear and they go, are you 2 really married? And I go, no. We're just we're just friends. Roommates. Roommates at best.

Yeah. No. We are very much. Have been for a long time. And, but it's still it's important to to keep the romance.

You gotta be, you gotta date. Yeah. And there's no better time to have a romance than over a plate of chips and salsa. Yeah. I know.

Right? Yeah. Yeah. Perfect. Couple of of shrimp.

Take me on a date, Josh. I know. I gotta be better. I let's get get the Labor Day weekend out of the way. We'll get back to dating.

We got work to do, and then we'll get back to yeah. We got work to do? Yeah. Oh, actual work. Yeah.

I have, like, a whole list of things we have to do. Oh. I know work stuff. You're such a boss. You are my you're my direct supervisor.

That's true. Fine. I only listened to you for 4 hours. I know. That's it.

You get no more than that. I'm oh, I'm aware. I'm fully aware. This is a cool story that I read yesterday. So this woman I don't know where this is.

It doesn't matter. Okay. This woman named Patricia started a company. It's called the Girls Auto Clinic. The Girls Auto Clinic.

Okay. She wanted to create a space where women can feel empowered and welcome to bring their cars in for service. So car service. So oil changes. Well, any kind of maintenance.

Tune ups. Yeah. Carmies. Okay. Cool.

At a place they know they can trust. So she also added the convenience of offering mani pedis while you wait for your car to be ready. Alright. This idea came to her when she realized that she used to drop off her car at an auto shop next to a nail salon on her lunch break so that she could get her nails done while she waited. And she went, this is a brilliant idea.

This shop also offers hands on workshops. So you can learn a few different maintenance things or whatever. That's so cool. And then it offers car care education classes, and they're calling themselves SheCanics. SheCanics instead of meh.

And all their services all their car services are done by an all female repair team. No kidding. Yeah. I think it's so cool. I can see how, that would make, you know, your average everyday woman feel more comfortable because they how many times do you go to get an oil change and go, I know they're gonna they're gonna try to sell me something.

They're gonna talk me something I don't know about. Yeah. They come back with a paper, you know, and they're like, here's your report. And they're like Right. Oil filter needs a new one.

That's gonna be $300, and your air filter, your carbon filter, this, and your and your carbohydrate. Not what? Okay. There are no carbohydrates in your car. Yeah?

It's all words I don't know. I understand. Go, I don't An oil filter is not $300 either. So let's Right. But then they tell me that, and they make it sound like it's super important.

And then I text you, and I say, hey. They're saying I need a new air filter. And you go, you don't. Stop it. Yeah.

So every time I need a work done, I go, you take it in because I don't know I don't know what needs repaired and what doesn't. Right. And I don't wanna learn either. Well, but here now, if it was this place and you went in and they were offering workshops on how to check your oil and how to put washer fluid in or, you know, the things you have to do generally. Yeah.

How to change a headlight. Yes. You got a taillight. We had to go buy a taillight yesterday I gotta fix. Do you wanna fit do you wanted me to teach you how to do that?

No. It how often do you think in the course of all the cars we've owned, I've had to ever change a taillight? Probably a handful of times. Once. I'm about to do it.

Okay. So guess what I'm gonna figure out? How to do it? I'm a watch some YouTube. I'm gonna figure out how to do it.

It's very rare. I know. I know. This is the agreement we made, the unspoken agreement we made when we got married. Right.

Your you take care of the cars. That's, that's sorry. That's just how it works. Okay. I took care of a lot of other things.

Such as? I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I don't need to open that can of worms. Put it away.

Put it away. Do you wanna hear about a fun game? Sure. I think we should try. Okay.

Spooky season is right around the corner, which is is you know, you see all the, the fall decors and the Halloween costumes at the stores. Season. And we got a little bit of time. We gotta get through Labor Day. I feel weird talking about it before Labor Day, but Halloween's right around the corner.

Did you say Halloween? Halloween is right around the corner. Sounded like you said Halloween. Did you know this year, Halloween falls on, a Thursday? Okay.

So the there's gonna be a lot of Halloween probably the weekend after. Yeah. Like, the 1st 2nd November. But, anyway, I saw this game called Jason Voorhees. Okay.

He's from the Friday 13th movies. Yeah. The one with the hockey mask. K. He walks.

He never runs after, the people that he is chasing. Same with Mike Myers. You could do it you could do it with with that character as well Okay. In those movies. And so the idea is, he is in the back seat of the car, you are in the front seat of the car, and your front door of your house is locked.

Can you make it from the driver's seat of the car into the house before Jason gets out of the car and walks to catch you at the front door. I love it. The game. I love it. Yeah.

So the game is called up with games. I know. Does this might be weird? I saw the video. Looks pretty good.

I wanna play this. To wear the Jason mask, if you're playing that part. K. And you have to K. You have to catch the people.

And we have to take turns. Right? Sure. Because I wanna play both parts. Right.

What kind of speed are you walking? Just like a normal It's not a it's not a, like, a stroll. It's a steady, determined pace. But not like a speed walk. Right.

It's it's it's, it's the pace where you've gotta be somewhere, but also if you're a couple seconds late, not a big deal. Kinda like that. So this whole family played, like, the little kids all the way up to to the adults and then the guy who was playing, the Jason character for most of all of them also got a turn to go. Only one person made it in the house. Oh, really?

Yeah. They have, a key instead. Like, we have a security system keypad thing, so you'd have to use a key. Okay. Because that's part you have to fumble with keys Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. And try to undo a deadbolt. Gonna be so hard because we never use our key. I know.

So I don't even know what direction it's supposed to go. Oh, no. What are we gonna do? We're gonna die. So if you want a fun little spooky game I love it.

That's that's the idea. Write that down. Okay. Sure thing. Because On it.

Write that down. Because we always have these fun ideas, and then we forget to do them. Yeah. I don't wanna forget to do this because I think this sounds awesome. Okay.

I really wanna play this game. Do we have we have to do it after Labor Day? Well, you do it in spooky season. Put it on the calendar then. You put it on the calendar.

It's a shared family calendar. What are you what are you talking about? Write that down. I don't wanna forget. Okay.

But I'll write it down and then forget where I wrote it down. There it is. There was a question that was posed on the Internet, so I'm gonna pose it to you now. K. When was the last time you had a glass of milk?

Just to drink. You're not dipping anything in it. You're not pouring it into anything. You have poured yourself a glass of milk, and you're just drinking that glass of milk. Years.

Right? It has been years since I have had just a glass of milk to have a glass of milk. So the question was asked I don't even know the last time. Like, when was the last time you had a glass of milk? Because adults don't drink milk.

Okay. So a lot of people responded by saying, yeah. The last time I had a glass of milk was when my mom poured it for me. When I looked at the top Honestly, that sounds about right. Like, if I was going to have a glass of milk, like, I've had milk and cereal.

I've used milk as an ingredient in things I've cooked. I've had milk to dunk Oreos, but I just straight up had a glass of milk, I can't tell you the last time. It's been forever. I think probably the last time I did was maybe a couple of years ago when we had chocolate syrup, and Emery made some chocolate milk, and I said, oh, I might have some of that. But that's different still.

Is that still different? Yeah. Because because you're having chocolate milk. If you were just still a glass of milk. Okay.

But I've made chocolate milk. But if you're just Just straight up milk. Glass, I'm a pour some milk, and this is what I'm having on my whole summer day. 2%, 1%, skim. Now listen.

Whatever your choice. I grew up in a 2% house. You grew up in a 1% house. We are now 1% house. We accidentally bought a 2% gallon.

Uh-huh. And Nobody drank it. Emery was like, no. This is gross. This is gross.

It's only 1% different, and that 1% apparently was too much. Did you know here's what happened too. We buy a 2 pack gallon of milk, and one of the gallons, I brought it home. I came home the I opened the fridge. There was milk everywhere.

So one of the gallons had a hole or something. It was leaking. And so there was a gallon of milk that was close to being outdated, and I know the kids don't drink it if it's outdated anyway. So I dumped it out. There wasn't that much left.

Dumped it out, poured the fresh gallon of milk. The kids would not drink it because it had been repurposed into a new gallon. Seriously. Seriously. And that's too much.

I can't handle that good milks in an old milk container. Though I washed it out. No kidding. Both of them would not drink it. I have no problems with that if I was a big milk drinker, but I'm not.

I used to if the if the cap Yeah. Fell on the floor Right. I was like, nope. I'm not drinking that milk again. What?

Even if the cap was washed off, I was like, no way. When? When I was a kid. Really? Yes.

The thing you should learn. I have lots of milk rules. I also You have milk rules? Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. So hold on. I only drink it if it's cold, cold, cold. It has to be cold. K.

Cold milk. You don't like a warm milk? Gross. Oh. No.

Nothing like a warm milk. What? Warm milk. So, you also won't drink if there's even a rinsed off dropped lid. No.

What else? I think that's it. Those are my only 2. You said you had lots. Just 2.

I guess it's 2 equals a lot. No. It doesn't. I have 2 milk rules. That's it.

I like to pour milk into the bowl before the cereal. Ew. Who does that? That way I know I'm getting enough milk. Pour the cereal first.

What are you What if there's not enough room for the milk? Then you get a bigger bowl. No. Oh, buddy. You do not do that.

You don't. You're just stirring controversy. Get out of here. You can imagine what it'd be like if I did. Yeah.

The house would turn upside down. Go have a glass of milk. Okay. Yesterday, we were talking about our heights. Yes.

And you are 57. I am 54. 52. But okay. Not.

We measured. Bro, I'm 54. Go on. I'm here to tell you that you wouldn't been able to join the band KISS because they What? They had a height requirement.

Yeah. You had to be over 6 feet tall to join their band. When they first were assembling the band Yeah. There's only 4 of them. Yes.

And I don't know why that's important because don't they wear those big big Huge shoes. Platform boots. Yeah. Huge platform boots. You had they wanted you to be over 6 feet tall so that you could be even more She looked like a giant monster.

Imposing Yeah. Figure. I guess. So there was a guy. He was a a guitarist, and he was in a lot of rock bands.

Mhmm. He was actually in a band called Megadeth. Yes. I don't I know of that band. I don't listen to them.

I've heard of them before. But Okay. He is 7 feet tall, and he wanted to join that band. And they said sorry. He didn't even get past the phone interview because of his high no.

He's only 5 foot 7. You I thought you said he was 7 feet tall. No. Sorry. He's only 5 feet 7 in here.

I heard 7 foot tall, and you're like, nah. Too short. I probably said that. Going on? Because I mess up words all the time.

Guy's 7 feet tall, and they're telling him no. And I then I was thinking, well, he's probably taller than Gene Simmons, the front man of the band. And so maybe Gene was like, you can't I can't have somebody taller then. Oh, no. Their requirement was that you had to be over 6 feet tall.

And this guitarist, they actually reached out to him and said, hey. We're changing guitar players. Can we talk to you? And he was like, yeah. Absolutely.

So they called him up, and they were like, first things first, how tall are how tall are you? He said, 5 feet 7. And they said, no thanks. Hard pass. Well, it's rude.

I know. I mean, 57 is a good height. He said and this guy, the guy, the guitarist from Megadeth, he said, I would have done anything to have joined that band. If there was an operation available to make me taller, I would have done it. Wow.

But they didn't want you, so don't you don't wanna be in that band anyway. Yeah. I'm gonna see how tall are the members of Kiss. What if I hope they're shorter than 6 feet tall. Do too.

What if Gene Simmons is, like, 5 feet 1? I know. He's taller than that. Gene Simmons, 6 feet 2. 62.

And then the rest of the people are over They're all over 6. Over 6. No. The only other one I know is Ace Frehley, and he's 6 foot 1. I don't know any of these other people.

Okay. Well, all 4 of them at least 6 feet tall. Alright. Sorry that, that you gotta be a certain height to be in a band that, do they still tour? Are they still doing anything?

Doesn't matter. Okay. They don't need to. They've got so much money. But why are they being heightest?

Exactly. You wear platform shoes anyway. And 57 is a good height. And you have big hair also. So 57 is a good height.

Is a good height. Yeah. You would just need bigger platform shoes, and you would also need bigger hair to fit in with the rest of them. We could have done this. We could have put you in the band, KISS.

Need to be in the band to KISS. You don't wanna be in that band anyway? There's much cooler bands. There's money to be made in that band, though. That money's already been made.

You don't think they're making money still today? I think they're still making money today. It might not be on the music or the tour. Yeah. Exactly.

Money they're making on all the merchandise, they're making money. Well and didn't the what's his name? Gene Simmons. Didn't he have that TV show for a while? Do a TV show with his family.

Yes. What an Ozzy Osbourne thing to do. Woah. With schools being back in session, there is a kindergarten teacher in Illinois that is sharing an unpopular opinion about birthdays at school. Okay.

What's the her unpopular opinion. What is the unpopular opinion? Her unpopular opinion is please don't bring cupcakes for the kids' birthday. Bring nothing? Bring No.

You can bring other stuff. She says brownies. Not cupcakes. What's her what's her beef with cupcakes? Ginormous mess.

The kids don't eat them. The frosting gets all over. And I remember when my kids were in school, there was a strict no cupcake policy because the frosting inevitably, somebody will drop a cupcake. It lands frosting side down. In the carpet.

Typically, it's a blue or a red frosting. Bright green. Yep. Carpet. Yep.

And it gets mushed into the floor. Yeah. Whether it's the frosting or the cake. Gets super crummy too. Like, they get they make a lot of mess.

I I'm not mad about it. And, look, if it was if a school said, look. Our custodian staff says we need to ease up on the cupcake thing. I'd be like, okay. Cool.

But if it's one teacher going, no cupcakes in my classroom, you know, maybe she's married to the custodian. What do I know? I just feel like she's in a position where she's like, I gotta take care of my classroom, and these cupcakes are not gonna help. And nobody eats them anyway. Do you not eat the cupcake?

No. I don't. No. They're too big. The mini cupcakes, sure.

Yeah. Like, a regular cupcake is too large. You can't eat the whole thing. The mini cupcakes are fine. But a lot of the unpopularity of this post is because there's parents that are like, it's my kid's birthday.

If they ask for cupcakes, I'm gonna take cupcakes. Look, if there's a class rule about no cupcakes Well, you have to adhere to the class rule or the school rule. Yeah. You're gonna have to have cupcakes at home. And then one lady said, we brought in Taco Bell for my son's birthday cake, she said.

Soft tacos. Yeah. She said they gotta count the day before whether a kid preferred a hard or a soft taco. Perfect. I know.

I know. That's it. That's what I'm talking about. Lettuce, cheese everywhere. But it's also something different.

Right? That's way better. Kids are used to having cookies or brownies or cupcakes. Let's have tacos. But you'd have to be careful because there's a lot of school allergies that or school allergies.

There's a lot of allergies, so you'd have to you can't home make any goodies anyway. So Well, is this store bought? You just get a pre wrapped cupcake made. Bell. And then they could say, save that until you get home.

I like the Taco Bell idea way better. That's cool. Right? I mean, even if you if you could if you had, like, a line in on, some, like, dollar cheeseburgers, I'd be cool. Hey.

Hey. Like a you know? Well Yes. I don't know because you're on tricky ground. Because what if there's parents that are like, oh, my kid doesn't eat fast food?

Then my kids kids. That kid that kid list. Left out. Do you have to send a permission slip to have Taco Bell? Probably.

I don't know if you do. In today's day and age Do you have to send a permission slip for a cupcake? Oh. Look. If I'm if if my kid wants Taco Bell, I'm bringing Taco Bell.

Turn right around on the old cupcake people. Turn it around, Josh. That's what I'm saying. Out of all of the household chores, laundry is probably not my least it's not my favorite, but it's not my least favorite. I don't mind doing laundry.

I don't mind it. I don't particularly like folding, all the towels and hanging stuff up. See, I don't mind that part either because I can turn on a TV show or I can Yeah. I can do a podcast. Sure.

And it's just mindless that you can just do while you're doing something else. To Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast while you do laundry? You absolutely could. How about that? You could listen to that podcast while you're doing anything, really.

True. Gardening, doing the dishes. It's available everywhere you get podcasts. This is not a podcast plug, but it is. Worked really well.

What's going on? What's up with laundry? Channing Tatum. Yeah. I've heard of him.

He hates doing laundry. He said, like, I hate it more than I could possibly even express. He said he had an entire year that he called the year of the fresh white tea, and he did not do laundry all year. That year dream come true is that for socks. White T shirts that he had just bought every day.

And he said that he managed to be like, okay. I could probably get, like, 2 or 3 wears out of this one brand new shirt. Sure. So he didn't, like, wear a brand new shirt every day, but maybe it was, like, the same shirt for a couple of different days. Yeah.

But he said it happened in 1999 to 2000, and he said it was a beautiful year. But he you're still gonna have to do laundry. You still have No. You don't. Towels, and you have pants, and you have socks and underwear.

And Not if you're not if you're on a touring circuit at hotels. Yeah. That's true, I guess. And all you're doing is wearing a new shirt. Look.

I But what about your pants and socks? Sure. Whatever. You're not supposed to wash your denim that often anyway. So Good rose.

He's probably just wearing broken in denim. That's fine. I would do it with socks. I would absolutely wear fresh new socks every single day. And I know that sounds wasteful.

I'll turn them into dog toys or something. I don't know what I'll do with the socks. They're clean. I just want brand new socks every day. I want the elastic fresh.

I want the the soft, plushy feel of new socks every day on my feet. Oh, I'd spoil myself rotten. It's so fun. New socks every day. Doesn't it just sound like the best?

It sounds okay. I'll I don't I don't typically wear socks. So Best day ever. Everyday new socks? Come on.

Especially in the summer, I'm not wearing socks. I'm wearing sandals and what's happening? Oh, I don't know. Get it. Some just stuff that a car warranty.

I don't know what that was. Also, Channing Tatum, I feel like, makes enough money that he could pay somebody to do the laundry for him. I mean, he could. The amount of money he's spending on T shirts? It must be important.

They're calling back. I don't know. Anyway, I want new socks. He can have his new shirts. He broke in his denim.

He's not doing laundry. He did it for a year. It's the year of the new white shirt. It was a beautiful year, he said. He's not wrong.

I bet it was a beautiful year. For Labor Day weekend, we've got a little bit of a getaway that we've got going on. Nothing nothing huge. Gonna go have some fun in Utah for, you know, a couple of days. I saw on the fridge one of the craziest things I think I've seen in a while.

It's not that crazy. It's pretty crazy. It's not that crazy. It's pretty crazy. It's not that crazy.

It's pretty crazy. Are you gonna say it or not? So we're staying at an Airbnb. You took the liberties of booking the Airbnb we're staying in. Mhmm.

You've not done that before. This is your first Airbnb booking. Yes. And We've stayed in Airbnbs before, but this is the first time I've booked it. Yeah.

Yes. And you said, at some point in in your thought process yesterday, you said, it's 1986 or 1995 or 1999. I'm gonna print on paper the itinerary from the Airbnb. It's not that crazy, and I'll tell you why. Sometimes, you shouldn't always rely on your phone or your cell service to make sure that you have the proper because he sent everything in an email.

Right? I have it in an email. But it's not a bad idea to have a backup printed copy just in case your battery dies, just in case you lose cell service, just in case, in case Where are we where are we going? To Salt Lake. We're not going to the middle of nowhere.

Understand that. I'm just saying in case of emergency. Also, I'm gonna be driving by myself with Emery. Yes. And so maybe she wouldn't be able to find the email.

Maybe she wouldn't be able to pull up my email. So You have And it's unsafe to to text and drive. You have sent the information to me. Yes. You have sent the information to other people traveling Yes.

So that they would know where we're gonna be and everything. Yeah. I'm not driving with those people. I understand. My point is other people have the information.

I'm confused about why you printed it like it's MapQuest turn by turn directly. Told you because I could run out of cell service or Won't happen. My phone is dead or Won't happen. I'm driving, and I can't text or get on my phone to find the information. I have it in a paper.

I don't think it's crazy. Is the paper gonna tell you which exit you need to take off the freeway? No. That's what I have my phone for. Oh.

Oh. The phone that you have programmed the address into before you leave the house. That phone? The one that's gonna give you the turn by turn directions the whole way there? Okay.

Fine. You have it magnated to the front of the fridge. Like, don't forget to grab the papers. I just I saw it, and I thought, what year is it? Because I just felt like it's it's not the late nineties anymore.

It's not it's not that crazy. It wouldn't be crazy if it was like a topographical map of a backpacking trip you were gonna take. I did that a year ago. I took a backpacking trip where I didn't have cell phone service. I have paper maps Okay.

And GPS and compass and all of these things so that if something happened, I would be able to navigate my way out. I'm gonna print everything now just to annoy you. Just to annoy you. What a what a waste of things. What a waste of things.

Every hotel accommodation. Mhmm. Every Oh, good. Yeah. Yeah.

Do that. Yeah. Here's your hotel confirmation number. When's the last time you had to provide a confirmation number checking into a hotel? Never.

They go, what's your name? Okay. Here you are. Thank you. You have your ID?

Great. You have a card for, incidentals? Awesome. You're gonna be in this room. Elevators are over here.

Continental breakfast on the second floor. 6 to 10. Okay. Have a great stay. Bye.

Shut up, Josh. Keep printing. Shut up. Time for the would you rather this or that question of the day. School edition.

Okay. Okay. Would you rather ride the bus or walk to school? I've done both. I asked this question on the Facebook, class c community, and a lot of people said both.

I've done both. I've done both. I rode the bus all through elementary school, and then I walked in, junior high because, well, I guess I only walked if I missed the bus. And then when we moved, we moved when I was, like, 8th between 8th 9th grade, somewhere in there. We moved to a different house that was within walking distance of the junior high and the high school.

And so then I just walked, because it was easier until I got to drive. And then once I got to drive and I lived literally across the street from the high school, I drove to high school. Ridiculous. You're so ridiculous. Well, you know.

And I'm talking literally across the street. So, bus? Because I'm real lazy, apparently. I know. I would rather ride the bus too because I know what winters in Idaho feel like.

Fair. And even though those buses aren't necessarily warm, at least it's not walking in the cold. But there was there were times when I would get on the bus, and I would get the the seat that had the heater on underneath it Oh. In the back. Kentucky.

Yes. That was the best in the wintertime. Not so great in the spring or, fall where it was still, like, a little bit warm, and then you were, like, back there going, like, it's hot back here. But when it was nice, it was nice. Okay.

I'm picking the bus. I'm picking the bus too. Sheer laziness. Out of sheer. I don't like being cold.

So, yeah, I'm riding. Plus, also, you're gonna get to wherever you need to go quicker. You think? Yeah. So Faster than walking?

Yeah. It's gonna get you home faster. Maybe. Maybe. I can see the argument, but the bus has to go on a weird route.

It has multiple stops. I'm wondering if there were days I could have beat the bus. The bus stop is a little bit scary, though, too. The only fight I ever had was at the bus stop. Oh, crazy.

Chantel having fights. I'm married. There's a mom in Tennessee who's going viral because You're the only mom that's a 10 I see. There's a mom in Tennessee. What?

She's going viral? Yes. She's going viral because she does not want to volunteer whatsoever in her kids' school, her kids' classroom, anything. K. She doesn't wanna help set up.

She doesn't wanna help do anything in the classroom. She doesn't wanna help the kids read. She doesn't wanna help do anything. And she has made this known on her I don't know if she posted this on TikTok. She posted it somewhere.

But she said, what I will do is send money. I'm not a team mom. I'm not a room mom. I'm not a party planner mom. I am a Venmo mom.

I will absolutely send whatever money you need to help in any way, but I'm not don't ask me to come help volunteer because I'm not here. Like the majority of people are in that camp where they're like too, but we also need those those parents who do volunteer because if we don't have the volunteers, nothing gets done. It's great if you wanna send money, but money can only go so far until you have volunteers that actually put that money to the use. You were a PTO vice president for a moment or 2. That doesn't mean I did much of it.

No. My point is you went you went, like, pretty high up all in. I'm gonna help for a while. I did a lot of helping when my kids were younger. I was a room parent, and I did all of the I helped out with the carnivals and the talent shows.

I did. I did. I did I did find and you noticed this the other day when we were walking at the elementary school in the neighborhood. We were out for a a a stroll with the dog. And you said I should probably apologize because a lot of what I did was volunteer you to do stuff.

That's true. I did. Which is true. Because you have a lot of talents. You can do a lot of stuff.

You have a lot of skills. Sign up to be the PTO vice president. I know. But somebody would be like, oh, we need somebody that can have, like, sound equipment to do this thing. I was like, oh, my husband can.

Josh can do that. Right. And then I'd go home and I'd be like, oh, hey. You're doing that thing. For this.

I went, oh, okay. Great. Sorry. Sorry. I did do that a lot.

I'm sorry. That's did. Like, it doesn't happen anymore? Emery sent me she sent me a video yesterday, either yesterday or the day before, and it was I don't know. It was like a groundhog or something, but it said something like my reaction when my mom volunteers me for something.

And the groundhog is like, what? Yeah. What? You what? So, apparently, I do that to all of you.

It's it's a thing. You're like, oh, I think they'd love to do this for these people. Like, okay. I'm like, you guys go have fun. Yeah.

I'm gonna stay at home. I'm beat. I'm so tired. Really. That's exhausting volunteering, you guys, first up.

It's it's a big deal. Sorry. I'm sorry. It's fine. We've all adjusted.

We'll all be okay. Look. I don't think this lady is in the wrong here. I you know, it's nice that she said, hey. I'll help spend some money.

I appreciate your honesty too. She's like, yeah. This is not where my strength is. My strength is to just give money. Your sanity depends on your boundaries.

Yeah. And if she was if she was not able to say no, if all she said was yes all the time, she'd be miserable. Yeah. And so you've gotta know those boundaries. I don't fault her for it.

You know, good for her. And at least she stepped up and say, hey, but I'll help monetarily. I just don't want to donate my time. I I'm maybe she's busy. Maybe she's maybe she's just not into it.

Doesn't matter. Right. She should have the autonomy to say, I don't wanna do that, and that's fine. And I'm good with that. And that's kinda where I am at these days.

I'm like, yeah. I Yeah. I don't wanna volunteer, but I will happily give money. But you and volunteer other people to do it for them. You do.

Yeah. Yep. Good. Yeah. So, hey, if you ever wanna be signed up for something, just let Chantel know that you exist, and she'll take note.

Be like, what skills you got? She did she won't even it doesn't matter. She'll just sign you up for it. Skills, you don't need a resume. You just get to, like, have to show up somewhere and wing it.

Sorry, Josh. It's the way it goes. Have a great rest of your Wednesday. We'll be back tomorrow morning. Yep.

We're all set. We're done. Check out the podcast. Follow us on YouTube. We We got YouTube videos that are going up now, which is pretty great, all over on socials, and, have a great day.

We'll see you tomorrow. For sure. Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast.

Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.