Super Human Fathers

Welcome to another inspiring episode of the Super Human Fathers Transformation Podcast! In today's episode, we dive deep into the incredible journey of Mike Jones, a determined individual who went through a rigorous workout regime to prepare for the Fire Academy. From pushing himself to the limit with challenging exercises to overcoming self-doubt and securing a position at Orange County Fire, Mike's story is nothing short of awe-inspiring. We also hear from other guests who have experienced significant transformations in their fatherhood journey through fitness and discipline. Join us as we explore the power of willpower, the importance of setting goals, and the impact of physical fitness on being an exceptional father. This episode is packed with motivation, valuable insights, and heartfelt experiences that will leave you inspired to push beyond your limits and achieve greatness.

00:00 Unrecognizable man, 20 members, moving forward.
07:38 100 days straight, shit's actually working. Extra motivation.
11:45 Experienced, hardworking stud rises to the top.
18:13 26-year-old kid becomes leader despite doubts, gains confidence.
25:46 Clean lifestyle brings mental clarity and presence.
27:35 Confidence in revealing inner strengths to all.
36:12 Changed life and hurt family through transformation.
40:28 Proper hydration and care for best results.
48:23 Finding clean carbs and proteins is tough.
49:42 Snacks, rice cakes, lunch, carbs, fat.
58:35 Dude climbed mountain with daughter after 10 yrs.
01:00:59 Wife pregnant, left with son, drove off.

What is Super Human Fathers ?

These powerful interviews share the transformation of our brothers. They have sacrificed, worked extremely hard, and are ripped AF! You won’t want to miss a single episode.

Mike Jones: it's going from, I'd say
probably drinking four days a week.

And, uh, I was off four days a week.

So drinking every day I'm home, um, I can
fast food, breakfast, burritos, nachos.

Um, donuts.

I had a nickname at work.

They called me donut fucker.

Uh, sorry, the foul language,
but that was my nickname.

Uh, wonder why I got it.


That guy likes donuts.


Um, So I said screw it, all in, right?

And then typical alpha dudes at the fire
department, you know, like, Oh yeah, let's

see, Mike's gonna lose weight, give it a
week, give it two weeks, see what happens.

And uh, cold turkey, everything.

No alcohol, no cheat meals,
no cheat days, um, no breaks.

Kyle Carnohan: Welcome to the Superhuman
Father's Transformation Podcast.

If you're listening to this, you're
about to witness some of the most

incredible transformations that have
ever happened on the planet, and just

by listening to this, you will be
inspired to have your own transformation.

If you're listening to this for the
first time, or you're one of the brothers

in the brotherhood, go leave a review
on the podcast and let the brother or

member know how amazing they did and
how incredible their transformation was.

I'm Kyle Carnahan, founder of
Superhuman Fathers, and not only

am I gonna change your life, I'm
gonna get you ripped as fuck.

Ryan Carnohan: Everybody,
cause Kyle's, oh, Kyle's here.

He's here.

So, Hey

Kyle, mute everybody for me.



Mike comes in, I have this
great conversation with him.

And, uh, and that was that
dude, instant connection.

We spoke a lot.

Because we were kind of pushing each
other and I just watched him, like,

become an absolutely different human.


completely, you would never have

recognized, you would never
recognize who he was before.


With that said, I mean,
we're kind of rolling here.

We got 20 guys.

I think we should probably
just get moving on this.

So, Mike, I know that you've
been, you've been busy with

Fire Academy and everything.

So we haven't been, you know, in
the community because we've been

so, you know, you've been focused on
that, which will be its own story.

And I can't wait.

I have some questions
about that, by the way.

Um, I just want to, Start out kind
of asking you why you're kind of

give us a quick background, like how
you ended up with Superhuman Fodders

and what made you join the group?

Because you're kind of us.

When you started, you know,
so maybe it's just give us a

little little background story

Mike Jones: go for it.

It's been a while Brian said I've been
a little bit busy Trying to hang in

there just day to day and miss you
guys Forget how much like an impact it

makes just in the daily calls and the
daily check ins huge impact Without it,

it's kind of like, it's kind of empty.

It's like, wait, I do
this for myself again?

Like, where's the brotherhood?

And you kind of miss some of that.

So, definitely happy to be,
be back talking to you guys.

Um, where I started is, I
was already a fireman, right?

Had the job, great, working,
and, uh, got fat and depressed.

That's, uh, the short story.

I was fat, I was depressed, um, angry.

Um, shitty attitude at work,
just all of the above, right?

Um, I'm sure some of you guys could,
doesn't matter what job you do, you just,

you don't have a passion to go to work.

It's like, you find something to
complain about every day, right?

Um, so I was looking to test out,
test out different departments

and, like, maybe if I change my
scenery, whatever, try something new.

Dude, I'm fat, I can't go test
at another department, right?

So I started thinking, I've done
the, done the keto, I've done

the starve myself, run every day.

I've done...

All the crash course, um, we
call it easy diets, right?

Yeah, don't eat bread, right?

Eat everything else.

Eat a pound of bacon.

Don't eat bread.

You know, so I tried, uh, tried all
that stuff and I knew that wasn't

what I was looking for this time.

Um, random on Instagram found
Kyle and Superhuman Fathers.

Kind of read into it and it's more
than just like the, oh yeah, get,

get shredded, lose weight, you know.

You start talking about your
family and your emotions and

responsibility and stuff like that.

And, uh, that's kind of what
spoke to me to reach out to him.

And then, funny coincidence, I had
no prior knowledge, but it's like,

Oh shoot, Kyle's a fireman at the
department that I'm applying to.

So it's kind of like an
instant connection, uh, with

that, and I just dove all in.

Ryan Carnohan: Talk about fate.

So psycho.

I love that.

Like, just how random, man, how
random for us to connect like that.

Michael Davis: And then, like, the whole,

Ryan Carnohan: then it just turns into
this, it just gets insane after that.

So, um, I want, I want a little more.

Give me a little more of the story.

So, okay, you meet Kyle.

Let's continue.

Where does it go from there?

Mike Jones: Um, fuck it all in.

Um, yeah, it's going from, I'd say
probably drinking four days a week.

And, uh, I was off four days a week.

So drinking every day I'm home, um, I can
fast food, breakfast, burritos, nachos.

Um, donuts.

I had a nickname at work.

They called me donut fucker.

Uh, sorry, the foul language,
but that was my nickname.

Uh, wonder why I got it.


That guy likes donuts.


Um, So I said screw it, all in, right?

And then typical alpha dudes at the fire
department, you know, like, Oh yeah, let's

see, Mike's gonna lose weight, give it a
week, give it two weeks, see what happens.

And uh, cold turkey, everything.

No alcohol, no cheat meals,
no cheat days, um, no breaks.

it's going from, I'd say probably
drinking four days a week.

And, uh, I was off four days a week.

So drinking every day I'm home, um, I can
fast food, breakfast, burritos, nachos.

Um, donuts.

I had a nickname at work.

They called me donut fucker.

Uh, sorry, the foul language,
but that was my nickname.

Uh, wonder why I got it.


That guy likes donuts.


Um, So I said screw it, all in, right?

And then typical alpha dudes at the fire
department, you know, like, Oh yeah, let's

see, Mike's gonna lose weight, give it a
week, give it two weeks, see what happens.

And uh, cold turkey, everything.

No alcohol, no cheat meals,
no cheat days, um, no breaks.

Just pretty much what Kyle and Ryan say.

They're not, they're not lying to you,
they're not fluffing you up or something,

or they're some impossible task.

If you don't cheat, if you don't lie to
yourself, then shit just happens, right?


Just continued, what was it, 100
days straight, 120 days straight, was

kind of, that's when he started to
see it, like, oh shoot, this shit's

actually working, and then he started
getting people at work, like, hey,

what are you doing, like, what, what's
going on, like, oh, are you serious?

And they started like, they started
assuming, like, oh, he's testing out

just by the way my fitness was going
and how serious I was with stuff.

And kind of a cool picture came
together and I didn't want to look

like a pussy in front of Kyle since
he already worked there, so it's

kind of a extra motivation for that.

Ryan Carnohan: So Sav, you guys,
this was probably one of the most

inspiring things I've ever seen.

He went from that talking
to him the first day.

And I remembered, right?

Cause I was pizza boy.

He was donut fucker.

This is so awesome.

Like, I just love it, dude.

And so I had just finished and I was
like, I just remember talking like, dude,

if I could do this, you could do this.

And bro, he, he, when he
finished, he outfitted me so hard.

Like I was,

Michael Davis: he sent
me this video of like,

Ryan Carnohan: I can't remember.

It was this whole workout,
this prepping for fire Academy.

And he's like, Hey, uh,
you need to do this.

Like you need to do this.

And I just felt like, I was like, he

Michael Davis: made me feel uncomfortable.

And I was like, yes, yes.

Like, I was like, I'm scared of Mike.

Ryan Carnohan: And that was
like steel, sharpened steel.

I still haven't done
that workout, by the way.

Mike Jones: I think, I think it was
like a hundred burpees and a hundred

thrusters, like, back to back.

It wasn't,

Ryan Carnohan: it was not fun.

Yeah, and it was at the
end, it was your workout.

And so, I don't know, but I just
was so grateful in that moment.

Like, that was just so powerful to me.

And it was just proof of the, this
concept that the currency of confidence.

And the respect of self and the respect
from other men is discipline, and he

earned it in a hundred days, those
men ripped on him in the beginning,

they ripped on him, and they would say
shit, we'd talk, then he got, oh well,

I don't want to give it away, well,
we'll talk a little bit more about

the story here, but let's just say,
they're all, all of them are scared of

Mike now, okay, now alright, Alright.

So continue on.

I want more of the story, bro.

Okay, so

Michael Davis: let's, we're
going, we're going deep here

Ryan Carnohan: before I get into
how this has changed your life.

The stories is too good.

Okay, so what, let's say we're,
let's go, that's probably what, 30

or 40 days in the program or so.

You've quit cold turkey,
you're losing weight.

So what happens next in your life?

Mike Jones: We're talking a long time ago

Ryan Carnohan: here, man.




Michael Davis: you, you, okay.


Ryan Carnohan: you, you
applied for Orange County.

Oh yeah.

Fire, right?


So let's go into how
that, how that worked out.

I want it.

So you apply.


Mike Jones: nervous through the process.


Ryan Carnohan: it's so scary.

Firefighters are so mean to each other.

Mike Jones: Okay.

They'll eat you alive.

And then they, you go out in the public
and like, Hey, you want a sticker?

Like, Oh, how's your day?

And They go back to the station
Station and be like, you,

you offered him a sticker.


Are you a fucking idiot?

Like anything you do, they'll
just, they'll pick at you.

You know, you're, I'm laughing

Michael Davis: out loud
here, like out loud,

Mike Jones: I got a big head every day
I hear about my big head, how big it

is, and that I'm not smart, but I got
a big head, you know, just little shit.

They'll eat you alive.


Um, super nervous through the process.

Um, initially had had no
confidence for someone.

Who is seemingly successful, right?

I got the house, I got the car,
I got the kids, got the dog, got

the pretty wife, you know, got,
got everything going on for me.

Um, got the cool job,
still lacking confidence.

Um, going into these interviews and
testing processes, like, like, man, maybe

I'm not good enough, you know, all these
other guys, like these guys are studs,

you know, they, they have more experience
or, or whatever, you know, um, turns out.

I'm one of the studs that it took me,
this program, and not lying to myself,

not cheating, and they come out on
top of stuff, and you're like, wait a

minute, hold on, like this whole time I'm
doubting myself, and I just put the work

in, put the effort in, changed myself
essentially from the inside out, and now

all of a sudden I'm the dude standing
on top, and being like, let's go, this

was pretty easy, you know what I mean,
like, looking huge mountain to climb,

and then you're on top of the mountain,
and you're like, Wait, that's it.

Where's, where's the next mountain?


Um, so it's that kind of whole
like self-realization of, uh,

like, Hey dude, I'm, I got this.

I'm solid, I'm strong, I'm smart.

Um, I know myself and I
know what I'm capable of.

And that's what the program
really kind of pushed me to see.

Um, other than the other life challenges
I've been through before, this is

more of like a personal challenge.

'cause nobody, nobody cares
what you put in your mouth.

You know what I mean?

That's up to you.

Um, nobody's over there writing a
log of how much you worked out today.

Only you know that, right?

So you put the work in to yourself,
and then it shows in all the aspects

of your life around you, in career,
home, family, kids, um, finances,

whatever you apply it to, it's relevant.

Um, putting the work into yourself,
because you can't provide for other

people if you can't provide for yourself.

Ryan Carnohan: Straight fire.


So let's talk about,
let's talk about this.


Let's so, so he's doing this.


We're 80, 90 days.

He, he, he gets hired.


He, it goes through.

It happens.

Then there's a moment where it
actually isn't going to happen.

It's insane.

Like they tell him he's hired.

And then they

Michael Davis: tell him,
they tell him he's unhired.

This guy doesn't

Ryan Carnohan: miss a beat.

You think it was like
a test was so psycho.

The universe was like, no, we
need one more for donut fucker.

We need one more thing.

And they, they took it from him.

And I remember that phone call.

And I was like, damn dude.

Like, what would I do in that position?

You know?

And I honestly, I was doubtful.

I was like, dude, I don't know.

You know?

He held the line.

Holds the line.

On all his

Mike Jones: macros, all his workouts.

You know what my bitch self, you
know what my bitch self wanted to do?

Just go get a plate of nachos
and like a 12 pack of beer.

And just be like, oh, I deserve a break.

You know, like, oh, I made it this far.

I guess it didn't work out.

I'll, I'll reset next week.

Um, no, I didn't, I didn't do that.

And I kept pushing.

What was it?

It's only like two days later.

It was quick.

They called me back and I was
like, just kidding, you want a job?

So I was like, hell yeah.

I forgot about that.

Michael Davis: Insane.



Ryan Carnohan: earns it.

Just pushes through even
though he doesn't get the job.

In the, in the, you know, the
unseen hours, he's still holding the

line and the universe just can't.

He just earns it.


So he gets the job, this is,
we're not there yet, okay?

So you get, you get hired, and then
you have like these workouts, okay?

Like they have to prep you for
academy and it's COVID time.

And I'm talking to them, so they're
like these online workouts, right Mike?

Yeah, how

Mike Jones: that works.

They did zoom workouts
like two or three times a

Ryan Carnohan: week.

How'd you do?

How'd you do in those?

How'd you do though in those donut fucker?

How did how did those go

Mike Jones: smoked every single one?

Not a big deal What happened to the

Ryan Carnohan: other guys what
happened to the other guys?

Mike Jones: Oh, they're failing out.

They couldn't finish And these are
these are professional firemen from

so I was in a lateral Academy Um,
which is all previously employed

professional firemen, um, changing
career paths to Orange County, right?

So they all worked at a department
before, they're coming over, so you

think, oh, firemen, these guys are studs.

Um, which I wasn't before.

I was lazy, I was depressed, I wasn't...

Treating myself right.

Um, and you think like these workouts
you're doing, like you can't tell

because like Ryan said, sometimes you
feel weak, sometimes, you know, you're

not, you're not seeing a lot of growth.

And then you go compare yourself
to somebody that hasn't been

putting in the work like you have.

And you're going to smoke them every time.

I guarantee it.

A great

Ryan Carnohan: equalizer, dude.

I freaking love this concept,
like watching you do it.

It's just was the most, one of the most
special things I've ever seen and I

will cherish it for the rest of my life.

So again, again, we're not finished.


So we get there and he gets
to the academy or beginning.

And so don't, now there's
leadership positions.

And remember, this the most
coveted fire departments.

Well, I don't think anywhere.

I mean, it's Orange County fire.

Like they don't just hire.

Like they, these people are failing out
are solid humans and he's beating them.

And then you get to the academy and
I'm, I kind of lost him after that

because you know, he was kicking
ass and, but was there a leadership

position you got or something?

Do you come in like second or come on,
don't, this is not the time to hold back.

Give me the details.

I've missed you.

Mike Jones: So I got, I got big
for a company leader position,

uh, which is pretty much sound
like a platoon or whatever.

We're divided up into different
companies and you're in charge of

the company, which would be like
three or four guys behind you.

And the way they pick that is off
of experience or physical fitness,

pretty much, or a combination of both.

And I only have...

Like four years in the
fire service, right?

So not a lot of experience.

There's guys with 12, 13, 14 years,
um, in my academy with me, and I'm,

dude, I'm 20, I was 26 at the time,
I'm 27 now, so 26 year old kid with

four years of fire experience gets
put in a leadership position, leading

other dudes that are 10, 12 years,
and that's a, kind of blew my mind.

I still don't think I deserve it
or anything like that, but, uh,

it's kind of like a reaffirmation
of like, oh, people, cool.

People can tell, like, people, people
realize, like, the confidence that,

and I still don't feel like I'm a super
confident dude, but compared to six

months, a year ago, like, twofold, twice
as confident, um, just willing to stick

my head out there, volunteer, do whatever,
do whatever it takes, because I'm not

scared of a failure, because I've already
failed myself enough times that you can't

fail me, I'm way harder than, than you're
ever going to be on me, I'm, I'm harder

on myself, and that's kind of the, The
confidence that comes in line, like Kyle

said at one time, dude, you're living
harder right now than the instructors

and the other dudes, like just by doing
this program, doing your workouts and

being strict with your diet, how you're
supposed to be, nobody else is doing that.

Everybody, they get off work on
the weekend and I'm going to drink,

you know, a cheat day, relax.

And if you for that.

You're going to be.

ahead of the game every time compared
to those dudes so that's kind of like a

reaffirmation of oh shit doing something
right you know it's working it has been

working and uh it's easy dude oh hey

Kyle Carnohan: and when you
when you become a beast mike

you can smell the weakness

Mike Jones: on another man true when
you see somebody starting to crumble

starting to fail and you're you're not
even close to your threshold yet It's like

a spark of energy inside of you, right?

And that's confidence or
whatever you want to call it.

Um, you know, like eat people alive.


Kyle Carnohan: you spot this,
you spot the fake alphas

Mike Jones: too.

And you pick them apart with
just by looking at them.

You know, the guys that look hard or
act hard, but they're really not hard.

You know, they, they go home
and they're not living hard.

They don't, uh, They don't put
the work in like other people.

You don't have to be shredded or
have a six pack to have a harder

mentality than somebody, or have
a harder willpower than somebody.

Um, it doesn't matter what you look like.

It's, it's your actions and
it shows, and people recognize

that from a far away, man,


Ryan Carnohan: fire.

And this, this is exactly what,
I mean, this is it right here.

It is the, what you do and how
you respond to chaos, hardship.

Self-imposed or life given to you.

And I'm talking about what
you do when you're by yourself

actually affects everybody I know.

And he's not gonna say this 'cause he
is humble, which is awesome because

like Wess Watson said recently
and and it is one of his posts,

the more you become like a beast.

Kyle, what was this?

The less you.

I mean it was awesome dude.

Please share that with
don't I feel beast, A

Michael Davis: beast?

Don't know he's a beast.

I feel like this

Ryan Carnohan: for Mike.

Look how humble he is.

Mike Jones: A beast
doesn't know he's a beast.

The more he becomes a beast,
the less he knows he's a beast.

Because he just wants to level up.

Ryan Carnohan: And this,
this inspires everybody.

I know that there were people carried
through because Mike was there.

I know that people did better in
that academy because Mike was there.

And that...

Has is spreading to his family.

It's spread to me.

I was thinking about him in my morning
workouts, knowing that he was crushing

it in the Academy, just in gratitude that
I had an opportunity to be part of that.

So, okay, Mike, we know, we know.

Mike Jones: Uh, when you're the only
guy during the workout that has a

smile on his face, then you kind of
know you're doing something right.

Michael Davis: Hey, okay,
thank you for that right there.

Kyle Carnohan: Can you people please,
everyone, the harder it gets, the

more you smile, please, please.

I'm telling you, it'll change everything.

I went through that same academy he did.

And, uh,

Mike Jones: I think Cody just left, man.


Kyle Carnohan: there was not
a moment that I was faking,

Mike Jones: at least faking elated.

Because I did not want them
to know they were hurting me.

Like, you,

Kyle Carnohan: you know?

It's like, put that smile on

Michael Davis: and just

Mike Jones: fight through.

I mean, that is such
a powerful thing, man.

I think it actually, like,
releases endorphins that,

like, legitimately help you.

I think there's some science behind it.

But, uh, yeah, if you got a smile
on your face, you're doing good.

Doesn't matter if you're crawling
through the dirt or whatever.

Life happens to be thrown at you.

Put a smile on and, uh, you'll
get through it that much better.

Ryan Carnohan: And how savage is that?

There's a confidence behind
that in a countenance because

what it could be in your family.

Let's say chaos happens.

Don't you want to be able to look
at your wife with a smile when

just things are going to shit?

You know, like, cause what else?

Most people just freak
out, but you're just like.

Okay, this is expected.

Luckily, um, I'm a savage and I'm
going to put this on my back and

I'm going to handle my, my business.

And like, that's so rad.


With that in mind, we know that you've
turned into a savage physically.

He lost weight.

You guys didn't see the pictures.

He has belly veins, like freaking psycho.

His leg veins are also insane.

I have zero.

I'm coming after you, Mike.

It might take a few years,
but I'm coming for him.


Other than that, what other aspects of
your life do you feel like, you know, you

were, I don't know, what other changes in
your life did you experience as you went

through the Superhuman Father process?

Mike Jones: Um, I'd say confidence
is, is probably number one.

Um, As minuscule as, hey, taking
my shirt off at the pool, at the

beach, whatever, you know, that
stuff weighs on you when you're, when

you're second guessing yourself and
you're, even if you're confident, oh

yeah, I'm fine, whatever, it's still
in the back of your mind, right?

You want to look good.

That's like the superficial stuff, right?

So that stuff, easy.

Write that off.

That's improved, right?

The other thing is having that
confidence to say, show my

kids like, hey, this is right.

This is wrong.

The knowledge of food and, um, fitness
and stuff like that, that's just come

out of this, of researching and doing
it to myself, and, and being that strict

with it, has improved so much just with
my family, like, my wife's a sheriff,

um, she's a stud too in her own right,
she goes to CrossFit, she works out

a bunch, and, um, but just being able
to be present and clear minded, that's

with her and make decisions for our
family, not without me being all drunk,

without me being hung over or shoving
my face with a bunch of bad food.

Oh, I don't want to go out today.

I'm tired.

I wasn't tired.

I'm 26 years old, dude.

There's no excuse to be tired.

I was fat, depressed, and unhealthy.

That's, that's what I was, right?

So all this other stuff,
like the mental clarity.

That it gives you when you're not
eating a bunch of shitty food.

I think that's probably like
the, like you're more present.

You're more present with yourself,
you're more present like with your

body, with your family, with everything.

That's the, with nature,
whatever you want to put it into.

You know, you're, you're in the
moment and you're not living

for fake pleasures, right?

You're not getting off work to go get
that drink, to go, to go get that food.

Um, it's more of like a, I'm not
saying go straight edge or anything

like that, but it's more of like
a clean, like a clean lifestyle.

And, uh, see that goes, that
goes a long way with family.


Ryan Carnohan: I mean,
just truth bombs, man.

Let's go.

Um, there's something you mentioned
that I love that I really love and you

shared how you take your shirt off now.

And there's just that
little bit of confidence.

You actually feel more
confident with your shirt off.

People see the work, you know,
you know what you've accomplished

and in the fire service.

I'm not in there.

I never, but I've been around the boys.

Okay, but they poke you bro.

Like let's say they want they take
they rip your figurative shirt off.

When you get in there, they tear it
to shreds, and you're there naked.

And they look at the chinks in your armor
and they just, they just poke it, they

just poke it and they're looking for
you, they want to push your threshold

so high that you break and all of your
actions are due to emotion like a child.

I want to be the man that can
take his figurative shirt off.

Just like when now when I take my shirt
off, I'm more confident than I was

before as I imagine you are Mike as well.

I want to be able to take my figurative
shirt off and feel the same way.

And that I feel like is
what you're talking about.

Mike is there are things in your
life that no one else is seeing.

Maybe your wife, maybe your wife,
but you've been holding the line on.

And so no one can say shit.

You're undeniable.

And because of that, it
scares them or inspires them.

Because they can't, they can't find
a weakness because you've taken your

weakness to make it, made it your
strengths through the non negotiables.

Making it non negotiable,
building that muscle.

I can't thank you enough, Mike.

And I actually have more questions
for you, but, but I just, I

just, I know, I just, I'm just
so filled with gratitude, man.

I mean, Kyle and I talk
about you all the time still.

It's like, it's just psycho,
what, what happened there.

So, okay, I'm gonna get off my soapbox.

This is Mike's hour, not mine.

But, um, let's uh, Okay,
so you crushed this.

You made it look easy.

What was the most, if you were to say,
what was the most challenging part of

this program or at least something during
this program and how did you overcome it?

Mike Jones: I'd say willpower, um,
checking yourself in the gut and

saying no to whatever shitty food
is there or activities that you know

aren't good for you or, or social
circumstances that, you know, it's

going to tempt you to, to drink or tempt
you to, to go out and eat or whatever.

Um, Having that hard line in the
sand without being a grumpy asshole

about it, you know what I mean?

Like, nobody wants to party pooper
like, oh no, I can't, I can't do that.

I can't eat that.

Like, like just living it and
just being like, oh no, it's fine.

You know, like I'm,
I'm going to have this.

I'm not going to eat that.

I'll bring my lunch to the
restaurant, you know, being

kind of like a weirdo about it.

Um, but not making other
people suffer for it.

You know, that's, it's not their job.

It's not their responsibility.

It's yours.

And if you put that weight on somebody
else, that's when, like, the whole

purpose is kind of out the window.

Um, so I'd say being, being selfless
in that regard, not cheating, not lying

to yourself, not giving the easy route.

Like, oh, I want to go have
fun with the boys or whatever.

Uh, you could still do that,
but be honest with yourself.

And I remember...

We were at a hotel, we went to Disneyland,
we were at a hotel, and I already

ate all my shit for the day, right?

And it was like a late dinner, like nine
o'clock, and wife and kids were like,

hey let's go out to this restaurant,
you know, super good, it's in the lobby

of the hotel, super nice restaurant.

Um, so we go, I didn't eat one thing.

Like I had water, I think I had
a Diet Coke, that was like my,

that was my little cheat, that
was my, that was my special thing.

So I sat there, it's like 150,
which I was glad, I didn't eat

anything, because it was still like
150, and I didn't even eat a meal.

But uh, and I didn't take it out on them,
I didn't blame them, like, like, oh this

is your, like, we shouldn't be going here.

It's like, no, let's go, let's have fun.

And I probably had the best time sitting
there and having a conversation with them.

And then, I felt great after.

Because I didn't eat a bunch of
fucking high carb, high fat junk food,

essentially, you know, and that was
such, I remember I sent you a picture

Ryan, after like we were in the, I

Ryan Carnohan: remember, that
was savage bro, because I knew

you were at Disneyland bro.

Mike Jones: Everyone goes to Disneyland
like, oh yeah, eat whatever, buy

whatever, and dude if you guys try
to go there and eat your macros,

good luck dude, it's not happening.

Not gonna happen, like, even their healthy
restaurants is like, 62 grams of fat in

this salad, and then like, 3 grams of
protein, and then, I don't even know,

it's like, 4 carbs, and you're like, what?

Like, you can't balance
out your day like that.

Uh, so good luck with
that, bring your own food.

But um, Yeah, I think
that was the hardest part.

And then once you get over that hump
and you do it a couple times and you

do it the right way, it's not, it's
not such a burden to, uh, to withhold

from activities or drinks or, or, uh,
cheap meals or whatever like that.

You want to be a rare

Michael Davis: man.

You got to live a rare life.

Mike Jones: Kyle, I think I saw
you, you like took your kids

out for ice cream one time.

I'm sure you do it all
the time or whatever.

They're all sitting there eating
all this delicious ice cream.

And you, you didn't have a drop,
you didn't have a lick, right?

You don't need the ice creams.

The kids deserved it because they're
young, they're having fun, they're

running around, doing sports.

How easy is it as a dad, like,
oh, we're, we're getting ice

cream, I'll have one too.

I love it.

And just having that, just
having that willpower to.

Kyle Carnohan: Anytime, anytime you can
sacrifice something with purpose for your

family, you will love your family more.

Anytime you do something hard.

Or someone else, who means more.

Mike Jones: Is there any, I feel
like I'm talking a lot about myself

here, is there any questions?

Um, this is, this is

Ryan Carnohan: what, this is
what we're supposed to do.

Oh, the questions are
coming, I got another one.

This is your hour, bro.

This is your hour, I got one
more question for you, okay?

And then we can open it up.

And, uh.

You know, cause look, here's the deal.


Kyle and I were talking about this
the other day, like how, well, like

I'll call him and I'll be like,
how's your, how's your day going?

He's like, I'm fucking crushing it today.


Michael Davis: just no, not bashful

Ryan Carnohan: at all
because it's all earned man.

And you've done that the last
200 days, you know, like you've

done that every single day.

So you, and this is, like I said,
you've inspired me and I'm just,

I'm expressing the gratitude.

That's all.

And so are all these guys, man.

You're showing them the way.

Michael Davis: Look what you achieved.


Ryan Carnohan: how, did you ever
think, before you started, that you

could get anywhere to the, to...

To where you're at right now.

Did you ever think you could do that?

Mike Jones: Like I never had a
six pack or veins popping out of

my legs or anything like that.

I've always been fit enough, you know,
to do my job and stuff like that.

And I've gotten in shape before,
but not, not to this degree.

How about as a dad?

Dude, just, Oh man.

You know, when your kids
wear you out, right?


That doesn't, that doesn't really happen.

Like you go to Disneyland and
the best feeling is carry my

daughter on my back all day long.

And not have an issue with it, you
know, with which I'm, I'm young

and strong, there should be no
issue, but before when I was fat

and depressed, there was an issue.

I don't know.

Get off.

I'm tired.

You know, my legs hurt.

My back hurts, whatever.

And just that confidence with them.

And my daughter tries to work out with me.

She does burpees.

My son's working out, like, And it's
just, uh, such a good feeling to give

a good example, I think is the biggest
thing, because they just want dad to

show love and be there, but dad's fat
and depressed and not happy with himself,

how's he gonna do that, you know?

Um, and I don't think I'm a better person,
I learned how to be a better dad, everyone

has their own, uh, their own way of being
a dad, but I'm, I'm better at being me.

And that's, that's 100
percent what they need, right?

They need a dad that's honest with
himself, that does what he says,

and says he's, does what he says
he's gonna do, and, uh, just a

solid example that doesn't waver.

You know, it's not gonna sit on
the couch and drink beers all day.

Um, so I think that's the,
that's the biggest improvement.

Ryan Carnohan: Um,
something you mentioned.

Wow, dude.

Talked about being, I, that like
pipped me to the core, man, because

you talked about being depressed and
fat and then the opposite of that

confident and shredded, you know,
and there was this transition period.

And what you did has changed the life of
your family, friends, your descendants.


And I know I'm always philosophical
and I get on my soapbox cause but

seriously, what service did you do today?

I had a thought I wrote it on.

If you didn't see on my Instagram
story, when I got up at 3am this

morning and I was talking about how
the confident man or a man who slacks

confidence is going to hurt his family.

Now he might not do it
purposefully, but he's.

He's vulnerable because you either
build them up or you break them down.

And what Mike has done is set himself
up for absolute success because no

matter what he cut, what comes, he's
going to react with logic and reason.

His emotions will not take over and
imagine giving that for your kids while.

Before he might've thrown
that away for a little, little

num, num, like we like to say.

And I just freaking love it, dude.


Last thing for me from question.

Um, yeah.


One tip that you give yourself.

If you were restarting this program,
if you, you know, if you could go back

and tell yourself one thing, it doesn't
have to be a tip, just one message to

your former self, right as he's starting
his first day, what would you say?

Go harder.

Mike Jones: Let's go!

Harder than you think that
you can handle because you're

going to handle it, no problem.

Um, I think that's the biggest thing
because everyone's so timid and so scared.

Intimidated of the big picture, the
long journey, the goal at the end.


Um, and you're like, Oh, you know, I
don't want to, I don't want to get too

tired or, uh, what if I don't eat enough?

And then like my blood sugar
gets low, you know what I mean?

Ryan Carnohan: Digestive
issues, whatever, you

Mike Jones: know, it doesn't matter.

You're going to wish even me, dude.

Like, what if I, like, I still have
more, like, what if I did more before?

What if I did two workouts
a day, three workouts a day?

You know, like yesterday I was tired.

I laid on the couch, even
though I got my workout in.

It's like, what if I didn't,
what if I didn't do that?

And I think the more work you put in, the
more work you get out and you're going

to get to the end, wherever there's no
end, Ryan's already talked about that.

You're going to get to what you think
is the end and be like, Oh shoot.

I have so much more like when
you're on top of the mountain, the

mountain's not that big anymore.

So grind harder and don't go to the
point of like punishing yourself.

But, uh, Like, your body is an
amazing machine, and it can do, it

can do whatever you throw at it.

Minus, like, injuries or whatever
issues you got, you know, but

you can work around those.

There's guys with no legs
running marathons and stuff like

that, so at the end of the day,
there's not really an excuse.

Um, yeah, just, all in, feet first,
head first, fuck it, whatever.

And, uh, I think that would
have been my advice, being on

the back side of it, you know.

Real quick, in the academy, there was
guys, right, super in shape, young guys.

Um, these dudes are like going to
like the clinic after the academy,

like getting the suction cups and,
you know, all that like little fuckin

foot massages and stuff like that.

I'm gonna be honest, I
wasn't sore, like, one day.

It wasn't even sore.

The biggest, the hardest part
was, was dehydration, right?

It's just keeping up with your
fluid intake, stuff like that,

because you sweat so much.

Um, other than the dehydration, like,
I was never, like, limping in the next

morning or fucking, you know, trying to
stretch out my hip flexor or anything

like that, like, and it's just your,
your body, your body knows when it's

treat, when you're treating it right.

So if you treat it right, it'll do
whatever you want it to do, right?

With the stretching, with the
proper nutrition, with the

hydration, all that stuff.

But you don't need all
the extra fluff, man.

It's uh, this program pretty much
sets you up to be the best version

of yourself, no matter what stage
of life you're in, what injuries or

whatever issues you got going on.

Um, you're gonna be the best version
of yourself if you follow it.

To the T, pretty much.

Ryan Carnohan: Savage.

Kyle, you got something you're un...

Michael Davis: I was just gonna say,
I love everything you just said, but

sometimes when you get into your 40s,
you need some of that extra massage.

Mike Jones: Alright,

Ryan Carnohan: alright,

Michael Davis: alright.

When you start in your 40s.

Let me say when you start in your 40s.

When you're not 26 years old.

Mike, why you gotta pull
the wind out of his sails?

Come on, bro.

Tyler: is, 45 is yes.

You gotta

Ryan Carnohan: do the, the massage

Michael Davis: that I agree with.

I'm calling, I'm calling bullshit.

I'm calling bullshit on all you guys
talking about how you're old and how.

It's just

Ryan Carnohan: discomfort.

Michael Davis: Shut up.

Handle it.

No, I'm, I'm with you.

I'm not getting him anymore, but when
I started, I was certainly pretty good.

But, but now he's, he's right about that.

The program does help train your body.

So you feel

Kyle Carnohan: so

Mike Jones: much better.

It's ridiculous.

Yeah, imagine what, before you started
the program, how sore or jacked up

you'd be if you did the workout you're
doing now, or whatever, you know?

So it's just the conditioning, and they
say, oh, the Fire Academy is so hard.

Like, I think the conditioning I did prior
was harder to, than the Fire Academy.

Hey, this is

Kyle Carnohan: a great lesson too.

Whatever challenge you have coming
up, you don't know what it is.

And so, this is the whole
point of all of this.


Michael Davis: torture yourself.

More than

Kyle Carnohan: anything can hurt you,
you will make yourself invincible.

Michael Davis: I mean,
I just, I just had my,

Kyle Carnohan: my brother and my, and
no, my son and my sister trying to

drain this freaking cyst on my neck.

It was all infected.

And I was like, just drain it.

I was in the middle of the night.

I couldn't, I couldn't sleep.

And I, I go, I woke Parker up.

I was like, drain this thing, dude.

I gave him a needle and some tweezers.

Like, I don't care.

You got to drain it.

I can't, I can't handle it.

And he's like, seriously?

I go, just get in there.

It was like, it, it was one of the
worst pains I've ever had in my life.

And it was just

Michael Davis: like, leg day.

Very similar, very, very similar.

I'm like, I'm telling you,
man, when you push like a le

Kyle Carnohan: a hard leg day or
a really hard run, or, or, or you

do a hundred burpees and a hundred
thrusters as fast as you can, like,

you're gonna handle like physical pain.

A hundred times better when you have
whatever health problems or whatever,

like, and then what does that do for
your mind, man, like stress management,

Michael Davis: stress management.

I mean, it's just when you live hard and

Kyle Carnohan: hard stuff comes
at you, you're just ready for it.

It's all good.

You know, we're just,

Michael Davis: you have to

Kyle Carnohan: be preparing at all
times because we get soft so fast.

Ryan Carnohan: And Kyle, why?

Because if you live like Mike Jones.

Then when those moments come, you think
about your brothers instead of yourself.

Yeah, man.

If you're invincible, if you can
suffer infinitely, you can serve

Mike Jones: infinitely.

You know,

Kyle Carnohan: I was thinking when
I was getting my neck drained by

Parker, I was like, what a great
opportunity for Parker to serve his dad.

And then that next morning
I go, hey, thanks, man.

I slept really well because
you did that for me.

And he almost swelled up in tears, man.

You know,

Michael Davis: we watched his dad
just handle business, you know.

Ryan Carnohan: Like such a

Kyle Carnohan: weird thing,
but such a powerful connection.

Um, yeah, I just, I mean, we're, we're,
we're kind of getting up on time.

We want to see if anybody
has questions for Mike.

Ryan Carnohan: Any questions?

Mike Jones: Right now, he
talked too much already.

Michael Davis: Is I know you were
saying about how you didn't have a

ton of fire experience, but what you
do have is that discipline, right?

That's, that's what got you that job.

It's the discipline.

They see it in your eyes.

They see it in the way you walk.

So, so accept that, you know what I mean?

I, I appreciate the humility, but
you're an incredible human being.

So you got to know that, keep working
to be, you know, that much more.

So thank you so much

Mike Jones: for your example.

Oh, thank you guys.

Um, I didn't have you guys to check
in every day, and I see all the

savages posting up their, their
perfect days, you know what I mean?

What excuse do I have to, to not keep
up on that, you know, to not stay on

track, and having the group helps, man.

Uh, tie in with all your dudes
in here, and I don't, it's like

priceless, you can't, can't buy it.

That's what Kyle said, it doesn't
matter about the money, you can't,

you can't put a price on your, your
fitness, your confidence, your health.

Um, yeah, it's just crazy.

It's crazy to see the backside of
it and I still shredded Mike 2.


It's going to come pretty soon here.

Oh yeah,

Ryan Carnohan: it's coming.

The cut's coming, baby.

Mike Jones: Oh, I was the only one
to gain weight in the Fire Academy.

Ryan Carnohan: So savage.

Straight up gain weight
in the Fire Academy.


Mike Jones: insane.

That's why I wasn't sore or
anything because I was eating like

a cow, but dude, my joints, my
muscles, everything was perfect.

No problem.


Ryan Carnohan: is by the way, he was in
a deep cut up a week prior to Academy.


Mike Jones: think by better

Ryan Carnohan: that a week he
was starving right up to Academy.

So his body just was ready
to absorb everything.



That's just, that's a whole nother
thing we could go into, but, um, okay,

there were a few questions on here.

I saw Robert and Phil's hand up.

So let's go with which Robert is that?

I think Al too, maybe?

I don't know.

Mike Jones: Let's

Michael Davis: see.


Robert: uh, this is, uh, Robert

Michael Davis: Kempton, Bob.

Oh, yeah.

So, Bob.

Robert: You know, I'm two weeks in.

I'm doing great.

I'm losing weight.

The thing that I'm struggling with, I
know, like I love being sore because I'm

miserable right now when I'm not working
out and I'm at work, I'm hurting, but

the thing I'm really struggling with is
like figuring out my macros, getting them

perfectly dialed in, you know, I'm eating
so much healthier and I'm realizing,

well all that crap I was eating before, I
was getting tons of calories, now trying

to get 2400 calories in and getting a
40 40 20 split is damn near impossible.

So, you know, how, how is it
that you adjusted your diet and

what, uh, what things did you
do to really get that dialed in?

So you were getting, hitting your macros
to maximize your, your, your cut and

your weight gain, your muscle gain.

That's kind of what I I'm.

I'm personally struggling

Mike Jones: with right now.

I think that's totally the hardest part

at the beginning.

I don't a game you gotta play, right?

You gotta fit all the little pieces
in to the big picture and you can't

go over, you don't want to go under.

Um, and something so small can, can
mess you up for the whole day, right?

Um, the hardest part is finding clean
carbs and clean proteins that don't

have a lot of fat in them, right?

Because usually your, your fat's
low and as you probably found out.

Every food in America is high fat, um,
and then the low fat stuff is either

low fat, low carb, or it doesn't have
any protein in it either, um, so that's

where you're, you're struggling, right?

So, my thing was lean turkey, right?

So, low fat as possible with the
turkey, it's gonna provide you

protein, and then white rice, white
or brown rice, whatever you prefer.

Um, I forget which one this, I
think brown rice actually has

more fat in it than white rice.

But um, and you're just gonna have to
calculate it out, put numbers in, and

do stuff before you start your day.

So like, hey dude, I'm gonna, I
gotta hit 2400 calories, right?

I'm gonna have a bagel for breakfast with
a banana and a protein shake or whatever,

you know, protein shake after the gym.

And then I'm gonna have some, some snacks,
you know, I like those little, uh, you

guys ever have those little rice cakes?


They have like different
uh, different flavors.

There's even like a chocolate
one that's pretty good.

Um, different stuff like that.

And for, for lunch, I remember
one time, it's like three cups of

rice and a bunch of ground turkey.

I'm like, I would never eat three cups
of rice before, you know, you're thinking

you're being fat, but if you have to get
all those carbs fit in there, I kind of, I

was never like the super clean, like dude,
if I needed carbs at the end of the night

and all I had was strawberry jam or jelly.

I'd have a tablespoon of fucking jelly
at the end of the night, you know, to

get my or a super good and I went too
hard on the low fats and now I need that

at the end of the night, like, dude,
I'm about to have to put some olive oil

in this or like, have a tablespoon of
butter by itself, like, get weird with it.


And I've done that a couple times
where, like, you're just doing

weird stuff to fit it in there.

And it actually, Like, if you could kind
of understand that, and I'd say put it

in early, so you could see where you're
going to fall short, either like, hey,

I'm going to have to have a protein
shake, or, or some lean, just some, uh,

some chicken breasts, or whatever, um,
to finish out your night, but pre plan,

because you're going to get stuck with
your pants down at 10 o'clock at night,

and you need 50 more grams of protein,
and you're already over on your fats, good

luck, good luck with that, it's not going
to happen, you know, so, I think that's

my biggest advice, is, uh, Don't wait.

Beat the game before it beats you.

Love it, dude.

What a great question.


Ryan Carnohan: Thank you.

All right.

Who was next?

We had Phil and I think
Al had his hand up.

Phil, you want to, you want to hit it?

Oh, I'm hands out up anymore.

So maybe, maybe not.

Al, did you have a question?

Uh, no,

Mike Jones: I think you're, I

Kyle Carnohan: think you're

Mike Jones: seeing things.

I didn't have

Ryan Carnohan: my hand.

Oh, so I just always call
you out out cause I love you.

I don't know.

Michael Davis: Uh, Cody's

Ryan Carnohan: got his hand up.

I don't know.

Mike Jones: It's scary.

He works at the department.

I just wanted to say.

Michael Davis: He wanted to come in.

He's like, hey Proby.


I just wanted to

Mike Jones: say we ain't
all fake, motherfucker.

Michael Davis: Ah, look at this.

He's doing it.

Ryan Carnohan: Man.

Michael Davis: Hey, fire
firemen are different.

You're you, you're different.


I wasn't talking about o cfa.

I was talking about my old department.

I didn't not you guys.

Of course not.

You guys


Mike Jones: The, the, uh, the
cadre will say is full of SPGs.

That's what we'll call them.

Soft body white guys.

Ryan Carnohan: He's going
to plead the fifth on that.

Mike's in probation.


Michael Davis: pleading the
fifth on that statement.


Ryan Carnohan: not saying a word.

He's saying they were
the most amazing leaders.

And it was the best academy
he's ever been through.

Okay, that's what he's saying.

I learned

Mike Jones: so much, sir.

I didn't know anything about the

Ryan Carnohan: cadre.

Yeah, he called me every day and
told me how grateful he was for

the pain that he put him through.

And that he'll be, he will always,
always, you know, remember them as

he goes through his fire service.

Just so everybody knows.


Let's go.

That's so good, dude.

Michael Davis: So good.

This has been

Ryan Carnohan: amazing.


What a dream, dude.

Absolutely amazing.

Grateful and just inspired, dude.

And yes, you are playing the
humble game and we appreciate it.

But this, this was your day.

So thank you very much.

If there's no other comments,
then, uh, I think we'll close up

Mike Jones: shop.

Oh, thank you guys.

Thank you again, Mike.

I wouldn't be here without you guys.

Um, I still have super far to go, you
know, um, trying to keep this up for the

rest of your life and set a good example.

That's going to be the.

That's a big mountain, right?

The rest of your life, um, and being
consistent, so, got forever to go, and,

uh, I'm just starting off, and without
you guys, I probably wouldn't be where

I'm at, so, thank you guys so much.

Kyle Carnohan: Love it, man.

Thank you, Mike.

Thank you, everyone, for coming

Mike Jones: on.

Kyle Carnohan: Uh, thank you for
being part of this epic movement.

Um, massive, massive waves
we're making for such a

Mike Jones: small group of men right now.


Kyle Carnohan: The messages I get all
day, people all over the world that are

changing their lives just by watching us.

This is real.

Mike Jones: Hundreds,

Kyle Carnohan: which
will turn to thousands.

You know, we're a small, small group.

We are affecting a massive movement.

And it's just starting.

Thank you, Mike, for being a part of it.

You guys

Michael Davis: take care.

Ryan Carnohan: The linger,

Mike Jones: lingers.

I love stragglers.

How's Hungry Ross doing?

Ryan Carnohan: Dude, Ross.

Ross is close.

Dude, I know he's hungry.

I should, I shouldn't say it.

I want him to, I want him to stress
out, like that's my whole job, you know?

But he's Dude, hold, hold.

Hold him.


Another eight.

Hold him.


Another eight months.

No, I know, dude.

He's so close.


Did last picture,

Michael Davis: bro, , did you see that?

Ryan Carnohan: Like, I, you know,
I haven't told him like when

it's gonna happen, you know?

But, uh, dude, we're close.

Ross, look at you.

Look at you right now.


Michael Davis: shit.

Good to my,

Ryan Carnohan: according

Michael Davis: to my scale.

Go ahead.

Oh, this is Tyler.

Tyler: Um, according to my scale, I
finally hit under, uh, 20% body fat.


I'm in 19

Michael Davis: now.

Mike Jones: Oh, holy shit.

Where as in...

You know where this goes.


Ryan Carnohan: dude, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm...

I gotta call, boys.

I love you.

Peace out.

Riley Wyatt, you're a savage.

Ross, seriously, I don't
even know what to say.

And Tyler, you kick ass.

Let's go.

Mike Jones: Ha ha ha.

Ryan Carnohan: I'm

Tyler: working on it, man.

I'm, I'm...

My goal is to whoop

Michael Davis: my brother's ass.

Simple as that.

Yep, you need to.

Kyle Carnohan: I get it.

So I was, uh...

Here's a little background.

Thanks for watching!

I just had 11 calls today.

I have a fever of 103.

And, um, I just grinded through it.

Brought four new guys into the
Superhuman Father's Brotherhood today

through my illness and my suffering.

And, uh, I finally laid down on
the couch and I was like, I did it

after doing the dishes, by the way.

And, uh, and I, and then Ryan
texted me, he goes, where are you?

The Zoom just started.


Mike Jones: I was

Ryan Carnohan: like,

Michael Davis: Oh no.

So I just got my fevered ass
up and then had this epic

Ryan Carnohan: experience.

You are, uh,

Tyler: you're a great man.

One of my true, one of the
inspirations of my life.

So I appreciate you.

Ryan Carnohan: Seriously.

Thank you.

I'm wor I'm, I'm

Tyler: working to, uh,
to hit that next level.

So, see, I, I got patience.

That's, that's, I'm, I'm, I'm,
I got patience, but I'm a savage

and I'm just going after it

Ryan Carnohan: day by

Mike Jones: day.


Kyle Carnohan: it, dude.

And you know what's crazy is just, just
remember when, when you're up against the

wall on your hardest days, I mean, God,
the universe, they're just waiting and

they want to see what you're gonna do.

They're waiting to hand
you the next level.

But you, they can't give it to
you if you don't earn it because

you won't be ready for it.

Michael Davis: Oh, I,
I've been seeing them.

I've had

Tyler: some really cool experiences,
uh, being a father, man.

Because, uh, my daughter came to stay
with me for the first time in six months.

And, uh, over this past weekend, and she's
had her boyfriend problems and everything.

And I got her, I got her ass up
at five o'clock in the morning.

Are you familiar with Marine of LA at

Michael Davis: all?

Uh, a little bit.

Ryan Carnohan: Have you ever

Michael Davis: seen the M Mountain?


It's a hike, it's about a
thousand foot, uh, like,

Tyler: incline, well not
incline, uh, elevation climb.


Michael Davis: And, uh,

Tyler: dude, got her ass up, got
one to the mountain, climbed it.

Uh, with her, we'd been trying
it every year for ten years,

since she was six years old.

Ryan Carnohan: And we were able to do

Tyler: it for the first time
on Sunday, both of us together.

And at the very top.

You know, like, about
halfway up, she's like, What

Michael Davis: are we doing this, Dad?

This sucks!

Tyler: It's like hot, because
it's 100 degrees and stuff,

but she's like, It's hot!

What are we doing this?

I said, because it's,
you know, it's bonding.

And she's like, I

Michael Davis: just thought I
was like, I'm being that dad.

And she's like,

Tyler: you're, I can't
believe we're doing this.

And I said, Well, just think about it.

It's the memory.

And so like, and then we come down.

And dude, it was so steep, dude.

I was falling, man.

I'm like, just tumbling down
the mountain trying to get

Michael Davis: down and
she's like laughing.

I like, I

Tyler: like, I turned around,
you know, and she's like,

Ryan Carnohan: I was

Tyler: like, you didn't see that, did you?

Like, as I ate it, you know,
and she's like, yeah, I did.

That's going to be, that's my memory right
there, you know, but it was badass, man.

I ended up burning like, uh, almost a
thousand calories on that hike, man.

Ryan Carnohan: So it was cool.

It's a cool experience.

Michael Davis: Yeah, she was.

Ryan Carnohan: That's amazing, bro.

She was just like, you
know, dad, this superhuman

Tyler: father's thing is pretty
good because you really are

turning into a superhuman father.

So that was a big compliment, man.

Kyle Carnohan: Wow.

Mike Jones: I

Ryan Carnohan: appreciate it.

I think I thank you for everything

Tyler: and I hope you have a
great day and feel better, man.


Mike Jones: continue.

Robert: I

Michael Davis: will.

And it doesn't matter.

Ryan Carnohan: Yeah, it doesn't matter.

Tyler: You gotta get

Ryan Carnohan: stuff done.

Mike Jones: Love you guys.

Ryan Carnohan: Yep.

Michael Davis: See you later.

Kyle Carnohan: I hope you enjoyed
this transformation from Superhuman

Fathers, and one thing I want you
to know is that anyone can do this.

Yes, even you.

Go to superhuman and
apply for the Brotherhood right now.

Levi Caamano: What I really was doing was
just seeking some, some dopamine here.

And so that day, I just got this like
really bad, like, I felt so horrible, man.

Like my wife, she literally
stormed out the bathroom, pregnant.

Took the car and just drove, drove off.

She left my, um, my other son in the bed
sleeping and I was just freaking out.

I was like, I'm like

losing my mind and I got this
like feeling in my stomach.

This twisted feeling of
like, what do you do?

What am I doing?

And I could like just see, visibly see
my, my family, me losing my family.

I could visibly see my kids just.

old already, teenagers, and in pain.

It was very, uh, it was heartbreaking.

I was like, what am I doing?