The Easeful Uplevel

We catch up about our Summer & a miraculous appearance is made from Erin's nine-year old school photo. She is back to remind us that the universe has our back and to keep going! For the complete back story, listen to episode 9 pt 1 & 2 with Elizabeth Juarez where we talk about the meaning behind the appearance of this photo.

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What is The Easeful Uplevel?

Introducing the Easeful Uplevel Podcast- where we talk about entrepreneurship, spirituality and living a life in harmony in tune with your natural talents. This podcast is inspired by conversations we’ve been having our entire life as childhood friends and now as entrepreneurs. We are dreamers and we love to achieve big, but refuse to burn out while doing it. This is our journey on the Easeful Uplevel, we hope you come along for the ride & we can't wait to cheer on your own big dreams.

Erin (00:00)
Allison's having her best analog summer. She's looking so tan. Just like the viewer or the listeners.

Allison (00:04)
Redhead, Redhead, but still.

And yes, I am using 100 SPF. So we are protecting the sun, but I spent a lot of time at the pool. It's really fun, actually. Like, my kids are such a great age for the pool. It's reliving my childhood in a lot of ways. My childhood with you specifically. Like, our best times are just chilling at the pool.

Erin (00:27)
Yeah, girl, we'd chill at the pool and then we'd go, you would be under the shade and I would be like trying to get as tan as possible. And then I would like, then after that we would go up into the snack shack and eat all the candy and it was great.

Allison (00:38)
This... my gosh.

my gosh, I know it's so funny. I've got these like two golden tan boys. I guess they got Eric skin. Thank goodness. Because they are both just like, get my kids are getting so dark. And it's funny because I'm still even a redhead tan is still like pretty pale. But it's funny because the pool that we go to has all these like strategically placed umbrellas that include shade over the pool. When do you see shade over a pool? And I'm like, they just knew so I can literally be like,

Erin (01:01)


Allison (01:16)
a foot away from my kids where I'm in the shade and they're in the sun if they want to be or they can come under the shade with me. But I've like, yesterday I was at the pool for like four hours with them and spent probably three of the four hours in the shade, because the skin also cannot take it. But more than that, but I was like, just nice. We found the perfect pool spot for us and Sage is tall enough to do all the big slides and he's thrilled. It's like the first summer ever. And it's a heavily life guarded pool. So I'm like, okay, do you, you're good.

Erin (01:36)
That's good.

Thank you.

Allison (01:45)
And he can swim now. So yeah, and then me and Leo are just like little buddies. He's figuring it out. It's so fun.

Erin (01:50)
I love that. I love that for you guys. Yeah, I feel like now in my adulthood living in Arizona, like even in the shade you get tanned. So I just just sitting in the shade. Like you don't have to try it. What?

Allison (02:01)
Yeah. I was going to ask you, is it unbearable? Like, is it unlivable and unbearable yet out in the outside for you getting there?

Erin (02:14)
So it's kind of getting there, like the days where it's a little tiny bit humid and humid for us is not humid for you guys, but like even like a degree of humidity adds like a little flavor and it gets just like, it feels so stuffy, but it's like 1 % humidity. It's not even like anything crazy, but we do, we're getting into the summer monsoons. So we have like a lot of,

wind and things that come through. People get their roofs blown off and stuff. And then we actually get haboobs. So it's these big basically dust tornadoes that come through. So if you're driving, you gotta pull over. You can't be driving up in that. And then, yeah, it's just our winter time period. You just kinda stay inside and you can go to the pool, but I'm...

I don't know, for me, I'm very mindful about how long I'm actually out there because I do start to feel sick from like the heat and I know I'm just not an Arizona native. So, you know.

Allison (03:17)

Well, I don't know, even when I visited you in February, it was beautiful weather, but I could not believe how much water I had to drink to keep up with the desert. It was like wild. And I tend to be a good hydrator. And I was like, I cannot keep up with this. It's like next level down in water. Yeah.

Erin (03:30)

Yeah, you have to always be drinking something. Like I laugh when people are like, are you well hydrated? I'm like, well, I'm always drinking water nonstop. Like even if I'm going 15 minutes away, I bring water with me because even that car ride, you'll get in and like five minutes into the car ride, you're like, I'm thirsty. So it's kind of wild. It's a different way of life out here, but I love it. It's very peaceful. You know, Arizona, like

Allison (03:56)
Yeah, like crazy.

Erin (04:04)
is a very, very, very peaceful place. I have no idea like what it is about this place, but it is so peaceful. And I was sitting in a women's circle over the weekends. It was really beautiful. I got invited to attend this women's circle from one of the women who I was reading for the summer solstice event. And she pulled the most magic, like I pulled the most magical card for her. And I was like, what is going on in your life?

this is the most magical unicorn card. And so she told me, you know, she's like kind of playing around with hosting these like women's circles and things. So she invited me to one and she did such an amazing job. Like it was one of the best like events I've attended in a long time. And yeah, I got to meet some really amazing women and they all talked about something similar too. So a lot of them had kind of felt like, like

just the fact that they love Arizona and they feel so peaceful here. I'm like, I'm glad I'm not the only one because I've kind of like toyed with like, do I move home or whatnot? And I, I love it here. I just like had keep coming back to the fact that I love, love, love it here. Like I cannot give it up. I can't, I can't give it up. Well, ask me to.

Allison (05:20)
I hope you get that house in Sedona so that I can come visit you five times a year. Because no, it really is. I mean, when I was there visiting you, I'm trying to think if I had ever been to Arizona before that, even as a kid. I don't think so. But there's something about being there that for me, my first time experiencing it, because you've been there for a hot second now. So you're probably to some degree used to it. But I was literally like, what planet are we on? Just all the red dirt and the mountains. You feel like you're on Mars, at least to me. I was like, this is such

Erin (05:40)
Five years, yeah.

Allison (05:50)
but in a really peaceful way. Like there was something about it that I was like, the earth just speaks down here. You know what I mean? Like it's just very present to nature and everything, even though it's not like lush nature or something. Cause it's funny, you're like monsoons. Like, is it even raining in the monsoons or is it wind? Like, do you guys get water? But yeah, it's just, there is something the land. That's how I felt too. I was on vacation, gosh, a week or two, two weeks ago.

Erin (06:06)
We do it.

Allison (06:18)
in the Black Hills of South Dakota. And there's something out there where it's just like the land speaks for itself and it's just so undeniable. And you do feel humbled in a good way of like, I'm just like a little person here and like mother earth here she is in all her glory. It's just like, I think very grounding and really, like you said, peaceful. It's just really cool.

Erin (06:28)

Yeah, it was interesting to hear other people talk about it in the same way because I think I've had an internal struggle around it. Like, man, I feel so peaceful at home here, but it's so far away from everyone I know and care about and my whole entire family in the Midwest. But also like,

It's so natural to be here. It's like you found your home. So, I don't know. Don't ask me to give it up because I'm not going to.

Allison (07:09)
I was, I said, we won't. Well, it is funny too that I've lived a handful of places that I have felt at home with or created a home, but it's interesting. I feel like each place that I move, I progressively feel more at home, which is also interesting. Cause I know you also lived in like Denver for awhile, which was beautiful in Chicago. I mean, you lived in some really cool cities that you really enjoyed and it's interesting. There's such a different vibe to each. you know.

Erin (07:22)
Mm -hmm.


I did, but I always felt there was an expiration if that's like, you know, like I always felt like, there's an expiration. I knew it. And then whenever I moved here, I was like expecting to have the same type of expiration happen. And I think I thought it was going to come up. And then when I really got to the point where I was like, is the expiration here? Cause you know, I was like really

Allison (07:36)
Yeah. Yeah.

Erin (07:58)
struggling for a while or like really serious about a few things in terms of moving and who knows I'm never going to like count myself out from a life experience but I really came down to this fact that I like I'm choosing me and my happiness and that's what everyone else would want me to do too and it fits our personality like me and my husband so well because I feel like we are people who love to do things differently we love to look forward and the West still has that feeling of like

we can do what we want in a way, especially when you go to some of the other rural areas, but people are just much more open. Like I can feel like I can fly my freak flag here and it's fine.

Allison (08:31)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

I love it. Especially again outside Sedona that place is so magical and like I want to co -manifest whatever this full -time or weekend or whatever house it is that you're gonna have both I don't know you know because it's just like

Erin (08:53)

It's interesting though, because some people have told me they've had a different experience and they haven't felt like it's as open. And so maybe it's just whoever you are and where you're supposed to be. But in terms of like the type of people I've met here, there's just like so wonderful. So I don't know. I haven't had that experience of not feeling like things are not.

Allison (09:16)
Yeah. Yay!

Erin (09:23)
open and I think since I've moved here it's gotten more progressive and so anyway yeah I think it matters like

Allison (09:28)
Yeah, yeah. Well, who knows all of that kind of stuff too. It's so also arbitrary and it's interesting. Again, it's I'm always thinking about the way that like media narratives and all that kind of stuff to shape our experience. I was literally talking to somebody the other day about there was like alarm sounded about the amount of lead in Lunchables. I don't know if you heard about this. And I was like, there's a little newsworthy thing. Well,

Erin (09:51)
yeah, yeah, and a lot of other things too. Yeah.

Allison (09:55)
The thing is, once you actually look at the research, it is the same amount of lead that's like, cause there's all sorts of metals, including, you know, like iron and various minerals, all these things in the soil. There's the same amount of lead in Lunchables as there is in fresh organic celery. So it's under the threshold of what's allowable and all this kind of stuff. But they're like, there's lead in the food. And they're like, there's lead in a lot of food. But it's interesting, like the click bait.

Erin (10:13)

Allison (10:23)
of it all, you're feeding your children lead, but it's also like it's in it's in rasp dried raspberries and I don't know that like lots of vegetables actually have that same amount of lead that's negligible that your body detoxes naturally like all that kind of stuff. Lunchables are not healthy. Like, it's from a processed food. That's why you're like, it's funny when you look at scientists are like, yeah, still don't feed them to your kids, which I still do sometimes right in a pinch. But it's one of those things where I just always think it's funny. Just how subjective

Erin (10:24)


Allison (10:52)
things are the way the narratives, the language we choose. And this goes for like the language that we choose for our own life and our own narrative and who we say we are and who we believe we are based on who we have been and like all of these narratives. It's just so interesting how much it dictates your experience, right? Or even from like the political climate or whatever. I'm not supposed to like so -and -so across the street because apparently they have a different, like they voted for someone differently and there's someone in there. they got a sign out. Okay, I thought I liked her, but now I don't know if I like her.

What is that? You know what I mean? Like, so there's that kind of stuff too. I've just been, I think it's, I think part of the spiritual journey is like transcending just like weird stuff. You know what I mean? Like just like thinking really freely about a lot of things and being like, what's the vibe here?

Erin (11:37)

Can we start a movement of yard signs that aren't political? Like, can someone just please put one up that's like, have a nice day or, really welcome here, like, we love you.

Allison (11:42)

I love that.

You're cute. I don't know. affirmation yard signs. Wait, wait, wait. I'm here for this. I want to put some affirmations. I don't I legitimately don't care who you voted for. Be nice today. I love you. Like, bye. Yeah.

Erin (11:53)
It wasn't that bad.

I could care less about your political views. You're still my neighbor.

Allison (12:12)
Yeah, yeah. I mean, I do think to be fair, you know, there is a time and a place for important issues. I mean, like definitely. And yeah, there's time and place for all of it. But I also just think to some degree we get wrapped up in just the like, I don't know. I feel like we're all just like buffer, like spinning our wheels, filling the time, finding things to be pissed at. I mean, we do this again and we're like.

Erin (12:19)
Yes, for sure.

Allison (12:35)
personal lives too, like I cannot believe that I stood in line at someone's for 20 minutes, can you believe it? You know, sometimes people are like stirring up stuff where you're like, who cares? We're alive, we're breathing, it's another day, you know?

Erin (12:45)
Who cares?

I always think when I get delayed or something like that, it's like angels watching out for me. And a lot of times it is.

Allison (12:54)
Mm -hmm. We're saying slow down, girl. Take a breath, you know? Yeah, right? It's like, I have 20 minutes now to chill my nervous system versus, what a hassle. I had to, like, slow down, right? It's just so interesting. Like, mindset, just I'm here for it. Create your own good mood.

Erin (12:58)
playing slow down on. Yeah.


You girl, it's true. Yes. So today I was taking it slow because of all the socializing over the weekend and all the activations. And I mean, I do think also there's like a bit of a vulnerability hangover because I was just like really putting myself out there and not trying to censor and not trying to, you know, of course, also the intuitive readings, I think what people don't realize. So I did seven.

Allison (13:23)


Erin (13:43)
intuitive readings. They're like 10 to 15 minute sessions. It just basically what came through is what I followed. And it's really, really beautiful to meet so many amazing women. Like when you really connect with their soul as like your first point of reference, it's like so gorgeous. Each woman is just so beautiful. And so you just immediately like fall in love a little bit. You're just like, wow, humanity is so gorgeous. But it's also very

Allison (14:00)
That's so cool.

Erin (14:13)
intense because someone's sitting in your chair that you just learned their name that in that instance, basically, and you're having to like channel and say whatever comes through, you don't know exactly who they are or what they think about or where they are in your life. And so it feels very vulnerable to be opening yourself up to just be saying the thing that their angels here.

Allison (14:25)

Well, and like, and the level of blind trust in your own intuition that you have to have of like, because if you don't have any context, you're like, I literally have no context for this, but this image or this this thing is coming through, isn't it like so interesting that you just have to trust that like it means something? Let me just put it out there versus like relying on intellect, which is what we usually do to just be like, I'm weaving a narrative in real time as I'm picking up your like stuff like that's to me is so cool. And such a

Erin (14:56)

Allison (15:08)
unique process, you know, that's maybe newer than the years upon years of process.

Erin (15:10)
Yeah, when you're in it, when you're in it, you don't realize either necessarily what's going on. So like, you know, it's not until later that you start to kind of process a little bit, at least for me. And it's, it's interesting because you're, because yeah, you just like open yourself, you just say the thing. And then

like give a blessing and then the next person's there. And so it's very like, it's very back to back to back. And so you're in the state of like having to jump to each spirit team and each spirit team is so different. There's always one person's spirit team that's like super literal and it always is such a like refreshing moment. It's kind of like they give me a little break too. Yeah.

Allison (15:54)

They do the homework for you.

Erin (16:03)
At first, it took me a while, like when I get the literal spirit team, that like basically what the card says, and I'll give you an example, is what it is. It used to throw me because I wasn't expecting it, because most of the time it's like very metaphorical. So at first,

It's like, wait a minute, but now I know to expect it. And so when I get it, I crack up. I'm like, okay, you have a literal situation here. So I just need to say the most literal thing ever. So one of the girls, it was amazing. It was like a gift. It was such a gift. She got a card. It was like summer. It was basically the garden of summer. And it was a big fruit tree behind us. And the fruit tree.

Allison (16:32)

How funny.

Erin (16:50)
was like, it was like a fruit tree and then it says summer garden or whatever and it says expansion underneath. We were literally sitting under a fruit tree and on the solstice and it was the car that was supposed to tell like current moment and I was like, my God. I was like, you're the literal one. Yes.

Allison (16:59)
That's incredible.

You're like, that's creepy, bro. You're like, and that's us in the car. Wait, can I interrupt real quick? You told me being weird and distracted for one second, but this is a big deal. I have been looking for this shit for at least six months. Girl, I'm sitting here doing nothing. This was not, I swear this was not here this morning.

Erin (17:28)
What is it? My picture!

Allison (17:34)
You serious?

Erin (17:37)
I'm freaked out right now.

Allison (17:38)
I am so crazy. That's why my eyes bugged. Cause I like...

Erin (17:42)
I'm going out.

Allison (17:43)
I don't know, I legitimately don't know where it came from. It's just on my desk. It was not here this morning. I don't, I mean, logically it must've been like wedged in something, but I've been looking for this thing. I've literally torn apart this desk so many times. I have a very messy desk right now too, right now. I had been, and then I was like, but I have to like reset it every week because I'm just a messy person and you know, it just never ends. But, so I took a picture of it as it showed up in case they had meeting before I touched it.

Erin (17:58)
But you've been cleaning your desk a lot recently.

Allison (18:13)
There she is.

Erin (18:15)
They have like literal chills. What is going on? Hi little A -

Allison (18:18)
It always shows up around a really significant spiritual gateway though, every single time. Remember, because one of the first times was when we were like, should we start this spiritual podcast? Should we do this or should we go into business together? The second time, I think it was soon after we moved here, or no, was it? I'm trying to remember. Now I can't keep track. That's why I was like, I need to take a picture so I can remember. We need to document. Because guaranteed, and every time I set her aside, I'm like, don't lose her, and then she disappears.

Erin (18:26)
I agree.

So the second time was when you were moving. So you're kind of like in the middle.

Allison (18:53)
Yeah, was it? Okay, I'm trying to remember. Have I not seen this since I moved?

Erin (19:00)
No, it's gone missing. So like you moved and it was like all over your house whenever you moved and you were like, are they putting it places? And then it's just here now. I'm like.

Allison (19:06)
I literally...

I'm like looking, I literally have no idea because then I set up, I literally have no idea where this came from. I'm serious, I'm like logically trying to figure out where it would have been stashed. For it to just be on top of my notes too, from like, these are actually I have like notes out from my sessions I was doing on Thursday. Did it, I want, you know what, I wonder, I was going through, so I was cleaning up my closet this weekend.

Erin (19:32)
That's so crazy.


Allison (19:39)
and I was like going through a bunch of stuff and actually this was one of the things was in my closet was like this five minute focus. I actually was going to give this to you, but then forgot. I'll have to like, but then I was like, maybe I'll keep it. Cause this is cute. So I should go buy you another one. Cause it has like, yeah, a little like relax. Actually, maybe we should do it together. I wonder if, I wonder if you were, it must've been in here. Cause this is sitting out here. There's no other explanation.

Erin (19:53)
We'll do it together.

There we go. That's crazy.

Allison (20:07)
But the significance of us talking and you talking about this, and then there's little like nine year old you.

Erin (20:11)
Yes. Yes, I've been getting a lot of, a lot of cards drawn for me around transformation. Yeah. And it's so, I do feel like I'm like in a gateway of like unsubscribing from my old life and starting the new one, which is like, I don't know, it's not easy to do. And so I've been really like going through emotions of like peace, elation.

Allison (20:29)
Yeah. Yeah.


Erin (20:40)
happiness and then like, you know, that feeling of like, my gosh, is this really happening? But also like, yeah, a little bit of a grief, like, it's interesting because my husband will like, dangle some carrots in front of me, like, I saw this like media director job and I'm like, look, I can't think of anything I would like do less. He's like, he's like this much, I was like, I know I used to make that.

Allison (20:45)
Yeah, grief, ego death. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah, good.

Erin (21:10)
I've also matched that much in the first year of business. I still make that much. So like, I was like, it's not worth it. It's not worth it. And so it's funny. And then I had an experience where I sent out an email and some of my old colleagues got on it and it was my 5D business emails and they literally unsubscribed. And I was like, well, when you unsubscribe from your old life and

Allison (21:10)
Yep. Don't care.

And it's not worth it to go back to those things. Like, it's just not.


Erin (21:38)
your old life unsubscribes from you, like, it's a beautiful moment. It's mutual.

Allison (21:43)
It's true, authenticity, it is taking like shedding some of the people pleasing that we all do. I mean, again, there's nothing necessarily wrong with some of that kind of stuff. I think there is something to like spiritual evolution and personal evolution where you get more and more bold and like, this is who I am and I'm not gonna apologize for it, especially when it's neutral things. I'm a spiritual person, I'm not gonna apologize for that. Who is that bothering, right? Like, I hate.

whatever mustard or something like who is that really bothering I'm allowed to have an opinion kind of thing but it is interesting yeah yeah that's crazy I'm wondering should we release this clip of the the podcast for those at home yeah Aaron Aaron showed up on my desk her little nine -year -old self which is like literally wow if you go back to like maybe it was I'm trying to think if it was maybe our is it like our third episode

Erin (22:16)
She's here.

We'll have to talk to you.

Allison (22:38)
No, I think even the first few, we started talking about this. So if you're new to the podcast, go back because we've been talking about this. This is like, we've been at, we literally asked an inner child expert in psychic, like what does this mean? And have a whole episode on it. Elizabeth Juarez, if you want to go back through our archives. So it's just funny that that actual picture that's been lost for six, seven months now resurfaced. And I think...

what it must have been even though I didn't see it happen. I'm guessing it slid out of this. I have this like pink five minute focus journal that, should we do it, you think?

Erin (23:16)
I mean, literally I was hoping we would do some journaling together today, so yeah, maybe we should.

Allison (23:19)
Yeah, me too. And I literally did buy this for you. I might write in it and still give it to you.

Erin (23:24)

Allison (23:28)
We're always giving each other journals. It's like never ending.

Erin (23:32)
We should do a journal exercise. What does it say for us to do?

Allison (23:35)
Okay. Well, first of all, so I'm opening the first page, because I hadn't actually written in this, because again, I think I had meant this might have been like either your birthday or Christmas gift is my guess. But it was like, you know, when you have like, do you ever have a box that's just full of like mismatch, especially after moving, it was one of those things where like everything else found a home and I had just this big old box of like random odds and ends and like, this was in there. And I was like, that I should put that in my office.

Erin (23:57)

Allison (24:02)
All right, so the quote starting out says, when you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive, to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. That's Marcus Aurelius. It's funny because it's like, girl, you're alive. That's been my meditation lately, actually. It's just like, just looking at nature and just being like, what a gift it is to even have a consciousness, you know, just to even have like eyes to look around and experience like this really rich world, including.

Like, you know, the depth of the sadness, like all of it, right? It's just like, we have a really rich kind of life here in every sense of the world. But it says in here, set your timer for five minutes, close your eyes, take slow, deep breaths and imagine your highest self. So I think that's what you do before we dive in here. So, okay, maybe let's just take a moment. We might not do the full five minutes just so nobody falls asleep at home, but.

Erin (24:54)

Allison (24:57)
Everyone, shake it out, shake out the arms, whatever, just like any tension you're holding in your neck, your shoulders, we do little rolls here. Shut your eyes if that feels good, bringing the awareness inward. If you need to take a big, heavy sigh, sometimes take a really big breath. Just even one is a really nice reset. And then going inward, see if you can call out to your highest self.

The part of you that already knows, even with maybe time folding in on itself, we don't even know, right? Past, present, future, maybe it's all simultaneously occurring. And so there might be the future you that can talk to current you. And anything you're worried about, she's already figured it out, or it's already passed, and she's likely coming to tell you, don't worry about it, it's okay, it's all arranged, you're divinely protected and covered.

but connecting to either that inner wisdom, that future self, or if you prefer to go straight to the source, God, universe, life source, higher power, whatever you want to call it.

We'll ask for some deep wisdom that goes beyond the surface petty stuff of our day to day. Let's think about the deepest rooted the meaning of life kind of stuff today and route our intentions and our awareness and our goals around that deepest sense of purpose and presence.

And then, so from that kind of focus or spirit, the first question is, what attitude or feeling would you like to embody today? Which I love, I'm like, that's very similar to my questions here. So I'm just gonna ask you, Erin, just off the cuff, what attitude or feeling would you like to embody today?

Erin (26:45)
Yeah, that's a good question.


let me see. So today, well, I already texted you this morning that I am embodying, a woman who protects her boundaries, but gives generously.

Allison (27:10)
yes. I love that. See, and both of those can co -occur and do co -occur, especially when you actually protect your energy. You have more to give in a really profound way. I love that so much. Ooh, girl.

Erin (27:22)
Yes, because this morning I was like talking to a client and I'm like, let me rearrange my schedule so I can meet with you. And I just decided, no, I was not going to do that. What am I doing? That's like people pleasing behavior. And let me just suggest the time that works for me. And lo and behold, it works the best for her too. So.

Allison (27:48)
There you go. And it's, yeah, it's such a grounded place. Like I already have things pinned down, so I'm not going to unpin my pinned things that feel good. Right? And like just find another spot. I love it.

Erin (27:57)

What about you, Allison? What's your feeling for the day?

Allison (28:06)
I'm feeling playful again. It's funny because I feel like I go in these spurts and Erin and I were actually, she and I constantly have like forever voice notes that go back and forth. So there's like a private podcast between the two of us. Maybe we need like a broadcast channel or something for our, or I don't know, favorite peeps to just listen in on our inner world if you want to. But yeah, we're like always reflecting like, I'm feeling the vibes today. We were feeling the Capricorn or the full moon in Capricorn this weekend.

Erin (28:25)

Allison (28:35)
Cause I was like, I just cleaned out my entire closet. I don't know what's gotten into me. I am reorganizing everything. I'm going through the doom piles of my house and reorganizing. This morning I was like making big to -do lists and just like steamrolling through them, checking them all off really easily. It was just like flowing. So I feel like I've been getting my life in order and I feel like I've been very adulty and business like, like just, I don't know, getting my stuff together. And so, but we were talking this weekend about...

seasonality and how, you know, it's interesting that certain business programs or even certain wellness programs will kind of be like, we will teach you how to be robotic. We will teach you how to have the same routine every single day to guarantee your success and have the exact same revenue in your business every single month and the exact same, you know, diet and fitness routine and like all of these things, right? Which it's interesting because it's really hard for most people, especially depending on, you know,

maybe your human design or your personality, your DNA, if you have ADHD, if you are a Gemini, I don't know, right? But there's some things that make being systematic really difficult for some people. And even people who maybe like a Capricorn or someone who actually likes to have habit or routine or order, still they're not robots. And there's seasonality, there's times of a menstrual cycle, there's moon cycles, there's all of these things going on.

that I was just reflecting with Erin, it's nice when you find a healthy ebb and flow of like, I was really productive in a way that didn't feel like overtaxing, but I got a lot done. And now I'm feeling like genuinely lazy in a good way. We're gonna like bring that word back in terms of like restful. I'm feeling restful this week. And that's nice too. And it's nice, especially if you run your own business and design it in a way that can accommodate for like your...

your ebbs and flows and energy, especially if you're a service -based provider, doing exactly what Erin was talking about of like protecting your schedule or choosing how you schedule. There's ways that you actually can be like, this week's going to be a chill week because last week was wild. Like that it's just like a such a healthy way to live. And I talked to a lot of people who maybe go in and out of burnout cycles. So they might like really over push it and then be forced to rest because of illness or not feeling well or feeling like they hit a mental.

wall or whatever. But yeah, the the ebb and flow at all, but I've been feeling very adulty lately in a good way. But now it's like the inner child is coming back and I'm like, I just want to go back to the pool and splash around like every day this week. And that's probably the plan. It's like in the 90s here, also very high humidity. So it's been feeling like pretty gross. But you know, I got some active kids that get cabin fever and I am such a water baby and so are my children. And so it's just been such a

wonderful, mutually joyful thing to play with my kids in the water. And so I'm like, that's all I want to do. I want to end early today and just take my kids to the pool and splash around and enjoy the summer. You know, like I feel like an adult who gets to have a summer too, which I remember it wasn't that long ago working in corporate where I get home at like six or six 30. Be like in a cubicle for like 10 hours a day and come home and like didn't get a summer. And I think it's just so cool that every single day I get to have.

I get to do some work and then also get to have a summer. It's like, what a blessing, right? It's just like beautiful.

Erin (32:05)
It's a huge blessing. I'm so happy for you.

Allison (32:08)
So, so playful. Listen, I'm happy for you. I'm glad that you're like getting some rest because I know you and I were like, we're not going to belabor today. Because sometimes Erin and I will go on and on and on.

Erin (32:16)
Yeah, I was like, yeah, we need a restful day. But yeah, I think it's important to check in with yourself. That's why I think that magical morning routine that you taught me so many years ago that changed my life definitely is so helpful. It's so valuable. It's so foundational to transformation because

Allison (32:21)

Erin (32:43)
it actually makes you check in with yourself and it also actually makes you take

not control, ownership. It makes you take ownership over your day. And so then it retrains your brain to be looking for all of the different ways that you can make that, like that, what you want to feel, what you want to do a reality. And I love that.

Allison (32:55)
Mm -hmm.


Erin (33:12)
reframing that retraining because otherwise you're just like going through your day and you're like noticing all the things that went wrong. That's what we're going to default to. We just are left to our own devices. So I love that reset and that like opportunity to take five minutes in the morning to cultivate that joy.

Allison (33:20)
Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. Well, and the funny thing is too, and I actually, I think there's healthy degrees of control, but I like the ownership kind of thing that you're saying, because the thing with a lot of anxiety and even anxious behaviors and some of these things is like people will engage in habits that give them a semblance of control when it's not, you know, or sometimes it's like a...

Erin (33:42)

Allison (33:57)
like eating disorder or worrying about things, thinking magically, if I worry about it, it's not going to happen or something, even though that's not true. It's just like interesting that we do a lot of things that grasp our control that have actually little bearing on our actual lives, like don't actually improve anything. Whereas we actually do have so much within our control in terms of like our own behavior and our mindset and our choices. And I do like to think of it, we love horses here, but like this idea of, am I just like,

riding this horse willy -nilly or I'm like, I actually there are reins here and the horse is willing to listen to me, the horse being life, I guess. Right. I've like, I actually there is some control where I can influence it and I can pull the strings and I can guide it this way. Also, at some point it might just take off this way. So it's not like I fully have control over everything, but actually I could guide this up down this path instead of this one. But I will, I love that you brought it back up because that's also right in front of me. And I'm looking at this, this journal that was published.

Where did I buy this? I actually might have gotten this at like a Five Below store or something and I was like, that's cute. But it's actually has really similar questions. So there must be something to this here because the question's on my magical morning journal prompts if anyone wants them and I'm happy to send this to anyone. I have five prompts here. I've been doing these every morning or try to do them every morning for the last, gosh, five or six years. sorry, yes, microphone, hello.

Erin (35:07)

Can you say that again without your hand on yours? Yeah, yeah, just, yeah.

Allison (35:25)
Yeah, yeah, so the magical morning routine that I wrote these out kind of intuitively five or six years. I guess it's been five years since I wrote these out and I've been trying to do them pretty consistently. I kind of fall on and off to be honest, speaking to the not being a robot, but I do find a huge difference on days and weeks that I do this more consistently. But it's just like five prompting things that kind of prime your mindset for the day.

The first one being, what am I deeply grateful for today? There's so much research that a gratitude practice alone will majorly change both your mood, but also your emotional regulation, your focus. There's so much there to even lower your blood pressure to do a gratitude practice. How do I want to feel today is number two. Number three is what qualities do I want to exude today? So, you know, I'm really thinking about what I'm embodying, what

vibe I'm giving off to the point that other people across the room maybe can notice. If you're feeling sexy or confident or playful or serene or whatever the vibe is that you're wanting to really like live out through your fingertips. Number four is what do I want to accomplish today? And usually thinking of like one to three things that are actually really important that are actually going to move the needle or give you some relief versus you know the 30.

lists or 30 item to do list that's going to overwhelm you. It's going to be like, okay, as long as I get like these two things done today, like it's going to be a good day and then everything else is bonus. And then what is my mantra for today that's going to support kind of all of the above in terms of what you want to feel and what you want to accomplish. And so it could be a favorite quote. It could be scripture. It could just be something that intuitively something that comes to you. That's like one step at a time or I am enough, or it's going to be great.

whatever it is for you or that's not my business which is one for me when there's drama popping off around me I'm like that's not my business whatever it is that's gonna help you focus boundaries are beautiful right Aaron as you're like let me just

Erin (37:28)
I'm going to go to bed.

Yeah, boundaries are, well, one of my consistent ones is I will move forward today with a joyful intention. So putting the emphasis on intentionality is so powerful. So doing everything with intention, which if you're thinking of it that way, like a lot of times you slow down, you're more in the moment, you are mindful of.

Allison (37:46)

Erin (38:04)
the time, so how much time is it taking? How much time is it, like should it take? Sometimes, a lot of times when you slow down, you actually go faster, interestingly enough. So tasks that could take you sometimes three hours, you might find yourself getting them done in one hour because you're just much more focused with your time versus trying to splatter. Yeah, a little bit more strategic, a little bit more forward -facing. I actually learned that from

Allison (38:26)
Strategic. Yeah.

Erin (38:34)
a trainer that I had hired at one point to support me with learning how to use the gym because I didn't know any exercises because my sport was dance growing up. So the gym was very foreign to me. So hiring that him was like the first time I ever hired a coach, which was really cool. And he would always say that, like move with intention, move with intention whenever we were lifting weights.

And I thought that was so powerful because it does, it makes you slow down, makes you think about your muscle mind, like muscle connection. It makes you actually be able to lift heavier weights. So when you're intentional, you're actually engaging the right muscles, which allow for you to balance your body and lift heavier and get better results, obviously, because you're actually using the muscle that you're supposed to use. So that is, I think like that is the secret to life.

Allison (39:27)

Erin (39:31)
I feel, but for so many things.

Allison (39:32)
Yeah, well, it's funny that you're saying all that because I feel like sometimes I halfway dissociate in the gym because I'll like have a podcast on or music, you know, sometimes you like distract yourself, right? Because you're like, I don't want to feel this. But you're so true of like, yeah, when you're fully in your body, which is something when I teach yoga, I'm always like, don't scurry away mentally from like that feeling in your hamstrings go into it. Like, what is that? Explore that. But it is interesting to how like time feels like it really slows down. I know when I was

on vacation, I really kind of unplugged from electronics and everything and was really trying to be in the moment and every day felt like four days to me. I was just like, what kind of time warp am I in? But I think that's the whole thing with mindfulness and especially in today's age. I hear a lot of overwhelm from people that I work with that that's like a big emotion.

you know, and it's kind of like this brain fog of I just feel like my brain is going in a million places at once. And I'm thinking about all of these things in the past and the present and future, all, you know, but I'm not necessarily like just here living. I'm just like this this floating brain. So it is cool to to have, like you said, to be very intentional where you're actually like, I'm actually thinking about everything that I'm doing right now. And I'm observing everything right now. I mean, it's the definition of mindfulness. And it's literally what monks

spend their time doing, but that we can do, right? Anyone can do this. You don't have to be like a Buddhist monk somewhere, you know, like learning how to live intentionally. You just like, just catch yourself. It's kind of like resetting your posture, right? When you notice you've been slumping where you're like, my mind has been wandering. Okay, where am I? What's going on right now? What's on? And I think it's also helpful to the grounded beauty, you know, like what's something pretty or special or pleasant to, to like ground into.

Erin (41:13)
Thank you.

Allison (41:24)
you know, because there's also I think there's just a lot of stress going on across, you know, all over the world. And so it's like sometimes the little things, you know, just help to switch the mindset back into like manifesting and co creating some beauty here and some love and some magic. Especially if you're listening to this, my guess is that you're somebody who creates a lot of magic in your circles. Like you're a big radiator of light. I just already know.

Otherwise you would not be listening to this and not be relating to a lot of stuff that we talk about. So, you know, we got to top up your radiance and have a nice steady diet of things that mentally and emotionally really support you and fill your cup. And we're hoping that every week this is one of the things for you. But yeah, feel free to reach out to us on our social media channels, by the way, comments, questions, topics you want to hear about.

reflections, feel free to also if you ever want to leave us a review, that always really helps us as well. If there's anything you particularly really appreciate, if you want to pay it forward and send some love our way, we really, really appreciate that as well.

Erin (42:33)
We would love it. Let us know what you're being intentional about this week so we can support you and we'll talk to you soon. See you on the Instagrams.

Allison (42:44)
And we'll end at 2 .22 my time.