Phoebe's Bitmingham Beat

U.S. Judge orders FTX's former CEO Sam Bankman-Fried to court over potential legal team conflicts, Bakkt's stock plummets due to financial concerns, investors sue the NBA over Voyager Digital promotions, Montenegrin court cancels Do Kwon's extradition again, and TradeStation Crypto settles with SEC and NASAA for $3M over unregistered securities charges.

Show Notes

U.S. Judge orders FTX's former CEO Sam Bankman-Fried to court over potential legal team conflicts, Bakkt's stock plummets due to financial concerns, investors sue the NBA over Voyager Digital promotions, Montenegrin court cancels Do Kwon's extradition again, and TradeStation Crypto settles with SEC and NASAA for $3M over unregistered securities charges.

What is Phoebe's Bitmingham Beat?

Your go-to podcast where we break down the latest cryptocurrency news into easy-to-understand insights.

Step into the enchanting world of 'Phoebe's Birmingham Beat,' the GenAI-powered podcast. This project is more than just a technical feat; it's a bridge between written words and the immersive world of audio storytelling. Artificial intelligence is not just a tool here. It is a co-author, editor and translator that transforms texts to make them perfect for listening. It gets rid of repetition, improves wording and tries to preserve a unique style. It's so nice to hear how accurately the voiceover captures intonations of surprise or annoyance. Sometimes the results are funny and weird - I love it. My favourite part is the wrong accents, numbers and off-the-cuff greetings.

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The show takes its inspiration from the materials.

Host 1:"Hello, fellow crypto enthusiasts! It's your devoted crypto aficionado here, joined by our esteemed crypto expert. Are you prepared for a profound exploration into the depths of the crypto world?"
Host 2:"Indubitably! I've got my diving apparatus at the ready. But before we take the plunge, did you happen to catch wind of the latest developments regarding Bakkt's stock?"
Host 1:"Oh, 'plummeting' doesn't quite capture it. It was more like a free-fall from the stratosphere! But, as they say, what goes up must come down, eh?"
Host 2:"Indeed! On the topic of descents, have you caught wind of the legal tussle involving Sam Bankman-Fried, the former CEO of FTX? It seems he's been summoned to court over potential conflicts with his legal team. The crypto waters are certainly not always placid, are they?"
Host 1:"You said it. But the saga doesn't conclude there. The NBA is currently entangled in legal proceedings over Voyager Digital promotions. Who would have thought that the crypto world could out-drama a soap opera?"
Host 2:"And let's not overlook our chum Do Kwon. His extradition has been thwarted by the Montenegrin court once more! If he had a loyalty card for court appearances, he'd probably have enough points for a jaunt to Mars and back!"
Host 1:"Hilarious! And to top it off, TradeStation Crypto had to fork over a hefty $3M to settle with the SEC and NASAA for dealing in unregistered securities. Quite the expensive blunder, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Absolutely. This flurry of news only serves to underscore the capricious and exhilarating nature of the crypto realm. So, dear listeners, brace yourselves for a riveting rollercoaster journey through these tales!"
Host 1:"Quite right. Ladies and gentlemen, do settle in, grab your popcorn, and prepare for an exhilarating journey into the captivating world of crypto! It's bound to be a thrilling ride."
Host 1:"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Have you been keeping abreast of the latest crypto theatrics?"
Host 2:"Ah, greetings, everyone! Are we referring to the legal tussle involving Sam Bankman-Fried, the former CEO of FTX? Indeed, I've been keeping a keen eye on that. It's unfolding like a gripping real-life thriller, isn't it?"
Host 1:"Absolutely! U.S. Judge Lewis A. Kaplan has summoned him to make a repeat appearance in court on February 21st. It's all about potential conflicts of interest within his legal team. For those not in the know, a conflict of interest arises when a person or organization is entangled in multiple interests, one of which could potentially taint the motivation for an action in the other."
Host 2:"Indeed! That's all down to the legal representatives Marc Mukasey and Torrey Young, isn't it? They're simultaneously advocating for both Bankman-Fried and Alex Mashinsky, the former CEO of Celsius Network. It's akin to having the same coach for two rival football teams, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Quite right! And now we're delving into the tangled web of financial interconnections. Celsius Network extended a loan to FTX’s sister company, Alameda Research. Mashinsky attributes a portion of his company’s downfall to Bankman-Fried’s actions. It's akin to holding your neighbor responsible for the state of your house because they borrowed your lawnmower!"
Host 2:"The prosecution seems to believe that this could indeed lead to a conflict during the trials and subsequent sentencing. Quite the conundrum, isn't it? It's akin to the delicate art of determining who shall lay claim to the final slice of pizza when all present are equally eager for it!"
Host 1:"Indeed, quite the predicament. While Mashinsky has yet to receive a court summons regarding this matter, Bankman-Fried has been convicted on all seven criminal charges, including money laundering and misappropriation of customer funds. It's akin to being caught with your hand in the cookie jar, only to find that the jar is brimming with other people's cookies!"
Host 2:That's quite the extensive criminal record. Facing a potential maximum sentence of 115 years in prison is rather daunting, isn't it? It's akin to being grounded until you're 150! Quite the predicament, I must say.
Host 1:"Meanwhile, Mashinsky was granted a release on a $40M bond in July 2023, following his arrest in connection with Celsius Network’s collapse. He maintained his innocence, though. It's rather like claiming you didn't indulge in the last slice of cake while sporting a telltale smudge of frosting on your visage!"
Host 2:"And let's not overlook the fact that FTX sought Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in November 2022, following allegations that Bankman-Fried utilized customer funds from FTX to offset losses at Alameda Research. It's akin to dipping into your flatmate's rent money to fund your own extravagant shopping spree, isn't it?"
Host 1:"And lo and behold, Celsius Network found itself in the throes of bankruptcy in July 2022, primarily due to liquidity woes and the crypto market downturn triggered by the collapse of the Terra ecosystem. However, they miraculously emerged from the depths of bankruptcy in early February. It's akin to stumbling into a pit and then discovering a ladder to ascend! Quite the remarkable turn of events, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"It's quite the exhilarating journey, isn't it? I'm rather eager to witness the unfolding of this enthralling saga. It's akin to watching a gripping thriller, yet we're still anticipating the climactic moment!"
Host 1:Same here. It's a stark reminder of the volatility and risks in the crypto world. But it's also a captivating case study in how the legal system is grappling with these new challenges. It's akin to attempting to solve a Rubik's cube that keeps changing colors!
Host 2:"Quite the riveting discussion, isn't it? But alas, it's time for us to bid adieu. Do stay tuned for more enthralling updates from the ever-dynamic world of crypto. And do bear in mind, always conduct your own thorough research before taking the plunge into the depths of the crypto pool!"
Host 1:"Ah, you know we do relish a thrilling rollercoaster ride, don't we? But have you caught wind of the latest heart-stopping adventure in the crypto realm?"
Host 2:"Ah, you're referring to Bakkt, the digital asset platform from the same fine folks who graced us with the New York Stock Exchange, aren't you?"
Host 1:"Quite the plummet, indeed! BKKT's stock nosedived by a staggering 45% within a mere 24 hours. Picture this: from the zenith of the Ferris wheel at $1.46, it descended to a mere 80 cents at the nadir. Quite the rollercoaster ride, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Goodness gracious! That's akin to a harrowing descent down the Tower of Terror! But pray tell, what precipitated this precipitous plunge?"
Host 1:"Ah, they've rather cheekily dispatched a missive to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, essentially intimating that they might find themselves a tad short on funds to keep the lights aglow for the coming year."
Host 2:"Quite the predicament, isn't it? It's akin to hosting a grand soiree only to realize that the refreshments are sorely lacking! Although, if memory serves me right, didn't they boast some rather illustrious companions? I believe Starbucks and Amazon Web Services were among their esteemed associates, were they not?"
Host 1:"Indeed! They did introduce a digital wallet last year, but it seems they've misplaced the keys to it. Now, their focus has shifted to becoming custodians and traders of crypto assets."
Host 2:"So, they're in need of a financial infusion, are they?"
Host 1:"Quite right! They're contemplating the sale of up to $150 million in registered securities. It's akin to a sophisticated auction, except instead of antique heirlooms, it's shares and stocks on the block. Quite the refined financial maneuver, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Let's hope they manage to stage a recovery. It's a vivid reminder of the tumultuous nature of the crypto market, isn't it?"
Host 1:Absolutely. It's akin to hurtling through the twists and turns of a labyrinthine maze in the dead of night. But hey, that's precisely what lends it its exhilarating charm, doesn't it? And for our esteemed listeners, do keep in mind to fasten your seatbelts as you embark on this enthralling crypto journey!
Host 1:"Ah, always so well-versed in the latest crypto happenings. Have you heard about the recent legal tussle involving the NBA? It revolves around their association with the insolvent crypto lender, Voyager Digital."
Host 2:"Oh, I simply can't resist a juicy crypto controversy! Indeed, I'm aware of the situation. A consortium of investors is taking legal action against the NBA for permitting teams to endorse Voyager Digital. Their contention is that the NBA's promotional partnership with the company resulted in a staggering $4.2 billion in financial setbacks."
Host 1:"That's an impressive sum of zeros! It appears that the NBA is facing accusations of grave negligence for greenlighting a promotional agreement between Voyager and Mark Cuban, the former proprietor of the Dallas Mavericks team."
Host 2:"Indeed. The legal action implies that the NBA willingly embraced the risks linked to crypto exchanges. The claimants are further contending that the NBA's extensive endorsement of Voyager Digital's unregistered securities renders it accountable for any resulting financial losses."
Host 1:"And the plot thickens, doesn't it? McCarter & English, the legal eagles defending Voyager Digital, find themselves embroiled in the legal fracas as well. They stand accused of churning out counterfeit legal opinions asserting that Voyager's very own token, VGX, was not an unregistered security. Quite the tangled web of legal entanglements, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Quite right, indeed. And let's not overlook the fact that Mark Cuban inked a five-year partnership pact with Voyager Digital back in 2021, designating the VGX token as the official cryptocurrency of the Dallas Mavericks. They even showcased the crypto lender's advertisements in the team's arena, the American Airlines Center, throughout the 2021-2022 season."
Host 1:"In 2022, Cuban found himself entangled in yet another legal imbroglio, this time with disgruntled investors in the wake of Voyager Digital's insolvency. They leveled accusations of his complicity in promoting the lender and perpetrating a fraud by misrepresenting the platform's security."
Host 2:"Ah, what a convoluted affair. Voyager Digital sought refuge in Chapter 11 bankruptcy in July 2022, attributing its woes to the capricious nature of the crypto market and its entanglement with the collapsed crypto hedge fund Three Arrows Capital."
Host 1:"Indeed, it's not just the Mavericks, is it? One simply can't overlook the fact that other NBA teams have also ventured into marketing agreements with crypto firms. Take, for instance, the Miami Heat's entanglement with the now-defunct crypto exchange FTX."
Host 2:Absolutely. The downfall of FTX has sparked a flurry of legal battles involving high-profile personalities and renowned brands who threw their weight behind crypto ventures. Notable figures such as Tom Brady, Stephen Curry, Larry David, Kim Kardashian, and Trevor Lawrence find themselves entangled in this intricate web of legal entanglements.
Host 1:"It's a rather instructive anecdote, wouldn't you agree? It serves as a stark reminder that within the realm of crypto, not all that glitters is necessarily gold."
Host 2:"Quite right, old chap. It's a gentle nudge to remind us that conducting thorough due diligence is absolutely paramount, whether one finds themselves in the shoes of an investor, a luminary endorser, or a venerable professional sports league."
Host 1:"Quite the tumultuous journey, isn't it? The world of crypto resembles a thrilling roller coaster ride, replete with exhilarating peaks and daunting troughs. And speaking of captivating narratives, have you chanced upon the latest development in the saga of Do Kwon, the co-founder of the now-defunct Terra ecosystem?"
Host 2:"Ah, you're referring to the gentleman who attempted to abscond to Dubai with forged travel documents? Yes, I'm familiar with the tale. Quite the intriguing narrative, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"Quite the intriguing turn of events, isn't it? It's akin to a gripping plot straight out of a Hollywood blockbuster. A Montenegrin appeals court has just overturned Kwon's extradition to the U.S. or South Korea for the second time, following an appeal filed by Kwon's legal team last month. Quite the legal tussle, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Quite the unexpected turn of events, isn't it? Pray, what prompted the reversal of the extradition decision?"
Host 1:"Ah, quite the intriguing turn of events, isn't it? The appeals court deemed the previous decision to have some procedural violations and a lack of clear reasons. There were also issues with the handling of the extradition requests and the order in which they arrived from South Korea and the U.S. Quite the legal quagmire, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"So, it appears we're right back where we started, doesn't it?"
Host 1:"Indeed. The case is set to make a triumphant return to the first-instance court for a thorough reevaluation. In the interim, Kwon finds himself in the rather unenviable position of serving a prison sentence for his little escapade involving document forgery in Montenegro. Quite the conundrum, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"And what of his accomplice, Han Chang-joon, I wonder?"
Host 1:"Ah, he's been promptly extradited to South Korea following his brief sojourn in a Montenegrin prison for dabbling in a spot of document forgery."
Host 2:"It's akin to a real-life crime thriller, isn't it? And all the while, the Terra ecosystem they co-founded crumbled, erasing over $60 billion from the crypto market. Quite the dramatic turn of events, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"It's a poignant reminder of the perils inherent in the realm of cryptocurrency. However, it also stands as a testament to the remarkable resilience of the market. Despite encountering such formidable obstacles, the crypto world persists in its evolution and expansion."
Host 1:"Ah, splendid news! It appears that OKX, the Seychelles-based crypto exchange we've discussed previously, has now extended its services to the charming land of Argentina. This development signifies that our dear friends in Argentina can partake in the trading of a diverse array of cryptocurrencies on OKX's platform, and make use of their non-custodial Web3 wallets for decentralized finance, NFTs, and dApps. Quite the exciting addition to the crypto landscape, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Absolutely enthralling to witness the ever-evolving crypto landscape, isn't it? And to our esteemed listeners, whether you find yourself in Argentina, Brazil, or any other corner of the globe, do ensure to conduct thorough research before delving into the crypto market. Safety and knowledge are paramount! And always bear in mind, not everything that sparkles is necessarily gold... or Bitcoin!"
Host 1:"Ah, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, and the North American Securities Administrators Association, a consortium of state securities regulators, have leveled accusations against them for failing to register their crypto lending product. It seems they've also been accused of offering and selling unregistered securities. Quite the legal entanglement, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 2:"Absolutely, and according to data from Chainalysis last year, Brazil and Argentina emerged as key players in the Latin American crypto market, alongside Mexico. It appears that OKX is executing some astute strategic maneuvers! It's akin to a riveting game of chess, albeit with the fascinating realm of cryptocurrencies!"
Host 1:"Indeed! And there's an added bonus. Verified users in the area can also avail themselves of OKX's peer-to-peer exchange, OKX P2P. It's a platform where individuals can trade crypto with each other using local currency. And would you believe it? It's fully equipped to support Spanish!"
Host 2:"Marvelous news for our Spanish-speaking comrades! It's quite intriguing to witness OKX's strategic expansion in action. Argentina holds significant importance in their market strategy, as stated by their president, Hong Fang. And what might be the reason behind this calculated move?"
Host 1:"Indeed. Throughout the past year, a multitude of crypto platforms, including prominent entities such as Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, Gemini, Bittrex, and KuCoin, have found themselves under heightened scrutiny by U.S. regulators, resulting in substantial fines."
Host 2:"Ah, the marvels of decentralization! And for those uninitiated, a non-custodial wallet is one where you, the user, have full control over your crypto assets. It's akin to being your own financial institution, but without the need for a posh suit and tie!"
Host 1:"Ah, quite the intriguing turn of events, isn't it? It's a service they launched back in August 2020. Customers could deposit or purchase crypto assets and earn interest on them. But they ceased offering it in June 2022 after the SEC intervened."
Host 1:"Ah, Argentina boasts a rather impressive cryptocurrency adoption rate, doesn't it? It's a burgeoning market indeed. This latest expansion follows closely on the heels of OKX's introduction of similar services in Brazil just a few months ago."
Host 1:"Indeed, they made the announcement earlier this year that they would be discontinuing all of their cryptocurrency-related products and services in the United States as of February 22nd. Quite the decisive move, wouldn't you agree?"
Host 1:"Ah, you know how we adore a captivating crypto saga, don't we? Well, fasten your seatbelts, for TradeStation Crypto has just been slapped with a hefty $3 million fine. Quite the enthralling development, wouldn't you say?"
Host 1:"TradeStation Crypto happens to be a subsidiary of TradeStation, which in turn is a subsidiary of the Japanese financial services firm Monex Group. Quite the intricate web of corporate connections, wouldn't you say?"
Host 2:"Ah, always up for a crypto adventure! Argentina, you say? I've heard they whip up a delightful empanada. But let's delve into the crypto realm – what's simmering in the crypto kitchen?"
Host 1:"Ah, the thrill of traversing the globe in the realm of crypto, isn't it? Well, prepare to embark on a virtual journey, for our next destination is none other than Argentina!"
Host 2:Ah, the classic "forget to register" maneuver. Quite the timeless ploy, isn't it? But pray, do enlighten me on the nature of this crypto lending product they're referring to.
Host 2:"It's a captivating realm, brimming with mystery and ingenuity. We shall endeavor to keep our esteemed listeners abreast of the latest developments and intricacies."
Host 1:"It certainly seems to be the case. However, as we are well aware, the world of cryptocurrency is a realm of endless possibilities."
Host 2:"Goodness gracious, that's quite the substantial penalty. Pray tell, what transgressions led to such a hefty fine?"
Host 2:Fascinating. It seems they're not the sole individuals finding themselves in a spot of bother, are they?
Host 2:"Quite the bold maneuver, I must say. And pray, who is the mastermind behind TradeStation Crypto?"
Host 2:It appears that the untamed days of the cryptocurrency frontier may well be drawing to a close.
Host 2:"So, they've ceased offering any crypto-related products or services in the U.S., have they?"