Fashion Files

Welcome to 'Fashion Files with Karis Reneé, a captivating episode where host Karis Reneé shares her extraordinary journey in the fashion industry. From childhood dress-up sessions in her grandmother's clothes to a multifaceted career encompassing retail, styling, visual merchandising, and fashion journalism, Karis's story is an inspiring testament to turning passion into a successful career. Take a deep dive into her personal experiences, educational background, and the icons that influenced her, such as Kollin Carter, Betsy Johnson, and Ruth E. Carter. Learn valuable tips for breaking into the fashion industry, discovering your personal style, and staying stylish through all circumstances. Enjoy behind-the-scenes insights, special guest appearances, and a fun rapid-fire Q&A session with Karis. Connect with us by following, liking, and commenting with #FashionFiles. Don't miss out on the insider tips, upcoming trends, and styling advice featured in future episodes!

00:00 Introduction and Episode Overview
01:08 Early Fashion Influences
02:51 High School and College Fashion Journey
04:35 Professional Fashion Career
07:47 Favorite Fashion Roles and Achievements
12:57 Fashion Inspirations and Personal Style
17:39 Blending Trends: Girly Meets Edgy
17:56 Signature Look: The Blazer Dress
18:41 Statement Pieces: Heels and Bags
19:03 Fashion Must-Haves and Comfort
19:39 Breaking into the Fashion Industry
21:01 Discovering Personal Style
22:10 Advice to Younger Self
23:47 Faith and Support Systems
24:43 The Birth of Fashion Files
27:55 Future Episodes and Expectations
29:02 Rapid Fire Fashion Questions
30:12 Style Spotlight and Conclusion

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IG: @everything24karis
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Creators & Guests

Karis Reneé
Fashion Loves All Minds & Egos 💕 Fashion Files podcast

What is Fashion Files?

Fashion Files is a captivating podcast hosted by Karis Reneé that delves into the glamorous world of fashion. Explore styling secrets, costume design insights, and red-carpet chronicles featuring both solo episodes and interviews with fashion industry experts. Each episode will inspire, entertain, and educate fashion enthusiasts.

Karis: [00:00:00] [00:00:15] Welcome back to Fashion Files With Cares, Renee, I'm your host Cares Renee, and I'm excited to have you here with us today. Okay. This week's episode is gonna be a little different, so I [00:00:30] realized that we just jumped right in and some of y'all don't know who I am. So this episode is going to be a getting to know the Host episode, which of course is me Care Renee.

So you'll learn a little bit about my background, [00:00:45] why and how I fell in love with fashion, a little bit about what I do now. And we'll just have fun. And so I have Erica and Joe behind the camera. They're gonna throw some questions at me, mainly Erica, so you may or may [00:01:00] not hear her voice. And we're gonna just jump right in and so you can learn a little bit about me.

All right, let's get started.

Erica: Let's

get right into it. So How did

you first get into fashion? I.

Karis: How did I

first get into fashion? Well, I feel like I've [00:01:15] been in fashion pretty much my whole life since I was a kid. I always enjoyed, well, after I got over my tomboy phase, if you saw one of the previous episodes, you saw that I was a little bit of a tomboy growing up. I ran with the boys. I was little.

[00:01:30] Really rough. I actually still am really rough. I'm super girly on the outside, but I'm very rough, which a lot of people don't believe, but if you know me, you know that about me. so I feel like I always love playing dress up. I can remember this one picture of me with [00:01:45] like these camo shorts on or a camo hat, and I have like these red ruby red slippers, like the little, wizard, Oroz slippers heels on. So clearly I al always had a love for heels and just like dressing [00:02:00] up and my family is very creative, so my mom has always dibble and dabble in all things creative, like anything artistic and designing in something with your hands, she's always been into that I loved playing dress [00:02:15] up in her closet. She grew up, she was let's call her a house manager 'cause I like that better. And so she was always handed down items from her employers and. So her closet was [00:02:30] always full of beautiful fashion pieces and her jewelry collection was unmatched.

And so I used to play in all of her things and I love that. And then I also have an aunt who is a seamstress, and so it kind of just all ran in the family. Trying on my, [00:02:45] my grandma's clothes, my grandma's shoes, juries, heels and things of that sort, and started to collect my own clothes.

And so as I continued to grow up, once I got into my teenage years, I was the girl that wore heels every day. [00:03:00] To school in high school. If you ask any of my friends in high school, that's what I was known as. I loved heels, still love heels to this day, and I wore heels every day. And so once I got off into college I was the go-to person [00:03:15] for all of my friends whenever it was like.

What are we wearing to the out this weekend or to this party or whatever. I was always the one that all of my friends came to when they wanted advice on what to wear. Because I was never [00:03:30] afraid of like trying different things and putting looks together and. Putting different pieces and that's kind of when I fell in love with like styling.

And so I'm sure we'll get into more details about me styling and, but yeah, that's kinda, I've always kind of been [00:03:45] into it like from a young age up until my teenage and young adult years.

Erica: Good. So before we get to the next question, I

gotta ask, what was your grandmother's

favorite piece that you liked to put on?

Karis: So I loved putting on

her [00:04:00] fur coats because. As a kid, you know, you see fur coats and you just think that's just so elegant and glamorous and not something that you see people wearing every day. And she always had these long statement fur coats and short fur coats [00:04:15] as well. And I actually have a fur coat from my grandma that was passed down to me when she passed and I literally tried to wear it every New Year's Eve and bring in the new year with a piece of [00:04:30] reminding me of her.

Erica: I love that. So

what has your fashion

journey been like so far?

Karis: I've done retail, of course I started in retail when I was a kid, even though. Summer times My retail journey is a little backwards because I, my first [00:04:45] job, if you guys are from, I'm about to tell my age a little bit, but that's okay.

If you guys are from Raleigh, you may remember this store, but my first job ever was at a store called Fashion Sense. It was probably similar [00:05:00] to like. Today's city trends and so that was my very first job. I was there for a couple months over the summer and I was supposed to still work it when I went into school during high school.

It was my senior year. I [00:05:15] was 15, 16, somewhere around there. And then I got an internship with the bank at State employees and they were paying me more and I was able to leave school early, so I had to leave my job at Fashion Sense. And I was so sad because I really [00:05:30] loved it. I've always been a customer service driven person.

I love being around people, helping people, talking to people, working with people. And so I was super excited about that job and I love that job, but that's kind of where I started. Then from there, I didn't get back into [00:05:45] retail until way later in my career, which a lot of people grow from retail and they, and they grow in their career when it comes to fashion.

'cause a lot of people think that's, that's like the starting place and the foundation. But I was blessed to be able to hop into [00:06:00] other things like styling, which is what I love the most and not have to kind of have that path. When I graduated after my undergraduate degree at a t. Aggie Pride.

I moved to Charlotte and [00:06:15] then went to the art institute and studied fashion marketing and merchandising, and that's kind of where I started. I was able to get some internships. My first internship was actually with Charlotte Style Magazine, with Bridget [00:06:30] Hi Bri. And she actually helped catapult my journey into fashion.

And one of the things that I loved when I was growing up and I still. Due to this day is collecting fashion magazines because I wanted to [00:06:45] be like the next Anna one tour. I wanted to actually be a fashion editor, or I actually also wanted to be a publisher for a fashion magazine when I was young, which is why I had a graphics degree.

And so I went on to get that marketing [00:07:00] degree to be able to try to tie everything together. And I got an internship with a fashion magazine and it. Really what catapulted my fashion career. And so from there I did styling, I did image consulting. [00:07:15] I managed fashion shows. I taught fashion modeling. I worked at Belk in the fashion office under Arlene Goldstein, which also is somebody that is very instrumental in my fashion [00:07:30] journey.

She was the VP of fashion at Belk, Belk also put me on the map as far as being able to get my. First work, work published in magazines like Vogue and in Style and 17. And, [00:07:45] and, and the list goes on and on. And so from there, after all of those things, I was then moved into back into retail because I wanted to.

Do visual merchandising. It was something I used to [00:08:00] walk past the stores in the mall and walk past h and m and be like h and m and Forever 21. At this time were this the moment when it came to visual merchandising and so I was like, I wanna do that, I wanna do that. [00:08:15] And I was able to eventually. Get on at h and m and become a visual merchandiser for h and m.

And that's kind of when my retail story started over. And so from there I did visual merchandising. I've also managed [00:08:30] smaller boutiques, I was a manager for a boutique for a very long time, and I loved that store. It was called Boutique. It was on Franklin Street on. U, UNC Chapel Hills campus.

I loved managing the [00:08:45] store. I loved being able to tell the story with all of the windows, and the difference was with h and MI had to kind of go by the book and their guide and make everything look the way that they wanted to. But when I was able to manage the boutique care, it was kind of me being [00:09:00] able to tell my own story.

And I love that, and I love the girls that worked with me. The only thing I hated about that was the HR aspect. I honestly. I don't really like managing people. I like managing things, projects and that sort of thing. And so, [00:09:15] like I said, styling visual merchandising, sales associate manager. I also did a little bit, I had a those of you have that have been on the FLAME journey for quite some time, you know that I previously also [00:09:30] had an online boutique.

And so I've done buying and trend forecasting and. A little bit of everything. Like when my, my fashion journey, it literally goes on and on. I could talk about it for days because I literally have done [00:09:45] so much. And then it catapulted me into also writing for fashion because of my expertise. And so I then went on to get a fashion journalism degree from the Academy of Art University.

I was a Covid graduate. I'm [00:10:00] still mad that I didn't get to walk across the stage. And honestly, academy of Art, if y'all don't invite us back. So that we can walk across the stage. I really feel some type of way about that, and I really wanna do that. And shout to all the Covid graduates. I'm sorry. 'cause I know some of y'all it was y'all first time and [00:10:15] y'all never got, so I honestly have to be careful with complaining about that because this is my third degree.

So, but anyways, I work really hard for that degree my fashion journalism degree, my fashion marketing degree, and then of course my graphics degree is why I'm always pushing about being able to [00:10:30] tell creative stories and make people beautiful through clothing. And so it kind of is my big.

Three. And I kind of tie all the three together to be able to do what I do now. And of course I've also been a editor for my own [00:10:45] fashion magazine flame. We have two episodes that have previously dropped. Hopefully we will continue that story and have more issues that come out. And now I am a podcast host

Erica: What is your favorite thing? I know [00:11:00] you mentioned visual, visual merchandising styling modeling, image consulting, writing, fashion writing,

like what is your favorite thing

out of all those things? Or do you just love all things fashion? I

Karis: I [00:11:15] definitely love all things fashion, but my favorite thing out of all of those is styling and costume design, which I didn't touch on yet, but styling and costume design because I really do love creative storytelling. And so to be able to tell a [00:11:30] story with visuals, with clothes, and. Especially when it comes to personal styling, being able to make someone feel beautiful and kind of change their outlook or their relationship with clothes.

I love that. But I also love editorial [00:11:45] styling and costume design because editorial I'm able to create and tell my own stories and in the artistic way. So I love that. And then. With costume design, I'm able to bring somebody else's vision to life and tell a story and create [00:12:00] character plots and, and be able to tell who that character is with what they wear.

Erica: [00:12:15] [00:12:30] [00:12:45] who are your biggest [00:13:00] fashion

Karis: have a few, and so I, I'm always, it's always hard for me to like name like my favorites for like certain things, so I'm really good at like putting things in specific. Genres. So like, top of the mind, [00:13:15] like when I think about like who inspires me as far as stylists, you have Colin Carter, who is Cardi B star stylist.

I love him down and the stories that he tells with clothes. I love it. Jay Bowling. I love [00:13:30] his styling. He does a lot of for you know, some of the, your gospel artists that you, that you know and love. Somebody else who I also look up to in the styling realm. Is La Roach, of course.

He's done so much with [00:13:45] Zendaya, So some of the style influences that I love are people like Tiana Taylor, her style eats down. She can do no wrong and she's so versatile as well. Of course, like I mentioned before, I since I love Colin, I [00:14:00] love Cardi B's style. She's so influential as well. Speaking of, I know a lot of people, y'all gonna be like, oh my God, but I'm going to switch to this and I'm gonna say also.

In my college years, I was very [00:14:15] fond of Nicki Minaj style because I was very into Harajuku fashion. I still love her style as well, and I think that even now, like especially now because she's currently on tour, her style has started to evolve again, and I've been [00:14:30] loving it. I've been loving the things that she has been showing on the Pink Friday tour.

Speaking of tours, Beyonce now as much as y'all know, I love Beyonce. She hasn't always been like somebody that I love when it comes to styling. [00:14:45] But now since the Renaissance tour, yeah, the looks on the Renaissance tour ate down. I loved all of those looks and she creates moments that. Changes history.

Like we from Renaissance, we went into this [00:15:00] whole Renaissance moment. Even now with Cowboy Carter, you've seen that trend take off as well. And so those are the type of people that really inspire me as far as their, their. Style. But as far as some of the designers, my favorite [00:15:15] designer is Betsy Johnson.

And I love her because I'm a maximalist and I just love her friend, fun and quirky ways. And when it comes to not taking. Fashion's so serious. I [00:15:30] love that. And somebody that can kind of play. I also love Patricia Fields as a costume designer. She's very inspiring when it comes to costume design as well as Ruth E.

Carter. Who I'm sure you guys know, she's [00:15:45] done all of the Black Panther and some of the other big name like huge black movies that you probably know and love. And she also recently won a costume designer award. And so I love her down. And [00:16:00] so yeah, so those are some of the people that I can like, kind of break out into the different genres of people that I kind of look up to and that I'm inspired by.

Erica: Okay, so speaking of style, how would


describe your personal style?

Karis: Yes, so my [00:16:15] personal style, well, as you know, I am very much a maximalist. I, I couldn't be a minimalist if I tried. My style, I think is very bold, and super feminine and girly, mixed with a [00:16:30] little bit of edge.

Erica: so what, what's one fashion trend you're loving right now? Actually give us, give us one or two.

Karis: All right, so one fashion trend that I'm loving right now we already know is big bow energy. I've already loved bows since I was a [00:16:45] kid, and so to see them on the runway and people starting to introduce them into clothes, I'm really all about because I've always won bows. And so now to be able to see things that I can go and incorporate into my wardrobe, I love that.[00:17:00]

Let's see. Another trend that I love, I love shear, so the sheer fantasy trend, I love combining shear with something. It's kind of how I kind of tie in some of my edgy looks and making them more [00:17:15] feminine. And so I love a good 'cause. I am a bold color girl, but I also wear black, which I know.

It's like I'm either in a color, a bright color. Or black, like, there's like no in between. But [00:17:30] I actually have no gray area in any place in my life. Like everything is very much black and white. There's literally zero or a hundred. There's no gray area. So if I'm wearing black, I love being able to tie that in with like a sheer moment. [00:17:45] Being able to tie two trends together with that, that girly and that edgy, edgy chic.

Erica: So we talked about your personal style.

What, what would

be your signature look?

Karis: . My signature look, my go-to look, especially if I like, if I [00:18:00] don't need to think about it, I don't have time to really think about it. It is definitely a blazer with a belt. I, or even sometimes without a belt, but my go-to signature look is wearing a blazer as a dress. I love it. One thing, I'm a short [00:18:15] girl, but I love my legs is one of my favorite parts of my body, so I love showing them off.

My mom doesn't really like it, but it's about me. I'm grown, so I love showing my legs off and it also allows me to highlight [00:18:30] my heels because nine out of 10, my heel is gonna be the statement of my look anyways. So yeah, a blazer dress, that's my signature style.

Erica: Okay, so you said nine times out of 10 that your heels would be your [00:18:45] statement. Look, what would be your

secondary statement


Karis: If it's not my heels?

it's my bag. I love purses. I love a good bag moment. And so those are the two call outs, like my purse and my shoes are gonna be the moments.

Erica: [00:19:00] What's one fashion

item that you can't live


Karis: Heels. I can't live without heels. So all of y'all knew Gen Zers that y'all don't wanna wear heels ever, and all y'all wanna do is be comfortable. I get it. But I am most comfortable in [00:19:15] heels and I cannot live without them. When we were in Covid and we were. Stuck in a house. I put myself on he punishment because after sitting on that couch for so long and going outside and trying to put heels on, I was like, I'm not gonna be one of those girls that can never [00:19:30] wear heels again because I haven't worn them.

So I used to wear heels just around my house so that I could still wear heels when we came out of the pandemic.

Erica: So as you've been in the fashion industry for some time and you've had a diverse background, what [00:19:45] advice would you give someone looking to get

into fashion?

Karis: I always call myself a student of life, and I feel like that I went to school. To create opportunities, not necessarily for the degree. And so [00:20:00] if you can find ways to network and learn more about the industry, study your craft, whether that is in school or on experience with a job, getting an internship with somewhere that you love, like a fashion company that you love, do that [00:20:15] because the connections that you make will open the doors that you need.

It's really hard in our industry, unfortunately, and so it really is. About some of the people that you know and the doors being open for you, and a lot of doors will be [00:20:30] closed, but you just gotta keep pushing it. I'm still pushing. And so just because one door closed doesn't mean that the next door won't be open.

But learn everything that you can because you have to be very knowledgeable about this industry. And [00:20:45] so learn everything that you can about whatever specific part of the industry that you want to know about in any books. Films, TV, movies, but also try to find you a mentor to make things easier.

Erica: [00:21:00] I love that. So what advice would you give someone who's trying to figure out their own personal style?

Karis: Try everything. So if you're trying to figure out your personal style, try everything. Figure out what you love, what you don't love. You'll [00:21:15] figure it out. When you put it on, how does it make you feel? Try everything. And when you're getting dressed, there is a quote, and I think it's a quote from Coco Chanel when you're getting dressed, when you, at the end, [00:21:30] once you finally complete your look and you're like, this is the look, take off one thing.

Okay. I'll say even when I was putting this look together, I had on a necklace that I felt like was pulling away from the earring and the headband, like [00:21:45] it was too much, and so I took off the necklace. So all take off one thing.

And your look is complete. But when you're trying to find your style, just try everything and gravitate to the one, the things that make you feel the most confident and that you love the [00:22:00] most. And that's how you figure out your personal style.

Erica: I love it So basically try everything. Try it all,

Karis: Try it all. Try it all until you figure out what you love.

Erica: what would you, , what would you tell little car, like the little you, what would you say [00:22:15] to yourself? you were rough, you were being a tomboy, but you was very much girly. Like what? What would you tell Little Cares trying to, growing up, trying to

figure it

out and trying to get into the fashion industry?

Karis: I would tell her to never give up. And even [00:22:30] when you reach roadblocks, as we all will continues to push, because the person that you were yesterday will be a totally different person than you are tomorrow, and the doors that were closed yesterday will then be open tomorrow.

[00:22:45] There's. So many things that I never knew that I would ever have. Like to have a billboard in Times Square to be published in some, you know, renowned magazines. To be having my first feature film coming [00:23:00] out this year, like there are things that I could have probably never dreamed of or imagined, but if I had not continued to push forward, no matter the doors that were closed, or opportunities that were, you know.

Delayed. [00:23:15] I, I wouldn't be where I am today. So never give up. Continue to push. You have your dreams. Continue to push for your dreams, and also know that those dream dreams may shift. They may change, and that's okay, but a lot of times it's still going to be in [00:23:30] line with, with where you are wanting to see yourself and where you're going, and just being able to, to roll with the punches.

Erica: thinking about the amount of times that we have to pivot throughout our career or when we are reaching towards something, [00:23:45] what, what keeps you going?

Karis: God and my support system really I'm so grateful for one, my relationship with God and being able to, know that he's never gonna fail me [00:24:00] and he's always going to be there to catch me when I fall to open doors, create opportunities to direct me, to order my steps, all of those things. But then he has also blessed me with such an amazing support [00:24:15] system.

My best friends, my family, my. Family that is unmatched and they really help push me. So the moments that I am down, like, or considering or questioning things like I go to God [00:24:30] first, but then my friends also help push me forward and, and remind me of who I am and that I really am that girl. And, and my therapist.

Shout out to you, JSA. I know you watching.

Erica: What

inspired you to start fashion [00:24:45] files?

Karis: God, I really am stepping out on obedience, as most of you guys. Well, actually, I won't say that. Most of y'all know because most of y'all think that this is my comfort zone. Y'all think that this [00:25:00] is what I'm good at, this is what I should be doing.

People have told me this my whole life. This is not where I am comfortable at. I am comfortable being behind the scenes. I'm comfortable lifting and pushing other people [00:25:15] to the forefront and making them look good, sound good, be great. I'm very much a behind the scenes. Scenes behind the camera girl, I don't mind.

And of course, because I'm so outgoing and I'm such a people [00:25:30] person and such a social butterfly, I don't mind being in the spotlight. But if I have the choice, I'm never gonna put myself there. I'm normally in the spotlight because other people put me there. But this was a testament of stepping out on [00:25:45] faith and being obedient to God.

I saw. Or I, I will say that God revealed to me that there was a gap I felt in the podcast community and in the industry, and I was told to feel it. So here [00:26:00] I am and I talked to one of my best friends, Erica, who is interviewing me right now when all of this came to me and she was jumped on board immediately.

And everything just started to fall into place and I [00:26:15] was just like, okay, okay, God, if this is what you want me to do. I have nothing. I can't do anything but say yes. So I'm here to fill a void. Because I felt like that there was not a fashion podcast [00:26:30] that I knew of. If you guys know of some, please share in the comments, but that I knew of that was very much mainstream or.

Mainstream or that we hear about all the time. And I love watching podcasts. Some of my favorite [00:26:45] podcasts I watch on YouTube. I don't really listen to audio for podcasts because I'm such a visual person. But I love watching podcasts like, let's try this again, would be Simone, [00:27:00] informality with Megan and Ashley, their previous podcast.

Know for sure r and b Money With Tank and Jay Valentine. Keep it Positive sweetie with crystal Haslet from Sisters and the list goes on and [00:27:15] on, but I didn't know of any fashion podcasts and so not start one? So here we are with fashion vows.

Erica: Here we are with Fashion Fos. Shout out to stepping out on Faith and Obedience. [00:27:30] So what has been your favorite episode or guest so

far? I.

Karis: Honestly, I'm gonna have to say this one. Like, I love being able to get into like why I do what I love and the things that I love about fashion and what has brought me here. And [00:27:45] so being able to kind of tell my story I'm gonna have to highlight and say that this is my favorite

Erica: What can listeners expect

from future

episodes of. Ashley Falls.

Karis: what you guys can

expect will be more episodes of [00:28:00] getting to know other people that are in the industry and things that you may not know or may not have heard. Being able to see new things that are coming. When it comes to. To styling or just in the fashion industry in general.

Learning a little bit about just [00:28:15] like the inside or behind the scenes things that, that we do in the industry, whether you're a stylist, a costume designer, a makeup artist, photographer, and the list goes on and on and on. Meeting new pee. People that maybe you haven't heard before or [00:28:30] introducing you guys to new people in the industry.

Whether that be somebody that works in the industry or a new designer that you've never heard of before. And then of course highlighting things that are happening in the industry, like fashion weeks or [00:28:45] award shows or red carpet moments, or things that celebrities are wearing, or how you can bring that into your own wardrobe.

Of course, sharing new. Styling tips and trends and things that you can do to incorporate it into your wardrobe and try out new things. So [00:29:00] a little bit about everything, but it'll be all things fashion.

Erica: got some fun, fun questions for you.

Karis: Okay.

Erica: Rapid fire style.

Karis: Okay.

Erica: Alright, so

what's your go-to outfit when you're in a rush?

Karis: A blazer, dress,[00:29:15]

Erica: Easy. Okay. Hills or flats.

Karis: heels.

I barely

even own flats.

It's so for sandals, heels all day?

Erica: Okay.

Tea or


Karis: Both. [00:29:30] Both. But I love tea. I love a good tea. So I guess I'll pick tea.

Erica: Tea. your coffee.

Karis: Tea. No coffee, never coffee ever, ever. I don't even like the smell of coffee.

Erica: [00:29:45] Okay. What is a fashion trend you hate right now?

Karis: A fashion trend. I hate, and I know y'all are gonna hate me for this, but I don't care. I hate those tabby boots. I hate them. They make you look like you're wearing horse [00:30:00] feet,

Erica: Okay. What's your guilty

pleasure when it comes to shopping?

Karis: purses. I love purses. I have too many of them. I, I'm gonna always buy them.

Erica: All right, that, that wraps up those questions.

Karis: Okay, so of course this is my favorite part of [00:30:15] the episode, is the Style Spotlight. This the week style spotlight is yours. Truly. Your host cares Renee. So if you haven't already, [00:30:30] definitely give me a follow on Instagram. My name across everything is everything. 24 Karas. I'm inspired by me and I hope you will be too.

And so if you do follow. Like and comment on my last [00:30:45] pose and tell me that you followed me from this episode hashtag fashion files. And if you have somebody that you'd like to see as the style spotlight, use the hashtag flame style spotlight and we may choose them for the next episode. So that's a [00:31:00] wrap for this episode.

I hope you guys enjoy getting to know a little bit about me. I hope you learned something new and I hope you were inspired by something that I said. And until next time, stay stylish and keep that flame burning [00:31:15] bright. Bye. We [00:31:30] [00:31:45] [00:32:00] [00:32:15]