The Keeper League - AFL Fantasy Podcast

In this week's episode of The Keeper League Podcast, we're tackling all the action from Round 7 of the AFL Fantasy season. Join host Heff as he collaborates with guest Jake from Hat Chat to dissect each game's crucial fantasy performances and their implications for both draft and keeper leagues. Whether you're looking for guidance to strengthen your fantasy lineup or on the hunt for under-the-radar players, Heff and Jake deliver in-depth analysis and invaluable tips. Tune in to secure a competitive advantage and make the smartest moves for your fantasy team. This episode is your go-to resource for navigating the intricacies of AFL Fantasy as the season unfolds.

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Creators & Guests

Ryan 'Heff' Gerlach
Co-founder and host of The Keeper League Podcast

What is The Keeper League - AFL Fantasy Podcast?

An AFL Fantasy Podcast that doesn't focus on the superstars. We look at the up-and-comers and the lesser-known players to help you win your draft and keeper leagues.


G'day listeners and welcome back to another episode of The Keeper League podcast.

With the AFL Fantasy podcast, it doesn't talk about the surf stars.

We only talk about the lesser-known's and the players who will bring value to your draft

and Keeper League teams. My name is Heff and this week I'm joined by Jake from Hatchat. How are you?

Hello, Maze. Thank you for welcoming back to you. Heff has been about a year, I think.

Yeah, it's been a while since mid last year.

Placed a little good. Does it worry that I refer to you as Jake from Hatchat?

It's not your surname from Hatchat.

No, that's fine. I don't think we're pretty normal with that.

It's not that my name is hidden on the internet, but at the same time, I'll keep a little bit of anonymity

at the post. Yeah, no, that's all right. You are your own fantasy man.

Not this year, I'm not.

Okay. Well, let's jump into that. How's everything going? Let's talk about, I know your

your FF Fantasy podcast is based around the classic format. So a quick update on that,

but also how you drive, how you keep lead teams going, all that sort of stuff.

I'm quite frankly not preferred to talk about the drafts in the Keeper League, because that's why I'm here.

I'm going for a regular spot because the classic side of things has been a bit disappointing.

Yeah. Pretty poor start, 56k after round one, coming in week after week after week, which has been

great, but this week another little slide didn't quite hit the 2k mark, which for best 22

just isn't good enough and slid outside the 10k. So, yeah, I might be losing my spot

on my pod, but hopefully I can make a name for myself here. I've got a few draft leagues

ticking along very nicely. All right, let's go through those. What's your number one?

Home League, undefeated, which is pretty good. Oh, awesome.

That's the league you want to be undefeated in. Is that with any, that's not with any of the hatchet,

does. That's a lot of the hatchet boys. It's been running for about eight years.

Billy Goats Cup, shout out to all the boys from the soccer club there. I know there's a couple

of listeners. The boys tend to call me out when the TikToks go up. They end up in the grip chat,

so I think of that. Yeah, no problems. Are the FFines involved in that?

Not in that group, not as part of the league, but there is as part of the soccer club.

Yeah, so we get caught out in the TikTok. I'll put plenty out this week for you.

Thank you mate, appreciate that. Soccer club be richer.

Yeah, I think one other team's undefeated. I've got them about two weeks, so

the boys are coming along nicely. Four keeper leagues, which I think I'm your wrong.

I love a good keeper. Four might have been too many. I think there might be one too many.

Yeah, I'm only into these days and I couldn't handle another one, I don't think.

Yeah, four was definitely too many. A couple of them taking along nicely. The one with the hat

chat boys, if anyone was listening to me last year, knows I was struggling.

Yeah, still a bit of struggle to have this year. A lot of injuries, I think I've copped five of my

starting six in the back line or injured, and it's no wavers keeper. That one is a pit season free

agency. So we're struggling there, but the others, we're taking along very nicely.

Well, that's good to hear. Probably better than mine is going at the moment.

I was undefeated up until around five. Come up against the team ranked number

two and three below me and they both beat me in the last two weeks. So they mean close, close

each game. So like 47 points in about 80 points. A bit of a flat track, believe it? I think so.

Yeah, I was actually surprised I started as well as I did, but when you start going to write,

you're like, maybe this could go okay. Maybe I'm around the mark and then you come up against

some of the good opposition and yeah, team just shits the bed. I benched Jack Lloyd for the first

time this season. That's a week to do it. Yeah, so that's how good that one went and just two

subs and things like that too got subbed off. So yeah, I think round six is when stuff starts to happen.

DPP is kind of coming to play a little bit more. So teams that are a bit more well-rounded have a

bit of flexibility. You guys have a cream rosters. Yeah, guys like Massimo Dan Broseo, who

you know, round one two superstars turned into absolute flopped after about round six.

And yeah, but anyway, we'll see how that goes. We won't bore people too much with my team.

What will get people excited about is spinning the wheel. Now we're involved in the live show.

You bid witness to what the wheel can do to a crowd of, uh, I have a fantasy punters. I was at the

straighters last week, week before, my everything's blurring and I was just thinking I just wanted to start

the channel. I wanted to set them up to spin a wheel because the series, nothing more exciting.

For context, we spun the wheel for prize winners at the, um, at the live show that we did at the

elephant over gather round and it turned out that people didn't even want to hear what we were

talking about. They just wanted to keep spinning the wheel to see people coming up. There wasn't

even any prizes left on offer, but they still wanted the wheel to keep spinning, but think of the

epitome of that was offered to buy some water drink and we spun the wheel to be only underage person

landed landed. So, uh, I don't know if we have that getting in the drink, honestly, but when he's 18,

almost ended up with a, with a fine for that one, so I did give him some game day squad cards,

uh, to make up for it. So hopefully that worked out. Anyway, uh, let's spin the wheel. You're

here in the room to prove that the wheel is actually spinning. If your name comes up,

if your team name comes up, getting contact with me and I will send you the pack that you could win,

um, you just have to confirm it's you and congratulations to this week's winner. Do you want to

read it out for us, Jay? Uh, such is five, which is a week for it too, because that five may be back.

Absolutely. Such is five well done and five will talk about him later on in the show, but, uh,

such as five is the winner. I'm getting contact with me on any of the socials or via email, um,

and I will sort you out of that pack. You just have to confirm your email address. And yeah,

if you want to sign up and try to win a game day squad pack, there is a link in the description below.

It's just a Google form, put your name down. Don't enter more than once. There's been a few people

that have done that. So, uh, it doesn't give you any more chances. I go through and filter it. So,

um, yeah, just put your name down. I'll spin the wheel each week and try to win you a pack. So,

well done, such is five. I look forward to hearing from you during the week. Uh, now if you want to

support the show, uh, make sure you jump on as a member doing a bit of a drive. We did have a good

uptick of, uh, members this year, but the thing you kind of don't factor in is like some people don't

continue on as well. So they drop off a little bit as well. So, um, yeah, anyone who's dropped off,

or if you haven't signed up yet and you do listen to the show each week, please consider supporting

the show. Um, so yeah, we can continue going on into the future because it is quite vital these days.

Anyways, uh, let's get into the round review. The first game. Now, this was a super long round,

wasn't it? It was a weird one, starting on a Wednesday, which I thought would be a great segue

into this game because in three of my four keepers, uh, completely forgot about the Wednesday night games,

and I happened to cop, uh, shy Bolton, uh, he was with Liam Baker, Steven May in two and three

leagues all on the bench. So that was a bit of fun for me. Oh, that yeah, because of the buy last week,

you're right. Um, that would have been, I mean, Melbourne had a buy two, did they? They both came off the

buy as well as the early game, which is, again, great. Um, when you don't have four leagues, four leagues,

you lose track of control. Now, 100% don't give me more than two leagues. I think it was the

key of the story there. Um, first one, Thompson Dow. There's been so much down news lately, uh,

Patty made his day boo, uh, last week. Thompson Dow probably had his first good game in the midfield

this year. Um, squad 88 points, and he also had 110 in super coach as well. I saw Dossie putting

out a few memes on Twitter. Could we be seeing the rise of Thompson Dow? Did the song get a

resurgence? No. Well, there's a patty Dow. Actually, if there's an Easter egg in the end of that,

Dossie, if you're in the fade out bit, Dossie actually sings patty Thompson Dow.

There you go. Yeah. See? So an owner in three of my four

keep a leagues. Actually, I'm, I got in pretty late this year. I was pretty hot on the fact that he'd

be playing best 22, which he is less hot on his scoring capabilities. Obviously. Um, I don't know

that we're going to see a massive rise, but it was certainly great to see that he has a denim.

Yeah. Um, I think eight tackles this week after putting 10 in since round one. So, um,

averaging two at eight now, if that's sustainable, probably not, but the fact that he's added that

element to his game, at least had the opportunity to do so. Um, good news for owners. Absolutely.

Yeah. I think so. Like, I'm not super sold on either. I'm not expecting anything, but the one thing is

that that Richmond midfield is going through a huge transition at the moment, especially with

Toronto outhoppers re-engine himself, Presti is out. Like, they're going to be trying a few bits and

pieces. Um, the other one was, um, Marlon Pickett had a huge uptick in CBAs this week. And I

just called the 74. I think he's in mid-owned in the anyway. So it's nothing to get excited about.

But just kind of further evidence that they're trying things with that midfield. So players like

Thompson Dow and you might find, you know, we might find, came a call of back in the side pretty soon as well.

That might put up some decent scores as a first-year player given that he was a good underage score

as well. And they're missing a kind of player of his, you know, true inside caliber. Yeah, we think as well.

If you look at the CBAs, you start with Pickett and then you slide in the end of Boulder and Baker,

who, yeah, Boulder and Baker, I should say, who clearly have other roles in the team that they

could feel, um, and then hopper re-injured and then Thompson Dow. So it's going to be really

interesting to see what that midfield looks like in the next 12 months. And as a Dow owner, at least,

you know, that they've brought him quite highly. A lot of Richmond supporters haven't given me

the same feedback. But hey, um, if he coached likes him, then it's good for your fans, you know.

Um, the only other one for Richmond was Hugo Rousemith, who popped up, but with an 80-point

game, playing on the wing as opposed to the halfback flank as much this week, I'm not buying into it,

but I thought I was mentioning it is something that we'll keep an eye on over the next week or so.

Um, Trent Rivers had 104 points. Do you think this is a result of just Christian Salem being out of the

side? I think it is, although leading into the preseason, a lot of Trent Rivers hype and a lot of

expectation to have him a bit more of distribution of the ball. Um, again, if you're an owner, I start

to look at these things and go, "Oh, the people who are in, is there someone that's going to buy into

being more than Christian Salem hype?" And then you can look at starting to trade on. I don't think

Trent Rivers is a guy. You're going to be fighting on waivers in almost any lead. So really, it's going to

be how hype dizzy and can I maybe flip him at a time where his price is higher than normal, but you'd

be pretty happy, again, take the injuries into a can as an owner and take the wins and the uptick

in scoring if you can. Um, yeah, no, I do think like maybe there might have been like a 10-15 point

uptick with Salem out, but he's still like an 80 plus guy without him. So, no, Trent Rivers is not

going to be available until any way of worth, so it doesn't really matter. Um, the one guy who is

appearing on way of wise is Ed Langdon as well. So, and it's kind of weird because he's dropped

under that 40% iron, but he's put up back to back good scores now. So, I'm in the Shoeva league and it is

just, it's so hard to find good mids if he's somehow available there, get him, but those leagues are

pretty switched on with their waivers. Yeah, they're kind of the perfect guy that usually sits as a

fringe player. Yeah, M7, depending how deep your league goes. Yeah, and it'll come on and he'll score

and he'll play every week, which in that midfield, I'm the last year we were talking about Kononash,

it was so deep in the draft that you managed to find Kononash. Yeah, she's got a good memory.

Yeah, thanks mate. I like the thing, so, um, but there's just guys like that this year. I've got a

couple of drafts that I'm looking for a mid, um, I had four midfielders out and I was not a single

mid available that's played in the last couple of weeks on the way, so it's, it's tough going out there.

There are a thousand. Um, Steven May, now this is a serious question which I never thought would get to.

102 points is he too good for the podcast? Now, he had a 46 point first quarter and it was pretty

funny like my five year old son, we were chanting Steven May from the couch on, uh, on Wednesday night.

Steven May, he thought it was the funnest thing ever because every time we got a touch, we would go off

and, uh, look, he's averaging seven hours for the season, but he had an injury affected score of,

I think, 29 or something like that in there. I know that was in a half of 47. Probably would have been a

stinky score anyway, but we'll write that one off, uh, because we are selected for our stats. Um,

he's only scored 80 under once under, under 80 once this season without that injury,

effect score and that was a 70. So what do you think? He's averaging, yeah, 79 probably 80 without that

in, in, in your effect, the score. It's an interesting one. Steven May is someone I've always been a

fan of. He's tended to be in a lot more of my draft teams each year than I would like to admit. Um,

but this year, I think there's that uptick in kick-ins. He seems to be taking the kick-ins week in

week out and just a little bit slower movement. Yeah. Um, allowing some of the, the good foot

skills players to get involved. I don't know that I'd say he's too good for the podcast. I'm not sure I

quite stretched that far. No. But again, absolutely. He looks like that's what he's going to be doing

for the rest of the year. I don't think we're looking at something that is not consistent or sustainable.

So what is the, what is the average for the rest of the year? What's his average? Come the end of

this season. Come the end of the season. I, I'd like to say it's that mid to, more low to mid 80s.

Yeah. It's probably where I see it. Yeah. I, I see a few more lower games coming. I think it's

probably around the, the 79 mark that it is is probably close to where it's going to finish,

I think, but that look pretty handy own for people that picked him up because it would have been

late in your drafts as well. I got, I actually had a question come through on discord.

Would you drop Steven Maid's pick up Jace Burgoyne? Surely. Oh, like how, in my first thought is

how thin is your league to those of you two? Yeah. I look at most of my own leagues and I'm thinking

there is, there's got to be someone else. Yeah. Just with flexibility, DPP and otherwise. I wouldn't

personally all be it. There's a feminine excitement coming from there, but I'll leave that to you.

We've got that coming up. I thought, I thought the same because Steven Maid's just so safe for like

that 70 each week. So I wouldn't be dropping him. Whereas someone like Burgoyne could be in and

out of the side as if things don't go his way. Tip of the cap to Jake Leaver, 96 points there.

Cosy Pickett had 84 points. So kick two goals and had nine CBAs, which was I think a quite an

uptick for him in comparison to last week. I will get the numbers up in a second, but what are your

thoughts? Because like, if you didn't keep those two goals, like he's still not going 80 plus. So I

don't think like a lot of people get excited over the CBAs, but I don't know. Do you think that's

something we really do get excited about about Cosy Pickett or do you think it's still it's still

dependent on how well he goes in the scoring? So he had nine CBAs, which was 43% last week compared to

the four CBAs. So he had five extra this week. I think the thing that comes into my mind again,

I'm going back to 2023 and I'm thinking of Stado, you know, classic. I think bringing in Cosy Pickett

early in the year. Yeah. A couple of boom scores in the game. Absolutely let down by around 4 or 5.

And we see this right. I think matchup dependent, probably similar to an Isaac Rankin. You can

absolutely see weeks where his scoring is going to be impressive and he's going to be getting a

really nice role in the same vein. You're going to see plenty of weeks where he gets no CBAs. He's

going to be playing a deep forward. With guys like this, I like to look at matchups. And if they've

got some soft matchups in their run coming up, that's the perfect time to be streaming and getting

on the field. Good thinking. Because regardless of the CBAs, if he's going to kick three or four,

you're going to be pretty happy with that score. The Melbourne midfield, I mean, their scoring has

actually been deplorable all year thus far, you know, the down trading, Petraca, Oliver Viny, it's not

the roles of necessarily change, but they're actually not scoring well in that midfield. So

yeah, to be perfectly honest, on that note, I wouldn't actually be wanting to bring someone in

necessarily who's playing in the Melbourne midfield right now as well. That's fair point. Yeah,

so yeah, no, I'm on the page of the day. I think it's probably one of those things we just need to stop.

I feel like every time we get CBAs, we start talking about them, but I think it's something we have to

start ignoring on the podcast because it doesn't seem to affect things too much. Another tip of the

cap to Daniel Turner who scored 84 points scored three goals there. It was pretty impressive. I think

it was his first goals of, you know, he was I felt for that. That's what I think was. But yeah,

we'll have to keep going again. It was going to reach him as well. So we'll just keep an eye on

that one. Anyone else you want to add from that game? I just thought the interesting one,

Taj Mahoud and three sub performances to start the year. Yeah, last week low CBA at low CBA. He's low

time on ground. Yeah. Another uptick on time on ground looked quite good. And most importantly for me,

when I look at in these deeper leagues is the DPP status having the flexibility and it's a defender

forward. Yeah, it was given that last week, the four status was given that last week. I think there's

absolutely something to keep an eye on there. Yeah. I'm still not sure that he's probably on

this side. But having in for me, no waivers, 30 man deep leagues, having someone like that who's

probably S20 tour at least fringe with defender forward status is so nice to have late. So I'm

pretty sure he's been at least sub in every game, right? Except for maybe one. Yeah, so but like he's

been has even sub every week the whole year. Yeah, that's crazy. Oh, he used to games. Yeah,

in play for two. Yeah, five games, four subs. Yeah. So yeah, you're right, fringe, that kind of

fringe mark. The only thing like I think he's like a pretty good classic pick out because the

break even is really low because of those sub affected games. Just talking to Melbourne supporters

and I was talking about about this, because think about bringing him in, they just say, oh, well,

he's probably not going to play too much because they got BOW coming back in three weeks. I think

it is sailing will be back in three weeks. He might push him out long term. Yeah, but it was a good play.

Still a sub for the first few games of the year, even with those boys in the side. So they must

raid him highly enough. Yeah, don't be given up much for it to be fair. But if you've got a if you've

got a vacant spot or someone who's got a long term injury, bit of flexibility is never a bad thing.

Definitely. I don't mind him in classic because a bit of a three, four week play though as well.

All right, moving on to the Anzac Day game. I'm a pretty bloody good match really. Pretty awesome

to have on the day off to actually have a look. But not a lot to talk about in terms of a fantasy

perspective. Dyson Hepill keeps bombing up every second week. Like 107 points last week. I think he

had 60s before that, but two weeks before that. The gather round he had like nine yards. So I don't

know. I think he's just a good depth player for contending tanks, but still only a streamer wouldn't

you agree? Yeah, absolutely. I think that backline's really interesting as well. Redmond's

had a massive massively down trading year this year. Yeah. Ridley still out. McGraw's doing the things

ever I wanted to do last year. Hepill does push up to the wing a bit as well. He lines up on the wing.

Like he does play defense, obviously, but does line up on the wing. And I feel like those wingers,

like him and Dersmar pop up with better scores because of it, I think. Maybe just because they get

a bit forward and they are a bit more where a lot of teams are skipping the wings. They tend to use

their wings a little bit more because they don't go as forward as fast. Which we saw with Dersmas three

consecutive tons. Yeah. And now if anyone's brought him in classic or draft, you'd be pretty disappointed

off the last few weeks. I ended up having to field his 72. Actually, no, I chose his 72 over

Jagaloids 16. Oh, 172. You feel like a school you'd be okay to bank on until you see the other side

of the equation, right? Especially with Jagaloid scoring. I think 68 was, he's best school. We'll talk about

that in a second anyway. Brody Marchet just sipping the cap 85 points. There's like a heap of forwards,

like him, Charlie Dixon, like there's a few others that kind of just bob up with decent scores.

If you can pick the good week to stream them or if you like us, you play the Saturday lockout.

He's the type of forward you would loophole on your bench, but it still wouldn't feel great

starting him. That's all. But there's probably my check-on is out there that are happy with what

they saw in the weekend. So we thought we'd just tip the cap to him there. Jeroes versus Brisbane

Lions. Now, what a, I guess, what do you call dismantling of Brisbane Lions? I use

surprise. I tip the Lions. Did you? With all the outs. Yeah. And you go through some of these names.

Most of the monthly names that many people would be talking about prior to either this week or the

past few weeks. Yeah. Just didn't expect that. Well, the first one, we'll start with Jeroes. We'll

talk about Brisbane in more detail a bit later. But we'll start with JWS for now. So Fin Callahan

had his best score of the season, 108 points. And he's looking really, really good like that. Halfback,

like, I don't know. Well, he has sort of an uptick in CBAs this week, but he has since

Kineleo got injured. But he looks like that kind of halfback flanker outside type. Ken Gunn,

Midfield does. Well, that's what's great about him. But great touch. Moves really well with the

footy. Probably just needs to improve his kicking a little bit before he becomes a superstar. But

just the way he can break lines and things like that isn't absolutely going to the game at the

moment. So what do you think? Yeah. I guess we'd ever want to obviously be pretty happy to own him.

It's just like, do you think this run can continue given how he started? I think that's the hard part.

So my main keeper, I tried at 4 Fin Callahan last year, brought him in. So the start of the season,

probably somewhat underwhelming. Nothing more for, but certainly not the uptick, maybe one would have

hoped. Without Kineleo, I think we're pretty happy with the score this weekend without a doubt.

I'm not sure when all of the JWS names are back, we'll see that as a consistent team, not this

year, but we know that those JWS players over the next year or two, there's going to have to be some

transitions and some changes in terms of age and their plan moving forward. And I think Callahan is

very clearly big in those plans. So I think his stocks are probably lower than what they deserve to be.

I mean, a couple of years time, I expect him to be a star of the comp, but certainly, uh,

upper echelon. We're not far away from seeing, like,

Calon Ward retire. Stem Kineleo is like 30 pluses in here as well. These guys are going to move

down the pack and go on and people like Callahan are going to move up if midfield is his bag. I'm not

sure whether I'd prefer him on a half-back line or, um, or on a wing or... I've got a lot of half-backers.

I don't know, like, I'd like him there. I was not sure. I think the main issue he's going to have is

his versatility. Yeah. And he ends up being a bit of a Mr Fixer, so he ended up having some weeks

which is much better than others. Could be the second coming of Whitfield. I'll take that.

30 firsts. Who knows? Um, I'll talk about Calon Ward. Like, 92 points, like, I just think he's a

handy own for contending teams because they just seem to always go back to him. Like, there's, he's

never out of their midfield mix, you know, and we've been saying it probably for about four years now.

Calon was done. Like, they've got to stop using it in the midfield and he just, they just keep going

back to him. His nickname is cement head. I learnt on Thursday nights, which is awesome. I love that.

I'll bring him in if he's on my own. He wavers just for the nickname. Because I think he copped one

to the head and just got straight back up. Everyone else was, uh, a person he hit was injured as well.

Harry Paramann has been on the radar for a long time and keeps kind of dropping on and off. He had 102 points

and he was just everywhere in this game, taking marks and offense, then kicking goals at the round.

Like, he's a bit of a Mr Fix it too. Well, has been in the past. He's probably more resigned to the defensive

role these days, but it's kind of just good to see that he's still got it in him. I think, well, and

I just double checked because he's one of these players. I have a few in the league that I feel like

they've been around for so long and then you realize he's only 25. Yeah, suddenly you're like, oh,

gosh, he's got seven, eight years in him and he's just been around the bar, yeah, he finally found himself

a solidified role in this side again as players are moving on. Yeah, there's no reason he can't be doing it.

I think also with him as well, like, just been injury affected for the last year or so as well.

Like, takes a bit of time to get going again. And off the half-back line was where I liked him initially.

Like, and then he had his best scoring when he played like a cannibal midfield roles and stuff like that.

A couple seasons ago, but that's the kind of role that caught my eye and it was just good to see him put

up a good score again. Still have faith for someone like Harry Paraman. James Petling, I just kind of

mentioned that he had 81 points. That was his highest CBA usage for the year as well, but he's another

guy that you always kind of see in that midfield. So they're kind of earmarking someone like him.

Darcy Jones was a pretty outstanding debut. What are your thoughts just in terms of like his scoring?

So he scored 70 points in this game, which isn't huge, but still handy. Like, I'd take that in my

forward line every day of the week, but you've got Toby Green out, Brent Daniels out. Yeah, what are your thoughts?

First of all, I love the helmet. I was the support. I have to be supportive of the helmet.

And it's got the GWS colors as well. It's the charcoal and orange, it's perfect.

Well played, absolutely. Look, the role is not going to be fantastic for fantasy and I think they've got

a lot of players in a very similar mold. So it's really intriguing, but in the preseason,

there was actually a lot of talk about him getting a start earlier than this. So very much hyped in the

GWS camp. Again, I'm not sure I'd ever seen someone who's going to be averaging over the 60s kind of

mark, which leaves him probably as a streaming option. Yeah. I don't see his style of play being

conducive to moving into the midfield or anything quite like that. He's kind of like a Toby Bedford

Mark II type of thing and whether they need another one and all, you can just look at his scoring

and see what type of player he might be. Like a good real footballer, like on ground football,

but not maybe not fantasy, that's all. Just anyone who got on the Darcy Fort Stream last week as a

forward, you're welcome. No, no, two points. It's like just last, I think four games, he's

rocked solo. He's done 80 plus each time and now it's five games. He's rock solo. So hoping,

you never hope for injuries, but I'm kind of hoping Mekanoni needs another week because I could

really use a forward off his caliber right now. I was capable of an 80 plus, but I think he might

be back in the tooth as of this week. He's a hard one, right? I've got Oscar back in any, probably

two draft leagues that I tend to try and cuff because I just know the forward off score when I need him to.

Oscar back in any is my backup rock, but the only reason I've got four is because there's no obvious

backup at North Melbourne or all the, because I got cherries my number one. And none of the backup

rucks actually have ruck status. They're all defenders and forwards. So yeah, that's the only reason I

got four, but it was pretty in it. It's perfect player on the same. I've got Roma, you know, Jack Hayes,

I think so for what only if he does come in and God, no one wants to come capital to play. So

interesting to see how that pans out, but the same play is a great little cuff. Yeah. And all right,

Jared Berry is the last guy I need to speak about. So he had 85 points. He's put up three good scores

in a row now. And he probably should be too good for the podcast. But I was saying last week, I just

could not figure out why we're seeing this uptick in scoring. So like, yes, I thought maybe he's

roles different. Maybe he's lining up on the half back, lined a bit more, but like he's pushing

deep and getting a lot of touches back there, but he's still lining up on the wing at the center

bounces and all that sort of stuff. So my theory is that he didn't go on the Las Vegas trip

at the end of last. I'm not commenting on keeping more reservations. Yeah. So maybe that's maybe

that's the thing. Maybe he's the one out there going like, come on guys, let's all get along.

Let's be positive. Let's all, you know, maybe that's the, maybe that's the catalyst for his turn

around is scoring a lot of his touches in the back pocket, like a lot of his touches in the back pocket.

And again, he's a player that depending on the role, bit of a Mr Fix it, he can score on any given

week. And I think he's pretty, pretty well. He 80s every game by one this year and a couple of

big ceiling scores. So you'd be pretty happy as an owner. There's no doubt about that. And if he keeps

getting touches in the back line, well, maybe we'll say a little bit of flexibility in his role,

moving forward. Absolutely. Let's just touch on Brisbane in a football context. Are you surprised

with what you're seeing this year? Absolutely. Yeah. I like, I am. But the other thing is like, I

think of as well as like, how many times have you seen a team finish top four five years in a row?

Like it doesn't really, statistically it makes sense. Like when you're up and about,

this may be like maybe a Hawthorne back in the day, but even then I reckon then, you know,

2016 they went backwards outside of the top four type thing as well. So like, I don't know, like,

it's shocking because they made the grand final. They're so close to winning it last year. You

don't think that much changes in 12 months. Yes, it might have been some off-field issues. Like,

we're hearing, but I think as well, like, it's just very unlikely that you see a team up and

about for this long. I agree with that statement wholeheartedly, but I think the issue and the reason

that such a surprise for me is there's not been any obvious change or maybe some behind the scenes

turmoil, but as far as the best 22, we're looking at injuries. Okay, Daniel Rich has gone kitty-com

and ACLs. He've lost kind of one key role player or at least one role in that side. But otherwise,

we haven't seen any major retirements. We haven't seen significant turn of players going to

out the clubs. There's not really a genuine, you can put your finger on why they're so bad compared

to the end of last year. That's the hard part. I think with these kind of things, there's a Brisbane

fan you'd be pulling your hair out saying, "What's the role?" Yeah, 100%. So I don't know, it's worry

signs because the season could be done basically. Yeah, one less contender come September. It's

probably a good thing for fans of other clubs. Anyway, let's move on to the Port Adelaide versus

St. Cuderdate game. I went to this game. Do you know the best thing about this game? I didn't see the

game so I'm intrigued. Watching Henrik Stenson launch golf balls from the Golf Square landing one

on the Colbs logo in the middle, second try to win someone in the crowd car. I do not hear about this

whatsoever. I know, I would have found a way. It's got absolutely no traction, but I'm pretty sure

I was Henrik Stenson. I wasn't really listening when they announced it and then went in like, I was like,

"Oh, someone's having a hidden golf." It was a bit of a really bad golf for myself. It was just

fun to see. And then I was like, "Hold on a second." He's actually landed this in the center circle.

And then the second time he landed on the Colbs logo. It was just good lighting go to live golf,

in Adelaide, but it was just awesome to see a professional golfer up close like that.

I must admit, and again, politically, I'm not going to end the politics on this podcast, but

no matter who you are for entertainment and for sport, now I'm asking this is absolutely

done wonders, you know, gather around, live golf. The vibes in Adelaide, if you're not in Adelaide,

get over here because it's been an absolute blast in terms of entertainment.

Yeah, last few weeks has been a lot going on. Now we're going to have an action for

effectively until the French festival starts next year, but yeah, it's been a good time in Adelaide.

And yeah, just amazing to see and some, I don't think they were backing him to be able to do it.

Like to land one. It's a pretty big offering. It's not a $1,000 sort of voucher.

It's a brand new car. It's like 100 metres had to land it on a circle no bigger than this table.

You know, and he does it second try. It's incredible. So good.

Professional golf is different breed because it is a very difficult sport.

All right, I got a message on Saturday night from Damon who was on the podcast last week.

Just saying, give yourself a victory lap on the podcast about Jace Burgoyne. 112 points this week.

Starts on the wing, but plays that half-back role. Like pushes back, plays that kind of defensive wing.

It's like kick all the kicks along that half-back line.

Just always seems to be in the right spot to receive the ball. That's the thing I've noticed in the

last few weeks. Like if there's a bailout handball or nothing's going forward, he'll be the option sideways

to kind of give it to him and he'll kind of deal with how he does from there. So, Jace Burgoyne,

the thing is, like, I just still wouldn't be surprised if we see him managed or...

I just wanted to ask. As a port fan, where do you really see him in this best 22?

Do we think he is best 22? Do we think he's still building? So they're not going to be

going to a meeting every week? Yeah. So, with Burton out last week, I would have been like,

I would love to see Jace Burgoyne replace him on the half-back flank. I'm not the biggest

Burton fan, but we saw Dylan Williams come in who wasn't terribly there. So, he kind of takes

over that role straight up. I can see Burgoyne being like the bowk him in bowk kind of rotated

a little bit on that wing. Because I think Miles Burgoyne's been more of the senior player.

It's been more important to the structure in the way we go for and things like that.

You can actually say port has a structure in a game plan and whatever. But yeah, I'm still not

sold on Jace Burgoyne. I'm trying to say like, really good showing the last couple of weeks.

But yeah, I still need to be proven that he's not going to be subbed or start as the sub or allow

boat to come in and play a few more games before he retires type thing as well or just use a senior

head when the going gets tough and stuff like that. So, great score. Happy to take the victory lap,

but still on a sold. I want to see a little bit more from Jace Burgoyne. Do you think that's fair?

I think so. Again, I didn't see this particular game. One of the few I didn't catch this weekend.

But all reports are fantastic and I think this is just sort of a talent in that side and just

finding the right roles and the right pieces is going to be pretty key to port success moving forward.

100% you've hit the nail on the head there. There's a lot of talent in that side. Not a lot of

game plan and management going on, but we won't get me started. We're going to talk about Hingley.

We won't get me started on the couch. Bottom 10 Ken, I think the media started calling him.

So people start to see the things I've been saying for about the last seven years, but

seven years. God damn it. Jordan's suite came to the side, a bit of a shock to Soldo having surgery.

Do you mean the week? But yeah, he's put up 96 AFL fans. He points and actually 128 in super coach

as well. I moved early and got him in my super coach team this week, but I had role martial

on field who scored me 61. So, yeah, yeah. I might prefer on out there my super coach ranks now

just inside the top 1000 as opposed to being 27th a few weeks ago. Look, still better

than me in any format. So, I cannot say anything. Royal martial with the number one factor as

the wall of going back. But anyway, sweet game of birth. Royal martial did cop and knock early in the

game. That probably did did factor in, but like, sweet has six weeks to prove himself. And this is,

he's made a very good start. Oh, I look at something that I feel somewhat more available to talk about

as a former doggy's player. Really hot wraps. I think the reality was just going to be,

Tim English is going to be a rock for the next 10 years. Yeah. How can we afford this guy at

game time? He's too good to play in the VFL and I think he showed that on the weekend. Really talented.

I think he's best part of his game is his head out to advantage. I think he's a genuinely good tap

rockman. And he showed that he has a bit more to add around the ground and a bit of a cuddle too

from time to time. So, look, really hot on him in all formats. I also moved two leagues. I've

streamed rucks this year. Yeah. I've been running Bayley Williams and both of them and then brought

Jordan Sweden straight on field this week. Well, this is the thing I was going to ask you. So,

I've asked you some of you forums. What would you be? Your thoughts on cutting,

raw martial, going sideways to a midfielder and playing sweet on field?

Ooh. I mean, you've got to have an exit play and that's probably the hard part. I know we've

got a fair bit of time to run through that. I think the net points per dollar is absolutely

going to be much better for Jordan. Sweet. Yeah. Bit of a hard one. We don't intend to not say

tragic premiums in a new format, but could mean I have a Tom Green in my midfield. I think it

depends what rookies people are running still because instead of like a sharp or something like that.

If you can move on someone who's struggling and you know, really don't want to be in your

saw, there's absolutely a reason to make that play. Yeah.

Anyways, Darsing Wilson is owned in too many leagues now. One of the better draft days of this year

went very high in most K-Polee drafts. So, I don't really need a touch in too much, but

GZ looks good on that wing. And to be fair, he's actually sitting on a few waves. I'm a quick look today. I think he's been

building into the season nicely. Couple of lower schools. I think this one really, really

announced himself. He's still a wingman. That role is versus is going to be up one week and down the next.

Yeah. But it looks like a great footballer for you to come.

He was in Super Coach. I played, I'd always did the opposite in AFL Fantasy. So, I played him in

AFL Fantasy, hence one of my rankings going up in AFL Fantasy. Didn't play in Super Coach,

played Hugo Garcia, thinking contested games. Guy loves a tackle. Yeah. This guy should go better.

Darcy Wilson pumped him. So, that's another reason why I'm going down in Super Coach. Let's move on

to North Melbourne versus the Crowe's. Locky's shot, 106 points. Push Nank over spectacular half-back

role and then push cook forward a little bit as well, I think as well. But score pretty well. 106

points. He's just not someone you can rely on each week. I just don't know if he's going to be in my

side. Again, two leagues, pretty short of midfielders when he plays stoked, but I don't know what he's going to play.

Yeah, I picked him up off the waivers in the Sheveleg, a play in winnings named. He seems to score pretty

well. I've done better than both of them, but it's a handy one to own. It's just whether you can hold

him on the bench for the week, he's not playing. Slime retired today as well. Yeah, we've been used

the other day. Slime's not only probably been playing the wing in the last couple of seasons as well,

so it might just be one less person, although I don't think anyone actually expected Slime to come back.

Really? No, not necessarily, but I always find that big names of the game, you see the retirements,

it still brings a bit of a nostalgic factor and you think, "Oh, you know, I've had a good day."

I mean, 16 seasons, I think he's had a cracking run out of this side. Yeah, and Captain for a lot of

that as well. That's right. Yeah. I was at Rankin as the next one. So I only got the nine CBAs this week,

which is the 94 points he got at the end of that. Four goals to get his score. Like, is it

annoying that the role keeps changing each week or should we be happy that he's playing enough

forward to keep his four status going into the next season? Yeah, I think that's spot on. If he scored

anything less than that against North Melbourne, you'd probably be disappointed in the realities you

almost want him forward in that game, so he can kick a bag. The flexibility is the added benefit

to the game, particularly in Cape Leagues. I think there's no doubt I traded for him in a league this year.

I love to think I fleec DC, he's got Clayton Oliver and I've got five players in return. Oh wow.

I was at Rankin being one of them and yeah, you want to see that. You don't want him to be in the lead.

Yeah, not beneficial to anyone, especially if you're not a contending team and you've got next season

or season after to build. If he can keep that four status, you're going to be very happy.

Braden Cook 92 points, three goals. I just don't get excited by these types of plays anymore. I

don't know. He has looked good last few weeks and when I was at the Crow's game, the other way,

a lot of people telling me I've got a pain more attention to him and could be a fantasy player

for the future, but in the Crow side where things just keep changing continually. I don't know,

I'm not excited just yet, but more of a tip of the cap this week, but I would think Watchlist

he's not on there, whether I'll miss a trick, I guess we'll find out. Yeah. And Josh Warro had 87

points. Again, I don't really like the role because he does play more of a taller,

more like an intercept defender, I guess, but had nine marks back there. Probably a tip of the cap,

but as a real footballer, I think Crow's a pretty happy with the way he's gone last few weeks.

So yeah, looks like a handy player going forward. All right, let's read some gold. Members,

thank you to Matt Roach, James Hodg, James Wishart, Jackson Chikobi, Dallas Roberts, David Overall.

Oh God. Nicholas Chris Nourage, William Lane, Jeff Saunders, Alexander Hooper, Adam Ritchie,

Fraser, Mascotelli, Ryan Cisgetti, James Hanigar and Chris C, apologies for the names I have

but you did Chris C's name actually Chris C or did you just shorten it to another one? No, he does,

I think Chris C doesn't want to be identified, but now all Chris C's leg mates probably trying to

work out who Chris C is so sorry about putting that in there. Thank you to those legends, though.

You're the ones that keep the podcast going each week. Yeah, and you're the ones who've committed

to supporting it. So thank you so much. Hopefully you're enjoying all the bonus resources and stats and

all the extra bits and pieces you get on the website as a result for your support. Anyway,

so let's continue on with the round review. All right, Jolong versus Calden. CamGa3 is the first name

to talk about here. So you had 104 points, but then like you've started on the backline, but then you've

got moved into the midfield when danger got injured. We've seen this actually like a few times

over the last few weeks like Jack Bowes coming into a place danger field and stuff like that, but

can a CamGa3 be a player that continues? I want to say yes. Jolong Jesus as a coin by myself a

couple of years back. Obviously significant long-term injury. I was wondering if he came in defense as a

kind of find his way back into the side, find his way back at a FL level. That was my gut for you.

Yeah. Then obviously straightaway taking the reins with danger injury. I think that makes

the logical sense for him. Obviously Stuart was out this week. There's a lot of chain of something

in there. Actually, this was the start to, does play that all, he's played more defense this year,

but has played the inside role in the past, but I don't think he's going to come straight back

into the midfield. Yeah, I don't think I could sit here and put my name on it and say absolutely

he could do either. I think he can do both. It's just going to be where they shift the magnets with

this danger injury. Yeah, 100%. We seem like Matthew Kennedy in the last few weeks for Carlton,

just played a variety of roles and it's been very hard to know where to place him and we'll talk about

him in a sec, but he was back in the midfield this week, but there's injuries and stuff that changed

the dynamic of that. Speaking of gut 3, is that gut 3 had 95 points? I've been ignoring him. He's

been pulling out things like that. He's called last couple weeks, but it's just like it's that

gut 3, he revert to type, like he'll just go missing. But like, do we start, have to take notice or

is it like just Tom Stewart's out? He's picked up the points there. I think we have to cop the one

week of, okay, Tom Stewart's out and then refresh next week. Because he did it last week as well,

but Tom Stewart's out of the game early as well. Exactly. He sits there pretty well as my first

emergency for a bunch of leagues. He just sits there as the guy who score comes on in five in injury,

he slides his way out of the field. He does enough week in week out quite honestly, and these

ceilings schools just create a little bit more of a potential VM as a player. I don't see them being,

I think we see the floor. There's not going to be significant change there, but if we see these

injuries, then it's the right time to stream him and know that he's going to have an uptick for

any given week when he needs to fill that roll. Yeah, I like the logic behind that as well,

or just see if like, you know, Boeys is going into the midfield and stuff like that to replace

danger and that sort of stuff as well. Jacob Weedering, 104 points, I think he's a starter these days.

Lucky you can go around that kind of 80 range quite easily. I'm not actually sure what he's

I want to see everything 84. That's right at the top of the head, so we'll see if I'm any good once we

check some stats here, but he has been great and I reckon I might have I might have somehow

nabbed him after the draft in one of my leagues. 85, 84, 84.84. You're on the money.

I only had one low score of 45 in round six, so yeah, like he's definitely fieldable. There's

probably better defenders out there. I think they probably make my field at the moment,

so I'd be happy with that. Matthew Kennedy, we mentioned before, 104 points, 26 CPAs this week.

So he was been the mr. Fix at last few weeks, placed everywhere. Everyone said he's based essentially

this year's version of Silvani, Jackson Vani, because when there's a fix it, you know, he goes there.

So there was no half-back roll for him to cover this week's exact Williams game will stay in the side.

So like, he scored that 104 points in the midfield, but then my next question is what happens when

Chera comes back, because he's good scoring this season does coincide with Chera being out.

I think it's a really fun one, because everyone in the classic side of the game is screaming

out for forwards, and I think a lot of people, I wouldn't surprise me to see him as top five traded

in this week on the back of that performance, and I couldn't do it. I just couldn't, I don't have

any trust in faith in that role. And we've seen this year after he--

We can't really. It doesn't change, doesn't it? Not just role, but if he's in and out of the side,

I definitely think he's best 22 these days, but like we've seen year after year that it changes

week to week to week. Yeah. For the draft format, we kind of know that, and you can back,

like you can factor that risk in as to when you're picking them up or who you're trading for them.

In the classic side of the game, the last thing you want is someone at that process a two-week play.

So yeah, exciting for owners, but I wouldn't be suddenly looking like them as I return.

No, definitely. What Damon mentioned last week, though, was now that he's a forward,

it gets a lot easier to put him on your field. True, like you don't have to stress as much,

because he's still-- whatever he's doing is probably still going to be better than most of the forwards.

A great team anyway, so yeah, you'd be pretty happy if you got the mechanical inside, I think at the moment.

Time to coning at 86 points is been surprising despite like sharing the rock roll again.

Things are probably on track for four status, going by the last two games with PitNet being in

there a lot. I'll have to check the splits right now, but I reckon he would be around the

mugs. Just give me two seconds for me. Yeah, I think. I think on that super quickly, I think he's

really impressive. And we've talked about it for years, and a lot of people are holding in

keepers, waiting for this breakout, and he's impressed me with the scoring in a dual setup.

He's clearly done it to start the year without it, but now he's got the dual setup and he's still

finding a way. Yeah, so he's got 27% of the CBAs to PitNet's 73. So most of the time, one of them

is playing-- well, he's playing it forward in those times. Assuming he's not starting on the bench

every time, which I don't think he was. So yeah, that's forwards status range. He would be a player

I'd be targeting now just in-- he can't target him in trades now because he's scoring too well still.

If he's scoring drops off the next few weeks, A is one I think you go after because

there is a world where they drop PitNet back again and put him in number one ruck.

I think I agree with you, but I think there's leagues out there where you'll find him on the bench.

And if that's their second ruck and they're running a really classy, you know, Tim English, Max Gorn top.

In our league, the top team has got Darcy in a ruck and he's playing to Cunning on the bench.

Yeah, so those kind of trades, especially for top teams, contending teams that might just need one

other player on field to boost their scoring by another 20 points. I actually still like the trade.

Depending what you're going to pay, don't pay overs for it. Yeah.

But if you need a ruck, he's going to get ruck forward status. You'd be pretty stoked for that to

finish the year off. It is a pun to that you'll get it, but it's something good in the moment for the

last two weeks. The other one is a larger Holland, seven eight points. I just don't know what to make of

this guy. Like a lot of people messaged us and he's like, "What about larger Holland's? Talk about larger

homes." And it's because he was like that good underage scorer, but it was in that year, the COVID

year, where everyone was a bit skewed, like no one's really come on as much. I don't know. I don't

love his role because he needed two gold for two goals for scoring to score that seven eight points.

What do you feel about a larger Holland? Probably a similar player to we spoke about like a Darcy

Jones in the sense of not in the same way that they played the game, but in the way of really good

footballer. You'd be pretty stoked that he's coming through and he's to come, but I'm just not sure

I see him taking that leap at least not in the short term. I think he's shown that he can play in a role

which is fantasy scoring and fantasy relevant, but I don't think he will be in the cult inside,

barring some pretty significant injuries. But we've seen the likes of Matt Kennedy and a few others

take over CDAs. I think a larger Holland could play that role, but seems a more traditional kind of

wingman goes forward, half forward, kicks him goals, talent without being fantasy on a real T-at-all.

I'm, yeah, like he's shown some talent. The talent is what people get, gets people I think,

but just the role side of things that are forward, that wings just never great for the fantasy

scoring unless he shakes out, it's probably going to have much change. All right, there's a lot

to talk about in this free mantle, Western Borders game. The biggest thing is not five. He's 118

points. He's way back the clock. Now, has he returned? Can we count on five from now on?

Well, I think the problem that we're talking about here is how many years do we actually expect

for us to play this year, next year? Yeah. And what do we actually expect out of that? I think

they become a lot less relevant this late in their career. You kind of need to have them

where you don't. You're not suddenly making trades for players who you might have for a single season.

Yeah. He did look good, but no, I don't. I'm not going to sit here and say he's returned and

he's in the brown, lo and he's in the blue. It's more on the flip side. If you own five and you're not

top four top 16, you're selling him. Absolutely. Are you buying? If you are a top team?

I think you can buy. Again, having a good understanding as to where you're depth in the forward

lines. The reality is, as I'm in forward, he becomes a lot more appealing with the role that he's

playing. And he is going to be good enough to play on most teams fields. So as a top team, you could

buy, but you wouldn't want to be selling the farm for a 30, 45 year old kind of player, which,

I mean, I can only make an assumption. Someone's going to tell me that now for 30 and he's got

years left in him and all that. I'll eat my words, but I have a sneaking suspicion. That's probably

not the case. I have sold farms for premierships before. And it's, you know, do you think Files

are going to win your premiership? I'm not. I'm not going to make that cool. Just a comparative trade.

Errol Gouldn Gordon's first season. So I think he got injured half way through the year and didn't play.

Yep. I traded him out for Patrick Dangerfield, who was a forward at the time. And it

single handedly won me the flag that trade. I don't regret it for a second. I wish I had

Gordon there, but because I had that flag in the bag, it's like, it feels like it was totally worth it.

So interestingly, same year I had my first first draft, keeper draft with that chat boys.

Yeah. And I picked Dangerfield before I picked Josh Dunnley because I thought Dangerfield was

more likely to retain for what's next. Yeah. Again, on the flip side, not too happy with that pick.

But yes, if you're in a single season, you've got a week's point in your forward line. Yeah.

Files can absolutely do the job for you. Yeah. And it might be the punt that you need to win that flag

as well. So I wouldn't, I wouldn't knock anyone for trying it. That's just sure.

Bailey Bannfield had 94 points. He's been in like a bit of a half back role this season. He's

listed forward in a, in a fantasy and pretty sure. So I just seemed like one of those games where

everything went his way. And I'm just not sure what to make of him on the half back line, like whether

maintains or whether, you know, I don't know. What do you have thoughts on Bailey Bannfield?

Well, for any listens to our show, Urban is, you know, a feature of semi-regularity. He's a

free-o-fan. Yeah. And I've never seen so much Bailey Bannfield at. He just was not a fan, even of

this performance. I think he wants him to be dropped. So that surprised me. But I haven't heard a little

bit of that from free-o-fans. I quite like him. I think if it's the role really well, but free-o-fans

tend to give me a little bit of a different dialogue. And you never, I never like players when

they're own fans. I don't want them in the side. That's fair point. No, I would probably be

of one if for now, but good score there. Bailey Bannfield. I don't think the free-o-fans are

disappointed with Josh Tracey though last few weeks. So 85 points this week just showing some

awesome signs. Like, I'm not sure he's going to get to that Kerno Firdable Key Forward every week.

I'm in a type of thing. We say he's going to win a Coltman. That's what I mean. I don't think he's

going to get to that level. Well, not yet. I haven't seen signs. But like, I think he will be a

like a good F5. Like the top team in our league is playing in the F5 at the moment. And he's going,

he's going fine. There's 12 team like, you know, it's like, it's less of 38 or something like that.

So like, he's going okay with him there. And I think it's a pretty reasonable option. If not,

like he has a very decent streamer option for the games that free-mantle get on top. Yeah.

So yeah, no. He's one I think he should be looking at if you need a forward. Now, Bailey Dail,

I got a message from my mate Pugs on Saturday night and say, "Hey, you were wrong about Bailey Dail."

I was like, "What did I say?" And he's like, "You said he won't get 160 again." And he was on 84,

quarter time, half time or something like that. And so I said, "I'd give him a apology if he got 160

again." You only got 134. So bad luck. I mean, it's a pretty, it's a pretty safe call to make

that he's not going back to that one, 60. So I like that you really hung your hat out on that one.

The thing is though, I did say that there are a lot of points going around in that Bordog's defense.

Being a Bordog's man, I'm sure you've noticed it. What do you think the reason for this is,

is it struggling to move the ball forwards or is it just part of your game plan? What do you think?

Oh, I wish I had an answer for this one. I think if I did, then maybe I'd get a look at

the coaching key because you talk about Ken and I can talk about Bebo for days. Yeah, well,

I just got a flag. Well, yeah, that again eight years ago starting to, starting to dwindle

with the relevance of the set. I'd rather that than 13 without a flag. Fair, absolutely fair.

13, 11, 12, some of that. Yeah. I just can't pick it. Honestly, you know,

Caledonian in the twos, then he's the sub. I just can't justify what's happening. I think

an interesting part of our loss on the weekend, Boku playing really well as an intercept defender,

but finding himself being left accountable a lot. I think there's going to have to be some changes.

The guys that are getting the ball and distributing the ball, that's great. But at the same time,

we've just lost to Fria who I don't think are a top eight side. So that doesn't fill me with

confidence that for these guys, their roles are going to stay the same. I think it's still going to

be changed to come week in week out. Pretty funny this guy was subbed all the sub two weeks ago,

and he's put up what, two under 90 points. Maybe. I must admit, I like the sub being used in a

disciplinary bit of a rocket, you know, so to speak. I wanted to say, hang on a sec, like, check

yourself. You were all Australian a couple years ago. Yeah, I don't mind that. Bring the best out of

yourself. And that's what it did. I mean, he's pretty happy as an owner. He's already 148 or something

on the past two. Same to nothing for Rolly Sanders, unfortunately.

Sam Darcy, 94 points, also showing good signs. Just more of a super coach favorite at the moment,

but still putting up some good scores. Like, it's just like one week off, one week on, you know,

type thing. He looks like an absolute jet. Pretty exciting. I think Darcy commentating. Sam was probably

an interesting one. I don't know how often that tends to happen, but yeah, absolutely get around him,

just he chops out enough in the rock to get a few extra points that way. Yeah, he's a test of

markings great. He's going to kick a few goals. He just feels the stat one for a key forward. Yeah,

definitely. And the other one is like just mentioned as Ed Richards is playing in the midfielders,

like an accountable midfielder. And it's just funny because like you're looking for guys getting

CBAs, but the halfbacks are scoring more than the, you know, more along that line. So, but just a

one to note that, yeah, if he does go back, he might start scoring a bit better, but I think he's

pretty safe for like a 70 in that role as well. So it might be, it might be a play. Probably

unders what you would have paid for him when you were drafting it started a year. That's the

reality. You would have thought it'd take some weeks to leave. But you're almost hoping that he's

probably a high 80s guy. So 70s, you'd probably not too happy with that. For sure. I was going to

the goal cost of us. West Coast, he was game. We'll pal 84 points. I just don't know what to make of him

this year. Like that was a better showing, but like closely, I guess as Flanders is coming to the side

and just taking up, sorry, coming to the half back line and just taking everything because like

Closys playing on the wing a bit more like, I guess he does push back a little bit, but yeah, I think

it's just you're going to get games where it just, you know, you're planning as West Coast lesser

opposition score, okay? I just really don't like him at the moment with Flanders on the halfback line

just using up all the footies. Simple as that. I wouldn't be too happy as an owner. You'd like to

think that potentially as things get a bit more settled with Dimmer that there's going to be a clearer

role, but whether that's a positive or a negative, we're still going to wait for Flanders.

Well Graham had 84 points, just a tackling machine. So when he can get games where he can chase people

down and get those tackles, like they're using in the midfield often enough. So that's pretty

positive thing to see for people that have either draft him or picked him up off waivers.

And a couple of games in the NT in the next couple of weeks. There are a lot of tackles to be had up there.

A lot of tackles to be had. So you would be pretty stoked and definitely streamer option. I think he

should be only field in most formats for those couple of games up in Darwin. That was actually his

lowest CBA game and still put up one of his better scores, say good signs there. Jake Rogers had 69

points. He was a good underage squad. That's the reason why I mentioned him even though he didn't score

super fantastically, but he's going to be used as a forward only, I think for the first few

seasons, because even like with Graham is a deep midfield, then how much you like stocky put in

young players coming into that midfield? Well, it's a funny question that you ask. I saw someone

post on socials and I'm assuming somewhat time in cheek, but so many of their players having

DP based status. Yeah. He's like, what do you think about my ins this week? And it was completing an

eight person Gold Coast midfield. So flam as he did slid in and closey and will Graham. And

Jake Rogers was the final point of an eight man Gold Coast midfield. So it's Humphrey's four-on.

I mean, are you happy with where? Are we flying? No, absolutely not, but I suppose you could have a

pretty decent Gold Coast midfield. Nice forward only anyways, it doesn't matter. I think just with

some of these guys, the flamers, obviously a couple of the big names and the rest took Sanis and

well, the worst midfield in fantasy, wouldn't it? No, I wouldn't have thought so, but he's

flying forward. He's not really going to be moving into that midfield any time soon. No, I can't see it.

And the only one for West Coast was Jack Petri Chely had 98 points, lots of midfield time. We saw

this last season where he had, I guess, quite an uptick in CBAs in some games and generally went 80 plus in

those games where he did. And we saw it in the pre-season, but didn't really happen come round one.

Haley Reed was out. So I feel like he might have just... It's kind of what I was thinking about.

I wouldn't look too far past the Haley Reed out. If he's doing it again next week, then you might

start to think about it. Now speaking of doing it again this week, I'm tomorrow. I've got a bit of

a statement coming out on the socials TikTok Instagram and it's actually my public apology to

Jake Warteman, Truthers, out there. 390 plus scores. Now he's officially took it for the podcast. Two

weeks ago, I basically said it's never going to happen again. And now he's actually a very viable

f-futable f-4 option out there, maybe even f-3. He has at his three probably easiest matchups for

the season. We'll see how it goes from then onwards. But like I said, last week he did actually have

his 70 last season as well, which he'd take as a four every day. He finds a way to keep some

big goals between the sticks and the reality is is that's worth a 50 points. Exactly.

So it keeps up that run, right? You'd be pretty stoked. Yeah, definitely keep those hate comments

coming up in my TikTok account about the bagging Jake Warteman because it keeps the algorithm going.

Can I get lots of views? So yeah, but yeah, tomorrow will be the public apology. So I'll look forward

to all the riff raff on that comment section there. Last game of the round, we'll get through it

quite quickly. So Jake can actually get back to work. He's kind enough to turn his on his lunch break.

I love it, right? Yeah, Jack Scream sure is the first one. Now he's on the bubble, I think,

for the two good for the podcast. 87 points this week. Is he picking up more points as Cicely plays?

Is more of a key defender, do you think? Oh, absolutely. Weedly enough, I grabbed him off of

a wave this week. I'm not sure what happened there. I'm not sure that that's something that you'd be

seeing in too many leagues, but pretty stoked. I had Tom Stewart out. Jack Scream sure was a nice

little replacement. Happy days. Well, I feel sorry for Simo who writes for the website. I gave him

the advice to drop Scream sure I think in round one or two. Yeah, he's kind of good to say, yeah,

and I'm really good at fantasy. I love that, I don't have a crystal ball, right? I'm just guessing.

Like all of us. Oliver Florent had 131 points. This was on a 64 point last quarter. That's a

say. 64 points in a quarter. I think Kaze was on top in his matchup and then Florent came through

and just finished him. Yeah, you would hate 64 points of last quarter. Well, I just saw in the

group chat was fucking. Yeah, pretty funny there. I think he might be too good for the podcast as

well. I just don't numbers, but you're not expecting a 64 point last quarter each week. That's

for sure. No, I think what marks, I mean, the junk in that backline is obscene as my 12 for Blakey,

Gordon, Lloyd, Ken for Florent, Nine for Cunningham, McCarton, Roberts. Even six. Louis Melligan put

up a 72. Yeah, if any heartchat listeners were running with Mellicans as a statistic now as they

had good a player is, well, it's what 72 this week. So not many players even put up two Louis Mellicans,

which says, says a lot about how that game transpired for Sydney fans. Yeah, that's a fair call.

Well, you mentioned Jake Lloyd, I mentioned I dropped him on the weekend. I've got some new data

on the back of this. So he scored 120 points on the wake up bench. He's now averaging 100 this season

at the MCG. So three games at the G. He's got an average of 100 at the G. He's averaging 61

at the SCG. So it might be something to do with the bigger grounds playing on that wing, but Jayse,

there's getting a lot of cheaps. I just, this week, I think this game all at all as Sydney fans or

anyone with Sydney defenders, it's definitely not something to expect every week. But I'm definitely

going to stream Jake Lloyd the next time he plays at MCG. I'll probably put him back on field and just

like cop the 60s for the week that you're going to cop the 100, but I'm not going to try to pick it.

And the last one for this game was Justin Macanoni. He was actually subbed out, but had 86 points

with his newly crowned forward status. Only the six CBAs this week. So like it's great that you can

still score without him, but it's just going to highlight the changing nature of Sydney and they

just rotate so many things in there. Luke Parker is going to come back in this week. Who's that going to

affect all that sort of stuff? Do they rest? Taylor Adams came off with a bit of a knock. So I make

my mind every week. That's true. That might manage him this week. I don't know what it's going to affect,

but there's a lot of different things changing all the time at Sydney. So just keep your eyes on that

to see what happens. The last lot of goal members, I have to read out 30 per episode to get through

them all in a season. Thank you to John Kenyon Henry Katz Tyler Wagner, Brenton Hull, Andrew C,

Johnny Utah, KJ Mann, knock bow, Don, Cameron Leicester, Tristan Singh, Brad Asher, Richard Able, Jerry

Naden, Nick Chils Lesky, Chilesky, Chilesky. Thank you. And Daniel Schmidt again. Thank you,

those goal members keeping this podcast going. We'll rush through the questions. One quick question is

getting Andrew C as Chris C's brother. I was thinking that is low on a red air. Yes, I think

definitely. That's how this works. Maybe they're saying I'm just C. Let's get through the questions

quickly so you can get back to work. Hobb, travel, I1,4. What has happened to Trudge Watch? The boy

is killing it in the VFL still. Any chance of supplementary signing? Are you privy to a Trudge Watch?

I'm not. I'm going to have Connor look at this a bit blankly like I'm going to cover for you.

Someone K's and Dossie were on the podcast. They were obsessed with Joel Trudgeon, a VFL player who's

now played for three clubs in three seasons and he just puts up monster scores in the VFL

each year. I think he was Carlton, Box Hill, I think he's at Coburg Lines now as well. So he's not in

the NFL. I feel he had ones anymore. But yeah, I don't know. I feel and he is aware of the, he's aware

of Trudge Watch. He's actually great. I've got in contact with the page as well. I thought it was

Larry's, followed us on Instagram, sort of shit. I've got him on Instagram. My mod is well just

sent me a message and say, "We might do an interview or something like that." That's the question.

Let us know if you want to see Trudge Watch or I won't go out of my way to do it. But if there are

enough people out there that want me to check in with the Trudge. I saw the other one, the

All of American Aces boys got on top of that Darwin footballer. They had 81. Was that a prime

trade? Yeah, yeah. He's got a pretty big, I was about the same, most people probably know him. Yeah, yeah.

The prime is, but yeah, he won't touch us and he's like, "Here's the video to prove I actually had

them to." I've seen a lot of his videos. I wasn't sure if he was actually that good or he just had

like a social media presence, but you know, 80 touches. To be fair, you watch it and it just gives off

gets back to his eyes. Yeah, it's like the boys kind of feed the kind of a bit to get him up to the

actual. No, it would have been good for the socials. You can get anyone touches in game.

Major Van Bam is asking, is Jace Burgoyne playing wing and rolling up to the stoppage?

Yes, essentially that's what's happening. And Petra Chelley is asking is he playing mid? Again,

yes, he did this week, but Harley Reed's coming back. So just kind of ride it out to see what happens

there. At Leewood Bridge is asking, "I've got, I've been holding Ashcroft day meals all year,

but danger out injured has me down a mid. Should I cut him?" I think it depends entirely on what

you squad looks like, really. Danger food, like, he doesn't understand the hammy. He'll probably be

out for six weeks now. Yep, Dracon. Again, if you can cover him, keep him because he's worth

owning it if you can make the font. He's handy, but if he's going to struggle with Adam,

he teams down the bottom. He's not part of your future plans. I think it's safe to cut him.

You can't be running with a zero. Like it depends as well. If you've got a mid forward,

you can slide in there and your replacement is one of these guys that you've spoken about as a

prospective F5. We'll try and hold him on, but you can't be running a zero.

And with World Day, he returned last week, obviously, only scored 47 points, but they were

always saying he's going to be in a restricted mid-fib minutes for his first few weeks. So just

persists with him and he'll be good. Again, if you're not in contention, just run with it and

see how you go. Okay, so, Dilly Docker is asking, "What's a fair trade for Mills in a Keepleague?"

And I struggled to come up with an answer for this. I looked at my team, and I was like, "Who would

I trade out? What would I offer that I think the owner of Mills might say yes to?" And the only

player I could think of is like, maybe Jay called well in my team, but would I give up a forward

that's averaging 85? I wouldn't do that, Jay. Exactly. I mean, if I was the Mills, I'd do that trade.

Yeah, yeah, that's what I mean. But that's the only thing out. I guess I'm talking my team specifically,

there's not a lot more I would give. And even then, I don't think I would give it. Yeah, I wouldn't

give up, could well. Mills is one of those guys for me that if you're competing or the person that

has them is at this point of the year, you get a real feel as to where someone sits in the ladder,

right? So for me, if I use that home league, I mentioned underfaded, I'd be happy to bring in a

Mills or someone like that and give up someone that's playing pretty well at the moment, maybe slightly

overs because then come finals time. I'm really stoked. I have someone like Mills coming in. Whereas if

someone similarly is sitting there kind of top eight finals and they're sitting at 11th, they need

to move Mills on because they need some wins before finals and you try and low ball and get someone

a little bit cheaper. For me, I probably wouldn't be paying more than a bottom two fuelable player in my

side as in each line. So like a D5, D6. See for me, that's like Steven May. They're not going to go

for that. That's the type of thing. So I love the same thing. The only trade I could think of that would

maybe get it over the line, but I wouldn't want to do it. It's hard. It's probably something a bit less

than that with a few picks thrown in and it all depends on the context of where the teams are

that are trading him essentially. But always the owner, owner is going to overvalue it because he

knows he's coming back and then the guy trading has got undervalued it because he's trying to get

something a bit cheaper for a guy as injured. They never go well with those trades and they never fare

anyway and they most often don't actually come off. If someone has him and they're not looking like

playing finals right now but they think they're so good enough, they're the types of players that

I'd make because they're probably more inclined to move him on to get the wins they need to play.

Even my side, I'm a top four top three team in our league but I don't have faith in my side to

be like to win the flag so I'm still thinking of next year like I don't want to trade out for

someone like that. I want to keep my younger players in and stuff like that so yeah I wouldn't go

near it. Otherwise I'm throwing away a potential good future player for an injury guy, you know what I mean?

Give me one good reason to keep Gio Simkin instead of throwing my boy back in the pool in

disgust. Please anything I don't want to but it feels like a divorce is inevitable.

It's a good question. Can you give him a reason? I can give him a reason. I don't think I've

got most. Big up to get CBAs, 30 in their CBAs this week and anyone who has a Tom Pell in classic

would be well aware of Gio Simkin's up to get CBAs because apparently 34 from Tom Pell is a

forward is what we should expect so that role is somewhat interchangeable but North are still

looking quite poor. They've still only had how many wins five wins in the last five years or something

crazy. I'm hoping the power thing is just he needed a rest so they rested him forward but I don't

know like Gio Simkin did nothing on the weekend so like I don't know. Yeah, that's the reason I gave

last week as well is like he's had his two best scores in the lot before this week. He had his two

best scores for the season with his highest CBA numbers for the season. This season this week was

the highest but then went back to the 40s so I can't really, the only thing is yeah probably the same

thing is the CBA numbers and that's about it. More tired of wants to know draws yes or no so the

draws you know. I'm a yes guy. I like to enjoy the draw. I see it in two ways like it seems so weird

that like like think about Premier League right and there's lots of like you know soccer and stuff

like that there's draws and but it's part of the game and it seems more natural because like there's

less scoring going on but when there's so many like variables to your scoring you can have X

amount of goals and X amount of behinds as well it seems like you should less likely end on a draw

yeah and if there is a draw you should just settle it. I think I think you end up on a draw and

it's like we're after 120 hours football week could not separate all the things that happen. It seems

crazy to go you know if you move to the golden goal for five minutes but then that seems

unfair to the side of that way. That's the other thing yeah the manner of how you would decide it

I just can't think of a way I'd like. Like I think the extra time is fine but like it really like

footies such a recovery based sport like most teams only train once a week type thing you're

basically fucking that team for the next week. Yeah it turns into recovery and stuff like that it's

a tricky one so I'd say no I'm happy with the way it is. I'm a big draw also yeah it's fine. Yeah

we'll both go yes. G Sanbow 16 ranked these five forwards in red raft and this is really tricky

pal Baker McAnone and McRae. I'm Jackson sorry so pal Baker McAnone McRae Jackson. Now I've kind

of had a bit of a look at this and essentially McRae I think it's going to be a 90 average forward

pretty safe so I'd probably go him first Baker and McAnone I couldn't split because like Baker

is playing that inside role at the moment but could go revert to not being an inside midfielder

whereas McAnone gets you know around the 70 to 80 most weeks without having to have that role

but Baker with that kind of role going forward could be better off so and then I've got

power on last week's numbers I would have had power number one like easily two weeks ago yeah

but now I'm just uncertain it's a week's a long time in here it's about two weeks ago McRae's not

on this list yeah yeah sitting at number one right like yeah so like Baker's showing me no signs that

he's not going to stop getting those CBS and so I'm keeping Baker to Maconone's third

power drops down to fourth Jackson five but there's a few weeks ago that list would look completely

different and in two weeks time it's probably going to look different again so I'm looking at this

list purely on a longevity basis but the second part I think we have to factor in here we're

saying read draft though so it's for this season you agree sorry I say as in as in longevity of role now

I think Sean Darcy we had injured again like I saw these kind of things you know this week

yet he's down training but what do I think he averages for the rest of the year I think he can

probably push you know higher 70s yeah power that's so dependent but the other thing that we have

to consider is also their DPP up yeah so Baker for me probably might sit at number one just a defender

forward I love the defender forwards I'll die on my heel yeah having one or two of them in your

side every year yeah just makes your season a hell of a lot easier so I think for me Baker goes ahead

of McCray just because we've seen McCray not even in the side a couple of weeks ago and I think Liam

Baker's a concern of that so it's probably Baker McCray and then the other three almost blanketed

I like Jackson more A as a rock I think it's nice to have that one for a two true true he probably

sits ahead of Maconone and yeah power a few weeks ago it's completely different world after seeing

a 34 it's hard to give him any props so yeah I'd do a like I do like the approach of that and like

I said in two weeks time I'll this will probably look completely different as well but we'll leave

it at that I think Jake thank you so much for coming on the podcast this week I give hatch at a

bit of a bit of a plug I think it's my it's great we tend to record Monday's as well so anyone

interested you'll see this up usually by Tuesday morning obviously specifically focus on the

classic side of the game we do have a top 100 coach on the podcast as of this week which is

pretty exciting I have to tune in to find out who that might be but yeah at HATCHAT AFL

on all the socials you find me at Dunkley Stone Arts although perfectly honestly I've been pretty

bad at updating about the moment so life just gets in the way but I'm glad I was able to squeeze my

way on here today mate. No it is an awesome podcast these guys are very funny the HATCHAT guys I didn't

realize well I was the podcast a lot I would more so last year haven't listened that much since

you've been focusing on super coach more but the live show you guys absolutely killed it you guys

could also almost be comedians so I'm gonna be clipping this and putting it on so very very funny

fellas so I can't be back this week and he is the the Mr. Hilarity himself so for good laugh this

weeks the one. Alright so yeah definitely tune into that get around our stuff on all the socials

start to put these back up on YouTube as well so if you want to actually watch this podcast instead

of listen to it probably shouldn't mention it at the start but all the time I hear. Thank you for

listening and we'll talk to you soon get around our sponsors game day squad sign up as a member if

you want to support the show thanks for listening talk to you next week see you later. Bye
