The Audit

On this week’s episode of The Audit, Dave and Josh cover Gov. Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign announcement and observe that GOP politics are mostly a match-up between manly “right-wing lunatics” against “nerds and dorks.” 

Despite their differences, all Republican campaigns seem to agree that homelessness in cities is the fault of Democrats, woke liberals, and the unhoused people themselves. PragerU videos are an excellent resource for observing exactly how conservative activists are reframing complex social issues like homelessness and addiction into black-and-white talking-points about “compassion brigades” and reductive policy that evades real solutions. 

Special guest Josh Androsky — a Los Angeles-based comedian, organizer and leftist political advisor — joins the fray to scrutinize one (highly dramatic) short documentary produced by a conservative think-tank that aims to reveal the “reality” of LA’s homelessness problem.

PragerU videos we discussed this week:
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A transcript of this episode is available here.

What is The Audit?

In The Audit, comedian Dave Anthony and screenwriter Josh Olson audit a variety of online classes, docuseries, and other media products created by noxious political figures and boil them down to the good stuff. By which they mean… the bad stuff.

With the rise of MasterClass, TED talks, and celebrity biographies, the country’s political elite are bombarding us with information so we can be just like them. But who has time to devote to all that self-congratulatory navel-gazing?

That’s where The Audit comes in. Dave, Josh and a rotating coterie of guest hosts will consume depraved educational content for the time-pressed listener, then regurgitate a short-form review detailing the sociopathy and insanity baked into the messages. It’s like listening to someone present a book report — except all of the authors are deranged lunatics who are poisoning American culture.


Josh Olson 1:10
that's right did you do the thing

Dave Anthony 1:14
you're listening to Josh and Dave on the

Josh Olson 1:19
cars like this you're listening to the audit with Josh and Dave

[MUSIC] 1:39
You see though spools and bags of grain or if they fail they're just here but I have to take your mom if you got your Trapper Keeper around on this agent jam should pay David this is a

young man

Josh Olson 2:31
it'll be interesting cuz we're gonna let's do this. And then people can listen to this and figure out what fucking boneheads we are because we're recording this Wednesday. And the story is that Ron DeSantis is going to announce tonight what on Twitter or something when in an interview with

Dave Anthony 2:45
whatever he's going to be interviewed by a lon Musk or as we call them eel. He's gonna be interviewed by Elon

Josh Olson 2:54
greasy slimy eel.

Dave Anthony 2:57
And, and there and I don't know, it's like he's so turning Twitter into this right wing, right wing thing, but he doesn't think he is which is the best part that he lives in such a crazy bubble.

Josh Olson 3:09
I actually write we talked a little bit last week and I didn't we didn't get into want to say I believe him. I believe that he does not know.

Dave Anthony 3:18
Oh, absolutely. I think he he's he's surrounded by you know these idiots. And so he thinks that's all people believe. But it's like, no, you've surrounded yourself with right wing idiots now so that's what you think is, is everybody's opinion. But it's not everybody's opinion at all, like not even remotely. Just like I if I surrounded myself with just left us all the time. I'd be like, well, everybody thinks this way. But I know they don't.

Josh Olson 3:48
At least know. I mean, I currently am absolutely convinced that all anyone anywhere is talking about as the Writers Guild strike, but I know in the back of my mind, that's probably not true. That's just the bubble I live in. Yeah, but you should be talking about the writer strike because it has repercussions for all of us. Forever. Says you. But yeah, but to say that like why? He's not gonna win. He doesn't have a hope in fucking hell is he just I,

Dave Anthony 4:16
you know, sometimes they run to set themselves up for next time. Right? But I don't I wouldn't like you know, when you get into these guys who think they were sent by God, I'm not so sure you can. You can say that. You know, he thinks God sent him to be president. Okay. So I don't think you know, I don't think you're dealing with a guy who's really all that grounded.

Josh Olson 4:42
You don't I see. I didn't think he was that bonkers. Because like, there's the old thing like you're running so you can sell a book. You know, there's a who's that idiot chain, you know, people like that. But I feel like now like anybody, you know, look at what happen to the people Whoa, seriously rant against Trump. Like Trump doesn't leave you room for that Trump. Trump eats you alive. There's no one. Nobody wants to read your fucking book after Trump has finished you in a Republican primary.

Dave Anthony 5:12
You know, if you're sitting there and you're a crazy religious guy, and you see Trump and you're likely he's got all these court things coming up, and he's got all these problems. You might be thinking, yeah, there's laying there. Why wouldn't you? I mean, you just wouldn't clear the decks and be like, you're the governor of Florida, man. Fuck Florida. It's how great is Florida? Like, how can people not love you plus? Remember, during COVID He was there Superman. Right? Right. So I think he really thinks he has a shot.

Josh Olson 5:49
But he's now you how do you how does he not have to we're gonna say about somebody who, as you say believes he's being called by God, but he's not as bonkers as Trump. He is someone who you would think would listen to the advisors around him. They have to know this is Trump's not going to end up in jail. He's not going to drop dead. He's got those are slim. What

Dave Anthony 6:13
if God wants it to happen? He will put Trump in jail. I mean, you're making rational thoughts for non rational people. These are by right wing? Christian lunatics.

Josh Olson 6:27
Okay. I don't know Donald Trump personally. Sad to say, I think, but he's pretty great. One on lovely man. But I would think at this point, you would understand, like if I were going to run, even if he goes to jail, if you're on the sands, and you've set yourself up in opposition to him, Trump's gonna destroy you from jail. Be every day he'll be reading Trump's as more shit about Ron DeSantis. And that carries weight. And the people, the people who love him and love him even more when he's proclaiming he's not going to jail.

Dave Anthony 7:01
You are using a rational mind. And these are not rational people. You seem to be giving you seem to be giving a crazy right wing Christian lunatic. Is

Josh Olson 7:17
is Ron DeSantis truly one of those people that I don't? Yes. You think? Yes, he is. Yeah. So. So he seriously thinks he has a shot at the Republican 100 knows he knows how wildly popular Trump is. cleans his clock. And

Dave Anthony 7:35
he's also wildly popular and he thinks you know, he can just he'll just pay once people see him. You've seen you've seen on charismatic because he really believes once people see him they're going to be like, Yeah, this guy's this guy's the answer. At the end of the day, all the Republicans still look at Trump ago. I mean, it can't happen again. Right? They can't still support this guy, right? Yeah. But they will.

Josh Olson 8:02
Can you imagine? Could you imagine if somehow Ron DeSantis with a squeaky high voice is the Republican nominee and somehow crazy RFK Jr. ends up being the Democratic nominee. The two of those guys in a debate each. It's like two characters from a cartoon. I know he had it, but he's got something wrong with him. I know. It's terrible, but it's like Sorry, that who actually

Dave Anthony 8:25
are okay. Yeah. It's uh, yeah, that's not that's not a thing where people are like people like, well, he has a condition. Okay, so don't run for president. Like, if I don't if I don't have legs. I don't become a professional football player. Correct. Because I don't have legs. Like he doesn't have a voice. His voice is you can't listen to it. It sounds like he's gargling frogs. Like it's like, not. It's not good. No one wants to hear it like. Yeah, people I said he sounds like he has COVID throat and people got mad at me because he's a condition. I'm like, I also don't care. He's a he's a guy that causes people to die. He causes people to die with this vaccine.

Josh Olson 9:06
You're basing your decision to vote on his voice as though you're ever gonna vote for Afghan. It's like no, folks, here's the reality you sound like that people are not. They're not drawn to you. As a candidate. It just doesn't it doesn't start it doesn't happen that way. I'm six foot five. I'm never going to be a fucking jockey. It's just not a thing that I get to do. And it's unfortunate. It would be nice if we could just vote for the best person but you got to present and I don't want to get away from any kind of ableism which I'm sure we are engaging in here. Of course. That's not even run. Santos is problem Run Run Sanchez as a high squeaky voice in a weird fucking aspect.

Dave Anthony 9:43
Well, ableism is so so there's that right? And so you're not supposed to you know, use words like crazy and all these other things and you're not supposed to. Like if there's a Trump you're not supposed to say he's like, Oh, he's an overweight gross bah bah bah. Like there's all that stuff right like that's that's the thing like because I guess then other people who are overweight would get upset because you're saying that about Trump but when it comes to jobs like President in which a guy like that is throwing out the most heinous Barb's and everyone literally making fun of people who have you know what, there's that woman she had some sort of issue of us like doing the physical thing of her and like remember that like that whole thing?

Josh Olson 10:31
Oh there were another reporter was a guy

Dave Anthony 10:33
if you if you don't throw it back yeah you're just you just leave the space for him to do it over and he's not there's no there's no higher ground in this it with these kinds of people. There's no like they are terrible people The other thing is is like the whole the whole thing about these people these right wing type guys is they want to appear the ultimate masculine male they will right? Yeah,

Josh Olson 10:59
it's like that's the thing they're playing to an audience they're playing to an audience doesn't give a shit about your, you know, you're able to slur or your accusations. Right. So

Dave Anthony 11:08
yeah, they

Josh Olson 11:09
all want Clint Eastwood meets John Wayne.

Dave Anthony 11:11
Yeah, and so your job is to attack them on that level, to undermine that. That's part of how you take down these fascist types is you you, you undermine that bullshit masculinity thing you have going on. But

Josh Olson 11:29
the curious role of the Trump is just, you know? Like, I mean,

Dave Anthony 11:37
he makes he makes Hitler look masculine.

Josh Olson 11:40
Yeah, you know, and we just, we couldn't quite go there with him because there was this this thing, you're going to upset people, you're going to hurt people who are these various

Dave Anthony 11:50
time when I would say stuff about him? And I'm just like, he No, he's he's, uh, I like I don't know what, like, you don't get to play nice with fascists. You don't get to make fun of this. This this guy who's really overweight because Josh Olson is overweight. And he might get upset. Like, that's not how it fucking works. Josh is really gross. And he knows it.

Josh Olson 12:11
It's bright. We can make fun of Mayor Pete's micro penis because Dave Anthony will.

Dave Anthony 12:16
Thank you. There's all kinds of things that we're talking about.

Josh Olson 12:20
Fucker. No, but that's it. But I would love to have this conversation with somebody who wasn't as big a dick as you are me. And I probably be able to, you know what I mean? Somebody who's like got an art, because it is a thing. It's like, it's it's a thing. It's a thing. And it's like, we're not allowed to talk about these things. Because there are other people. Other people who do not conform to kind of classic masculine stereotypes that Trump and even this the San Antonio want to play on exist, but they're not out there running for president. Right, to an audience that still subscribes to those views. And letting them run unopposed on that level is is a problem. And it's like, yeah, how do you do it without offending people who are, you know, also kind of pudgy little, I mean, and you don't, and that's the problem. So you see the ground to them. And it's like, Come on, I'm sorry, maybe maybe it's maybe it's an age thing or something. But one of things I have with Trump and I was not this guy when I was in school, when I was a kid, I was larger than everybody else. And I I did not like bullies at all. Donald Trump elicits an urge in me and has for decades to like, I want to steal his lunch and mash his face into the dirt. Yeah, it's a physical thing. I genuinely want to bully him just because of how we present as I but we can't we can't give it to that we can't do we have to be better than that we can't talk about so he gets to go. I'm

Dave Anthony 13:43
I'm not gonna be better than I'm sorry. I don't know what people want here. But I'm a comedian. I'm a bit of an asshole. I'm not going to be better than that. I have no interest in being Better that than that with these fuckheads they're their fucking pieces of shit. Like, I'm not gonna be nice to him. Because it might offend somebody else who's tangentially, you know, thinks whatever they think of themselves. Like, I know I'm this is not. This is not what I'm doing.

Josh Olson 14:08
I also am fat and I'm an Adderall addiction. Please don't talk that way about him. It hurts me. It's like, okay, how can we talk about this? Well, you must take the high road. Only attack his ideas. Yeah, attack Donald Trump. Oh, good luck attacking Donald Trump's Good luck enunciating his ideas. Fuck say, yeah,

it's running on. I'm

an alpha male. And

Dave Anthony 14:32
it's a bit of a mess. Like, I don't think people quite understand that. I think most people don't understand the association. Look. Mussolini was super into milk products and beef. So much so that he wants to try to figure out how to make clothes out of milk. And I think that's where the soy boy shit comes from. I think that there's some one of those idiots realized that and picked up on it and ran with it and it's an undercurrent of you know, where embracing fascism. That's who they are. And so you have to make fun of it. Can you make clothes, you have to attack them where they live, which is this weird masculine, bizarre, only we don't have. So like, if they're idiots, like sigh That I don't I try to wrap my head around it I did and I, I backed off of it the last election. But if it's Trump again, like I'm not

my wife is a psychologist and she has all the thing about like, Her job is to make it so that you can hear bad things in society that are said and go by No, no, like, if you've been a victim of something, then you can't actually try to tell the world not to use certain words, you have to you have to build yourself up to a point where people can say whatever, and you can go about your day. So that's kind of the philosophy I've taken on with all this stuff. And it's you also, you also give more power. If everyone you know is now talking very carefully and in restricting their words and making sure everybody feel good. Well, now your enemies have more power with those words. That you're you're giving them like the way everyone uses the N word now. Now when a racist uses it, it's it gets to dig that much deeper. So like I think the greatest example that we you and I grew up with, was watching the gay community take back queer. Yeah, very much so. And that was the most powerful thing I've ever seen with a word and it is a lesson nobody else has seemed to have learned or tried to

Josh Olson 16:42
get I'm I'm gonna sound like an old band now. But I was literally talking to a friend the other day on the line, and it was cracking me up because I was I was raised. You know, when I was young, you don't use that word. It's a slur. And it's an attack. Yeah, it's sort of a version of that. And there's still that part of me because it was ingrained in me early. And I was talking to a friend of mine, and he just loved his gaze like, you're trying to avoid saying queer, aren't you? I'm like, yeah, why am I doing that? It's been the word. For decades now. It is LGBTQ for flex. Got to stay away from that word,

Dave Anthony 17:19
boy. Yeah. But for a long time, I mean, through that was like the late 80s, early 90s. That it kind of they that empowered themselves that were so for a large portion of you know, are coming up, it was definitely a bad word.

Josh Olson 17:33
No, as a teenager, like, you know, when I was a kid like, Jesus Christ, if you if you said that you were you were, you're attacking somebody you were trying to, yeah, make them

Dave Anthony 17:43
Oh, 100%.

Josh Olson 17:44
And do you

Dave Anthony 17:46
remember? Did you guys have the game smear? The queer? Queer? Yeah, I think about that. It's the craziest thing that we have.

Josh Olson 17:58
Yeah, and but there is what they do, they are still in this frustrating because even you know, not just not just liberals and Democrats, but the left that are afraid to go to these places. And, again, you don't want to just unleash a torrent of horrible shit. But right, you've got these people who are still subscribing to these ancient, you know, very Hollywood created ideas of sort of masculinity. Yeah, and we're not allowed to attack them on that level at all. Because it's offensive. I work with some of our ad partners in a couple of films for Arnold Schwarzenegger. Who is and I've heard this from everybody so what you will about his politics, but Carl is just like one of the most aggressively likable human beings you'll meet. And, and also a genuine I mean, obviously a genuine alpha male. And during the last election, we were just like, during the 2016 election, we just kept thinking like, wouldn't wouldn't it be fucking amazing just once in his life, to put Donald Trump on the stage with an actual alpha male? Just once? Not entertaining as fuck for me, but just so those people who hold them up as somebody could see him in that surrounding in that situation, because Schwarzenegger could demolish him with a smile. Yeah.

Dave Anthony 19:15
Yeah. That's why That's why That's why Trump just blew through the whole Republican primaries because all of our politicians are fucking nerds, and dorks like they were the people. They were the people that are just like, you're okay, you're so fucking annoying. Just go away. Go talk to somebody else. Like they were there. They're dorks and nerds and they kind of want a little bit of a dork revenge now like and so you get a guy up there who's just a bully asshole. And it's high school. Yeah, pushing them aside and like, yeah, yeah. And but then but you know, I think you're right about DeSantis like I think he I will say this I watched the Santa speak like six months ago, and I was like, Well, if that guy runs against Biden, he's gonna clean Biden's clock because he still seems youthful. And he can string together sentences and knows what he wants to say. I think he would absolutely clean Biden's clock. But now that I watched him a little bit, and like him going into a cafe and just being a fucking weirdo, like trying to be human, it's the crazy shit to watch. He has no charisma. And I was totally wrong about that, like I thought he did. So he will get his clock cleaned by Trump. And thank God because you don't want a DeSantis DeSantis is the competent fascist you don't want yeah, he is somehow

Josh Olson 20:40
we survived Trump's second administration, there's no hope we come out of a DeSantis

Dave Anthony 20:46
Well, no, but a DeSantis one we're done as a country like that guy is the ultimate fucking terror like that guy is a disastrous human being trumpet. least we know what we're getting. We know we have to do. And, you know, you go from there. I'm watching all this shit play out. There's a lot of people that think DeSantis would be better just because they are so freaked out by Trump.

Josh Olson 21:11
Because he's subs he subscribes to more norms than Trump does.

Dave Anthony 21:15
But you know what the norms have to go like I saw a thing they they said we can't get rid of. We can't get rid of Feinstein, because the Republicans wouldn't approve putting her on a committee.

Josh Olson 21:27
Right. So they wouldn't, they wouldn't approve her replacement.

Dave Anthony 21:31
Right. So, yeah. So put the replacement on the committee? Well, they can't No, do it. I mean, that's how you fucking play the game. No, we can. Okay, we just did. What are you going to fucking do about it? Like, that's, that's what you have to do? Because that's what they would do. So

Josh Olson 21:49
also, Trump did so many things correctly, in the sense of I mean, he pushed his agenda, Jesus Christ, he got three Supreme Court justices on by behaving that way. And what's frustrating to me is that Democrats will look at that and go, Well, wait, you know, you go, you need to behave that way to oh, well, we couldn't do that. Why the fuck not? Well, it'd be wrong. Why would it be wrong? Why would it be wrong? Why would it be wrong to turn that on them? It disempowers them and empowers you. It's like you they get away with it. It's like

Dave Anthony 22:21
we're just sitting around, you're just sitting around watching someone kill a pacifist, basically. Like a guy who's just killing a pacifist and the pacifist is going this is just how it is, man. It's good. You know what? If I'm as bad as him, then it's, it's bad for everybody. It's like, well, you're gonna bleed out. You're gonna be dead. I'm gonna watch you bleed out. Yeah, yeah. I mean, they have no ability to do that. And especially watch a guy like DeSantis like look at the shit that Florida is. And and there's just like, the fact that the Democrats aren't making Florida like commercials about how fucking fascist it is. And how what a horror show it is, like those people that he arrested for fraudulently voting.

There, their lives were ruined. There's, there's a story about all these people's lives were ruined, because that one thing brought all this attention brought all this legal issues. You know, they know you've lost your job, like it's all this fucking shit, their lives are ruined. They should be front and center and ad campaign. Look at what this man did, like, and it's just tumbleweeds. It's so easy to shine a spotlight on this motherfucker. And it is a ghost town. It is nothing. All they're doing is going to fundraisers. That's all they're doing.

And it is the easiest thing

to show what he's doing to teachers to show what he's doing too. Obviously, trans people especially trans teens, gay teens, like just shine a fucking spa. Put the humanity spotlight on it. They're saying teen they're saying trans people as a group and and you when you don't respond with humanity, it allows that to fester and be but if you show one fucking one fucking group and you just talk to them about what it's doing to their lives. And you fucking put that in ads all over the place how it's destroying their fucking lives. That's how you fucking under under go under this and destroy it. You take out the fucking roots. And what are the Democrats doing? Nothing.

Josh Olson 24:43
It's gonna be a long couple of years, I think.

Dave Anthony 24:50
So you saw you saw that Hillary said that Biden. People should look at his age.

Josh Olson 25:00
Oh, no, I didn't. Did she say that?

Dave Anthony 25:02
Oh, yeah, she came out and said it's okay to judge. And my first thought was, oh, she's fucking going for it.

Josh Olson 25:10
Oh my god, do you think?

Dave Anthony 25:12
I don't know, but I don't know why else she would say that. But that was the first.

Josh Olson 25:17
I see I went to a more optimistic place and that was the establishment going okay, we're taking steps now. We have plenty of time to come up with a way to put somebody else in there.

Dave Anthony 25:26
She's the only one she's opening the door. Creek. Wow.

Josh Olson 25:33
Well watch this segue that'll make spending the rest of our lives homeless. That much less painful, Dave? Knowing that,

Dave Anthony 25:43
why am I homeless?

Josh Olson 25:45
I don't know. We're all gonna be homeless soon.

Dave Anthony 25:49
Well, if the debt ceiling goes down, our houses are gonna plummet in price.

Josh Olson 25:53
And then there's that. This week, we are talking about Prager us. videos about homeless mostly about they've done a documentary quote, unquote, it's like a half hour documentary on the subject. And then they did a couple of short videos, we are going to discuss these with our good friend who's been on our show before, both of our shows before Josh and drotsky. He's a socialist political operative, advisor to progressive elected officials. I asked him how he'd like to be introduced. And he said, Call me the leftist Karl Rove. That's gross. But it's very tough. But we had a very interesting time talking about this stuff with him. And now we're gonna share it with you. So let's do this.

[MUSIC] 26:49
If you finally had enough of him being college, left wing, get yourself a real degree from Prager University.

Josh Olson 27:07
So yeah, we have a five minute video called What do we do about the homeless? There was kind of a tasty preview of what was to come. It's hosted by Christopher Ruffo. Who you guys know him or

Dave Anthony 27:23
animal, a dirty, dirty animal. He's the one who started CRT freakout. He's That's correct. Real peace. Yes.

Josh Androsky 27:32
It's crazy that anybody listened to him about anything, because he might be the worst speaker I've ever watched. He talks like this. And everything says sounds like Siri. But from hell.

Josh Olson 27:47
So fun kerfuffle recently, because Ron DeSantis, appointed him to the Board of Trustees of new Florida University, and seem to claim that he had a degree from Harvard University except he doesn't graduate from Harvard Harvard Extension School, which is Well, part of Harvard, not pensions. Quite the same thing. That's yeah, yeah. Yeah. Not quite, I

Dave Anthony 28:11
would say not at all the same thing.

Josh Olson 28:13
There was a no, it's part of Harvard. Harvard,

Dave Anthony 28:18
it sounds like it's a it's Harvard for special people. And Harvard is already for special people. But it's for you know, it's already Harvard is already just for rich kids. But this sounds like a special category for your kind of rich, but not

Josh Olson 28:31
I think people can't actually get into Harvard, but I could be wrong. Remember,

Josh Androsky 28:36
he did go to Harvard, just the one in the strip mall.

Josh Olson 28:41
The I love the extension. So it's actually it was actually a hair school. He learned how to do extensions. Anyway, he, he did run for city, Seattle City Council in 2018. And he created a 17 page plan for homelessness. And he wrote something want to read this do it contains my new favorite phrase, and I don't know, Josh, this is an arena you work in. So tell me maybe this maybe he didn't coined this phrase? I hope he did. You'll know when you hear it. The real battle isn't being waged in the tents under the bridges are in the corridors of City Hall. Rather, there's a deeper ideological war that's currently being won by a loose alliance of four major power centers, the Socialist Revolutionaries, the compassion brigades, the homeless, the homeless industrial complex homeless in Tuscaloosa does

Josh Androsky 29:35
that's a thing. That's a thing. He didn't invent it. And go to the west side of Los Angeles, you'll hear it a lot.

Dave Anthony 29:43
I did not know how much money I can make and start it. And so I started investing in the stocks of the homeless industrial complex. So

Josh Androsky 29:51
for real, they're like,

Josh Olson 29:52
hey, Eisenhower warned.

Josh Androsky 29:57
They, they really think that People get into the absolutely tireless work of helping their neighbors off the streets in order to make some sweet sweet Monday. Insane.

Dave Anthony 30:14
I gotta tell you, I do a lot of spending for the homeless and, and I just lose money. Like I actually don't get any returns. Am I doing it wrong? You're doing it wrong.

Josh Androsky 30:25
You got to follow 18 principles. And when you do so first of all, yeah, well, so first of all, you gotta invest in tech coin. That's like a big one. It is insane to think that anybody working got homeless. This is making money. Like the average I think salary for an outreach worker is like $55,000 a year in Los Angeles and La

Dave Anthony 30:52
Yeah, just, which is you're almost homeless money. Yeah, pretty much.

Josh Olson 30:57
So Well, that's the thing I see you learn something new.

Josh Androsky 31:00
Do you think the compassion for gave back to that? It's

Dave Anthony 31:03
like, that's really the

Josh Olson 31:05
addiction, addiction evangelists, addiction evangelists. Apparently, together, these four groups have framed the political debate diverted hundreds of millions of dollars towards favorite projects, and recruited a large phalanx of well intentioned voters who have bought into the politics of unlimited compassion.

Dave Anthony 31:24
So people with empathy are bad. That's what I hear. When I hear compassion. They're saying that compassion is when you care about people. Are they trying to make that word bad?

Josh Olson 31:36
Yeah, yeah. He did not when, in fact, he dropped out of the race, wait, online abuse. Turn a bunch of people were calling him names on Twitter. But eventually, he got himself on Tucker Carlson. And then Trump called him privately to praise. And that was the Bastion Brigade.

Josh Androsky 31:57
My favorite bit

Josh Olson 32:04
I feel like Trump that would be Yeah, he'd be at war with homeless industrial complex, we got to stop it. So he's a big fan of the 1983 book called a nation in denial, the truth about homelessness by Alice bomb and Donald burns. And apparently, most of his writing seemed to simply recap their claims. But their primary thesis is that the homeless are homeless. Why? Because they're not normal. They're mostly drug addicts or mental patients. Basically, homelessness can be solved by force. Just worth noting, Andrew Cuomo, big fan of the book.

[VIDEO] 32:45
Up to the primary drivers of homelessness or drug addiction and mental illness, according to data from UCLA is California Policy Lab. Approximately three quarters of people living in cars, tents and on the streets suffer from serious mental illness, drug addiction, or both.

Dave Anthony 33:04
So just I'm going to put this out there. Personally, if I was homeless, I would be getting shit faced all the time. Homelessness causes drug issues and alcoholism. It's actually very well documented that that people who are homeless, you know, like, what, what the fuck else would you do if you're fucking homeless? But also just the idea right off the bat, like, they just said, that's what causes homelessness. When fucking study after study is like, no, it's, it's called inequality issues. It's a lack of fucking housing and having the minimum wage in America is $7.35. You cannot live anywhere in any state for that amount of money in any state. You can't live on that amount of money.

Josh Androsky 33:57
Yep. But Dave, the only people working minimum wage jobs are kids. And by kids, I mean, literal children now. Yeah, but no, the I mean, you're exactly right with that. You know, the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority. Every year does a count of the unhoused in Los Angeles, and they do a survey, right of like, you know, asking folks how they got there, and 60% of the homeless people said it was housing costs. 60% said, number one issue. The thing that got me here is housing costs. And it makes sense, because there are 600,000 people living in LA, who pay 90% of their wages on rent. 90% of the money they make goes from almost 1,600,000 is you know, that's three Buffalo New York's that's all I got. A lot of fucking people, right? The next one is medical conditions, including mental illness, right? Like, these are people that hurt their back as a contractor can't work anymore. And you know, there's no safety net. These are people who have, you know, a severe mental illness whose families can't take care of them anymore. They end up on the streets. And it's, it's like, the way that we treat that, even in Liberal Los Angeles is Do you know what the largest mental health facility in Los Angeles is?

Dave Anthony 35:36
No, it's the jail. Well, it's the jail. It's the jail.

Josh Androsky 35:39
Yeah, so an 8% of them. And this is like, not talked about a lot. 8% of the folks said that the reason they're on the streets is violence, whether domestic violence from their partner, or from a family member, like, and many, many women who are homeless end up being on the streets, because they are fleeing this, you know, trans kids that flee violence from, you know, their families in LA, or in other cities or counties across the country. But like, that's 92% that's 92% of people. Now, a lot of the folks are on drugs, as Dave mentioned, to deal with being homeless, but a lot of houses people are also on drugs and stay.

Dave Anthony 36:32
defined by that. You know, what I call the people on drugs, dad, grandpa.

Josh Olson 36:40
This week, he tried, but I remember just it really hit me about a year ago when Oh, god, somebody at a store got attacked in Hollywood, and the headline was, you know, homeless man goes on violent rampage. And, you know, obviously a terrible thing and something about it just hit me that I thought, How come it's never it's never a homeowner, how's it you know, if I go nuts and start stabbing people, then lines are not going to be housed person goes on violent rampage, we simply just frame this issue as a way that we are constantly barraging these people with with bad press. And and I wouldn't even say I'm pushing back. Obviously, some of the people there are there because of their drug problems. But those problems get worse when they're out on the street. And then people who are you know, minimal drug users become maximum drug

Josh Androsky 37:36
right. And those problems aren't created by anything but the horrific country and her like a, you know, morals and priorities of this country to make people work so fucking hard. Productivity keeps going up. Wages do not right. This creates a level of stress that needs of value or release valve and like, you know that yeah, there's never like a story that's like homeowner does cocaine. Right? But it happens all the fucking time.

Dave Anthony 38:13
Yeah, so you know, what else is a new study came out today. And the number one group which homelessness is rapidly increasing, is the elderly people over 55. From 2017 to 2021, California's overall senior population grew by seven 7%. But the number of people 55 And over who sought homeless services increased 84%. But that's exactly what you would expect in a society that is this brutal and uncaring about the the people who are most at risk you of course, they're elderly.

Josh Olson 38:58
Well, then you also the news just yesterday, before when you combine this with the fact that a majority of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, and we just threw What 15 million Americans off. I mean, how many people are one er isn't away from just complete catastrophe

Dave Anthony 39:17
and add to that, Paradise, California, the floods so may like Chico was just a North northern city in California. After the paradise fire, it became a battleground over homelessness because so many people from Paradise went to the nearest city Chico it flipped the city right the City Council you know because they just wanted to disappear them you know, businesses all all paid money to get a right wing City Council. That's that's what happens like people don't want to see it. But those people are all there because their houses burned down.

Josh Androsky 39:58
Yeah, I you know, A couple of years ago, when I was like working on a campaign, we would talk about how why don't we treat, you know, the homeless, like we treat victims of a fire, right, they don't have a house because of a fucking catastrophe that oftentimes, I would say, most or if not all of the time, that they weren't at fault, you know, like for, but now that all that happens is we are treating victims of fires, like we were treating the homeless, right. And, and I, we did a, we did a thing. Which is, I guess might be called a housing first by these people. But really is also a thing that they mentioned that is good, which is very funny how they, and we'll get more into that. But the idea that like they say something's bad and then lift up somebody in a red state who's doing it and is like this is actually good. But we did an inside safe operation with Mayor Karen Bass, which is to find encampments do outreach, get to know the folks there, offer them hotel rooms, until they're connected to permanent housing and with wraparound services, right. And I met this dude named Jimmy. And Jimmy story of becoming on house is unbelievable. He's, he's a contractor, right? His daughter gets cancer, she loses her jaw, the jaw, like her mouth, like the like months before. She's becoming a freshman in high school. So he works extra hard to get her a surgery so that she can be a freshman in high school and feel good and feel confident like a fucking person. And then his house burns down. And now he's homeless, and he was on the streets for three fucking years. And now he's chillin in hotel room, getting his, you know, birth certificate and getting his ID he's like, I just want to work again. But it's so hard to get an ID when you're homeless, let alone take a shower and show up to you know, a job interview. And it's like, exactly what, you know, you were saying Josh, about, you know, lack of, you know, medical care. And you were saying Dave about like one fucking emergency away from being on the streets. And for 99% of folks in that position. They don't have the, you know, the resources being poured into helping them in their situation. They're just left to fucking die there and five people die on the streets of Los Angeles every night.

Dave Anthony 42:44
And also with liquids to Chico situation. Well, we know who's responsible. It's a giant corporation called pg&e. Those people should not be living on the street. But of course, nothing happens.

[VIDEO] 42:58
Second, despite these conditions, the homeless actually make rational decisions about where they want to live. Not surprisingly, they move to the most permissive environment they can find. Make your city attractive for the homeless, and they'll beat a path to your doorway. The Venice Boulevard underpass on the border of Los Angeles in Culver City brings home this point. It's one of 1000s of concrete structures in Los Angeles County. But there's a curious detail. The Los Angeles side is full of tents. And the Culver City side is empty. Why? Because the two cities have different public policies. Los Angeles has effectively decriminalized public camping and drug consumption. While Culver City enforces the law. It's so

Dave Anthony 43:43
dumb, it's so dumb. Like

Josh Olson 43:46
we know for a fact yes, if you make life unlivable, those people are going to go so. Culver City hasn't solved the homeless problem by any reasonable interpretation of that phrase. They've just gotten them to go somewhere.

Josh Androsky 44:05
They they literally put them in a police car and drive right over the border. And then let them out and go stay out of Culver City like Monica. Culver City does that everybody else does that because at this time, and when this was made, and like 2021 or whatever, that part of Los Angeles had councilmember named Mike Bonin who himself used to be homeless and refuses to just push people around a carousel of pain, like from one fucking block to another and instead would I know this might be controversial, try to help them. And in another part of that, like right around that clip, the fucking Ruffo fucking roofie mentions that was like San Francisco is super permissive. You know, they so that means that 30% of their homeless, you know, moved to San Francisco. But what about the other part of that 70% of the people in San Francisco who are homeless are from San Francisco and are homeless, and that's consistent, that's consistent that number 70% is, is the same in Los Angeles. It's, it's like very similar. And you even get down to like, the neighborhood that they're in, is where they used to live. And a lot of that is because you're finding people who were growing up in that neighborhood whose parents either died or like, moved away to somewhere cheaper, and they were like, I'm cool. I'm gonna stay here. I'm from here. I know what's up, I can stay with my buddy. They couch surf for a while, maybe they live in their car, but then it just degrades and degrades, like they can't get to a place where there they can get back up. But when they're not gonna fucking go somewhere else. Like they're from there. It's everything they know.

Dave Anthony 46:03
Yeah, that's, that's a big part of what people don't understand about moving them around. Like, I wouldn't like if if I'm, if I'm homeless, and I'm in La Crescenta, and there's a shelter in Venice. I don't want to go to Venice. I'm from La Crescenta.

Josh Androsky 46:20
Right, the the only time, the only times I have seen people moving towards, like, places like Venice, let's use Venice as an example. Because I think it's really good for this, right? A lot of, you know, there's been decades and decades of, you know, neglect and no investment. And so, if you're in the valley, and you're homeless, and it's the summer, and it's 115 degrees, right, like, wouldn't you go somewhere where it's 78 degrees? And doesn't that mean that you are not a homeless person who is, you know, rampaging into Venice? Doesn't that mean that you are a climate refugee? Like, yeah, that's how we need to think about this.

Dave Anthony 47:07
I I'll never forget, I went to visit my relatives in Fort Lauderdale. When I was in high school. So you know, early 80s. And I was like, to my uncle, I was like, man, there's a lot of homeless people around here. And he was like, yeah, it's the weather. Because why would you live in New York? Why would you live in New York? Because you'll freeze. You go to the place where the weather's good. That's never affected. And also like, why would you? They say, like, all these people, whatever. 30% came from somewhere else? Why the fuck would you stay in a place where they hate you? Are you gonna stay in Placerville? They're all right wing and don't like, you know, you're gonna go to fucking San Francisco. They're like, you make it really accommodating for him. Right? We don't hate them.

Josh Olson 47:53
Well, that's the thing is, it's the permissive environment is such a loaded term. You know, they're making it like, like San Francisco or, you know, whatever, you are creating policies that will lure homeless people to come here by the bowl. And it's like, no, they're just not fucking monsters. Yeah. They're just not treating them in inhumane ways. And, well, I

Josh Androsky 48:16
mean, the other way to say, hey, they went to San Francisco, because they don't want to die. Like it's that simple. It's that that's what being accommodating means is using your position in the city government to do your fucking job and make make sure that people don't die.

[VIDEO] 48:36
At first glance, this would seem to make no sense. Why would an individual with no shelter or stable source of income move to one of the most expensive cities in the country, but in the world of the homeless, it makes perfect sense. That's because they operate under a different set of incentives than the average citizen. In a research survey of homeless migrants in Seattle. 15% said they came to access homeless services. 10% came for legal marijuana and 16% were transients who are traveling or visiting when they decided to set up camp. But this dramatically understates the biggest draw of all the de facto legalization of street camping, drug consumption and property crime.

Josh Androsky 49:21
I, I'm, I'm dying on the streets. I have no food, I have no money, I need to move somewhere where I can do graffiti.

Josh Olson 49:35
Exactly. There's more of this one, but he starts to cover a lot of stuff that we get into in the doc and I want to I really want to get into this. I think we're going to sort of walk through it. And Josh, we're going to just sort of jump in or raise your hand or wherever you want to pause and we'll go but this is a this is called homelessness, the reality and the solution and I mean, it's astonishing how much they have plugged this all over. sight. It's 20 minute documentary produced with the Cicero Institute. So it's just sort of stew was founded by Joe Lonsdale who's a co founder of Peter fields. Much of his company's

Josh Androsky 50:12
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. That's the name. You hear that name? Yeah.

Josh Olson 50:19
Barry Weiss is University of Austin LIS Cicero research as a sponsor. You know, learn some reports out of Atlanta was a huge investor in private prisons. Although we haven't found solid evidence of that, but it's why would

Josh Androsky 50:35
somebody who is a huge investor in private prisons want to brutally enforce and I can't exactly.

Josh Olson 50:43
Yes. And let's see, oh, here's a fun. Yeah, he's a he's a. He's written articles driving men who take paternity leave as losers. And as some very fun. Now, I guess we can't say that ingest anymore, can we but anymore, we should never say this is 2015 rape allegations. A young woman. He got her into an entrepreneurship elective at Stanford where he said he'd be our mentor. She filed a lawsuit claiming just you should go online and read just a barrage of horrifying sexual abuse from early on. He repeatedly told her women's nature to enjoy being raped. raped by gardens things. And it just gets worse and worse and worse and worse. Just anyway, he's he's a character and Cicero's students his group. And they made this doc that our friends at Prager very, very excited about they've, they've hyped the hell out of it, on the site and elsewhere, and I couldn't find it was crazy. I couldn't find a single review in any kind of legitimate press of the thing. It doesn't seem to be connecting and the quote unquote, real world. But that isn't the point. Of course, with Prager, it's just, it is firing up the troops. So let's jump into this.

[VIDEO] 52:20
Your first reaction might be to say, oh my gosh, all these poor people are on the street. This is terrible. But what's really important is, are you really seeing the underlying issues? Why are they there? And that question is the most important question to answer. More than

half a million Americans are homeless on any given night. The problem has grown worse in recent years. Why is

the city as prosperous as San Francisco have a homeless problem? Homelessness is a disease. Just like addict

new encampments have been popping up throughout la in the last five months, California can no longer treat homelessness and housing insecurity, as someone else's probably don't want to be the tip of the spear. How did we get here? We don't have time the paramedics are coming to look

on the ground. What is it that you're seeing, you're seeing pieces of oil for fentanyl? You're seeing hypodermic needles, all kinds of evidence that says this is not a poverty problem. This

Josh Olson 53:16
I don't understand maybe one of you guys can explain this to me, you see that people are using drugs, therefore you know that poverty is not the problem.

Josh Androsky 53:27
Yeah, drugs or anything for rich people?

Josh Olson 53:31
Well, it's it's like, it just starts with a sensitivity and you're just you're just feeding people's preconceived notions. This is just for an audience who already agrees what

Dave Anthony 53:40
I think this would I think this would have the notion on liberals. For sure, I think that I think if you go out and talk to liberals now, I think a lot of them think that homelessness is is due to mental illness and drug addiction, because this this kind of stuff is very effective on them. So it's not just to the people that agree with it. I think it's it's something that can convince

Josh Olson 54:09
No, but the notion the notion of just starting off with something that you can tell it's not poverty, as you can see drugs, like AI that doesn't Well,

Dave Anthony 54:15
the conservative brain is like if you can afford drugs, then you you're spending it you're spending the drug you can spend on your rent, is what they're saying

[VIDEO] 54:28
is something else entirely.

The least five people that I knew on the street to phenol overdose,

you don't want to listen, but a lot of it is because there's nobody teaching them about recovery, about accountability, about being productive and you can get out of this. It's okay stay near on the ground. No, I say get up off the ground.

Dave Anthony 54:49
There's when you stop it. That That right there is like you treating them like children. Like they don't know how to take care of themselves. They don't know how To do this, there's a bunch of homeless people that have jobs. They fucking work. There's just nowhere for them to live, they can't find a place to live, because corporations have bought up all the goddamn fucking housing and are jacking up the rents. They're working together with fucking software programs to boost the fucking rent. Like, it's very obvious what the fuck is going on. But they did they did like I remember Albertsons, they were talking about going on strike. And they said, like, it was like 14%, or more, of Albertson employees were homeless. It's like,

Josh Androsky 55:39
yeah, that's the thing is is like, you know, to speak to what you were saying a second ago to like about how this will work with liberals. What you see on the streets, when you walk around you that like, that's your idea of homelessness is the most acutely mentally ill or physically ill, you know, dying, having, you know, like, a mental health crisis, right? Screaming, yelling, intimidating, threatening, blah, blah, blah. That's what, because that's what you see, when you walk down the street. That's what you think homelessness is. But so many people are not out during the day, because they are working, or they are keeping to themselves in their tent, because it's it's more dangerous to sleep at night, on the streets, right? So you sleep during the day, and you're kind of up and you're kind of just like wearily, making sure that your shit is okay at night, right? Like, you don't see that you only see the worst of the worst of the worst. And so that it gets in people's head, and they're like, Oh, well, every homeless person must be a drug addict, and crazy and a lunatic like yelling at people. And it's just like, No, no, no, that's the worst of street.

Dave Anthony 56:57
They don't see the people in the shelters. There was a University of Chicago study in 2021. And it estimated 53% of people living in homeless shelters, had jobs and 40% of people who were unsheltered had jobs 40%. That mean, yeah, and your country is a total, abject failure. That's what that means. Your country is a failure.

Josh Olson 57:26
And they're doing this thing rhetorically, that's so grotesque, because we haven't even gotten into it yet. This is just the terrifying montage that's supposedly introducing us to the problem. But all these little snippets of you know, they sound like documentary, just men on the street. But these are obviously the voices of people who know what they're talking about. Every single one of them is just hitting a different version of the same point. These people are here, because of their own failure that are here because of poor character. They're here because they want to be and you just put them together in a way that like, it just seeps into your brain. It's like we haven't even really started receiving information yet. This is the kind of setting me you know, setting up the theme and all the rest of that. But you're already filling my head with bullshit about

Josh Androsky 58:03
Yeah, yeah. And it's effective. I mean, it's incredibly well shot. I was really surprised when I watched it, at how well shot it is how well cut it is. It really does just kind of tumble your brain until it's open. And you're just like, oh my god, this is terrible. How do we fix it? And then they're like, well, here let me spoon feed you. Your bullshit.

[VIDEO] 58:22
Just more apparent than San Francisco. The golden city spends hundreds of millions of dollars each year to address homelessness. Hold on problem has exploded. Hold

Dave Anthony 58:32
the fuck on. I'm from San Francisco. No one ever call it the golden city. The fuck you talking about? It's not the Golden State's make me making shit up now.

Josh Olson 58:44
It SanFran right. Everybody calls from there.

[VIDEO] 58:48
All of you. Politicians promise to end the crisis. We are going to eliminate homelessness by the end of this year, only to throw up their hands in defeat. So what went wrong? Why are some cities surrendering while others are reducing their homeless population? As in many cases, it boils down to governance. And nearly all the cities in crisis have one policy in common. Housing First.

Josh Androsky 59:24
Housing, target housing, please, for those of you who have never had the pleasure of experiencing a local news watching home, like mansion owner, like housing first, it was not a thing that I'd ever heard of. Until like last year, and I have been working in and around the government for like, four or five years now. And it's not that I'm like, oh, aren't aware of it, it's that it doesn't exist. Housing First isn't real. It's not a thing. It's not a thing. If housing first was a thing, and like, like, you know, think about that housing first, oh, we gave people Housing First. That isn't real. We don't have housing. Nobody has built any housing because of the same people with the mansions whose property values depend on there not being any homeless housing around them. So like, there is no housing for so as you listen to the rest of this watch. The rest of us just know that Housing First is a boogeyman that was created by like two shitty writers. Like I think they got one of them's names like Michael Schell. Yeah. And it's, it's just a, it's, it's to scare you. It's to scare you. And it's to make you think that housing the homeless is not somehow in any way a solution. So, housing first, not real, not a thing. Nobody thinks about it. And the only people I've ever heard talk about it are management as

Josh Olson 1:01:11
well. Well, these were about to get introduced our main characters, this is Judge Glock, his name, by the way.

Dave Anthony 1:01:19
So he's, he's very,

Josh Androsky 1:01:21
Hey, what's up my name is Sherif ak 47. It's really nice to meet you. Hey, how you doing? I'm lawyer bomb, it's really cool to be here.

Josh Olson 1:01:34
He's Cicero's chief policy officer and help them craft a reducing street homelessness act bill. A while back, the National Low Income Housing Coalition denounced it saying the model the bills promoted by the Cicero Institute in Georgia would make it a crime to be homeless, forcing police to arrest of those who simply do not have a place to live. The bills have penalized local communities with the loss of funds for opting not to enforce criminal ordinances. So here's here's it seems like a nice sweet guy, when you see him just sitting there in his flannel shirt, and like, I'm Judge,

[VIDEO] 1:02:11
Hey, my name is definitely real name first model is is premised on a very simple and almost intuitive idea that if you're homeless, the problem is that you need a house. And so to solve homelessness, we should merely give people homes.

And now this policy is being pushed from the top down

the program, as I understand it was started out of New York for the very severely chronically homeless, believe in the 80s and 90s. And the Bush administration got a hold of it, implemented it. In 2008. Under the next administration, it was rolled out as a one size fits all solution. And there's

a lot of appeal to that idea that look, if this person is going to be on the street for five years, 10 years, 15 years, whatever it is, why don't we just give them a house and not deal with all of the problems of picking them up putting them in jail, putting them in a hospital doing the rest of it, let's find a central place where we can treat them. The problem with this theory is that if you look at the numbers of what's actually causing people to be homeless, it's overwhelmingly problems with mental health and drug addiction. And

Josh Olson 1:03:18
yeah, there we go again,

Josh Androsky 1:03:20
we don't necessarily have to stop. I just wanted to yell at him. Yeah, no, I

Josh Olson 1:03:23
know. I know. It's just it's so frustrating. It's how do you use a question? How do you push back against that narrative in a way that's effective?

Josh Androsky 1:03:35
The narrative,

Josh Olson 1:03:36
like a lot of like, right wing rhetoric, it's an easy sell. Because you see people, you know, they don't look well. You know, there's a drug issue going on. You just go Yeah, well, that's why they're there. And people go, Okay, fine.

Josh Androsky 1:03:50
So then, I mean, the way that that I do it is to be like, Okay, let's pay for more drug treatment. Yeah, let's invest in more drug treatment, then you know, where you don't get drug treatment prison right. Now, when you go to prison,

Dave Anthony 1:04:05
because it's thinking about the prison thing is it's just like, you're supposed to be conservative and care about money, right? Well, that's the least effective way to spend your fucking money. Like, I thought you were conservative. Like, I thought you wanted to save money on everything. Why would you want cops and prisons to handle the homeless?

Josh Androsky 1:04:23
Well, if you really want to save money, you'll pay like rental subsidies to keep people in their homes because it's 10 times cheaper to keep someone in a home than to get someone off the streets. That's the real fiscal conservative way. Yeah,

Dave Anthony 1:04:37
all of the people who are enraged at the homeless all over Los Angeles are the exact same people screaming for the COVID rent, moratorium and everything else to end they don't they don't connect it.

Josh Androsky 1:04:54
Yeah, that that's been like a massive battle and I think that you know, We're finding some success with that, obviously not enough because it just ended. But, you know, you cannot think about, like homelessness without thinking about tenants and their rights and, you know, ways in which we have to support tenants like, it's it's very, very simple to people fall into homelessness for every one person that is brought out of it. And the reason why is because of it's not homeowners who are falling into homelessness, it's tenants who are falling into homelessness.

Dave Anthony 1:05:33
And then the other thing, Josh, you're right, there's 200,000 homeless kids in America. And I think that goes to Josh's point of violence. There's a lot of them have to leave abusive homes. But there's 200,000 Kids, you're gonna say they're all drug addicts, and they have mental health issues. No, they're fucking children

[VIDEO] 1:05:51
with sobriety or treatment in order to receive permanent housing.

If you're going to put somebody in housing and you don't provide any type of service or form, no treatment services, no case management, know anything for him, you just stick them in the house just so you don't have to look at them. And they can do what they want in there. How are we really help them?

Josh Androsky 1:06:11
You want to draw Okay, nobody's done that. Nobody's ever done that. You know, who would do that? Republicans? Here's a house Hey. Yeah, get the hell out of here. Well, it's it's Las Vegas, Nevada. We have 400 Fucking, or 400,000 Empty Homes. Why don't we just put you one of these houses in this weird? Stepford Wives like subdivision? Nobody's ever done that.

Dave Anthony 1:06:37
Yeah, there's a thing called social workers. I don't know if people have ever heard of them, but they're out there doing stuff.

[VIDEO] 1:06:45
Someone and you want to help them get off the street. Right? So what they do is they just say, well, we're just going to allow the drugs anyway. Now you have all these people that are that are staying in shelters that are staying in navigation centers that are living in tent encampments, using in massive quantities of math, of fentanyl, heroin, crack cocaine, the city sanctions, their drug those within that city section sites,

Dave Anthony 1:07:08
he named the drug for us. He named the drugs for us, in case you weren't sure what drugs were, he named them for us. I needed to know.

Josh Olson 1:07:17
And we're going to talk about this guy named Tom Wolfe. We're gonna talk about him a little bit later, because he said something outrageous, which is kind of a good

[VIDEO] 1:07:25
one are paying for. I mean, it brings tears to my eyes, because it doesn't look at the individual. It doesn't look at what his or her potential is. And it doesn't help them develop that to say that, all we're gonna do is help them aspire to be like that for the rest of their lives by sticking them in a house and not addressing scuze me the issues. It's, it's horrible. I think it's one of the most oppressive things we've done in this century, to be honest with you, and I'm so committed to getting this.

Dave Anthony 1:08:00
Okay, so if I'm, if I'm shooting, if I'm shooting a video, a documentary in which I'm going to be talking about homeless, I'm going to say, Can I not sit on my $7,000 couch in my million dollar house? Just for optics purposes? Should I wear my pearl necklace? No. You look like a fucking asshole.

Josh Androsky 1:08:27
Yeah. Oh, wait, what about your $2,000 Leather Jacket?

Dave Anthony 1:08:31
Like, she looks like the richest person in the world. This is like now we're going to talk to someone up on Elysium it's crazy. And I do not mass

Josh Olson 1:08:42
and Pearl news. It's too big strands tied into a giant knot. It's a it's a noose

Dave Anthony 1:08:51
it's crazy. Do we know who this woman is? Do you have any information on her Josh? Lucille Bluth?

Josh Olson 1:08:59
Nothing Nothing. Nothing particularly?

Dave Anthony 1:09:02
Nothing. Okay, she's she's just a rich. I mean, how do you how do you get in this video? You have to be monsters.

Josh Androsky 1:09:10
I'm sorry. Is that a stone arch in her home by the curtain? I believe looks like a stone arch.

Dave Anthony 1:09:18
I believe you're correct. That is stone arch.

Josh Androsky 1:09:21
So the woman in her castle is crying and saying I can't believe

Dave Anthony 1:09:27
Yeah, yeah, you know, we need to do that. I mean, this is really all about they don't want to be taxed. Like at the end of the day. If the government is going to take care of homeless people. It's got to crack down on the money these people are fucking bringing in.

Josh Olson 1:09:40
isn't like devil's advocate, though, doesn't it? Isn't the idea being looked at me? I don't have to care about these people. But I do.

Dave Anthony 1:09:48
Sure but then ask her what her portfolio is. Does it have Blackrock in it? Yeah. Did I mean at the end of the day, you know, it's no it's not even bad optics. How does she make her fucking money? I guarantee if we go through stock or folio, a bunch of the companies are fucking people over left and right and creating inequality everywhere and then she's gonna sit here and cry. I mean, that's the that's the, the fucking problem with is

Josh Olson 1:10:10
just a little bit we don't we don't have much he was a senior fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation did some duty as vice president of political affairs from the California Chamber of Commerce oh it gets better, and the state's prison industry authority and she's written a book about battling the homeless epidemic yet, so

Josh Androsky 1:10:31
they're just gonna say battling the homeless. So,

Dave Anthony 1:10:35
of course the Texas Public Policy Foundation is a conservative think tank? Of course it is. Yeah, so it's about you know, getting getting rid of public education with school vouchers. It's right on crime. So it's just all you know, all that crap, the crap that gets us here.

Josh Androsky 1:10:58
I did just look up her portfolio, Dave. It's just a big letters homeless industrial complex.

[VIDEO] 1:11:08
2004 to 2014, San Francisco spent $2 billion on 3000 new units of permanent housing at a cost of $666,000 per unit more than double the median home price in America. Okay.

Josh Androsky 1:11:25
So first of all sick that it's like 666. There's the devil's thing that's very funny. Do you know why it's twice the amount of money as a normal median house price in America? And no, it's not just because it's San Francisco, where housing is insanely more expensive than the median home price in America, which is like absurd that they will do that on its face. The other part is that these numbers and I don't know for a fact that this includes that. But all of the other bad faith numbers I've seen in Los Angeles include the social workers and drug treatment workers and like housing navigated like, like all of the wraparound services that these folks need to stay in their homes, mental health, drug treatment, job placement, all of that shit. He's put is built into these numbers. And so this is actually a thing that people on the left sometimes get wrong as well, when you're going after like a neoliberal politician. And you're like, oh, like you can't do it. You You're spending this much money per unit. It's like, yeah, look, some of that might be and some of this might be giveaways to their developer friends, right. Like, famously, measure H H. H. LA's permanent housing bill, we taxed ourselves ourselves to create more permanent housing. That was a boondoggle due to a lot of like, favorite trading bullshit. But that was like a percentage of it. The bulk of it was because people fucking have to work on wraparound services.

Dave Anthony 1:13:05
Right? Also, you can't, you can't talk about cost per unit. If you don't, you just have to say how much housing costs in that area? Because otherwise, you're just throwing numbers out that don't mean anything.

Josh Androsky 1:13:20
Well, did you imagine? 66?

Dave Anthony 1:13:24
I'm surprised it was the 666 66 and 62. Confusion.

Josh Androsky 1:13:31
I'm also kind of shocked at the fact that like, they didn't like that. That's like a high number for San Francisco. Yeah, like it seems like $666,000 for a house a nice San Francisco. It's a good deal. Really deal. Really good deal.

[VIDEO] 1:13:50
That money has been so much more effectively.

Josh Androsky 1:13:57
You know what a temporary housing unit is it talks about temporary housing units here. I'll call it shocking

[VIDEO] 1:14:03
to me, lacking the bashing that we have, because because everything is permanent supportive housing or bust and hey, just keeping you alive until you get there. The problem is that half the people on the street aren't going to be allowed to realize that

housing. Los Angeles felt the impact of housing first immediately. Half

Reverend Andy bales from the Union Rescue Mission says he saw it coming in 2014 when the national thought process on homelessness shifted towards a housing first model. He says he saw donations to the missions on Skid Row plummet.

We had foundations that used to give us a million dollars shift to housing first only. We had another foundation that shifted that gave us 750,000

And only now is his intuition providing proof. This study released this week from the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development, showing since the Recovery Services decreased homelessness went up more than 15% nationwide.

Josh Androsky 1:14:59
Yeah, I'm sure that has something to like everything to do with this. One guy's completely unexplained charity, not getting money and not the constant degradation of life in America.

[VIDEO] 1:15:24
Compounding the problem cities like Austin, Texas have legalized street camping. Addicts poured out of shelters and treatment, back to where drugs, alcohol and crime abound.

Josh Androsky 1:15:35
Okay, this is fun. Look at those years. Yeah. On that, what's that last year where it goes up a lot? 2019 To 2020 2019 to 2020. Yeah, what happened? What happened?

Josh Olson 1:15:51
That's weird. What is it? 2019 to 2020. I feel like the number 19 has something to do with it.

Josh Androsky 1:16:03
Oh, interesting. I wonder I bet you it has nothing to do with the year 2020. And what may or may not.

Josh Olson 1:16:09
People just started sucking more and being less responsible. Yeah,

Dave Anthony 1:16:13
they didn't want to work. Yeah.

[VIDEO] 1:16:18
In Austin, homeless deaths rose by 25% in a matter of COVID. You motherfuckers?

Josh Olson 1:16:35
I will shoot when you find out what happened in movies or seats that don't go to movie theaters. It was a wild.

Josh Androsky 1:16:44
You know, what's really weird is I saw a graph of like presidents killed from 1962 to 1963. And it's shot right.

Josh Olson 1:16:57
100 for every president in that period, wild

[VIDEO] 1:17:07
sleep horrify Americans is that in LA, you have about three individuals die on the streets a day. If you look at this relative to the whole homeless community in LA. This means that they have death rates higher than soldiers that we sent off to Iraq or Afghanistan.

First of all, it's no place to live. Right? You're living on in a tent or in a in a doorway. It is so substandard. Right for anybody. This is not a way for a human in the in this year to ever live. There's no infrastructure for where's the toilet? Where's the sanitation? Where's the ability to even get help when you're sick?

Josh Olson 1:17:45
This is Erica Sandberg. Not much to say about her but she's works on Michael Shellenberger.

Dave Anthony 1:17:53
Who again, Michael Shellenberger if you give him money, he'll write whatever he whatever you want. That's what he is.

Josh Olson 1:18:00
Kinda, yeah, her big thing is that she some some character using a pseudonym, Carl Brandt tweeted a wanted poster of a Democrat who was trying to work for, you know, homeless rights. And this guy posted a wanted poster of him and she retweeted it didn't realize the Carl brand was a pseudonym, its name of Hitler's personal physician. As late as December of last year, she still refers to it as merely sharing a tweet, you know, from from a Nazi.

[VIDEO] 1:18:38
It's not there.

In May of 2021, Austin residents voted to reinstate the city's camping ban.

Others believe that today is just no accountability in society as a whole for people's actions anymore. It's like I'll use the bathroom anyway. I want to whether it's from a kid okay. I'm just saying about what I see.

Josh Androsky 1:19:10
The shit and piss argument that you always hear. Oh, there's shit everywhere. There's pits everywhere. I'll use the bathroom everywhere. No, you're not using a bathroom because there aren't fucking bathrooms. There are no bathrooms now. That's why there's shit and piss on the streets or in your park or somewhere else. It's because there's no bathrooms. So if you want there to not be somebody using the bathroom in front of the kids or whatever, maybe build a fucking toilet build a toilet build a giant toilet for everybody to use at the same time. Like who fucking cares? Like it this is one of the most infuriating things to be is the same people that always complain about the shit and piss are the same people who refuse public restrooms. Yeah, like that is the problem. And I'm glad that

Dave Anthony 1:20:03
it's it's worse actually, Josh. So there was a startup whose, whose business proposition was to essentially privatize bathrooms. So you could using this app and pay a fees, you could use bathrooms in certain places. So it essentially took like what were previously bathrooms open to people in San Francisco and privatize them. So they would keep them clean and nice. So now the homeless people, besides they're just ordinarily not being places to go, the places they could go became much, much less. And as soon as that started happening, you had Tucker Carlson's and people screaming on the news about people pulling and peeing on the street. And it's like, well, yeah, there's a startup making money off of fucking bathrooms.

Josh Androsky 1:20:57
I mean, look, I would, I will, is there anything that we can't privatize, they're just like, one thing that exists that you can't come out of fine. I would love if, you know, hit me up in the comments. I, that is, like, it's not just segregation. It's digital segregation, which is a lovely term, love, love that that exists.

[VIDEO] 1:21:24
And I'm still gonna serve those that in need, or somebody that's gonna always be less fortunate than me. We've worked with programs that when they first started, like taking people off into the street housing programs, people would live in houses, and living rooms, and still, like, they were living on the street, they wouldn't sleep in the bed. Everything was close to them. Paranoia set in, they didn't trust anybody been in there. They didn't even know how to live inside.

Josh Androsky 1:21:51
Okay, so that's trying how what he just said was true. That happens and you know why? Because the government every person in the government spends all of their time trying basically to kill you. Like trying to ruin your life hassle you the only place you feel any safety at all, we have a kid who was experiencing that type of anxiety, you know, as well, like, who just was like not okay, like it was felt to closed in. And that's because they had never received warmth, or care. But like, it was, it's mind boggling to take this, you know, absolutely saddening situation and use it as an example of why they don't deserve.

Josh Olson 1:22:40
Yeah, it's PTSD to I mean, yeah,

Dave Anthony 1:22:43
PTSD is it's no different than like you've seen in movies, like a guy gets out of jail, and he doesn't know how to be in, in a free society. It's because yeah, you've been in this situation for a long time, people come back from combat your brain, your brain is the fucking mess. I remember it happened to me. And this is like, just a crazy thing. But I went on tour for three months as a comedian, it was like three or four months, and I lived in a van and I was on tour. And when I got back, I like I couldn't sit down and talk. I couldn't I was always I was like, a crazy person. It took me like two weeks to like, adjust now imagine living on the fucking street. Like, it fucks up your brain. Like it makes everything weird. If you have, you know, a stable place all of a sudden, like, it's just vague, but they can't conservatives cannot hold this shit. They can't hold it because it's only what they've ever experienced is all they can understand. That's it?

[VIDEO] 1:23:39
Are we providing housing for homeless people? So they can get off the streets so we don't have to look at them? Are we providing them housing so they can be able to sustain themselves and be able to live

1000 individuals dying on the streets every year is not compassionate, and merely saying we're gonna let people camp on the streets because we think it's uncompassionate to push them off. It is not the right path. places like San Diego and others say listen, if

Josh Androsky 1:24:07
this idea of letting people like camp on the streets is the biggest crock of horseshit of this entire so nobody is letting people camp on the streets. What's happening is there is a fucking and they even allude to this a little bit later. There is a lawsuit called Martin V. Boise, which says that in America, according to the Constitution, if you cannot offer someone a place to live, then you cannot tell them to move or leave or get off of fucking any sort of public property at all whatsoever. That is the law. And just to show like why Los Angeles you doesn't enforce these enforcement bands. If we had every single homeless person in LA, in every single bed in LA 60% of the homeless would still be outdoors, because we only have beds for 40% of our homeless. So there isn't some fucking like hit the drum circle where everyone's like, Hey, man, let's fucking just let him camp bro. It's because there literally aren't enough units. And that's why like we're using hotels now and motels and why people are building these tiny homes, which when you do them right are actually helpful as an interim housing solution. But like people are losing their minds trying to build more beds. And that, like that very specific thing is the reason why five homeless people day die in Los Angeles and why Los Angeles has like more people that die from the elements than New York City. Because New York has the beds, la because of you know, rich mansion owning you know, upper class, pearl necklace and stone arch having people we have not built those yet because that threatens property,

[VIDEO] 1:26:24
push them off. It is not the right path. places like San Diego and others say listen, if we're gonna push you off the streets, we're gonna give you an alternative.

And according to people who have experienced homelessness firsthand, the root of the problem is mental illness and addiction, not housing.

Good morning, the meeting will come to order.

Josh Androsky 1:26:43
We'd love to know what they mean by people who have experienced this firsthand. Find out this this

[VIDEO] 1:26:50
Thursday, February 11 meeting of the public safety and Neighborhood Services Committee agenda one is a hearing on the San Francisco recovery summit working group report and findings.

Tom Wolfe, I'd like to invite you to speak

good morning, everyone. Only three years ago today I was sleeping on a piece of cardboard in a doorway on Golden Gate and hide in the Tenderloin severely addicted to heroin. I am living proof that there's a direct correlation between homelessness and substance use in the city.

Josh Olson 1:27:22
No, no, no, you're not he isn't. He isn't. He's a guy that I'm living proof that dropping out of high school will ensure you a career as a screenwriter in Hollywood. I mean, that's just fucking insane. One thing happened in his life. Another thing happened. And now he is monetizing it to bash people that this guy is infuriating. Because he is he was he was June 2018. His name's Tom Wolfe. He spent six months homeless on the streets of the tenderloin addicted to heroin and fentanyl. He spent six months in an inpatient recovery program and he kicked it he describes himself love this part is a moderate liberal.

Josh Androsky 1:28:05
One most of these people by the way, most of these people do as well, or at least the people that would watch this and get into it like today's earlier point, like all of the most like reactionary Caruso. You know, Caruso was the trump of La if you're not from LA, like the people that love the worst, most carceral shit are all like, especially like in blue states and blue cities are like I'm a liberal. I'm just a good. I'm just a good liberal.

Josh Olson 1:28:30
There's a fun story here that in 2020, a TV station in San Francisco San Fran right Dave as we call it. I know what what is it the golden city?

Dave Anthony 1:28:43
Yeah, the Golden City. That's it. Yeah. And the Golden City.

Josh Olson 1:28:45
They were in a story claiming that city officials were providing alcohol and drugs to homeless addicts living in hotel rooms. So here's the thing. The city never hid the fact that emergency shelter in place includes medical harm reduction. A lot of cities do it. Exactly. 11 people have been given small amounts of alcohol, to avoid withdrawal symptoms and to keep them from leaving to buy more on their own. The drugs quote unquote provided are nicotine, cannabis and methadone. All it took was one person. This is the source of the story. One person, Tom Wolf, to complain on Twitter. And this story ended up in the Daily Mail, the New York Post, and that's this guy here. Oh my god.

[VIDEO] 1:29:33
You can build all the housing and get everybody off the street. Oh,

Josh Androsky 1:29:36
sorry. Sorry. Sorry. It just kind of dawned on me those are all legal drugs. Yes. They were just they were they were all like they weren't sorry okay. Anyway, I'm I include

Josh Olson 1:29:51
nicotine I mean, you just did Jesus Christ. Here's your fucking you got everything. You're homeless. You're living a shelter did you're not cuz you're jonesing for a fucking cigarette.

Josh Androsky 1:30:03
Yeah, they did give him vapes,

[VIDEO] 1:30:05
which was you're struggling with addiction or mental illness. You're just housed with drug addiction and mental illness. People say, Oh, I lost my job and I became homeless. But then you have to ask why did you lose your job? I lost my job because I was going to work and shooting up in the bathroom when my lunch breaks

Josh Olson 1:30:19
you. Watching this and going, that's proof. This is talking stupid. I just want to

Dave Anthony 1:30:30
Josh, Josh, every single person who lost a job but a carwash lost it because they drove up and yelled, fuck you with the manager. Every single one, because that's what I did in college. That's how every single person

Josh Olson 1:30:45
worried about me.

Josh Androsky 1:30:46
Every single person who lost their job at Build A Bear workshop, did so because they sweat way too much. And it was freaking out the kids and the parents. Because

Josh Olson 1:31:00
there's something there enabling this guy's just what is it solid? CISM it's like, yeah, dude, you're one person. And I bet he met other people. Well, I can see me send it that. Oh my god. So what?

Dave Anthony 1:31:14
I can tell you right now this motherfucker hasn't done like a 12 step program because this is not what you do. Good point. You know, you don't he's he's essentially blaming, he's blaming others. He's saying I didn't get straight in time or whatever. Because San Francisco makes it too easy. No, do this all on you. It's on fucking you.

[VIDEO] 1:31:35
And then going back and sitting on my desk and passing out. From what I saw on the people that I encountered on the street, it's about eight out of every 10 people

Dave Anthony 1:31:46
what he saw, so you were hanging out in the fucking, if you're if you're homeless in San Francisco, and you're not on drugs, you're not going to try to hang out in the fucking tenderloin. If you are on drugs, and you're homeless, you're going to hang out in the tenderloin here,

Josh Olson 1:32:07
here's where it's going. So, but he's just saying, Is he just saying that edit 10 people he saw are on drugs. And he's extrapolating. Are we to believe him any six months time that this gentleman was homeless? He interviewed everybody or a large scientific, large enough group of people to determine that most of them there had the same story as he did. Do you think he sat down? Do you think and how does that work? Exactly. Do you think people are just happy to sit there and tell that's

Josh Androsky 1:32:37
they call a circle of junkies?

Josh Olson 1:32:40
Six months? Yeah, ascertain.

Dave Anthony 1:32:43
If you're? It's really common. If you're homeless and on drugs, one of the number one things dry that drug addicts do when they're homeless. Is poll. Always polling? Yeah, that's

Josh Androsky 1:32:55
Shawn packaway got his whole thing started. But you know, the other. The other thing is, like, when you are doing drugs and constantly looking for drugs, then yeah, eight out of 10 people you see are probably also doing drugs or looking for drugs.

Josh Olson 1:33:15
That's right, you know, that works. You,

Dave Anthony 1:33:17
you, you you match up with the other people that that's a survival thing. You know, you're you're like, hey, you know, how do I find a group of people that are going to help me get drugs? Well, that's gonna be other people who do drugs,

[VIDEO] 1:33:29
out on the street, living in tents, etc. They're struggling with

addiction. A recent study agreed over 75%.

Josh Olson 1:33:39
Note, there's no graphic here, folks. We're not We're not hiding something for you a recent study agreed. That's it. Yeah, no, no, no, no, as much as we do as much as a recent

Josh Androsky 1:33:50
recent study from a recent study, one guy he saw

[VIDEO] 1:33:58
and from the decal Foundation, of unsheltered have a drug or alcohol addiction, and a similar number also have a severe mental health disorder.

I was a child support officer for the city and county San Francisco was a very stressful job working with a lot of domestic violence victims, I became homeless because of my addiction. And I think a lot more people do become homeless because of addiction and what people think, you know, scientifically, we know that addiction is a disease. So my survival instincts got basically corrupted by these drugs. I also needed drugs in the same kind of way that

Josh Olson 1:34:31
they love people like this. And this is just this is a version of Candace Owens, essentially, if you will just basically sell out yourself and your your group, whatever that group is for them, if you will tell them what they want to hear about your people. In his case, it's drug addicts and people who are homeless, and he will debase himself. He'll tell them horrifying stories about shit he did. And they'll throw money at him and they'll put them in documentaries. It feeds in case, I don't think this guy is getting rich off at the weekend isn't Oh, it is, but it just feed something in him that you know what crazy attention or something. I mean, it's just, it's really sick. And it's really sad.

Josh Androsky 1:35:13
Well, no, Josh, it's not sad to take one person's horrible story of, you know their life or to take their race or to take their gender or sexuality and to use it to oppress every other person of that group. That's not sad. That's business.

Josh Olson 1:35:32
Exactly. No, I'm sad for him. Because this is a guy who just is just allowing himself to be used and

[VIDEO] 1:35:40
food, I would do anything to get them making up lies to get money from my family while I was out there. And while I was on the street, homeless, even then, I still thought I had some control over my life, because all I really wanted in my addiction was the drugs. That's how powerful it is. Some people criticize me for some of the stuff that I say, but you know what, it can't just be all touchy feely out there. Because being on the street is not touchy feely.

cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles failed to realize the power of addiction, and dangerously believed that addiction is a choice, not a disease, they condone this behavior, and even help promote it.

Dave Anthony 1:36:19
I don't know where that comes from. Like, that's, that's got nothing to do with ideology or anything else that's, like, people believe that or they don't and has absolutely nothing to deal with anything like political or anything equal

Josh Androsky 1:36:33
and Prager, you believe homelessness is a choice.

[VIDEO] 1:36:41
One of the main policies that I feel like I'm constantly battling is the city's obsession with harm reduction,

the baseline goal of harm reduction is to keep you alive long enough in the hopes that you'll find recovery. But what it's morphed into in San Francisco is something different. It's really blurring the lines between harm reduction and then drug promotion. At the same time, how this

is playing out on our streets, is that instead of encouraging treatment, what we say, just keep on going,

every program that has a program has to have a harm reduction policy within it.

One of those requirements is listed really down at the bottom and buried in there is that you need to have clean drug paraphernalia available at all times. For the residents of your drug rehab. They'll pass because you don't

Josh Androsky 1:37:27
want them to get AIDS. Like what the fuck, you know, all these people preventing HIV? It's really it's a nightmare.

Dave Anthony 1:37:36
You know, this guy's basically saying, Look, I would have stopped doing heroin if they didn't give me spoons. It's the fucking dumbest thing. It's just so fucking idiotic. Like, I don't even know what to say about this. Like, again, to go to a 12 step program because you're blaming everything else, everybody but yourself.

[VIDEO] 1:37:55
Here's some safe ways for you to use fentanyl so you don't overdose. Make sure you use a clean needle, make sure you clean the area that you're going to inject. Make sure you register it before you inject the needle inside your your vein. And then at the end of all that it'll say, enjoy your Hi, here I am trying to kick heroin man. And I'm in the drug rehab and I walk by the table every day with syringes and cookers and foil and and straws looking right? I mean pipes. And you wonder why nobody's getting clean. You make it easier to get high and so hard to get treatment in San Francisco that it hurts.

Dave Anthony 1:38:33
And also you don't they don't have a giant, open infected wound. Like, come on, dude, this guy's just out of his fucking tree. What a goddamn baby. This guy is what a fucking baby. Look,

Josh Androsky 1:38:50
I know that there's something I hate more than anything. And that's when people don't OD. And I have committed my life to making more people OD and die.

Josh Olson 1:39:06
That's the thing. He knows if he is telling the truth, and we have no reason to believe he's not that he lived that life. He knows that nothing's going to come between that addict and that needle and it's just

[VIDEO] 1:39:18
right, literally killing people. Literally.

In 2019, the city saw a 70% increase over 2018 in overdose deaths. And during the pandemic, San Francisco went so far as to deliver free drugs and alcohol to homeless staying in hotel rooms that the city paid for.

Josh Olson 1:39:38
Alcohol. Tobacco and weed is what it says in the text. They're not going to say that because they're hoping you don't pick up on it. But yeah, Alcohol Tobacco they

Dave Anthony 1:39:46
delivered it does that mean didn't buy buy delivered it? What does that mean? Exactly? Who's delivering it? Is it a grocery store? Did they do they have a voucher to a grocery store and just order it like what's the one is San Francisco delivers like it was

Josh Androsky 1:40:01
one of those GrubHub robots?

Dave Anthony 1:40:09
I mean, at this point, anytime they say anything, you have to consider it suspect and bullshit.

Josh Olson 1:40:13
Yeah. And I'd love to know considering the fact that this guy is a source of that story I told you earlier, you know, the only source that turned out to be the state allowing people to smoke a cigarette every now and then. He's not the best source for this kind of thing.

Dave Anthony 1:40:29
No, he's not what happens

[VIDEO] 1:40:30
when a city plays drug dealer. In 2020, the death rate among San Francisco homeless dump was amazing

Josh Olson 1:40:36
to see how Kahal tobacco and weed and then they cut to pictures of like syringes and spoons.

Josh Androsky 1:40:45
why did why did so many more homeless people die in 2020? That's weird. Nothing else happened.

Josh Olson 1:40:54
More bad people, more bad people incapable of making good choices.

Dave Anthony 1:40:58
Hey, can I ask you a question did a lot more housed people die in tweets Shut

Josh Androsky 1:41:03
up. We're trying to make a fucking documentary.

[VIDEO] 1:41:08
Many of these lives could have been saved. We know how to fix this problem. And the good news is that leaders across the country are doing just that.

Homelessness is not an issue in California. It is the issue. When I first took office a quickly

Josh Androsky 1:41:26
they've got we've got Kevin Faulconer here Kevin Kevin frog and Falcon. And what they won't tell you is that he got the shit beat out of them in the recall election of Gavin Newsom I mean he got absolutely trounced by the West Coast Donald. Donald Trump, Larry elder. Oh, yeah, he ran you didn't know that. guy fucking, like he got to he was sub Jeb with his fucking

Dave Anthony 1:42:03
jab. Okay, so I looked up the why they delivered, why they delivered alcohol and weed to people as because stuff just goes into lockdown. And they didn't want people going out. And, and, you know, being in crowds and everything else it was it was a lockdown. So that's why they deliver.

Josh Olson 1:42:24
Deliver legal, every last one of those

Dave Anthony 1:42:26
is legal stuff legal.

Josh Olson 1:42:31
Although, well, in fact, smoking marijuana will just absolutely destroy your life.

[VIDEO] 1:42:36
Aim clear to me that the search for consensus on the perfect thing to do was turning into non action, not just here in the city, but up and down the entire state of California. I knew we had to do things differently. allowing somebody to live on a sidewalk in our city streets is condemning them to die on the street. That was unacceptable. I do not allow 10 encampments in San Diego on our sidewalks anymore.

Josh Olson 1:43:05
But he did isn't the neutral question like so what do you do with those people? Like yeah, you right?

Where did they go send them somewhere? Well,

Josh Androsky 1:43:15
one thing that's very fun is that it's impossible to do that. Like even if you had every cop in San Diego, their only job was to heave ho, you know, dragging people in need, you still wouldn't get enough because there aren't enough like that's the the thing about all these laws, LA has one called 4118 which actually was created as an anti hippie law in Hollywood in the 60s. But it's the sit sleep and lie law you're not allowed to sit sleep or lie on public property. But the thing is, for 2018 is used by conservative politicians in Los Angeles to just assuage fucking rich people. And the reality is, is that they could never even with the LAPD like you know the one of the largest police forces in the country. They could not remove every person because they don't have enough people to do that. So like all of this shit, right? You can say it you can make yourself sound good to like your reactionary right wingers but just know and if you if you are ever in an argument with a reactionary right wing family member and they're like, we'll do the do this be like count that sense? Why are their tents still, but I thought that they said that they were going to get rid that it wasn't a lot. Well, where? Why are their tents? And the answer is because you can't fucking stop it from happening because the economy demands there'll be unhoused people

Josh Olson 1:44:52
I'm also trying to figure out what happens if like, Please living on the street will kill you living in a tent city will kill you. I will let that happen. But all he's doing is arresting people and shoving them out of town. So what is what?

[VIDEO] 1:45:06
Every individual has a right to shelter? That if we provide that

Josh Androsky 1:45:10
don't let that happen in San Diego exactly, you

[VIDEO] 1:45:13
have an obligation to use it. So I started a series of new bridge shelters in San Diego. It's a bridge between living on this treasure that beds and being able to stand on your own two feet in that place in your own. I don't want you off the street for for a night or for a week. But we want to help provide a safe, clean, sanitary and supportive environment to get you off the streets for good.

If you've got a need,

Josh Androsky 1:45:39
you're wondering, oh, wow, look at that. Didn't that look great in that looks super livable. That fucking airplane hangar full of cars were just strewn about no particular order of the gods just strewn about. Yeah, that looks super liveable that looks healthy, that look clean. There was shit everywhere

Josh Olson 1:45:58
never committed. upgraded to actually a few walls around my cot.

Josh Androsky 1:46:04
Yeah, exactly. Like, and by the way, bridge homes. Those were invented. Before Kevin Falconer was in office. They were a project of one Eric Garcetti and just look around is Los Angeles. And you'll see how the bridge home works. Or look around outside of bridge homes and see how bridge homes work. They are just fucking warehouses. And most unhoused people don't want to live in that. They would much rather choose to not live in a warehouse with a bunch of cots. They're dangerous. They get their shit stolen, they get. There's violence that happens inside. You're gonna they're treated like shit. Would you want to live in a fucking car in an aeroplane anger? No. And so this type of solution is only done. It's only made in order to fulfill the written rule of Martin V. Boise. Right? If we have enough beds, we can kick people around. Right? So if you put 1000 beds inside fucking airplane hanger, then yes, I guess you can circumvent the law

[VIDEO] 1:47:10
work together, we can fix things. 90% of the time, before we had the bridge to others, people had no choice. And that's why the judges, they wouldn't enforce the policy because there was no alternative being homeless because there was no place to start the process to get off the street. Everybody drank the housing first Kool Aid, which I knew there was a city council meeting and they said, We're not going to do shelters anymore, because we're gonna do Housing First. And I said, on camera with all the new Jays outside, that's gonna be a disaster. Because now people don't have any place to go to wait for that housing that may or may not ever come look at the billions and billions and billions of dollars. I mean, wait, hold

Josh Androsky 1:47:45
on. Wait for that housing that may or may not ever come so they're gonna live and die in that airplane hangar? Is that what he was just saying that he just let that one slip? I think he just let that one slip. Yeah, yeah, the housing will come or maybe it won't. But either way, you'll be in this fucking car

[VIDEO] 1:48:01
wasted right now. It'd be communities like Seattle, Portland, LA, San Francisco, San Jose, billions of dollars by allowing people to kill themselves publicly. Where you could take that same money and invest in people on the street and say You're better than this.

Bridge shelters are so much more than a shelter, housing navigation, how do we match you with resources to get that apartment of your own dealing with mental health and substance abuse issues deal with job training issues, bringing all of those services underneath

Josh Olson 1:48:32
it looks like an Amazon warehouse. Yeah,

Josh Androsky 1:48:34
it is those people work for Amazon,

[VIDEO] 1:48:36
one location. One of the changes that I made was established a series of storage centers for personal belongings, free of charge, it has allowed our streets to be much cleaner. Again, it was the right thing to do by changing that dynamic, providing the incentive to do the right thing. But also the consequences if you do the wrong thing. I'm proud. So

Josh Olson 1:49:00
don't get the sense of storage centers right next to the warehouse with your card. All right, so well.

Josh Androsky 1:49:08
So what I will say the storage center thing is actually good Nithya ramen started doing that in LA, she was the first my understanding to do it. And it's a thing where if you do it, right, and you have an office that gives a fuck, and you're like, Hey, don't worry, you can, you know, take your stuff here, and we will take you wherever you need stuff will take you there. I you know, ideally, it's very close to where they're staying. And that is like, yeah, that's the ideal thing. But like, it is actually remarkable how important that is. Because when you're talking about going into these shelters, oftentimes, the rule is you can only bring two garbage bags worth of your entire possessions. Or if you say no, you're like, No, no, no, these are all the things that I own in the world and he takes like three garbage bags or four Like, or like, oh, I have a tool set because I am a carpenter, and I freelance and I need work. They're like, nope, those are weapons, you can't bring them into the shop, right? Like, if you, if you don't don't comply to those rules, then you are refusing housing, and therefore you are now eligible to be arrested. So the storage units are incredibly important, if done correctly,

[VIDEO] 1:50:28
we're the only urban county in California where homelessness has gone down the last two years. And there's nothing more I like them to interact with somebody who maybe was a skeptic of what we were doing in terms of putting up a bridge shelter, or the help and support that were given to come back to me and say, Mr. Mayor, you know what, this worked out pretty well.

San Diego reduced its unsheltered homeless population by more than 20% in recent years. What does San Diego understand that its neighbors don't. That compassion must work with accountability. And that by banning street camping, we can incentivize people to seek better opportunities.

Back to the old days, where you would have

Josh Olson 1:51:12
living in a street camp isn't incentive enough to try to live somewhere better? If you have that ability?

Josh Androsky 1:51:19
No, man, everybody loves to live on the streets. And we're definitely

Josh Olson 1:51:24
and they'll always find some guy, they'll find some version of this Tom Wolf guy, well, I got I chose to be homeless, because it's fun, like, okay, great, there's you. But it's just this this core assumption that these people are living this way because either they want to, or they're too lazy to do something better. And if you just incentivize them, as if being homeless isn't incentive enough to the other day doing the show. People are awful, by the way,

Dave Anthony 1:51:55
during, during, so they were doing homeless sweeps in San Diego, but during the pandemic, they didn't enforce any of the ordinances and you know, they just so it's the opposite of what they're doing here. Like they they used San Francisco's pandemic response to hold it against them. But this guy, he, you know,

they they sort of let all their rules lacks everything you saying they did, they didn't do during the pandemic, they they changed

[VIDEO] 1:52:27
a tent in cabinets. That was not helpful to the individuals, obviously, that we're living on the streets. It's not helpful for your neighborhoods, for your business. That's the wrong approach. That's the failed status quo approach.

If I was on the street, and you'd come up to me when I was sitting there hitting my heroin, oh, my boy, hold

Josh Androsky 1:52:44
on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. The failed status quo approach is banning 10 encampments. It's using the police to shuffle homeless people from block to fucking block because one homeowner calls and says, hey, I can see a poor person. And then they go right away, sir. And they move them in front of another house where that house calls and goes, Hey, I can see a poor person, and then they move them around and move them around and move them around because every fucking city has banned. Tent encampments has banned parking, Los Angeles street has banned street camping. Los Angeles has banned street camping throughout most of the city. Like I'm sure San Francisco has banned the street camping in large swaths of the fucking city. That is the status quo. The thing that is new that these conservatives are mentioning, are the actual services, the housing placements, the fucking mental health and addiction services that are somehow good when a right winger does it, but the problem when anybody left of fucking Newt Gingrich doesn't.

Dave Anthony 1:53:59
Okay, so headline from the San Diego Tribune on May 19 2022, homeless count up 10% in San Diego County, quote more miserable out there than I've seen in years. Oceanside up 31% National City up 19% Santee up 480% unincorporated areas up 540% Why? Because he's pushing them out of the fucking city.

interest that's what happens they've been moved somewhere else lakesides up 162% That's what happens. Where are they gonna go? There's not enough shelter again, like you said in LA it's the same thing in fucking San Diego. There's this article says there's nowhere near enough shelters. So they just have to go to another place

Josh Olson 1:54:50
well and no two they talk about reducing the homeless population. They don't talk about housing the homeless population.

Dave Anthony 1:54:56
Right reduce means to move exactly. It's like it's like when Giuliani cracked down on crime in. In New York, I was living there and I got into a cab and the cab drivers like, oh, no, that they just put them. They just put them in a cop car and they take them to Brooklyn or jersey, they just moving them out of the fucking Manhattan, like and sending them to Jersey and everywhere else. Like that's all they did. It's the same thing.

[VIDEO] 1:55:19
He said, Hey, if you said, Hey, Tom, you want to go to rehab? Do you have a drug problem? I would have my answer would T would have been what drug problem? I'm just chilling out here, man. That's what most people say. I agree with Mayor Faulkner.

Josh Olson 1:55:30
And he's he's still right now he's back to this. It's like something I'm what is this? What is this, this is just like him just telling his frickin story, which as he as you point out, he has he has yet to take any responsibility, which is weird, because he seems to be taking responsibility. And yet, what he's doing is he's telling the stories, to lay blame on everybody around them. You know what I mean? Yes, that's the interesting thing. That's the sort of double mindfuck

[VIDEO] 1:56:02
on the issue of street camping, and that, so long as we have a shelter bed that we can offer them, they should be obligated to take that shelter bed, at least for a day or two, to just try it when it's like getting off the street.

In Austin, some individuals are taking action into their own hands. And Alan Graham believes there's a better approach.

We believe very powerfully that government should only play a subsidiary role to you and I, in mitigating these profound human needs that our society explores what we want to do,

Josh Androsky 1:56:45
you know, something tells me something tells me that he thinks the government should play a small role in everything in everything.

Dave Anthony 1:56:54
Yeah, this guy now comes, the guy that says, I don't want to be taxed,

[VIDEO] 1:57:00
is encouraged, people don't move out of that transactional mentality that we're gonna go build, you know, $600 billion worth of housing over here. And we're gonna put people in there, and it's going to solve this housing problem. It's not

the people that we serve here are the hardest to house, the average age of the people who live here is 58 years old. The average length of time on the streets is 10 years. These are folks that genuinely, they never thought they would get off the streets, they were certain that that they would be on the streets until they died, what we believe is that the forged family has to come around them, right that it is all of us. And what happens in our culture today is that we've abdicated responsibility for that to the government. And we've said, City Hall, state government, federal government, this is your problem to solve. And it's not it's a human problem. It's all of us.

Josh Androsky 1:57:55
Okay, so they're not wrong about the fact that more rich people should be spending their money on helping the homeless. But if it's not a housing problem, why did you build all those houses?

[VIDEO] 1:58:15
When you decide on one way, you're limiting innovation. And that's really what's happened. Community First, the movement is an innovation. Lots of people thought that this model could never work.

Josh Androsky 1:58:29
So housing first doesn't work. But community first, once you have houses, that doesn't work,

Dave Anthony 1:58:37
well, again, this is like this is you know, no different than, you know, what happens with schools, rich people are seeing now the homeless population a way to profit off of it, right. They want to, you know, send all the money to them, and they'll fix it and they'll skim a bunch of money off the top.

Josh Androsky 1:58:54
The homeless industrial complex,

[VIDEO] 1:58:57
continue to invest in relationship we continue to show up for each other. And it turns out that community actually does work.

Community first village gives homeless individuals something housing first policies can never a family, people holding each other accountable, supporting each other. By providing a sustainable ecosystem for these individuals to thrive in drug addiction, alcohol use and other harmful behaviors have plummeted. How do

you bring somebody in to purposeful living? And when you look at what's happening inside this community, what they're being given is a community organic farming operation, a blacksmithing shop, a woodshop, an art house, all the things that allow people to wake up in the morning and have purpose. Well, there's no rules. Yeah,

Josh Androsky 1:59:49
you know, I mean, he's totally right. The only thing we'd need to solve homelessness is a bunch of millionaires to build summer camp

Josh Olson 1:59:58
entire Khumalo around Yes, yeah, sure.

Josh Androsky 2:00:02
I mean, yes, sure. Like, I think that's scalable and looks scalable to me

[VIDEO] 2:00:08
must pay rent. And do you know that we don't have a rent collection problem here and never have, because everybody knows wait.

Josh Olson 2:00:21
Really unfortunate gotta understand, we don't have a red collection problem they cut and they're standing in a cemetery is the suggestion looks like crosses,

Josh Androsky 2:00:33
I think those are signs, we don't have a red collection problem to all the

Josh Olson 2:00:39
dead bodies of the people. That's what it looks like. That's

Dave Anthony 2:00:43
all you want to know who's eligible to live in the community, first village.

Josh Androsky 2:00:49

Dave Anthony 2:00:50
you have to be chronically homeless, which means living in a place not meant for human habitation a safe haven or an emergency shelter for at least one year. And having at least one disability residing in an institution care facility, including all a jail or substance abuse or mental health treatment facility, hospital or other similar facility for more than 90 for fewer than 90 days. And couchsurfing does not count towards your homeless history. So they're pretty restrictive, you have to do an FBI background check. It's interesting that you know, part of it has two little rules,

Josh Androsky 2:01:34
the part that they're not showing is the room where they take all their blood to give to Peter Thiel.

[VIDEO] 2:01:43
When you pay rent, turns out that you're invested, you have skin in the game, and every

Josh Olson 2:01:49
hit that's not actually works that's I used to rent I own a house. One of those things you don't

Dave Anthony 2:02:01
write, you don't have skin in the game. Skin is being taken for free. Exactly.

Josh Androsky 2:02:08
Yeah, yeah, you lose your skin.

[VIDEO] 2:02:12
Human needs to have skin in the game. And that is what is lacking out there on the streets.

The incentives and accountability work. The dough fund in New York City has transformed 10s of 1000s of lives through its ready, willing and able program, which combines paid work, transitional housing, and comprehensive social services, including sobriety support, an independent study by Harvard University found that ready, willing and able graduates are 60% less likely to be convicted of a felony three years after exiting the program. Yeah,

Dave Anthony 2:02:52
this is what they want. So they're, they're essentially taking? Because this is this is all good. Yeah, great. They're getting people jobs and helping them. I don't know what they're what are they trying to say with this model is saying this is what we should be doing?

Josh Androsky 2:03:08
Yeah, this is just a good thing that is done in a blue city. This is just a thing that it's like, if we had the money, everyone would do it all the time. It's not a surprise that if you give people mental health care, drug treatment, a house and a job, that they won't be homeless or be in a position where they feel like, you know, desperate enough to commit a crime.

Josh Olson 2:03:36
In fact, isn't this government's doing this all over the country?

Dave Anthony 2:03:40
No, because it's private. It's not government

Josh Olson 2:03:43
as much but my point is, you're never gonna get enough billionaires to do this on their own. Ergo, you know?

Dave Anthony 2:03:54
Maybe Are they are they doing this? Number one, because it's private, but also because they're, they want homeless people to pay rent.

Josh Androsky 2:04:04
Yeah, that was so funny when he's like, you know, you don't see this is the type of thing that you don't see, you know, the crucial missing element like landlords.

[VIDEO] 2:04:15
Researchers at the University of Alabama tested a similar hypothesis by providing homeless with housing conditioned upon drug and alcohol treatment. They found that 64% of residents maintain sobriety. Instead of pumping billions of dollars into housing first, it's time to use performance based funding that rewards the programs that truly make a difference. For the price of one housing unit in San Francisco, we could build dozens of transitional shelters.

Josh Androsky 2:04:46
White. No, you can't.

Dave Anthony 2:04:56
It's so expensive in San Francisco.

Josh Androsky 2:05:00
Can you? Can you get the space of an airplane hangar in San Francisco for $43,000?

[VIDEO] 2:05:11
More fun, proven treatment programs. Also know meanwhile,

Dave Anthony 2:05:16
hold on, hold on. They just said that to be in these places. You have to undergo treatment and stay sober. Right? So essentially, this is like charter schools where they're saying, if you're, you know, on the straight and narrow, then you can live here, but what what about all the fucking people they just talked about? Who are drug addicts and have mental illnesses? So if they don't have their shit, right, they can't stay here. Is that the fucking solution? They're talking about? Dave?

Josh Androsky 2:05:49
The cemetery.

Josh Olson 2:05:52
Process madness title crosses,

[VIDEO] 2:05:54
our elected officials must promote policies that address the root causes of homelessness.

What I think everybody's aim should be, is this self sufficiency. We don't want.

Dave Anthony 2:06:08
Jesus Christ man. You know what, you know what I actually think it's, it's absolutely not a fucking thing. It's like you, you we live in the most brutal capitalist state? Possibly, I think in the history of the fucking world. Like, it's so fucking brutal, and huge. And you're just like, yeah, just take care of yourself. Fucking Walmart hiring people for years who have to also get aid in fucking food stamps and shit. Like, what are you talking about?

Josh Androsky 2:06:40
You know, selfs self sufficiency. She's from the iron Rand Institute on the homeless, and she believes that every, every single homeless person needs to be self sufficient, they need to be able to do irrigation, and they need to be able to build, you know, like, pretty complex farming system, and they have to also get paid for it somehow. And, you know, but the funniest thing is, you know, who are the most self sufficient self sufficient people in America, the homeless, they don't have any.

Josh Olson 2:07:15
Yeah, they don't get

Josh Androsky 2:07:16
anything. They the fact that they are alive is a fucking miracle of like, determination of hard work of fucking, like, there's an enhanced woman that lives or doesn't live, we helped her into some interim housing, but who hangs out by one of our offices, and, you know, show her the line, she always says, and it's true is being homeless is the toughest job she's ever had. It's the most work she's ever done in her life. And it's 100% True, it is just a constant fucking struggle. And to be like, You should be more self sufficient is a fucking slap in the face.

Dave Anthony 2:07:57
It's a constant struggle for people with houses, you know. So now think about people without fucking houses like this, this country makes you constantly try to figure out what you're gonna do the next goddamn day. It's just brutal. It's to say this shit, I just want to say San Francisco, where this woman is from, when I was starting out in comedy, I would drive him around to San Francisco every night, and there was a homeless problem. And, and someone was like, what you should be someone said, You should feed them, like, you know, and I was like, oh, so I would like three or four nights a week, I would stop somewhere and buy hamburgers or whatever, and go fucking hand them out. And then San Francisco made that illegal.

Now you got fined if you gave homeless people food. And that was in in, you know, the early 90s. Like, this is not a city that has been nice to homeless people ever.

Josh Olson 2:08:53
Yeah. I'll say CI, and most of the other people in this in this documentary, it'll look like they have somebody calling their restaurant reservations for them. So yeah.

[VIDEO] 2:09:04
People in this perpetual cycle. We want financial independence. We want emotional independence. We want independence. That's perhaps free weights.

Josh Olson 2:09:14
What is?

Josh Androsky 2:09:17
Yeah, yeah. What the fuck is emotional independence? We want them to be sociopaths.

Josh Olson 2:09:24
Nobody loves me. I don't need you. I need nothing.

[VIDEO] 2:09:28
That's keeping them down.

We always told me and Craig, we're not the most compassionate individuals in the world. We take the compassionate approach by making it happen for people. And making it happen also means sometimes telling them no. But what we don't do is we don't give up on anyone. No matter what they do, how they do it. We're going to be there for them. That's what keeps us going and keeps us moving for whether we have no money or not. We will still do this work.

Homelessness is a humanitarian crisis. But there are solutions. By denying the solutions, we excuse ourselves from making hard choices that can transform lives. It's easy to hand someone an apartment key and think that the problem is solved. It's hard work getting them.

Josh Olson 2:10:19
I bet who does that, as you say no one's doing is doing the treatment,

[VIDEO] 2:10:23
holding them accountable, and helping them return to a productive, safe and healthy life. But that work must be done if we truly care for the most vulnerable among us.

Josh Androsky 2:10:38
I love it. The last shot in this documentary is like I do it on a motorcycle for no reason. Just like a fucking Willie Nelson on a motorcycle. Yes,

Dave Anthony 2:10:48
by the way, that woman that was talking is she works for the City Journal, which is a paper in San Francisco. But it's not a paper. It's it's a public policy magazine published by the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, which is thanks. So it's just propaganda. That's what she is. She's a propagandist.

Josh Olson 2:11:10
Yup. So that was that's the Prager, u big, big documentary. Josh, any last thoughts on this thing?

Josh Androsky 2:11:23
I mean, I'm just trying to be emotionally self sufficient here. And? Yeah, I mean, look, this is, there's a lot of myths about homelessness that are rampant in this documentary. But the truth of the matter is that it's very easy. What solves homelessness, the things that solve homelessness, were even in this documentary, and were called good because they were done by a private entity. The way to solve homelessness is housing with mental health and addiction services, and job placement, we have to. But the thing is, is like, it'll never be solved unless we solve the root causes of homelessness. And the root causes of homelessness include, but are not limited to lack of Medicare for all, lack of a living wage, and lack of anything resembling a safety net, in this fucking country. And we got a glimpse of what that might look like a little teeny bit over the pandemic, where, for a second, we had a safety net, for just a second, we had unemployment benefits, at least in California, that were a living wage that everybody got. And the only way that we'll be able to get that is if everybody fights for it. And if you're not currently fighting for if you're just posting about it, and I recommend that you go out into the world, and you meet a group of people that are fighting for one or all of these issues, and you just start organizing, you will start organizing all sorts of different people across your neighborhood. Sorry, if you heard that, there's, I guess somebody's getting really mad at me. There was a firework that went off, it sounded like a war. So but if you, you know, go out into the real world, find people who are fighting for one or more of those things and start organizing, organize your town, organize your county, organize your city, start working to fix these issues. From an actual material point of view, don't just post don't just talk join an organization because you cannot be politically self sufficient. You have to be in a collective you have to be in some sort of group or you know, organization, because only then will you have power and start at the local level and fight for policies that will lead to those outcomes. Don't just focus on presidential politics don't just focus on Congress. These are things that as we've seen the President in Congress can't do anything about and won't do anything about make them do it by organizing a base of power locally.

Dave Anthony 2:14:12
I disagree. I think you should just buy all the homeless guns

Josh Olson 2:14:18
and there you have it, folks. Another exciting dive into the Prager you rabbit hole. I don't know how I'm gonna survive this man.

Dave Anthony 2:14:30
It's really it'll be I mean look it's it's well done propaganda but it's so fucking dumb. It's it just always comes back to how dumb it

Josh Olson 2:14:40
all this one was better than their usual five minute videos because

Dave Anthony 2:14:43
yes, but again, it if you just look at it, and you're watching, you're like, well, you're just leaving shit out. And you're just saying blanket statements like just blanket statements that you know, okay, whatever.

Josh Olson 2:14:58
Well, Josh, thank you for joining us my free And

Josh Androsky 2:15:01
thank you for inviting me into the Prager cinematic universe

Josh Olson 2:15:06
Do you want how are you if we used you up I understand if you have 10 more minutes I have something I think could be amazing.

Josh Androsky 2:15:14
Yeah, dude, I'm here. They I

Josh Olson 2:15:17
just found this when we were talking and I thought we could play in the middle I thought let's not it doesn't quite pertain to this but when you brought up COVID I should have done this before. I haven't even watched this. We're gonna watch this two minute video. I'm gonna let it speak for itself,

[VIDEO] 2:15:31
but I'm broadcasting from my home because I'm not going into the station as I have COVID I came I was tested positive last week. And I have been steadily improving. At no point was I in danger of hospitalization I have received monoclonal

Josh Androsky 2:16:03
keep grabbing his arm like that. If you want you just keep grabbing his arm like in a really weird way that makes me think and it's like off screen. It just makes me think that he's just like bleeding out or something. He admits the tone of his voice. He just sounds like he's like actively dying. He's in a hospital situation and they're making him juices

[VIDEO] 2:16:22
antibodies. That's Regeneron I have of course for years, a year and a half years been taking hydroxychloroquine from the beginning with zinc. I've taken z Pak the rethrow Meissen as the Linko protocol would have it. Taken ivermectin

Josh Androsky 2:16:51
Oh, you know,

Dave Anthony 2:16:54
I nicked in.

Josh Androsky 2:16:57
I recently watched this Alenko protocol. It's one of my favorite 70 spy movies

it's the Russians had a microfiche ended up in the hands of a sexy super spy.

Josh Olson 2:17:12
I'm not asking Dave

Dave Anthony 2:17:15
Do you know which thing the protocol he's in? He's naming all of the right wing grift medications. That's

Josh Olson 2:17:24
it? Yeah, I had not heard that one.

Dave Anthony 2:17:26
naming them all. So yeah, he's done the hydro quarter call and ivermectin and they're all a doctor grip. So if you if you you know, look into him, it's just doctors trying to make money off of this bullshit cures. So he's named a bunch of them because he's an idiot.

Josh Androsky 2:17:45
It's it's funny that he's like, I will do this medicine, Z pack and all these other medicines that were devised in the exact same way as the COVID vaccine. I'll do those medicines. That's cool.

[VIDEO] 2:17:58
I have done what a person should do. If one is not going to get vaccinated. It is infinitely preferable to have natural immunity than vaccine immunity. You

Dave Anthony 2:18:11
don't know You don't know if you have exactly. Your fucking immune system. You don't know if you have natural immunity. You just get lucky if you do what? It's the craziest idea these people that are like you know, my immune system is really good. How the fuck do you know that? Did you beat aids? What are you talking about?

Josh Androsky 2:18:32
He looks like he's doing great. And he sounds like he's

Dave Anthony 2:18:38
you mentioned he's touching it. He was touching his skin there like COVID gives a lot of people you know really irritated skin situations and he sounds like shit. And he looks like he's dropped about 20 Fucking pounds.

Josh Olson 2:18:49
And it's just it was from October 2020.

[VIDEO] 2:18:51
And that is what I hoped for the entire time. Hence, I so engaged with strangers constantly hugging them taking photos with them. All I see and knowing is that I was getting it making myself very susceptible to getting COVID which is in the as bizarre as it sounded what I wanted.

Josh Androsky 2:19:17
I'm just constantly hugging strangers. I go out to strangers as my arms open and whether or not they want me to I'm always hugging them. i They call me hug ed. I love to constantly go up to strangers and embrace them.

Dave Anthony 2:19:32
I'm a liquor i

[VIDEO] 2:19:35
in the hope that I would receive natural immunity and be taken care of by therapy.

Josh Olson 2:19:41
Did you want it

Dave Anthony 2:19:42
so COVID Right, so Great Barrington declaration so a bunch of fucking idiots got together right wing idiots. And they read the Great Barrington declaration which said from the beginning that what we need is to everyone get it and then we'll have immunity. As you can See, that's not working at all.

Josh Olson 2:20:03
DENTIST is not good.

[VIDEO] 2:20:06
That is exactly what has happened. It should have happened to the great majority of Americans.

Josh Olson 2:20:11
What do you mean? It's exactly what has happened? Again, how he

Dave Anthony 2:20:14
didn't. So look, he didn't he didn't have to go to the hospital.

Josh Olson 2:20:18
faced in all of these things was ventilator, therefore, right plan work, then

Dave Anthony 2:20:23
it worked. So it worked. What he doesn't realize is that, while it is an acute affliction for some COVID is more a chronic affliction. Far more people are affected chronically than they are acutely. So some people die, yes, but a lot more people have to live with afflictions, and disability and terrible things. So he's one of those guys that doesn't realize that, you know, you made it through the short part. But who knows what happens after

[VIDEO] 2:20:53
the number of deaths in this country, owing to COVID is a scandal, which one day we'll be clear to Americans. The opposition to therapeutics on the part of the CDC,

Josh Olson 2:21:07
I don't know what he means by that. That was interesting that way, down COVID During that documentary, as Jeff pointed out, it was like, Yeah, we have to sort of acknowledge that something happened. But

Dave Anthony 2:21:22
but you know, there, you know, the right wing is already rewriting everything that happened during COVID. Like the lock downs, were more harmful than not, yeah, they just saved a bunch of lives. So he you never know when a person says, The scandal of COVID Because there's 5 million conspiracies about it. You have no idea what he's

Josh Olson 2:21:43
saying it doesn't happen. Is he saying fewer people die, then is he saying that it was a democratic,

Dave Anthony 2:21:49
saying he he's probably saying that doctors were naming COVID on the death certificate when even though COVID I would imagine

Josh Olson 2:22:01
cancer who happened to have COVID They are that whole shtick? Right, right? Exactly. Right. Yeah. Because

Josh Androsky 2:22:07
the opposite never happened. Yeah, yeah.

Dave Anthony 2:22:10
I mean, you know what happened, Josh? Josh's a ton of people just randomly died from stuff all of a sudden, not COVID. But all of a sudden, we just had tons of people dying.

Josh Olson 2:22:24
Yeah. And I just I love the part where he says, I plan this I wanted this to happen.

Dave Anthony 2:22:31
Well, look, he these people are out there. You know, they they truly believed going off the Great Barrington declaration that that they wanted to get infected because it would be a one and done.

Josh Olson 2:22:42
It's a you there's something I don't know is. He's old, and he's fat.

Dave Anthony 2:22:49
Yeah, I am. And he and I'm sorry, but we know what he looks like. That's a dude who lost a lot of weight. Yes. Like that's a guy who had a really rough time. He doesn't look he doesn't look this.

Josh Androsky 2:22:59
Look. He wanted COVID He was hugging people. He started calling himself the human lollipop looking

Josh Olson 2:23:10
pretty good. But you can call me DP.

Dave Anthony 2:23:14
I bet he's had it again. Sense. Now. What do you think?

Josh Olson 2:23:16
Oh, that'd be interesting. This one was spontaneous. It's gonna be interesting. Take a look at Alright, well, gentlemen. Josh, again. Lovely to see you. Thank you for coming on, sir. This was wonderful. I hope I hope I hope I'm fucking tired. I'm tired. I'm sad.

Josh Androsky 2:23:40
moved to San Diego dude.

Josh Olson 2:23:42
Yeah, exactly. Exactly. What's all good. All right. Thank you, my friend. And we'll be back next week with more of this horrible swell.

[MUSIC] 2:23:53
Good morning class.

Today we're learning all about socialism, deviant sex and devil worship. And how cool

shimmy science fiction is next week. If you finally had enough of him beat college left wing. Get yourself a real degree from Prager University. Gates is here to give everyone free vaccine sciences commie plot. Our professors can't be bought all textbooks are Soros free at Prager University. My pronouns are no more guilt. No more blame. No more head to toe white male shame. No waves on your family tree At Prager University

Josh Olson 2:25:09
we want to thank our incredible support team. Brian siano, our free floating agent of chaos aka research guy

Dave Anthony 2:25:18
and also con McCoy who does all of our music. You can also find him he out there and music world He is known as diesel boots.