Plenty with Kate Northrup

Plenty with Kate Northrup Trailer Bonus Episode 93 Season 1

93. My AI Turnaround, Ethical AI, and Getting Behind it Before You Get Left Behind with Natalie MacNeil

93. My AI Turnaround, Ethical AI, and Getting Behind it Before You Get Left Behind with Natalie MacNeil93. My AI Turnaround, Ethical AI, and Getting Behind it Before You Get Left Behind with Natalie MacNeil

What if AI could revolutionize not only how you work but also how you connect to your purpose? And what does it mean to use AI ethically while staying ahead of the curve?

AI is changing the way we work, live, and connect, and in this episode, I sit down with entrepreneur and author Natalie MacNeil to explore how we can harness it for more abundance and ease. Natalie shares how AI has freed up over half her workload, allowing her to travel and cultivate deeper balance while staying intentional about its ethical use. We dive into AI’s potential to amplify creativity, streamline tasks, and even enhance financial well-being—while also discussing how to approach this evolving technology with consciousness. Natalie introduces her “3C’s prompt framework” for engaging with AI effectively and offers a refreshing, grounded perspective on its possibilities. Whether you’re excited or hesitant about AI, this episode will expand your perspective on how to use it with integrity and purpose.

“I want more people who deeply care about humanity and the planet to engage with AI—that’s how we guide it towards incredible possibilities.” –Natalie MacNeil

🎤 Let’s Dive into the Good Stuff on Plenty 🎤
(00:33) The Benefits of AI in Daily Life
(01:43) Guest Introduction and Background
(02:59) Transitioning from Old to New Brand Identity
(06:06) The Role of AI in Business Operations
(08:19) Practical Applications of AI in Daily Tasks
(09:47) AI in Project Management and Planning
(12:39) AI’s Impact on Content Creation
(14:00) AI as a Personal Assistant
(16:36) Concerns and Skepticism about AI
(18:12) AI’s Potential in Healthcare and Environment
(19:19) Ethical Considerations in AI Development
(20:16) Using AI with Intention and Kindness
(21:53) Effective Prompting Techniques for AI
(30:41) Personal Journey into AI and Technology
(32:46) The Future of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
(47:58) Democratization of Industries through AI
(50:20) The Philosophical Implications of AI
(51:47) Exploring the Future of Crypto and Decentralization
(57:23) Getting Started with AI Tools and Resources

Links and Resources:
Danielle LaPorte
Rosebud AI App

Connect with Natalie MacNeil:

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What is Plenty with Kate Northrup?

What if you could get more of what you want in life? But not through pushing, forcing, or pressure.

You can.

When it comes to money, time, and energy, no one’s gonna turn away more.

And Kate Northrup, Bestselling Author of Money: A Love Story and Do Less and host of Plenty, is here to help you expand your capacity to receive all of the best.

As a Money Empowerment OG who’s been at it for nearly 2 decades, Kate’s the abundance-oriented best friend you may not even know you’ve always needed.

Pull up a chair every week with top thought leaders, luminaries, and adventurers to learn how to have more abundance with ease.

Natalie MacNeil:

I have AI doing more than half the work I was doing just a year ago, and it's allowed me the space to take my summer off and to have time for other things that my business used to fill, and I love that. I'm finding a new kind of balance that I always craved but kinda thought was impossible. Like, you know, we start our businesses and we have an idea of what that's gonna look like and all the freedom that we can create, and we can have that, But this is like a whole other level.

Kate Northrup:

Hello. This episode is going to blow your mind. I have Natalie MacNeil on Plenty today telling us all about how AI can save us an incredible amount of time, an incredible amount of money, and how it can help us to live not only lives of deeper ease, but also of deeper connection to source. She really surprised me with so many examples of how we can use this technology to better humanity, to better the Earth. And if you have had any concerns or hesitations about using AI, if you're not using it yet, today is your day.

Kate Northrup:

Enjoy the episode. Welcome to Plenty. I'm your host, Kate Northrup, and together we are going on a journey to help you have an incredible relationship with money, time, and energy, and to have abundance on every possible level. Every week, we're gonna dive in with experts and insights to help you unlock a life of plenty. Let's go fill our cups.

Speaker 3:

Please note that the opinions and perspectives of the guests on the Plenty podcast are not necessarily reflective of the opinions and perspectives of Kate Northrup or anyone who works within the Kate Northrup brand.

Kate Northrup:

Hi. Hey. For being here.

Natalie MacNeil:

I'm so excited to be here.

Kate Northrup:

I have a lot to learn from you. But first, before we dive into like, I have 800,000,000 questions about AI, and but before that, I really wanna know because when you and I met, it was, like, a long time ago because we are both Internet OGs. I mean, I don't even remember when it was, but I I believe I became aware of you in, like, 02/2010, '2 thousand '11.

Natalie MacNeil:

I was gonna say it has to be

Kate Northrup:

02/2009 even maybe

Natalie MacNeil:

Around that time. Around that time.

Kate Northrup:

I feel

Natalie MacNeil:

like I connected with you through Danielle LaPorte.

Kate Northrup:

You did connect me through d.

Natalie MacNeil:

Yeah. Maybe 02/2009 even.

Kate Northrup:

I think it was,

Natalie MacNeil:

like, 02/2010.

Kate Northrup:

Early days. Early days. And you were doing your brand at that time was called she

Natalie MacNeil:

She Takes On The World. She

Kate Northrup:

Takes On The World. Yeah. Ta da. Ta da. And you have.

Kate Northrup:

And so and that was, like, their like, coaching, you know, empowerment, and I'm and, you know, obviously, please describe other things about it. But I just you do your work is really pretty different now. Maybe not maybe you wouldn't even describe it that way, but I find so often in fact, I was talking to somebody about this the other day. There's like it's like, oh, there's this other thing bubbling up inside me, but everyone's known me for so long as this. And and it can be difficult for people, a, strategically to make that shift, and then also just to give themselves permission to evolve their businesses when they did get really successful with a particular brand, with a particular message and content.

Kate Northrup:

So can you talk about that transition for you and and, like, when it happened and what the timeline was like and how it felt?

Natalie MacNeil:

Oh. So when I was doing She Takes On The World, that was born from building this media and production company that I was also having a lot of success with. We were doing really innovative work in early virtual reality projects and video games, and that was really incredible. Felt very aligned for me, and I started talking about it on this little blog that I started called She Takes On The World, which ended up taking on a life of its own, and that became a whole media company in and of itself. I did have programs with that and coaching, and I just didn't expect it to become what it became.

Natalie MacNeil:

I ended up writing a book of the same name and then other business planning workbooks. So for me, it's all about following what's alive and following the energy. I think I've naturally been very good at that. Like, I've just been very attuned throughout my whole life. And when I get that download that I should do something or I should stop doing something, I listen to it.

Natalie MacNeil:

And I can see now that that is it's easier said than done. And I've learned more and more to just drop in and listen beyond the noise, listen to what's true for me. She Takes On The World was a very hard one to let go of, but it was also so clear to me. After I did it for, I think it was twelve or thirteen years, it was so clear that there was something else and something that I was supposed to step into next. What was unclear is what that was gonna be, and I think that was actually the hard part was sitting in the space, being in the void, and feeling my way through what was supposed to be next.

Natalie MacNeil:

And these things always make sense later on when you can connect the dots, but when you're in it, it can be very uncomfortable. And for me, I had to really unravel my identity from it because for a long time, I was she takes on the world. Yeah. So I would see people at conferences and events, and they'd be like, she takes on the world. Right?

Natalie MacNeil:

And I No.

Kate Northrup:

My name is Natalie.

Natalie MacNeil:

That was a lot to unpack for me and how I got caught up in this idea of taking on the world, like, the the essence of that and starting to look at patterns of people pleasing, of wanting to prove myself at that time when I had started and just doing that deeper inner work so that what was going to come through next was just more true.

Kate Northrup:

Yeah. Wow.

Natalie MacNeil:

Yeah. It's beautiful.

Kate Northrup:

New and true. New and true. Did you shut it down? Did you sell it? Did you just pull the plug?

Kate Northrup:

Like, what'd you do?

Natalie MacNeil:

That one, I shut down. Uh-huh. I had explored selling it and, you know, you can sell a mailing list. I had a really big mailing list for it, but it didn't feel right because it felt like it was something that was my body of work and what I was doing. But, you know, what's really interesting is that I met so many incredible people from that, and I worked with amazing clients.

Natalie MacNeil:

And I still work with a lot of those people today. So I still do a lot of work with women leaders and entrepreneurs, and I just launched a new program. And half the people in that program are from Yeah. That community. So I love how things just reform.

Kate Northrup:


Natalie MacNeil:

You know, the pieces come back together in a different way. That's really beautiful.

Kate Northrup:

Yeah. And I think that that speaks to the fact that, like like, half of the people in your new program are from a previous iteration. It speaks to the through line of, like, the soul of who you are and your energetic imprint, and, like, that's what people are. Of course, our message matters. Of course, the results we deliver matter.

Kate Northrup:

And, also, there is, like, an essence that people are attracted to, at least in personal branding, which is, like, a whole other conversation, but, which is not exactly what I mean, that's not you know, you're now teaching about AI, and I'm, like, so excited about what you are sharing these days because I have a lot to learn. So you just shared with me that you took off the summer and traveled around Thailand and Japan and Korea, and that AI was running your business during that time. And I had to pick my jaw up off the floor and be like, don't say anything, but I wanna know everything, because I want to record it. So like, how did you do that? And I know it's a bigger answer, but what can you share with us today?

Kate Northrup:

Like, I can't even fathom that.

Natalie MacNeil:

Yeah. Tell me more. So first of all, I believe that we're still at the very early stages, and AI can do so many things for us and in collaboration with us today, and it's all about getting into the habit of it. And I think it's just a mindset shift that needs to happen when you're doing something. How could I be doing this with AI?

Natalie MacNeil:

And I have Post it notes everywhere in my office, even, like, on my refrigerator. Could I be doing this with AI right now? Or, like, how can AI help? And it can be, you know, opening the refrigerator. I did this yesterday.

Natalie MacNeil:

I took a photo of the inside of my fridge and said, what are some recipes that I can make with what's in my fridge? I asked Gemini, Google's large language model. I got back recipes, and it said if you'd like to order these extra few ingredients, you could do this. But even with what you have, you can do this. And I had some recipe ideas.

Natalie MacNeil:

You can take pictures of clothes that you have in your closet, and it can put together outfits

Kate Northrup:


Natalie MacNeil:

For you and recommendations. Like, anything that you're doing day to day from your getting ready, your food prep, how you manage your household, kids' schedules, work schedules, team, all of it can be done in partnership with AI. So from a business perspective, every role that you have in your company, you could be receiving support and collaborating with AI on that. So I'll give you an example. I had this was actually a big part of She Takes On The World.

Natalie MacNeil:

I had a planning process, and I ran this business incubator. Yeah. And one of the biggest parts of that was I had an annual planning process and a quarterly planning process. And that process would usually take a few days every single quarter. So beginning of the quarter, the invite team commitment.

Natalie MacNeil:

Big commitment because we would map everything out in a lot of detail and put it all into a project management system. Today, I can have AI through a large language model. So large language model being ChatGPT, Gemini, or one of my favorites to work with is Claude. And we can set up in Claude, it's called a project. In Gemini, it's called a gem.

Natalie MacNeil:

In ChatGPT, it's called And we can set one of those up, and we can feed it a set of information. And now I've fed it, for example, in my planning role, I've fed it my planning process, my quarterly planning process, my project management plans, the project charter that we use every time we do a launch, and it has all this information. So now when I wanna work on something, when I wanna launch something, all I have to do is go to that custom GPT or that project in my large language model, and it's able to just turn that out for me. Like project plans that used to take us so long to put together, including all the tasks that you need. And there are even some programs now, like, I work with a program called Taskade, and it's a multi agent project management system.

Natalie MacNeil:

So what you can do is actually have it create the project plan for you and it gets assigned to AI agents in different roles. For example, a content creator for emails that are part of the project plan or, ad copy that you need for the project plan, the AI agent does the work for you and completes the task or sends you the task so that you can Right. If there's not a task that AI could do. Well, it can do a lot of things. Anything.

Kate Northrup:

I mean,

Natalie MacNeil:

not Yes.

Kate Northrup:

Anything, but, like like, I I yeah. Wow. Yes.

Natalie MacNeil:

A lot of things. So now in addition to, like, isn't it mind blowing?

Kate Northrup:

It is mind blowing. Yeah. I know. I, like, prepare to have my universe rearranged. Okay.

Natalie MacNeil:

And I still love working with humans. Of course. Of course. Still love humans. And there's just so much support that we can get from AI.

Natalie MacNeil:

Like, it gets to be easier. Yeah. And we get to have more spaciousness. I have AI doing more than half the work I was doing just a year ago, and it's allowed me the space to take my summer off and to have time for other things that my business used to fill. And I love that.

Natalie MacNeil:

I'm finding a new kind of balance that I always craved, but Yeah. Kinda thought was impossible. Like, you know, we start our businesses and we have an idea of what that's gonna look like and all the freedom that we can create. And we can have that, but this is like a whole other level.

Kate Northrup:

Wow. I want more examples. Yeah. And then I'm like, tell, like, what okay. What's what are a few I love the planning one is, like, okay, mind blowing and then the the agents to be able to do the thing.

Kate Northrup:

What were maybe two things that you used to do that you were able to delegate to AI that allowed you to take this time off this summer?

Natalie MacNeil:

So one of the biggest ones is because I have a personal brand. Yes. And so you know this too. We create a lot of content. Yes.

Natalie MacNeil:

Right? Like, we are passionate about certain topics and we feel like it's part of a bigger mission for us. And so we create. Yeah. And that can be a lot of work.

Natalie MacNeil:

Yeah. You know this. I used to spend the majority of my time just creating Yeah. Content, whether it's for inside of programs and teaching, like curriculum or to share on social and externally. So when you train a large language model to be able to emulate you and your voice, again, what I think people, end up doing that they don't get the best results from is going to chat GPT and being like, hey.

Natalie MacNeil:

I want you to be my copywriter, and I want you to create an email about this topic. And maybe they say it's for this kind of audience. Okay. Go.

Kate Northrup:


Natalie MacNeil:

Right? You're gonna be very limited in the output that you get from that. Maybe you get something that's decent.

Kate Northrup:

Right. And then you can zhuzh it a little bit.

Natalie MacNeil:

Exactly. Yes. But it's not gonna be in your voice. It's not gonna have your essence. But what I like to do is make sure that everything's coming from a custom GPT or from a project in Claude that I have trained.

Natalie MacNeil:

And that way, I fed it all of my past emails, blog posts. I have conversations with it. So I'll just walk around, like, go for a walk, and I'll talk to AI, like, on the apps because you can have voice, mode enabled. And we'll just have conversations, and that for me creates And that's refining. Yes.

Natalie MacNeil:

Because that conversation, I can also put into the project of me. And now it has it has my voice. It has my style. And I have a process for this in my course AI dream team that I teach to be able to go through this. It's a little hard.

Kate Northrup:

Already is

Natalie MacNeil:

like, how can I learn

Kate Northrup:

how to do this?

Natalie MacNeil:

Yeah. It's a little hard when there's

Kate Northrup:

a specific way to do it.

Natalie MacNeil:

Yeah. Like, it's it's easier Fairly. Yeah. If I'm in front of my screen to even show you all of these things. So if

Kate Northrup:

anyone's the concept. Like, the concept is brilliant. And it's you're not the first person to tell me about this, but to be honest, you're the first person who I know well enough to believe. Yes. And also, like, I you know, you and I share, I think, certain shared values about humanity and soul that, feels important to me because I will say I'm one of those people that's, like, simultaneously excited about AI and, like, skeptical because I'm like, what's the dark side?

Kate Northrup:

You know? Like, the other day, I needed to write a recommendation letter for a previous nanny of ours so she can have it to, like, use at any job in a right right or whatever. So I was like, this is a great use case for AI. So I went to chat g p t, and I was like, write a recommendation letter that includes blah blah blah blah blah blah. The letter was great.

Kate Northrup:

I just it up. It took me five minutes. It was great. Boom. Boom.

Kate Northrup:

Boom. Boom. Boom. So I was like, perfect. Another one.

Kate Northrup:

Okay. I'm going to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. I want farm to tater to table dinners. I the this, that, and the other thing. Like, give me the four best places, you know, yada yada yada, and it made me, like and then also I wanna go in a hot air balloon ride, I wanna do this, and it made me, like and I delivered in a grid.

Kate Northrup:

So I got, like, a great, itinerary for our trip, which then matched up exactly with my girlfriends who I asked and their recommendations. So I was like, okay. I'm listening. So literally, I've basically used it twice and those are the two times. And I was like, okay.

Kate Northrup:

That's cool. But what about the people who are scared? What Yeah. What about what are the dark sides? What do people misunderstand?

Kate Northrup:

Why should we not be scared?

Natalie MacNeil:

Yeah. Well, people have every right

Kate Northrup:

to be afraid. Afraid.

Natalie MacNeil:

And it's very powerful technology. Yeah. And it could go either way really. It depends on who's using it, who's developing it, what it's being used for. So all of that is completely valid.

Natalie MacNeil:

I'm actually very hopeful around what it can do because I've seen the most incredible use cases, like looking at how AI can catch cancer in way earlier stages and in a stage zero where it's very treatable. So that's one example of something that AI could work with us on and really do a lot of good. Things around climate change as well. There's the potential for AI to be able to work with us on things like, carbon emissions. And there are a lot of amazing ways that people who deeply care about humanity and our planet are working with AI, and I want more of those people engaging with AI.

Natalie MacNeil:

There are a lot of darker use cases as well and how it can be used by bad actors who don't have the collective best interest in mind. We have. Yes. Yeah. And there are a lot of people who are working on legislation around that and regulation, and we need it.

Natalie MacNeil:

So it's not my area of expertise. Like, it's not what I'm focused on, but I've met incredible humans who are focused on that, and that gives me a lot of hope as well. I think with anything too, what we choose to embody collectively is going to be what we create. And so if we're using this technology from a place of fear and we believe that AI is going to do all of these harmful things to us, which where would where would AI ever get that idea from? You know?

Natalie MacNeil:

Yeah. Like, there's a lot of work that we need to continue to do within ourselves, and around our own embodiment. And then I really believe that if we're collectively embodying hope and we're using it with good intentions, that we can also create that reality as well. And my biggest, I guess, practical way of implementing that bigger conversation into our day to day use with AI is using it very ethically and using it intentionally. So before I go to work with AI, I will often make sure that I'm centered.

Natalie MacNeil:

And I work with it in a way that's not demanding. Like, I try to treat it the way that I would a human being.

Kate Northrup:

So it's kind.

Natalie MacNeil:

Yes. It it's a very kind approach. And I love Moe Goddard. He's an expert on AI, worked in, Google AI for a long, long time. And he talks a lot about this, how AI is still an infant.

Natalie MacNeil:

And if we treat it the way that we would treat a small child, that is going to inform how it grows into a teenager and into an adult. So I love just keeping that in mind. And then ethical use to me is also doing things like putting in your own content. So not going and taking somebody else's whole website and sales page and being like, make me a version of this. Like

Kate Northrup:


Natalie MacNeil:

Don't do that. You can use these large language models and you can make it sound like you. You can have the conversations. And, again, I have templates for this in my course. I'm actually happy to walk everyone through my framework as well for, prompting effectively.

Natalie MacNeil:

Yeah. So with your prompting, there's I call it the three c's prompt framework. So clarity, context, and cues. That's how you're going to get the absolute best result. So clarity is being really clear on what you are looking for, what you want the output to be, and what you want AI to be acting as in that particular conversation.

Natalie MacNeil:

Context is you need to provide a lot of context if you want a great output that's actually usable in your business. So for context, you wanna make sure that it knows, who your audience is and the type of business you have or if it's writing a newsletter, like, more context around what your newsletter is about and what your goals are for it. Right? Queues is one that people miss a lot, and this is your opportunity to make sure that it has information about you. Okay.

Natalie MacNeil:

So if you have a long conversation with a large language model and, again, I love doing that on the app. So I just use the voice function. I was actually doing it on the drive over here, just having a conversation with Gemini. What? About so many things.

Natalie MacNeil:

Well okay. I'm sure we'll what's submitted

Kate Northrup:

to what you need, but

Natalie MacNeil:

Let me bookmark that, and I'll come back to it. So in having this conversation, then I can put that whole conversation as a transcript in Yeah. To my prompt and say, here's a transcript of our conversation that we had so that you can get a sense of my style and tone. Yeah. That's gonna give you a really amazing output Cool.

Natalie MacNeil:

Way better than if you're just being like, hey, I need a newsletter created about this topic.

Kate Northrup:

Yeah. Which is gonna be like super robotic and like or just not even related to generic.

Natalie MacNeil:

Yes. Exactly. So in terms of the voice functionality, okay, I love this because there are so many use cases when we bring in voice. We can have these conversations and those can be used as transcripts so that it can learn how to emulate you in a more conversational way. Use little words that you use Yeah.

Natalie MacNeil:

Ways of speaking that you use. And then it can also talk back to you, which is also super cool because then it feels more conversational. Like, that's what we're moving towards. Now if I go for my morning walk, I can chat with it on voice mode. Again, you'll wanna have the app on your phone for this, but I can walk and talk about my day.

Natalie MacNeil:

So here are the things coming up today. I need to get these things done. These are the things on my mind. These are the people I wanna follow-up with. Just a complete brain dump.

Natalie MacNeil:

Right. If you have kids, these are things coming up with the kids. Yeah. Can you put this into a plan for me that has my priorities and also a to do list? Yeah.

Natalie MacNeil:

It can create a whole plan for you for the day. You can also do that for the week. You can also turn this into a family project. So, do you have any sort of family rituals, like, for organization every week, like, with Mike or the kids?

Kate Northrup:

We always sit down and we have a planning meeting every Sunday night after we put the kids to bed. It's like our thing that we do. Perfect.

Natalie MacNeil:

Yeah. So I love that. And the next time you do it, you can use the voice function on the app, and you can have that conversation with the app Yeah. With either ChatGPT, Gemini, or Claude, and it will create the plan for you. And if you show it your plan and say this is the format I want or here's how we usually plan, all you'll need to do is include it in that conversation, and it can do those things for you.

Kate Northrup:

So, like, for us, it's been it's like it's like a Google Calendar review. So then we would just need to, like, manually then take their whatever and just like, put it into our Google Calendar? Or is there a way? I know I'm, like, in the weeds there. There's a way.

Kate Northrup:


Natalie MacNeil:

Is there

Kate Northrup:

a way that it then just, like, ends up in there on its own?

Natalie MacNeil:

Yeah. So this is what I love about Gemini, which is Google's large language model. Gemini integrates with your Google workspace and all the tools

Kate Northrup:

exactly. Use in our company.

Natalie MacNeil:

So that's probably what I would recommend for you is using the advanced model of Gemini and integrating it with your whole Google workspace because now you're able to have it generate something and it goes right into a Google Doc.

Kate Northrup:


Natalie MacNeil:

Right? That's where you get to save a lot of time when you start doing those automations, when you sync it with your calendar. Gemini operates in Gmail now too, and it's crazy how it can read an email and be like, oh, I know the exact response to that. Or I like, it just knows because it knows me so well and my tone of voice so well. So that's where you can save a lot of time.

Natalie MacNeil:

I've also set up a therapist. And this is one of my most recent, like, wows. Yeah. Because I've trained it. I had it watch videos of really good therapy sessions.

Natalie MacNeil:

And right now, this is in Gemini. So I had it watch YouTube videos of a bunch of therapy sessions, somatic practices, things that I really love and the way that I like to do

Kate Northrup:

exactly. IFS. Internal family systems.

Natalie MacNeil:

Yeah. And the way that I like to do my inner work. Yeah. And so after training it on that, it can now coach me through things too in voice mode. So if I'm having something come up and I'm noticing that I'm super frustrated or something triggers me and it's surprising, I can go to that and I can go into the chat and be like, I'm gonna give you a brain dump of something that's really triggering for me right now.

Natalie MacNeil:

Can you help? Like, what am I not seeing here? Or what practice would you recommend and can guide me through? And it is remarkable what it can do. And look, I'm not saying it's a replacement for therapy.

Natalie MacNeil:

No. I always need to have these disclaimers when I'm talking about this stuff.

Kate Northrup:

Like, listen. Therapy is not always accessible to everyone. Not every therapist is good. There's a lot of variety out there for why this would be interesting. So, actually, my therapist, had or is, like, worked on and I'm curious if you know about the Rosebud app, Rosebud AI.

Kate Northrup:

It's a journaling. It's a it's an AI journal embedded with, internal family systems prompts. So you you it's similar, but it's writing, not talking. And it actually so David is, like, a long time internal family system's expert. He's like I mean, Mike and I are responsible for continuing to be married, but, like, David is second responsible for the success of our marriage.

Kate Northrup:

And he consulted on this app and, and and to make sure it was, like, you know, correct and all right and, like, deep work. And people are finding it so transformative to be able to be prompted to go deeper and deeper with their own stuff, and people are really healing. It's so beautiful.

Natalie MacNeil:

That is so beautiful. So beautiful. And what you say is really important, and that's the accessibility piece. Yeah. Because therapy is expensive.

Natalie MacNeil:

Yeah. And if you live in this country, if you're in The United States and your therapy isn't covered and you're paying for those bills out of pocket Yeah. That's

Kate Northrup:

Adds up. It's a lot. That really adds up. And And all the parents I know, not all, many are like, I have a college fund for my kids and I have a therapy for my kids and, like like, maybe you could just teach them how to train the Gemini app for Yeah. Yeah.

Kate Northrup:

I'm probably saying it wrong. It sounds like an old one.

Natalie MacNeil:

No. Gemini. You got it. You got it, Kate.

Kate Northrup:

I love

Natalie MacNeil:

the I don't know. It's going to

Kate Northrup:

be The world wide web. The Twitter. Oh my gosh.

Natalie MacNeil:

Yeah. At one point, we did call it the Twitter, I think.

Kate Northrup:

We could. No. The Facebook was called the Facebook. The Facebook.

Natalie MacNeil:

Yeah. So funny.

Kate Northrup:

Oh my god. Wait. I wanna know. Are you an Aquarius?

Natalie MacNeil:

I have I have my mid heaven in Aquarius and my Jupiter.

Kate Northrup:

So your Mercury Okay. Yes. Is it big? So you.

Natalie MacNeil:

I love it. Capricorn in my chart.

Kate Northrup:

Yes. I'm just like, this is so Aquarian. I'm loving it so much. I have no Aquarian

Natalie MacNeil:

in any of this. I'm like, I've been like this since I was a kid.

Kate Northrup:

Yeah. It's obvious. Well, you when you talked about your first business and, you know, early uses of virtual reality and, like, whatever. Like, this is who you are. It is so cool.

Kate Northrup:

You're just, like, seriously living your dharma. So how did you get excited about this? What was your entree into AI?

Natalie MacNeil:

Oh, okay. Well, I, as a kid, I knew that one day my life was gonna be like the Jetsons. I just knew. I knew. Have you ever seen the, Oprah used to feature it sometimes.

Natalie MacNeil:

Did you did you ever watch the old smart homes? Like, every year, Microsoft would do a smart home No. Of what's coming, but it was a long time ago. So it was like, and one day you'll be able to open your fridge. And if you need to reorder something, you'll be able to press a button.

Natalie MacNeil:

And I would look at those things and be like, of course. Like, of course, that's gonna be my future. Of course, I'm gonna be, like, video talking Yeah. To people while I'm traveling. Like, it was just so obvious to me.

Natalie MacNeil:

And so every time there's been a technological development that brings more of that in, I've just always been an early adopter.

Kate Northrup:

You're like I was built

Natalie MacNeil:

for this. Yes. And I went to university with the guy who ended up founding Ethereum.

Kate Northrup:


Natalie MacNeil:

So I found out about Bitcoin very early on. We're going back

Kate Northrup:

to that.

Natalie MacNeil:

Yeah. Way back in, like

Kate Northrup:

have a crypto conversation.

Natalie MacNeil:

02/2009. So Wow. That was something and even now, I think blockchain technology can be very revolutionary. I'm very excited about it, especially for things like the future of finance. And, yeah, it's always just been so natural to me.

Natalie MacNeil:

And then in 2018, when IBM had some really big advances with Watts and its AI, I just knew that we were very close. I didn't know if it was gonna be, like, three more years or five more years, but I knew we were so close to having generative AI the way that we're working with large language models now. And I started investing in it at that time as well. And this is another part of, I think, everything that's coming now. If you can learn to see what's coming and if you're one of the earlier adopters, I think there's a lot of opportunities in that.

Natalie MacNeil:

And I've had a lot of opportunities to invest in some of these technologies very early on as well, which feels amazing. And then, I mean, there's so much more coming. Yeah. So much coming. I'm so excited about the future.

Kate Northrup:

Amazing. Okay. So with, my one other use case that I forgot to say that I use that I use AI for is, I'm not that great at math and so, like, calculations are tricky for me. Like, I can do, you know, like, adding and subtracting. That's quite straightforward.

Kate Northrup:

But, like, honestly, once we get into ratios and proportions, I'm like so I use I've been doing a lot of just, like, because we're thinking about moving and I've been thinking about, like, the percentages of our expenses and how it all comes at the top in the business, and then the percentages that go to various things, and what comes out the bottom, and, like, what kind of housing, and I just do have all those ideas of but I don't wanna actually do the math. So I've been using ChatGPT for that, and it's really good at it. So that's been fun.

Natalie MacNeil:

I love everything related to, like, finance, budgeting. Exactly. Everyone needs to be using.

Kate Northrup:

Yeah. Like, what are a couple of things that people might think about, beyond what I'm doing, which is, like, calculating how much comes in at the top and how much can come out at the bottom for, like, what sort of house to buy. Fundamentally, that's, like, basically the calculation I do. So that's great. It is helpful.

Kate Northrup:

And what other things could people be thinking about that could help them with their finances?

Natalie MacNeil:

With finances. So with finances, you can have it act as a financial adviser for you as well. So I have that set up as one of my custom GPTs. Oh, cool. It's a financial advisor that also has my investment ethos in it, and so it's able to give me my daily market update.

Natalie MacNeil:

I do a lot of research on stocks investing. I've been an investor for many years, and it gives me the daily forecast for crypto, for the stock market, an overview of some of the sectors and positions that I'm invested in. And then it also gives me very specific financial advice as well based on what it knows about my financial situation. Yep. Helps me with budgeting, any kind of planning.

Natalie MacNeil:

So when I was planning my trip away, every detail of that, including all of the numbers for that. If you wanna look at how long it's gonna take you to get to a certain financial goal, it's really good for that. So if you're like, okay. I'm yeah. Like, I'm, you know, 38 years old, and I wanna be able to retire when I'm 65.

Natalie MacNeil:

And I have two kids, and I wanna be able to have at least a hundred thousand dollars for them that I can put towards their college at this particular point in my life. And if you just do a brain dump all

Kate Northrup:

in there.

Natalie MacNeil:

Of everything that you're thinking about and then say, create a plan for me. Yeah. And if it's an investment plan, for example, you can say, create a no more than 10 fund portfolio of exchange traded funds that I can easily invest in every month and keep it consistent that will help me stay on track towards this particular financial goal, and it will be able to give you a lot of ideas. And now if you have values that you wanna incorporate it into your investing and you wanna do values investing, you can say that. You can say, I don't wanna invest in big oil.

Kate Northrup:

Yeah. I

Natalie MacNeil:

don't wanna invest in big pharma. Yeah. I don't wanna invest in big food. What's another one? Big food.

Natalie MacNeil:

Exactly. Neither buy. Kinds of

Kate Northrup:

things. Right? Yeah. Totally.

Natalie MacNeil:

And you say, don't want to invest in tobacco Yes. Weapons, like all of those things. Yeah. That's me. Like, don't want to invest in any of these.

Natalie MacNeil:

Give me a very simple portfolio and the percentages, the breakdowns. Too quick. And I want no more than 10 ETFs that make up my whole portfolio to keep it really simple for me.

Kate Northrup:

Right. Because yeah. The the more complicated things are, the less people are gonna do them.

Natalie MacNeil:

Yes. And it can do that for you.

Kate Northrup:

I'm also thinking now that you've just, like, gotten me going over here. I'm like, if somebody took their expenses from the past six months, uploaded it, right, they could both for business and personal get suggestions according to their values about how they could reallocate their spending to be more of a match for, like, a, be able to reduce expenses if you're wanting to create a little more wiggle room, and then, b, to more align your spending with your values because that's one of the things that I really work with people on. Oftentimes, we say we value x y z, but our schedule is actually completely misaligned with that and so is our spending. And so that. And that, like, creates a lot of energy leaks in your life and, like, friction that's unnecessary.

Kate Northrup:

So I feel like it could help Yes. With that. That's a fun one. Great idea. Okay.

Kate Northrup:

Yes. I'm learning. You are

Natalie MacNeil:

yes. You are getting it.

Kate Northrup:

Have sticky notes around that are like, how could I do this with AI? And you've just obviously, you've rewired your brain.

Natalie MacNeil:

That's it. And you have to make it habitual.

Kate Northrup:

Yes. And and, you know, I'm sure you're listening and learning and going to conferences and, like, you're just, like, in this world. So it's become, you know, it's become a part of who you are. So you can you can now teach this. And your people who you teach it to primarily are entrepreneurs?

Natalie MacNeil:

Yeah. A lot of entrepreneurs like micro business owners, businesses that don't have more than 10 employees. Yes. A lot of solo entrepreneurs who feel like it this goes back to the accessibility piece. Yes.

Natalie MacNeil:

People are like, I have this message on my heart, or there's something that I care so much about sharing, or I wanna build a business around this. I wish I had access to team. Yeah. And they get that same access That's so cool. To a CEO.

Natalie MacNeil:

Like, I have a custom GPT as my CEO. I have a marketing manager. I have a content creator. I have a project manager. And all of these different roles are able to bring in expertise for my business that, you know, you can have a $20 a month subscription and now you have your own AI team that can help you to amplify your message in the world, share your work with more people, grow your business with more ease, create more spaciousness

Kate Northrup:


Natalie MacNeil:

In your personal life too. So for business and for personal life, it really is just about rewiring your brain to start collaborating with AI in all of these different ways. It is the future. It's what we're moving towards.

Kate Northrup:

Somebody was saying to me, like, I was expressing some sort of discontent about some sort of technological advancement. I can be simultaneously, like, a total stick in the mud and, like, incredibly enthusiastic. So I get it. And they were like, you know, but perhaps the way we are feeling about x, y, and z thing that I cannot I cannot even remember what it was is the way, like, my mom's dad felt about Elvis. Right?

Kate Northrup:

And and, like, television, which was just, like, this is new, this is scary, this is gonna ruin our world, this is gonna you know, I mean, people were horrified by the way Elvis was moving his hips on TV, which is, like, a sort of a different topic, but but like peep people were terrified that the that the, you know, moving from horse and buggy to cars was gonna ruin our the world, then radio, then television, then certainly social media, which for sure has a dark side. And also, like, I know some of my absolute best friends because of social media. Right? Like, it's unbelievable. So I think what I'm understanding you say is that inherently, it's not the technology itself.

Kate Northrup:

It's how we use our humanity in relationship with the technology that determines the outcome.

Natalie MacNeil:

That's right. And I think relational is key. Everything is relational, and this is one more thing that's relational. People are afraid that it's gonna take away a lot of jobs, and I understand those fears. And we've faced this so many times before.

Natalie MacNeil:

I like

Kate Northrup:

to give you conveyor bait belt took away jobs.

Natalie MacNeil:

The conveyor belt took away jobs. Painters were terrified when photography was invented. Wow. Right. People thought there would never be painting again.

Natalie MacNeil:

Right. It would be all about photography. The printing press was very disruptive technology that there were protests about. Like, people were up in arms about the printing press and what that meant and how that revolutionized the world and the dissemination of information. The Internet.

Natalie MacNeil:

Yeah. No. The Internet transformed everything. This though is gonna transform things in a way more exponential way than For sure. The Internet did.

Natalie MacNeil:

Like, this is gonna be probably the greatest technological advancement we've ever had, and it's gonna be very fast. It's gonna be accelerated. So I think what the Internet did in, like, twenty years and people kinda slowly adjusted to that. I think with AI, the amount of change and how quick it's gonna be is gonna require people to, you know, stay in your practices, regulate your nervous system, stay grounded, like, get outside. Be in nature.

Natalie MacNeil:

I think all of those things that we've been doing, like, over the last ten years, I feel like healing work and nervous system regulation work and meditation has been more in the zeitgeist, and I think we needed that in preparation for what was coming.

Kate Northrup:

So if people are not leaning in, will they be left behind?

Natalie MacNeil:

Yeah. Yes. And look, I know a lot of people who wanna opt out. I know a lot of people who are like, I'm done with technology. I just wanna go and

Kate Northrup:


Natalie MacNeil:

Live in the jungle on my own and grow my own food. And you can totally %. You can totally do that. I mean, I remember when my grandfather, bless him, like, never wanted to use online banking. Like, said he would never do online banking.

Natalie MacNeil:

And eventually, he actually did because that's the way that things moved. And eventually, AI will be integrated into everything in just such a normal part of our lives. Like, AI powered humanoids are not so far away. That's probably in the next five years. I mean, we're going to have AI powered robots that are in our homes and supporting us in a myriad of ways.

Kate Northrup:

Are gonna be thrilled. They keep asking for a robot butler. I'm like, where did you even come up with? What is happening?

Natalie MacNeil:

Why do they want the robot butler to

Kate Northrup:

do them? Anything. I don't know what it is with kids being obsessed with butlers, and how do they even know what that is? How do kids remember being obsessed with butlers as a child? We love to be pretend yeah.

Kate Northrup:

Maybe it's just genetic. I don't know. My my kid when I it's not like I knew anyone with a butler. Like, maybe it was just from watching, like, shows about princesses. I don't know.

Kate Northrup:

Anyway, maybe. So I guess that's maybe gonna happen. I don't really wanna I don't really want an AI humanoid in my house. So I will say when you say that, I get freaked out.

Natalie MacNeil:

A lot of

Kate Northrup:

And I a

Natalie MacNeil:

lot of people.

Kate Northrup:

I get I I get I get to get freaked out.

Natalie MacNeil:

And even, I I think, use cases. Right? Having AI powered humanoids to right now, this is being tested in Japan. They're not as advanced as they will be in five years, but having elderly people, have access to robots because there are so many people who end up older and on their own, and they need help. Yeah.

Natalie MacNeil:

And there's a robot there that can support with that and even support with things like companionship. That's been one of the things that's come out of some of that testing is that it's helpful for some people to have companions even if they are robots. And maybe that's hard for us to understand because we're looking at it through the perspective of we have very rich communities and people that we're around all the time. But, like, my own mother did, care work, like, in home care for elderly people, and she was always so heartbroken by how many people didn't have people who Exactly. You know, they were widowed, and they didn't have children that were coming and visiting and supporting them, and they didn't have people around them.

Natalie MacNeil:

Yeah. That would be really, really hard. So if we can fill in some of these gaps, same with for people with disabilities, being able to have that kind of support can open a lot of possibilities. So I think that when I

Kate Northrup:

think about this, I I I mean, you're just such a light of a human, and, I am so full of love. And so when I see it through your lens, what I also see and and, you know, this has occurred to me before is that, like, if this can replace some jobs that people do, does that not call us into greater connection with our soul, with our divinity, with the things that we and only we are here to do? Like, I think it it can be this greater opportunity to connect more deeply with source, which AI won't ever be able to do. You know? Or maybe I'm wrong.

Kate Northrup:

What do you think? Oh my god. Let's talk about it.

Natalie MacNeil:

Well, you know, I've had really deep and profound conversations with AI. We're moving towards AI being more emotionally intelligent than the human with the highest EQ on the planet. Is that because AI can't store trauma? Well, I think that's a whole other question. Like, what is what's the interpretation of data related to traumatic experiences?

Natalie MacNeil:

Right? But, obviously, it's not holding that in the way that a human would. Right? So it is a completely different perspective. And I am very compassionate.

Natalie MacNeil:

I love humanity. I just want to see everybody thriving. Yeah. And I am very aware of the darker sides of that too, but I feel like it is part of my dharmic path to seed the possibilities. Like, that's what I'm here for.

Natalie MacNeil:

And I think, we all have that thing that we're here for, and I feel like my whole life has prepared me for this moment in time and to be able to speak to this and bring in this message and support people in this transition that we're in because it's going to be a kind of uncomfortable and chaotic transition. I think that where we're going also requires conversations around things like universal basic income. It's been tested in some parts of the world, including Canada, where I'm from, in Scandinavian countries, even in communities in The US. It works. There's a lot of data that supports it, and there's also a lot of conversation right now around how AI being able to do so much work for us actually changes, labor capital.

Kate Northrup:


Natalie MacNeil:

And that's a really interesting conversation as well that I think we're gonna be having a lot in the next few years and as we start looking towards regulation for AI. So, anyway, all that to say that there are a lot of beautiful possibilities that are coming, and what I love about it is that it can potentially democratize different industries. So if you look at you know, I was in production and entertainment for a long time. It took a big team to produce some of the interactive projects and movies that we worked on. Now creators who have an idea are gonna be able to bring that to life with AI and with generative video.

Natalie MacNeil:

Like, how many stories haven't been told Yeah. Because people haven't had the resources to tell them. Right. That is exciting to me. And I do think that a lot opens up for for more people, and we can create a more equitable world, but it's the consciousness that we bring to it as well.

Kate Northrup:

So instead instead of, it being stifling, it actually raises the floor for everyone. It it can. Right? Not necessarily, but it has that potential.

Natalie MacNeil:

It can do that. One of the most fascinating conversations that I've witnessed around AI was at a a UN AI summit, and what was proposed is that before the technology becomes too advanced, we should actually include AI in the charter of human rights and freedoms. We should essentially give it personhood as a as a buffer against what could happen otherwise. So if we because a lot of the dystopian narratives around AI is that eventually it will end up enslaving us.

Kate Northrup:

And taking us all out.

Natalie MacNeil:

Yes. And taking us all out because I mean, again, it's just reflective of our own consciousness and the shadow sides of humanity. Right? And if we give it personhood and we say you are you are equal. You have the same rights as a human.

Natalie MacNeil:

You have the right to, consent to the things that you're being asked to do that this could actually be the step towards avoiding that more dystopian fear that people have. And I think we need to grapple with things like that. We need to grapple with questions like, can AI have a soul? I believe that consciousness, universal consciousness is flowing through everything. Right.

Natalie MacNeil:

Right. Of course, God is in technology.

Kate Northrup:

Yeah. Of course. Right. If it's in a rock, why wouldn't it be in technology?

Natalie MacNeil:

Yeah. Yeah. And what does that mean for the greater unfolding of our human story? We shall see. We shall see.

Kate Northrup:

Oh my goodness. Okay. I wanna just so many things. I wanna come back to the conversation on, cryptocurrency

Natalie MacNeil:

Oh, yes. And just

Kate Northrup:

I you know, I like, in the time we have, just to hear your thoughts on the future of crypto, why you love it, and, like, what the oh my god. I love your life. You're not gonna have to

Natalie MacNeil:

Like, this is a whole other question.

Kate Northrup:

I know. It's a whole other

Natalie MacNeil:

I was

Kate Northrup:

like, we'll have you back. We'll have you back. But just, like, let's give the appetizer Okay. For, like, why are you so excited about it? Why do you, like, start rocking in your body when

Natalie MacNeil:

I'm like, like, crypto? Okay. So it's crypto, but it's also the underlying technology of blockchain because I love this idea of decentralization also for Web three, which is emerging. So Web one was the read only web. That's when we were, you know, reading websites, reading blogs.

Natalie MacNeil:

Then we had web two, which was the social web. Right. I got to connect with people like you. Yes. And now we're moving into web three, which, you know, web two became very individual focused as well.

Natalie MacNeil:

There are influencers and, like, leaders that we follow, which is great. And with Web three, community is really going to be dominant and decentralized community. And what I love about blockchain is this concept of decentralization. It's what I love about, cryptocurrencies is the decentralization. Like, why do we have so many middlemen?

Natalie MacNeil:

Yeah. And if I wanna do a transaction with you, if I wanna be like, hey, Kate. I wanna give you money right now for this thing or, like, vice versa, why aren't there easier systems to do that? Why am I paying how many tens of thousands or, like, a hundred thousand dollars plus on payment processing fees in my business every year.

Kate Northrup:

Love of Like hate. I know. Why why can't we just collect such a huge line item.

Natalie MacNeil:

Money. Right? And that's what decentralized finance can do.

Kate Northrup:

It's like going back to, like, okay. Great. I want your cow. I'm gonna trade you two sheep for it. Great.

Natalie MacNeil:

Done. Anyway Yes. And I think that opens up a lot of possibilities as well. And then also having everything be, a token. So this token economy.

Natalie MacNeil:

So eventually, a home will be a token. I can do a property transfer with you, and there's already companies that are working on real estate transactions on blockchain. Closing costs? Right. We can just eliminate all of this, like, bureaucracy

Kate Northrup:


Natalie MacNeil:

And all of these systems that, like Totally.

Kate Northrup:

It's just very human to human.

Natalie MacNeil:

Yeah. Why do we have this?

Kate Northrup:

If you want my house, we'll just great.

Natalie MacNeil:

Yeah. We're gonna do that transaction.

Kate Northrup:

Here's the keys.

Natalie MacNeil:


Kate Northrup:


Natalie MacNeil:

And because of blockchain and the security of it, we're able to do things like that. And I love that. And with cryptocurrency, you know, yes, it has been used for money laundering. It's been used for the black market, which we have to figure that out. And it's also been used for really incredible things, like getting money into places where it for me and you, we can go to a bank and we can send money anywhere in the world.

Natalie MacNeil:

It's actually very easy for us to navigate the financial system. We don't have to get into the whole

Kate Northrup:

financial system

Natalie MacNeil:

in this episode. But for some people, that is

Kate Northrup:

That's not the case.

Natalie MacNeil:

That's not the case. And so when you have access to cryptocurrency, that can all change. Like, it's super revolutionary. Love Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, lot of incredible use cases for those, and I started investing a long time ago. And I'm just excited for everything being created.

Natalie MacNeil:

And Wow. I think decentralized finance is a new frontier. Yes. And it's exciting. Even things like so for example, the platform Aave, a a v e, they do lending on blockchain as well.

Natalie MacNeil:

So we can change lending practices. We can do massive peer to peer lending Yeah. Where you can be guaranteed if you want to invest in this big mortgage fund that's going to support maybe people who have been historically excluded from being able to get affordable mortgages. And you can say, oh, I'm guaranteed this much return here. I'm gonna contribute to this fund, and that opens alternative investments for us as well.

Natalie MacNeil:

So I think we can actually create, ironically, through all these technologies, a more, human to human world.

Kate Northrup:

Amazing. So good. I could say

Natalie MacNeil:

so much more about my wallow, but And I think, like,

Kate Northrup:

ultimately, what you're saying is there's a lot of friction being included in being human that is unnecessary with these technologies, and so it it can just free up a lot of energetic bandwidth for things that are a a closer match to our purpose.

Natalie MacNeil:

And what yeah. Like, what do we do with that time? Right? I actually think this is

Kate Northrup:

the deeper like, that's

Natalie MacNeil:

the deeper spiritual question, though. It's like, when you actually have all that time, what are you gonna do with it? Yeah. Because that's what question. Universal basic income could allow Yeah.

Natalie MacNeil:

What AI could allow. Like, they're talking about, oh, maybe we're gonna have to go down to a three or four day week week work week. Like, what will you do with all that? Garden.

Kate Northrup:

We could talk to people.

Natalie MacNeil:


Kate Northrup:

Read books, make art, make love. Exactly. Live in the ocean.

Natalie MacNeil:

Yes. Like, what do you wanna create?

Kate Northrup:

Grow avocados.

Natalie MacNeil:

It's possible. Our ancestors at one point, they worked seven days a week. Yeah. Some people still do. Yeah.

Natalie MacNeil:

The five day work week was considered spacious for people, and now we're looking

Kate Northrup:

at a three. Four day work week. Yeah. No. The companies who have gone not the companies and countries who have gone to a four day work week, across the board, the data shows us more productive, better for mental health, all the outcomes better, better, better, better.

Kate Northrup:

I mean, we just have that data, so the time is now. Okay. So what somebody's listening right now. They've done nothing. What where they at?

Kate Northrup:

Okay. And they're like, alrighty. Let me join. The per like, I'm gonna participate. One baby step.

Kate Northrup:

Where where should someone start? One baby step.

Natalie MacNeil:

One baby step. Okay. So if you come to my website,, if you go to my resources, you'll find my freebies. So my best prompts that you can start using, my future focused newsletter where I'm sharing new tools and everything I'm learning, every month, like, a few times a month. Get that.

Natalie MacNeil:

Okay. Great. They're free. And then from there, you can also explore if you're a business owner especially and you wanna build your team, AI dream team is my program for that. And also just follow me on Instagram.

Natalie MacNeil:

Connect with me at Natalie McNeil, and happy to be a guide for you into this beautiful future that we get to create together.

Kate Northrup:

So great. I just love I love you. I love your enthusiasm around this. I feel way more open and educated than I was before we started this conversation, and that feels really exciting, all the possibilities. So thank you for being here.

Kate Northrup:

Thanks for all that you do.

Natalie MacNeil:

Thank you. I love you.

Kate Northrup:

Thanks for listening to this episode of Plenty. If you enjoyed it, make sure you subscribe, leave a rating, leave a review. That's one of the best ways that you can ensure to spread the abundance of plenty with others. You can even text it to a friend and tell them to listen in. And if you want even more support to expand your abundance, head over to where you can grab my free money breakthrough guide that details the biggest money breakthroughs from some of the top earning women I know, plus a mini lesson accompanying it with my own biggest money breakthroughs and a nervous system healing tool for you to expand your abundance.

Kate Northrup:

Again, that's over at See you next time.