KeyForge Public Radio

Welcome to KeyForge Public Radio, the strategy and news podcast helping you become and informed KeyForge player. Join your host Zach Armstrong as we unlock the Unique Card Game together. Join on Patreon to vote on content, gain Discord access, and discounts on merch. 

First episode launches Wednesday, June 7, 2023.
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Creators & Guests

Zach Armstrong
KeyForge Podcast Producer & Host since 2020

What is KeyForge Public Radio?

KeyForge Public Radio is a strategy and news podcast helping create informed KeyForge players, hosted by Zach Armstrong. Visit the website to see all strategy episodes, and join us on the journey to unlock the Unique Card Game. To support KeyForge Public Radio, join our Patreon or rock some merch!

Zach Armstrong: Welcome to KeyForge Public Radio! I'm your host Zach Armstrong, and it’s my job to help you unlock the secrets of the Unique Card Game.

Zach Armstrong: KPR will focus on strategy, with hot takes as needed, to equip you for your KeyForge journey, whether you're a seasoned Archon or just starting out.

Zach Armstrong: Subscribe and come along with us. See you there!