The Matt Sodnicar Podcast

Tyler Z takes me through the origin of Biked Goods, making food fun and enjoyable, coaching kids on the bike, the importance of introducing healthy habits to kids, and where his sense of community and servanthood originated.

Connect with Tyler at, on Instagram, and be sure and check out his blog for all these damn tasty recipes.
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What is The Matt Sodnicar Podcast?

The Matt Sodnicar Podcast. Founded on the belief that one need not be famous to tell a compelling story. Focused on turning points in business and in life, those moments that will inspire others.

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Matt Sodnicar 0:00
Hey everybody, welcome to the podcast. Thank you for listening. Cat Jeff, welcome back from Cambodia. Today's guest is Tyler Zipperer. He is the founder and author of baked goods baked founded up in Summit County, Colorado. And what he is into is just simple, healthy recipes for cyclists. And even if you're not a cyclist, you need to check out these recipes. I hate going shopping. I love to cook. And Tyler's got a shopping list and recipes and menus. It's all structured. But what I thought we would just be talking about the recipes and things like that. It was fascinating and inspiring to hear Tyler's story about him working with kids in Summit County, getting them on the bike, doing food donation programs, fundraisers, and just a really cool chill individual. So take a look at the website when you're done listening. Even if you don't buy the cookbook, maybe shoot a donation over but enjoy this conversation with Tyler Zipperer from biked kids.

Unknown Speaker 1:20
I'm making this up. What are your qualifications? Well, I didn't really I'm good. With Harvard Business School, I travel quite extensively, I have people skills, I am good at dealing with people, you just don't know when to give up to

Unknown Speaker 1:40
the Matt Sodnicar podcast

Matt Sodnicar 1:50
that's all right, it's done.

Tyler Zipperer 1:51
I mean, his name is on the cookbook, too. So might as well as be part of the show here.

Matt Sodnicar 2:01
So I wanted to open the conversation by saying that the the baked goods cookbook, the shopping list, and the meal plan actually led me to reach out to get like a performance therapist coach, like actually a psychiatrist. Because what I've noticed about myself and despite, like all my systems in trying to form better habits, that I love the shopping list, I love the meal plan. I loved all that stuff. I started tracking calories, I've seen results. And my particular challenge in my life is making habits stick for like longer periods of time. And so I was really enjoying it. And the meal is just it was so simple, because what I was looking for, and then just how my brain works. I'm like, yeah, it's not new and shiny anymore. But it's nothing to do with you. But my first question is just how did baked goods come about? The you know, your passion for, for cooking for recipes for performance? And? Yeah, I'm fascinated to know about that.

Tyler Zipperer 3:19
Yeah, I think it started about probably three years ago, when I was living in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I grew up in Wisconsin for most of my life. And then as I graduated college, and then moved to Minneapolis.

I think, you know, I started getting into biking recreationally bike to work, I picked up like a rally Willard, which is like this adventure bike, slowly started getting into some other events like bike Annemasse 150. And then I ultimately kind of join the cycling group in Minneapolis, where I got into more the endurance and kind of performance cycling aspect. So I think that was kind of just a natural drop, because nutrition is a part of that whole world. But aside from that, at that time in Minneapolis, COVID hit started working remotely. I lived in like this tiny, 1000 square foot, I guess some might say that's tiny house, right? So I was in the home all the time. And I'm like, what did the heck did I do with my time. So like a lot of people during COVID They just picked up baking and it was just sort of like this activity for me to like, get out of work and do something else more creatively. So this kind of just gave me that time to be creative experiment that also helped out with, you know, my cycling goals, nutrition wise and that and I just like sharing it with my wife. I think that's really where it all started. So made her happy. And then I just started like documenting and creating new things picking up new cookbooks learn about nutrition along the way. And it just sort of slowly evolved. From there. I had this whole logbook of recipes and started asking people might they be interested and seeing them. And that's kind of how the whole evolution of bike goods unfolded. And then I formally started the company when I moved to Colorado. I'm in Breckenridge right now. So now it's an LLC. started that way, I had a whole website kind of ecommerce presence, I have online, free membership, and then some other one off products. So that's kind of like goods has come become since our today.

Matt Sodnicar 5:40
I was trying to track back to how we met, was it either through Instagram? Or was it an event, I honestly couldn't piece it all together. And that's probably just my poor memory and record keeping. But I just remember seeing this and I was like, Yeah, this is, I'm interested in this. So

Tyler Zipperer 6:00
yeah, it either could have been online on Instagram, probably may have connected with you that way. Or you join the baking bikers club that I have online, which is where I post recipes weekly. And then eventually, you got word of that that winter meal plan that I put out that we were just talking about, and you told me how to podcasts, we should look to connect. That's sort of how it unfolded.

Matt Sodnicar 6:27
Well, in, I'll speak to this with my own personal experience, I remember reading through the cookbook and looking at it. And the origin point was probably mid January for me, and I got sick of because I've tried, like HelloFresh for a while, which I loved it was great when my daughter and I were together, but I have no portion control and no willpower. And even doing like the the two person meals, it always turned into one. And I remember getting a cookbook or reading through it. Again, I love the shopping list because that's where I go off the rails, right? It's just the friction between that. And again, firstworldproblems. For me, like going to the grocery store is just pure torture, I just, I don't know where everything is, it's the organization, I just get lost in there. And then I just remembered

how easy it was to just get this stuff, get it ready, a little bit of meal prep. And then I remember looking at the weekly, the actual meal plan. And I was like, I'm gonna starve to death.

Because it looked like it was, wait a minute. And then what I found out is simply by for the first time in my life actually counted calories, and was approximating with your recipes, but then having better choices at hand as opposed to a bag of tortilla chips, or, you know, opening a can of baked beans. And just because like I needed calories and I had to get to work meeting. I, I really enjoyed how I felt I liked it, that it was simple. And I felt better. Not that anybody cares. But I paid Tyler for the cookbook. This is not a paid endorsement. And yeah, I was looking through my previous journal, you know, some of the, just the, you know, the feelings that, you know, I'm just a write down, like I'm thinking about how good I feel and what else they put down here.

Yeah, and it just was a mindset thing for me. And I just wanted to tell you that because I don't know how many people write in and talk to you about that. I'm getting back on it next week. I've been traveling, but just the again talking to my therapist about how do I make these habits stick but for what it accomplished, it was almost frictionless and things were tasty. And like the the muesli mix that you turn with the peanut butter and like the snack balls or whatever they call like, that was great. So for me, I I enjoyed it. So thank you Nice work.

Tyler Zipperer 9:31
Yeah, and I know you say no one cares, but I care. That's what I do. Yeah. Yeah. Glad to hear that feedback. I think a few things that I heard from you, Matt would be first and foremost feeling better. My kind of I guess you'd say nutrition philosophy or kind of, you know, foods I like to eat. I like to keep it simple. Keep it real food, real food meaning out Apples real, you know, for whole foods that you would find, you know, that haven't been processed in a sense. So I think first and foremost like that, that helps, just from feeling better processed foods, anything in a package bag of tortilla chips, like you mentioned, is gonna slow you down. So I think that that's my big focus fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, or beans. It's kind of my MO and then just keeping it simple, yet fun. And using some alternative gradients people may not always be familiar with but that's kind of sometimes the key and the fun part to keep it interesting and keep you going. And then I think from a habit standpoint, you know, a lot of people you know, and that hear this can have, you know, it's a lot to ask someone to completely rehaul their diet, or set aside two to three hours to meal prep each week, right. And for me, it's more about like, nutrition is a lifestyle, and it's about small steps that you take each day, or you are like what you repeatedly do, right? So to just provide those sorts of quick, easy recipes, focus on real Whole Foods, and kind of the ultimate goal here is to make you feel good. And part of it too, you know, making stuff at home making it homemade. I know it can be a lot of times for people, people are busy, but just the fact that you make something for yourself, it energizes you to the same thing when I'm out there biking, I can make like the crappiest baked good snack, you know, it could be all mushed in my back pocket. But you know, I still eat it still tastes good. And it's just like a mental thing to like, yeah, I made that for myself. I've fueled you know, I helped push you know, my pedals a little further with a snack so it's all kind of those little things I think that may have helped you with what you're talking about that meal plan sort of digital recipe books, so Yeah, glad Glad to hear it worked out for you.

Matt Sodnicar 12:06
And that was the other part that I committed to was the the natural food right the only thing that you had that came in packages was oats and other stuff that just had to be sealed but it wasn't processed and and again, I just remember I had some business trips I'm looking at my calendar here that took me away and I was pondering well I do I pack a cooler and do all that stuff and but the it was really just painless and I'm just a fan of it and this the simplicity of it and I look at the dog here in the house, right because he gets two scoops in the morning Two escapes in the evening is in good shape, he knows when meals come in. And that was the other part too is that it was a comprehensive program and it wasn't any powders or anything it was just do this. Here's a snack. Here's another snack, here's your meals. And then because I eliminated a lot of the not uncertainty but the variability in the schedule. I never was starving and because I was eating better stuff. Like here's an example like I would usually do like overnight oats or oatmeal, but the addition of the coconut oil was that that was a or the coconut milk. That was a huge thing just getting some more fat on board because I wasn't just burning through the carbs you know?

Tyler Zipperer 13:53
Yeah, I think with everything that I make, especially when it comes to males balance is key. That's why I don't just like like you said overnight oats I like the muesli because you have the added nuts and seeds and seeds and then you know you put on top there maybe some nut butter or anything like anything else like that with a little bit of fat and protein that builds that balance meal for you. That's what's gonna give you one the energy that you need to sustain throughout the day. But then the protein and the fat is going to keep you full and keep you satiated and keep you happy. Right? So it's those things especially on you know when it comes to meals. Same thing can be said for snacks depending on how you're using them if they're using them as just a way to stay full before your next meal. That's the same sort of concept or idea, right like have some carbs in there but also have a good balance of protein and fats to keep you full because if you're just reaching for that bag of tortilla chips, crackers with nothing else, guess what you're going and right back in there for Bag number two. So it's a little different. On the other hand, if you're eating snacks before, during or after, like a cycling workout, then you definitely want it to be more carb focus. And that's where you know processed foods, even though you may think that I'm this like, all natural kind of Whole Foods guy, like, Yes, I eat processed foods I eat, you know, things that come in rappers, especially when they come to training time, whether that's before or during an event or training period, because that's what your body needs at those times.

Matt Sodnicar 15:35
So if you're from Minneapolis you ever had juicy Lucy's? Yeah, I

Tyler Zipperer 15:40
remember going there back in my day. Yep.

Matt Sodnicar 15:46
I asked a woman that one time was from Minneapolis. And I thought everybody knew about these hamburgers between mats and the five, eight, and he actually asked me if that was like a naughty sex term. I thought everybody in Minneapolis knew about

the one thing Dude, I gotta admit, raw almonds just cannot get on board with those. Something they taste a little bleachy. To me, I just that's one thing that I just have not been able to work my way through or raw almonds.

Tyler Zipperer 16:26
But have you tried toasting them? No, just simple to house on a skillet? That does anything for you. Okay, or just put a little maple syrup or something in the pan? Give it a little flavoring coating? Maybe that'll open it up for you.

Matt Sodnicar 16:48
So is there a recipe that you loved, that everybody else hated? That didn't make it into the cookbook?

Tyler Zipperer 16:58
Oh, let me thank you. So one now I want to be straight. Because you mentioned in cookbook, the one that you bought, right? Yeah, yeah. And then I have this one. I know and see this. But this is the brand new physical print cookbook. Right here. So I just want to make make sure that we're on the same page on that front. Because there's another 40 recipes that went into that one. And yeah, that was some that didn't make it. But I can't think of any off the top of my head. I think everything I make is good. Right? So yeah, I mean, it's I talked to friends and family a little bit about it. And sometimes they say I just don't, you know, I don't eat the way you do, or I don't like with some of the ingredients and things like that. But my you know, I just want to open people's eyes a little bit and give them ideas, I don't want to tell them how to eat, or this is how much you should eat or whatever, I just want to let you know, open their eyes a little bit, hopefully urge them to maybe try something new, or give it a try. But then also, you know, give them some familiar things as well, too. So that, you know, they slowly start making those changes, because I know some of the things that you know, I do eat or do encourage people who eat it does have benefits to it and a sense in one way or another. So yeah, everyone's different. Everyone comes from different backgrounds, likes different things. So again, it's more kind of about the the inspiration behind it and thinking of new ways and make food fun and enjoyable.

Matt Sodnicar 18:36
Yeah, I can certainly testify to that. And the thing that opened my eyes that, especially in the winter meal plan was cutting back on the simple carbs and some of the complex carbs because we're not out there, we're not as active in the winter. And that to me was one of those revelations where I shouldn't know this. I should know this by being in cycling and you know, fitness adjacent for years and years and years. And I think about it every year at the time change November, like alright, we got to start making some changes here. And usually, the diet plan stays the same, the activity level goes down and the weight starts going up. And I was like, Oh, why? Yeah, I have to make adjustments because we're not in Southern California. It's not 75 All the time. And despite having a fat bike and cyclocross and all that just need to adjust what goes in because a lot more inside time.

Tyler Zipperer 19:39
Yeah, yep. Yeah, I think what I what I pointed out in that meal plan is a little more fats, and I guess you'd say just like heavier foods, right? Like, our body kind of goes into hibernation mode during that time and our bodies do work seasonally, and especially for us like I grew up in Wisconsin as well. Minneapolis, you know, now I'm in Colorado a little bit more sun than then the Midwest, but our bodies need different things at different times, just naturally, whether you're in sport or not, but then even, you know, we go through our sort of training periods to from early season to full season, and then fall and winter come around, they need to go through those processes to just to kind of rejuvenate, you know, get our bodies, you know, back in, you know, the way they're supposed to operate. So that's part of the reason why you're encouraged to eat more food, say, like, I can't exactly recall everything I had on there, but you know, chocolates in there, you know, obviously, we just kind of crave those darker, rich kind of foods during the winter fall season. But now, as we get in the spring, things start getting a little bit lighter, right, some more fruits and vegetables come out during this time of season. And we're prepping our bodies for some cycling season has already started for me just kind of getting into it. So those switches start to take place. And that's kind of what this other cookbook that I have here in place is getting those folks ready for cycling season with those smaller snacks and meals that can they can grab on the go because training picks up a little bit too, right for some people who are endurance minded, so they need quicker things, but also still need those real foods yet to help them with whatever goals they're trying to accomplish.

Matt Sodnicar 21:35
I'm gonna order that tomorrow, because something that again, for me, it's all about the convenience and just having a better option ahead of time. This was actually on my radar. A couple years ago, the last time I did bike ms, I just got tired of the bubble get after I was drinking.

Whatever sport drinks, it was in the gels and the the shot blocks. And everything in I just was sick of how I felt at the end of it, I didn't feel bad. I just it was like all that sugar I just couldn't consume anymore. And the probably four or five years ago. And I just made a choice that I was going to carry nuts and fruit and some jerky and just water as much as I possibly could. And it was one of my faster years. And I felt great at the end of it. And so it really started me thinking about like more natural sports nutrition.

Tyler Zipperer 22:45
Yeah, I think a few things with gels and sports drinks, and they're all different. But sometimes where people do have issues, there can just be too much carb in your gut and it overwhelms your gut. And if you don't drink water with it, that's I think kind of what you're alluding to there. It's not every product products like Scratch labs or tailwind, they just crafted in a way that allows your gut to digest it, and you don't have those issues. But there's other products out there. Like certain gels that can do that to your gut. Or on the other hand, real food and feeling with real food. Like some of the you know, the recipes in this, this new cookbook that I have one thing, just in general with real food is it has more water content. And then which helps you digest it a little bit easier. A lot of prepackaged foods, like what do companies do to make, you know, to prolong the shelf life, they suck all the water out of it. So it's basically like you're eating a brick, you know, Clif Bars, I like to say, you know, I see a lot of people eating Clif Bars. I never really asked for those because just imagine a brick sitting in your gut. But on the other hand, you know, along, you know, sometimes they'll store bought items, they have those other additive ingredients in them too. When I'm making homemade real foods to fuel my rides, I know exactly what's going on in it and there's nothing else in there that's going to slow me down. So sometimes that can help with the digestive problems. There's a lot of science that goes in into that we could probably talk hours Yeah. But then I think you know, too, with the real food as well is like it takes your body think of it more as like a slower drip of energy with real food versus sometimes gels and like over concentrated carb drinks. It like leaks through your gut too fast, almost. And that's where again, you can have issues whereas real foods And it's just a slower drip of energy and your body can use it over time. And you don't sometimes always have those gut issues that you're talking about.

Matt Sodnicar 25:10
They're not pleasant. Yeah. Yeah. Especially day to try to get back on the Blake. It's just, oh,

Tyler Zipperer 25:23
yeah, I guess I'm lucky, I've never really experienced those issues. I've heard stories and you know, they don't sound fun. So, I like to opt for real food. And when I can, there is a time and a place for sports drink and gels, you just need to do your research on them. As far as, you know, the carb concentration in them because all of them are different. But then also you can train your gut to to handle more carbs over time, too. So sometimes it's just a matter of training got to be able to take in that many carbs overtime as well, too.

Matt Sodnicar 26:01
I like to say it's not summer until I've pooped with my helmet on. Or some trailside you know, National Park or State Park restaurant was just like this this summer. Here we go. The Safety First though, right? Yeah. Always.

It's been close to never, never crossed that line. But it's been close. Yeah. So before we hit record, you were talking about your mission with kids. I wanted to dive into that some more.

Tyler Zipperer 26:46
Yeah, so that's sort of started when I was living in Minneapolis to at the same time that I joined the cycling club, I was part of there and started participating in those events. The coach, the director of that program, mainly lead youth programs. So at that same time that I was learning how to train and ride bikes myself, I threw myself into the whole coaching world, because that just kind of had an interest to me and wanted to be a role model and leader in my community. And I was just kind of naturally drawn to I didn't go to school for it or anything like that I went to school for for marketing. That's what I do in my day job. That's a lot of what I do with buy goods right now. I started learning how to coach mountain biking, and now I'm a bi CP level two mountain bike instructor, but I kind of, you know, started following. His name is Bruce viola in Minneapolis, for the National Center for Youth Development is what he's running right now today. But I just started following him along shadowing him, I guess you'd say, go into practices. He'd take his kids out on trips, and I just immersed myself in this experience. And it was just one of the coolest things. So I wanted to continue to grow as a coach and a leader in that youth space. So about after a year of working with him, getting certified, learning how to coach and work with kids, I had the opportunity to move out to Minneapolis with my wife, during COVID, she found a job out here. So that was kind of our ticket. I worked remotely. And it just so happened at that same time that there is a Head Mountain by coach for youth program. That's called Team summit that was open so I called them up, I got the job. And I was just like, thrown right into it. And I'm working with elementary and middle school kids right now getting them out on bikes, teaching them skills, right? That that even go beyond the bike and then just kind of building this community centered around biking. Getting outside and having fun, enjoying the mountains here. So it's something I continue to do. Leading up to the debt. Today, it will be my third year going into this season. So I just had this passion to work with kids and give back to them. There's just something about it that keeps me young. It just so simple. And they can be entertained by rocks or sticks. But you know, I feel like myself I'm speaking about personally here we just get so caught up and work and jobs and training. Just live this very kind of like individualistic life. So the opportunity to kind of put all that aside and you know, put those kids before myself is just eye opening for me and I love doing it and I'll be doing it The rest of my life. So what I'm getting at here is with bike ads. First and foremost, it's like a cycling and nutrition company. main mission is to help youth live healthy, active lifestyles through cycling, and nutrition, alignment, enlightenment, and just the community dedicated to supporting them towards a better future. So the way that I do that right now through bike rides is I sell different products and services like cookbooks, the meal plan that you've been talking about, I also sell some baked goods boxes to local cyclists and other athletes parents around here. And then I put a portion of sales 10% of sales from those products and services to something I just earmark. I call it the bike goods cookie jar fund. And I use that money to give back to other nonprofit organizations that are helping get kids out on bikes or helping feed kids, or I use some of that money to use myself personally, to give back to our community. For example, tomorrow, actually, I'm going to Silverthorne Elementary School, and we're going to be doing a little energy bar making class. Cool. It's I don't really know what to expect, it's going to be wild, it's going to be fun, but kind of just giving them you know, a sense of like, what an energy bar is, when to eat them, and how to make them. Gonna give them some ingredients, like a light recipe to follow, I'm sure you know, bunch of other things are gonna happen in between there. But that's, you know, like one way that I want to use like goods by providing to, you know, different cyclist and community members around here, but then also using that as a way to feel some of those programs for kids. So, yeah,

Matt Sodnicar 32:01
I really admire that. And I couldn't imagine my life Tyler without the bicycle, if I had never been introduced to it in starting with my mongoose BMX, when I was a kid and my twin 10 Speed varsity that I mowed lawns to get, couldn't imagine my life today without bikes. And to introduce that to a kid, I think, is one of the most important things it's, you know, again, I don't need to tell people what bikes do for, for them or for me, but just the freedom and the the joy, there's simply not a time I ride where I don't have a smile on my face at some point. And the other part of it too, is you're talking about working with the kids is a Jamie Oliver, he's the chef that he has the reality show where he goes into schools and teaches them how to cook and yeah, I'm susceptible to the marketing right when I see watching hockey or football games, I see the Taco Bell commercials and all the other commercials for Doritos and everything and, and I know I'm being sold to the kids don't. And so the fact that you can offer them an alternative and just help them understand without where they can have control over what they eat, I think is phenomenal.

Tyler Zipperer 33:28
Yeah, it is a big part of that, I think, you know, we're habits most mostly farm as at a younger age. So the sooner that I can help introduce the bicycle to them about building good nutrition and eating habits, the better off you know, I'm trying to, I'm gonna go to you, right, Matt change this do that it might be a little harder, not saying it can't happen. But I think that's the opportunity where you know, kids are just like sponges at that age too. So again, like to be that model for them to show them I'm out on my bike. Not just you know, for one for like my physical health, also my mental health. But then also, you know, I couldn't ride my bike without fueling myself properly either. So to be able to kind of, you know, show that and be that role model for the kids is kind of my, you know, my goal there so that eventually they can be self sufficient, you know, to knowing how to eat as well as like, here's how I got in bike and you know, the benefits of it and also finding a community to ride with because that's another big piece behind it. So I consider myself super lucky to be able to get out and bike to have a bike to have a good job to be able to buy food and I know never not everyone's as fortunate as me. So that's kind of how I like to use bike goods and make everything come full circle so that like my Vision Statement says few few all walks of life are the ride of a lifetime. That's what I'm trying to do. And slowly building here at bike goods.

Matt Sodnicar 35:10
Well, kudos to you for devoting some time to do that. Because there's a lot of people. And this is not throwing shade on them that love to ride. But the wouldn't step up to do that. And I was actually offered a position there, like a volunteer coaches position. And I had to turn it down, I wanted to do it, but I looked at my schedule for the summer and my travel schedule and couldn't fit it in. So I'm quite impressed and thankful that you're making that sacrifice for these kids. And the one too many effects of that, too.

Tyler Zipperer 35:52
Yeah, I'll be the first you know, it's it's not easy. Balancing a lot of things on my plate right now, with a full time job coaching team summit lead in that program, baked goods, and wife and I are also expecting a baby here soon. So it's a lot to balance. And I know, for me, myself, I need to work personally on giving myself some time outside of everything else that I have going on. And I know, you know, I need to dedicate a lot of my time, I should always but like to my wife and the baby coming here soon. So I, you know, I need to find that balance, too, every once in a while. But, again, this is about just being that role model being an impact, you know, however I can, it might not always be the same every day, in and out. But as long as I can do one small, simple thing each day to make a difference in someone's life, that's really what it's all about. So I don't need to change the entire world. But as long as I can just make that one person, you know, help them learn how to ride a bike or provide them with a snack to put a smile on their face. That's what keeps me going no matter how, or what kind of comes up in life.

Matt Sodnicar 37:19
Where did that sense or that duty of community and servanthood come from?

Tyler Zipperer 37:28
Yeah, I don't know. Like, I think when I got out of college, you know, figuring out what I do next in life. And you know, you kind of you move and you get a full time job, you have all these responsibilities, and you're just like, What the heck, what am I doing with my life right now? Where am I going? I started Googling and researching what do I do? You got you got to figure it out yourself and make that time to figure out who you are and kind of what you stand for what you value. So I think I just started with like, listing out my values, my personal values, and it was always an ever changing thing. But ultimately, what it kind of came out to be was like, health community adventure. And then the other thing was just giving back. Being You know, a leader, like I keep saying here in my society, because I do consider myself very fortunate and lucky. Just with every from where I got brought up in life to, you know, the jobs, I've had to be able to have a home, I have a beautiful wife, I'm able to live here in Colorado. So like, I'm just so fortunate and lucky. And like I told you before, I know people aren't as lucky or fortunate as me, like living in Minneapolis, you know, I not, you know, I saw some things you know, and that just kind of put that spark in me to you know, to do whatever I can to lend a helping hand. So even with bike rides, you'll see a lot of that kind of service or community minded efforts behind it. I've partnered with smart bellies here, which is helping provide snacks and meals to all kids in the county. And they hand these out and I decided to bake some homemade cookies and include that in their boxes and now that's become an annual thing where I do it each holiday. And then even when I was back in Minneapolis, the whole muesli thing we were talking about before I just love muesli so much and I wanted to share that with with other people. So I ran a fundraiser to raise some money. There's a local company there in Minneapolis called Seven Sundays that makes actually makes packaged muesli. So raise the money, bought some bags of that got a crew together and And we deliver those packages of muesli to every meal, which was helping feed kids in need. And then what I just started here last year in Breckenridge was the feeling the future fundraiser. So that was group rides, I did a 12 hour ride to raise awareness for some of these local nonprofits and organizations that are helping get kids out on bikes, feeding kids, as well as helping on the mental health side of things. So we did all that handed out some free big goodies, raise some money, and I distributed that to Team Summit, which I coach for right now. To help with scholarships and give more access to kids who want to get out on bikes, donate some money to smart belly, so that they can continue to provide snacks and baked goods to their network of kids and then go for Graham as the other one. Their their whole mission is shedding the stigma around mental health and they use just getting outside and physical activity as a way to kind of endorse that. And they provide other resources to help people with mental health, just building education and providing resources around that. So again, wanting to use you know, bike goods as that way to help out those other organizations, especially for youth.

Matt Sodnicar 41:31
I know another girl for gram guys and gals really well they're, they're a great Squad. I've raced cyclocross against a couple and just a nice bunch. Nice bunch. As you were talking about the kids podcast I did with my friend Terry years ago, we talked about food insecurity. And that was a thing for me as an adult, because I had made some job choices that didn't pan out financially and had to really watch pennies, especially when, as a single parent at the time, the kids weren't with me all that time. And

it took me a while to become aware of that, that I would get paid. When I finally got a full time job and things were leveling out a bit that I have this habit of going to the store because I had money and I wanted food around. And it wasn't just be like, oh, I want this, I want that. And that and I come home with 120 bucks worth of stuff and probably 50 bucks worth of that was just crap. But I just had the means to do that and couldn't imagine being a little one and trying to go to school and doing that hungry. And I volunteer at Food Bank of the Rockies. And I think if people's basic needs are met, then things are looking fairly. Okay. So it's yeah, it's really commend you for, you know, focusing on what you focus on the mental health and the food part of it. It's, it's, it's massive, can make a huge difference.

Tyler Zipperer 43:22
Yeah. Yeah, I think I have down here. I don't gotta correct see if I think 9 million children in the US live in food security and food insecure homes. I think that was in maybe 2021. So yeah, that's something I've always been drawn to him like how, for me personally, if I didn't have you know, my basic needs met, or, you know, I couldn't afford the food that helps our engines are on right, like, how can I even why? How could I even get out and bike or do something active? Like, those sorts of foods that come say, cheaper or more affordable for those who say are on a budget or can't quite afford it natural end up being the more processed foods, but what does that lead to a decline in energy, obesity home? Kids can't perform as well in school because it's going to Foggy up their mind. I know, you know, you've been told me before Matt with the meal plan and focusing more on those real Whole Foods, how that kind of change how you felt like, yeah, imagine a kid that goes through that for years. Right? So that it's a lot of you know, it's bigger than that and there's a lot of other things that contributed to it. But think back to what I was saying before even a vegan make that that difference in one kid's life who doesn't have access to you know, all the types of foods that I'm able to eat if I can just give them that opportunity you know, do the best I can to help and hopefully you know people start catching on with with the mission here and the vision behind baked goods and can start to back that and we can start doing more things together to start attacking that problem more

Matt Sodnicar 45:22
I also think if more people rode bikes and looked at the stars the world would be a better place so

ride bikes and eat well what else? What else do you possibly need I mean, that's that that happens during my day and you know, in which your meal plan helped me understand is that it really is in my control and it doesn't have to be overwhelming. And I know I'm just a fan and like I said it's it's taking me on this journey of diving into my how my brain works about habits and doing it when it's still not new and shiny but for me it was effective I ran into somebody hadn't seen for a while she's like, Oh, you look like you lost weight and it was I don't know eight pounds over you know like a month like a natural that I think a healthy at least for me weight loss and wasn't necessarily trying to lose weight. I just liked how I felt and I liked the simplicity of it and the predictability and

yeah, I can't recommend it highly enough and it's not a it's not a product what I liked about it is that it's you're steering this you're involved you have ownership of it and I think that's why for me it was effective.

Tyler Zipperer 46:45
Yeah, I think the most important thing you said there is how you felt right I don't care about the weight loss like yeah, that may be you know, a thing that comes with it but as long as you're feeling good and feeling better, have more energy that that really is the ultimate goal their

Matt Sodnicar 47:06
last question, what is your ultimate cheat food like if you're here either you know, fight McColl or you've written the 12 hour event and you can magic one this one is going to appear on your plate.

Tyler Zipperer 47:23
Gosh Don't know I had I wouldn't even say it's a cheap food. But I have a soft spot for sweets and baked goods part of the reason but it gets like, I'll tell you I have dessert about every night. That that could be my every day cheat, say meal. But it's probably not like the package of cookies that you may get from the store every night. But I do love my sweets at night. Whether it's some yogurt fruit, homemade granola, also big cereal guy sometimes at night to cereal, milk chocolate chips, peanut butter and just trying to think of something else. I don't know if it's a cheap food but what I loved after racing, I think it was the Breck epic here a couple of years ago and they're making like these dill pickle sandwiches. Dill Pickle and I don't know if they had anything else on it. But I wonder recreate that. So I went back home got some bread, dill pickles, I put some sweet potato chips on the sandwich too. And that probably cheese is something like that. So just as big humongous sandwich of like salty, crunchy foods. You know, you're sick of eating sweet stuff during a race or whatever. So that hit that hit the spot.

Matt Sodnicar 48:47
What kind of bread for that? Dill Pickle Sandwich.

Tyler Zipperer 48:51
Dave Keller's bread. stuff all the time. Yeah.

Matt Sodnicar 48:57
That sounds really good actually.

Tyler Zipperer 49:01
Yeah, I'll have to put I should put that together next recipe coming out for everyone.

Matt Sodnicar 49:05
Yes. That sounds incredible. Well, this has been great getting to know Yeah, and just also getting to know you through the meal plan and the recipes and just the the thoughtfulness and the curation of it. It's, it's something I have enjoyed. I'm going to enjoy again, getting a shopping Friday and get prepped for the week. And I'll be here for a while and be back on it and just looking to shake off the travel penalty that I've had recently. But things come in waves and yeah, the goal is not perfection. It's just to be slightly better.

Tyler Zipperer 49:50
Yeah. 1% better each day. Yeah. Yeah.

Matt Sodnicar 49:54
I'll post links to the site, but where's the best place for people to Find the meal plans, the cookbooks I'll link to all the other charities too. But the best place for people to connect with you.

Tyler Zipperer 50:08
Yeah, just go to baked goods that CO it's not So buy You'll find everything on there have a little storefront with with the cookbook, the meal plans, some cycling socks and some stuff for locals here in Summit County. As far as like baked goods deliveries. Go otherwise, I'm pretty active on Instagram, and Facebook, mostly Instagram posting recipes and other things like you'll see some stuff tomorrow with the kids baking class. So it'll be a fun one to see. And yeah, otherwise on the website to have a free membership club. It's called the baking bikers club, you sign up create a free account that gives you access to sort of a library of recipes that I've posted in the past. And then I post about a new recipe each week. And then also sent updates on other things. I'm up to put together some pretty comprehensive like E recipe books to compiling all my recipes. So if you kind of want to see everything from a full shot that'll that all be in there as part of that club membership, too.

Matt Sodnicar 51:19
Awesome. Well, thanks for making the time and I appreciate your patience and perseverance while we got this scheduled. So it's been very enjoyable for me Taylor, I appreciate it.

Tyler Zipperer 51:32
Yeah. Appreciate the opportunity, Matt. Good getting to know you a little bit here too. I was here to help. If you have any questions. Don't be afraid to reach out. Need some help with the grocery shop creation, curation, some things like that. That's what I'm here for. So don't be a stranger.

Matt Sodnicar 51:50
I will do that. Yeah. Thanks. All right. Thanks, Matt. Episodes of this podcast are produced by me Matt Sodnicar. Big thanks to Cole Wyman for the engineering of the intro. And thanks to Randy, we have a for retro funk our theme music. And hey, I've got two requests for you. If you liked this show, please share it with somebody either through Apple podcasts or Spotify and show them how to listen to a podcast if they've never done it. And I know you know, somebody out there that would be a fantastic guest. And please shoot me a note on Instagram at the matt sod cast. And let's talk to them. Thanks a lot. Talk to you soon.

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