Money Lab

Did I double the revenue from my website without creating or launching any new products? And by setting up a simple marketing sales funnel? Let's find out!

Show Notes

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Creators & Guests

Matt Giovanisci
Founder of

What is Money Lab?

Matt Giovanisci and friends drop the gauntlet of truth about being self-employed, serial entrepreneurs. They're not "teaching" how to build a successful company. Instead, they run business challenges and experiments offering a transparent view of what it takes to make money online.

Matt: In this episode, we're talking
about the gazillion dollar sales funnel

experiment, which is technically part
three of my website optimization series.

So this is the last one let's get into it.

Oh, I must bear my tongue
on some hot, uh, On hot.


Is what I'm drinking today.

I know what's like what.

Who drinks?


Out of a cup, but I do.

And, uh, honestly, this,
this is it's chicken.

Like it's chicken broth.

But it tastes just like hot seawater.

If I'm being honest.


Uh, before we get into it.

I want to talk about, uh, two
things that's happening right now.


As always you can go and download my.

Perfect post cheat sheet, which is slash cheat sheet.

And it's something you can download.

There's actually a full color
version and a print friendly version.

If you want to print it out, maybe the
lamp laminate it, keep it near your desk.

And every time you go and optimize
your blog posts, you can use it.

You can reference it.


It's right there for you.

The second thing I want to talk
about, which is something that

happened last week on cyber Monday,
I officially launched carbon it 2.0.

That is the second version of my.

WordPress theme.

It's something that I use
on all of my websites.

It's on semi diversity.

It's on money lab.

It's on brew cabin and
I want it to update it.

I don't know why.

I don't know what compelled
me, but I want to do it.

And this time.

I wanted to create a settings page,
as opposed to you having to go in

and hand code everything, which is
how carbon at 1.0 worked, but you can

actually do it now with a settings page.

You can go in and change your.

Color scheme, your fonts, your
navigation bar, all that stuff.

Can all be done.

Now without ever touching
a single line of code.

So if you're into that, I
highly recommend you go get it.

Um, the price is now $97.

And I'm saying that on a podcast,
that's never going to get deleted.

So who knows, but that's
what it is right now.

Go check it out.



Anyway enough with the
housekeeping bullshit.

All right.

Let's get into the real shit, which is the
gazillion dollar sales funnel experiment.

This is something I did
back in may of 2021.

And it was inspired by my buddy miles
Beckler, uh, somebody that I had met,

I guess, through someone else, uh, to,
I think either have him on my show.


But we became fast friends and,
uh, he actually sort of behind the

scenes, helped me with all of this.


I, you know, Basically the first
two experiments and this one are

all rooted in the same hypothesis,
which is, or I guess the same.

Yeah, the same hypothesis.

Can I double the revenue.

On my website without creating or
launching any new products or content.

Now in the last two experiments.

We were talking about.

Doing website optimization.

So optimizing what was
actually on the website.

The reason this is not called.

That is because we actually didn't do
anything on the website to optimize it.

I mean, we did some stuff, but
for the most part, a lot of the

optimization quote unquote, I'm
using air quotes here on a podcast.

No one can see this.

But I like doing it anyway.

As an Italian, a half Italian man, I tend
to talk with my hands a lot and I do it.

You know, it's funny.

I'm not going to go on
a tangent for a second.


I actually enjoy talking with my hands.

It helps me think for some
reason it's, it's relaxing to me.

And whenever I do my voiceovers for swim
university or some university videos.

You know, I just get sent a script and
I, I acted out I have to act it out.

So if you, if you're just, if
you're, if you're a fly on the wall,

you're looking at a guy sitting
at his desk alone in the basement.

Using his hands.

Try not to knock over as hot seawater.

That's what you're, that's
what you get to see.


Alrighty anyway, you know, Uh, so.

Yeah, the difference here
with this experiment.

Is I'm going to do it by setting up a,
an actual marketing sales funnel and

something that I've struggled with.

For 15 years, I've.

So bad at this.

And you know what I, you know,
I, I tell myself this a lot.

Um, I, and this is like, uh, I'm
going to go on another tangent.

Fuck it.

Here we are.

Let's do it live.

So hi.

I hate being bad at things.

I sometimes I'll just own up to it.


For, for a long time.

I was really bad with money.

And there was a point in my life where I
actually try to quote unquote air quote.

I hire my mother too.

Give me an allowance at 25 years old.

Because I felt like I was so bad with
money that I couldn't even control

my own money and someone else needed
to take over my checking account

so that I didn't overspend and.

And I just kind of chopped it up
to like, well, I'm born this way.

I'm bad with money.

So that's who I am.

That's I gotta live with that for
the rest of my life, whatever.

Uh, same thing with marketing, same
thing with this like email stuff.

I was always like, well,
I guess I'm bad at it.

I might as well, never try or
cause every time I would do it,

I would just get frustrated or I
just didn't have like the right.


Or mentor or.

Game plan or recipe,
whatever you want to call it.

I didn't have that.

It was like, I was just kind
of piecemealing all these

different things together.

You know, I'd read something
by Nathan Barry on convert

kit on how he did his funnels.

I was using MailChimp and
it like it honestly, like.

It's really hard because
everyone who has this sort of.

Method of.

Building a funnel has a different product.

And so I'm sitting here trying to
do what Nate and Nathan Barry's

doing my products totally different.

My audience is totally different.

Here's an example.

Uh, and, and what this actual experiment
is all about is some university.

On swimming diversity.

I teach people how to take care
of their pools and hot tubs.


I sell a course.

On how to T on how to
take care of your pool.

For the most part.

Most people who own a pool.

Keep it open for like four.

You pretty much use it for only
four months out of the year.


And if you are you're,
you know, if you're me.

Most of the funnels out there.

Again, air quotes.

You're there like, oh, you got to nurture.

You got to nurture the audience,
got to make them feel good.

You got to get them to trust you.

You know, send out 20 fucking emails
in a row and then hit them with the.

You know, it's the, the Gary Vaynerchuk.

Punch punch, whatever the fuck.

Left jab, whatever, you
know, What does a jab debt?

I'm not a boxer own care about two.

Idiots hit each other.

Uh, Jab jab, jab, jab,
right hook or left hook.

Who cares?

But that's the, that was like the
whole thing it's like nurturing.


That's what I followed
for the longest time.

And then I, and then like, it
dawned on me, I think two years

ago, or three years ago, maybe.

Um, I have a swimming pool.

I need help.


I don't have time to be nurtured into
your little sales funnel sequence.


I need, I need your freaking
course sell it to me also,

your course isn't like $500.

It's $50.

So I have 50 bucks.

I just moved into a house with a pool.

I'm struggling my ass off, trying
to figure this goddamn thing out.

And, and, and here you
are thinking I got to.

Ease you into it?

Well, you know, again, my, my
point in that rent is to say,

That your product and your audience.

Are going to be very different from
the people that we follow online,

who have their way of doing it.

And they, and they.

They print it.

You know, like it's fact or
like, it's like, this is the way.

And it's like, yeah.

It's oh way.

Um, that's fine.

It's a way to do it.

The AUA.

You know, Anyway.

Speaking of ways.

Uh, miles.

Which was nice about this, and this
is not going to happen for everybody.

So just so you know, But like
we got on the phone, we got on

Skype or what a zoom or whatever.

And he got to look at my business and.

Thought, Hey, you know, here's
what would be a good idea?

You can use my.

You know, my funnel, this, this I,
this thing that I've created, you

know, and obviously I don't, I would
think he would even admit that he

didn't create this, but he's branded
it for himself and, and is out there.

Uh, promoting this method.

And honestly, I was like, you
know what, Hey, you got a recipe.

It's very simple.

What's the harm in trying it.

And that's exactly what
this experiment is.


I put everything in place and it worked.


It worked.

Spoiler alert.

But, and here's the other thing.

Uh, we're over in money lab pro, which
is my, you know, invite only community.

I have people in there.

Who are doing the same thing and
we're kind of helping each other

out and it's working for them too.


I'm not saying it's going
to work for everybody.

But it actually kind of makes sense.


Here's the basic gist of,
of what I put in place.


I have a.

At the time I had a $50 product.


It was a video course.

And ebook.

So there, we're talking about
like a 35 lesson, 35 videos.

On how to take care of your pool, plus.

A 300 page.


You know, kind of regurgitating
the same information, but.

In written form.


That was the product I
was selling it for $50.

And I really didn't.

I really wasn't collecting
email addresses.

So that's the product mile said, listen,

Increase the price of the product.

You're you're underselling
it it's, it shouldn't be $50.

Maybe it's $97.

Maybe it's a hundred dollars,
basically what he said.


And one of the things that
really resonated with me was.

You know, when you're trying to market
something and create value and create

sort of urgency to get somebody, to
pull the trigger and buy your thing.

Unfortunately in the world of.

Uh, post Groupon world,
everything's like 50% off, 75% off.

Like these ridiculous discounts and
Redis ridiculously large discounts.

At least, you know,
optically work very well.

They really do.

I honestly, it works on me as a person.

You know, I, sometimes now I see sales
and they're like, Hey, I get 10% off.

I'm like, I, I just don't want that.

I don't, that's not going to make
me, like, if I want it, I'll buy it.

But like, I'm not.

I'm not going to buy it.

You know what I mean?

But if they're like, Hey, this thing is
50% off and you have 24 hours, I'm like,

yeah, here's the Tara take my money.

I do that as a person.

And I know how marketing works.


Here's the idea.

Someone lands on my site via Google.

You know, we get a
very, a lot of visitors.



They find something on my
website there they're trusted.

They're helpful, but I needed a lead
magnet to get them on my email list.

That was step number one.


And so I ended up in this experiment
trying a couple of different lead magnets.

Now I focused my time on
this and this isn't, this is

important to let you know, like.

I tried or at least what I
thought would work did not work.

So I tried, you know,
let's just say three.

Different opt-in or lead
magnets and in this case, okay.

Freebies giveaways for.

You're exchanging or for
giving me your email address.

The first one I tried was a checklist.


Uh, Hey, go out to your pool,
make sure the baskets empty.

Make sure your chlorine check.

You know, here it's just a simple
ass checklist on pool maintenance.


That was the first thing I've tried.


And then I, so I built that, right.

I didn't put it up, but I built that.

I also took the checklist.

And just, uh, I created like
a little mini, like pool

maintenance crash course video.

It was like 15 minutes long.

And that was my other
opt-in was like this video.

And then the third option
I created, which is miles.

Myles suggested this to me was
a pool maintenance, cheat sheet.

And that was a repurposed.

Infographic that I had made.

I don't know.

Seven or eight years ago
that I took off because who.

No one does infographics anymore,
but I had it sitting in this folder.

I'm like, All right.

I can.

Finagle this into a eight by 11
or eight and a half by 11 PDF.

And that's exactly what I did.

So I used Google optimize, which
is a free AB testing software.

And I, and I'm not saying you
have to do this, honestly, in

hindsight, I wouldn't have done this.

I just would have tested like week
one, put up this, you know, Put

up this, opt-in see if it works,
you know, or measure the results.

You know, measure the amount
of traffic coming in, measure

the amount of conversions.

You know, Hey, the conversions
divided by the number of visits.

Times that by 100, there's
your conversion rate.


But you can use whatever Google optimize.

Uh, you know, in hindsight I would
just do it like one week at a time.


Uh, And I would do the full seven days.

That way you have a weekend and weekdays.


It takes longer.

It takes three weeks instead of, you
know, probably it takes two weeks if

you ever AB testing it, but here we are.

Just in case you don't
want to set up this?

I, the only reason I say that,
honestly right now is because

Google optimize is kind of a bitch
to set up and that's the truth.

And even as a technical person,
I found it difficult at times.


Um, you kind of have to
work with Google analytics.

You have to have all your goals
and shit set up for it to work.


So I tested all of them and.

The sheet, the cheat sheet worked.

I thought the video was going.

I'm like, who's not going to want a
free video crash course like that.

I feel like that's what I would want.

Um, but I realized.

Videos are free now, you know, people.

Take videos for granted because I
mean, come on, Netflix is like, what?

10, 12 bucks a month.

And you get unlimited videos.

It's like so cheap.

But think about YouTube.

Like I can watch a car.

I can watch a quick video.

I can watch a quick 15
minute video on YouTube.

Uh, you know, teaching me
pool care, I can do that.

I mean, I probably put it out.

So the video too, to.

I guess consumers like feels.

Kind of not as valuable.

I think as video feels
to me personally, And so.

Uh, the cheat sheet, you know,
in hindsight, Makes so much

sense why that works over even
a checklist as well, because.

You're giving someone a very quick.

Instant visible answer to their problem.

In my case, I'm like, Hey, I made you a
one pager with all the things that you

really need to know about pool care.

It's the cheat sheet.

I'm like, of course.


Honestly, that's what the, that's
why the money lab cheat sheet exists.

And it, and honestly, I was hesitant to
do that because I'm like, well, come on,

everybody in this, in my audience knows.


You know, this is just, uh, but
it's, it's frigging a value.

I download cheat sheets.

They're frigging valuable.

Like if someone had a cheat
sheet on, like, I don't know,

publishing a YouTube video.

And I would be like, yeah, give me that.

I would download that.

I'd be like, Hey, and I would send it to,
you know, I would use it in my business.

Hey, every time we upload a
video, follow the cheat sheet.

And make sure all these
things are, are hit.

It's like a checklist cheat sheet combo.

It's just very, very
instant value, which I.

Sort of disconnected, but now I
understand that that's important.

So I set that up.

Then all of a sudden I'm getting
conversion rates from traffic to

subscribers more than I ever have.

And I didn't, you know, at first.

You know, Are I guess like back
in like 2015, I thought the idea

was like, oh, you're my lead
magnet had to match the content.

So if I'm writing an article, that's about
getting rid of pool algae, for example.


I have a lead magnet.

That's like, Hey, it's our
pool algae cheat sheet.

It's like, well, I'm okay.

And then I got a cloudy pool article.

It's like, I got a
cloudy pool cheat sheet.

Now I have all the frigging cheat sheets.

I got to keep track of them and
I got to have different offers.


There's all this code to manage
and I'm like, that's seems like.

A lot.

So I have one.

And it works, it converts at around
one and a half to 2%, which is fine.

You know, I have a lot of, they've
got a lot of traffic, so you're

going to get like sometimes low
conversion rates, sometimes high.

And it depends on where
the traffic comes from.

Honestly, if it comes from Google, it's
pretty high and it depends on the content.

I have a post that's all
about pool maintenance.

That thing converts it, like.

Seven or 8% where my, you know, pool deck
resurfacing one doesn't convert as much.

Cause it's like kind of a little
irrelevant, but again, the product

that I'm selling on the other side of
it, Is a course on pool maintenance.

So that is the other important
thing to realize here is that.

People are downloading something to help
them take care of their swimming pool.

There's probably not novice or
the probably novices, right?

They're not like advance, you know?

They didn't own a pool for 10 years.

Uh, they, they, those people
know how to take care of a pole.

They're not going to buy my course anyway.

That they're not even the ideal customer.

The ideal customer for me.

Our noobs.

So it makes sense that the
lead in that the lead magnet

is like a lead into the course.

So what's the next step of this funnel?

Well, the next step is creating.

What's called a one-time offer page.

Or an OTO page and you'll
hear me mention OTO a lot.

Because what that is is.

Somebody subscribes.

Do you know, they want that cheat sheet.

They enter their email address.

They you, you know, You say, Hey.

They had, they entered
their email address.

And the thank you page again, air
quotes, the thank you page that

you would normally send them to.

Is instead a one-time offer page.

They subscribe.

So they're already engaging.

They're already choosing to engage with
you and now you sent them to a page.

Now this page.

I built on lead pages because.

I want it to be able to quickly AB
test things and do all kinds of things

and not have to like, and create this
custom code, but not have to do it on

WordPress because it's kind of a pain.

So I bought Lee pages.

Absolutely freaking worth it, by the way.

Um, I don't create custom
pages within WordPress.

WordPress is my content area.

You know, my article spots.

But Lee pages is everything else.

You know, I can create
a specific landing page.

Just for one campaign or
something, you know, it's so, and

I could spin it up really fast.

I love, I love lead pages.

Plus I can AB test the page for a while.

See, which, you know, Landing page
converts the best and then run with that.

So somebody, again, subscribes way,
once a lead magnet, they're taken to a

landing page, an OTO page, a lead page.

In my case that says at the very top, Hey.

Thanks for subscribing.

We're sending you your cheat
sheet right now to your inbox,

but check this shit out.

And it basically.

You know, it's a sales page for my course.

But the kicker is that the course.

Is half price for the next 24 hours.

And I'm using lead pages
for the landing page.

I'm still using a bill.

Podia button.

So it's a podia overlay button.

That you can do via HTML in
lead pages, you can do all that.

And I'm using deadline funnel
to create the 24 hour urgency.

Uh, you have 24 hours to
get this at half price.

Otherwise, if you try coming back to this
page, you're going to get rerouted to the

actual sales page where the price is $97.


Uh, That's it.

That's it.

That's the that's the whole thing.

Did it work?

Fuck it worked.

I'm sorry for the language in
this episode, but yeah, it worked.


Uh, sold more courses than I've
ever sold, ever made more money

this year in product sales.

And then I think I, let me see
if I have the numbers here.

To kind of give you an idea.

And yeah.

Uh, I had a so, okay.

March, 2021.

So this is not even pool season yet.

I had, now this is a lot.

All right.

I had 193,000 organic visitors.

I had 3,400 subscribers at a conversion
rate of 1.8%, which is not 2%.

But better than I've ever gotten.

I've only gotten it up to like 1%.

Uh, from the OTO page.

So out of those 3,400 subscribers,
a hundred of them bought, which

was a 2.9, 3% conversion rate,
which is actually pretty decent.

Anything over one to 2% is good.

And then I made.

Uh, that I had an upsell to that course.

So I have, uh, the, the pool
course teaching people how to

take other pools, half price.

And there's an upsale to get the, we have
a course on saving money with your pool.

And so people, 25% of
those people bought that.


Uh, I'm getting excited.

So I'm going to skip ahead, uh, in this
article because I, where the fuck is it?

'cause I, I started getting the Facebook
ads and I'll be, I'll be honest with you.

Here's what happened.


So the whole idea was
to set up this funnel.


Now, this is all organic traffic coming to
my website, signing up for my cheat sheet.

Going to my OTO page, you know, buying
my product and they were doing that.


And I didn't lose any money because
I ended up increasing the price of

my product, this, you know, in 2021.

And people were still buying it because
I had under-priced it to begin with.

That's the, that's the
moral of that story.


Um, So people are still
buying it at the full price.

Like just, just landing on the
page, you know, impulse buys.

And then if they subscribed,
they got this half price deal.

But only for 24 hours.


So now that I had this all
set up, I know my conversion

number, my conversion number.

Is 2.9, 3%.

So that means that I can do the
math work in reverse and figure out

how much it costs for me to get a
subscriber for me to get a lead.

So I started running Facebook ads.

Here's the problem.

Facebook audience doesn't convert
as well as the Google audience.

And why is that?

Because on Google, They're actively
sitting at their computer saying I have a

frigging problem with my pool right now.

Google, Google, Google.

What's my answer.

Oh, some university here's an article.

They don't even think from university.

They just, they click an article.


And the reading and the
reading, and they're like, oh,

this was really helpful, man.

I love this man.

This is so cool, man.

And then they are like, oh, what.

You know, there's a cheat sheet.

I want this thing I'd like to cite.


And like, so they read
the article, hopefully.

They trust me, they trust
the look of my brand.

They trust my brand and then they're
like, yeah, I'm a buy that shit.

And they buy that shit.

In the, in the OTO.



The Facebook audience, however, uh,
there on Facebook looking up there.

I don't know, ex girlfriends
and boyfriends from high school

and seeing how fat they got and.

What ugly, significant other they're with
that, they feel better about themselves.


That's what we all do on Facebook.

I'm pretty sure.

No, one's looking at your baby photos.

No, one's looking at that.


We want to see.

If Maria's date and then.

Uh, Dick.

And so.

So, uh, yeah.

I dunno, you can't tell from
a picture, but anyway, they're

busy doing something else.

That's the point.

They're not actively sitting
there thinking I have a problem.

My pool, you just
interrupted them in there.

Leisure activity.

And you're like, Hey, I've heard you
have a pool because you know, Facebook

told me you had a pool or, Hey, you were
on my site once and I'm retargeting you

or Hey, somebody was on my site and.

Facebook things.

Do you look like someone else that's that
that uses it, but that was on my site.

And maybe you have a pool too.

So do you want this?

So they're being interrupted.

And so they're not in that mindset.

They definitely download it.

They want the cheat sheet because
they're like, Hey, I'll take the cheat

sheet, but they're not like, oh, well,
I didn't think I was gonna have to

pull out my credit card right now.

There's a moral, there's
a story there, right?

Which is you got to treat
the audiences differently.

Which is why lead pages is
so great because I can create

a separate landing page.

For people just coming from Facebook
and try to up that conversion rate.

And then maybe I don't
send them to an OTO page.

Maybe they got, they need something.

Maybe they need a different,
cheaper product that upsells

them to, uh, you know, there's
things to test there, obviously.

But the first thing is just a test
with the traffic that you have.

If that works.

It may work for Facebook.

It definitely, it might work with
Google ads, you know, cause that's

pretty much the same audience.


Uh, any other ads you run, you might,
it's going to attract a different

audience that you got to think about
where they are in their lifespan

or where they are in their day.


The Facebook thing didn't
really work out for me.

But anyway, the final results
of that really did work.

So here's what happened in March, 2021.

And this, these numbers are
going to change slightly.

So I ended up having
193,000 visitors to my site.

And which is a lot.

And I had 4,500 subscribers and
190 sales totaling, $12,000.

Uh, or 25 or $12,500.

And that was more than last year.

So I almost, I basically doubled.

Uh, March's numbers from the
previous year, just by adding that.

Oh, just by creating that little
funnel, that very, very easy funnel.


And it's not even a, it
is a funnel in a way.

There's no nurturing.

You notice like there's
no email nurturing.

It's just right to the OTO.


Uh, in April of 2021.

So I ran it for another.


Or in a year, another month.

I had 300,000 unique visitors reading
pool articles, which was eight.

Almost a 10% decrease over the
previous, April the 2020 April.

2020 was a great year for the
pool business because everyone was

stuck home at, in, in the spring.

And all they could do is like,
well, we guess we're going to have

a staycation and people bought pools
that needed to help with those pools.

So 2021 naturally was an as.

You know, I locked down.


Uh, between I kept running, I ran
Facebook again for another April.

I had 14,000.

Or almost 15,000 subscribers.

And 512 sales totaling, $33,000.

Which was all again, almost
double from the previous year.


You got to remember too.

I also now have almost 15,000
subscribers in a month.

At that didn't buy my course.



That doesn't mean they're
not going to buy it in may.

I could hit them again with a sale.

I could come out with a new product.

And hit him.

Which, you know, I did, I have a, I have
a pool closing product to which he hit

him in the, hit him in the, you know,

So, this is like, I don't know, man, it
just feels like it's the right thing.


Uh, just.

Yeah, this was, this is why I saved this
for part three, because it absolutely

was the best thing that I did in 2021.

For my business.

Hands down.

Best thing I ever did.

So I repeated it for the
hot tub side of my business.

That's working as well.

In fact that's really helped
me when I started selling.

Uh, other things and that's, and, and.

Things have just worked.

The other part is I say, I
brought that over to money lab.

And it worked there too.

Of course it worked.

You're helping P your, I mean, it's it.

You know, I, I, as, uh, uh,

I don't know.

What am I.

I'm creator.

Want to be artists.

It's like, I feel a
little punk rock about it.

I'm like, ah, I don't want to do this.

Like lead magnet.


Sales funnel.

Come on man.

It's marketing bullshit.


I'll tell you what.

Certainly changed my tune on that.

Um, because it just is like,
well, if you create a product.

And no one is around and no
one knows that you created it.

Then, like, is it a PR like,
I didn't make a dumb product.

Like I made a product to help
people take care of their pools.

Like I it's it's legit good product.

So me not telling somebody is just hurt.

Like they, they don't know.

And they're just going to struggle
with their pool and I can fix that.

By just saying, Hey, here's everything.

That you need to know about taking
care of your pool and how to do it.

And with charts and graphs and,
and schedules and calendars and

downloadables, and, and there's
just tools, there's tools.

There's avoid this, not, you know,
by this thing, not that thing.

It's helpful.

I've been in the point of sheep river.

Over, you know, 25 years
or some shit like that.

Right there.

I was 13, one of my foremost, forties.


It's like, come on.

A majority of my life.

That was just a frigging
weird, sad thing to say.

A majority of my life I've
been in the pool industry.

I've been helping adults.

Uh, struggle with their pools.

You know, And, and here
I am still doing it.

And I, you, sometimes you forget
that sometimes you forget that

you are actually helping people.

You know, cause it feels
like, oh, I'm business mode.

I'm just trying to make
sales and it's like, yeah.


But I mean, hopefully you
made something good to start.

You made a good product that
actually is helping people.

And I believe that that's true.

Both at money lab, even brew cabin
and some university, they're all PR.

I mean, they're all good products.

And I always undersell myself.

Because it's hard to do that.

Miles Beckler made it easy and gave me
a blueprint and I followed it and it was

a very easy blueprint, which I think is
the other reason why it works so well.

And he told me, Hey, use lead
pages and Hey, just, just set

this up and try this for a week.


Let's let's get back on the
phone and see what happens.

And I know that there's a little bit of
hand holding there for me and maybe that's

what I need it, but I'm telling you.

It's worth your it's worth a week
of your time to set up I'll tee.

There's people in money lab pro who've
done more than a week to set this

up and have seen success with it.

And I'm just like, yeah.

I, yeah, I, this is, this is absolutely
something I wish I would've done.

Um, You know when I first started,
but here we are 15 years later.

And I'm learning this new thing.

And I, and it's working and, um,
and I'm constantly improving it.

And now I, now it's like, okay, Yeah.



That's it for this episode.

Uh, here's the deal.

Thank you.

By the way, to everyone out there in
radio city land, who has been emailing me.

About the show.

I actually appreciate that because.

You know, I'm sitting here by myself
in a row and again, in an empty room.

Talking with my hands.

Well, now I'm playing
with a deck of cards.

So if you hear like a farting noise,

That's just a deck of cards.

And also me farting.

I use that every time I fart, I just
used like, oh yeah, that was the cards.

It's a childish joke.

So I, yeah, I'm sitting here talking
by myself and then I put out this

thing and I schedule it for, you know,
a Monday and it goes out and then

it's like, oh yeah, that went out.

I forgot about that because
it's like, there's no feedback.

We're on YouTube.

It's like, oh, I get like notifications.

People are, you know,

Joining the video, people are liking.

People are commenting
at button podcast land.

You don't get any of that.

So I appreciate you guys emailing
me and saying how much you liked the

show and also giving me some ideas
for future episodes to awesome.

And I'm glad you liked the new format.

I'm glad you liked the
quick half-hour just me.

Kind of ranting and raving about
whatever the hell's happened

and then the business world.

So email me,

Appreciate it.

Appreciate the email.

Go check out the cheat sheet.

Hey, go.

Do you know what?

Go check out the funnel, like just
be avoider and check out the funnel.

Go to bunny,

See what's up.

You know, there might be an OTO for ya.

There might be.

You know, there might be another bit
shit at the end of that email sequence,

which I worked very hard on and.

Oh, I went above and beyond to
create a really kick ass emails,

which I'm still improving over time.

Um, but the feedback's
been awesome so far.

Again, I have to do that
from the money lab community.


I mean, you guys.

I deserve it first and foremost,
and, you know, That's just

kinda my that's kinda my shtick.


Just over-deliver make it awesome.

I'm if I, if I want to be an artist and
I want to be a creator and I want to be.

Uh, somebody that does shit right.

And good.

The first time around let's let's you
know, let's take this shit seriously.


That's what I do.

Anyway, that's it.

Uh, and I will S I will
talk to you guys next week.


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